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Last active April 11, 2018 23:27
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Bloxorz for Fable REPL (
namespace Bloxorz
module BFS =
open System.Collections.Generic
type Queue<'a>(values: 'a seq) =
let values = ResizeArray(values)
member x.Count = values.Count
member x.Enqueue value = values.Add(value)
member x.Dequeue () = let result = values.[0] in values.RemoveAt(0); result
let bfs idof fanout node =
let queue = Queue([node])
let visited = HashSet()
// DSL
let enqueue = queue.Enqueue
let dequeue = queue.Dequeue
let empty () = queue.Count = 0
let mark = idof >> visited.Add >> ignore
let test = idof >> visited.Contains >> not
// algorithm
seq {
while not (empty ()) do
let current = dequeue ()
mark current
yield current
current |> fanout |> Seq.filter test |> Seq.iter enqueue
let trace traverse idof fanout node =
let node' = (node, [])
let idof' (node, _) = idof node
let fanout' (node, actions) =
node |> fanout |> (fun (n, a) -> (n, a :: actions))
traverse idof' fanout' node'
module Domain =
open BFS
type Position = int * int
type Bloxor = Position * Position
type Move = | North | East | South | West
type Path = Bloxor * Move list
type World = { A: Position; B: Position; IsValid: Position -> bool }
let infiniteWorld a b = { A = a; B = b; IsValid = fun _ -> true }
let makeBloxor (position: Position): Bloxor = (position, position)
let (|IsStanding|IsHorizontal|IsVertical|) (bloxor: Bloxor) =
let ((ax, ay), (bx, by)) = bloxor
match bx - ax, by - ay with
| 0, 0 -> IsStanding
| 1, 0 -> IsHorizontal
| 0, 1 -> IsVertical
| _ -> failwithf "Invalid bloxor (%d,%d) (%d,%d)" ax ay bx by
let moveBloxor (bloxor: Bloxor) (direction: Move): Bloxor =
let shiftX x1 x2 ((ax, ay), (bx, by)) = (ax + x1, ay), (bx + x2, by)
let shiftY y1 y2 ((ax, ay), (bx, by)) = (ax, ay + y1), (bx, by + y2)
let move =
match bloxor, direction with
| IsStanding, North -> shiftY -2 -1
| IsStanding, East -> shiftX 1 2
| IsStanding, South -> shiftY 1 2
| IsStanding, West -> shiftX -2 -1
| IsHorizontal, North -> shiftY -1 -1
| IsHorizontal, East -> shiftX 2 1
| IsHorizontal, South -> shiftY 1 1
| IsHorizontal, West -> shiftX -1 -2
| IsVertical, North -> shiftY -1 -2
| IsVertical, East -> shiftX 1 1
| IsVertical, South -> shiftY 2 1
| IsVertical, West -> shiftX -1 -1
move bloxor
let solveWorld (world: World): Move list option =
// DSL
let isValid (a, b) = world.IsValid a && world.IsValid b
let isFinal (a, b) = a = world.B && b = world.B
let validMoves bloxor =
[North; South; East; West]
|> (fun direction -> (moveBloxor bloxor direction, direction))
|> Seq.filter (fun (bloxor, _) -> isValid bloxor)
// action!
let node = makeBloxor world.A
let idof ((ax, ay), (bx, by)) = sprintf "%d.%d.%d.%d" ax ay bx by
let fanout = validMoves
trace bfs idof fanout node |> Seq.tryFind (fst >> isFinal) |> (snd >> List.rev)
let parseWorld lines =
let map =
|> Seq.mapi (fun y l -> l |> Seq.mapi (fun x c -> (x, y), c))
|> Seq.collect id
|> Map.ofSeq
let a = map |> Map.findKey (fun _ c -> c = 'A')
let b = map |> Map.findKey (fun _ c -> c = 'B')
let valid k = map |> Map.tryFind k |> Option.filter (fun c -> c <> ' ') |> Option.isSome
{ A = a; B = b; IsValid = valid }
module Main =
open Fable.Import
open Fable.Core.JsInterop
open Domain
open Fable
let window = Browser.window
let element name = Browser.document.getElementById(name)
let canvas = element("canvas") :?> Browser.HTMLCanvasElement
let start = element("start") :?> Browser.HTMLButtonElement
let load1 = element("load1") :?> Browser.HTMLButtonElement
let load2 = element("load2") :?> Browser.HTMLButtonElement
let context = canvas.getContext_2d()
let resize () =
canvas.width <- window.innerWidth
canvas.height <- window.innerHeight
let drawBloxor (x, y) (color: string) =
context.fillStyle <- !^ color
context.fillRect (float (x * 22 + 8), float (y * 22 + 8), 21., 21.)
let drawWorld (world: World) =
for x = 0 to 100 do
for y = 0 to 100 do
let p = (x, y)
let color =
if not (world.IsValid p) then "black"
elif p = world.A then "green"
elif p = world.B then "red"
else "grey"
drawBloxor (x, y) color
let animate paint (states: 'state seq) =
let enumerator = states.GetEnumerator ()
let rec action () =
if enumerator.MoveNext () then
paint enumerator.Current
window.setTimeout (action, 1000) |> ignore
action ()
let paint world bloxor =
printfn "%A" bloxor
drawWorld world
let a, b = bloxor
drawBloxor a "blue"
drawBloxor b "blue"
let world1 =
" xxxxxxx"
"xxxx xxx xx"
"xxxxxxxxx xxxx"
"xAxx xxBx"
"xxxx xxxx"
" xxx"
] |> Domain.parseWorld
let world2 =
" xxxxxxxxx"
" xxBxx"
" xxx"
] |> Domain.parseWorld
let mutable world = world1
let solve world =
|> Domain.solveWorld
|> Option.defaultValue []
|> List.scan (Domain.moveBloxor) (Domain.makeBloxor world.A)
window.addEventListener_load (fun _ -> printf "Loaded"; resize (); drawWorld world; null)
window.addEventListener_resize (fun _ -> printf "Resized"; resize (); drawWorld world; null)
load1.addEventListener_click (fun _ -> printf "World 1"; world <- world1; resize (); drawWorld world; null)
load2.addEventListener_click (fun _ -> printf "World 2"; world <- world2; resize (); drawWorld world; null)
start.addEventListener_click (fun _ -> printf "Clicked"; world |> solve |> animate (paint world); null)
resize ()
drawWorld world
<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'>
body { margin: 0; width: 100%; position: relative; }
#canvas { background-color: black; height: 100vh; width: 100%; display: block; }
#buttons { position: fixed; bottom: 8px; right: 8px; }
#buttons button { padding: 8px; }
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
<div id="buttons">
<button id="load1">World 1</button>
<button id="load2">World 2</button>
<button id="start">Start</button>
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MiloszKrajewski commented Apr 11, 2018

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