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Last active January 8, 2024 18:13
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KP Liberation nice to know

How to edit presets etc

use full zeus in liberation (for logged in admin using ACE)

Ingame go to "Configure" then "Addon Options" then Scroll down and select "ACE ZEUS". There change the "Create Zeus" Menu to "Available for host.." Once in game ACE self interact and go to zeus --> enter zeus or sth Don't be in the commander slot at the same time

Flip sectors

by Marti#7989 Join server, open debug console, local execute the following script, click sector on the map that just popped up to flip, rinse and repeat

addMissionEventHandler ["MapSingleClick", {
    params ["", "_pos", "", ""];
    _marker = [allMapMarkers, _pos] call BIS_fnc_nearestPosition;
    if (_marker in sectors_allSectors) then {
        if (_marker in blufor_sectors) then {
            blufor_sectors = blufor_sectors - [_marker];
        } else {
            blufor_sectors = blufor_sectors + [_marker];
        publicVariable "blufor_sectors";
    removeMissionEventHandler ["MapSingleClick", _thisEventHandler];
    openMap [false, false];
openMap [true, true];

Building preview broken after porting map/editor


Thanks, I managed to fix it. I too moved the "ghost_spot" to flat land near the border of map. Maybe a update to the github wiki should be made to point out the fact, that the marker needs to be on land for it to work correctly

Whole mod list not being transferred (Setup Mods and join)

steamProtocolMaxDataSize = 10000; in your server.cfg

FOB Building disappeared


If your main FOB Building isn't there for Whatever reason, you need to activate Unlimited Zeus, place down a Building that is supposed to be your Main FOB Building, which by default should be the Green Container HQ Building. Then Restart your Server and you should be able to repackage it at the Building. I guess it's loaded on Mission init.

Deploy FOB from any object

aim at object and local execute this

    cursorObject addAction [
        ["<t color='#FFFF00'>", localize "STR_FOB_ACTION", "</t> <img size='2' image='res\ui_deployfob.paa'/>"] joinString "",
        "isNull (objectParent _this) && {!FOB_build_in_progress} && {player getVariable ['KPLIB_hasDirectAccess', false] || {[3] call KPLIB_fnc_hasPermission}} && {player getVariable ['KPLIB_isAwayFromStart', false]} && {!(surfaceIsWater getPos player)}",

FOB closer to Sector

in scripts/client/build/do_build_fob.sqf change minium distances

_minfobdist = 1000; //minimum distance to next FOB
_minsectordist = GRLIB_capture_size + GRLIB_fob_range; //minimum distance to next sector

Debug invisible objects on player

GRLIB_conflicting_objects local exec in debug menu

Disable collision detection on building

in scripts/build/do_build.sqf line 187/188 replace

_near_objects = _near_objects - _remove_objects;
_near_objects_25 = _near_objects_25 - _remove_objects_25;


_near_objects = [];
_near_objects_25 = [];

Find Attachto Coordinates


with the following extenions:

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