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Last active June 21, 2020 15:32
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2016-07-01,"A 117-year-old woman in Mexico City finally received her birth certificate, and died a few hours later. Trinidad Alvarez Lira had waited years for proof that she had been born in 1898."
2016-07-01,IMF chief backs Athens as permanent Olympic host
2016-07-01,"The president of France says if Brexit won, so can Donald Trump"
2016-07-01,British Man Who Must Give Police 24 Hours' Notice of Sex Threatens Hunger Strike: The man is the subject of a sexual risk order despite having never been convicted of a crime.
2016-07-01,100+ Nobel laureates urge Greenpeace to stop opposing GMOs
2016-07-01,Brazil: Huge spike in number of police killings in Rio ahead of Olympics
2016-07-01,Austria's highest court annuls presidential election narrowly lost by right-wing candidate.
2016-07-01,"Facebook wins privacy case, can track any Belgian it wants: Doesn't matter if Internet users are logged into Facebook or not"
2016-07-01,"Switzerland denies Muslim girls citizenship after they refuse to swim with boys at school: The 12- and 14-year-old will no longer be considered for naturalised citizenship because they have not complied with the school curriculum, authorities in Basel said"
2016-07-01,"China kills millions of innocent meditators for their organs, report finds"
2016-07-01,"France Cracks Down on Factory Farms - A viral video campaign has moved the govt to act. In footage shared widely online, animals writhe in pain as they bleed to death or are dismembered, in violation of rules requiring they be rendered unconscious before slaughter."
2016-07-01,Abbas PLO Faction Calls Killer of 13-Year-Old American-Israeli Girl a Martyr
2016-07-01,Taiwanese warship accidentally fires missile towards China
2016-07-01,"Iran celebrates American Human Rights Week, mocks U.S. rights record"
2016-07-01,U.N. panel moves to curb bias against L.G.B.T. people despite fierce resistance from Muslim and African countries.
2016-07-01,"The United States has placed Myanmar, Uzbekistan, Sudan and Haiti on its list of worst human trafficking offenders."
2016-07-01,S&P revises European Union credit rating to 'AA' from 'AA+'
2016-07-01,India gets $1 billion loan from World Bank for solar mission
2016-07-01,U.S. sailors detained by Iran spoke too much under interrogation: Navy
2016-07-01,Mass fish kill in Vietnam solved as Taiwan steelmaker accepts responsibility for pollution
2016-07-01,"Philippines president Rodrigo Duterte urges people to kill drug addicts | Duterte, 71, won power in a landslide after a campaign dominated by threats to kill tens of thousands in a war on crime"
2016-07-01,Spain arrests three Pakistanis accused of promoting militancy
2016-07-01,"Venezuela, where anger over food shortages is still mounting, continued to be roiled this week by angry protests and break-ins of grocery stores and businesses that have left five dead, at least 30 injured and 200 arrested, according to various news reports."
2016-07-01,"A Hindu temple worker has been killed by three men on a motorcycle, local police have said. More than 40 people have been killed in attacks blamed on Islamist militants in Bangladesh since February 2013, including secular bloggers, academics, gay rights activists and members of religious minorities."
2016-07-01,"Ozone layer hole seems to be healing - US & UK team shows it's shrunk & may slowly recover. ""If you had to have an ozone hole anywhere in the world, it'd be Antarctica because its not teeming with life. It showed us if we didnt back off with these chemicals, wed have a crisis."""
2016-06-30,Jamaica proposes marijuana dispensers for tourists at airports following legalisation: The kiosks and desks would give people a license to purchase up to 2 ounces of the drug to use during their stay
2016-06-30,Stephen Hawking says pollution and 'stupidity' still biggest threats to mankind: we have certainly not become less greedy or less stupid in our treatment of the environment over the past decade
2016-06-30,Boris Johnson says he will not run for Tory party leadership
2016-06-30,Six gay men in Ivory Coast were abused and forced to flee their homes after they were pictured signing a condolence book for victims of the recent attack on a gay nightclub in Florida
2016-06-30,Switzerland denies citizenship to Muslim immigrant girls who refused to swim with boys: report
2016-06-30,Palestinian terrorist stabs israeli teen girl to death in her bedroom
2016-06-30,Puerto Rico will default on $1 billion of debt on Friday
2016-06-30,Republic of Ireland fans to be awarded medal for sportsmanship by Paris mayor.
2016-06-30,Afghan suicide bomber 'kills up to 40' - BBC News
2016-06-30,"US airstrikes kill at least 250 ISIS fighters in convoy outside Fallujah, official says"
2016-06-30,Turkish Cop Who Took Down Istanbul Gunman Hailed a Hero
2016-06-30,"Cannabis compounds could treat Alzheimer's by removing plaque-forming proteins from brain cells, research suggests"
2016-06-30,"Japan's top court has approved blanket surveillance of the country's Muslims: 'They made us terrorist suspects, we never did anything wrong,' says Japanese Muslim, Mohammed Fujita"
2016-06-30,CIA Gave Romania Millions to Host Secret Prisons
2016-06-30,Groups urge U.N. to suspend Saudi Arabia from rights council
2016-06-30,Googles free wifi at Indian railway stations is better than most of the countrys paid services
2016-06-30,"Mounting evidence suggests 'hobbits' were wiped out by modern humans' ancestors 50,000 years ago."
2016-06-30,"The men who carried out Tuesday's terror attack at Istanbul's Ataturk Airport were from Russia, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, a Turkish offical said."
2016-06-30,Calls to suspend Saudi Arabia from UN Human Rights Council because of military aggresion in Yemen
2016-06-30,More Than 100 Nobel Laureates Call Out Greenpeace For Anti-GMO Obstruction In Developing World
2016-06-30,"British pedophile sentenced to 85 years in US for trafficking child abuse images: Domminich Shaw, a kingpin of sexual violence against children, sent dozens of images online and discussed plans to assault and kill a child while on probation"
2016-06-30,"US permitted 1,200 offshore fracks in Gulf of Mexico between 2010 and 2014 and allowed 72 billion gallons of chemical discharge in 2014."
2016-06-30,We will be swimming in ridicule - French beach police to carry guns while in swimming trunks: Police lifeguards on Frances busiest beaches will carry guns and bullet-proof vests for the first time this summer amid fears that terrorists could target holidaymakers.
2016-06-30,UEFA says no minutes of silence for Istanbul victims at Euro 2016 because 'Turkey have already been eliminated'
2016-06-30,Law Enforcement Sources: Gun Used in Paris Terrorist Attacks Came from Phoenix
2016-06-29,Explosion At Airport In Istanbul
2016-06-29,Yemeni former president: Terrorism is the offspring of Wahhabism of Al Saud regime
2016-06-29,UK must accept freedom of movement to access EU Market
2016-06-29,"Devastated: scientists too late to captive breed mammal lost to climate change - Australian conservationists spent 5 months obtaining permissions & planning for a captive breeding program. But when they arrived on the rodents tiny island, they they were too late."
2016-06-29,British Labor Party leader Jeremy Corbyn loses a no-confidence vote but refuses to resign
2016-06-29,A Muslim Shop in the UK Was Just Firebombed While People Were Inside
2016-06-29,Mexican Authorities Sexually Torture Women in Prison
2016-06-29,UK shares and pound continue to recover
2016-06-29,Iceland historian Johannesson wins presidential election
2016-06-29,"99-Million-Yr-Old Bird Wings Found Encased in Amber - Finding things trapped in amber is far from rare. But when researchers in Burma found a pair of tiny bird-like wings frozen inside, they knew they had something special."
2016-06-29,"A chatbot programmed by a British teenager has successfully challenged 160,000 parking tickets since its launch last year."
2016-06-29,"The Philippine president-elect said Monday he would aggressively promote artificial birth control in the country even at the risk of getting in a fight with the dominant Catholic church, which staunchly opposes the use of contraceptives."
2016-06-29,Former Belgian Prime Minister ridicules Nigel Farage and accuses Ukip leader of lying in EU referendum campaign
2016-06-29,"Brexiteer Nigel Farage To EU: 'You're Not Laughing Now, Are You?'"
2016-06-29,Islamic State bombings in southern Yemen kill 38 people
2016-06-29,"Escape Tunnel, Dug by Hand, Is Found at Holocaust Massacre Site"
2016-06-29,"The land under Beijing is sinking by as much as four inches per year because of the overconsumption of groundwater, according to new research."
2016-06-29,"Car bomb and Anti-Islamic attack on Mosque in Perth, Australia"
2016-06-29,Emaciated lions in Taiz Zoo are trapped in blood-soaked cages and left to starve for months due to the Yemeni civil war
2016-06-29,Rupert Murdoch describes Brexit as 'wonderful'. The media mogul likened leaving the EU to a prison break and shared his view of Donald Trump as a very able man.
2016-06-29,More than 40 killed in Yemen suicide attacks
2016-06-29,Google Found Disastrous Symantec and Norton Vulnerabilities That Are 'As Bad As It Gets
2016-06-29,"Extremist violence on the rise in Germany: Domestic intelligence agency says far-right, far-left and Islamist radical groups gaining membership in country"
2016-06-29,BBC News: Labour MPs pass Corbyn no-confidence motion
2016-06-29,Tiny New Zealand town with 'too many jobs' launches drive to recruit outsiders
2016-06-28,"2,500 Scientists To Australia: If You Want To Save The Great Barrier Reef, Stop Supporting Coal"
2016-06-28,"The personal details of 112,000 French police officers have been uploaded to Google Drive in a security breach just a fortnight after two officers were murdered at their home by a jihadist."
2016-06-28,S&P cuts United Kingdom sovereign credit rating to 'AA' from 'AAA'
2016-06-28,Huge helium deposit found in Africa
2016-06-28,CEO of the South African state broadcaster quits shortly after negative news about president is banned.
2016-06-28,"Brexit cost investors $2 trillion, the worst one day drop ever"
2016-06-28,Hong Kong democracy activists call for return to British rule as first step to independence
2016-06-28,Brexit: Iceland president says UK can join 'triangle' of non-EU countries
2016-06-28,"UK's Osborne: 'Absolutely' going to have to cut spending, raise taxes"
2016-06-28,'Do not let Scotland down now' : Scottish MEP Alyn Smith has urged members of the European Parliament to stand by his country following the UK referendum on EU membership.
2016-06-28,British pound could hit history-making dollar parity by end of 2016
2016-06-28,"Merkel vows to strengthen EU, tells UK no 'cherry-picking'"
2016-06-28,"""Ryanair will not deploy new aircraft on routes to and from the UK [United Kingdom] next year [2017], following the Brexit vote, and will instead focus on the European Union [EU]."""
2016-06-28,"People, ever more greedy and stupid, destroy the world - Stephen Hawking to Larry King"
2016-06-28,Siemens freezes new UK wind power investment following Brexit vote
2016-06-28,"US, Canada and Mexico pledge 50% of power from clean energy by 2025"
2016-06-28,"There is increasing evidence that Australia is torturing refugees, medical experts claim"
2016-06-28,"Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin Group, said Tuesday that the company has lost about a third of its value since the U.K. voted to leave the European Union last week."
2016-06-28,"37,000-yr-old skull from Borneo reveals surprise for scientists - Study of the ""Deep Skull"" - oldest modern human discovered in SE Asia - reveals this ancient person was not related to Indigenous Australians, as originally thought. ""Our discovery is a game changer."""
2016-06-28,Palestinians stone Western Wall worshipers; police shut Temple Mount to non-Muslims
2016-06-28,Jean-Claude Juncker asks Farage: Why are you here?
2016-06-28,"""Romanians for Remainians"" offering a new home to the 48% of Britons who voted to stay in the EU | Bucharest newspaper's app connects loving Romanian families with needy Brits, allowing people to offer to help would-be immigrants apply for a Romanian ID"
2016-06-28,Brexit: Gibraltar in talks with Scotland to stay in EU
2016-06-28,8 Suicide Bombers Strike Lebanon
2016-06-28,"Mexico's security forces routinely use 'sexual torture' against women: Rights group Amnesty International has compiled testimonies of sexual violence used as torture by Mexican security forces. Despite thousands of complaints, only 15 probes have led to criminal convictions since 1991."
2016-06-27,Barclays and RBS shares suspended from trading after tanking more than 8%
2016-06-27,Pope says Church should ask forgiveness from gays for past treatment
2016-06-27,Poland 'shocked' by xenophobic abuse of Poles in UK
2016-06-27,"There will be no second referendum, cabinet agrees"
2016-06-27,"Scotland welcome to join EU, Merkel ally says"
2016-06-27,Sterling dips below Friday's 31-year low amid Brexit uncertainty
2016-06-27,No negative news about South African President allowed on state broadcaster.
2016-06-27,Surge in Hate Crimes in the U.K. Following U.K.s Brexit Vote
2016-06-27,"Weapons shipped into Jordan by the CIA and Saudi Arabia intended for Syrian rebels have been systematically stolen by Jordanian intelligence operatives and sold to arms merchants on the black market, according to American and Jordanian officials"
2016-06-27,Angela Merkel said the U.K. must file exit papers with the European Union before talks can begin
2016-06-27,"In a birth offering hope to a threatened species, an aquarium in Osaka, Japan, has succeeded in artificially breeding a southern rockhopper penguin for the first time in the world."
2016-06-27,Sky News Journalist Left Speechless As Leave MP Tells Him 'There Is No Plan'
2016-06-27,Giant panda in Macau gives birth to twins
2016-06-27,Get out now: EU leader tells Britain it must invoke Article 50 on Tuesday
2016-06-27,Sea turtle 'beaten and left for dead' on beach by people taking selfies: Loggerhead sea turtle receiving treatment after it was beaten with sticks and stepped on in Lebanon
2016-06-27,German lawyers to probe Erdogan over alleged war crimes
2016-06-27,"Boris Johnson says the UK will continue to ""intensify"" cooperation with the EU and tells his fellow Leave supporters they must accept the 52-48 referendum win was ""not entirely overwhelming""."
2016-06-27,Richard Branson is calling on the UK government to hold a second EU referendum to prevent 'irreversible damage' to the country.
2016-06-27,Turkey 'sorry for downing Russian jet'
2016-06-27,Edward Snowden lawyer vows new push for pardon from Obama
2016-06-27,"Brexit opinion poll reveals majority don't want second EU referendum: ""half (48%) of British adults say that they are happy with the result, with two in five (43%) saying they are unhappy with the outcome."""
