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Created April 2, 2023 14:49
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Import pytorch model files (such as pytorch_model-00001-of-00006.bin) into the ggml format. Params.json (for llama 13B) included as example.
from sentencepiece import SentencePieceProcessor # type: ignore
import json, struct, os, re, zipfile, pickle, itertools, sys, enum, threading, concurrent.futures, argparse
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
from collections import namedtuple
from typing import Optional, Callable, Type, Any, Iterable, IO, Sequence, Union, TypeVar
from dataclasses import dataclass
NDArray = np.ndarray[Any, Any]
DataType = enum.Enum('DataType', ['F16', 'F32', 'I32', 'BF16', 'Q4_1'])
DATA_TYPE_TO_FTYPE: dict[DataType, int] = {
DataType.F32: 0,
DataType.F16: 1,
DataType.Q4_1: 3,
DATA_TYPE_TO_NUMPY: dict[DataType, Type[np.generic]] = {
DataType.F16: np.float16,
DataType.F32: np.float32,
DataType.I32: np.int32,
def make_tensors_list() -> list[str]:
ret = [
for i in range(80): # maximum number of layer
ret += [
return ret
TENSORS_LIST = make_tensors_list()
def always_want_f32(name: str) -> bool:
return (name.endswith('.attention_norm.weight') or
name.endswith('.ffn_norm.weight') or
name == 'norm.weight')
class Params:
n_vocab: int
n_embd: int
n_mult: int
n_head: int
n_layer: int
file_type: int
def guessed(model: 'LazyModel') -> 'Params':
n_vocab, n_embd = model["tok_embeddings.weight"].shape
return Params(
n_vocab = n_vocab,
n_embd = n_embd,
n_mult = 256,
n_head = n_embd // 128,
n_layer = next(i for i in itertools.count() if f"layers.{i}.attention.wq.weight" not in model),
file_type = Params.guess_file_type(model),
def guess_file_type(model: 'LazyModel') -> int:
name_to_type: dict[str, DataType] = {}
for name, tensor in model.items():
if always_want_f32(name):
assert tensor.data_type == DataType.F32, name
name_to_type[name] = tensor.data_type
types = set(name_to_type.values())
if len(types) == 1:
# All the same type.
return DATA_TYPE_TO_FTYPE[next(iter(types))]
# Could it be type 4?
if all(data_type == (DataType.F16 if name in ("tok_embeddings.weight", "output.weight")
else DataType.Q4_1)
for (name, data_type) in name_to_type.items()):
return 4
raise Exception(f"Unknown data types: {name_to_type}")
class Vocab:
def __init__(self, fname_tokenizer: Path, fname_added_tokens: Optional[Path]) -> None:
self.sentencepiece_tokenizer = SentencePieceProcessor(str(fname_tokenizer))
added_tokens: dict[str, int]
if fname_added_tokens is not None:
added_tokens = json.load(open(fname_added_tokens))
added_tokens = {}
vocab_size: int = self.sentencepiece_tokenizer.vocab_size()
expected_ids = list(range(vocab_size, vocab_size + len(added_tokens)))
actual_ids = sorted(added_tokens.values())
if expected_ids != actual_ids:
raise Exception(f"Expected added token IDs to be sequential and start at {len(added_tokens)}; got {actual_ids}")
items = sorted(added_tokens.items(), key=lambda text_idx: text_idx[1])
self.added_tokens_list = [text for (text, idx) in items]
self.vocab_size_base: int = vocab_size
self.vocab_size: int = self.vocab_size_base + len(self.added_tokens_list)
self.fname_tokenizer = fname_tokenizer
self.fname_added_tokens = fname_added_tokens
def sentencepiece_tokens(self) -> Iterable[tuple[bytes, float]]:
tokenizer = self.sentencepiece_tokenizer
for i in range(tokenizer.vocab_size()):
text: bytes
if tokenizer.is_unknown(i):
text = " \u2047 ".encode("utf-8")
elif tokenizer.is_control(i):
text = b""
elif tokenizer.is_byte(i):
piece = tokenizer.id_to_piece(i)
if len(piece) != 6:
raise Exception(f"Invalid token: {piece}")
byte_value = int(piece[3:-1], 16)
text = struct.pack("B", byte_value)
text = tokenizer.id_to_piece(i).replace("\u2581", " ").encode("utf-8")
score: float = tokenizer.get_score(i)
yield text, score
def added_tokens(self) -> Iterable[tuple[bytes, float]]:
for text in self.added_tokens_list:
score = -1000.0
yield text.encode("utf-8"), score
def all_tokens(self) -> Iterable[tuple[bytes, float]]:
yield from self.sentencepiece_tokens()
yield from self.added_tokens()
def dequantize_q4(qvalues_pack32: NDArray, scales: NDArray, addends: NDArray) -> NDArray:
