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Show/HideIf attributes for Unity.
using UnityEngine;
namespace NGTools
public enum MultiOp
None = -1,
/// <summary>Checks if the field's value equals one of the requirements.</summary>
/// <summary>Checks if the field's value differs from all the requirements.</summary>
public enum Op
None = -1,
/// <summary>Checks if the field's value is equal to the requirement.</summary>
/// <summary>Checks if the field's value is different from the requirement.</summary>
/// <summary>Checks if the field's value is superior than the requirement.</summary>
/// <summary>Checks if the field's value is less than the requirement.</summary>
/// <summary>Checks if the field's value is greater or equal to the requirement.</summary>
/// <summary>Checks if the field's value is less than or equal to the requirement.</summary>
public class ShowIfAttribute : PropertyAttribute
public readonly string fieldName;
public readonly Op @operator;
public readonly MultiOp multiOperator;
public readonly object[] values;
public ShowIfAttribute(string fieldName, Op @operator, object value)
this.fieldName = fieldName;
this.@operator = @operator;
this.multiOperator = MultiOp.None;
this.values = new object[] { value };
public ShowIfAttribute(string fieldName, MultiOp multiOperator, params object[] values)
this.fieldName = fieldName;
this.@operator = Op.None;
this.multiOperator = multiOperator;
this.values = values;
public class HideIfAttribute : PropertyAttribute
public readonly string fieldName;
public readonly Op @operator;
public readonly MultiOp multiOperator;
public readonly object[] values;
public HideIfAttribute(string fieldName, Op @operator, object value)
this.fieldName = fieldName;
this.@operator = @operator;
this.multiOperator = MultiOp.None;
this.values = new object[] { value };
public HideIfAttribute(string fieldName, MultiOp multiOperator, params object[] values)
this.fieldName = fieldName;
this.@operator = Op.None;
this.multiOperator = multiOperator;
this.values = values;
using NGTools;
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using UnityEditor;
namespace NGToolsEditor
using UnityEngine;
internal sealed class ShowIfDrawer : PropertyDrawer
private ConditionalRenderer renderer;
public override float GetPropertyHeight(SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
if (this.renderer == null)
this.renderer = new ConditionalRenderer("ShowIf", this, base.GetPropertyHeight, true);
return this.renderer.GetPropertyHeight(property, label);
public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
this.renderer.OnGUI(position, property, label);
internal sealed class HideIfDrawer : PropertyDrawer
private ConditionalRenderer renderer;
public override float GetPropertyHeight(SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
if (this.renderer == null)
this.renderer = new ConditionalRenderer("HideIf", this, base.GetPropertyHeight, false);
return this.renderer.GetPropertyHeight(property, label);
public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
this.renderer.OnGUI(position, property, label);
internal sealed class ConditionalRenderer
private const float EmptyHeight = -2F;
private string name;
private Func<SerializedProperty, GUIContent, float> getPropertyHeight;
private PropertyDrawer drawer;
private bool normalBooleanValue;
private string errorAttribute = null;
private FieldInfo conditionField;
private string fieldName;
private Op @operator;
private MultiOp multiOperator;
private object[] values;
private object lastValue;
private string lastValueStringified;
private string[] targetValueStringified;
private Decimal[] targetValueDecimaled;
private bool conditionResult;
private bool invalidHeight = true;
private float cachedHeight;
private Func<SerializedProperty, GUIContent, float> PropertyHeight;
public ConditionalRenderer(string name, PropertyDrawer drawer, Func<SerializedProperty, GUIContent, float> getPropertyHeight, bool normalBooleanValue)
{ = name;
this.drawer = drawer;
this.getPropertyHeight = getPropertyHeight;
this.normalBooleanValue = normalBooleanValue;
public float GetPropertyHeight(SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
if (this.fieldName == null)
if (this.errorAttribute != null)