2016-06-27,"Conservative MP Leave Campaigner: ""The leave campaign don't have a post-Brexit plan..."""
2016-06-27,"Economists predict UK recession, further weakening of Pound following Brexit."
2016-06-27,"New EU 'superstate plan by France, Germany: Creating a European superstate limiting the powers of individual members following Britains referendum decision to leave the EU"
2016-06-27,Pakistani clerics declare transgender marriages legal under Islamic law
2016-06-26,Authorities raid 14 Scientology offices in Russia in money laundering probe
2016-06-26,Pope Francis uses the term 'genocide' to describe Armenian massacre during visit to memorial: Pontiff veers off prepared speech to directly refer to the massacre as a genocide
2016-06-26,Vladimir Putin Says Brexit Caused by British Politicians 'Arrogance'
2016-06-26,Poll puts support for Scottish independence at 59%
2016-06-26,Brexit: Expats denied say in EU referendum due to missing postal votes demand re-run after scandal is revealed
2016-06-26,The petition to redo the Brexit referendum that now has over 3 million signatures was actually started by a Leave backer who thought Remain was gonna win
2016-06-26,Historian Gudni Johannesson has claimed victory in Icelands presidential election. The new president said his first job would be to fly to France to support his country's team against England on Monday.
2016-06-26,"Nigel Farage has said Britain is heading for a mild recession but says it has nothing to do with Brexit. The victorious Leave campaigner rejected warnings that leaving the European Union would have dire consequences for the UK economy, even as markets were rocked by Thursdays result."
2016-06-26,Iraq takes 'last IS bastion in Falluja'
2016-06-26,Liberal Democrats pledge to ignore referendum result and keep Britain in the EU
2016-06-26,Nigerian Army announces rescue of 5000 Boko Haram hostages
2016-06-26,The United Nations issued a strongly worded statement on Friday warning that any attempt by the European Union to bypass national parliaments to push through controversial trade deals would violate international human rights norms and standards.
2016-06-26,"UK food prices set to rise after Brexit vote - Plunging pound and Britains reliance on imports will mean higher prices, says farmers leader"
2016-06-26,"Prices have increased by 14,000%-19,000% in four years in Venezuela"
2016-06-26,"No chance of a second referendum, says Britain's top elections expert"
2016-06-26,Nicola Sturgeon says Scottish Parliament could veto Brexit after EU referendum
2016-06-26,"Labour MP David Lammy has called on Parliament to ""stop this madness"" and to vote against the referendum decision to leave the EU."
2016-06-26,"Peru's state energy company has reported an oil spill in a tributary of Amazon, third major one this year and 21st in last five years, raising fears of yet more pollution of the water and fish on which indigenous villages and riverside communities depend."
2016-06-26,HSBC 'to move jobs to Paris if UK leaves single market'
2016-06-26,"A coral reef plea letter was sent to the Prime Minister of Australia by an international group of coral reef scientists on Saturday, concerning the health of the Great Barrier Reef, and the fossil fuel consumption of the country."
2016-06-26,Post Office in Northern Ireland reports 'unusually high number of people' seeking Irish passports
2016-06-26,"""I don't believe it is right that I should carry on as the British commissioner as though nothing had happened,"" Britain's representative on the EU executive in Brussels, Jonathan Hill, resigns"
2016-06-26,Remains of a mammoth uncovered near Mexico City
2016-06-26,Sturgeon says pre-referendum UK 'no longer exists'
2016-06-26,Thousands of London banking job cuts to start next week as contingency plans kick in
2016-06-25,"Six weeks before the Rio Olympics, the lab handling all drug testing for the Games has been suspended by world anti-doping officials"
2016-06-25,Global stock markets lost $2 trillion in value after Britain voted to leave the European Union
2016-06-25,Brexit: How to move to Canada trends in U.K. after European Union vote - National
2016-06-25,Brexit: Anger over 'Bregret' as Leave voters say they wanted 'protest vote' and thought UK would stay in EU
2016-06-25,"Petition for second EU referendum reaches 1,000,000 signatures."
2016-06-25,Worlds 400 Richest People Lose $127 Billion on Brexit
2016-06-25,Iceland is voting in a presidential election which a historian with no experience of public office is favourite to be win.
2016-06-25,Dozens of bomb sniffing dogs 'killed by American security company in Kuwait after its contract with oil firm ended'
2016-06-25,Thousands sign petition for London to become independent and rejoin the EU
2016-06-25,Scotland to begin talks with EU 'immediately' as plans for second independence vote underway already
2016-06-25,Brexit: Most Young voters where pro-EU but never got around to voting.
2016-06-25,"""France today told Britain to appoint a new prime minister within 'a few days' and to immediately quit the EU [European Union] by soon triggering Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty."""
2016-06-25,"Election in Iceland today, 10% of population is in France"
2016-06-25,"Scotland will likely seek independence for a second time this decade after the historic vote for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union, Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said Friday."
2016-06-25,Nigel Farage Admits 350m Saving For NHS In EU Contributions Slogan Was A Mistake
2016-06-25,London markets lose $164B in 600 seconds
2016-06-25,Cornwall votes for Brexit but doesn't want to lose its millions in EU subsidies
2016-06-25,Pope Francis describes mass killing of Armenians in Turkey as 'genocide'
2016-06-25,German foreign minister urges EU not to 'go looking for revenge' on UK: 'We have to accept the decision that was made'
2016-06-25,Thousands rally in Australia for same-sex marriage
2016-06-25,Cornwall votes for Brexit and then pleads to keep EU funding
2016-06-25,Brexit: Moody's downgrades UK's credit outlook from 'stable' to 'negative' | Business News | News
2016-06-25,Brexit: Britain's most senior EU official resigns after UK vote to leave
2016-06-25,The murdered Labour M.P. Jo Cox's constituency voted to leave the European Union
2016-06-25,Brexit will turn Berlin into 'Europes startup capital'
2016-06-24,David Cameron to Resign as PM After EU Referendum
2016-06-24,BBC forecasts UK votes to Leave the European Union
2016-06-24,"Nicola Sturgeon says a second independence referendum for Scotland is ""now highly likely"""
2016-06-24,It's official. Britain votes to leave the European Union.
2016-06-24,World's Largest Tibetan Buddhist Institute Ordered to be Demolished by Chinese Government
2016-06-24,Not a single place in Scotland voted to leave the EU...
2016-06-24,"Rich Getting Richer at the Expense of the Poor, Oxfam Warns"
2016-06-24,Spanish minister calls for Gibraltar to be returned to Spain on back of Brexit vote
2016-06-24,British Pound drops nearly 5% in minutes following strong results for leave campaign in Newcastle
2016-06-24,J.K. Rowling leads the charge for Scottish independence after UK votes for Brexit
2016-06-24,"Buenos Aires zoo to close after 140 years: 'Captivity is degrading' - Mayor Horacio Rodrguez Larreta said that the zoos 2,500 animals will be gradually moved to nature reserves in Argentina which can provide a more suitable environment."
2016-06-24,Northern Ireland's Deputy First Minister calls for poll on united Ireland after Brexit
2016-06-24,Polls close | Brexit polling day as it happened
2016-06-24,Brexit: Petition for second EU referendum so popular the government site's crashing | UK | News
2016-06-24,"North Korea printing massive amounts of fake Chinese currency, defectors say"
2016-06-24,Sinn Fein calls for a referendum on Irish reunification after Brexit
2016-06-24,$70 billion wiped off the Australian sharemarket as a result of Brexit.
2016-06-24,Nigel Farage disowns Vote Leave '350m for the NHS' pledge hours after result
2016-06-24,Top EU leader: we want Britain out as soon as possible
2016-06-24,"Nigel Farage: 350 million pledge to fund the NHS was a 'big mistake'.Captions such as ""Let's give our NHS the 350 million the EU takes every week"" and ""We send the EU 350 million a week, let's fund our NHS instead"" were stamped on Vote Leave campaign material."
2016-06-24,Thousands of London banking job cuts to start next week
2016-06-24,Google says there was a large spike in searches for Irish passport applications as news broke
2016-06-24,EU referendum; Gibraltar backs Remain with 94% in first result of the night
2016-06-24,"After Brexit, U.K. Residents Google 'What Is The EU?'"
2016-06-24,A Turkish man has been found guilty of insulting President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for depicting him as the Gollum character from the Lord of the Rings. A court in the south-western Antalya province gave Rifat Cetin a suspended one-year jail sentence and stripped him of parental custody rights.
2016-06-23,"Today The United Kingdom decides whether to remain in the European Union, or leave"
2016-06-23,"E-cigarettes should not be banned in public, medical experts warn: 'A ban on using e-cigarettes in public places could be damaging, as it may put off smokers from using e-cigarettes to help them quit,' says Rosanna O'Connor from Public Health England"
2016-06-23,Report: China is still harvesting organs from prisoners
2016-06-23,"Man opens fire at cinema complex in Germany, several people wounded report"
2016-06-23,"Erdoan: Europe, you dont want us because were Muslim"
2016-06-23,"Asian millionaires now control more wealth than those in North America, Europe and other regions"
2016-06-23,"A Japanese porn industry association has apologised and promised reform, amid allegations women are being forced to perform sex acts on film."
2016-06-23,"University students are being warned when classes contains graphic or sensitive content, including sexual abuse, rape and transgenderism, to protect their mental health. Australian academics are issuing so-called ""trigger warnings"" for confronting material in classrooms."
2016-06-23,Afghan interpreters 'betrayed' by UK and US
2016-06-23,"Contagious cancer cells are spreading between different animals and even different species in the sea, according to new research which raises the prospect of the disease becoming infectious in humans."
2016-06-23,51 Killed in China by Powerful Tornado
2016-06-23,Teacher Killings Ignite Calls for Revolution in Mexico: Police crackdown on rural educator protest spurs wide rebuke of government privatization and repression
2016-06-23,Solar plane lands in Spain after three-day Atlantic crossing
2016-06-23,Brexit supporters urged to take own pens to polling station amid fears of MI5 conspiracy
2016-06-23,"Cities forge world's largest alliance to curb climate change | More than 7,100 cities in 119 countries formed the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy, a network for helping exchange information on such goals as developing clean energy, organizers said."
2016-06-23,"Colombia, FARC announce full ceasefire, 'last day of the war'"
2016-06-23,"Gunmen kill Sufi devotional singer Amjad Sabri in Pakistan, Pakistani Taliban claim responsibility"
2016-06-23,India launches 20 satellites in single mission
2016-06-23,F-16s to be manufactured soon in an assembly line in India
2016-06-23,"Australia's gun laws stopped mass shootings and reduced homicides, study finds."
2016-06-23,French cement company in Syria buys oil from ISIS Documents
2016-06-23,Pope to visit Armenia after irking Turkey with 'genocide' label
2016-06-23,Merkel says NATO must be strengthened
2016-06-23,"China cracks down on online comments, click-bait stories, foreign TV content as Xi reshapes media landscape"
2016-06-23,"The prime minister of India is set to get a brand new Air India One aircraft, will be more advanced than Air Force One."
2016-06-22,German government agrees to ban fracking indefinitely
2016-06-22,"Teenage recruits were raped by staff and forced to rape each other as part of initiation practices in the Australian military going back to 1960, a public inquiry heard on Tuesday"
2016-06-22,"Pakistan is selling nuclear materials to N Korea and China knows it, US sources say"
2016-06-22,Amazon jaguar shot dead at Olympic torch ceremony
2016-06-22,Mexican flags raised around Donald Trump's golf course - Ahead of Trump's visit to Scotland this week
2016-06-22,EU smashes 2020 emissions target six years early | Greenhouse gas emissions in 2014 were 4.1% lower than the previous year and 24.4% below the 1990 baseline. The 2020 target is a 20% cut.
2016-06-22,Police kill eight striking Mexican teachers as Activists Denounce Police Killings & Crackdowns on Teachers in Oaxaca
2016-06-22,Pro-choice activists have delivered abortion pills to women in Northern Ireland using a drone.
2016-06-22,"A French football fan shoved an 18cm-long flare up his rectum in order to smuggle it into a Euro 2016 game. He then pulled the device out and set it off in the crowd, burning himself and two others in the process, before being charged over the incident by French police."
2016-06-22,"Indian space agency ISRO launches 20 satellites in a single launch, setting a new record for the agency"
2016-06-22,Japanese power company TEPCO admits it lied about meltdown after Fukushima
2016-06-22,Murdoch's News Corp buys 72 regional newspapers for $37 million
2016-06-22,"""Europe's growing army of robot workers could be classed as 'electronic persons' and their owners liable to paying social security for them if the European Union adopts a draft plan to address the realities of a new industrial revolution."""
2016-06-22,Intel Fights Record $1.2 Billion Antitrust Fine at Top EU Court for bribing computer makers to not use AMD
2016-06-22,Russian security service conducts raids on Church of Scientology Federal Security Service raid over a dozen locations in Moscow and St Petersburg as part of investigation into alleged illegal business dealings
2016-06-22,"Turkish students and graduates from 370 schools issue statements against AKP government's Islamization of education, student protests continue"
2016-06-22,"Japan Election Campaign Kicks off, Voting Age Lowered to 18"
2016-06-22,"Moscow has signed an agreement with Los Angeles-based company Hyperloop One to explore building a futuristic, high-speed transportation system known as a Hyperloop in the Russian capital."
2016-06-22,TEPCO admits meltdown cover-up - The president of Tokyo Electric Power Company has admitted the company concealed the reactor meltdowns at its Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant immediately after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami
2016-06-22,Indian State Grants Jews Minority Status - India Real Time
2016-06-22,Canadian Rescue Plane successfully reaches South Pole Research Outpost.
2016-06-22,The Swedish parliament on Tuesday voted in favour of tough new asylum and residency laws.
2016-06-22,French police teargas migrants trying to board trucks to the UK
2016-06-22,"Qawwali musician Amjad Sabri was shot dead in Pakistan. In 2014, the Islamabad Hight Court had issued a notice in a blasphemy case to two private TV channels. The show had mixed a mock wedding with a qawwali sung by Sabri related to religious figures, and was considered offensive."