# First reinterpret each row from a list of int32s containing 8 values each
# to a list of uint8s containing 2 values each.
qvalues_pack8 = qvalues_pack32.view(np.uint8)
# Then split out the two values per int8 (which requires an actual
# conversion because numpy doesn't natively support int4s).
qvalues = np.zeros([qvalues_pack8.shape[0], qvalues_pack8.shape[1] * 2], dtype=np.uint8)
qvalues[:, 0::2] = qvalues_pack8 & 0xf
qvalues[:, 1::2] = qvalues_pack8 >> 4
assert addends.shape == scales.shape
assert qvalues.shape[0] == scales.shape[0]
assert qvalues.shape[1] % scales.shape[1] == 0
repeat_count = qvalues.shape[1] // scales.shape[1]
scales = scales[:, :, np.newaxis]
addends = addends[:, :, np.newaxis]
# Reshape so that the below computation broadcasts over scales and addends:
qvalues.shape = (qvalues.shape[0], scales.shape[1], int(repeat_count))
# And do the actual 'value = scale * qvalue + addend' computation.
values = scales * qvalues
values += addends
values.shape = (values.shape[0], values.shape[1] * values.shape[2])
return values
class UnquantizedTensor:
def __init__(self, ndarray: NDArray) -> None:
assert isinstance(ndarray, np.ndarray)
self.ndarray = ndarray
def astype(self, dtype: Type[np.generic]) -> 'UnquantizedTensor':
return UnquantizedTensor(self.ndarray.astype(dtype))
def ggml_ndarray(self) -> NDArray:
return self.ndarray
def load_unquantized(lazy_tensor: 'LazyTensor', expected_dtype: Optional[Type[np.generic]] = None) -> NDArray:
tensor = lazy_tensor.load()
assert isinstance(tensor, UnquantizedTensor)
if expected_dtype is not None:
assert tensor.ndarray.dtype == expected_dtype, (tensor.ndarray.dtype, expected_dtype)
return tensor.ndarray
class QuantizedTensor:
def __init__(self, model: 'LazyModel', namebase: str, permute_n_head : Optional[int] = None) -> None:
qweight = load_unquantized(model[f"{namebase}.qweight"], np.int32)
scales = load_unquantized(model[f"{namebase}.scales"], np.float32)
bias = model.get(f"{namebase}.bias")
if bias is not None:
# Q4_1 does not support bias; good thing the bias is always all zeros.
assert not np.any(load_unquantized(bias))
if f"{namebase}.zeros" in model:
zeros = load_unquantized(model[f"{namebase}.zeros"], np.float32)
qzeros = load_unquantized(model[f"{namebase}.qzeros"], np.int32)
assert qzeros.dtype == np.int32
zeros = dequantize_q4(qzeros, scales, scales)
assert zeros.dtype == np.float32
assert zeros.shape == scales.shape
# Output is transposed compared to the input, and addends have their sign flipped.
# Scales and zeros similarly must be transposed but only for newer
# versions of GPTQ-for-LLaMa; the older versions can be identified by
# having shape (n_embd, 1).
qweight = qweight.T
if scales.shape[1] != 1:
scales = scales.T
zeros = zeros.T
# Output also has signs flipped for the addends.
self.qweight = qweight
self.scales = scales
self.addends = -zeros
self.shape = [self.qweight.shape[0], self.qweight.shape[1] * 8]
self.permute_n_head = permute_n_head
def inspect(self, row: int, col: int) -> None:
'''For debugging.'''
