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Created October 23, 2017 20:30
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module BF
// Natural number
type N = abstract member Value : int
type Z = Z with
member z.IntValue = 0
interface N with member z.Value = 0
type S<'n when 'n :> N> = S of 'n with
interface N with member x.Value = match x with S(x) -> 1 + x.Value
member z.IntValue = (z :> N).Value
type N1 = Z S
type N2 = N1 S
type N3 = N2 S
type N4 = N3 S
type N5 = N4 S
type N6 = N5 S
type N7 = N6 S
type N8 = N7 S
type N9 = N8 S
type N10 = N9 S
module Ns =
let n1 : N1 = S(Z)
let n2 : N2 = S(n1)
let n3 : N3 = S(n2)
let n4 : N4 = S(n3)
let n5 : N5 = S(n4)
let n6 : N6 = S(n5)
let n7 : N7 = S(n6)
let n8 : N8 = S(n7)
let n9 : N9 = S(n8)
let n10 : N10 = S(n9)
// List
type L =
abstract member ToList : obj list
type E = E with
interface L with member e.ToList = []
member e.ListValue = (e :> L).ToList |> (sprintf "%A")
type C<'a, 'b> when 'b :> L = C of 'a * 'b with
interface L with
member c.ToList = match c with C(a, b) -> (box a) :: b.ToList
member c.ListValue = (c :> L).ToList |> (sprintf "%A")
// A tape with a current pointer: 'l for everything on the left,
// 'x for current value, 'r for right
type Tape<'l, 'x, 'r> when 'l :> L and 'r :> L = Tape of 'l * 'x * 'r
type D = interface end
type Left = Left with interface D
type Right = Right with interface D
type Shift<'d, 't1, 't2> =
abstract member Shifted : 't2
type ShiftLE<'x, 'r> when 'r :> L = ShiftLE of Tape<E, 'x, 'r> with
interface Shift<Left, Tape<E, 'x, 'r>, Tape<E, 'x, 'r>> with
member s.Shifted =
match s with ShiftLE(Tape(E, x, r)) -> Tape(E, x, r)
type ShiftRE<'l, 'x> when 'l :> L = ShiftRE of Tape<'l, 'x, E> with
interface Shift<Right, Tape<'l, 'x, E>, Tape<'l, 'x, E>> with
member s.Shifted =
match s with ShiftRE(Tape(l, x, E)) -> Tape(l, x, E)
type ShiftL<'a, 'l, 'x, 'r> when 'l :> L and 'r :> L = ShiftL of Tape<C<'a, 'l>, 'x, 'r> with
interface Shift<Left, Tape<C<'a, 'l>, 'x, 'r>, Tape<'l, 'a, C<'x, 'r>>> with
member s.Shifted =
match s with ShiftL(Tape(C(a, l), x, r)) -> Tape(l, a, C(x, r))
type ShiftR<'a, 'l, 'x, 'r> when 'l :> L and 'r :> L = ShiftR of Tape<'l, 'x, C<'a, 'r>> with
interface Shift<Right, Tape<'l, 'x, C<'a, 'r>>, Tape<C<'x, 'l>, 'a, 'r>> with
member s.Shifted =
match s with ShiftR(Tape(l, x, C(a, r))) -> Tape(C(x, l), a, r)
type ShiftN<'d, 'n, 't1, 't2> =
abstract member Shifted : 't2
type ShiftZ<'d, 't> = ShiftZ of 't with
interface ShiftN<'d, Z, 't, 't> with
member s.Shifted = match s with ShiftZ(tape) -> tape
type ShiftS<'d, 'n, 't1, 'ti, 't2, 's, 'sn>
when 's :> Shift<'d, 't1, 'ti>
and 'sn :> ShiftN<'d, 'n, 'ti, 't2>
and 'n :> N = ShiftS of 's * 'sn with
interface ShiftN<'d, S<'n>, 't1, 't2> with
member ss.Shifted = match ss with | ShiftS(s, sn) -> sn.Shifted
type Z with
static member inline (<<<-) (Z, (Tape(_ : ^tl, _ : ^x, _ : ^tr) as tape)) =
ShiftZ(tape) :> ShiftN<_, _, _, _>
static member inline (->>>) (Z, (Tape(_ : ^tl, _ : ^x, _ : ^tr) as tape)) =