2016-06-22,N. Korea launches what appears to be Musudan mid-range missile from east coast
2016-06-21,An Australian athlete who has competed in six Paralympic Games has been robbed at gunpoint in the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro. Liesl Tesch said a man brandishing a gun pushed her off her bicycle and stole it on Sunday.
2016-06-21,Russian state television accidentally broadcasts evidence that Moscow uses cluster bombs in Syria
2016-06-21,"In 2015, 50 environmentalists were killed in Brazil more than a quarter of those killed worldwide and last year marked deadliest year for environmental activists, with 185 total murders across world. Out of the 10 deadliest countries in world for environmentalist, seven were in Latin America."
2016-06-21,"China's plan to cut meat consumption by 50% cheered by climate campaigners: New dietary guidelines could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 1bn tonnes by 2030, and could lessen countrys problems with obesity and diabetes"
2016-06-21,"Coral bleaching event now biggest in history and about to get worse: 'Coral in every major reef region has already experienced severe bleaching. About 93% of the reefs on Australias Great Barrier Reef have been affected, and almost a quarter of the reef on the 2,300km stretch is now dead.'"
2016-06-21,Super-rich quaff champagne in Venezuela country club while middle classes scavenge for food
2016-06-21,Hong Kong bookseller refuses to be silenced after harsh detention in China
2016-06-21,Chinese prosecutors have successfully sued a county environmental agency for inadequately punishing a sewage firm that produced dye without appropriate safeguards the first such public interest case against a government department.
2016-06-21,"A London-based advocacy group says it has documented the killings of 185 environmental activists in 16 countries last year, nearly 60 percent more than in 2014."
2016-06-21,Erdogan loses appeal against German media boss
2016-06-21,Chinese supercomputer is the world's fastest and without using US chips
2016-06-21,"7-Eleven operator handed record penalty of more than $400,000 for systematically exploiting staff"
2016-06-21,A Honduran military unit trained by US was ordered to kill environmental activist who was slain in March
2016-06-21,African Union plans to introduce single passport to create EU-style 'continent without borders'
2016-06-21,"More refugees became citizens of Canada than any other country last year, UN says"
2016-06-21,Turkey charges Reporters Without Borders press freedom representative with 'terrorist propaganda'
2016-06-21,Brussels: Bomb alert at shopping centre sparks anti-terror operation | Europe | News
2016-06-21,Australian Paralympian Liesl Tesch robbed at gunpoint in Rio de Janeiro
2016-06-21,China issues orders to demolish Buddhist 'towns' (religious communities) with intensive 'instruction' for leaders and members of religious orders. Only a tiny fraction of the existing communities will be allowed to remain at each site.
2016-06-21,Gazans squeezed by triple taxes as Hamas replaces lost income
2016-06-21,US and Russian fighters in dramatic showdown over Syria: American pilots scramble to confront Putin's jets as they bomb Pentagon-backed Syrian rebels
2016-06-21,"Rising Tide of 'Politically Acceptable' Killings Spells Danger for Environmentalists Worldwide: More than three people were slain each week in 2015 for 'protecting the land, forests, and rivers,' a new report reveals"
2016-06-21,Mexico teachers protest: Six people are dead and more than 100 are injured following a weekend of violence between members of a teachers union and police in southern Mexico.
2016-06-21,Canada is set to launch a paid whistleblower program.
2016-06-21,"Russian football fan leader Alexander Shprygin has been detained in France, two days after being expelled from the country, French officials say."
2016-06-20,A staggering 87 percent of Venezuelans say they do not have money to buy enough food
2016-06-20,Two corporate whistleblowers may enter into plea bargain deal that would tie 30% of Brazilian lawmakers to corruption cases.
2016-06-20,"Poland, together with Russia, Iran, and several Gulf states successfully removed decriminalization of homosexuality from UN resolution."
2016-06-20,"Three environmental activists were killed per week last year, murdered defending land rights and the environment from mining, dam projects and logging"
2016-06-20,"Ontario funeral business dissolves the dead, pours them into town sewers"
2016-06-20,"New Declassified Documents Reveal How CIA Abused, Tortured Prisoners [Graphic]"
2016-06-20,"Tens of thousands of people gathered in sweltering heat on Japan's Okinawa island on Sunday in one of the biggest demonstrations in two decades against U.S. military bases, following the arrest of an American suspected of murdering a local woman."
2016-06-20,"Japan's dementia crisis hits record levels as thousands go missing. National Police Agency reports more than 12,000 patients going missing in 2015, with hundreds of those later found dead"
2016-06-20,"Icelands Hekla volcano, a very popular tourist destination, now ready to blow"
2016-06-20,Corbyn pledges to kill TTIP if elected
2016-06-20,Venezuelans Ransack Stores as Hunger Grips the Nation - 4-year-old girl was shot to death as street gangs fought over food.
2016-06-20,Rome elects first female mayor
2016-06-20,"Saudi Arabia and Kuwait angry about Hillary Clintons claims that they 'fund terrorism': The two embassies in Canberra, Australia denounced the presidential candidate's remarks and said they also suffer from terrorism"
2016-06-20,Professor Dismissed for Insulting Turkey's President
2016-06-20,Russian soldier dies in Syria after preventing car bomb attack on aid distribution point
2016-06-20,"Three dead, 45 injured as labor union clashes with police in Mexico"
2016-06-20,"Indonesia vows to stand firm after skirmishes with Chinese ships.China claims most of the South China Sea, through which $5 trillion in ship-borne trade passes every year. The Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan and Brunei have overlapping claims."
2016-06-20,A study of ocean plankton has shown that an increase in the water temperature of the worlds oceans of around 6C (10.8F) which some scientists predict could occur as soon as 2100 could stop oxygen production by phytoplankton by disrupting the process of photosynthesis.
2016-06-20,"Australia taxes foreign home buyers as affordability bites - Sydney is imposing new taxes on foreigners buying homes as concerns grow that a flood of mostly Chinese investors is crowding out locals and killing the ""Great Australian Dream"" of owning property"
2016-06-20,Paris isn't happy about Amazon's one-hour delivery service
2016-06-20,"Australian man pleads guilty to making sexual threats on social media, in a landmark victory for opponents of online harassment. ""When her friends defended her online, Alchin wrote more than fifty posts, including rape threats, and saying that women should 'never have been given rights' """
2016-06-20,Trudeau condemns killing of 14 Canadian Embassy security guards in Kabul
2016-06-20,Vladimir Putin is considering selling part of Russias corporate crown jewels to China and India as the president struggles to meet spending commitments before his possible re-election bid in less than two years
2016-06-20,An elephant has survived being shot in the head by suspected poachers in Zimbabwe. It was found by vets in Mana Pools national park and is believed to have had the bullet lodged in its head for up to six weeks.
2016-06-20,Wikileaks founder Julian Assange marks 5 years holed up in Ecuadorean embassy
2016-06-19,Canada Legalizes Physician-Assisted Dying
2016-06-19,"""There is no need for anyone else to engage in politics. Our duty is to support the leader in this country."" No one should do politics in Turkey except Erdoan, says chief adviser."
2016-06-19,Egypt just sentenced two former Al Jazeera employees to death
2016-06-19,"Turkish police use tear gas, rubber bullets and water cannons to disperse protesters against radical Islamists' assault on Radiohead fans. Over 500 people had gathered in Cihangir Square with beers in hands."
2016-06-19,Microsoft avoids paying 100m a year in UK corporation tax
2016-06-19,Canada willingly makes tax deals with tax havens. Billions of dollars are moving out of Canada nearly all tax free with 92 tax treaties signed.
2016-06-19,3 International Space Station astronauts return safely to Earth
2016-06-19,Pakistan Province Grants 300 Million Rupees To 'University of Jihad'
2016-06-19,Refugees should have to 'accept Kiwi values': The government is being told it should make refugees sign up to New Zealand values before they allowed are into the country.
2016-06-19,Firemen in Sicily are battling dozens of forest blazes which they believe were lit by the island's mafia or their collaborators.Authorities have pointed the blame at mafia mobsters allied with unscrupulous developers who hope to build villas and holiday homes on the torched land
2016-06-19,"Norway's parliament approves radical proposal to become climate neutral by 2030, 20 years earlier than planned"
2016-06-19,"Russian aircraft bombed US backed rebels near the Jordanian border, forcing US to send aircraft to the area."
2016-06-19,"Hundreds of academic, religious, popular, student, human and social rights organizations around the world signed a document Friday that condemns the brutal repression exerted by the Mexican government against teachers who reject the education reform by President Enrique Pea Nieto."
2016-06-19,North Korea Steals U.S. Fighter Blueprints
2016-06-19,Vladimir Putin says that Russian will work with whoever is elected US president
2016-06-19,Thousands of people in Poland march to defend abortion rights
2016-06-19,Angry Julian Assange starts fifth year cooped in London embassy
2016-06-19,Thai government is planning on legalization of methamphetamine
2016-06-19,Thousands protest U.S. bases on Okinawa after Japan woman's murder
2016-06-19,"In a show of strength before an international courts ruling on Chinas claims in the South China Sea, US Navy sails 2 Aircraft carriers in western Pacific"
2016-06-19,UK government suspects many of those who attacked England supporters are in Russias uniformed services
2016-06-19,German minister warns NATO of 'saber-rattling' against Russia
2016-06-19,IMF says EU exit 'largest near-term risk' to British economy
2016-06-19,Rio Declares 'State Of Calamity' Ahead Of Games
2016-06-19,Turkish troops kill 11 Syrians trying to cross border: monitor
2016-06-18,"Rio declares financial emergency, requests funding for Olympics"
2016-06-18,It's official: May is now Earth's hottest month on record
2016-06-18,"Thomas Mair, charged with MP Jo Cox's murder, gives his name as ""Death to traitors, freedom for Britain"" to UK court"
2016-06-18,Iraqi forces take back Fallujah from ISIS
2016-06-18,"Norway says it will boost defences against unpredictable Russia: We have an increasingly unpredictable neighbour to the east which is strengthening its military capacity, and showing willingness to use military force as a political tool,"
2016-06-18,"Exxon Has No Free Speech Rights to Commit Fraud, say Climate Groups: Exxon's ""preemptive strike to shut down the investigation before it is completed should not be countenanced,"" says Union of Concerned Scientists"
2016-06-18,"Large number of Turks in Germany put Islam above the law: Germany may be home, but many don't feel accepted - new study reveals what ethnic Turks think about religion and integration, with many putting Islam above the law and some even justifying violence to expand Islam"
2016-06-18,Radiohead Listening Party in Istanbul Attacked by Islamists
2016-06-18,Belgium Police Arrest 12 Suspected of Planning New Terror Attack
2016-06-18,"Shattered records show climate change is an emergency today, scientists warn. Unprecedented temperature levels mean more heatwaves, flooding, wildfires and hurricanes as experts say global warming is here and affecting us now"
2016-06-18,U.S. says it will stay in Black Sea despite Russian warning
2016-06-18,Canada's PM Justin Trudeau announced a possible commitment of troops to Europe following intelligence suggesting that Moscow is retooling for the possibility of war.
2016-06-18,China has ordered an apparent media blackout on mainland coverage of a Hong Kong booksellers claim he was abducted by Chinese agents amid outcry in the territory and internationally over the case.
2016-06-18,'We shall not take anyone in'. Angry Hungarian ministers hit back at EU migration quotas - Hungarian politicians have said the country will not accept any migrants because the country does not need immigration.
2016-06-18,Kenya allows anal probes to detect homosexuals.
2016-06-18,Bulgaria set to ban niqabs and burqas in crackdown on the face veil: Bill tabled by the nationalist Patriotic Front party backed by 108 MPs to eight against
2016-06-18,"China has signed an agreement with the United Nations to open its future space station to spacecraft, science experiments and even astronauts from countries around the world"
2016-06-18,"Victoria Police failed to act on complaints about a policeman who sexually brutalised nine children during his 12 years in the force, the County Court was told on Friday."
2016-06-18,China must get better on human rights before Canada will sign a trade deal: Trudeau
2016-06-18,Canada's assisted-dying bill is now law after clearing final hurdles.
2016-06-18,Radical Islamists attack Radiohead record store event in Istanbul
2016-06-18,American man commits suicide by slashing his throat in Taiwan courtroom drug trial
2016-06-18,The Russian track and field team will not compete at the Rio Olympics after world athletics governing body upheld a ban imposed for state-supported doping. A handful of Russian athletes may be able to compete under a neutral flag if they can demonstrate they have lived and trained outside Russia.
2016-06-18,"Pakistan has banned an actor from hosting a TV show, for discussing the rights of minorities in the country. The host earlier remarked that the state shouldn't discriminate against its citizens based on their sect & religious affiliations. Later, an Islamic cleric has called for murder of the host."
2016-06-18,Lawmakers call for defunding UN schools after film shows Palestinian kids praising ISIS
2016-06-17,MP Jo Cox dead after shooting attack
2016-06-17,Saudi Arabia upset after Hillary Clinton links oil kingdom to terrorism
2016-06-17,"India may be building an underwater wall of microphones to keep track of Chinas submarines, Hydrophones can record and listen to underwater sounds"
2016-06-17,"Ex-Auschwitz guard Reinhold Hanning, 94, sentenced to 5 years for being accessory to murder in 170,000 deaths."
2016-06-17,"The annual Gay Pride Parade in Istanbul is under threat from ultra-nationalist and conservative groups who have pledged to do ""what is necessary"" to stop the event."
2016-06-17,Russian athletes to remain banned from international competition
2016-06-17,Israel seeks life plus 60 years for gay pride stabber
2016-06-17,Brazil's tourism minister resigns weeks before Olympics
2016-06-17,"A rare, risky mission is underway to rescue sick scientists from the South Pole"
2016-06-17,"China behaving like 'gangster' state with bookseller kidnap, say Hong Kong politicians"
2016-06-17,Putin: Today USA is the only superpower.
2016-06-17,"Report shows young people today in Australia are overqualified, underemployed and swimming in debt"
2016-06-17,Alleged killer of British MP was a longtime supporter of the neo-Nazi National Alliance
2016-06-17,Taliban use 'honey trap' boys to kill Afghan police - The Taliban are using child sex slaves to mount crippling insider attacks on police in southern Afghanistan
2016-06-17,"COGAT: Israel water supply to Palestinians increased, not decreased"
2016-06-17,"Deaths, arrests as looting erupts in Venezuela"
2016-06-17,"Elderly Japanese, among the world's richest retirees, are flocking to inheritance advisers, tackling historical taboos on discussing death and providing a rare avenue of growth for the country's brokerages and banks."
