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Last active July 23, 2024 10:41
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Save Ming-Tang/585409 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Topological sort in F#
module DirectedGraphs
open System
open System.IO
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
type Conn<'a when 'a : comparison> = 'a * 'a
type Graph<'a when 'a : comparison> = 'a Set * 'a Conn Set
let eq = (=)
let incomings (vertices, conns) vertex = Set.filter (snd >> eq vertex) conns
let outgoings (vertices, conns) vertex = Set.filter (fst >> eq vertex) conns
let connections graph conn = outgoings graph conn |> Set.union <| incomings graph conn
let isEnd graph vertex =
let ins = incomings graph vertex
let outs = outgoings graph vertex
ins = Set.empty || outs = Set.empty
let isDeadEnd graph = outgoings graph >> eq Set.empty
let removeBadConns (vertices, conns) =
|> Set.filter (fun (x, y) -> (x |> Set.contains <| vertices) &&
(y |> Set.contains <| vertices)))
let findDeadEnds graph =
let vertices, conns = graph
isDeadEnd graph |> Set.filter <| vertices
let removeVertices p graph = fst graph |> Set.filter (p graph >> not), snd graph
// doesn't work on fsi: compiler bug related to generic tuples
let rec removeEnds graph =
let g2 = removeBadConns <| removeVertices isEnd graph
let v1, v2 = fst graph, fst g2
if v2.Count = v1.Count then
id graph
removeEnds g2
let updateVertex (vertices, conns) v1 v2 = (fun x -> if x = v1 then v2 else x) vertices, (fun (x, y) -> (if x = v1 then v2 else x),
(if y = v1 then v2 else y)) conns
let removeVertex (vertices, conns) v =
Set.filter (fun x -> x <> v),
Set.filter (fun (x, y) -> not(x = v || y = v))
let hasCycles =
>> (eq (Set.empty, Set.empty))
>> not
let label graph =
if hasCycles graph then failwith "Graph has cycles: No solution."
let rec label' graph n (disabledVertices, disabledConns) =
let vertices, conns = graph
let deadEnds = findDeadEnds graph
let inDeadEnds x = Set.contains x deadEnds
let bail x = failwith "Node #%A is already filled."
if deadEnds = Set.empty then
(vertices |> Set.union <| disabledVertices),
(conns |> Set.union <| disabledConns)
let disabledVertices', vertices =
Set.partition inDeadEnds vertices
let disabledVertices' = (fun (x, a) -> match a with
| None -> x, Some(n)
| _ -> bail x) disabledVertices'
let disabledConns', conns =
|> Set.partition (fun (x, y) -> inDeadEnds x || inDeadEnds y)
let graph1 = vertices, conns
let disabled = (disabledVertices |> Set.union <| disabledVertices'),
(disabledConns |> Set.union <| disabledConns')
label' graph1 (n + 1) disabled
label' graph 1 (Set.empty, Set.empty)
|> (fun (vertices, conns) ->
let update v =
match v with
| x, None ->
let _, v1 = Seq.find (fun (y, _) -> y = x) vertices
x, v1
| _ -> v
vertices, (fun (a, b) -> update a, update b) conns
let vertexset = (fun x -> x, None) >> Set.ofList
let conns = (fun (x, y) -> (x, (None : int option)), (y, None)) >> Set.ofList
let graph =
seq {
let rxClass = new Regex(@"^(\w+)\s*$")
let rxPrereq = new Regex(@"^\s+(\w+)\s*$")
use sr = new StreamReader(Console.OpenStandardInput())
while not sr.EndOfStream do
let line = sr.ReadLine()
let mat = rxClass.Match(line)
if mat.Success then
let cls = mat.Groups.[1].Value
yield Some(cls), None
let looping = ref true
while not(sr.EndOfStream) && (!looping) do
let line = sr.ReadLine()
let mat = rxPrereq.Match(line)
if mat.Success then
yield Some(cls), Some(mat.Groups.[1].Value)
looping := false
|> Set.ofSeq
|> Set.partition (fun (x, y) -> not y.IsSome)
|> (fun (vs, cs) -> (fun (Some(x), _) -> x, None) vs, (fun (Some(x), Some(y)) -> (x, None), (y, None)) cs
let vertices, connections = label graph
printfn "Vertices: "
|> Set.toSeq
|> Seq.sortBy (fun (_, Some(x)) -> x)
|> Seq.iter (fun (x, Some(y)) -> printfn " - %s = %d" x y)
printfn "Connections: "
|> Set.toSeq
|> Seq.sortBy (fun ((x, _), _) -> x)
|> Seq.iter (fun ((x, _), (y, _)) -> printfn " - %s -> %s" x y)
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