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notacji C7+ używam jako skrótu Cmaj7 
  (a więc nie oznacza to C z podniesioną kwintą i septymą małą (C5+7), tylko C z septymą wielką) 
d7(f-c-d) oznacza, że tak można grać prawą rękę akordu d7
(D) oznacza, że można tu zagrać D lub nie zagrać
d0 to czterodźwięk D zmniejszony (D-F-Ab-Cb)
d07 to czterodźwięk D półzmniejszony (D-F-Ab-C)
E< to trójdźwięk E zwiększony
|| oznacza początek nowego taktu

dziękuję wszystkim oryginalnym autorom, krytykom, muzom

the configuration file for the 'cabal' command line tool.
-- The available configuration options are listed below.
-- Some of them have default values listed.
-- Lines (like this one) beginning with '--' are comments.
-- Be careful with spaces and indentation because they are
-- used to indicate layout for nested sections.
-- This config file was generated using the following versions
~/teeeeeeeeee/LambdaHack$ cabal update
Downloading the latest package list from
To revert to previous state run:
cabal v2-update ',2019-04-21T16:12:43Z'
~/teeeeeeeeee/LambdaHack$ cabal new-install -j1 .
Wrote tarball sdist to
Resolving dependencies...
Build profile: -w ghc-8.6.4 -O1
In order, the following will be built (use -v for more details):
cabal install --disable-library-profiling --disable-profiling --ghcjs -j1 distributive-0.5.3 -v3 >& log
no user package environment file found at /home/mikolaj/r/LambdaHack
Searching for ghcjs in path.
Found ghcjs at /home/mikolaj/local/bin/ghcjs
/home/mikolaj/local/bin/ghcjs --numeric-ghcjs-version
/home/mikolaj/local/bin/ghcjs is version
/home/mikolaj/local/bin/ghcjs --numeric-ghc-version
/home/mikolaj/local/bin/ghcjs is version
looking for tool ghcjs-pkg near compiler in /home/mikolaj/local/bin
found ghcjs-pkg in /home/mikolaj/local/bin/ghcjs-pkg
cabal install --disable-library-profiling --disable-profiling --ghcjs -j1 distributive-0.5.3 -v2 >& log
/home/mikolaj/.cabal/bin/alex --version
looking for tool c2hs near compiler in /home/mikolaj/local/bin
/home/mikolaj/.cabal/bin/cpphs --version
/usr/bin/gcc -dumpversion
/home/mikolaj/local/bin/ghc --numeric-version
/home/mikolaj/local/bin/ghc-pkg --version
looking for tool haddock near compiler in /home/mikolaj/local/bin
found haddock in /home/mikolaj/local/bin/haddock-ghcjs
/home/mikolaj/local/bin/haddock-ghcjs --version
Mikolaj / gist:55ea6bf0469ad8566e536135e82746c0
Created September 15, 2016 10:42
closure compiler warnings without dedupe
~/r/LambdaHack$ java -jar ~/Downloads/closure-compiler.jar dist/build/LambdaHack/LambdaHack.jsexe/all.js --compilation_level=ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS > ~/Downloads/all.js
dist/build/LambdaHack/LambdaHack.jsexe/all.js:1389: WARNING - dangerous use of the global this object
this.console = {
dist/build/LambdaHack/LambdaHack.jsexe/all.js:1396: WARNING - dangerous use of the global this object
this.console = { log: this.print };
dist/build/LambdaHack/LambdaHack.jsexe/all.js:1396: WARNING - dangerous use of the global this object
Mikolaj / gist:eced74d47edcaab1af4fdd5d431d7b88
Created September 15, 2016 10:41
closure compiler warnings for the deduped code
~/r/LambdaHack$ JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS="-Xms2g -Xmx2g -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC" time java -jar ~/Downloads/closure-compiler.jar dist/build/LambdaHack/LambdaHack.jsexe/all.js --compilation_level=ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS > ~/Downloads/all.js
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xms2g -Xmx2g -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC
dist/build/LambdaHack/LambdaHack.jsexe/all.js:1389: WARNING - dangerous use of the global this object
this.console = {
dist/build/LambdaHack/LambdaHack.jsexe/all.js:1396: WARNING - dangerous use of the global this object
this.console = { log: this.print };
~/r/ThreadScope$ cabal build
Building threadscope-0.2.7...
Preprocessing executable 'threadscope' for threadscope-0.2.7...
[20 of 36] Compiling Events.TestEvents ( Events/TestEvents.hs, dist/build/threadscope/threadscope-tmp/Events/TestEvents.o )
‘block_events’ is not a (visible) constructor field name
Events/TestEvents.hs:19:39: Not in scope: ‘block_events’
[21 of 36] Compiling GUI.StartupInfoView ( GUI/StartupInfoView.hs, dist/build/threadscope/threadscope-tmp/GUI/StartupInfoView.o )