2016-06-17,Russian hooligans attack Spanish tourists outside cathedral -
2016-06-17,Boko Haram shoot dead 18 women at funeral in northern Nigeria
2016-06-17,"ISIS Committed Genocide Against Yazidis in Syria and Iraq, U.N. Panel Says"
2016-06-17,Greece wants to send thousands of migrants back to Turkey in coming weeks
2016-06-17,Missing Hong Kong bookseller: I was kidnapped - One of five Hong Kong booksellers who went missing in late 2015 said he was kidnapped after crossing the border into mainland China
2016-06-17,Kim Jong-un destroys model village in North Korea built by his 'despicable human scum' uncle: Sources claim the theme park made the North Korean leader uneasy
2016-06-17,"Turkey Bans Gay Pride Parade in Istanbul, Citing Security"
2016-06-17,"One dead, others injured in mass stabbing at Calgary medical clinic."
2016-06-16,Decriminalisation Call As 'War On Drugs' Fails. Top public health experts say illicit drug use should be treated as a health issue rather than punishing those who need treatment.
2016-06-16,"Germany to end unofficial tolerance of polygamy: 'No one who comes to us has the right to put their cultural roots, or their religious beliefs, above our laws,' says justice minister"
2016-06-16,"Killing of non-Muslims and minority groups forbidden in Islam.Bangladeshi clerics have issued a fatwa against the killings of minorities and secular campaigners in the mainly Muslim country, where police have arrested over 10,000 people in a crackdown on militancy."
2016-06-16,"Once Islamic State is defeated, Iraq should be divided into three separate entities to prevent further sectarian bloodshed, with a state each given to Shi'ite Muslims, Sunnis and Kurds, a top Kurdish official said on Thursday."
2016-06-16,LEGO donates 600 million DKK (90.7 million USD) to new children's hospital in Copenhagen
2016-06-16,Physicists have detected ripples in the fabric of spacetime that were set in motion by the collision of two black holes far across the universe more than a billion years ago. The event marks only the second time that scientists have spotted gravitational waves
2016-06-16,Obama meets Dalai Lama in spite of China protest
2016-06-16,A chilling call: Police to contact 151 Canadians on ISIS 'kill list'
2016-06-16,BBC News: EgyptAir wreckage found in Mediterranean
2016-06-16,"Norway Kills More Whales than Japan and Iceland Combined, Report Finds."
2016-06-16,India aims for a record by launching 22 satellites on a single rocket
2016-06-16,"The World Has Gotten More Peaceful, Except the Middle East"
2016-06-16,"Catholic orders take their lead from the pope and divest from fossil fuels: Four Australian Catholic orders are jointly and publicly divesting from coal, oil and gas: We believe the Gospel asks no less of us"
2016-06-16,Undercover police officer 'recorded Muslim extremists calling for gay people to be thrown from a building during secret ISIS support meetings in back garden'
2016-06-16,'El Chapo' prison guard killed; Mexico deploys 300 troops to guard prison
2016-06-16,"Employee of Panama Papers Law Firm, Mossack Fonseca, Is Arrested in Switzerland"
2016-06-16,"$40 billion aid to Israel is 'largest ever' to any country, says Susan Rice"
2016-06-16,"Lam Wing-kee, bookseller who went missing for nearly eight months and only returned to Hong Kong from the mainland this week, described on Thursday his harrowing detention at a border crossing and sustained efforts by authorities there to extract information from him."
2016-06-16,"Poliovirus detected in water sample in India, state declares global emergency"
2016-06-16,"One in four deaths of young men aged from 15 to 39 in Ireland is due to alcohol and drink is a factor in half of all suicides.Alcohol is also involved in more than one third of cases of deliberate self-harm, peaking around weekends and public holidays."
2016-06-16,Prince William Becomes First Royal to Pose for LGBT Magazine - Speaking out on homophobic bullying
2016-06-16,LIGO Has Detected Gravitational Waves for the Second Time
2016-06-16,Walmart Canada says it would stop accepting visa cards because of unacceptably high fees. Visa accuses Walmart of using customers as Pawns in battle over fees.
2016-06-16,"$28 bln invested in cluster weapon producers in 4 years - Report finds 158 financial institutions involved in funding production of weapons, despite intl law banning cluster bombs"
2016-06-16,A Kenyan High Court has dismissed a case challenging the legality of anal tests as proof of homosexuality
2016-06-15,ISIS Twitter accounts have been hijacked with gay porn
2016-06-15,"Dalai Lama grows quite skeptical about the effects of prayer, stating that serious actions are required for real changes"
2016-06-15,Nearly 400 international scientists called on Barack Obama to rule out further expansion of oil and gas exploration in Arctic waters under US control.
2016-06-15,"A gay couple has been detained by Moscow police in Russia after leaving flowers and a sign with ""Love wins"" written on it outside the US embassy. Russian law bans protests over gay rights, and LGBT people in the country suffer severe discrimination and homophobia."
2016-06-15,Scotland beats climate emissions reductions target six years early. Down 46% since 1990.
2016-06-15,Scientists have discovered the first complex organic chiral molecule in interstellar space.
2016-06-15,Israel cuts water supplies to West Bank during Ramadan
2016-06-15,Avocado shortage fuels crime wave in New Zealand
2016-06-15,"Catholic teenager hung on cross at work left 'ashamed', four men are accused of religiously aggravated assault by beating."
2016-06-15,Justin Trudeau considers European troop commitment as Canadian Intel warns Russia is 'mobilizing for war'
2016-06-15,"Obama risks angering 1.3 billion Chinese people by meeting the Dalai Lama, warns Beijing"
2016-06-15,The UN [has] ruled that Ireland's abortion ban violates human rights
2016-06-15,"Young Australians are more educated than previous generations, but they are struggling to turn higher qualifications into paid work."
2016-06-15,"Malnutrition is sweeping the world, fuelled by obesity as well as starvation, new research has suggested"
2016-06-15,"China warns U.S. against meetings with Dalai Lama, and Taiwan president"
2016-06-15,"Mexico's first independent governor: ""No one likes fat girls"""
2016-06-15,"Brazil's giant dams risk destroying heart of the Amazon, says Greenpeace: Construction of 40 dams in the Tapajs river basin would severely affect indigenous people and is not justifiable economically, says new report"
2016-06-15,Justin Trudeau Refuses to Stop Giving Canadians Criminal Records Over Weed
2016-06-15,"Raqqa: Elderly Christian forced to convert to Islam, cannot afford ISIS minority tax"
2016-06-15,"Islamophobia on the rise in Germany - study. Islamophobia has risen markedly in Germany, a study published on Wednesday showed, underscoring the tensions simmering in German society after more than one million migrants, mostly Muslims, arrived last year."
2016-06-15,"A morsel of never-before-seen alien rock has been dug up in a limestone quarry in Sweden, where it had lain deeply buried for about 470m years, scientists said Tuesday."
2016-06-15,"Chinese children at five are 8-cm taller than 40 years ago, according to government surveys over 161,774 healthy children"
2016-06-15,"May Was Planet's Hottest Month on Record, NASA"
2016-06-15,Former No. 2 at Argentinas Public Works Ministry was arrested burying millions outside convent
2016-06-15,"Five Die in Attack on Gay Club, Shootout in Eastern Mexico"
2016-06-14,Gay Chinese man sues mental hospital for trying to cure him with drugs and beatings
2016-06-14,Goldman Sachs hired prostitutes to win Libyan business
2016-06-14,'Man holed up in Paris suburban home with hostages after killing policeman'
2016-06-14,"A group of Pakistani clerics has issued a fatwa, or religious ruling, declaring ""honour killing"" over perceived damage to a family's reputation against the teaching of Islam, and anyone who carries out such an attack a heretic"
2016-06-14,"Animal Welfare Institute Report: Norway is now the worlds leading whaling nation, killing more whales in the past two years than Japan and Iceland combined."
2016-06-14,ISIS leader al-Baghdadi killed in air strike: Report
2016-06-14,"Leaked secret audio recordings of Brazils most powerful figures have sparked a series of explosive scandals in the nations ongoing political crisis. Now, Brazilian lawmakers are trying to outlaw publication of such recordings"
2016-06-14,US with 5 percent of the world's population has nearly third of world's mass shootings
2016-06-14,London's mayor has banned 'unrealistic body images' from transport advertising
2016-06-14,University of Toronto under lockdown after report of armed man
2016-06-14,French police have started the process of deporting almost 50 Russia fans following violent clashes with England supporters that marred the opening days of Euro 2016.
2016-06-14,The Pirate Party charges back to the top of polls in Iceland with only four months until elections
2016-06-14,The atmosphere has hit a grim milestone and scientists say well never go back within our lifetimes
2016-06-14,Barrier Reef rodent is first mammal declared extinct due to climate change
2016-06-14,Unprecedented 11 million supporters sign petition calling for the end of China's Yulin dog meat festival
2016-06-14,"Bollywood is celebrating a rare court decision to overrule the country's chief censor, who had sought to censor a controversial film about drug problems in the state of Punjab."
2016-06-14,"ISIS militants massacres 40 civilians in Ghandoura, north Aleppo"
2016-06-14,Muslim villagers donate money to build church for Christian community in Pakistan
2016-06-14,Australia reviews visa of Islamic scholar over homosexuality comments
2016-06-14,"Mongolia is changing all its addresses to three-word phrases. The system, developed by a British startup, identifies 9-square-meter spaces anywhere on the planet with just three words."
2016-06-14,"Non-praying people 'animals', Turkish academic says on state TV"
2016-06-14,ISIS claims responsibility for killing of French police officer
2016-06-14,Laser technology reveals huge medieval cities hidden in the Cambodian jungle
2016-06-14,Canadian Hostage Robert Hall Beheaded by Abu Sayyaf Militants
2016-06-14,First Muslim Gay 'Imam' Says Quran Doesn't Call for Punishment of Homosexuals
2016-06-13,A Dutch woman who alleged she was raped after being drugged in an upscale nightclub in Doha was convicted of having sex out of wedlock by a Qatari court on Monday and given a one-year suspended sentence.
2016-06-13,Islamic State claims responsibility for Orlando nightclub shooting
2016-06-13,Muslim students in Denmark banned from praying during school hours
2016-06-13,Turkish website reports 50 perverts killed in a bar
2016-06-13,"The New Democrat Party of Canada is introducing a motion on Monday, calling on the liberal government to decriminalize simple possession of marijuana for personal use immediately."
2016-06-13,5 Delhi Hospitals Fined $125 million For Refusing Free Treatment To Poor
2016-06-13,German MP calls for a travel ban on Erdogan - Sevim Dagdelen has urged action after receiving death threats over the Armenian genocide vote in Germany's parliament. She said she wants Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to be prevented from entering Germany.
2016-06-13,Exclusive: Edward Snowden leaks reveal secret Scottish spy system
2016-06-13,Microsoft to buy Linkedin for $26.2 Billion
2016-06-13,"Irish Prime Minister ""I'll meet Donald Trump and tell him why his views are racist and dangerous"""
2016-06-13,Islamic decree terms honor killing un-Islamic act
2016-06-13,Reports of powerful explosion in Beirut
2016-06-13,India Is Building a $60 Million Monsoon-Predicting Supercomputer
2016-06-13,Ukraine Holds Its First Major Gay Pride March in Kiev
2016-06-13,Cleric who preached death for homosexual acts and toured Orlando visits Sydney
2016-06-13,"Greece will soon recognize Palestinian state, ruling party says"
2016-06-13,Bangladesh arrests over 100 Islamists in crackdown after killings
2016-06-13,"Russian hooligans were savage and organised, say England fans."
2016-06-13,The Australian government will establish a special $1 billion fund to protect the Great Barrier Reef from the ravages of climate change and declining water quality.
2016-06-13,"Goldman Sachs hired prostitutes to win Libyan business, court told: Wall Street Bank also accused of paying for travel and five-star hotels by Libyan sovereign wealth fund, as UK high court hearing gets under way"
2016-06-13,Ukraine holds its first large-scale LGBT pride parade
2016-06-13,May Broke A New Record For Arctic Sea Ice Loss
2016-06-13,Oscar Pistorius to be sentenced for murder of Reeva Steenkamp; the former athlete faces 15 years in jail after appeal court rejected culpable homicide verdict in shooting death of Steenkamp in 2013
2016-06-13,At least 12 released Guantanamo detainees implicated in attacks on Americans
2016-06-13,Thousands flee Falluja using first safe exit route secured by Iraqi army
2016-06-12,Pakistani Senator Threatens Activist With Rape on Live Television
2016-06-12,ISIS 'will target' the Rio Olympics 2016 says Brazil's anti-terror chief
2016-06-12,"Germany: Thousands Surround US Air Base to Protest the Use of Drones: Over 5,000 Germans formed a 5.5-mile human chain to surround the base"
2016-06-12,"MH370: Debris discovered off south Australian coast means missing planes wreckage could span 10,000 km"
2016-06-12,Two-Thirds of the World to Suffer Water Scarcity in 10 Years
2016-06-12,"NSA Looking to Exploit Internet of Things, Including Biomedical Devices, Official Says"
2016-06-12,"Walmart Canada to stop accepting Visa, says fees too high"
2016-06-12,Eleven German MPs under police protection in 'genocide' row
2016-06-12,"Drug traffickers burning down Guatemalan forest to make clandestine landing strips for planes carrying US-bound cocaine have razed an area twice the size of Manhattan this year, officials say."
2016-06-12,"Nuuk, Greenlands capital, was warmer than New York City soaring to 75 degrees (24 Celsius) Thursday, marking the warmest temperature ever recorded in the Arctic country during June."
