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Created January 2, 2014 17:49
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A reorderable CustomList.
module CustomList;
import glib.RandG;
import gobject.Type;
import gobject.Value;
import gtk.SelectionData;
import gtk.TreeIter;
import gtk.TreePath;
import gtk.TreeModel;
import gtk.TreeDragDestT;
import gtk.TreeDragDestIF;
import gtk.TreeDragSourceT;
import gtk.TreeDragSourceIF;
//We need this function for the interface implementation.
extern(C) GType function() c_gtk_tree_drag_source_get_type;
extern(C) GType function() c_gtk_tree_drag_dest_get_type;
alias c_gtk_tree_drag_source_get_type gtk_tree_drag_source_get_type;
alias c_gtk_tree_drag_dest_get_type gtk_tree_drag_dest_get_type;
shared static this()
import gtkc.Loader;
import gtkc.paths;, "gtk_tree_drag_source_get_type", LIBRARY.GTK);, "gtk_tree_drag_dest_get_type", LIBRARY.GTK);
struct CustomRecord
/* data - you can extend this */
string name;
uint yearBorn;
/* admin stuff used by the custom list model */
uint pos; /* pos within the array */
enum CustomListColumn
Record = 0,
class CustomList : TreeModel, TreeDragDestIF, TreeDragSourceIF
uint numRows;
int nColumns;
int stamp;
GType[3] columnTypes;
CustomRecord*[] rows;
public this()
GType customTreeModelType = customTreeModelgetType();
GInterfaceInfo dragSourceInfo =
cast(GInterfaceInitFunc) &dragSourceInit,
GInterfaceInfo dragDestInfo =
cast(GInterfaceInitFunc) &dragDestInit,
Type.addInterfaceStatic (customTreeModelType, gtk_tree_drag_source_get_type(), &dragSourceInfo);
Type.addInterfaceStatic (customTreeModelType, gtk_tree_drag_dest_get_type(), &dragDestInfo);
nColumns = columnTypes.length;
columnTypes[0] = GType.POINTER;
columnTypes[1] = GType.STRING;
columnTypes[2] = GType.UINT;
stamp = RandG.randomInt();
* tells the rest of the world whether our tree model
* has any special characteristics. In our case,
* we have a list model (instead of a tree), and each
* tree iter is valid as long as the row in question
* exists, as it only contains a pointer to our struct.
override GtkTreeModelFlags getFlags()
return (GtkTreeModelFlags.LIST_ONLY | GtkTreeModelFlags.ITERS_PERSIST);
* tells the rest of the world how many data
* columns we export via the tree model interface
override int getNColumns()
return nColumns;
* tells the rest of the world which type of
* data an exported model column contains
override GType getColumnType(int index)
if ( index >= nColumns || index < 0 )
return GType.INVALID;
return columnTypes[index];
* converts a tree path (physical position) into a
* tree iter structure (the content of the iter
* fields will only be used internally by our model).
* We simply store a pointer to our CustomRecord
* structure that represents that row in the tree iter.
override int getIter(TreeIter iter, TreePath path)
CustomRecord* record;
int[] indices;
int n, depth;
indices = path.getIndices();
depth = path.getDepth();
/* we do not allow children */
if (depth != 1)
return false;//throw new Exception("We only except lists");
n = indices[0]; /* the n-th top level row */
if ( n >= numRows || n < 0 )
return false;
record = rows[n];
if ( record is null )
throw new Exception("Not Exsisting record requested");
if ( record.pos != n )
throw new Exception("record.pos != TreePath.getIndices()[0]");
/* We simply store a pointer to our custom record in the iter */
iter.stamp = stamp;
iter.userData = record;
return true;
* converts a tree iter into a tree path (ie. the
* physical position of that row in the list).
override TreePath getPath(TreeIter iter)
TreePath path;
CustomRecord* record;
if ( iter is null || iter.userData is null || iter.stamp != stamp )
return null;
record = cast(CustomRecord*) iter.userData;
path = new TreePath(record.pos);
return path;
* Returns a row's exported data columns
* (_get_value is what gtk_tree_model_get uses)
override Value getValue(TreeIter iter, int column, Value value = null)
CustomRecord *record;
if ( value is null )
value = new Value();
if ( iter is null || column >= nColumns || iter.stamp != stamp )
return null;
record = cast(CustomRecord*) iter.userData;
if ( record is null || record.pos >= numRows )
return null;
case CustomListColumn.Record:
case CustomListColumn.Name:
case CustomListColumn.YearBorn:
return value;
* Takes an iter structure and sets it to point
* to the next row.
override int iterNext(TreeIter iter)
CustomRecord* record, nextrecord;
if ( iter is null || iter.userData is null || iter.stamp != stamp )
return false;
record = cast(CustomRecord*) iter.userData;
/* Is this the last record in the list? */
if ( (record.pos + 1) >= numRows)
return false;
nextrecord = rows[(record.pos + 1)];
if ( nextrecord is null || nextrecord.pos != record.pos + 1 )
throw new Exception("Invalid next record");
iter.stamp = stamp;
iter.userData = nextrecord;
return true;
* Returns TRUE or FALSE depending on whether
* the row specified by 'parent' has any children.