ShiftZ(tape) :> ShiftN<_, _, _, _>
static member inline (-) (n, Z) = n
type S<'n> with
static member inline (-) (S(n), S(m)) = n - m
static member inline (<<<-)(S(n), tape) =
let shift = ShiftL(tape) :> Shift<_, _, _>
let res = shift.Shifted
let si : ShiftN<_, _, _, _> = n <<<- res
ShiftS(shift, si) :> ShiftN<_, _, _, _>
static member inline (->>>)(S(n), tape) =
let shift = ShiftR(tape) :> Shift<_, _, _>
let res = shift.Shifted
let si : ShiftN<_, _, _, _> = n ->>> res
ShiftS(shift, si) :> ShiftN<_, _, _, _>
let testShift() =
let tape = Tape(C(n3, C(n4, C(n5, C(n6, E)))), n7, C(n8, C(n9, E)))
printfn "--------------------"
printfn "testShift()"
let inline p (x : #ShiftN<_, _, _, _>) = printfn "%A" x.Shifted
(n4 <<<- tape) |> p
(n3 <<<- tape) |> p
(n2 <<<- tape) |> p
(n1 <<<- tape) |> p
(Z <<<- tape) |> p
(Z ->>> tape) |> p
(n1 ->>> tape) |> p
(n2 ->>> tape) |> p
do testShift()
// Intermediate instruction set
type I = interface end
// Increment cell
type Inc = Inc with interface I
// Decrement cell
type Dec = Dec with interface I
// Move to previous cell
type MoveL = MoveL with interface I
// Move to next cell
type MoveR = MoveR with interface I
// Unconditional relative jump
type Jmp<'d, 'rel> when 'rel :> N = Jmp of 'd * 'rel with interface I
// Conditional (when non-zero) relative jump
type CondJ<'d, 'rel> when 'rel :> N = CondJ of 'd * 'rel with interface I
// End program
type End = End with interface I
type State<'code, 'data> = State of 'code * 'data
type Step<'state1, 'state2> =
abstract member StepResult : 'state2
type StepInc<'cl, 'cr, 'tl, 'x, 'tr>
when 'cl :> L and 'cr :> L
and 'tl :> L and 'tr :> L and 'x :> N
= StepInc of State<Tape<'cl, Inc, 'cr>, Tape<'tl, 'x, 'tr>> with
interface Step<State<Tape<'cl, Inc, 'cr>, Tape<'tl, 'x, 'tr>>,
State<Tape<'cl, Inc, 'cr>, Tape<'tl, 'x S, 'tr>>> with
member si.StepResult =
match si with
| StepInc(State(code, Tape(tl, x, tr))) -> State(code, Tape(tl, S x, tr))
type StepDec<'cl, 'cr, 'tl, 'x, 'tr>
when 'cl :> L and 'cr :> L
and 'tl :> L and 'tr :> L and 'x :> N
= StepDec of State<Tape<'cl, Dec, 'cr>, Tape<'tl, 'x S, 'tr>> with
interface Step<State<Tape<'cl, Dec, 'cr>, Tape<'tl, 'x S, 'tr>>,
State<Tape<'cl, Dec, 'cr>, Tape<'tl, 'x, 'tr>>> with
member si.StepResult =
match si with
| StepDec(State(code, Tape(tl, S x, tr))) -> State(code, Tape(tl, x, tr))
type StepDecZ<'cl, 'cr, 'tl, 'tr>
when 'cl :> L and 'cr :> L
and 'tl :> L and 'tr :> L
= StepDecZ of State<Tape<'cl, Dec, 'cr>, Tape<'tl, Z, 'tr>> with
interface Step<State<Tape<'cl, Dec, 'cr>, Tape<'tl, Z, 'tr>>,
State<Tape<'cl, Dec, 'cr>, Tape<'tl, Z, 'tr>>> with
member si.StepResult =
match si with
| StepDecZ(State(code, Tape(tl, Z, tr))) -> State(code, Tape(tl, Z, tr))
type StepMoveL<'cl, 'cr, 'tape0, 'tape1, 'sl>
when 'cl :> L and 'cr :> L
and 'sl :> Shift<Left, 'tape0, 'tape1>
= StepMoveL of State<Tape<'cl, MoveL, 'cr>, 'tape0> * 'sl with
interface Step<State<Tape<'cl, MoveL, 'cr>, 'tape0>,
