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Last active May 27, 2021 09:07
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Small util to load and save structures, using nms and reflection
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.util.Vector;
* Small util to load and save structures<br>
* Currently tested with 1.10 and 1.11
@SuppressWarnings({"FieldCanBeLocal", "unchecked"})
public class StructureUtil {
private static String version = Bukkit.getServer().getClass().getPackage().getName().replace(".", ",").split(",")[3];
private static Class blockPositionClass;
private static Constructor blockPositionConstructor;
private static Class worldServerClass;
private static Class craftWorldClass;
private static Method getHandleMethod;
private static Class minecraftServerClass;
private static Method getMinecraftServerMethod;
private static Class definedStructureManagerClass;
private static Method getStructureManagerMethod;
private static Class definedStructureClass;
private static Class minecraftKeyClass;
private static Constructor minecraftKeyConstructor;
private static Method getStructureMethod;
private static Class blocksClass;
private static Class blockClass;
private static Class worldClass;
private static Object structureVoidBlock;
private static Method setPosMethod;
private static Method setAuthorMethod;
private static Method saveMethod;
private static Method loadInfoMethod;
private static Class definedStructureInfoClass;
private static Constructor definedStructureInfoConstructor;
private static Class enumBlockMirrorClass;
private static Method enumBlockMirrorValueOfMethod;
private static Method mirrorMethod;
private static Class enumBlockRotationClass;
private static Method enumBlockRotationValueOfMethod;
private static Method rotationMethod;
private static Method ignoreEntitiesMethod;
private static Method loadMethod;
static {
try {
String name;
blockPositionClass = Class.forName("net.minecraft.server." + version + ".BlockPosition");
blockPositionConstructor = blockPositionClass.getConstructor(int.class, int.class, int.class);
worldServerClass = Class.forName("net.minecraft.server." + version + ".WorldServer");
craftWorldClass = Class.forName("org.bukkit.craftbukkit." + version + ".CraftWorld");
getHandleMethod = craftWorldClass.getMethod("getHandle");
minecraftServerClass = Class.forName("net.minecraft.server." + version + ".MinecraftServer");
getMinecraftServerMethod = worldServerClass.getMethod("getMinecraftServer");
definedStructureManagerClass = Class.forName("net.minecraft.server." + version + ".DefinedStructureManager");
getStructureManagerMethod = worldServerClass.getMethod("y"); //PAIL: rename getWorldServer
definedStructureClass = Class.forName("net.minecraft.server." + version + ".DefinedStructure");
minecraftKeyClass = Class.forName("net.minecraft.server." + version + ".MinecraftKey");
minecraftKeyConstructor = minecraftKeyClass.getConstructor(String.class);
getStructureMethod = definedStructureManagerClass.getMethod("a", minecraftServerClass, minecraftKeyClass); // PAIL: rename getStructure
blocksClass = Class.forName("net.minecraft.server." + version + ".Blocks");
blockClass = Class.forName("net.minecraft.server." + version + ".Block");
structureVoidBlock = blocksClass.getField("dj").get(null); // PAIL: rename STRUCTURE_VOID
worldClass = Class.forName("net.minecraft.server." + version + ".World");
setPosMethod = definedStructureClass.getMethod("a", worldClass, blockPositionClass, blockPositionClass, boolean.class, blockClass); // PAIL: rename setPos
setAuthorMethod = definedStructureClass.getMethod("a", String.class); // PAIL: rename setAuthor
// PAIL: rename save, 1.10: d, 1.11 c
name = "d";
if (version.startsWith("v1_11")) {
name = "c";
saveMethod = definedStructureManagerClass.getMethod(name, minecraftServerClass, minecraftKeyClass);
loadInfoMethod = definedStructureManagerClass.getMethod("b", minecraftServerClass, minecraftKeyClass); // PAIL: rename loadInfo
definedStructureInfoClass = Class.forName("net.minecraft.server." + version + ".DefinedStructureInfo");
definedStructureInfoConstructor = definedStructureInfoClass.getConstructor();
enumBlockMirrorClass = Class.forName("net.minecraft.server." + version + ".EnumBlockMirror");
enumBlockMirrorValueOfMethod = enumBlockMirrorClass.getMethod("valueOf", String.class);
mirrorMethod = definedStructureInfoClass.getMethod("a", enumBlockMirrorClass);// PAIL: rename mirror
enumBlockRotationClass = Class.forName("net.minecraft.server." + version + ".EnumBlockRotation");
enumBlockRotationValueOfMethod = enumBlockRotationClass.getMethod("valueOf", String.class);
rotationMethod = definedStructureInfoClass.getMethod("a", enumBlockRotationClass); // PAIL: rename rotation
ignoreEntitiesMethod = definedStructureInfoClass.getMethod("a", boolean.class); // PAIL: rename ignoreEntities
loadMethod = definedStructureClass.getMethod("a", worldClass, blockPositionClass, definedStructureInfoClass); // PAIL: rename load
} catch (ClassNotFoundException | NoSuchMethodException | NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException e) {
* Saves a structure
* @param start the start location
* @param size the size
* @param name the name
* @param author the author
* @param includeEntities if entities should be included in the structure
* @return if is was successful
public static boolean save(Location start, Vector size, String name, String author, boolean includeEntities) {
try {
Object startPos = blockPositionConstructor.newInstance(start.getBlockX(), start.getBlockY(), start.getBlockZ());
Object sizePos = blockPositionConstructor.newInstance(size.getBlockX(), size.getBlockY(), size.getBlockZ());
Object world = getHandleMethod.invoke(craftWorldClass.cast(start.getWorld()));
Object server = getMinecraftServerMethod.invoke(world);
Object structureManager = getStructureManagerMethod.invoke(world);
Object key = minecraftKeyConstructor.newInstance(name);
Object structure = getStructureMethod.invoke(structureManager, server, key);
setPosMethod.invoke(structure, world, startPos, sizePos, includeEntities, structureVoidBlock);
setAuthorMethod.invoke(structure, author);
return (boolean) saveMethod.invoke(structureManager, server, key);
} catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) {
return false;
* Loads a structure
* @param origin the origin location
* @param name the name
* @param mirror how the structure should be mirrored (FRONT_BACK, LEFT_RIGHT or NONE)
* @param rotate how the structure should be rotated (CLOCKWISE_90, CLOCKWISE_180,
* @param includeEntities if entities should be included
* @return if is was successful
public static boolean load(Location origin, String name, String mirror, String rotate, boolean includeEntities) {
try {
Object originPos = blockPositionConstructor.newInstance(origin.getBlockX(), origin.getBlockY(), origin.getBlockZ());
Object world = getHandleMethod.invoke(craftWorldClass.cast(origin.getWorld()));
Object server = getMinecraftServerMethod.invoke(world);
Object structureManager = getStructureManagerMethod.invoke(world);
Object key = minecraftKeyConstructor.newInstance(name);
Object structure = loadInfoMethod.invoke(structureManager, server, key);
if (structure == null) {
return false;
} else {
Object structureInfo = definedStructureInfoConstructor.newInstance();
mirrorMethod.invoke(structureInfo, enumBlockMirrorValueOfMethod.invoke(null, mirror));
rotationMethod.invoke(structureInfo, enumBlockRotationValueOfMethod.invoke(null, rotate));
ignoreEntitiesMethod.invoke(structureInfo, includeEntities);
loadMethod.invoke(structure, world, originPos, structureInfo);
return true;
} catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) {
return false;
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