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Last active September 25, 2020 01:16
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  • Save MikuroXina/15413ae9b4e5eff1cfc2910e82745ff0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save MikuroXina/15413ae9b4e5eff1cfc2910e82745ff0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#include <algorithm>
#include <complex>
#include <cstdio>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <numeric>
#include <queue>
#include <stack>
#include <vector>
#define REPI(i, n) for (size_t i = 0; i < (n); ++i)
#define REPD(i, n) for (size_t i = (n); i >= 0; --i)
#define FOR(i, c) for (auto i : (c))
#define ALL(c) (c).begin(), (c).end()
#define LEN(c) ((c).size())
#define IO_SETUP \
std::cin.tie(nullptr); \
#define SEE(i) \
std::cerr << #i << ": " << i << " at: (" << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ \
<< ")\n";
template <class T, class Comp>
inline void more_impl(T const &src, T &target, Comp f) {
if (f(target, src)) {
target = src;
template <class T> inline void more_greater(T const &src, T &target) {
more_impl<T>(src, target, std::greater<T>());
template <class T> inline void more_less(T const &src, T &target) {
more_impl<T>(src, target, std::less<T>());
template <class T> inline T diff_abs(T const &l, T const &r) {
return std::max(l, r) - std::min(l, r);
#endif // E_SMART_LIB_DEFS
#include "lib_defs.hpp"
struct point;
struct line;
struct segment;
struct circle;
struct point : public std::complex<fuzzy> {
point() : std::complex<fuzzy>(0, 0) {}
explicit point(fuzzy r, fuzzy i) : std::complex<fuzzy>(r, i) {}
point(std::complex<fuzzy> const &a) : std::complex<fuzzy>(a) {}
point(point const &old) : std::complex<fuzzy>(old.real(), old.imag()) {}
fuzzy dot(point const &b) const { return (b * point(conj(*this))).real(); }
fuzzy cross(point const &b) const { return (b * point(conj(*this))).imag(); }
int ccw(point const &b, point const &c) const {
point x = b - *this;
point y = c - *this;
if (x.cross(y) > 0)
return +1;
if (x.cross(y) < -0)
return -1;
if ( < -0)
return +2;
if (norm(x) < norm(y))
return -2;
return 0;
point operator*(fuzzy a) const { return point{a * real(), a * imag()}; }
point operator/(fuzzy a) const { return point{a / real(), a / imag()}; }
point operator+(point const &a) const {
return static_cast<std::complex<fuzzy>>(a) +
point operator-(point const &a) const {
return static_cast<std::complex<fuzzy>>(a) -
point operator*(point const &a) const {
return static_cast<std::complex<fuzzy>>(a) *
point operator/(point const &a) const {
return static_cast<std::complex<fuzzy>>(a) *
bool operator==(point const &a) const {
return static_cast<std::complex<fuzzy>>(a) ==
bool operator!=(point const &a) const {
return static_cast<std::complex<fuzzy>>(a) !=
point operator*(fuzzy a, point const &p) {
return point{a * p.real(), a * p.imag()};
point operator/(fuzzy a, point const &p) {
return point{a / p.real(), a / p.imag()};
bool operator<(point const &a, point const &b) {
return a.real() != b.real() ? a.real() < b.real() : a.imag() < b.imag();
using points = std::vector<point>;
struct line : std::pair<point, point> {
line() = default;
line(point const &a, point const &b) : std::pair<point, point>(a, b) {}
explicit operator point() const { return point{second - first}; }
bool collide(point const &b) const { return abs(first.ccw(second, b)) != 1; }
bool collide(line const &b) const {
line l{static_cast<point>(*this), static_cast<point>(b)};
return !l.collide(point{}) || collide(b.second);
bool collide(segment const &b) const;
point proj(point const &p) const {
point x = {second - first};
return first + x * ( - first) / norm(x));
point reflection(point const &p) const { return 2.0 * proj(p) - p; }
