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Last active July 20, 2019 13:06
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DEPLS2 beatmap format specification
Live Simulator: 2 binary beatmap file format. Extension: .ls2
Version 2.0
The beatmap format consist of multiple sections, where each
section has FourCC and possibly with size depends on the FourCC itself.
The section can appear in any order. Like, storyboard section can appear
before beatmap section. LS2 parser should throw error if unknown section found
Datatypes ("u" suffix means unsigned, except string). All are in little endian:
qword - 8 bytes
dword - 4 bytes
word - 2 bytes
byte - 1 byte
string - variable-length string. first dwordu is string length in bytes followed by the data
File information start:
Header: File header
qword - Header signature. Must be and always be 0x326D69736576696C (string "livesim2")
wordu - Amount of sections
byteu - * bit 0-3: Used background ID (or 0 to use from BIMG section below or from config)
* bit 4-6: Force note style (1 = old note style; 2 = v5 note style; 0 = no enforcing)
* bit 7: Live Simulator: 2 Binary Beatmap v2.0? (introduces backward incompatibility changes to some sections)
byte - Stamina display (or -1 to use from config)
wordu - Score for each note tap (or 0 to use from config)
1. MTDT - Live Simulator: 2 metadata. Mandatory in v2.0 or later. Optional in v1.x
byteu - Metadata information
* bit 0: Has score information?
* bit 1: Has combo information?
* bit 2: Has star information?
* bit 3: Has random star information? (bit 2 must be 1 too)
byteu - Star information
* bit 0-3: Normal star data (or 0 if star information is not available)
* bit 4-7: Random star data, or 0 if random star information or star information is not available.
In that case use previous value from bit 0-3 above.
string - Song name, or empty string which in that case use from "COVR" data and eventually
fallback to beatmap filename without extension.
string - Preferred audio file name. No guarantee that this audio file exists.
dword - Score needed for C score (or 0 if score info not available)
dword - Score needed for B score (or 0 if score info not available)
dword - Score needed for A score (or 0 if score info not available)
dword - Score needed for S score (or 0 if score info not available)
dword - Combo needed for C combo (or 0 if combo info not available)
dword - Combo needed for B combo (or 0 if combo info not available)
dword - Combo needed for A combo (or 0 if combo info not available)
dword - Combo needed for S combo (or 0 if combo info not available)
2. BMPM - Beatmap data with millisecond timing. This section can appear multiple times,
in which case, the notes data are merged. This section must appear at least once
if BMPT section doesn't exist.
dwordu - Amount of notes in this section
For Every amount of notes above:
dwordu - Timing milliseconds
dwordu - Attribute. Some possible values:
* bit layout: rrrrrrrr rggggggg ggbbbbbb bbbscccc
* bit 0-3: Note images following Sukufesu simulator note colors in order. Ask yuyu for it, lol.
* If it's 15 - CBF extension colored note
* bit 23-31 - R color (9 bits, unsigned)
* bit 14-22 - G color (9 bits, unsigned)
* bit 5-13 - B color (9 bits, unsigned)
* bit 4: Is swing note?
dwordu - Note effect
* bit layout: ssssssss llllllll llllllll llffpppp
* bit 0-3 - Note position. 9 is leftmost, 1 is rightmost
* bit 4-5: Note effect.
0 = Normal note
1 = Token note
2 = Long note (bit 6-23 is the length, max 262.143 seconds or 262143 ms length)
3 = Star note
* bit 6-23: Long note length (or 0)
* bit 24-31: Swing note group (or 0)
* Note: There's no way to specify if notes is simultaneous, because it's determined at runtime
End For
3. BMPT - Beatmap data with tick timing (like MIDI). This section can appear multiple times,
in which case, the notes data are merged. This section must appear at least once
if BMPM section doesn't exist.
word - PPQN in MIDI. Zero or negative is not allowed
dwordu - BPM which is premultiplied by 1000 to retain BPM precision. Zero or negative is not a valid value
dwordu - Amount of notes in this section
For Every amount of notes above:
* Note: same as BMPM, except timing is in tick, not in milliseconds.
* If Attribute is 0xFFFFFFFF, then it's tempo change. Note effect is the new BPM premultipled by 1000
End For
4. SRYL - Lua storyboard. Optional. Only one can be specificed
string - Lua script data. Optionally zlib compressed
* Note: Lua script shoudn't be precompiled! This is to ensure compatibility between Lua 5.1 and LuaJIT
5. UIMG - Custom unit image data. Optional. Can appear multiple times
byte - Image index
string - Image data (Only PNG image allowed)
6. UNIT - Custom unit image definition. Optional. Can appear multiple times (max 9)
byte - Custom unit image definition data amount
For every data amount
byte - Unit position. 9 is leftmost
byte - Image index
End For
7. BIMG - Custom background image data. Optional. Can appear multiple times
byteu - Background index. 0 is center, 1 is left, 2 is right, 3 is top, 4 is bottom
string - Image data (Only PNG image allowed)
8. DATA - Custom data. Optional. Can appear multiple times
string - Filename. Path separator must be in forward slash
string - File data
9. ADIO - Audio/song file. Optional. Only one can be specificed
byte - Audio type.
* bit 0-3: 0 is PCM in WAV, 1 is Vorbis in OGG, 2 is MP3
* If bit 0-3 is 1, FFmpeg extension audio data.
* bit 4-7: extension string length (without dot), prepended in audio data below
* Note: If FFmpeg extension not supported, throw error.
string - Audio data, including the extension prepended if FFmpeg extension audio is used.
10. COVR - Cover data. Optional. Only one can be specificed
string - Image data (Only PNG image allowed)
string - Cover title (can be empty, defaults to filename)
string - Cover arrangement (can be empty, optional)
11. LCLR - Live Clear Audio SFX. Optional. Only one can be specificed
* Note: same as ADIO
Changelog: Date follows dd/mm/yyyy convention
18/06/2017: v2.0
- Undefined sections no longer allowed
- Added mandatoy MTDT section
- Changed order of COVR data
- Changed the way it interprets beatmap data, for advanced swing note support
- ADIO (and LCLR) now can use audio unsupported by LOVE2D IF FFmpeg extension is available
- Removed SCRI, moved to MTDT
xx/yy/2017: v1.2
- Swing note support
xx/yy/2016: v1.0
- Initial draft
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