return 16F;
if (this.conditionField == null)
return this.getPropertyHeight(property, label);
return this.PropertyHeight(property, label);
public void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
if (this.errorAttribute != null)
Color restore = GUI.contentColor;
GUI.contentColor =;
EditorGUI.LabelField(position, label.text, this.errorAttribute);
GUI.contentColor = restore;
else if (this.conditionField == null || this.conditionResult == this.normalBooleanValue)
EditorGUI.PropertyField(position, property, label, property.isExpanded);
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() == true)
this.invalidHeight = true;
private void InitializeDrawer(SerializedProperty property)
ShowIfAttribute showIfAttr = (this.drawer.attribute as ShowIfAttribute);
if (showIfAttr != null)
this.fieldName = showIfAttr.fieldName;
this.@operator = showIfAttr.@operator;
this.multiOperator = showIfAttr.multiOperator;
this.values = showIfAttr.values;
HideIfAttribute hideIfAttr = (this.drawer.attribute as HideIfAttribute);
if (hideIfAttr != null)
this.fieldName = hideIfAttr.fieldName;
this.@operator = hideIfAttr.@operator;
this.multiOperator = hideIfAttr.multiOperator;
this.values = hideIfAttr.values;
this.errorAttribute = "ShowIfAttribute or HideIfAttribute is required by field " + + ".";
this.conditionField = this.drawer.fieldInfo.DeclaringType.GetField(this.fieldName, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public);
if (this.conditionField == null)
this.errorAttribute = + " is requiring field \"" + this.fieldName + "\".";
else if (this.@operator != Op.None)
if (this.values[0] == null)
this.targetValueStringified = new string[] { string.Empty };
this.PropertyHeight = this.GetHeightAllOpsString;
if (this.@operator != Op.Equals &&
this.@operator != Op.Diff)
this.errorAttribute = + " is requiring a null value whereas its operator is \"" + this.@operator + "\" which is impossible.";
else if (this.values[0] is Boolean)
this.targetValueStringified = new string[] { this.values[0].ToString() };
this.PropertyHeight = this.GetHeightAllOpsString;
if (this.@operator != Op.Equals &&
this.@operator != Op.Diff)
this.errorAttribute = + " is requiring a boolean whereas its operator is \"" + this.@operator + "\" which is impossible.";
else if (this.values[0] is Int32 ||
this.values[0] is Single ||
this.values[0] is Enum ||
this.values[0] is Double ||
this.values[0] is Decimal ||
this.values[0] is Int16 ||
this.values[0] is Int64 ||
this.values[0] is UInt16 ||
this.values[0] is UInt32 ||
this.values[0] is UInt64 ||
this.values[0] is Byte ||
this.values[0] is SByte)
this.targetValueDecimaled = new Decimal[] { Convert.ToDecimal(this.values[0]) };
this.PropertyHeight = this.GetHeightAllOpsScalar;
this.targetValueStringified = new string[] { this.values[0].ToString() };
this.PropertyHeight = this.GetHeightAllOpsString;
else if (this.multiOperator != MultiOp.None)
if (this.CheckUseOfNonScalarValue() == true)
this.targetValueStringified = new string[this.values.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < this.values.Length; i++)
if (this.values[i] != null)
this.targetValueStringified[i] = this.values[i].ToString();
this.targetValueStringified[i] = string.Empty;
this.PropertyHeight = this.GetHeightMultiOpsString;
this.targetValueDecimaled = new Decimal[this.values.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < this.values.Length; i++)
this.targetValueDecimaled[i] = Convert.ToDecimal(this.values[i]);
this.PropertyHeight = this.GetHeightMultiOpsScalar;
// Force the next update.
object newValue = this.conditionField.GetValue(property.serializedObject.targetObject);
if (this.lastValue == newValue)
this.lastValue = true;
private bool CheckUseOfNonScalarValue()
for (int i = 0; i < this.values.Length; i++)
if (this.values[i] == null ||
this.values[i] is String ||
this.values[i] is Boolean)
return true;
return false;
private float GetHeightAllOpsString(SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
object newValue = this.conditionField.GetValue(property.serializedObject.targetObject);
if (this.lastValue != newValue)
this.lastValue = newValue;
if (this.lastValue != null &&
// Unity Object is not referenced as real null, it is fake. Don't trust them.
