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Created December 20, 2010 19:45
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  • Save Ming-Tang/748885 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Ming-Tang/748885 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Generates quasi-nonsense words by learning from a sample file.
$ fsc markov.fs
$ [mono] markov.exe
Load a file and output in pauses
$ (echo "init <FILE>.txt"; for i in `seq 1 100000`; do echo $i; sleep 0.2; done; echo exit) | [mono] markov.exe
open System
open System.IO
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
let row (a : 'a[,]) n =
a.[n..n, 0..]
|> (fun arr -> Array.init (Array2D.length2 arr) (fun i -> arr.[0, i]))
let chains n (s : 'a[]) =
let a = Array.init (s.Length + 1 - n) (fun x -> Array.zeroCreate<'a> n)
for i = 0 to s.Length - n do
for j = 0 to n - 1 do
a.[i].[j] <- s.[i + j]
let mutable order = 1
let mutable data : string[] = [| |]
let mutable length = 0
let mutable states = 0
let mutable words = 0
let mutable lookupTable : int[][] = [| |]
let mutable wordTable : string[] = [| |]
let mutable datai : int[] = [| |]
let mutable chain : int[][] = Array.zeroCreate<int[]> 1
let mutable matrix : int[,] = Array2D.zeroCreate<int> 1 1
let mutable sums = Array.zeroCreate<int> 1
let mutable initials : int list = [ ]
let index (ms : int[]) =
Array.findIndex ((=) ms) lookupTable
let rand = new Random()
let randState id =
let sum = sums.[id]
let mutable r = rand.Next(sum)
let mutable i = 0
let mutable o = 0
let mutable cont = true
while cont do
o <- o + matrix.[id, i]
if matrix.[id, i] <> 0 && o >= r then
cont <- false
if i = words - 1 then cont <- false
else i <- i + 1
i - 1
let initialize (dt : string[]) (ord : int) =
if ord > 1 then failwith "Not supported."
printfn " [Loading file] "
order <- ord
data <- dt
length <- data.Length
let set = Set.ofArray data
words <- set.Count
wordTable <- Set.toArray set
datai <- (fun x -> Array.findIndex ((=) x) wordTable) data
chain <- chains order datai
lookupTable <-
|> Set.ofArray
|> Set.toArray
states <- lookupTable.Length
matrix <- Array2D.zeroCreate<int> states words
sums <- Array.zeroCreate<int> states
printfn " [Generating Markov Chain] "
for i = 0 to length - order - 1 do
let ao = chain.[i]
let id = index ao
let next = datai.[i + order]
matrix.[id, next] <- matrix.[id, next] + 1
sums.[id] <- sums.[id] + 1
initials <- Array.toList lookupTable.[rand.Next(states)]
initialize (
"hello world markov chain generator please open a file hello world please open a file hello world or input init filename order to get started".Split(' ')
) order
let mutable cont = true
while cont do
let inp = (Console.ReadLine() + " - ").Split([| ' ' |], StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
match inp.[0] with
| "init" ->
initialize (
let fileName = inp.[1]
let r = new Regex(@"[^a-zA-Z]+");
seq {
use sr = new StreamReader(fileName)
while not sr.EndOfStream do
let line = sr.ReadLine()
yield! r.Split(line)
|> Seq.filter ((<>) "")
|> (fun x -> x.ToLower())
|> Array.ofSeq
) (
if inp.Length >= 3 then
| :? System.FormatException -> 1
else 1
| "select" ->
initials <- Array.toList lookupTable.[rand.Next(states)]
| "exit" ->
cont <- false
| _ ->
let next =
|> Array.ofList
|> index
|> (fun id ->
//matrix.[id, randState id]
let s = randState id
printf " %s" wordTable.[s]
initials <- List.tail (initials @ [next])
| :? FileNotFoundException ->
initialize ("input error maybe file does not exist please check filename input error file does not exist".Split(' ')) 1
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