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Created January 23, 2016 17:43
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Puppet defined type execution order issues
# IPnett defined type for a so called 'derived' static interface:
# It clones the settings of a master interface
# The master interface may or may not be managed automatically.
# The derived interface will change according to changes done to the
# master interface. Manual changes only: the derived interface will
# follow suit. Automatic changes: the derived interface will follow.
# $target_interface:
# - the interface to clone settings *to*
# $target_prefix:
# - the target prefix to replace in, in format 'a.b.c', i.e. the primrary 3
# ipv4 octets of a prefix
# $source_interface:
# - the interface to clone settings *from*
# $target_mtu:
# - a specific MTU setting, otherwise MTU is cloned
# $target_netmask:
# - a specific netmask for the target interface
# - default: netmask is taken from the source interface
# $target_lastdigit:
# - a specific last digit for the new interface,
# - by default, uses the last digit of the source interface's ipaddress
define ipnett::network::derived_static_if (
$target_interface = $title,
$target_mtu = undef,
$target_lastdigit = undef,
$target_netmask = undef,
$source_interface = 'eth0',
$soft_fail = false,
) {
if defined($target_interface) and $target_interface == $source_interface {
fail('Source and target interface cannot be the same')
if !has_interface_with($source_interface) {
fail('The source interface does not exist')
if !has_interface_with($target_interface) {
fail('The target interface does not exist')
if !is_ip_address("${target_prefix}.0") {
fail("target_prefix '${target_prefix}' specified in incorrect format")
if !defined($target_mtu) {
$target_mtu = getvar("mtu${::source_interface}")
if !defined($target_netmask) {
$target_netmask = getvar("netmask${::source_interface}")
if defined($target_lastdigit) and is_integer($target_lastdigit) {
$target_ipaddress = "${target_prefix}.${target_lastdigit}"
} else {
$source_ipaddress = getvar("ipaddress_${::source_interface}")
$target_ipaddress = regsubst($source_ipaddress,
'^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)', "${target_prefix}.\\4")
notice("target_ipaddress: ${target_ipaddress}")
::network::if::static {
ensure => 'up',
ipaddress => $target_ipaddress,
netmask => $target_netmask,
mtu => $target_mtu;
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