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Last active September 27, 2015 14:52
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Save MikuAuahDark/bef60ab0e5d923f61601 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# CardInstall.ps1
Script to add all cards to database as .card files.
The specification of the .card file can be found here:
# Enumeration definition
$skillEnum=@{None=0;"Score Up"=1;"Rhythmical Charm"=1;"Perfect Charm"=1;"Timer Charm"=1;Healer=2;"Timer Yell"=2;"Perfect Yell"=2;"Musical Yell"=2;"Perfect Lock"=3}
$epoch1970=new-object System.DateTime -ArgumentList 1970,1,1,0,0,0,([System.DateTimeKind]::Utc)
# Successful fetched cards
function WriteVariableValue([System.IO.BinaryWriter]$w,[byte[]]$i) {
function SaveCard([int]$card_id) {
while($card_data -eq $null) {
try {
$card_data=wget ("{0}/" -f $card_id) -timeoutsec 15
} catch {
Write-Host("{0}... Retrying..." -f $error[0].ToString())
$card_file=new-object System.IO.FileStream -ArgumentList ("{0}\card\{1}.card" -f ($pwd -as [string]),$card_id),([System.IO.FileMode]::Create)
$card_json=ConvertFrom-Json $card_data.Content
$bin_write=new-object System.IO.BinaryWriter -ArgumentList $card_file
$bin_write.Write(1146241347) # CARD FourCC
$bin_write.Write((($rarityEnum[$card_json.rarity] -shl 5) -bor ($attributeEnum[$card_json.attribute] -shl 3) -bor (0,4)[$card_json.is_promo] -bor (0,2)[$card_json.japan_only] -bor (0,1)[$card_json.is_special]) -as [byte])
$bin_write.Write((($card_json.hp -shl 2) -bor $skillEnum[($card_json.skill,"None" -ne $null)[0]]) -as [byte])
WriteVariableValue $bin_write $utf8Encoder.GetBytes($
if($card_json.is_promo -eq $true) {
WriteVariableValue $bin_write $utf8Encoder.GetBytes($card_json.promo_item)
if($card_json.release_date -ne $null) {
$bin_write.Write(([System.DateTime]::Parse($card_json.release_date)-$epoch1970).TotalSeconds -as [int])
} else {
$bin_write.Write((-1) -as [int])
foreach($x in @("smile","pure","cool")) {
foreach($y in @("minimum","non_idolized_maximum","idolized_maximum")) {
$bin_write.Write(($card_json.("{0}_statistics_{1}" -f $y,$x)) -as [int16])
if($card_json.center_skill -ne $null) {
$card_json.center_skill | where {$_ -match "(\w+) (\w+)"} | foreach {
$bin_write.Write((($attributeEnum[$matches[1]] -shl 3) -bor $typeAttrEnum[$matches[2]]) -as [byte])
} else {
$bin_write.Write(255 -as [byte])
if($card_json.skill_details -ne $null) {
WriteVariableValue $bin_write $utf8Encoder.GetBytes($card_json.skill_details)
} else {
$bin_write.Write(0 -as [int])
$bin_write.Write($card_json.non_idolized_max_level -as [byte])
$bin_Write.Write($card_json.idolized_max_level -as [byte])
function SaveCurrentChecklist() {
$file_handle=new-object System.IO.FileStream -ArgumentList ("{0}\SuccessfulFetchedCard.txt" -f ($pwd -as [string])),([System.IO.FileMode]::Create)
foreach($x in $CardChecklist) {
if($x.Values -eq $true) {
$file_handle.Write($x -join ",")
function FetchCards() {
Write-Host "Get total cards..."
while($cardlist -eq $null)
try {
$cardlist=wget -timeoutsec 15
} catch { }
$cardlist=ConvertFrom-Json $cardlist.Content
Write-Host ("{0} cards ready" -f $cardlist.count)
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