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Last active April 14, 2017 10:46
It is a zip file maker which actually can zip text files.
* Developer: Minhas Kamal
* Date: 28.Oct.2013
* Description: This program reads a file & Zips or Extracts it.
* Comment: I was in a puzzle at every step of developing this program, literally! And I am proud that I could solve them all, without any help, myself. The program should be able to zip or unzip any type of file, But can only make a text file smaller.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <stack>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
/*this structure is needed to know the bits in a char*/
char character;
unsigned char x8: 1; //they are decrementing because of the RAM memory
unsigned char x7: 1;
unsigned char x6: 1;
unsigned char x5: 1;
unsigned char x4: 1;
unsigned char x3: 1;
unsigned char x2: 1;
unsigned char x1: 1;
} bit;
} inputChar;
int bitPointer=1; //points to a specific bit
/*this structure is needed to make the tree*/
struct node{
int value; //value of the node
char info; //character that it contains
bool bit;
node *r, //root
*t1, //left sub tree
*t2; //right sub tree
void treeBuilder(int* num, node* tree, int x, int s, int e, long *exactFileSize); //creates the linked tree
int charCounter(int* num, int s, int e, string fileName); //counts characters in a file
void zipFileWriter(int* num, node* tree, int s, int e, string fileName, long *zipFileSize); //reads a file and makes its zip file
void bitToChar(FILE* output, int bi); //reads bits, converts in a character & writes in a file
void fileExtractor(node* tree, int x, FILE* input, string fileName, long *zipFileSize, int stop); //writes the extracted file
char charToBit(FILE* input); //reads char in a file & converts into bits
int main(){
long zipFileSize=0; //counts the number of bits of zip file
long exactFileSize=0; //counts the number of bits of exact file
int selection;
cout << "What do you want to do? \nPress 1 for making zip file \n 2 for extracting\n";
cout << " 3 for exit \nSelection- ";
cin >> selection;
if(selection!=1 && selection!=2){
string fileName;
cout << "Enter name of the file: ";
cin >> fileName;
///by changing these variables the range of characters can be changed
int s=0, //the starting char in the ascii table//cannot be less than 20
e=256; //the ending char in the ascii table
int num[e-s]; //holds the number of characters
if(charCounter(num, s, e, fileName)==0); //reading a file & counting the number of different characters
else {
zipFileSize=(e-s+2)*18; //counts the number of bits ((int)e, (int)s, (char)\n, (int)e-s-1, (char)\n)
int x=(e-s)*2-1; //number of vertex
node tree[x]; //the tree
treeBuilder(num, tree, x, s, e, &exactFileSize); //making the tree
zipFileWriter(num, tree, s, e, fileName, &zipFileSize); //writing zip file
cout << "Input file size is: " << exactFileSize << "bits \n";
cout << "Zip file size is: " << zipFileSize << "bits \n";
FILE *input;
char fName[fileName.size()+1];
for(int i=0; i<fileName.size(); i++){ //string to char* conversion
//cout << fName[i]; ///test
fName[fileName.size()]='\0'; //null terminator
if((input=fopen(fName, "rb"))==NULL){ //opening the file
printf("File is not found!!\n");
int s, //the starting char in the ascii table
e; //the ending char in the ascii table
fscanf(input, "%d %d", &s, &e);
//cout << s << " " << e <<endl; ///test
zipFileSize=(e-s+2)*18; //counts the number of bits ((int)e, (int)s, (char)\n, (int)e-s-1, (char)\n)
int num[e-s]; //holds the number of characters
for(int i=0; i<e-s; i++){ //taking the input of number of characters
fscanf(input, "%d ", &num[i]);
//cout << num [i] << " "; ///test
//cout << endl; ///test
int x=(e-s)*2-1; //number of vertex
node tree[x]; //the tree
treeBuilder(num, tree, x, s, e, &exactFileSize); //making the tree
fileExtractor(tree, x, input, fileName, &zipFileSize, num[20-s]);
cout << "\n# File Extracted.\n\n";
cout << "Input file size is: " << zipFileSize << "bits \n";
cout << "Extracted file size is: " << exactFileSize << "bits \n";
getchar();//delays for pressing any key
cout << "\n\n";
return 0;
void treeBuilder(int* num, node* tree, int x, int s, int e, long *exactFileSize){
for(int i=0; i<x; i++){ //initialization
tree[i].value = -1;
tree[i].info = (char)0;
tree[i].bit = false;
tree[i].r = NULL;
tree[i].t1 = NULL;
tree[i].t2 = NULL;
int position=0; //position in the array
for(; position<e-s; position++){ //setting the value of the initial nodes
tree[position].value = num[position];
tree[position].info = (char)(position+s);
int lt, //left sub tree
rt; //right sub tree
while(position<x){ //building up the tree
for(int i=0; i<x; i++) //initialization
if(tree[i].r==NULL && tree[i].value>=0){
for(int i=0; i<x; i++){ //finds left sub tree (smallest value)
if(tree[i].r==NULL && tree[i].value>=0)
if(tree[i].value < tree[lt].value) lt=i;
tree[lt].r = &tree[position]; //setting the root of the left sub trees
for(int i=0; i<x; i++) //initialization
if(tree[i].r==NULL && tree[i].value>=0){
for(int i=0; i<x; i++){ //finds right sub tree (second smallest value)
if(tree[i].r==NULL && tree[i].value>=0)
if(tree[i].value < tree[rt].value) rt=i;
tree[rt].r = &tree[position]; //setting the root of the right sub trees
tree[lt].bit = false; //setting the bit of the sub trees
tree[rt].bit = true;