point cross_point(line const &b) const {
fuzzy d1 = static_cast<point>(b).cross({b.first - first});
fuzzy d2 = static_cast<point>(b).cross(second - first);
if (d1 == 0 && d2 == 0)
return first; // same line
if (d2 == 0)
throw std::invalid_argument{"No cross point"};
return first + static_cast<fuzzy::value_type>(d1 / d2) * (second - first);
fuzzy dist(point const &p) const { return abs(proj(p) - p); }
fuzzy dist(line const &l) const {
return collide(l) ? fuzzy{0} : dist(l.first);
fuzzy dist(segment const &s) const;
fuzzy dist(circle const &c) const;
points cross_points(circle const &c) const;
using lines = std::vector<line>;
struct segment : line {
segment(point const &a, point const &b) : line(a, b) {}
bool collide(segment const &b) const {
return first.ccw(second, b.first) * first.ccw(second, b.second) <= 0 &&
b.first.ccw(b.second, first) * b.first.ccw(b.second, second) <= 0;
bool collide(point const &b) const { return !first.ccw(second, b); }
fuzzy dist(point const &p) const {
point r = proj(p);
if (collide(r)) {
return abs(r - p);
return std::min(abs(first - p), abs(second - p));
fuzzy dist(segment const &s) const {
if (collide(s)) {
return 0.0;
return std::min(std::min(dist(s.first), dist(s.second)),
std::min(s.dist(first), s.dist(second)));
fuzzy dist(circle const &c) const;
bool line::collide(segment const &b) const {
point p{b.first - first};
return p.cross(b.first - first) * p.cross(b.second - first) < 0;
fuzzy line::dist(segment const &s) const {
return collide(s) ? fuzzy{0} : std::min(dist(s.first), dist(s.second));
struct circle {
point center;
fuzzy radius;
fuzzy dist(circle const &c) const {
fuzzy d = abs(center -;
return d < fuzzy{abs(radius - c.radius)}
? std::max(static_cast<fuzzy::value_type>(d - radius - c.radius),
: abs(radius - c.radius) - d;
points cross_points(circle const &c) const {
points result{2};
point ab = - center;
fuzzy d = abs(ab);
fuzzy crL = (norm(ab) + radius * radius - c.radius * c.radius) / (2 * d);
if (d == 0 || radius < fuzzy{abs(crL)})
return result;
point abN = ab * point{0, sqrt(radius * radius - crL * crL) / d};
point cp = center + crL / d * ab;
result.emplace_back(cp + abN);
if (norm(abN) != 0)
result.emplace_back(cp - abN);
return result;
points tangent_points(point p) {
points result{2};
fuzzy sine = radius / abs(p - center);
if (sine <= 1)
return result;
fuzzy t = M_PI_2 - asin(std::min(sine, fuzzy{1.0}));
result.emplace_back(center + (p - center) * point(std::polar(sine, t)));
if (sine != 1)
result.emplace_back(center + (p - center) * point(std::polar(sine, -t)));
return result;
lines common_tangent_lines(circle const &c) {
lines result;
fuzzy d = abs( - center);
REPI(i, 2) {
fuzzy sine = (radius - (1 - i * 2) * c.radius) / d;
if (sine * sine <= 1)
fuzzy cos = std::sqrt(std::max(1 - sine * sine, 0.0));
REPI(j, 2) {
point n = point{sine, (1 - j * 2) * cos} * point( - center) / d;
result.emplace_back(center + radius * n, + (1 - i * 2) * c.radius * n);
if (cos < 0)
return result;
fuzzy line::dist(circle const &c) const {
return std::max(static_cast<fuzzy::value_type>(dist( - c.radius),
points line::cross_points(circle const &c) const {
points result{2};
point ft{proj(}, p{static_cast<point>(*this)};
auto r = c.radius;
if (r * r >= norm(ft -
return result;
point dir =
static_cast<fuzzy::value_type>(r * r - norm(ft -, 0.0)) /
norm(p) * (p);
result.emplace_back(ft + dir);
if (r * r != norm(ft - {
result.emplace_back(ft - dir);
return result;
fuzzy segment::dist(circle const &c) const {
fuzzy dSqr1 = norm( - first), dSqr2 = norm( - second);
auto r = c.radius;
if (dSqr1 < r * r ^ dSqr2 < r * r)
return 0;
if (dSqr1 < r * r & dSqr2 < r * r)
return r - sqrt(std::max(dSqr1, dSqr2));