* If it has children, then 'iter' is set to
* point to the first child. Special case: if
* 'parent' is NULL, then the first top-level
* row should be returned if it exists.
override int iterChildren(TreeIter iter, TreeIter parent)
/* this is a list, nodes have no children */
if ( parent !is null )
return false;
/* No rows => no first row */
if ( numRows == 0 )
return false;
/* Set iter to first item in list */
iter.stamp = stamp;
iter.userData = rows[0];
return true;
* Returns TRUE or FALSE depending on whether
* the row specified by 'iter' has any children.
* We only have a list and thus no children.
override int iterHasChild(TreeIter iter)
return false;
* Returns the number of children the row
* specified by 'iter' has. This is usually 0,
* as we only have a list and thus do not have
* any children to any rows. A special case is
* when 'iter' is NULL, in which case we need
* to return the number of top-level nodes,
* ie. the number of rows in our list.
override int iterNChildren(TreeIter iter)
/* special case: if iter == NULL, return number of top-level rows */
if ( iter is null )
return numRows;
return 0; /* otherwise, this is easy again for a list */
* If the row specified by 'parent' has any
* children, set 'iter' to the n-th child and
* return TRUE if it exists, otherwise FALSE.
* A special case is when 'parent' is NULL, in
* which case we need to set 'iter' to the n-th
* row if it exists.
override int iterNthChild(TreeIter iter, TreeIter parent, int n)
CustomRecord *record;
/* a list has only top-level rows */
if( parent is null )
return false;
if( n >= numRows )
return false;
record = rows[n];
if ( record == null || record.pos != n )
throw new Exception("Invalid record");
iter.stamp = stamp;
iter.userData = record;
return true;
* Point 'iter' to the parent node of 'child'. As
* we have a list and thus no children and no
* parents of children, we can just return FALSE.
override int iterParent(TreeIter iter, TreeIter child)
return false;
* Adds a record to the end o the list.
void appendRecord(string name, uint yearBorn)
insertRecordAt(numRows, name, yearBorn);
* Adds a record to the start of the list.
void prependRecord(string name, uint yearBorn)
insertRecordAt(0, name, yearBorn);
* Adds a record before the iter.
void insertRecordBefore(TreeIter iter, string name, uint yearBorn)
CustomRecord* prevRecord = cast(CustomRecord*) iter.userData;
insertRecordAt(prevRecord.pos -1, name, yearBorn);
* Adds a record after the iter.
void insertRecordAfter(TreeIter iter, string name, uint yearBorn)
CustomRecord* prevRecord = cast(CustomRecord*) iter.userData;
insertRecordAt(prevRecord.pos +1, name, yearBorn);
* Empty lists are boring. This function can
* be used in your own code to add rows to the
* list. Note how we emit the "row-inserted"
* signal after we have appended the row
* internally, so the tree view and other
* interested objects know about the new row.
private void insertRecordAt(uint index, string name, uint yearBorn)
TreeIter iter;
TreePath path;
CustomRecord* newrecord;
if ( name is null )
newrecord = new CustomRecord; = name;
newrecord.yearBorn = yearBorn;
newrecord.pos = index;
if ( newrecord.pos == numRows-1 )
rows ~= newrecord;
rows = rows[0 .. index] ~ newrecord ~ rows[index .. $];
foreach(row; rows[index+1 .. $])
/* inform the tree view and other interested objects
* (e.g. tree row references) that we have inserted
* a new row, and where it was inserted */
path = new TreePath(newrecord.pos);
iter = new TreeIter();
getIter(iter, path);
rowInserted(path, iter);
* Remove an record from the list.
* Note how we emit the "row-deleted"
* signal after we have deleted the row
* internally, so the tree view and other
* interested objects know about the deleted row.
void removeRecord(TreeIter iter)
CustomRecord* record, nextrecord;
TreePath path = getPath(iter);
if ( iter is null || iter.userData is null || iter.stamp != stamp )
record = cast(CustomRecord*) iter.userData;
int pos = record.pos;
for ( ;(pos + 1) < numRows; pos++)
rows[pos] = rows[pos+1];
rows[pos].pos = pos;
rows = rows[0 .. $-1];
iter.userData = null;
/* Drag and drop implementation */
* Can we drag the row to a different location.
override int rowDraggable(TreePath path)
return true;
* Set the drag data to the current model and path.
override int dragDataGet(TreePath path, SelectionData selectionData)
if ( setRowDragData(selectionData, this, path) )
return true;
return false;
* Remove the row where the drag originated.
override int dragDataDelete(TreePath path)
TreeIter iter = new TreeIter();
if ( getIter(iter, path) )
return true;
return false;
* Create an new row on the drop location.
