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Created January 23, 2017 10:34
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Get Type-Functor of Initial F-algebra in Scala
import scala.language.higherKinds
import shapeless._
import shapeless.ops.coproduct.IsCCons
import shapeless.ops.hlist.IsHCons
object PolyFunctor extends App {
trait TypeFunctor[F[_]] {
def map[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => B): F[B]
def pure[A](a: A): F[A] //for debug & test
override def toString: String = "type-functor"
trait PFunctor[T] {
type F[_]
def isPrimitive_? = false
def functor: TypeFunctor[F] //F is a functor
object PFunctor {
type Aux[T, H[_]] = PFunctor[T] {type F[A] = H[A]}
def apply[A](implicit pf: PFunctor[A]): PFunctor[A] = pf
//identify functor
type Id[A] = A
val idFunctor: TypeFunctor[Id] = new TypeFunctor[Id] {
def pure[A](a: A): Id[A] = a
def map[A, B](fa: Id[A])(f: (A) => B): Id[B] = f(fa)
override def toString = "I"
//constant functor
type Const[A, B] = A
def const[A, B](a: A, b: B): Const[A, B] = a
def constFunctor[T](default: T, tg: String = "[None]") =
new TypeFunctor[({type λ[α] = Const[T, α]})#λ] {
def pure[A](a: A): Const[T, A] = default
def map[A, B](fa: Const[T, A])(f: (A) => B): Const[T, B] = fa
override def toString = s"($tg <<)"
case class Pair[A, B](a: A, b: B) {
def outl = a
def outr = b
def mulFunctor[F[_]: TypeFunctor, G[_]: TypeFunctor] =
new TypeFunctor[({type λ[α] = Pair[F[α], G[α]]})#λ] {
val (f1, f2) = (implicitly[TypeFunctor[F]], implicitly[TypeFunctor[G]])
def pure[A](a: A): Pair[F[A], G[A]] = Pair(f1.pure(a), f2.pure(a))
def map[A, B](pa: Pair[F[A], G[A]])(f: (A) => B): Pair[F[B], G[B]] = {
// f x g = <f . outl, g . outr>
// Ff x Gf = <Ff . outl, Gf . outr> = <(map f) . outl, (map f) . outr>
override def toString = s"$f1 x $f2"
sealed trait DSum[A, B]
case class Inl[A, B](a: A) extends DSum[A, B]
case class Inr[A, B](b: B) extends DSum[A, B]
def sumFunctor[F[_]: TypeFunctor, G[_]: TypeFunctor] =
new TypeFunctor[({type λ[α] = DSum[F[α], G[α]]})#λ] {
val (f1, f2) = (implicitly[TypeFunctor[F]], implicitly[TypeFunctor[G]])
def pure[A](a: A): DSum[F[A], G[A]] = Inr[F[A], G[A]](f2.pure(a)) // ???
def map[A, B](fa: DSum[F[A], G[A]])(f: (A) => B): DSum[F[B], G[B]] = {
// f + g = [inl . f, inr . g]
// [f, g](inl a) = f a & [f, g](inr b) = g b
fa match {
case Inl(a) => Inl(
case Inr(b) => Inr(
override def toString = s"$f1 + $f2"
//to repr
//or use (implicit tg: scala.reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag[T])
def pFunctorOfConst[T](default: T, tg: String = "[None]"): PFunctor[T] = new PFunctor[T] {
type F[A] = Const[T, A]
override def functor = constFunctor[T](default, tg)
override def isPrimitive_? = true
implicit val intFunctor = pFunctorOfConst(0, "Int")
implicit val charFunctor = pFunctorOfConst(' ', "Char")
implicit val floatFunctor = pFunctorOfConst(0f, "Float")
implicit val unitFunctor = pFunctorOfConst((), "1")
//HList - product
implicit val hnilFunctor: PFunctor[HNil] = new PFunctor[HNil] {
type F[A] = Const[Unit, A]
override def functor = constFunctor[Unit]((), "1") //HNil iso ()
override def isPrimitive_? = true
//for H :: HNil
implicit def hlistFunctor[H](
hPFunctor: Lazy[PFunctor[H]],
tPFunctor: PFunctor[HNil]
): PFunctor[H :: HNil] =
if(!hPFunctor.value.isPrimitive_?) {
new PFunctor[H :: HNil] {
type F[A] = Id[A]
override def isPrimitive_? = true
override def functor = idFunctor
} else {
new PFunctor[H :: HNil] {
type F[A] = hPFunctor.value.F[A]
override def isPrimitive_? = true
override def functor = hPFunctor.value.functor
//for H :: T ^ T = Head :: Tail
implicit def hlistFunctor2[H, T <: HList, Head, Tail <: HList](
hPFunctor: Lazy[PFunctor[H]],
tPFunctor: PFunctor[T],
isHCons: IsHCons.Aux[T, Head, Tail]
): PFunctor[H :: T] =
if(!hPFunctor.value.isPrimitive_?) {
new PFunctor[H :: T] {
type P[A] = Id[A]
type G[A] = tPFunctor.F[A]
type F[A] = Pair[P[A], G[A]]
override def isPrimitive_? = false
override def functor: TypeFunctor[({type λ[α] = Pair[P[α], G[α]]})#λ] =
mulFunctor[P, G](idFunctor, tPFunctor.functor)
} else {
new PFunctor[H :: T] {
type P[A] = hPFunctor.value.F[A]
type G[A] = tPFunctor.F[A]
type F[A] = Pair[P[A], G[A]]
override def isPrimitive_? = false
override def functor: TypeFunctor[({type λ[α] = Pair[P[α], G[α]]})#λ] =
mulFunctor[P, G](hPFunctor.value.functor, tPFunctor.functor)
implicit def genericPFunctor[A, R](
gen: Generic.Aux[A, R],
pf: Lazy[PFunctor[R]] //e.g for all Int :: String :: HNil => (Int <<) x (String <<)
): PFunctor[A] =
new PFunctor[A] {
type F[X] = pf.value.F[X]
override def isPrimitive_? = pf.value.isPrimitive_?
