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Created February 25, 2024 19:16
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base64 encode/decode in MiniScript (Mini Micro exclusive)
// base64 in MiniScript
// by minerobber
// Mini Micro-exclusive (uses RawData)
// use base64.encode/decode for standard base64
// also supports variants (use .encode/decode on variants):
// - standard (A-Za-z0-9+/; base64.standard)
// - URL (A-Za-z0-9-_; base64.url)
// - B64 (crypt/GEDCOM; ./0-9A-Za-z; base64.b64/crypt/gedcom)
// - bcrypt (./A-Za-z0-9; base64.bcrypt)
// - bash base64 literals (0-9A-Za-z@_; base64.bash)
// Helper functions: shiftLeft, shiftRight
shiftLeft = function(n, places)
return bitAnd(floor(n)*(2^places),255)
end function
shiftRight = function(n, places)
return floor(n/(2^places))
end function
encoding = {}
// alphabet
encoding.alphabet = ""
// encode with padding
encoding.pad = true
// encodes up to 3 bytes into up to 4 characters
encoding._encode = function(b1,b2=-1,b3=-1)
if b2==-1 and b3==-1 then // only 1 byte to encode
c1 = shiftRight(b1,2)
c2 = shiftLeft(bitAnd(b1,3),4)
r = self.alphabet[c1]+self.alphabet[c2]
if self.pad then
r += "=="
end if
return r
else if b3==-1 then
c1 = shiftRight(b1,2)
c2 = shiftLeft(bitAnd(b1,3),4)+shiftRight(b2,4)
c3 = shiftLeft(bitAnd(b2,15),2)
r = self.alphabet[c1]+self.alphabet[c2]+self.alphabet[c3]
if self.pad then
r += "="
end if
return r
c1 = shiftRight(b1,2)
c2 = shiftLeft(bitAnd(b1,3),4)+shiftRight(b2,4)
c3 = shiftLeft(bitAnd(b2,15),2)+shiftRight(b3,6)
c4 = bitAnd(b3,63)
return self.alphabet[c1]+self.alphabet[c2]+self.alphabet[c3]+self.alphabet[c4]
end if
end function
// decodes up to 4 characters into up to 3 bytes
encoding._decode = function(chunk)
chunk = chunk[:4]
while chunk[-1]=="="; chunk = chunk[:-1]; end while
if chunk.len<2 then return []
if chunk.len==2 then
c1 = self.alphabet.indexOf(chunk[0])
c2 = self.alphabet.indexOf(chunk[1])
if not (c1!=null and c2!=null) then return []
b1 = shiftLeft(c1,2)+shiftRight(c2,4)
return [b1]
else if chunk.len==3 then
c1 = self.alphabet.indexOf(chunk[0])
c2 = self.alphabet.indexOf(chunk[1])
c3 = self.alphabet.indexOf(chunk[2])
if not (c1!=null and c2!=null and c3!=null) then return []
b1 = shiftLeft(c1,2)+shiftRight(c2,4)
b2 = shiftLeft(bitAnd(c2,15),4)+shiftRight(c3,2)
return [b1, b2]
else if chunk.len==4 then
c1 = self.alphabet.indexOf(chunk[0])
c2 = self.alphabet.indexOf(chunk[1])
c3 = self.alphabet.indexOf(chunk[2])
c4 = self.alphabet.indexOf(chunk[3])
if not (c1!=null and c2!=null and c3!=null and c4!=null) then return []
b1 = shiftLeft(c1,2)+shiftRight(c2,4)
b2 = shiftLeft(bitAnd(c2,15),4)+shiftRight(c3,2)
b3 = shiftLeft(bitAnd(c3,3),6)+c4
return [b1, b2, b3]
end if
end function
// encode RawData to base64
encoding.encode = function(data)
i = 0
r = ""
while (i+2)<data.len
b1 = data.byte(i)
b2 = data.byte(i+1)
b3 = data.byte(i+2)
r += self._encode(b1,b2,b3)
i += 3
end while
if (i+1)<data.len then
r += self._encode(data.byte(i),data.byte(i+1))
else if i<data.len then
r += self._encode(data.byte(i))
end if
return r
end function
// decode base64 to RawData
encoding.decode = function(b64)
clean = ""
for c in b64
if self.alphabet.indexOf(c)!=null or c=="=" then clean+=c
end for
ret = new RawData
i = 0
j = 0
while i<clean.len
bytes = self._decode(clean[i:i+4])
ret.resize ret.len+bytes.len
for byte in bytes
ret.setByte j, byte
j += 1
end for
i += 4
end while
return ret
end function
_alph6263 = function(c62,c63)
return "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"+c62+c63
end function
// RFC 4648 section 4 - base64 standard/common
standard = new encoding
standard.alphabet = _alph6263("+","/")
common = standard
// RFC 4648 section 5 - base64 url
url = new encoding
url.alphabet = _alph6263("-","_")
// B64 - used by crypt, GEDCOM
b64 = new encoding
b64.alphabet = "./0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
b64.pad = false
crypt = b64
gedcom = b64
// bcrypt - different alphabet but same idea
bcrypt = new b64
bcrypt.alphabet = "./ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"
// bash - completely different alphabet (why? I dunno)
bash = new encoding
bash.alphabet = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ@_"
// default to encoding/decoding standard base64
encode = function(data); return standard.encode(data); end function
decode = function(b64); return standard.decode(b64); end function
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