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Created March 13, 2023 08:58
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  • Save MinSomai/476c88d6f23e2b3dad3f0a8c72b6af88 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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ok: false,
code: 'CDM',
remark: 'Release not (yet) matched.',
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'Terminal has received duplicate pre-notifications for this container',
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eta: '2023-03-07T14:15:22Z',
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type: 'AVAILABLE',
ok: false,
code: 'COA',
remark: 'Container not (yet) present at the terminal.',
type: 'BLOCKED',
ok: false,
code: 'BLT',
remark: 'Release not (yet) matched.',
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remark: 'Release not (yet) matched.',
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zipCode: '4782 SK',
phoneNumber: '0858902890',
contact: 'Dave Lanser',
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type: 'roadVoyage',
modality: 'road',
type: 'VOYAGE',
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triggeredByRecipient: false,
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