if self.permute_n_head is not None:
permute_group_size = self.qweight.shape[0] // self.permute_n_head
row_pg = row // permute_group_size
row_pgoff = row % permute_group_size
row_pgoff = (row_pgoff // 2) + (permute_group_size // 2) * (row_pgoff & 1)
row = row_pg * permute_group_size + row_pgoff
qweight = (self.qweight[row, col // 8] >> (4 * (col & 7))) & 0xf
group = int(col // self.groupsize())
scale = self.scales[row, group]
addend = self.addends[row, group]
with np.printoptions(precision=None, suppress=True):
print(f'scale:{scale} addend:{addend} qweight:{qweight}')
print('possible values:', np.arange(16) * scale + addend)
print('actual value:', qweight * scale + addend)
def astype(self, dtype: Type[np.generic]) -> UnquantizedTensor:
'''Also for debugging.'''
dequantized = dequantize_q4(np.ascontiguousarray(self.qweight), self.scales, self.addends)
if self.permute_n_head is not None:
old = dequantized
dequantized = permute(dequantized, self.permute_n_head)
return UnquantizedTensor(dequantized).astype(dtype)
def groupsize(self) -> int:
assert self.addends.shape == self.scales.shape
assert self.shape[1] % self.scales.shape[1] == 0
return self.shape[1] // self.scales.shape[1]
def regroup(self, new_groupsize: int = 32) -> None:
# Old versions of GPTQ-for-LLaMa shared scales and addends between all the
# columns in a row. Newer versions share them between every set of N
# columns in a row, where N is the `groupsize` parameter, usually 128. The
# output format shares them between every set of 32 columns. To handle
# this, duplicate scales and addends for every smaller group.
# (In the above, 'row' and 'column' are in the sense of the output.)
old_groupsize = self.groupsize()
assert old_groupsize >= new_groupsize and old_groupsize % new_groupsize == 0, old_groupsize
self.addends = self.addends.repeat(old_groupsize // new_groupsize, axis=1)
self.scales = self.scales.repeat(old_groupsize // new_groupsize, axis=1)
def ggml_ndarray(self) -> NDArray:
# The output format looks like this:
# For each row:
# For each group of 32 columns:
# - addend (float32, 4 bytes)
# - scale (float32, 4 bytes)
# - weights (int4 * 32, 16 bytes)
# Since the output format is mixed between integers and floats, we have
# to hackily view the floats as int32s just so numpy will let us
# concatenate them.
addends_view = self.addends.view(dtype=np.int32)[:, :, np.newaxis]
scales_view = self.scales.view(dtype=np.int32)[:, :, np.newaxis]
# Split into groups of 4 columns (i.e. 32 columns of quantized data):
grouped = self.qweight.reshape([self.qweight.shape[0], self.qweight.shape[1] // 4, 4])
# And concatenate:
grouped = np.concatenate([scales_view, addends_view, grouped], axis=2, casting='no')
if self.permute_n_head is not None:
grouped = permute(grouped, self.permute_n_head)
return grouped
Tensor = Union[QuantizedTensor, UnquantizedTensor]
def permute(weights: NDArray, n_head: int) -> NDArray:
return (weights.reshape(n_head, 2, weights.shape[0] // n_head // 2, *weights.shape[1:])
.swapaxes(1, 2)
class LazyTensor:
load: Callable[[], Tensor]
shape: Sequence[int]
data_type: DataType
def astype(self, data_type: DataType) -> 'LazyTensor':
dtype = DATA_TYPE_TO_NUMPY[data_type]
def load() -> Tensor:
return self.load().astype(dtype)
return LazyTensor(load, self.shape, data_type)
LazyModel = dict[str, LazyTensor]
def load_orig_llama_file(path: Path, first_model: LazyModel) -> LazyModel:
models = []
# Check for multi-file input
m = re.match(r'^(.*)\.[0-9]{2}\.pth$',
if m:
# Load other .pth files
base =
for i in itertools.count():
new_path = path.with_name(f"{base}.{i:02}.pth")
models.append(first_model if new_path == path else lazy_load_torch(new_path))
except FileNotFoundError:
print(f"Loaded original LLaMA model split into {len(models)} parts.")