2016-06-12,"Tel Aviv mayor links terror attack to occupation, sparking outcry"
2016-06-12,Revenge porn threats could be made a crime in England and Wales
2016-06-12,"Chinas Dog Meat Festival Is Again at Hand, and Opponents Are Lining Up"
2016-06-12,"Japan, U.S., India kick off key joint naval exercises amid growing Chinese maritime assertiveness | The Japan Times"
2016-06-12,ISIS terrorist executes his own brother in charge of apostasy
2016-06-12,England and Russia could be thrown out of Euro 2016 if there is more violence | Football
2016-06-12,"Marseille erupts into chaos as English, French & Russian hooligans exchange violent attacks"
2016-06-12,Oil-rich Norway is taking a big step in saving tropical rainforests that are crucial to absorbing the world's carbon emissions. The Scandinavian country has become the first in the world to pledge not to use products that contribute to deforestation.
2016-06-12,Explosion in Shanghai Pudong Airport
2016-06-12,Elated women in Syria have removed their niqabs - the face-covering veil made compulsory by Isis - after their village was liberated from the jihadists.
2016-06-12,"Bounty war: Drug lords raise offer for Philippines leaders head to $1,000,000"
2016-06-12,Turkey's Jews host Ramadan iftar at restored synagogue - Turkey
2016-06-12,S. Korea to resume crackdown on Chinese fishing boats
2016-06-12,"Bangladesh police have arrested 3,155 people in 24 hours following a spate of gruesome murders."
2016-06-12,ISIS Claims Responsibility for Blasts Near Syrian Shiite Shrine That Killed at Least 20
2016-06-11,"Vandals burn 220 hives containing 250,000 bees in Malta"
2016-06-11,"Exclusive: Studies find 'super bacteria' in Rio's Olympic venues, top beaches."
2016-06-11,Nigeria busts ISIS recruiting cell as U.S. dismisses group's affiliation with Boko Haram
2016-06-11,"Milky Way no longer visible to one third of humanity, 60% of Europeans and almost 80% of North Americans, light pollution atlas shows. Scientists describe cultural loss of unprecedented magnitude."
2016-06-11,"Hundreds Of Thousands Of People Have Been Enslaved In Eritrea, A Totalitarian African Dictatorship"
2016-06-11,U.S. Approves 6 Airlines for Direct Flights to Cuba
2016-06-11,Global ad provider Google has come out in favor of the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement.
2016-06-11,"Japan gives its first element a name, and it's nihonium"
2016-06-11,Dutch woman held in Qatar after making rape complaint
2016-06-11,"Under Israeli pressure, Facebook and Twitter delete large amounts of Palestinian content"
2016-06-11,Physicists Confirm There's a Second Layer of Information Hidden in Our DNA.
2016-06-11,"BBC investigation has found young migrants, including teenagers,are resorting to prostitution in the Greek capital, Athens."
2016-06-11,"The United States has condemned Bashar al-Assad's Syrian regime, accusing it of bombing starving civilians just hours after they received a long-delayed UN aid shipment."
2016-06-11,"England-Russia fans could be explosive mix, warns France sports minister | Euro 2016 buildup marred by trouble involving England fans Opening game with Russia in Marseille identified as risky"
2016-06-11,"Crowds steal flour, chicken and underwear in looting spree in Venezuela"
2016-06-11,Bounty offered to kill Philippine president elect Rodrigo Duterte
2016-06-11,US college exam cancelled in South Korea and Hong Kong after leak
2016-06-11,"The Syrian military has reportedly attacked the besieged, rebel-held town of Darayya, dropping about thirty crudely-made bombs on it from helicopters.This came just hours after the government had finally allowed the United Nations to make a food aid delivery to the area - the first for four years."
2016-06-11,China Restricts Ramadan Fast For Muslim Uyghurs in Xinjiang
2016-06-11,'Lost' Medieval City Discovered Beneath Cambodian Jungle | Angkor Wat & Temple Cities
2016-06-11,US-Backed Forces Cut All Routes To IS-Held City
2016-06-11,"Syria: Twin bombings rock Damascus suburb Sayyida Zeinab | The Damascus district is home to Syria's holiest Shia place, the Sayyida Zeinab shrine."
2016-06-11,"The night sky is vanishing, with the Milky Way no longer visible to one third of humanity including 60% of Europeans and nearly 80% of North Americans due to light pollution."
2016-06-11,Canada tells South African firefighters to leave 'as soon as possible' after they went on strike over a wage dispute
2016-06-11,Eritrean accused of being people smuggling kingpin says he is innocent | Man in custody in Italy after being extradited by Sudan tells lawyer he is not Medhanie Mered but Medhanie Berhe
2016-06-10,U.N. Chief Admits He Removed Saudi Arabia From Child-Killer List Due to Extortion
2016-06-10,German public pool bans the burqini
2016-06-10,Trans people in UK could face rape charges if they don't reveal gender history
2016-06-10,"Hindu ashram (monastery) worker hacked to death in Bangladesh: There have been systematic attacks in Bangladesh in recent months on minorities, secular bloggers, intellectuals and foreigners"
2016-06-10,Naked & afraid: German nudist colony protests refugee shelter over safety concerns
2016-06-10,"Carbon dioxide has been pumped underground and turned rapidly into stone, demonstrating a radical new way to tackle climate change. The unique project promises a cheaper and more secure way of burying CO2 from fossil fuel burning underground, where it cannot warm the planet."
2016-06-10,AIDS deaths in India down 55% since 2007 ;HIV infections down by 66% since 2000
2016-06-10,"Kurdish Group Claims Responsibility for Istanbul Attack - Kurdistan Freedom Falcons warns tourists ""Turkey is no longer secure for you."""
2016-06-10,"U.S. widens war in Afghanistan, authorizes new action against Taliban"
2016-06-10,"UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon says he faced ""unacceptable"" pressure to remove the Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen from a blacklist over child casualties. Mr Ban said a number of countries had threatened to cut off vital funding for many UN programmes."
2016-06-10,Refugee camp in Duesseldorf burned down by migrants
2016-06-10,Russia: We will respond to entry of U.S. naval vessel into Black Sea
2016-06-10,"For the first time ever, India has crossed a major milestone in the use of renewable energy; Total capacity of renewable energy projects(wind and solar energy) expanded to 42,850 MW, overtaking hydropower at 42,783 MW, out of the country's total capacity of 300,000 MW on April 30"
2016-06-10,Justin Trudeau defends deal to sell armored vehicles to the Saudis Were not a banana republic
2016-06-10,"The United States has wasted billions of dollars in reconstruction aid to Afghanistan over the past decade, and now a renewed Taliban insurgency is threatening the gains that have been made, the U.S governments top watchdog on Afghanistan said"
2016-06-10,67% Increase in Mexican Multi-Millionaires Under Pea Nieto.Mexico is the second largest economy in Latin America and also one of the most unequal countries in the world. An estimated 61 million live in poverty
2016-06-10,"Years before Big Oil began sowing doubt about the science of climate change and fighting efforts to cut dangerous emissions, the fossil fuel industry sought to muddle the research around smog"
2016-06-10,Japan and India consider a joint Earth sciences space mission
2016-06-10,First freight train from India to Russia will start running in August
2016-06-10,The former attorney-general of Papua New Guinea has called for Australians to help investigate the police shooting at student protesters that left as many as a dozen wounded.
2016-06-10,Israel temporarily barring all Palestinians from entering Israel after Tel Aviv attack.
2016-06-10,"Bog Butter Found in Irelands County MeathThe 2,000 yrs old waxy lump was 12 ft below bog. Butter, placed in wooden casket or animal hide, was buried in bogs to preserve it. This lump was not covered. It is at the juncture of 3 kingdoms, like a no-mans land."
2016-06-10,U.S.-backed forces cut off all routes into IS-held Manbij: Syrian Observatory
2016-06-10,Military frees 225 hostages held by Boko Haram
2016-06-10,"Mumbai has 25 days of water left in reservoirs.A 50% water cut has also been imposed on shopping malls, star hotels, factories and stadiums."
2016-06-09,"Vandals Destroy 8,000-Yr-Old Aboriginal Artworks in Tasmania - The priceless rock art is damaged beyond repair"
2016-06-09,"China plans massive sea lab 10,000 feet underwater"
2016-06-09,Assisted Suicide Is Now Legal in Canada And One Province Is Providing Free Drugs to Do It
2016-06-09,Shootings reported at food and retail center in central Tel Aviv
2016-06-09,Miners find 500-year-old shipwreck filled with gold coins in Namibian desert
2016-06-09,Sir Tim Berners-Lee: Internet has become 'worlds largest surveillance network'
2016-06-09,The 4 newest elements on the periodic table have just been named
2016-06-09,Migrant numbers plunge as Norway now 'less attractive' - Integration Minister Sylvi Listhaug says her moves to make Norway a less sought-after destination for migrants have worked.
2016-06-09,ISIS defectors asking Western governments for help returning home
2016-06-09,"Thousands of Walmart China workers organise online to oppose new working hours system.Walmart Workers Network, which usually fluctuates between 100-200 members, grew to 10,000 in just a few weeks, according to Wang Shishu, the groups co-founder."
2016-06-09,"Threaten one MP and you're attacking the whole parliament, Lammert tells Turkey. Germany's speaker of parliament has sharply criticized Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, following threats against German-Turkish MPs. Norbert Lammert said top Turkish politicians had fuelled the fire."
2016-06-09,Bundestag urges Angela Merkel to stand up to Turkey
2016-06-09,"BlackBerry hands over user data to help police 'kick ass,' insider says"
2016-06-09,"Israel Suspends Ramadan Entry Permits for 83,000 Palestinians"
2016-06-09,"Physicists confirm there's a second layer of information hidden in our DNA - ...the researchers have shown that there's more than one way that DNA mutations can affect us: by changing the letters in our DNA, or simply by changing the mechanical cues that arrange the way a strand is folded."
2016-06-09,Three Syrian Hospitals Bombed in Just Three Hours
2016-06-09,Germans get richer while southern Europe lags: study
2016-06-09,"India truly aligned with America now, Indian Prime Minister Modi hints in his address to US Congress; common ojectives and collaborations being securing world peace to science technology and defence cooperation"
2016-06-09,"Palestinians celebrate terror attack in Tel Aviv, Saudis strongly condemn"
2016-06-09,Germany: Family Reunification Could Double Number of Syrians
2016-06-09,Erdogan's rage brings death threats to German MPs: German MPs of Turkish origin faced death threats from people loyal to Turkish President Erdogan at the weekend after voting to declare Ottoman masacres of Armenians a genocide.
2016-06-09,"Peru's forced sterilization trauma haunts election: The doctors told Victoria Vigo her third child must be born by Cesarean. Without telling her, they also tied her fallopian tubes. She would have no more children."
2016-06-09,"Irelands abortion laws violated woman's human rights, says UN: Landmark ruling finds countrys restrictive abortion legislation subjected Amanda Mellet to emotional and mental suffering"
2016-06-09,Spacex plans the first relaunch of one of its rockets in September or October of this year
2016-06-09,Nasa to map coral reefs from the air to show impact of climate change: Scientists hope large-scale maps will offer new insight into effects of warming and pollution as previous studies have almost always been done up close in the water.
2016-06-08,"UN Removes Saudi Arabia From Human Rights Blacklist After Just A Week, Faces Backlash - Rights groups accuse UN of flip-flopping & giving into political manipulation."
2016-06-08,Journalists Are Backing Out of the Olympics Over Zika
2016-06-08,A United Nations whistleblower who was suspended for exposing the sexual abuse of children by peacekeepers has resigned over the organisations failure to hold senior officials to account.
2016-06-08,Long jump champion freezes sperm ahead of Olympics as Zika fears swirl
2016-06-08,"Despite 'Moral Angst' About Inequality, World's Richest Just Keep Getting Richer: 'Unless companies rein in executive salaries, pay their fair share of taxes, and invest in decent jobs the yawning gap between the haves and have-nots will continue to grow'"
2016-06-08,World's wealthiest people just got 5.2% wealthier | Business
2016-06-08,Denmark strips man of citizenship after terrorism conviction
2016-06-08,China Approves $15 Billion of Green Debt in Pollution Fight
2016-06-08,German and Swiss authorities have carried out raids seizing documents after learning a German private detective had investigated the MH17 air disaster.
2016-06-08,North Korea restarts plutonium production for nuclear bombs - U.S. official
2016-06-08,Saudi Arabia Threatened to Break Relations With U.N. Over Human Rights Criticism in Yemen: Riyadh warned Turtle Bay it would pull hundreds of millions of dollars from U.N. programs if it was singled out for killing and maiming children in Yemen
2016-06-08,"The list of the rich and powerful attending this year's Bilderberg Conference has been released - it includes bankers, prime ministers and former heads of the CIA and MI6."
2016-06-08,"Israel honors Japan's ""Schindler"" who saved thousands of Jews in WWII"
2016-06-08,Around 35 percent of Russians believe the government poses no threat to free speech and does not infringe on the activities of the independent media.87 percent of respondents said they never access news information from foreign sources.
2016-06-08,Kenya nationwide blackout caused by rogue monkey
2016-06-08,"Migrants linked to 69,000 would-be or actual crimes in Germany in first three months of 2016: police"
2016-06-08,Thailand eliminates mother-to-child HIV transmission
2016-06-08,Erdoan's draconian new law demolishes Turkey's EU ambitions
2016-06-08,"Asylum seekers' ages a guessing game for case workers - An internal report from the Migration Agency has found widespread uncertainty among staff when it comes to determining the age of refugees, who often arrive in Sweden without identification."
2016-06-08,"Federal government orders Canada Post to stop delivering Toronto newspaper, calling it hate propaganda"
2016-06-08,Time to make India Muslim-free: Sadhvi Prachi
2016-06-08,"UK bankers increased lobbying efforts in 2016, spending over $38 Million a year to influence EU lawmakers: Report"
2016-06-08,Israeli Air Force attacked Syrian weapons facility over weekend
2016-06-08,"Russia deploys troops westward as standoff with NATO deepens: building an army base near its border with Ukraine, the latest in a chain of new military sites along what the Kremlin sees as its frontline in a growing confrontation with NATO"
2016-06-08,British police accused of helping to train Saudi 'torturers' | Home News | News
2016-06-07,Five Men in India Have Been Convicted for the Gang Rape of a Danish Tourist
2016-06-07,"A biologist has accidentally discovered that electric eels can make leaping attacks that dramatically increase the strength of the electric shocks they deliver and, in so doing, has confirmed a 200-year-old observation by famous 19th century explorer and naturalist Alexander von Humboldt."
