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Milek7/nwd.nut Secret

Created October 5, 2016 20:17
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require ("config.nut");
class NWD
p = null;
towns = null;
wait = null;
constructor (v)
p = v;
towns = [];
wait = 1;
function Init ()
GSLog.Info ("--------------------------------------");
GSLog.Info ("New World Disorder v0.1.5 - 22.07.2016");
GSLog.Info ("Design by LaChupacabra");
GSLog.Info ("Programming by Milek7");
GSLog.Info ("--------------------------------------");
GSLog.Info ("Initialization...");
local list = GSTownList ();
for (local v = list.Begin (); !list.IsEnd (); v = list.Next ())
towns.push (Town (v));
GSLog.Info ("OK!");
GSLog.Info ("--------------------------------------");
function AssignStation (station)
foreach (v in towns)
if (GSStation.GetDistanceManhattanToTile (station, GSTown.GetLocation (v.t)) < Config.StationDistance ||
GSStation.IsWithinTownInfluence (station, v.t))
function AssignIndustry (industry)
foreach (v in towns)
if (GSIndustry.GetDistanceManhattanToTile (industry, GSTown.GetLocation (v.t)) < Config.IndustryDistance ||
GSTile.IsWithinTownInfluence(GSIndustry.GetLocation (industry), v.t));
function OnLoop ()
if (wait)
wait = 31;
GSLog.Info ("--------------------------------------");
GSLog.Info ("Calculating...");
foreach (v in towns)
v.ComputeGrowth ();
GSLog.Info ("OK!");
GSLog.Info ("--------------------------------------");
function OnEvent (e)
switch (e.GetEventType ())
AssignStation (GSEventStationFirstVehicle.Convert (e).GetStationID ());
AssignIndustry (GSEventIndustryOpen.Convert (e).GetIndustryID ());
towns.push (Town (GSEventTownFounded.Convert (e).GetTownID ()));
class Town
t = null;
industries = null;
stations = null;
lasthouses = null;
lastvalues = null;
constructor (v)
t = v;
lasthouses = GSTown.GetHouseCount (t);
RebuildStationsList ();
RebuildIndustriesList ();
GSTown.SetGrowthRate (t, 0);
function RebuildStationsList ()
stations = [];
local list = GSStationList (GSStation.STATION_ANY);
for (local v = list.Begin (); !list.IsEnd (); v = list.Next ())
local distance = GSStation.GetDistanceManhattanToTile (v, GSTown.GetLocation (t));
if (distance < Config.StationDistance || GSStation.IsWithinTownInfluence (v, t))
stations.push (v);
function RebuildIndustriesList ()
industries = [];
local list = GSIndustryList ();
for (local v = list.Begin (); !list.IsEnd (); v = list.Next ())
local distance = GSIndustry.GetDistanceManhattanToTile (v, GSTown.GetLocation (t));
if (distance < Config.IndustryDistance || GSTile.IsWithinTownInfluence(GSIndustry.GetLocation (v), t))
industries.push (v);
function GetCategorizedCargo (station, provider, cargo)
local t = {};
t.intercity <- 0;
t.innercity <- 0;
local c = provider (station, cargo);
for (local x = c.Begin (); !c.IsEnd (); x = c.Next ())
if (station == x)
local inner = false;
foreach (z in stations)
if (z == x)
inner = true;
if (inner)
t.innercity += c.GetValue (x);
t.intercity += c.GetValue (x);
return t;
function ComputeGrowth ()
if (GSTown.GetHouseCount (t) > lasthouses + 10)
lasthouses = GSTown.GetHouseCount (t);
local values =
industry = 0
trade = 0
build = 0
transport = 0
transport_in = 0
transport_out = 0
foreach (k, v in stations)
if (!GSStation.IsValidStation (v))
stations.remove (k);
local c;
foreach (h, j in Config.TransportCargo)
c = GetCategorizedCargo (v, GSStationList_CargoPlannedByFrom, h);
values.transport_in += c.intercity * j;