# Original LLaMA models have each file contain one part of each tensor.
names = sorted(name for model in models for name in model)
combined: LazyModel = {}
for name in names:
lazy_tensors: list[LazyTensor] = [model[name] for model in models]
if len(lazy_tensors[0].shape) == 1:
# the tensor is just duplicated in every file
combined[name] = lazy_tensors[0]
if (name.startswith('tok_embeddings.') or
name.endswith('.attention.wo.weight') or
# split by columns
axis = 1
# split by rows
axis = 0
concatenated_shape = list(lazy_tensors[0].shape)
concatenated_shape[axis] = sum(tensor.shape[axis] for tensor in lazy_tensors)
def load(axis: int = axis, lazy_tensors: list[LazyTensor] = lazy_tensors) -> UnquantizedTensor:
ndarrays = [load_unquantized(tensor) for tensor in lazy_tensors]
concatenated: NDArray = np.concatenate(ndarrays, axis=axis)
return UnquantizedTensor(concatenated)
combined[name] = LazyTensor(load, concatenated_shape, lazy_tensors[0].data_type)
return combined
def permute_lazy(lazy_tensor: LazyTensor, n_head: int) -> LazyTensor:
def load() -> Tensor:
tensor = lazy_tensor.load()
if isinstance(tensor, UnquantizedTensor):
return UnquantizedTensor(permute(tensor.ndarray, n_head))
else: # QuantizedTensor
tensor.permute_n_head = n_head
return tensor
return LazyTensor(load, lazy_tensor.shape, lazy_tensor.data_type)
def convert_transformers_to_orig(model: LazyModel) -> LazyModel:
out: LazyModel = {}
out["tok_embeddings.weight"] = model["model.embed_tokens.weight"]
out["norm.weight"] = model["model.norm.weight"]
out["output.weight"] = model["lm_head.weight"]
n_head = model[f"model.layers.0.self_attn.q_proj.weight"].shape[1] // 128
for i in itertools.count():
if f"model.layers.{i}.self_attn.q_proj.weight" not in model:
out[f"layers.{i}.attention.wq.weight"] = permute_lazy(model[f"model.layers.{i}.self_attn.q_proj.weight"], n_head)
out[f"layers.{i}.attention.wk.weight"] = permute_lazy(model[f"model.layers.{i}.self_attn.k_proj.weight"], n_head)
out[f"layers.{i}.attention.wv.weight"] = model[f"model.layers.{i}.self_attn.v_proj.weight"]
out[f"layers.{i}.attention.wo.weight"] = model[f"model.layers.{i}.self_attn.o_proj.weight"]
out[f"layers.{i}.feed_forward.w1.weight"] = model[f"model.layers.{i}.mlp.gate_proj.weight"]
out[f"layers.{i}.feed_forward.w2.weight"] = model[f"model.layers.{i}.mlp.down_proj.weight"]
out[f"layers.{i}.feed_forward.w3.weight"] = model[f"model.layers.{i}.mlp.up_proj.weight"]
out[f"layers.{i}.attention_norm.weight"] = model[f"model.layers.{i}.input_layernorm.weight"]
out[f"layers.{i}.ffn_norm.weight"] = model[f"model.layers.{i}.post_attention_layernorm.weight"]
return out
def handle_quantization(model: LazyModel) -> LazyModel:
'''Convert a model with entries for 'foo.qweight', 'foo.scales', etc.