2016-06-07,"US returns over 200 artifacts worth more than $100 million to India ; Included in the collection is a bronze sculpture of the Hindu god Ganesh estimated to be 1,000-year-old"
2016-06-07,"Ramadan: The Chinese government has banned civil servants, students and children from taking part in fasting."
2016-06-07,"For The First Time In India, Male Students Can Now File Sexual Harassment Complaints Against Women, Men And Transgenders"
2016-06-07,"Earliest evidence of controlled fire making in Europe found - Charred bone, heat-rippled stone in Spanish cave date back 800,000 yrs. Cave has 2,300 heated or charred bones. Fossils of extinct animals also found with the tools. Some argue the the tools are some 600,000 yrs old."
2016-06-07,"India's space agency (ISRO) creates biggest ever space coalition, over 60 space agencies involved including NASA, to establish an international system to centralise data to fight climate change."
2016-06-07,Explosion rocks Istanbul district near bus stop
2016-06-07,"30 Fukushima kids diagnosed with thyroid cancer in second check, upping total to 131 but radiation 'unlikely' cause"
2016-06-07,"Hindu priest shot, hacked to death in Bangladesh"
2016-06-07,Israeli cabinet set to vote on decriminalizing cannabis within a week
2016-06-07,'Alarming' rise in ransomware tracked
2016-06-07,Doctor-assisted dying about to become legal in Canada
2016-06-07,Recall of Monsanto's Roundup likely as EU refuses limited use of glyphosate
2016-06-07,Stephen Hawkings finally published a solution to the black hole information paradox
2016-06-07,NATO allies launch largest Military exercise since end of Cold war in clear message to Russia
2016-06-07,Hagia Sophia: Protests over Ramadan prayers held at Turkey's historic cathedral
2016-06-07,"Christian fundamentalist schools teaching girls they must obey men, that homosexuality is unnatural and favouring Creationism over evolution -"
2016-06-07,Israel finds artifacts hidden in Norwegian diplomatic car
2016-06-07,Open-air toilet: Police clear out migrant shantytown in Paris after locals complaints
2016-06-07,"X-Rays Reveal ""Hidden Library"" on the Spines of Early Books - The words of the 8th-century St Bede are among those being found by detecting iron, copper & zinc, contents of medieval ink, without damaging the printed books."
2016-06-07,Free Wi-Fi coming all over Ho Chi Minh city
2016-06-07,"Documents reveal feds' effort to discredit Snowden, reveal CIA ties"
2016-06-07,"UN asks governments for 2050 plans to phase out coal, oil and gas"
2016-06-07,Zimbabwe: Thousands March Against Mugabe
2016-06-06,Nearly 60% of Qatar population live in 'labour camps'
2016-06-06,UK pedophile Richard Huckle given 22 life sentences for serial sex abuse in Malaysia
2016-06-06,"Neo Nazi who planned to kill Muslims and Jews in Euro 2016 terror attacks arrested by Special Forces, had massive arsenal of explosives and rifles"
2016-06-06,Death threats sent to German MPs amid Erdogan anger at Armenia genocide vote - Turkish president says MPs who backed motion to recognise slaughter of 1.5 million Armenians are 'terrorists' with 'impure blood'
2016-06-06,"Erdogan: A woman who rejects motherhood is ""deficient"" and""incomplete"", urging women to haveat least three children"
2016-06-06,"Arctic sea ice to disappear for first time in 100,000 years"
2016-06-06,"U.S. Navy bans 18,600 sailors from drinking in Japan."
2016-06-06,ISIS publicly burns alive 19 Kurdish women for rejecting sex slavery
2016-06-06,"ISIS extremists burn 19 Yezidi girls to death in Mosul: ""They were punished for refusing to have sex with ISIS militants."""
2016-06-06,"Hours before the Federal Reserve Bank of New York approved four fraudulent requests to send $81 million from a Bangladesh Bank account to cyber thieves, the Fed branch blocked those same requests because they lacked information required to transfer money"
2016-06-06,China restricts Ramadan fasting in Muslim region: Govt websites
2016-06-06,Scientists grow human organs for transplant inside pigs
2016-06-06,"In Honduras, a kidnapped gay rights activist has been found dead"
2016-06-06,"Stonehenge was dismantled in Wales and moved to Wiltshire, scientists claim | The Welsh connection isnt just about stones its likely to be a long term movement from west to east at this particular time, says archaelogist Mike Parker Pearson"
2016-06-06,"UK | Christian fundamentalist schools are teaching girls they must obey men. Former pupils reveal that homosexuality is being taught as unnatural, while Creationism is favoured over evolution in science lessons."
2016-06-06,Critically endangered Rhino who was given the royal seal of approval before being released back into the wild in Africa from UK has given birth to a healthy baby calf.
2016-06-06,Jaguar Land Rover sues Chinese automobile company for copying Evoque
2016-06-06,"Anxiety disorders 'need more research', says global study"
2016-06-06,Panama Papers Show How Rich United States Clients Hid Millions Abroad
2016-06-06,Brexit Won't end european project- European parliament Vice-Chief
2016-06-06,Taiwan says won't recognize Chinese air defense zone over South China Sea
2016-06-06,South China Sea dispute: China is trading aid for support for claims
2016-06-06,Five Jordanian officers killed in attack at Baqaa camp near Amman
2016-06-06,Bangladesh Minister suggests Israeli behind spate of killings of secular bloggers and minorities in Bangladesh
2016-06-06,"German right-wing leader blasts 'dictator' Merkel: A German right-wing populist politician has attacked Chancellor Angela Merkel as a ""dictator"" who is trying to ""replace the German people"" with migrants, a Sunday newspaper reported."
2016-06-05,Pope Francis reveals new church law to deal with paedophile priests: Catholic bishops who fail to sack paedophile priests can be removed from office
2016-06-05,"""Shoot him and I'll give you a medal"" - Philippine president encourages citizens to shoot drug dealers"
2016-06-05,Switzerland rejects proposals for unconditional basic income by overwhelming majority
2016-06-05,ISIS kills dozens of own members amid spy scare
2016-06-05,NSA whistleblower Snowden says U.S. government carrying out mass surveillance in Japan
2016-06-05,BBC News: Six hurt as shots fired at tourist bus in France
2016-06-05,Christians in Nigerias mainly Muslim north demanded Saturday that authorities do more to protect them after a woman was stabbed to death for allegedly insulting the Prophet Muhammad.
2016-06-05,A British ex-serviceman abandoned his Mount Everest climb some 500m from the summit to save a fellow mountaineer
2016-06-05,Chile Producing So Much Solar Energy Its Giving Electricity Away for Free - The countrys central grid has increased four-fold to 770 megawatts since 2013.
2016-06-05,"German music festival ""Rock am Ring"" cancelled after more than 80 injured by lightning strikes"
2016-06-05,Quebec Has Worst ER Wait Times In The Western World: Report
2016-06-05,"Chinese lawyer Wang Yu, facing a possible life sentence in China, was on Saturday awarded the prestigious Ludovic Trarieux Prize for her work defending human rights, organisers announced in Athens on Saturday."
2016-06-05,"Dozens of gunmen in shootout with police, taking hostages in Kazakhstan"
2016-06-05,"Bus carrying 75 Czech tourists from Spain to the Czech Republic hit by gunfire in southeastern France, six tourists injured says prosecutor"
2016-06-05,Iran says U.S. ally Saudi the real 'terrorism sponsor' : Tehran on Sunday dismissed its renewed blacklisting by Washington as a state sponsor of terrorism charging that it was U.S. allies including Riyadh that were the real culprits.
2016-06-05,Value of eco crimes soars by 26% with devastating impacts on natural world Environmental crime is now the worlds fourth biggest crime and is a growing threat to security and natural resources
2016-06-05,Austrian foreign minister suggests 'refugees should be held offshore'
2016-06-05,Top Bangladesh policeman's wife killed by suspected Islamists
2016-06-05,"Tiger temple scandal exposes the shadowy billion-dollar Asian trade: 'There are more than 7,000 tigers being bred in captivity in 240 farms in SE Asia. China has 5,000 captive tigers, Thailand 1,450, Vietnam 180 and Laos around 400.'"
2016-06-05,China says it will ignore South China Sea lawsuit decision
2016-06-05,We do not fear you: Chinese admiral asserts Beijings right to South China Sea
2016-06-05,US vows 'actions' if China builds new South China Sea structures
2016-06-05,"Russia, China Ready to Invest in Bolivia Amid Economic Stability Morales: The president pointed out that Russia and China never imposed conditions for their investments, as opposed to the United States that offered loans in exchange for privatization of Bolivian companies and natural resources."
2016-06-05,"The United States warned its citizens on Saturday of possible attacks by Islamist militants on U.S. facilities or shopping malls in South Africa during the upcoming month of Ramadan, but the South African government said the country was safe."
2016-06-05,US Asks Russia to Not Hit Al-qaeda in Syria
2016-06-04,Broadband access to be made a legal right in Ireland
2016-06-04,Norway becomes first country in the world to commit to zero deforestation
2016-06-04,"One in three young South Africans victims of sexual abuse, report finds. Boys at higher risk than girls, with few safeguards in place to protect them"
2016-06-04,Norway reportedly agrees on banning new sales of gas-powered cars by 2025
2016-06-04,Pope Francis gives Vatican authority to initiate removal of bishops who don't act on sexual abuse cases
2016-06-04,"Jeremy Corbyn: I Would Kill TTIP: In speech campaigning against Brexit, Labour leader vows to reject corporate-friendly EU-U.S. trade deal"
2016-06-04,"Sudden appearance of crater dubbed the Gateway to the Underworld in Siberia is a warning to our warming planet: Such slumps have been increasing in extent and intensity in the frozen north, scientists say"
2016-06-04,"Democracy is nothing to fear, Taiwan tells China on Tiananmen anniversary"
2016-06-04,"Thai police have charged 22 people, including three Buddhist monks, with wildlife trafficking and removed more dead animals including a bear and a leopard from the infamous Tiger Temple, authorities said on Friday."
2016-06-04,"The British Government is creating a secret database by stitching together all of its records on the public (including passports and ANPR cameras), and doing so without informing Parliament"
2016-06-04,"Former FIFA President Sepp Blatter and two other top officials gave themselves annual raises and World Cup bonuses totaling nearly $80 million over the past five years, according to attorneys working for soccer's governing body."
2016-06-04,India's PM Modi inaugurates $290m dam in Afghanistan
2016-06-04,"Cancer is entering a ""new era"" of personalised medicine with drugs targeted to the specific weaknesses in each patient's tumour, say doctors."
2016-06-04,US Launches Raids On IS From Aircraft Carrier
2016-06-04,"Philippines police given more than $4,000 for killing drug traffickers the first such rewards since president-elect Rodrigo Duterte promoted bounties for criminals."
2016-06-04,Iran's Top Leader Rules Out Cooperation With US Against ISIS
2016-06-04,"Sepp Blatter and Deputies Arranged Huge Payouts After Indictments, FIFA Says: FIFA said three former top officials arranged to pay themselves more than $80 million over the past five years."
2016-06-04,Activists openly mark Tiananmen crackdown on Chinas streets
2016-06-04,US vows 'actions' if China builds new S. China Sea structures
2016-06-04,Many gas stations in Canada are experiencing a gas shortage due to the Fort McMurray wildfire continuing to spread
2016-06-04,"Siberia's tattooed princess revealed: 2,500-year-old mummy to go on public display, but will be draped in fur to hide her modesty"
2016-06-04,Mexican officials exhume 117 corpses from common grave
2016-06-04,Thousands protest violence against women in Argentina after 3 girls slain
2016-06-04,U.S. says has information on plans for terrorist attacks in South Africa
2016-06-04,U.S. fails to revive Iraqi army
2016-06-03,"A seven-year-old boy who went missing in bear-inhabited forests in northern Japan after his parents said they abandoned him as punishment, has been found alive, according to local reports."
2016-06-03,Families of victims murdered by Colombian paramilitaries are one step closer to achieving justice for their loved ones as a United States judge gave the green light for a federal lawsuit against former executives of the U.S. fruit company Chiquita.
2016-06-03,"Young fish become hooked on eating plastic in the seas in the same way that teenagers prefer unhealthy fast food, Swedish researchers have said"
2016-06-03,Cyclist died after three ambulances could not find Olympic velodrome: London Ambulance Service took 27 minutes to reach venue because satnavs had not been updated since 2012 Games
2016-06-03,"President Obama defended his declining military budgets and reluctance to use military force in Syria Thursday, saying the U.S. made mistakes when it overreached in Vietnam and Iraq."
2016-06-03,Thailand Creating Forests By Dropping Millions Of Trees Out Of Aircraft
2016-06-03,"Mysterious ""boom"" sounds heard throughout north-east of Romania"
2016-06-03,"Poland plans paramilitary force of 35,000 to counter Russia"
2016-06-03,Angola president appoints billionaire daughter boss of state oil firm
2016-06-03,"Ankara to Berlin: You burned the Jews in ovens, and accuse Turkey of genocide"
2016-06-03,"A high-profile, Putin-backed campaign to protect the habitat of Persian leopards has been quietly abandoned, clearing the way for Russia's richest man to expand his ski resort."
2016-06-03,North Korea ballistic missile explodes on launch fourth straight time
2016-06-03,Hubble Space Telescope astronomers have discovered that the universe is expanding 5-9% percent faster than expected.
2016-06-03,30 more tiger cub bodies have been found at the Thai Buddhist temple accused of wildlife trafficking and animal abuse.
2016-06-03,Officials say 499 Islamic extremists pose threat in Germany
2016-06-03,Taiwan holds first Tiananmen commemoration in parliament
2016-06-03,"the Swiss will on Sunday vote on a radical proposal to provide the entire population with an unconditional, basic income to fight poverty, inequality and provide ""a dignified"" existence to all, according to campaigners."
2016-06-03,Paris shuts Louvre museum to evacuate artworks as flood waters rise
2016-06-03,Documents reveal how Ayatollah Khomeini was talking in secret with US before and during Iranian revolution.
2016-06-03,The Philippines Giant Fish Are Disappearing - Overfishing has almost wiped out 59 reef fish species.