tree[position].value = (tree[lt].value + tree[rt].value); //the value is the sum of the sub trees
tree[position].t1 = &tree[lt]; //setting sub tree of new node
tree[position].t2 = &tree[rt];
position++; //increasing the position
long temp = (tree[x-1].value-1)*8; //1 is subtracted as 20th char is added to indicate the end
*exactFileSize=temp; //exact file size
/*/for(int i=0; i<x; i++){ //test of the node
cout << tree[i].value << " " << tree[i].info << " " << tree[i].bit << " ";
cout << tree[i].r << " " << tree[i].t1 << " " << tree[i].t2 << endl;
return ;
int charCounter(int* num, int s, int e, string fileName){
FILE *input;
char fName[fileName.size()+1];
for(int i=0; i<fileName.size(); i++) //string to char* conversion
fName[fileName.size()]='\0'; //null terminator
if((input=fopen(fName, "rb"))==NULL){ //opening the file, if file is not found return
printf("File is not found!!\n");
return 0;
for(int i=0; i<e-s; i++) //initializing
char ch;
while(!feof(input)){ //reading the file & counting the characters
//cout << ch; ///test
if(ch>=s && ch<e) num[ch-s]++;
num[20-s]++; //this char will be added at the end of the Zip file indicating the end
/*/for(int i=s; i<e; i++){ //the output after the input file's characters are counted
char c = (char) i;
cout << i << ". " << c << " " << num[i-s] << endl;
return 1;
void zipFileWriter(int* num, node* tree,int s, int e, string fileName, long *zipFileSize){
FILE *input; //main text file
char fName[fileName.size()+1]; //input file name
for(int i=0; i<fileName.size(); i++) //string to char* conversion
fName[fileName.size()]='\0'; //null terminator
if((input=fopen(fName, "rb"))==NULL){ //opening the file, if file is not found return
//printf("File is not found!!\n");
return ;
FILE *output; //the zip file
char oFileName[fileName.size()+3+1]; //output file name
//creates a name depending on the input file name
oFileName[0]='Z';oFileName[1]='i';oFileName[2]='p'; //first three letter
for(int i=3; i<fileName.size()+3; i++) //string to char* conversion
oFileName[fileName.size()+3]='\0'; //null terminator
output=fopen(oFileName, "wb");
fprintf(output, "%d %d %c", s, e, 10); //printing start & end of characters
for(int i=0; i<e-s; i++) //printing number of characters
fprintf(output, "%d ", num[i]);
fprintf(output, "\n");
int flag=1; //this flag is necessary to set '20' char at the end of zip file & also controls the loop
stack<bool> mystack;
char ch;
while(1){ //reading the file once more & writing in the output file
//cout << ch <<" "; ///test
int i;
for(i=0; i<e-s; i++){ //finding the char in the node
if(tree[i].info==ch) break;
node* nod; //for temporary use
while(nod->r!=NULL){ //assigning bits in the stack
mystack.push(nod->bit); //bit of the node
nod=nod->r; //assigning the root
while(!mystack.empty()){ //writing in the output file
//cout <<; ///test
*zipFileSize+=1; //counts the number of bits
//cout << endl; ///test
ch=fgetc(input); //taking the input
if(!flag) break;
else if(flag && feof(input)){
flag = 0;
fprintf(output, "%c", inputChar.character);
cout << "\n# Zip file is made.\n";
return ;
void bitToChar(FILE* output, int bi){
if(bitPointer==1) inputChar.bit.x1=bi;
else if(bitPointer==2) inputChar.bit.x2=bi;
else if(bitPointer==3) inputChar.bit.x3=bi;
else if(bitPointer==4) inputChar.bit.x4=bi;
else if(bitPointer==5) inputChar.bit.x5=bi;
else if(bitPointer==6) inputChar.bit.x6=bi;
else if(bitPointer==7) inputChar.bit.x7=bi;
else if(bitPointer==8) inputChar.bit.x8=bi;
fprintf(output, "%c", inputChar.character);
void fileExtractor(node* tree, int x, FILE *input, string fileName, long *zipFileSize, int stop){
int st=0;
FILE *output;
char oFileName[fileName.size()]; //output file name
//creates a name depending on the input file name
oFileName[0]='E';oFileName[1]='x';oFileName[2]='t'; //first three letter
for(int i=3; i<fileName.size(); i++) //string to char* conversion
oFileName[fileName.size()]='\0'; //null terminator
output=fopen(oFileName, "wb");
char ch;
while(!feof(input)){ //reading the file & counting the characters
node* nod; //for temporary use
nod=&tree[x-1]; //the main root of tree
//cout << ch; ///test
*zipFileSize+=1; //counts number of bits
if(ch==0) nod = nod->t1;
else nod = nod->t2;
if(nod->info == 20){
if(st>=stop) break; //break when found 20th char
fprintf(output, "%c", nod->info);
//cout << nod->info << endl; ///test
return ;
char charToBit(FILE* input){ //reads a file's char and returns one bit as char each time
char ch;
inputChar.character = fgetc(input);
if(bitPointer==1) ch=inputChar.bit.x1;
else if(bitPointer==2) ch=inputChar.bit.x2;
else if(bitPointer==3) ch=inputChar.bit.x3;
else if(bitPointer==4) ch=inputChar.bit.x4;
else if(bitPointer==5) ch=inputChar.bit.x5;
else if(bitPointer==6) ch=inputChar.bit.x6;
else if(bitPointer==7) ch=inputChar.bit.x7;
else if(bitPointer==8) ch=inputChar.bit.x8;
//cout << ch << " "; ///test
return ch;
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While writing this program I had a programming experience of only 10 months and in 2nd semester. I had no internet help, so on the beginning I was totally puzzled! It took me 20 days to develop it. And now I have a great thirst for zip file making algorithms.

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WOW, its wonderful man! but cant run it, did u say its open source?? u are definitely a genius.

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