(which resolve to UnquantizedTensors with the raw data) to one with entries
for 'foo.weight' (whicih resolve to QuantizedTensors).
out: LazyModel = {}
for key, lazy_tensor in model.items():
if key.endswith(".qweight"):
namebase = key.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
orig_name = namebase + ".weight"
def load(model: LazyModel = model, namebase: str = namebase) -> Tensor:
return QuantizedTensor(model, namebase)
assert len(lazy_tensor.shape) == 2
real_shape = (lazy_tensor.shape[1], lazy_tensor.shape[0] * 8)
out[orig_name] = LazyTensor(load, real_shape, DataType.Q4_1)
out[key] = lazy_tensor
return out
def load_transformers_file(path: Path, first_model: LazyModel) -> LazyModel:
# Check for multi-file input
m = re.match(r'(.*)-[0-9]{5}-of-([0-9]{5})\.bin$',
if m:
base, count =, int(
paths = [path.with_name(f"{base}-{i:05}-of-{count:05}.bin") for i in range(1, count + 1)]
paths = [path]
print(f"Loaded 'transformers' model split into {len(paths)} parts.")
# Transformers models don't split an individual tensor into multiple parts,
# but do have multiple files with different sets of tensors.
joined: LazyModel = {}
for path in paths:
for key, tensor in lazy_load_torch(path).items():
if key in joined:
sys.stderr.write(f"Warning: multiple .bin files contained {key!r}\n")
joined[key] = tensor
return convert_transformers_to_orig(handle_quantization(joined))
# Functionality that simulates `torch.load` but where individual tensors are
# only loaded into memory on demand, not all at once.
# PyTorch can't do this natively as of time of writing:
# -
# This allows us to de-shard without multiplying RAM usage, and also
# conveniently drops the PyTorch dependency (though we still need numpy).
class LazyStorageKind:
data_type: DataType
class LazyStorage:
load: Callable[[int, int], NDArray]
kind: LazyStorageKind
class LazyUnpickler(pickle.Unpickler):
def __init__(self, fp: IO[bytes], data_base_path: str, zip_file: zipfile.ZipFile):
self.data_base_path = data_base_path
self.zip_file = zip_file
def persistent_load(self, pid: Any) -> Any:
assert pid[0] == 'storage'
assert isinstance(pid[1], LazyStorageKind)
data_type = pid[1].data_type
filename_stem = pid[2]
filename = self.data_base_path + '/' + filename_stem
info = self.zip_file.getinfo(filename)
def load(offset: int, elm_count: int) -> NDArray:
dtype = DATA_TYPE_TO_NUMPY.get(data_type)
if dtype is None:
raise Exception("tensor stored in unsupported format")
itemsize = dtype(0).itemsize
fp = * itemsize)
size = elm_count * itemsize
data =
assert len(data) == size
return np.frombuffer(data, dtype)
return LazyStorage(load=load, kind=pid[1])
def lazy_rebuild_tensor_v2(storage: Any, storage_offset: Any, size: Any, stride: Any, requires_grad: Any, backward_hooks: Any, metadata: Any = None) -> LazyTensor:
assert isinstance(storage, LazyStorage)
def load() -> UnquantizedTensor:
elm_count = stride[0] * size[0]
return UnquantizedTensor(storage.load(storage_offset, elm_count).reshape(size))
return LazyTensor(load, size, storage.kind.data_type)
CLASSES: dict[Any, Any] = {
('torch._utils', '_rebuild_tensor_v2'): lazy_rebuild_tensor_v2,
('torch', 'BFloat16Storage'): LazyStorageKind(DataType.BF16),
('torch', 'HalfStorage'): LazyStorageKind(DataType.F16),
('torch', 'FloatStorage'): LazyStorageKind(DataType.F32),
