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Created August 13, 2008 01:02
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»Hey, Danny! Why don't you just go,« he asked teasingly. His little
brother stood only fifty feet from him. The ideal distance, he thought.
No, he didn't think. He hadn't thought for the last two years of his
life. He knew.
»Why don't you just go?« He repeated the taunt,
knowing full well what his two years younger sibling was thinking. Ever
since kindergarten, he had been a little distanced from the world, as if
he lived slightly out of phase with it. As if only a fraction of the
world's truths were real to him.
»Why don't you just go?« He repeated the taunt, knowing full well what
his two years younger sibling was thinking. Ever since kindergarten, he
had been a little distanced from the world, as if he lived slightly out
of phase with it. As if only a fraction of the world's truths were real
to him.
require 'rubygems'
require 'stringray'
class String
include StringRay
# Constantizes a string, changing it from snake_case or 'space case' to
# TitleCase, however necessary
def constantize
str = self
str = str.gsub /\s/, '_'
str = str.gsub(/(^|_)(\w)/) { "#{$2.capitalize}" }
def /(o)
File.join(self, o.to_s)
def indent spaces
if spaces.respond_to? :to_s # duck,
self.split("\n").map {|s| [spaces, s].join }.join("\n")
elsif spaces.respond_to? :to_i # duck,
self.split("\n").map {|s| [(' ' * spaces), s].join }.join("\n")
else # goose!
raise ArgumentError, "#{spaces} is neither string-ish nor numeric-ish"
# Simply returns an array of two string pieces split at +length+.
def split_at length
self.scan /.{1,#{length}}/
# Wraps a string, *intelligently*
def wrap width, min = nil
raise ArgumentError, "#{width} is not numeric-ish" unless width.respond_to? :to_i
min ||= (width.to_i * 0.75).to_i # Default to about a third of the full width
raise ArgumentError, "#{min} is not numeric-ish" unless min.respond_to? :to_i
self.inject([""]) do |wrapped, word|
#puts "word: #{word.inspect}, current line: #{wrapped.last.inspect}"
# If we're still short enough to fit the word, do so
if wrapped.last.length + word.rstrip.length <= width
#puts "- new length #{wrapped.last.length + word.rstrip.length} (#{wrapped.last.length} + #{word.rstrip.length}) is less than #{width}\n\n"
wrapped.last << word
# Else, if we're less than minimum width
elsif wrapped.last.length < min
#puts "- new length #{wrapped.last.length + word.rstrip.length} (#{wrapped.last.length} + #{word.rstrip.length}) would be more than #{width}"
#puts "- current length #{wrapped.last.length} is less than #{min}\n\n"
bits = word.split_at(width - wrapped.last.length)
wrapped.last << bits.shift
bits.each {|bit| wrapped << bit}
# Else if neither can fit on current line, nor is line short enough; and
# the word is short enough to fit on the new line
elsif word.chomp.length < width
#puts "- new length #{wrapped.last.length + word.rstrip.length} (#{wrapped.last.length} + #{word.rstrip.length}) would be more than #{width}"
#puts "- current length #{wrapped.last.length} is more than #{min}"
#puts "- word's length #{word.chomp.length} is less than #{width}\n\n"
wrapped << word
# If it can't fit on the current line, and it can't fit wholly on a line
# by it's own
#puts "- new length #{wrapped.last.length + word.rstrip.length} (#{wrapped.last.length} + #{word.rstrip.length}) would be more than #{width}"
#puts "- current length #{wrapped.last.length} is more than #{min}"
#puts "- word's length #{word.chomp.length} is more than #{width}"
bits = word.split_at(width)
bits.each {|bit| wrapped << bit}
strings = []
# Two paragraphs
strings << %{»Hey, Danny! Why don't you just go,« he asked teasingly. His little brother stood only fifty feet from him. The ideal distance, he thought. No, he didn't think. He hadn't thought for the last two years of his life. He knew.\n\n»Why don't you just go?« He repeated the taunt, knowing full well what his two years younger sibling was thinking. Ever since kindergarten, he had been a little distanced from the world, as if he lived slightly out of phase with it. As if only a fraction of the world's truths were real to him.}
# Second paragraph alone
strings << %{»Why don't you just go?« He repeated the taunt, knowing full well what his two years younger sibling was thinking. Ever since kindergarten, he had been a little distanced from the world, as if he lived slightly out of phase with it. As if only a fraction of the world's truths were real to him.}! do |string|
puts strings.join("\n\n--8<----\n\n")
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