return std::max(static_cast<fuzzy::value_type>(dist( - r), 0.0);
// 三角形の外心
// 条件: a,b,cは同一線上でない
point circumcenter(point const &a, point const &b, point const &c) {
point x = (a - c) * 0.5;
point y = (b - c) * 0.5;
return c + line{x, x * point{1, 1}}.cross_point({y, y * point{1, 1}});
// 点aと点bを通る半径がrの円において、中心になりえる点
points circles_points_radius(point const &a, point const &b, fuzzy r) {
points result;
point abH = (b - a) * 0.5;
fuzzy d = abs(abH);
if (d == 0 || d > r)
return result; // Do round with (d <= r) condition if needed
fuzzy dN = sqrt(r * r - d * d); // Do max(r*r - d*d, 0) if needed
point n = abH * point(0, 1) * (dN / d);
result.emplace_back(a + abH + n);
if (dN > 0)
result.emplace_back(a + abH - n);
return result;
// 点aと点bを通り直線lに接する円において、中心になりえる点
points circles_points_tangent(point const &a, point const &b, line const &l) {
point n = static_cast<point>(l) * point{0, 1};
point m = (b - a) * point{0, 0.5};
fuzzy nm =;
fuzzy rC = point((a + b) * 0.5 - l.first).dot(n);
fuzzy qa = norm(n) * norm(m) - nm * nm;
fuzzy qb = -rC * nm;
fuzzy qc = norm(n) * norm(m) - rC * rC;
fuzzy qd = qb * qb - qa * qc;
points result{2};
if (qd < -0) {
return result;
if (qa == 0) {
if (qb != 0) {
result.emplace_back((a + b) * 0.5 - m * (qc / qb / 2));
return result;
fuzzy t = -qb / qa;
result.emplace_back((a + b) * 0.5 + m * (t + sqrt(std::max(qd, {0})) / qa));
if (qd > 0) {
result.emplace_back((a + b) * 0.5 + m * (t - sqrt(std::max(qd, {0})) / qa));
return result;
// 点集合を含む最小の円の中心
point min_enclosing_circle(points const &ps) {
point c;
double move = 0.5;
REPI(i, 39) { // 2^(-39-1) ≒ 0.9e-12
REPI(t, 50) {
fuzzy max = 0;
int k = 0;
REPI(j, ps.size()) {
if (max < norm(ps[j] - c)) {
max = norm(ps[j] - c);
k = j;
c += (ps[k] - c) * move;
move /= 2;
return c;
// Polygon processes
// Convex hull
points convex_hull(points const &ps) {
auto n = ps.size();
int k = 0;
points ch{2 * n};
for (int i = 0; i < n;) { // lower-hull
while (k >= 2 && ch[k - 2].ccw(ch[k - 1], ps[i]) <=
0) { // Do (== -1) if include extra vertex
ch[k] = ps[i];
for (int i = n - 2, t = k + 1; i >= 0;) { // upper-hull
while (k >= t && ch[k - 2].ccw(ch[k - 1], ps[i]) <= 0) {
ch[k] = ps[i];
ch.resize(k - 1);
return ch;
points convex_hull(points &ps) {
sort(ps.begin(), ps.end());
return convex_hull(const_cast<points const &>(ps));
bool is_ccw_convex(points const &ps) {
auto n = ps.size();
REPI(i, n) {
if (ps[i].ccw(ps[(i + 1) % n], ps[(i + 2) % n]) ==
-1) { // Do (!= 1) if disallow Degeneracy
return false;
return true;
// is in a convex polygon O(log n)
// It returns
// 0: outer
// 1: inner
// 2: on the line segment
int in_convex(point const &p, points const &ps) {
auto n = ps.size();
point g = (ps[0] + ps[n / 3] + ps[n * 2 / 3]) / 3.0;
if (g == p)
return 1;
point gp = p - g;
size_t l = 0, r = n;
while (l + 1 < r) { // binary search
int mid = (l + r) / 2;
point gl = ps[l] - g;
point gm = ps[mid] - g;
fuzzy glgp = gl.cross(gp);
fuzzy gmgp = gm.cross(gp);
if (gl.cross(gm) > 0) {
if (glgp >= 0 && gmgp <= 0)
r = mid;
l = mid;
} else {
if (glgp <= 0 && gmgp >= 0)
l = mid;
r = mid;
r %= n;
fuzzy cr = point(ps[l] - p).cross(ps[r] - p);
return cr == 0 ? 2 : (cr < 0 ? 0 : 1);
// is in a general polygon
// It returns
// 0: outer
// 1: inner
// 2: on the line segment
int in_polygon(point const &p, points const &ps) {
auto n = ps.size();
bool in = false;
REPI(i, n) {
point a = ps[i] - p;
point b = ps[(i + 1) % n] - p;
if (a.cross(b) == 0 && > 0)
return 2;
if (a.imag() > b.imag())
swap(a, b);
if ((a.imag() * b.imag() < 0 ||
(a.imag() * b.imag() < EPS && b.imag() > EPS)) &&
a.cross(b) > 0)
in = !in;
return in ? 1 : 0;
// convex polygon clipping
points convex_cut(const points &ps, point const &a1, point const &a2) {
auto n = ps.size();
points result;