('torch', 'IntStorage'): LazyStorageKind(DataType.I32),
def find_class(self, module: str, name: str) -> Any:
if not module.startswith('torch'):
return super().find_class(module, name)
return self.CLASSES[(module, name)]
def lazy_load_torch(path: Path) -> LazyModel:
zf = zipfile.ZipFile(path)
pickle_paths = [name for name in zf.namelist() if name.endswith('.pkl')]
assert len(pickle_paths) == 1, pickle_paths
pickle_fp =[0], 'r')
unpickler = LazyUnpickler(pickle_fp,
data_base_path = pickle_paths[0][:-4],
zip_file = zf)
model = unpickler.load()
return dict(model.items())
In = TypeVar('In')
Out = TypeVar('Out')
def bounded_parallel_map(func: Callable[[In], Out], iterable: Iterable[In], concurrency: int) -> Iterable[Out]:
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
futures: list[concurrent.futures.Future[Out]] = []
items_rev = list(iterable)[::-1]
for i in range(min(concurrency, len(items_rev))):
futures.append(executor.submit(func, items_rev.pop()))
while futures:
result = futures.pop(0).result()
if items_rev:
futures.append(executor.submit(func, items_rev.pop()))
yield result
def check_vocab_size(params: Params, vocab: Vocab) -> None:
if params.n_vocab != vocab.vocab_size:
if params.n_vocab == vocab.vocab_size_base:
print("Ignoring added_tokens.json since model matches vocab size without it.")
vocab.added_tokens_list = []
vocab.vocab_size = vocab.vocab_size_base
msg = f"Vocab size mismatch (model has {params.n_vocab}, but {vocab.fname_tokenizer}"
if vocab.fname_added_tokens is not None:
msg += f" combined with {vocab.fname_added_tokens}"
msg += f" has {vocab.vocab_size})."
if vocab.vocab_size < params.n_vocab < vocab.vocab_size + 20 and vocab.fname_added_tokens is None:
msg += f" Most likely you are missing added_tokens.json (should be in {vocab.fname_tokenizer.parent})."
msg += f" Most likely added_tokens.json should not be present."
raise Exception(msg)
class OutputFile:
def __init__(self, fname_out: Path) -> None:
self.fout = open(fname_out, "wb")
def write_file_header(self, params: Params) -> None:
values = [
0x67676d66, # magic: ggmf in hex
1, # file version
params.n_embd // params.n_head, # rot (obsolete)
self.fout.write(struct.pack("i" * len(values), *values))
def write_tensor_header(self, name: str, shape: Sequence[int], data_type: DataType) -> None:
sname = name.encode('utf-8')
self.fout.write(struct.pack("iii", len(shape), len(sname), DATA_TYPE_TO_FTYPE[data_type]))
self.fout.write(struct.pack("i" * len(shape), *shape[::-1]))
def write_vocab(self, vocab: Vocab) -> None:
for text, score in vocab.all_tokens():
self.fout.write(struct.pack("i", len(text)))
self.fout.write(struct.pack("f", score))
def write_vocab_only(fname_out: Path, vocab: Vocab) -> None:
of = OutputFile(fname_out)
params = Params(n_vocab = vocab.vocab_size, n_embd = 0, n_mult = 0,
n_head = 1, n_layer = 0, file_type = 0)
of = OutputFile(fname_out)
def write_all(fname_out: Path, params: Params, model: LazyModel, vocab: Vocab) -> None:
check_vocab_size(params, vocab)
of = OutputFile(fname_out)
print(f"Writing vocab...")
ndarrays = bounded_parallel_map(lambda lazy_tensor: lazy_tensor.load().ggml_ndarray(), model.values(),
for i, ((name, lazy_tensor), ndarray) in enumerate(zip(model.items(), ndarrays)):
size = ' x '.join(map(str, lazy_tensor.shape))
print(f"[{i+1}/{len(model)}] Writing tensor {name}, size {size}...")
