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Last active March 6, 2021 10:19
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  • Save MikeTheWatchGuy/f4245807fcd6c4417e221771256ca617 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save MikeTheWatchGuy/f4245807fcd6c4417e221771256ca617 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Python program that demonstrates how to run many simultaneous Windows using PySimpleGUI. Works with PySimpleGUI, PySimpleGUIQt, but has a bug with PySimpleGUIWx.
import PySimpleGUI as sg
from random import randint as randint
from random import choice as choice
import time
import string
PySimpleGUI simulation of a network communications monitoring and manipulation of network connections
10 lines of Network connections are shown
Can click on a button to bring up a detailed view for the connection
In the detailed view can take actions on the connection or close the detailed view
MUCH of this code is in creating the random values for names, input/output stats, etc
The important overall architecture is:
Mainwindow runs every 100 ms
If 'detail' button is clicked in main window
A new "detail" window is created
All active "detail" windows are processed at the end of the main event loop (every 100ms)
Optional POLL_TIME paramter can be used to
def initialize_window(name, slot):
Starts up a detailed window
:param name: Text name of the connection
:param slot: The "Slot Number" of the conection
:return: window: The PySimpleGUI Window object for this window
layout = [
[sg.Text(str(name) + ' Detailed Information')],
[sg.Text('Input bytes '), sg.Text('', key='_INPUT_BYTES_')],
[sg.Text('Output bytes '), sg.Text('', key='_OUTPUT_BYTES_')],
[sg.Text('', size=(20,1), key='_ACTION_RESULT_')],
[sg.Button('Action 1'), sg.Button('Action 2'), sg.Button('Close')],
window = sg.Window('Details '+ str(name),location=(225*slot, 0)).Layout(layout)
return window
def process_window(window:sg.Window):
Processes events, button clicks, for a detailed window
:param window: The PySimpleGUI Window to work with
:return: event: The button clicked or None if exited
event, values = window.Read(timeout=0) # Read without waiting for button clicks
if event in (None, 'Close'):
return None
elif event == 'Action 1':
window.Element('_ACTION_RESULT_').Update('Action 1 result = '+str(randint(0,1000)))
elif event == 'Action 2':
window.Element('_ACTION_RESULT_').Update('Action 2 result = '+str(randint(-1000,0)))
# show dummy stats so can see window is live and operational
return event # return the button clicked
def main_window():
Runs the main window
# create the GUI elements for each possible connection
connection_rows = []
for i in range(NUM_CONNECTIONS):
connection_rows.append([sg.Text('', size=(12,1), key='_TEXT_'+str(i)),
sg.Button('Details', key='_DETAILS_'+str(i))],)
# The main window layout
layout = [ [sg.Text('Active Network Connections')],
window = sg.Window('Main Window').Layout(layout)
# Loop reading events from a network connection
active_connectios = [None for i in range(NUM_CONNECTIONS)] # list of active connections (names)
detail_window_list = [None for i in range(NUM_CONNECTIONS)] # list of detailed windows that are open
start_time = time.time()
while True:
# ----------------------------- Process Main Window -----------------------------
event, values = window.Read(timeout=POLL_TIME) # run main window every 100ms
if event in (None, 'Exit'):
print(event) if event != sg.TIMEOUT_KEY else None
# Process Details Button Click
if event.startswith('_DETAILS_') and active_connectios[int(event[-1])]:
slot = int(event[-1])
if active_connectios[slot]:
if detail_window_list[slot] is None:
detail_window_list[slot] = initialize_window(active_connectios[slot], slot)
# ------------------- Simulate Network Activity Every 3 seconds ----------------
time_delta = round(time.time() - start_time)
if time_delta % 3 == 0:
slot = randint(0,NUM_CONNECTIONS-1)
active_connectios[slot] = ''.join([choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for i in range(5)]) if randint(0,5) else ''
# -------------------------- Process all Detailed Windows ----------------------
for i in range(len(detail_window_list)):
if detail_window_list[i]:
rc = process_window(detail_window_list[i])
if rc is None: # if closed then remove the window for active list
detail_window_list[i] = None
# After the Event Loop
if __name__ == '__main__':
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