State<Tape<'cl, MoveL, 'cr>, 'tape1>> with
member si.StepResult =
match si with
| StepMoveL(State(code, data), sl) -> State(code, sl.Shifted)
type StepMoveR<'cl, 'cr, 'tape0, 'tape1, 'sr>
when 'cl :> L and 'cr :> L
and 'sr :> Shift<Right, 'tape0, 'tape1>
= StepMoveR of State<Tape<'cl, MoveR, 'cr>, 'tape0> * 'sr with
interface Step<State<Tape<'cl, MoveR, 'cr>, 'tape0>,
State<Tape<'cl, MoveR, 'cr>, 'tape1>> with
member si.StepResult =
match si with
| StepMoveR(State(code, data), sr) -> State(code, sr.Shifted)
type StepJmp<'d, 'rel, 'cl, 'cr, 'sn, 'code1, 'data>
when 'rel :> N and 'cl :> L and 'cr :> L
and 'sn :> ShiftN<'d, 'rel, Tape<'cl, Jmp<'d, 'rel>, 'cr>, 'code1>
= StepJmp of State<Tape<'cl, Jmp<'d, 'rel>, 'cr>, 'data> * 'sn with
interface Step<State<Tape<'cl, Jmp<'d, 'rel>, 'cr>, 'data>,
State<'code1, 'data>> with
member si.StepResult =
match si with
| StepJmp(State(code, data), sn) -> State(sn.Shifted, data)
type StepCondJZ<'d, 'rel, 'cl, 'cr, 'tl, 'tr>
when 'rel :> N and 'cl :> L and 'cr :> L
and 'tl :> L and 'tr :> L
= StepCondJZ of State<Tape<'cl, CondJ<'d, 'rel>, 'cr>, Tape<'tl, Z, 'tr>> with
interface Step<State<Tape<'cl, CondJ<'d, 'rel>, 'cr>, Tape<'tl, Z, 'tr>>,
State<Tape<'cl, CondJ<'d, 'rel>, 'cr>, Tape<'tl, Z, 'tr>>> with
member si.StepResult =
match si with
| StepCondJZ(state) -> state
type StepCondJS<'d, 'rel, 'cl, 'cr, 'tl, 'tr, 'n, 'sn, 'code1>
when 'rel :> N and 'cl :> L and 'cr :> L
and 'tl :> L and 'tr :> L and 'n :> N
and 'sn :> ShiftN<'d, 'rel, Tape<'cl, CondJ<'d, 'rel>, 'cr>, 'code1>
= StepCondJS of State<Tape<'cl, CondJ<'d, 'rel>, 'cr>, Tape<'tl, 'n S, 'tr>> * 'sn with
interface Step<State<Tape<'cl, CondJ<'d, 'rel>, 'cr>, Tape<'tl, 'n S, 'tr>>,
State<'code1, Tape<'tl, 'n S, 'tr>>> with
member si.StepResult =
match si with
| StepCondJS(State(code, data), sn) -> State(sn.Shifted, data)
type StepEnd<'cl, 'cr, 'code>
when 'cl :> L and 'cr :> L = StepEnd of State<Tape<'cl, End, 'cr>, 'code> with
interface Step<State<Tape<'cl, End, 'cr>, 'code>, End> with
member si.StepResult = End
type IncPC<'state, 'state1> =
abstract member IncResult : 'state1
type IncPCS<'sr, 'code, 'code1, 'data>
when 'sr :> Shift<Right, 'code, 'code1>
= IncPCS of State<'code, 'data> * 'sr with
interface IncPC<State<'code, 'data>, State<'code1, 'data>> with
member i.IncResult =
match i with IncPCS(State(code, data), sr) -> State(sr.Shifted, data)
type State<'code, 'data> with
static member inline INCPC(End) = End
static member inline INCPC(State(code, data : ^data)) =
let shifted = ShiftR(code) :> Shift<_, _, _>
IncPCS(State(code, data), shifted) :> IncPC<_, _>
static member inline STEP(state : State<Tape< ^cl, Inc, ^cr>, Tape< ^tl, ^x, ^tr>>) =
StepInc(state) :> Step<_, _>
static member inline STEP(state : State<Tape< ^cl, Dec, ^cr>, Tape< ^tl, ^x S, ^tr>>) =
StepDec(state) :> Step<_, _>
static member inline STEP(state : State<Tape<'cl, Dec, 'cr>, Tape<'tl, Z, 'tr>>) =
StepDecZ(state) :> Step<_, _>
static member inline STEP(State(code, data) : State<Tape< ^cl, End, ^cr>, _>) =