of.write_tensor_header(name, lazy_tensor.shape, lazy_tensor.data_type)
def do_necessary_conversions(model: LazyModel, convert_to_float16: bool) -> LazyModel:
out: LazyModel = model.copy()
if model["layers.0.attention.wq.weight"].data_type == DataType.Q4_1:
# GPTQ models may need F32->F16 for these tensors
for name in ["tok_embeddings.weight", "output.weight"]:
out[name] = out[name].astype(DataType.F16)
if convert_to_float16:
raise Exception("--convert-to-float16 is not useful with GPTQ models")
converted = 0
for name in out:
if always_want_f32(name):
out[name] = out[name].astype(DataType.F32)
elif convert_to_float16 and out[name].data_type == DataType.F32:
out[name] = out[name].astype(DataType.F16)
converted += 1
if convert_to_float16 and not converted:
raise Exception("This model is already float16 and cannot be converted.")
return out
def load_some_model(path: Path) -> tuple[LazyModel, Path]:
'''Load a model of either supported format; return the model and the path where it was found.'''
# Be extra-friendly and accept either a file or a directory:
if path.is_dir():
globs = ["consolidated.00.pth", "pytorch_model-00001-of-*.bin", "*.pt"]
files = [file for glob in globs for file in path.glob(glob)]
if not files:
raise Exception(f"Can't find model in directory {path}")
if len(files) > 1:
raise Exception(f"Found multiple models in {path}, not sure which to pick: {files}")
path = files[0]
model = lazy_load_torch(path)
if "tok_embeddings.weight" in model:
return load_orig_llama_file(path, model), path
return load_transformers_file(path, model), path
def filter_and_sort_tensors(model: LazyModel) -> LazyModel:
return {name: model[name] for name in TENSORS_LIST if name in model}
def load_vocab(path: Path) -> Vocab:
# Be extra-friendly and accept either a file or a directory. Also, if it's
# a directory, it might be the model directory, and tokenizer.model might
# be in the parent of that.
if path.is_dir():
path2 = path / "tokenizer.model"
# Use `.parent` instead of /.. to handle the symlink case better.
path3 = path.parent / "tokenizer.model"
if path2.exists():
path = path2
elif path3.exists():
path = path3
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Could not find tokenizer.model in {path} or its parent; try passing --vocab-dir")
added_tokens_path = path.parent / "added_tokens.json"
return Vocab(path, added_tokens_path if added_tokens_path.exists() else None)
def default_outfile(model_path: Path, params: Params) -> Path:
namestr = {0: "f32", 1: "f16", 3: "q4_1", 4: "q4_1"}[params.file_type]
return model_path.parent / f"ggml-model-{namestr}.bin"
def main() -> None:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Convert a LLaMa model to a GGML compatible file")
parser.add_argument("--vocab-only", action="store_true", help="extract only the vocab")
parser.add_argument("--convert-to-float16", action="store_true", help="convert float32 to float16")
parser.add_argument("--vocab-dir", type=Path, help="directory containing tokenizer.model, if separate from model file")
parser.add_argument("--outfile", type=Path, help="path to write to; default: based on input")
parser.add_argument("model", type=Path, help="directory containing model file, or model file itself (*.pth, *.pt, *.bin)")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.vocab_only:
vocab = load_vocab(args.vocab_dir or args.model)
assert args.outfile, "need --outfile if using --vocab-only"
OutputFile.write_vocab_only(args.outfile, vocab)
model, model_path = load_some_model(args.model)
vocab_dir = args.vocab_dir if args.vocab_dir else model_path.parent
vocab = load_vocab(vocab_dir)
model = filter_and_sort_tensors(model)
model = do_necessary_conversions(model, args.convert_to_float16)
params = Params.guessed(model)
outfile = args.outfile or default_outfile(model_path, params)
OutputFile.write_all(outfile, params, model, vocab)
print(f"Wrote {outfile}")
{"dim": 5120, "multiple_of": 256, "n_heads": 40, "n_layers": 40, "norm_eps": 1e-06, "vocab_size": -1}
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