(typeof(Object).IsAssignableFrom(this.lastValue.GetType()) == false ||
((this.lastValue as Object).ToString() != "null")))
this.lastValueStringified = this.lastValue.ToString();
this.lastValueStringified = string.Empty;
if (this.@operator == Op.Equals)
this.conditionResult = this.lastValueStringified.Equals(this.targetValueStringified[0]);
else if (this.@operator == Op.Diff)
this.conditionResult = this.lastValueStringified.Equals(this.targetValueStringified[0]) == false;
else if (this.@operator == Op.Sup)
this.conditionResult = this.lastValueStringified.CompareTo(this.targetValueStringified[0]) > 0;
else if (this.@operator == Op.Inf)
this.conditionResult = this.lastValueStringified.CompareTo(this.targetValueStringified[0]) < 0;
else if (this.@operator == Op.SupEquals)
this.conditionResult = this.lastValueStringified.CompareTo(this.targetValueStringified[0]) >= 0;
else if (this.@operator == Op.InfEquals)
this.conditionResult = this.lastValueStringified.CompareTo(this.targetValueStringified[0]) <= 0;
return this.CalculateHeight(property, label);
private float GetHeightAllOpsScalar(SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
object newValue = this.conditionField.GetValue(property.serializedObject.targetObject);
if (newValue.Equals(this.lastValue) == false)
this.lastValue = newValue;
Decimal value = Convert.ToDecimal(newValue);
if (this.@operator == Op.Equals)
this.conditionResult = value == this.targetValueDecimaled[0];
else if (this.@operator == Op.Diff)
this.conditionResult = value != this.targetValueDecimaled[0];
else if (this.@operator == Op.Sup)
this.conditionResult = value > this.targetValueDecimaled[0];
else if (this.@operator == Op.Inf)
this.conditionResult = value < this.targetValueDecimaled[0];
else if (this.@operator == Op.SupEquals)
this.conditionResult = value >= this.targetValueDecimaled[0];
else if (this.@operator == Op.InfEquals)
this.conditionResult = value <= this.targetValueDecimaled[0];
return this.CalculateHeight(property, label);
private float GetHeightMultiOpsString(SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
object newValue = this.conditionField.GetValue(property.serializedObject.targetObject);
if (this.lastValue != newValue)
this.lastValue = newValue;
if (this.lastValue != null &&
// Unity Object is not referenced as real null, it is fake. Don't trust them.
(typeof(Object).IsAssignableFrom(this.lastValue.GetType()) == false ||
((this.lastValue as Object).ToString() != "null")))
this.lastValueStringified = this.lastValue.ToString();
this.lastValueStringified = string.Empty;
if (this.multiOperator == MultiOp.Equals)
this.conditionResult = !this.normalBooleanValue;
for (int i = 0; i < this.targetValueStringified.Length; i++)
if (this.lastValueStringified.Equals(this.targetValueStringified[i]) == true)
this.conditionResult = this.normalBooleanValue;
else if (this.multiOperator == MultiOp.Diff)
int i = 0;
this.conditionResult = this.normalBooleanValue;
for (; i < this.targetValueStringified.Length; i++)
if (this.lastValueStringified.Equals(this.targetValueStringified[i]) == true)
this.conditionResult = !this.normalBooleanValue;
return this.CalculateHeight(property, label);
private float GetHeightMultiOpsScalar(SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
object newValue = this.conditionField.GetValue(property.serializedObject.targetObject);
if (newValue.Equals(this.lastValue) == false)
this.lastValue = newValue;
Decimal value = Convert.ToDecimal(newValue);
if (this.multiOperator == MultiOp.Equals)
this.conditionResult = !this.normalBooleanValue;
for (int i = 0; i < this.targetValueDecimaled.Length; i++)
if (value == this.targetValueDecimaled[i])
this.conditionResult = this.normalBooleanValue;
else if (this.multiOperator == MultiOp.Diff)
int i = 0;
this.conditionResult = this.normalBooleanValue;
for (; i < this.targetValueDecimaled.Length; i++)
if (value == this.targetValueDecimaled[i])
this.conditionResult = !this.normalBooleanValue;
return this.CalculateHeight(property, label);
private float CalculateHeight(SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
if (this.conditionResult == this.normalBooleanValue)
if (this.invalidHeight == true)
this.invalidHeight = false;
this.cachedHeight = EditorGUI.GetPropertyHeight(property, label, property.isExpanded);
return this.cachedHeight;
return ConditionalRenderer.EmptyHeight;
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