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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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Control Flow: if, elsif, else, unless...
# if/elsif/else:
if expression
# Do something. Otherwise do nothing and got to next section of code.
if expression
# Do something
# Do yet another thing. Default response.
if expression
# Do something
elsif expression
# Do something else
# Do yet another thing. Default response.
# unless:
# Sometimes you want to use control flow to check if something is false, rather than if it's true.
# Ruby will let you use an unless statement.
# Basically a short hand if statement. It will do whatever you ask unless the condition is true.
# unless syntax looks like this:
unless condition
# Do something!
# For unless, the "# Do something!" bit will execute if the condition evaluates to false.
hungry = false
unless hungry # Looks to see if expression is false.
puts "I'm writing Ruby programs!" # It does this if false.
puts "Time to eat!" # It does this if true.
#=> "I'm writing Ruby programs!"
power_on = true
unless power_on
puts "Start the car."
puts "Turn off the car."
#=> "Turn off the car."
problem = false
print "Good to go!" unless problem
#=> "Good to go!"
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