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Created June 29, 2009 03:41
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Speck.describe("Array") {
.before(#each) {
.array: @(1,2,3,4,5)
it.d("should allow negative indices") {
.array.get(-1).should() = 5
.array.get(-5).should() = 1
it.d("should return nil for negative indices out of bounds") {
Speck.pending("Throwing a string causes a segfault at the moment.")
.array.get(-60).should() = nil
it.d("shouldn't allow setting bad negative indices") {
.array.set(-60, #yourmom)
$ ./ examples/*
Array should allow negative indices: success
Array should return nil for negative indices out of bounds: pending
Array shouldn't allow setting bad negative indices: success
Your mother should be true: success
Your mother should not be false: success
The wrong mother should not be true: failure 1
An exceptional mother should gently lob: success
An exceptional mother failingly shouldn’t throw defaultily: failure 2
An exceptional mother failingly explicitly shouldn’t throw: failure 3
An exceptional mother failingly should, but doesn't: failure 4
Failure #1: The wrong mother should not be true
Expected anything but `true', but got `true'.
Failure #2: An exceptional mother failingly shouldn’t throw defaultily
Failure #3: An exceptional mother failingly explicitly shouldn’t throw
Failure #4: An exceptional mother failingly should, but doesn't
An exception was expected, but none was thrown.
5 successes, 1 pending, 4 failures (10 total)
Speck.describe("Your mother") {
it.d("should be true") {
true.should() = true
it.d("should not be false") {
false.should_not() = true
Speck.describe("The wrong mother") {
it.d("should not be true") {
true.should_not() = true
Speck.describe("An exceptional mother") {
it.d("should gently lob") {
.describe("failingly") {
it.d("shouldn’t throw defaultily") {
it.d("explicitly shouldn’t throw") {
{ throw(#WHOOOOOOOOO) }.should_not().throw()
it.d("should, but doesn't") {
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