StepEnd(State(code, data)) :> Step<_, _>
static member inline STEP(State(code, data) : State<Tape< ^cl, MoveL, ^cr>, _>) =
let sr = ShiftL(data) :> Shift<_, _, _>
StepMoveL(State(code, data), sr) :> Step<_, _>
static member inline STEP(State(code, data) : State<Tape< ^cl, MoveR, ^cr>, _>) =
let sr = ShiftR(data) :> Shift<_, _, _>
StepMoveR(State(code, data), sr) :> Step<_, _>
static member inline STEP(State(Tape(_ : ^cl , Jmp(Left, rel : ^rel), _ : ^cr) as code,
data : ^data) as state)
: Step<State<Tape< ^cl, Jmp<Left, ^rel>, ^cr>, ^data>, State< ^code1, ^data>> =
let sn = rel <<<- code
StepJmp(state, sn) :> Step<_, _>
static member inline STEP(State(Tape(_ : ^cl , Jmp(Right, rel : ^rel), _ : ^cr) as code,
data : ^data) as state)
: Step<State<Tape< ^cl, Jmp<Right, ^rel>, ^cr>, ^data>, State< ^code1, ^data>> =
let sn = rel ->>> code
StepJmp(state, sn) :> Step<_, _>
static member inline STEP(state) = StepCondJZ(state) :> Step<_, _>
static member inline STEP(State(Tape(_, CondJ(Left, rel : ^rel), _) as code, data) as state)
: Step<State<Tape< ^cl, CondJ<Left, ^rel>, ^cr>, Tape<_, _ S, _>>, State<_, _>> =
let sn = rel <<<- code
StepCondJS(state, sn) :> Step<_, _>
static member inline STEP(State(Tape(_ : ^cl , CondJ(Right, rel : ^rel), _ : ^cr) as code,
data : Tape<_, _ S, _>) as state)
: Step<State<Tape< ^cl, CondJ<Right, ^rel>, ^cr>, _>, State< ^code1, _>> =
let sn = rel ->>> code
StepCondJS(state, sn) :> Step<_, _>
// Helper
static member inline (!!!) (s : ^State) : ^StateResult =
let s : Step< ^State, _> = ( ^State : (static member STEP : ^State -> _) s)
let sr : ^SR = s.StepResult
!!!! sr
// Helper
static member inline (!!!!) (sr : ^SR) : ^Result =
let incpc : IncPC<_, _> = ( ^SR : (static member INCPC : ^SR -> _) sr)
// Run and trace program to completion
static member inline (!!!!!) (s) : C< ^Result, _> =
C(s, !!!!! (!!! s))
type End with
static member inline INCPC(End) = End
static member inline (!!!!)(End) = End
static member inline (!!!!!)(End) = C(End, E)
type C<'a, 'b> with
static member inline (!!>)(C(a, E)) = a
static member inline (!!>)(C(a, b)) = !!> b
static member inline (!!>>)(C(a, C(_, E))) = a
static member inline (!!>>)(C(a, b)) = !!>> b
#nowarn "1125"
//let s = State(Tape(E, Inc, C(MoveR, C(Inc, C(MoveL, C(Inc, C(Jmp(Left, n2), E)))))),
// Tape(C(Z, C(Z, C(Z, C(Z, E)))), Z, C(Z, C(Z, C(Z, C(Z, E))))))
//let s = State(Tape(C(MoveL, C(Inc, C(MoveR, C(Inc, C(Inc, E))))), Jmp(Left, n5), C(MoveR, C(MoveR, E))),
// Tape(C(Z, E), Z, C(Z, C(Z, E))))
// Program to compute 3 + 4: [->+<]+
let s =
State(Tape(C(Dec, E),
C(MoveR, C(Inc, C(MoveL, C(CondJ(Left, n5), C(MoveR, C(End, E))))))),
Tape(E, n3, C(n4, E)))
// Run the entire program (s2 is a list of program states)
let s2 = !!!!! s
let finalState : State<_, Tape<C<Z,E>, N7, E>> = !!>> s2
let testRun() =
printfn "--------------------"
printfn "testRun()"
printfn "finalState = %A" finalState
printfn ""
printfn "s2 = %A" s2
printfn ""
