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Last active March 20, 2017 01:15
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using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
namespace Pocket.Logging
public static class LoggerFactoryExtensions
public static ILogger Logger(this ILoggerFactory factory) =>
factory.Logger(new StackTrace().GetFrame(1).GetMethod().DeclaringType);
public static ILogger Logger(this ILoggerFactory factory, Type type) =>
public static ILogger Logger<T>(this ILoggerFactory factory) =>
public static class LoggerExtensions
public static void Log(
this ILogger logger, Severity severity, string message) =>
logger.Log(severity, () => message);
public static void Log(
this ILogger logger, Severity severity, string pattern, params object[] args) =>
logger.Log(severity, () => string.Format(pattern, args));
public static void Log(
this ILogger logger, Severity severity, Exception error) =>
logger.Log(severity, error.ToString);
using System;
namespace Pocket.Logging
public enum Severity
Trace, Debug, Info, Warn, Error, Fatal
public interface ILogger
void Log(Severity severity, Func<string> builder);
public interface ILoggerFactory
ILogger Logger(string name);
using System;
namespace Pocket.Logging
public static class MoreLoggerExtensions
#region Trace
public static void Trace(this ILogger logger, string message) =>
logger.Log(Severity.Trace, message);
public static void Trace(this ILogger logger, Func<string> builder) =>
logger.Log(Severity.Trace, builder);
public static void Trace(
this ILogger logger, string pattern, params object[] args) =>
logger.Log(Severity.Trace, pattern, args);
public static void Trace(this ILogger logger, Exception error) =>
logger.Log(Severity.Trace, error);
#region Debug
public static void Debug(this ILogger logger, string message) =>
logger.Log(Severity.Debug, message);
public static void Debug(this ILogger logger, Func<string> builder) =>
logger.Log(Severity.Debug, builder);
public static void Debug(
this ILogger logger, string pattern, params object[] args) =>
logger.Log(Severity.Debug, pattern, args);
public static void Debug(this ILogger logger, Exception error) =>
logger.Log(Severity.Debug, error);
#region Info
public static void Info(this ILogger logger, string message) =>
logger.Log(Severity.Info, message);
public static void Info(this ILogger logger, Func<string> builder) =>
logger.Log(Severity.Info, builder);
public static void Info(
this ILogger logger, string pattern, params object[] args) =>
logger.Log(Severity.Info, pattern, args);
public static void Info(this ILogger logger, Exception error) =>
logger.Log(Severity.Info, error);
#region Warn
public static void Warn(this ILogger logger, string message) =>
logger.Log(Severity.Warn, message);
public static void Warn(this ILogger logger, Func<string> builder) =>
logger.Log(Severity.Warn, builder);
public static void Warn(
this ILogger logger, string pattern, params object[] args) =>
logger.Log(Severity.Warn, pattern, args);
public static void Warn(this ILogger logger, Exception error) =>
logger.Log(Severity.Warn, error);
#region Error
public static void Error(this ILogger logger, string message) =>
logger.Log(Severity.Error, message);
public static void Error(this ILogger logger, Func<string> builder) =>
logger.Log(Severity.Error, builder);
public static void Error(
this ILogger logger, string pattern, params object[] args) =>
logger.Log(Severity.Error, pattern, args);
public static void Error(this ILogger logger, Exception error) =>
logger.Log(Severity.Error, error);
#region Fatal
public static void Fatal(this ILogger logger, string message) =>
logger.Log(Severity.Fatal, message);
public static void Fatal(this ILogger logger, Func<string> builder) =>
logger.Log(Severity.Fatal, builder);
public static void Fatal(
this ILogger logger, string pattern, params object[] args) =>
logger.Log(Severity.Fatal, pattern, args);
public static void Fatal(this ILogger logger, Exception error) =>
logger.Log(Severity.Fatal, error);
<#@ template debug="false" hostspecific="false" language="C#" #>
<#@ assembly name="System.Core" #>
<#@ output extension=".cs" #>
using System;
namespace Pocket.Logging
public static class MoreLoggerExtensions
<# foreach (var level in new[] { "Trace", "Debug", "Info", "Warn", "Error", "Fatal" }) { #>
#region <#= level #>
public static void <#= level #>(this ILogger logger, string message) =>
logger.Log(Severity.<#= level #>, message);
public static void <#= level #>(this ILogger logger, Func<string> builder) =>
logger.Log(Severity.<#= level #>, builder);
public static void <#= level #>(
this ILogger logger, string pattern, params object[] args) =>
logger.Log(Severity.<#= level #>, pattern, args);
public static void <#= level #>(this ILogger logger, Exception error) =>
logger.Log(Severity.<#= level #>, error);
<# LF(level != "Fatal"); } #>
<#+ void LF(bool condition = true) { if (condition) WriteLine(""); } #>
using System;
using NLog;
namespace Pocket.Logging.OO.NLog
public class NLogLoggerFactory: ILoggerFactory
public ILogger Logger(string name) =>
new NLogLogger(LogManager.GetLogger(name));
public class NLogLogger: ILogger
private readonly Logger _logger;
public NLogLogger(Logger logger) { _logger = logger; }
public void Log(Severity severity, Func<string> builder)
var level = ToLogLevel(severity);
if (_logger.IsEnabled(level))
_logger.Log(level, builder());
private static LogLevel ToLogLevel(Severity severity)
switch (severity)
case Severity.Trace: return LogLevel.Trace;
case Severity.Debug: return LogLevel.Debug;
case Severity.Info: return LogLevel.Info;
case Severity.Warn: return LogLevel.Warn;
case Severity.Error: return LogLevel.Error;
case Severity.Fatal: return LogLevel.Fatal;
default: return LogLevel.Off;
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