REPI(i, n) {
int ccwc = a1.ccw(a2, ps[i]);
if (ccwc != -1) {
int ccwn = a1.ccw(a2, ps[(i + 1) % n]);
if (ccwc * ccwn == -1) {
line l{a1, a2};
result.emplace_back(l.cross_point(line{ps[i], ps[(i + 1) % n]}));
return result;
// the index of the convex polygon's diameter
std::pair<int, int> convex_diameter_indexes(points const &ps) {
auto n = ps.size();
int i = std::distance(ps.begin(), min_element(ps.begin(), ps.end()));
int j = std::distance(ps.begin(), max_element(ps.begin(), ps.end()));
int maxI, maxJ;
fuzzy maxD = 0;
REPI(ignore, 2 * n) {
if (maxD < norm(ps[i] - ps[j])) {
maxD = norm(ps[i] - ps[j]);
maxI = i;
maxJ = j;
if (point(ps[i] - ps[(i + 1) % n]).cross(ps[(j + 1) % n] - ps[j]) <= 0)
j = (j + 1) % n;
i = (i + 1) % n;
return {maxI, maxJ};
// the signed area of a polygon
fuzzy area(points const &ps) {
fuzzy a = 0;
REPI(i, ps.size()) { a += ps[i].cross(ps[(i + 1) % ps.size()]); }
return a / 2;
// the centroid of polygon
point centroid(points const &ps) {
auto n = ps.size();
fuzzy aSum = 0;
point c;
REPI(i, n) {
fuzzy a = ps[i].cross(ps[(i + 1) % n]);
aSum += a;
c += (ps[i] + ps[(i + 1) % n]) * a;
return 1 / aSum / 3 * c;
// the voronoi cell
points voronoi_cell(point const &p, points const &ps, points const &outer) {
points cl{outer};
REPI(i, ps.size()) {
if (norm(ps[i] - p) == 0)
point h = (p + ps[i]) * 0.5;
cl = convex_cut(cl, h, h + (ps[i] - h) * point{0, 1});
return cl;
// Geometry graph theory
struct Edge {
int from, to;
fuzzy cost;
Edge(int from, int to, fuzzy cost) : from(from), to(to), cost(cost) {}
Edge(Edge const &old) : from(old.from), to(, cost(old.cost) {}
struct Graph {
int _n;
std::vector<std::vector<Edge>> edges;
Graph(int n) : _n(n), edges(n) {}
void addEdge(Edge const &e) {
if (!(0 <= e.from && e.from < _n && 0 <= && < _n)) {
throw std::out_of_range{""};
edges[].emplace_back(, e.from, e.cost);
// 線分アレンジメント
Graph segment_arrangement(std::vector<segment> const &segs, points const &ps) {
auto n = segs.size();
auto m = ps.size();
Graph gr(m);
std::vector<std::pair<fuzzy, int>> list;
REPI(i, n) {
REPI(j, m) {
if (segs[i].collide(ps[j]))
list.emplace_back(norm(segs[i].first - ps[j]), j);
sort(list.begin(), list.end());
REPI(j, list.size() - 1) {
int a = list[j].second;
int b = list[j + 1].second;
gr.addEdge(Edge(a, b, abs(ps[a] - ps[b])));
return gr;
Graph segment_arrangement(std::vector<segment> const &segs, points &ps) {
auto n = segs.size();
REPI(i, n) {
REPI(j, i) {
if (segs[i].collide(segs[j]))
sort(ps.begin(), ps.end());
ps.erase(unique(ps.begin(), ps.end()), ps.end());
return segment_arrangement(segs, const_cast<points const &>(ps));
inline void visibility_graph_impl(const points &ps,
const std::vector<points> &objs, size_t n,
Graph &gr, size_t i, size_t j) {
point a = ps[i], b = ps[j];
if (norm(a - b) != 0) {
FOR(const &obj, objs) {
int inStA = in_convex(a, obj);
int inStB = in_convex(b, obj);
if ((inStA ^ inStB) % 2 ||
(inStA * inStB != 1 && in_convex((a + b) * 0.5, obj) == 1))
REPI(l, obj.size()) {
point cur = obj[l];
point next = obj[(l + 1) % obj.size()];
if (segment{a, b}.collide(segment{cur, next}) &&
!segment{cur, next}.collide(a) && !segment{cur, next}.collide(b))
gr.addEdge(Edge(i, j, abs(a - b)));
// 可視グラフ(点集合から見える位置へ辺を張ったグラフ)
Graph visibility_graph(const points &ps, const std::vector<points> &objs) {
auto n = ps.size();
Graph gr(n);
REPI(i, n) {
REPI(j, i) { visibility_graph_impl(ps, objs, n, gr, i, j); }
return gr;
// Others
// 重複する線分を併合する
lines mergeSegments(lines &segs) {
auto n = segs.size();
REPI(i, n) {
if (segs[i].second < segs[i].first)
swap(segs[i].second, segs[i].first);
REPI(i, n) {
REPI(j, i) {
line &l1 = segs[i], &l2 = segs[j];
if (point{l1.second - l1.first}.cross(l2.second - l2.first) == 0 &&