let inline p x = printfn "state = %A" x; x
printfn "--------------------"
printfn "s(init) = %A" s
// Running the proram step by step (each s has a different type)
let s = !!! s |> p
let s = !!! s |> p
let s = !!! s |> p
let s = !!! s |> p
let s = !!! s |> p
let s = !!! s |> p
let s = !!! s |> p
let s = !!! s |> p
let s = !!! s |> p
let s = !!! s |> p
let s = !!! s |> p
let s = !!! s |> p
let s = !!! s |> p
let s = !!! s |> p
let s = !!! s |> p
// Final state: [0 7]
// ^
let s : State<_, Tape<C<Z,E>, N7, E>> = !!! s |> p
let s1 = !!! s |> p
let s : End = State.STEP(s).StepResult
do testRun()
// List reverser
type Rev<'l> when 'l :> L = Rev of 'l
type C<'a, 'b> with
static member inline (><><) (C(x, l), Rev(r)) = l ><>< Rev(C(x, r))
type E with
static member inline (><><) (E, Rev(r)) = r
let testReverse : C<N3, C<N2, C<N1, E>>> =
C(n1, C(n2, C(n3, E))) ><>< Rev(E)
// BF to intermediate instruction set translator
module BFT =
type SI = interface end
type Plus = Plus with
interface SI
static member inline (!!-) Plus = Inc
type Minus = Minus with
interface SI
static member inline (!!-) Minus = Dec
type Lt = Lt with
interface SI
static member inline (!!-) Lt = MoveL
type Gt = Gt with
interface SI
static member inline (!!-) Gt = MoveR
type Open = Open
type Close = Close
type TransState<'pos, 'openStack, 'code, 'trans>
when 'pos :> N and 'code :> L and 'trans :> L
= TS of 'pos * 'openStack * 'code * 'trans with
// (!!->) advances TransState by one step
static member inline (!!->) (TS(pos, openStack, E, trans) as ts) =
static member inline (!!->) (TS(pos, openStack, C(Open, cs), trans) as ts) =
TS(pos, C(pos, openStack), cs, trans)
static member inline (!!->) (TS(pos, C(pos0, openStack), C(Close, cs), trans) as ts) =
TS(S pos, openStack, cs, C(CondJ(Left, S(pos - pos0)), trans))
static member inline (!!->) (TS(pos, openStack,
C(si : ^x when ^x :> SI, cs), trans) as ts) =
TS(S pos, openStack, cs, C(!!- si, trans))
static member inline (!!!!!) ts =
C(ts, !!!!! (!!-> ts))
type InitTransState<'code when 'code :> L> = TransState<Z, E, 'code, E>
// Translate from BF to intermediate
let inline translate x =
let step = !!>> !!!!! x
match step with TS(_, _, _, trans) -> C(End, trans) ><>< Rev(E)
let example : InitTransState<_> =
TS(Z, E, C(Open, C(Minus, C(Gt, C(Plus, C(Lt, C(Close, C(Gt, E))))))), E)
let e' = !!>> !!!!! example
let translated = translate example
let s' = State((n1 ->>> Tape(E, Dec, translated)).Shifted, Tape(E, n3, C(n4, E)))
let test = s' = s // true
let finalState' = !!>> !!!!! s'
let test1 = finalState = finalState' // true
printfn ""
printfn "test=%A test1=%A" test test1
let infiniteLoopExample : InitTransState<_> =
TS(Z, E, C(Minus, C(Open, C(Plus, C(Close, E)))), E)
let infiniteLoopTranslated = translate infiniteLoopExample
let n = n1
let s'' = State((n1 ->>> Tape(E, Dec, infiniteLoopTranslated)).Shifted, Tape(E, n, E))
// Uncomment to get a compiler error
//let finalState'' = !!>> !!!!! s''
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