2016-06-03,U.N. adds Saudi coalition to blacklist for killing children in Yemen
2016-06-03,"A giant panda cub has been born at a zoo in Belgium, an event so rare it is being described a ""true miracle"". The healthy male cub was born at a wildlife park outside Brussels to six-year-old Hao Hao and her mate Xing Hui, both on loan from China."
2016-06-03,Stanford researchers stunned by stem cell experiment that helped stroke patient walk
2016-06-03,Arrests For Social Media Posts Surge In London
2016-06-03,Canada wants answers as Russian rocket set to fall into Arctic waters
2016-06-02,Germany recognizes the Armenian Genocide
2016-06-02,"Media Is Ignoring The Most Important Part Of Stephen Hawkings Comments On Trump: Hawking said he didnt believe Trump was the greatest threat facing America, or even the world. The greatest threat is human-caused climate change."
2016-06-02,"Germanys second largest supermarket chain, Rewe, will stop using plastic bags. This will save Germany from 140 million plastic bags landing in the garbage every year."
2016-06-02,"Elon Musk says he plans to send rocket to Mars by 2018, manned mission to planet by 2024 ."
2016-06-02,Isis terror plot in Germany: Four Syrian men arrested for allegedly planning suicide bombings in Dsseldorf
2016-06-02,"Ignoring Turkey, U.S. backs Kurds in drive against ISIS in Syria"
2016-06-02,Jeremy Corbyn promises to try and kill TTIP
2016-06-02,"Foreign-connected PACs spent $10 million on the US election so far: It isnt only American companies and unions that spend money on the US election, subsidiaries of European firms also make themselves heard. The biggest spenders so far are a Swiss bank and a British defense company"
2016-06-02,"Brazil's government has sprung a leak, and a flood of secrets is gushing out"
2016-06-02,British Special forces play Bollywood music to annoy ISIS
2016-06-02,"The colorless coral corpses of north Queensland will soon be blanketed with mats of algae, and the hard skeletons will begin to crumble. It may take decades for the submerged wonders of what had recently been unspoiled reefs to resprout and recover from the wipeout, if they ever do."
2016-06-02,20-year-old sentenced to 5 years in prison for plotting a terror attack on Swedish soil.
2016-06-02,'Universal cancer vaccine breakthrough claimed by scientists
2016-06-02,"Big Pharma and governments are 'turning a blind eye to corruption', report claims: Transparency International says corruption is making a few rich and wrecking the health of some of the world's poorest people"
2016-06-02,Scottish parliament votes narrowly in favour of ban on fracking
2016-06-02,Turkey recalls Germany ambassador after genocide vote
2016-06-02,India rises past the US to become the internet's second biggest user
2016-06-02,Police Crack Down on Poor Venezuelans Protesting Food Shortages
2016-06-02,"Military kills five Boko Haram terrorists, rescues 248 hostages"
2016-06-02,"Chinas foreign minister berates Canadian journalist, calls question on human rights irresponsible"
2016-06-02,Italian man suffers brain damage and now speaks and reads French
2016-06-02,"Environmentalists plan fierce battle against Bayer-Monsanto merger Critics fear the takeover of Monsanto by Bayer would create a GMO juggernaut too powerful for Europe to resist, while conveniently ""disappearing"" a tarnished brand. Concerns abound over concentration in the seed market."
2016-06-02,Study says long-term pot use causes poor gum health but not much else
2016-06-02,Saudi scholar issues fatwa against stealing your neighbours Wi-Fi
2016-06-02,Twitter Unblocks Putin Parody Account After Free Speech Outcry: @DarthPutinKGB celebrated his return to Twitter
2016-06-01,Forty tiger cub bodies have been found in a freezer at a Thai Buddhist temple accused of wildlife trafficking and animal abuse.
2016-06-01,"Forced contact with Amazon people would be 'genocide', tribe warns: Survival International says other tribes, who have themselves experienced the dangers of 'first contact', are protecting uncontacted groups against the plans of 'some anthropologists in another country'"
2016-06-01,"Sweden: Fewer than 500 of 163,000 asylum seekers found jobs"
2016-06-01,"Philippine president-elect says 'corrupt' journalists will be killed: ""Just because youre a journalist you are not exempted from assassination, if youre a son of a bitch."""
2016-06-01,Cars registered before 1997 will be banned in Paris as of July 1st.
2016-06-01,North Korea praises Trump and urges US voters to reject 'dull Hillary'
2016-06-01,"Walmart, Gap, H&M Called Out for Global Worker Exploitation and Abuse: Reports find tens of thousands of laborers in Bangladesh are still making garments in buildings without proper fire exits, while pregnant workers in Indonesia and India face discrimination and wage theft."
2016-06-01,The families of those killed during the 1989 Tiananmen crackdown have accused Beijing of subjecting them to nearly three decades of white terror in a bid to stop them speaking out about the massacre.
2016-06-01,"Anti-vaccination protesters shut down Australian immunisation seminar, call doctors liars"
2016-06-01,"World's longest and deepest rail tunnel to open in Switzerland, after almost two decades of construction work. It runs 35 miles (57 kilometers) and connects northern and southern Europe by passing under the Swiss Alps. Switzerland says it will revolutionize European freight transport."
2016-06-01,"Dozens in Russia Imprisoned for Social Media Likes, Reposts"
2016-06-01,Erdogan threatens Merkel and German parliament to not recognize the Armenian Genocide by Turkey
2016-06-01,Almost all of Israels 32 women in parliament have been sexually harassed or assaulted
2016-06-01,Black Box From Crashed EgyptAir Jet Found
2016-06-01,Saudi Arabia on course to execute more than 100 people.
2016-06-01,Angela Merkel strikes deal with German states to put brakes on green energy. Pact addresses concerns that burgeoning output from renewables is putting strain on electricity grid and pushing up prices
2016-06-01,Residents challenge council on sale of 40 billion litres of aquifer water.The battle over just who owns our water is being fought across the country. Water ownership is also an in issue in Hawke's Bay. Regional councillor Peter Beaven says everyone should own the precious resource.
2016-06-01,Twitter suspends @DarthPutinKGB account mocking Vladimir Putin: A number of accounts spoofing Russia and its leaders have been banned from the social media site.
2016-06-01,"More than 45 million people are living in modern slavery, with Asia accounting for two thirds of the victims, a new report says. About 3,000 children from Vietnam alone are thought to be working in British cannabis farms and nail bars."
2016-06-01,"Developing world invests more in renewable energy than rich countries for first time, new study says"
2016-06-01,The new president of the Philippines says many slain journalists deserved it
2016-06-01,Israel on Wednesday freed a Jewish extremist detained 10 months ago following an arson attack in which a Palestinian toddler was burned to death.
2016-06-01,David Cameron's former advisor admits downloading images of girls as young as 10 - but denies they're indecent
2016-06-01,BBC News: Renewable energy surges to record levels around the world
2016-06-01,Former Miss Turkey given prison sentence for insulting president Erdogan on Instagram
2016-05-31,Every reference to the Great Barrier Reef removed from UN report on impact of climate change after intervention from Australian government.
2016-05-31,"Denmark to stop paying salary to royal family grandchildren: 'Simple mathematics dictate that there needs to be some sort of limit. Otherwise within a few generations there will be several hundred princes and princesses who need an annual salary,' says a ruling party spokesman"
2016-05-31,Mass sexual assault reported at music festival in Germany: The attacks are similar to those reported in Cologne and other cities on New Year's Eve.
2016-05-31,North Korea tries and fails to launch missile
2016-05-31,"In the last 17 months, 2234 Indians get HIV via blood transfusions"
2016-05-31,"Chinese Official: China has no interest in any form of cold war, nor are we interested in playing a role in a Hollywood movie written and directed by certain US military officials"
2016-05-31,Egypt in shock at first female circumcision death reported in 3 years
2016-05-31,France bans work emails outside office hours
2016-05-31,"Australia to lift minimum wage by 2.4%, an increase to $17.70 per hour"
2016-05-31,EU court adviser: Employers can ban Muslim headscarf
2016-05-31,"Several NSW Police officers have been savaged in court for allegedly grabbing the breasts and neck of an anti-Reclaim Australia protester, then covering their actions up by deleting evidence, making up a false charge against her, lying under oath and attacking her in court."
2016-05-31,"Angela Merkel's 'hasty' approach to TTIP trade deal condemned by the German Vice-Chancellor: 'If the Americans hold fast to this position, we don't need the free trade treaty. And TTIP will fail,' says Vice-Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel"
2016-05-31,"Syphilis, gonorrhea cases up among all ages in Canada - Health"
2016-05-31,Egyptian President pledges justice for Christian mother beaten and stripped by mob
2016-05-31,S. Korea detects signs North preparing missile launch
2016-05-31,"Nearly 46 Million People Trapped in Modern Slavery, Report Finds"
2016-05-31,"A court in Saudi Arabia sentenced a member of an independent human rights organization to eight years in prison in the latest guilty verdict to be issued against the group's members, rights group Amnesty International said"
2016-05-31,"Malaysia just established a one million hectare marine park: off the northern tip of Borneo it's a region containing the second largest concentration of coral reefs in Malaysia as well as other important habitats like mangroves, sea grass beds and productive fishing grounds"
2016-05-31,Sausage-Wielding Extremists Attack Vegan Cafe In Tbilisi
2016-05-31,"Solid gold, diamond-encrusted, $5,000,000 Maltese Eagle stolen in Vancouver"
2016-05-31,Sweden struggles with first gender balance shift in 267 years
2016-05-31,Migrant crisis is fueling sex trafficking of Nigerian girls to Europe
2016-05-31,ISIS slaughters 12 more Real Madrid fans in Iraq during Champions League final
2016-05-31,"G7 nations pledge to end fossil fuel subsidies by 2025: Leaders of the UK, US, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the EU urge all countries to join them in eliminating support for coal, oil and gas in a decade"
2016-05-31,Hundreds of undamaged Fort McMurray homes declared unsafe due to toxic ash
2016-05-30,"'Huge wake up call': Third of central, northern Great Barrier Reef corals dead, scientists say"
2016-05-30,IKEA vows to be net exporter of renewable energy by 2020 - Worlds biggest furniture retailer says its going all in to have a net positive impact on the climate through renewable energy investment
2016-05-30,"Harvard Scientist Engineers Superbug That Inhales CO2, Produces Energy"
2016-05-30,Disabled people who cannot work must be given minimum wage - Prime Minister of Malta
2016-05-30,Turkey's Erdogan: No Muslim family should engage in birth control
2016-05-30,Japan 'alert' for possible North Korea missile launch
2016-05-30,Four young Egyptians in custody for video making fun of the government
2016-05-30,"Israeli police recommended bringing criminal charges against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's wife on suspicion of misuse of state funds and inflated household spending, Israeli media have said."
2016-05-30,Revealed: cancer scientists' pensions invested in tobacco
2016-05-30,Philippine troops kill 54 Islamist militants in the south
2016-05-30,Australia covered up UN climate change fears for Tasmania forests and Kakadu
2016-05-30,Zika virus: expectant mothers advised to avoid Rio Olympics
2016-05-30,"Canadian special forces on the front lines with Kurdish forces aiming to retake Iraqi city from ISIL, U.S. says"
2016-05-30,Lufthansa halts service to Venezuela
2016-05-30,"British people are not demanding more transparency from the intelligence services as loudly as Americans, the former director of the US National Security Agency (NSA) and CIA has said."
2016-05-30,Mexico footballer Alan Pulido rescued after kidnapping
2016-05-30,FIFA president found $2 million pay 'insulting' report shows
2016-05-30,Malaysia's government throws support behind Islamic penal code that includes amputations and stonings
2016-05-30,ISIS Gunmen kill 12 Real Madrid fans as they watched the Champions League Final in Iraq
2016-05-30,Former Chad dictator Hissane Habre found guilty for crimes against humanity
2016-05-30,"Iraqi terrorists attack another soccer fan club - 12 dead, 8 injured"
2016-05-30,"A 27-year-old American man has been given preliminary charges of attempted murder in an exceptionally violent attack on police in their patrol car that drew national attention, the Paris prosecutors office said Sunday."
2016-05-30,Turkey's Erdogan 'alarmed' by French crackdown on protests
2016-05-30,Turkish artillery and US jets heavily hit ISIL in Syria
2016-05-30,Armed squad kills 11 people in Venezuela
2016-05-29,"France will ""go all the way"" to ensure that multinationals operating on its soil pay their taxes and more cases could follow after Google and McDonald's were targeted by tax raids, Finance Minister Michel Sapin said"
2016-05-29,"Super-rich Swiss village opts for 200,000 fine instead of accepting 10 refugees"
2016-05-29,Iranian students get 99 lashes for attending mixed graduation party: Around 35 men and women were sentenced to 99 lashes each after being found 'dancing and jubilating' by the country's notorious Morality Police
2016-05-29,"Britain is the most corrupt country in the world, claims mafia expert Roberto Saviano: 'Its not the bureaucracy, its not the police, its not the politics but what is corrupt is the financial capital'"
2016-05-29,Canadian Conservatives vote to end official opposition to gay marriage
2016-05-29,Pakistan withdraws ban on condom ads after public backlash
2016-05-29,Chinese backlash over Windows 10 upgrade push - unauthorized upgrades
2016-05-29,"The UK is selling record quantities of arms including missiles, bombs and grenades to countries listed by the Foreign Office as having dubious human rights records. Several have been accused of war crimes or suppressing popular protest."
2016-05-29,WHO rejects call by scientists to postpone Rio Olympics due to Zika virus outbreak.
2016-05-29,Tony Blair has suggested that he will refuse to accept the verdict of the Chilcot inquiry if it accuses him of committing Britain to invading Iraq before he told parliament and the public.
