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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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Loops: while, until, & for
# The 'For' Loop:
# A while loop checks to see if a certain condition is true, and while it is, the loop keeps running.
# As soon as the condition stops being true, the loop stops! Beware infinite loops!
counter = 1
while counter < 11
puts counter
counter = counter + 1
#=> 1 2 3..10
# The "Until" Loop:
# The until loop is a complement to the while loop. It's sort of like a backwards while loop.
counter = 1
until counter > 10
puts counter
counter += 1
#=> 1 2 3..10
#The 'For' Loop
# Sometimes you do know how many times you'll be looping, however, and when that's the case, you'll want to use a for loop.
for variable in range #.. or ...
puts variable
for num in 1..10
puts num
#=> 1 2 3..10
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