l1.collide(l2.first) && l1.first.ccw(l1.second, l2.second) != 2 &&
l2.first.ccw(l2.second, l1.second) != 2) {
segs[j] =
line(std::min(l1.first, l2.first), std::max(l1.second, l2.second));
segs[i--] = segs[--n];
return segs;
#ifndef E_SMART_LIB_IO
#define E_SMART_LIB_IO
#include "lib_defs.hpp"
template <class T> T speedy_decimal_read() {
bool sign = false;
unsigned char c = '\0';
do {
c = getchar();
if (c == '-')
sign = true;
} while (!('0' <= c && c <= '9'));
T num = 0;
while ('0' <= c && c <= '9') {
num = num * 10 + (c - '0');
c = getchar();
return sign ? -num : num;
#endif // E_SMART_LIB_IO
#include <cmath>
static constexpr long double EPS = 1e-9;
struct fuzzy {
using value_type = double;
value_type v = 0;
fuzzy(value_type const &value) : v(value) {}
fuzzy(fuzzy const &src) : v(src.v) {}
operator value_type() const { return v; }
template <class T> fuzzy &operator=(T const &r) {
v = r;
return *this;
template <class T> fuzzy operator+(T const &r) const { return v + r; }
template <class T> fuzzy operator-(T const &r) const { return v - r; }
template <class T> fuzzy operator*(T const &r) const { return v * r; }
template <class T> fuzzy operator/(T const &r) const { return v / r; }
fuzzy operator+() const { return +v; }
fuzzy operator-() const { return -v; }
template <class T> fuzzy &operator+=(T const &r) {
v += r;
return *this;
template <class T> fuzzy &operator-=(T const &r) {
v -= r;
return *this;
template <class T> fuzzy &operator*=(T const &r) {
v *= r;
return *this;
template <class T> fuzzy &operator/=(T const &r) {
v /= r;
return *this;
fuzzy &operator++() {
return *this;
fuzzy &operator--() {
return *this;
fuzzy operator++(int) {
auto self = *this;
return self;
fuzzy operator--(int) {
auto self = *this;
return self;
template <class T> bool operator<(fuzzy const &r) { return v < r + EPS; }
template <class T> bool operator>(fuzzy const &r) { return v + EPS > r; }
template <class T> bool operator<=(fuzzy const &r) { return v + EPS >= r; }
template <class T> bool operator>=(fuzzy const &r) { return v <= r + EPS; }
template <class T> bool operator==(fuzzy const &r) {
return diff_abs(v, r) < EPS;
template <class T> bool operator!=(fuzzy const &r) {
return diff_abs(v, r) >= EPS;
bool signbit(fuzzy const &x) { return signbit(x.v); }
struct modl {
using value_type = long;
value_type v;
value_type mod;
modl(value_type const &modulo) : v(0), mod(modulo) {}
modl(value_type const &value, value_type const &modulo)
: v(value), mod(modulo) {}
operator value_type() const { return v; }
modl &operator=(modl const &r) {
v = r.v;
return *this;
template <class T> modl &operator=(T const &r) {
v = r;
return *this;
modl operator+() const { return {+v, mod}; }
modl operator-() const { return {-v, mod}; }
template <class T> modl operator+(T const &r) const {
return {static_cast<long long>(v) + r % mod, mod};
template <class T> modl operator-(T const &r) const {
return {static_cast<long long>(v) - r % mod, mod};
template <class T> modl operator*(T const &r) const {
return {static_cast<long long>(v) * r % mod, mod};
template <class T> modl operator/(T const &r) const {
return {static_cast<long long>(v) / r % mod, mod};
template <class T> modl operator%(T const &r) const {
return {static_cast<long long>(v) % r % mod, mod};
template <class T> modl &operator+=(T const &r) {
v += r;
return *this;
template <class T> modl &operator-=(T const &r) {
v -= r;
return *this;
template <class T> modl &operator*=(T const &r) {
v *= r;
return *this;
template <class T> modl &operator/=(T const &r) {
v /= r;
return *this;
template <class T> modl &operator%=(T const &r) {
v %= r;
return *this;
modl &operator++() {
return *this;
modl &operator--() {
return *this;
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