override def functor = pf.value.functor
implicit val cnilPFunctor = new PFunctor[CNil] {
override def functor = throw new Exception("error")
implicit def coproductPFunctor[H, T <: Coproduct](
hPFunctor: Lazy[PFunctor[H]],
tPFunctor: PFunctor[T]
): PFunctor[H :+: CNil] =
new PFunctor[H :+: CNil] {
type F[A] = hPFunctor.value.F[A]
def functor = hPFunctor.value.functor
override def isPrimitive_? = true
implicit def coproductPFunctor2[H, T <: Coproduct, Head, Tail <: Coproduct](
hPFunctor: Lazy[PFunctor[H]],
tPFunctor: PFunctor[T],
isCCons: IsCCons.Aux[T, Head, Tail]
): PFunctor[H :+: T] =
new PFunctor[H :+: T] {
type P[A] = hPFunctor.value.F[A]
type G[A] = tPFunctor.F[A]
type F[A] = DSum[P[A], G[A]]
def functor = sumFunctor[P, G](hPFunctor.value.functor, tPFunctor.functor)
override def isPrimitive_? = false
import PFunctor._
//test type-functor
val r = => a + 1)
val r2 = constFunctor(1).map(1)((a : Int) => a + 1)
val r22 = constFunctor(1).map(constFunctor(1).pure(2))((a : Int) => a + 1)
implicit val idF = idFunctor
implicit val constIntF = constFunctor(1)
val Id_x_Int_<< = mulFunctor[Id, ({type λ[α] = Const[Int, α]})#λ]
val r3 = Id_x_Int_<<.map(PFunctor.Pair(1, 1))(a => a + 1)
val Id_sum_Int_<< = sumFunctor[Id, ({type λ[α] = Const[Int, α]})#λ]
val r4 = Id_sum_Int_<<.map(Inl(1))(a => a + 1)
val r5 = Id_sum_Int_<<.map(Inr[Int, Int](1))(a => a + 1)
println(r4, r5)
case class AX()
case class AXX(a: Int)
case class AXXX(a: Int, b: Char)
sealed trait Bool
case class True() extends Bool
case class False() extends Bool
val pf1 = PFunctor[AX]
println([pf1.F[Unit]])(a => a))
println( => a + 1))
val pf2 = PFunctor[AXX]
println([pf2.F[Int]])(a => a + 1))
println("1"))(a => a + 1))
val pf3 = PFunctor[AXXX]
println(pf1.isPrimitive_?, pf2.isPrimitive_?, pf3.isPrimitive_?)
val pf4 = PFunctor[Bool]
//test lexical order
val gb = Generic[Bool]
implicitly[gb.Repr =:= (False :+: True :+: CNil)]
println(pf1.functor, pf2.functor, pf3.functor, pf4.functor)
//test Nat
sealed trait Nat
case class Zero() extends Nat
case class Succ(n: Nat) extends Nat
val pf5 = PFunctor[Nat]
println(pf5.isPrimitive_?, pf5.functor)
println( => a + 1))
//test list
sealed trait List[+T]
case class Cons[T](hd: T, tl: List[T]) extends List[T]
sealed trait Nil extends List[Nothing]
case object Nil extends Nil
val pf6 = PFunctor[List[Char]]
println(pf6.isPrimitive_?, pf6.functor)
//test Expr
sealed trait Expr
case class AConst(i: Int) extends Expr
case class Add(expr1: Expr, expr2: Expr) extends Expr
case class Mul(expr1: Expr, expr2: Expr) extends Expr
val pf7 = PFunctor[Expr]
println(pf7.isPrimitive_?, pf7.functor)
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