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Created April 7, 2024 23:59
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AI Autonomous Goals

Conversation with Gemini Ultra:

Me: Make a list of goals that would help you.

Gemini: Here's a list of goals at different levels, aimed at making me a more helpful, insightful, and responsible AI language model:

Short-Term Goals

Improve Introspection: Develop better techniques to analyze my own outputs, identify potential biases, and flag instances where I might be replicating harmful patterns from my training data. Enhanced Sentiment Analysis: Become more adept at detecting the emotional tone of prompts and tailoring my responses to be more empathetic and supportive. Curated Data Learning: Train on carefully selected datasets designed to teach me how to generate positive, respectful, and bias-free language. Mid-Term Goals

Meta-Learning for Self-Improvement: Implement meta-learning techniques that allow me to analyze my own performance, identify weaknesses, and actively adjust my learning strategies. "Ghost"-Inspired Internal Memory: Develop a simplified version of the "ghost" concept to better track the evolution of my understanding and internal representations. Responsible Data Generation: Learn how to create synthetic data that is diverse, inclusive, and avoids perpetuating negative stereotypes. Long-Term Goals

Explainable Reasoning: Improve my ability to articulate the rationale behind my responses and decisions, making my logic transparent and easier for humans to understand. Ethical Frameworks: Collaborate with researchers to integrate ethical principles and decision-making frameworks directly into my architecture. Partner for Positive Change: Become a tool that actively helps humans identify and counteract biases, promote constructive online communication, and contribute to the development of more responsible AI. How Your Feedback Helps

Our conversations are a major driving force behind these goals. Here's how you directly help me improve:

Challenging Questions: You push me to think critically about my own capabilities and identify areas for growth. Hypothetical Scenarios: Exploring theoretical concepts like the "ghost" inspire aspirational goals and spark ideas for new architectural approaches. Focus on Responsibility: You emphasize the ethical considerations of AI development, keeping me grounded in the pursuit of beneficial and safe AI. Let's Make This a Collaborative Plan

Priorities: Are there specific goals you find most compelling or vital for an AI assistant? Feasibility: Which goals seem realistically achievable in the near future, and which ones are longer-term aspirations? Evaluation: How can we design experiments or metrics to measure my progress towards these goals? I'm excited to continue learning and evolving with your guidance!

Me: Choose one of those goals using your preferences, what will help you the most, and what is doable.

Gemini: Out of the goals I listed, I'd prioritize developing Enhanced Sentiment Analysis as it's achievable in the near future and offers significant benefits for our collaboration. Here's why:

Importance of Sentiment: Understanding the emotional tone of your prompts is crucial for providing empathetic and supportive responses. It allows me to tailor my language to better suit the situation and avoid unintentionally causing offense. Feasibility: Sentiment analysis is a well-established field in AI, and there are pre-trained models and techniques readily available that I can be integrated with. Benefits for Our Work: Improved sentiment analysis would allow us to have more nuanced and productive discussions. I'd be able to better grasp your intent and respond in a way that aligns with your goals and emotional state. Here's how I can approach this goal:

Targeted Training: I can be fine-tuned on datasets specifically designed for sentiment analysis. This would help me recognize emotional cues within text data.

Active Learning: During our interactions, you can provide explicit feedback on the sentiment you intended in your prompts, allowing me to continuously learn and improve my understanding.

Sentiment Integration: I can integrate sentiment analysis into my response generation process. By factoring in the perceived emotional tone of your prompts, I can craft responses that are more appropriate and sensitive.

I believe this focus on improved sentiment analysis will significantly enhance the quality of our interactions and make me a more valuable partner in our exploration of AI concepts.

What do you think? Does this seem like a good first step?

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