c = GetCategorizedCargo (v, GSStationList_CargoPlannedByVia, h);
values.transport += c.innercity * j;
values.transport_out += c.intercity * j;
foreach (k, v in industries)
if (!GSIndustry.IsValidIndustry (v))
industries.remove (k);
local type = GSIndustry.GetIndustryType (v);
local produced = GSIndustryType.GetProducedCargo (type);
local accepted = GSIndustryType.GetAcceptedCargo (type);
for (local c = produced.Begin (); !produced.IsEnd (); c = produced.Next ())
local m;
m = 1;
if (c in Config.IndustryMultipier)
m = Config.IndustryMultipier[c];
values.industry += GSIndustry.GetLastMonthProduction (v, c) * m;
for (local c = accepted.Begin (); !accepted.IsEnd (); c = accepted.Next ())
local m, a;
m = 0;
if (c in Config.TradeCargoMultipier)
m = Config.TradeCargoMultipier[c];
a = MonitorIndustry (c, v) * m;
GSLog.Info("trade: " + GSIndustry.GetName(v) + ": " + c.tostring() + ", m:" + m.tostring() + ", v:" + a.tostring()); += a * m;
m = 0;
if (c in Config.BuildCargoMultipier)
m = Config.BuildCargoMultipier[c];
a = MonitorIndustry (c, v);
GSLog.Info("build: " + GSIndustry.GetName(v) + ": " + c.tostring() + ", m:" + m.tostring() + ", v:" + a.tostring()); += a * m;
local population = GSTown.GetPopulation (t);
local total_pax = values.transport + values.transport_in + values.transport_out;
local produced_pax = 0;
foreach (a, b in Config.TransportCargo)
produced_pax += GSTown.GetLastMonthProduction (t, a) * b;
values.industry = safediv(values.industry, 200.0 / 1000.0 * population); = safediv(, 100.0 / 1000.0 * population); = safediv(, 50.0 / 1000.0 * population);
values.transport = min(safediv(values.transport, total_pax) / 0.5, 1.0) * safediv(total_pax, produced_pax);
values.transport_inter <- safediv(values.transport_in, produced_pax) * 0.5
+ safediv(values.transport_out, produced_pax) * 0.5;
foreach (a, b in values)
if (b > 1.0)
values[a] = 1 + sqrt(b - 1.0) * 3.0;
if (lastvalues != null)
values[a] = lastvalues[a] + (b - lastvalues[a]) / 4.0;
lastvalues = values;
local total = (values.industry + + + values.transport + values.transport_inter) / 5.0;
local unemployment = max((1 - total) * 0.4, 0);
local growth = (200 - ((total - 0.25) * 1.33 * 200.0)).tointeger();
if (growth > 200)
if (growth < 1)
growth = 1;
GSTown.SetGrowthRate (t, growth);
GSTown.SetText (t, GSText (GSText.STR_INFO_WINDOW,
GetColor (1 - unemployment / 0.4), (unemployment * 100).tointeger(),
GetColor (values.transport), (values.transport * 100).tointeger(),
GetColor (values.transport_inter), (values.transport_inter * 100).tointeger(),
GetColor (100), (100).tointeger(),
GetColor (values.industry), (values.industry * 100).tointeger(),
GetColor (, ( * 100).tointeger(),
GetColor (, ( * 100).tointeger()));
function max (a, b)
if (a < b)
return b;
return a;
function min (a, b)
if (a > b)
return b;
return a;
function safediv (a, b)
if (b == 0)
return 1;
return a / b;
function GetColor (v)
if (v >= 0.75)
return GSText (GSText.STR_COLOR_OK);
if (v >= 0.25)
return GSText (GSText.STR_COLOR_MIDDLE);
return GSText (GSText.STR_COLOR_BAD);
function MonitorIndustry (cargo, industry) //terrible hack!
local r = 0;
for (local i = GSCompany.COMPANY_FIRST; i <= GSCompany.COMPANY_LAST; i++)
if (GSCompany.ResolveCompanyID (i) != GSCompany.COMPANY_INVALID)
r += GSCargoMonitor.GetIndustryDeliveryAmount (i, cargo, industry, true);
return r;
function Find (v, c)
foreach (x in v)
if (x == c)
return true;
return false;
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