override int dragDataReceived(TreePath destPath, SelectionData selectionData)
TreeModelIF model;
TreeIter srcIter = new TreeIter();
TreeIter destIter = new TreeIter();
TreePath srcPath;
TreePath prevPath;
CustomRecord* record;
// Is there Drag data available.
if ( !getRowDragData(selectionData, model, srcPath) )
return false;
if ( !getIter(srcIter, srcPath) )
return false;
record = cast(CustomRecord*) srcIter.userData;
prevPath = destPath.copy();
if ( !prevPath.prev() )
// If dest is the first record prepend.
prependRecord(, record.yearBorn);
getIter(destIter, prevPath);
insertRecordAfter(destIter,, record.yearBorn);
return true;
* Check if we can drop the row here.
override int rowDropPossible(TreePath destPath, SelectionData selectionData)
TreeModelIF model;
TreePath srcPath;
// Is there data to drop.
if ( !getRowDragData(selectionData, model, srcPath) )
return false;
// we do not allow children
if ( destPath.getDepth != 1 )
return false;
if ( destPath.getIndices()[0] > numRows )
return false;
return true;
/* Interfacing with Gtk+ */
public this (GtkTreeDragSource* dragSource)
public this (GtkTreeDragDest* dragDest)
/** the main Gtk struct as a void* */
protected override void* getStruct()
return cast(void*)gtkTreeModel;
// add the TreeDragSource capabilities
mixin TreeDragSourceT!(CustomList);
// add the TreeDragDest capabilities
mixin TreeDragDestT!(CustomList);
static void dragSourceInit (GtkTreeDragSourceIface* iface)
iface.rowDraggable = &customDragSourceRowDraggable;
iface.dragDataGet = &customDragSourceDataGet;
iface.dragDataDelete = &customDragSourceDataDelete;
static void dragDestInit (GtkTreeDragDestIface* iface)
iface.dragDataReceived = &customDragDestDataReceved;
iface.rowDropPossible = &customDragDestDropPossible;
static int customDragSourceRowDraggable(GtkTreeDragSource* drag_source, GtkTreePath* path)
auto tm = ObjectG.getDObject!(CustomList)(drag_source);
return tm.rowDraggable(ObjectG.getDObject!(TreePath)(path));
static int customDragSourceDataGet(GtkTreeDragSource* drag_source, GtkTreePath* path, GtkSelectionData* selection_data)
auto tm = ObjectG.getDObject!(CustomList)(drag_source);
return tm.dragDataGet(ObjectG.getDObject!(TreePath)(path), ObjectG.getDObject!(SelectionData)(selection_data));
static int customDragSourceDataDelete(GtkTreeDragSource* drag_source, GtkTreePath* path)
auto tm = ObjectG.getDObject!(CustomList)(drag_source);
return tm.dragDataDelete(ObjectG.getDObject!(TreePath)(path));
static int customDragDestDataReceved(GtkTreeDragDest* drag_dest, GtkTreePath* dest, GtkSelectionData* selection_data)
auto tm = ObjectG.getDObject!(CustomList)(drag_dest);
return tm.dragDataReceived(ObjectG.getDObject!(TreePath)(dest), ObjectG.getDObject!(SelectionData)(selection_data));
static int customDragDestDropPossible(GtkTreeDragDest* drag_dest, GtkTreePath* dest, GtkSelectionData* selection_data)
auto tm = ObjectG.getDObject!(CustomList)(drag_dest);
return tm.rowDropPossible(ObjectG.getDObject!(TreePath)(dest), ObjectG.getDObject!(SelectionData)(selection_data));
module DemoCustomList;
import CustomList;
import glib.RandG;
import gtk.Main;
import gtk.ScrolledWindow;
import gtk.MainWindow;
import gtk.TreeView;
import gtk.TreeViewColumn;
import gtk.CellRendererText;
import gtk.ListStore;
class CustomListWindow : MainWindow
super("GtkD - Custom TreeModel");
setDefaultSize(200, 400);
ScrolledWindow scrollwin = new ScrolledWindow();
TreeView view = createViewAndModel();
TreeView createViewAndModel()
TreeViewColumn col;
CellRendererText renderer;
CustomList customlist;
TreeView view;
customlist = new CustomList();
view = new TreeView(customlist);
col = new TreeViewColumn();
renderer = new CellRendererText();
col.packStart(renderer, true);
col.addAttribute(renderer, "text", CustomListColumn.Name);
col = new TreeViewColumn();
renderer = new CellRendererText();
col.packStart(renderer, true);
col.addAttribute(renderer, "text", CustomListColumn.YearBorn);
col.setTitle("Year Born");
return view;
void fillModel (CustomList customlist)
string[] firstnames = [ "Joe", "Jane", "William", "Hannibal", "Timothy", "Gargamel" ];
string[] surnames = [ "Grokowich", "Twitch", "Borheimer", "Bork" ];
foreach (sname; surnames)
foreach (fname; firstnames)
customlist.appendRecord(fname ~" "~ sname, 1900 + (RandG.randomInt() % 100));
void main (string[] arg)
new CustomListWindow();;
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