2016-05-29,"Venezuela Drifts Into New Territory: Hunger, Blackouts and Government Shutdown"
2016-05-29,Israel Police recommend indicting Sara Netanyahu over irregularities at PM's residence
2016-05-29,All scientific papers to be free by 2020 under EU proposals. Results of research supported by public and public-private funds set to be made freely available to all
2016-05-29,Comet 67P dust discovered to contain building blocks of life
2016-05-29,"Some 20 people living in the ""Jungle"" refugee camp in the northern French port of Calais were injured in a brawl between around 200 Afghans and Sudanese on Thursday"
2016-05-29,Children fight to live after lightning hits 11 in Paris park
2016-05-29,Jordan's King Abdullah II has issued a royal decree formally dissolving the Jordanian House of Representatives
2016-05-29,Lufthansa suspends flights to Venezuela amid the country's ongoing economic crisis
2016-05-29,Philippines: 22 dead in 3 days of clashes with military
2016-05-29,UN: 700 Migrants May Have Drowned In Mediterranean
2016-05-29,"H&M is being criticised for widespread labour rights violations and the ""painfully slow"" progress of safety renovations at factories: report, based on 251 interviews with workers from 17 H&M supplier factories in Cambodia and India, found women were being routinely fired during their pregnancy."
2016-05-29,Iran: Hajj Pilgrimage to Be Called Off for Iranians This Year
2016-05-29,"""British researchers have found a way to use a natural protein to repair damaged heart tissue."""
2016-05-29,Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi asks doctors to treat pregnant women for free
2016-05-29,"Mossack Fonseca to close offices in Jersey, Gibraltar and Isle of Man: The law firm at the heart of the Panama Papers is closing its offices in the British-dependent territories with great regret"
2016-05-28,All European scientific articles to be freely accessible by 2020.
2016-05-28,Zika crisis: Rio Olympics 'should be moved or postponed'
2016-05-28,Child rapist ISIS fighter who laughed about buying sex slaves is captured by Kurdish Peshmerga
2016-05-28,"Gay sex causes earthquakes and 'disgusts' Allah, says Muslim cleric in Ghana"
2016-05-28,North Korea Linked To $81 Million Bangladesh Bank Heist
2016-05-28,Sex Pistol John Lydon: Blowing whistle on Jimmy Savile got me banned from BBC
2016-05-28,SpaceX successfully lands Falcon 9 rocket at sea for the 3rd time
2016-05-28,El Salvador - where women are jailed for 40 years for the 'crime' of having a miscarriage - Woman just released after spending only 5 years in jail for miscarrying.
2016-05-28,China is encouraging its citizens to eat less meat and that could be a big win for the climate
2016-05-28,Okinawa base imposes curfew on US troops after woman's death
2016-05-28,A 9-year-old US-UK citizen has launched a legal action against the British government for refusing to request her fathers return after he was kidnapped by Ethiopian security forces and renditioned to Ethiopia to face a death sentence for being an opponent of that countrys government
2016-05-28,"China to replace school children's 2,625 foot ladder with stairs"
2016-05-28,North Korea threatens retaliation after South Korean warning shots
2016-05-28,China says Nanjing more worthy of remembrance than Hiroshima
2016-05-28,Brazil 'mass rape' video: President calls crisis talks
2016-05-28,"Indian Muslims Resilient Against Overtures By Terrorist Groups, Says US.""There's a lot of reporting about some major investments being made by the Saudis, by the Wahhabi Clerical Movement to set up a large network of schools and madrasas throughout India,"""
2016-05-28,"Argentinas last military dictator, 88-year-old former general Reynaldo Bignone, was today sentenced to 20 years in prison for his role in Operation Condor, under which an international death squad was set up by six South American military dictatorships during the 1970s and 80s."
2016-05-28,"Austerity policies do more harm than good, IMF study concludes"
2016-05-28,"U.S. panel launches trade secret theft probe into China steel: ""The steelmaker alleged hackers stole research on techniques for a new generation of high-tech steel now favored by automakers, accelerating competitor Baosteel's ability to replicate the product which took a decade to develop."""
2016-05-28,The World Health Organization (WHO) has rejected a call to move or postpone this summer's Rio Olympic Games over the Zika outbreak.
2016-05-28,U.S. Blocks Sale of Cluster Bombs to Saudi Arabia
2016-05-28,"Pakistan has banned advertisements for contraceptive products on Tv and radio over concern that they expose inquisitive children to the subject of sex, local media reported on Saturday"
2016-05-28,"300 South African firefighters deployed to fight wildfires in Alberta, Canada."
2016-05-28,China says extremely dissatisfied with G7 statement on South China Sea
2016-05-28,Netherlands gives green light for growing human embryos
2016-05-27,"Thailand has shut down 10 popular diving sites in a bid to slow a coral bleaching crisis, an official said Thursday, in a rare move to shun tourism profits to protect the environment"
2016-05-27,South Korea fires warning shots after boats from North cross sea border
2016-05-27,Refugees at Nauru who are gay or attempt suicide can no longer be jailed and men are now outlawed from raping their wives after the island republic updated its antiquated criminal code.
2016-05-27,All references to Australia have been removed from a United Nation report on climate change after the Australian Governments Environment Department expressed concerns it could cause confusion and negatively affect tourism.
2016-05-27,"The 51C heatwave that's melting India. The impact of the heat has been devastating, and increasingly fatal, particularly for the hundreds of people dying of starvation due to withering crops in their remote fields."
2016-05-27,"""The Right to Disconnect"": Weekend Work Emails Are Now Illegal In France"
2016-05-27,Sharia courts in UK face Government inquiry over treatment of women: Home Office to examine claims sharia courts or councils may be working in a discriminatory and unacceptable way
2016-05-27,Australia scrubbed from UN climate change report after govt intervention - All mentions of Australia were removed from the final version of a Unesco report on climate change and world heritage sites after the Australian govt objected on the grounds it could impact on tourism
2016-05-27,War on Fat: Chile Bans McDonald's 'Happy Meals' and Kinder Eggs
2016-05-27,"New boa constrictor species discovered on remote Caribbean island - Silver snake, with distinctive metallic appearance, discovered in Bahamas & confirmed as previously unknown species"
2016-05-27,"71 years after the first atomic strike, Obama calls for the end of nuclear weapons at Hiroshima"
2016-05-27,A French company that was awarded the right to build Australia's $50 billion submarine fleet is tied up in a deadly multi-million dollar bribery scandal.
2016-05-27,Caught on camera: US Special Forces on ISIS frontline in Syria
2016-05-27,Police hunt Brits who Hitler-saluted in concentration camp: Authorities in Germany are searching for two British men who took a picture of themselves performing a Nazi salute in a torture chamber in Buchenwald concentration camp.
2016-05-27,The U.S. aviation lawyer who won compensation for victims of the 1988 Lockerbie aircraft bombing is now seeking $330 million from Russia for the downing of Malaysian Airlines MH17 in 2014
2016-05-27,"Indian women sold for 4,000 in Saudia Arabia and Bahrain, minister claims"
2016-05-27,Around 2.8 million people in three Central American countries need food aid after two consecutive years of severe drought decimated crops and exacerbated hunger among the poor.
2016-05-27,Ukraine bans Gorbachev over support for Crimea annexation
2016-05-27,"Mars emerging from ice age that ended around 370,000 years ago, scientists say | Science | News"
2016-05-27,"Photos have emerged of American special operations troops in Syria wearing uniform insignia affiliated with a Kurdish rebel group known as the YPG, whose connection to Turkish terrorists could could fuel tension between the U.S. and a key ally in the Islamic State fight."
2016-05-27,"Stonehenge, Easter Island, Venice: Climate Change Will Destroy Human History | An international team of scientists, anthropologists, and economists have identified 31 cultural and natural UNESCO World Heritage sites across 29 countries that are directly threatened by climate change."
2016-05-27,Chinese News Media Censors Taiwans Flag
2016-05-27,An ancient Polish forest is coming down - Poland says a portion of the Bialowieza forest must be logged to curb a bark beetle outbreak but environmentalists disagree.
2016-05-27,Last Soviet leader Gorbachev banned from Ukraine
2016-05-27,Riot police crack down on Paris protests against labour reforms: Thousands of protesters turn out on streets of French capital as refineries and nuclear power stations across the country come to a halt
2016-05-26,Greek news sites are reporting that Aristotle's tomb was found.
2016-05-26,India to install panic buttons on public buses to curb sex attacks
2016-05-26,Switzerland: Muslim students must shake teacher's hand
2016-05-26,France's 19 nuclear plants have voted to go on strike tonight at 8pm for 24 hours.
2016-05-26,"Drones over North Korea: USB cards, flash drives dropped"
2016-05-26,Retired U.S. commander: North Korea collapse not far off
2016-05-26,"Foxconn replaces '60,000 factory workers with robots'"
2016-05-26,"Indonesia introduces death, chemical castration for Pedophiles"
2016-05-26,"ExxonMobil CEO: ending oil production 'not acceptable to humanity': The world is going to have to continue using fossil fuels, whether they like it or not."
2016-05-26,Panama Papers confirm Canadian billionaire and university benefactor as mystery man in global bribery case
2016-05-26,China to send nuclear-armed submarines into Pacific amid tensions with US
2016-05-26,"EU turned blind eye to Turkeys human rights violations: Amnesty secretary-general Europe particularly has double standards. Now that they want something from Turkey, they have turned a blind eye to human rights problems inside Turkey,"
2016-05-26,Amnesty International asks for decriminalisation of sex work
2016-05-26,"Singapore: Teenage blogger Amos Yee faces 8 new charges: for allegedly wounding the religious feelings of Muslims, and one for allegedly wounding the religious feelings of Christians"
2016-05-26,"Has a Hungarian physics lab found a fifth force of nature? - A laboratory experiment in Hungary has spotted an anomaly in radioactive decay that could be the signature of a previously unknown fifth fundamental force of nature, physicists say if the finding holds up."
2016-05-26,"Canada's oil sands are a major source of air pollution, study says"
2016-05-26,China says its people will never stand for Taiwan independence
2016-05-26,Horrific end for majestic white lions: Poachers poison the animals then decapitate them and chop off their paws for use in black magic rituals in South Africa
2016-05-26,Pakistani religious body CII proposes bill that allows husbands be allowed to lightly beat defying wives
2016-05-26,HIV/AIDS: Togo to distribute over 10m condoms to fight disease
2016-05-26,"Sweden, With Eye On Russia, Agrees To Give NATO Greater Access"
2016-05-26,"German prosecutors investigate neo-Nazi edition of 'Mein Kampf': A German paper has published an e-mail from a far-right group claiming it will publish a version of Hitler's book free of ""tedious"" scholarly commentary. This could possibly violate laws against spreading Nazi ideology."
2016-05-26,State of emergency in Peru over mercury poisoning from illegal gold mining
2016-05-26,Legal highs ban comes into force across the UK
2016-05-26,Harrowing scenes of Venezuela on the brink of collapse
2016-05-25,"Adidas shoe manufacture returns to Germany, fully automated instead of relying on human labour in Asia"
2016-05-25,Tony Blair: Britain and US profoundly underestimated chaos brought about by toppling of Saddam Hussein | People | News
2016-05-25,"""We Truly Believe They Kill Animals"": Famous Sloth Sanctuary Is A Nightmare For Animals, Ex-Workers Say"
2016-05-25,Israel: Hamas stealing 95% of civilian cement transferred into Gaza
2016-05-25,"Poland starts logging primeval Bialowieza forest despite protests: More than 180,000 cubic metres of forest to be cut down in area that is home to Europes largest mammal and tallest trees"
2016-05-25,South Africa Just Lifted Its Ban on the Rhino Horn Trade
2016-05-25,Sweden refuses to revoke Assange arrest warrant
2016-05-25,"Thousands of children working in Indonesia's tobacco fields are being poisoned by handling the leaves of the toxic plant, an international investigation has found."
2016-05-25,"Grizzlies & polar bears are now mating - ""I hate to say it, but from a genetic perspective, its quite likely grizzly bears will eat polar bears up, genetically."" Warming Arctic allowing the 2 species to come into contact more often."
2016-05-25,Citibank to pay $425 million over attempted benchmark manipulation
2016-05-25,Sweden phases out fossil fuels in attempt to run completely off renewable energy: Sweden's prime minister announced his country will work towards becoming 'one of the first fossil fuel-free welfare states of the world'
2016-05-25,British restaurant owner Mohammed Zaman has been jailed for 6 years for manslaughter due to customers allergic reaction to peanuts ending in death. Zaman's conviction sets a precedent in the UK food industry.
2016-05-25,"Jeremy Corbyn is prepared to call for an investigation into Tony Blair for alleged war crimes during the Iraq War, according to reports.The war, launched by the US with strong UK backing, lead to the deaths of between 150,000 and 600,000 Iraqis over four years."
2016-05-25,Found off Sardinian Coast: WW11 submarine with 71 bodies inside
2016-05-25,Japan passes anti-hate speech law as Koreans targeted by racism
2016-05-25,ISIS Destroys Russian and Syrian aircraft in attack on military base
2016-05-25,14 Russian athletes failed Olympic doping retests
2016-05-25,Bridgestone abandons Venezuela
2016-05-25,Corporate Beer Overlords Will Soon Own 1 Out of 3 Beers Made on Earth - Budweiser's owner eyes a major merger& better access to markets in Africa & South America.
2016-05-25,A Brazilian Cabinet member was just caught on tape plotting to take down the president
2016-05-25,ExxonMobil tried to censor climate scientists to Congress during Bush era - Exclusive: 2001 intervention adds to evidence that oil company was aware of the science and its implications for govt policy & the energy industry
2016-05-25,Pakistan condemns US drone strike that killed Taliban leader Mansoor
2016-05-25,Palestinians reject Netanyahu's direct talks proposal
2016-05-25,"Whether out of conviction or convenience, thousands of migrants in Europe are converting to Christianity"
2016-05-25,Dutch Police Use Eagles to Take Down Illegal Drones
2016-05-24,Colombia has fired more than 1000 police officers in a massive crackdown on corruption
2016-05-24,The average city dweller in Kenya pays 16 bribes a month
2016-05-24,"Sixteen of the worlds largest banks including JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Citigroup Inc. must face antitrust lawsuits accusing them of hurting investors who bought securities tied to Libor by rigging an interest-rate benchmark, a ruling that an appeals court warned could devastate them"
2016-05-24,Cuba to legalize small and medium sized businesses
2016-05-24,Japan: Employment rate at 97.3% for new University graduates - record high
2016-05-24,Atheist academic calls for religion 'to be offended at every opportunity': Dawkins says it's ridiculous to be accused of racism when you criticise Islam
2016-05-24,Japan: Plan to make programming mandatory at schools a step to foster creativity
2016-05-24,People of no religion outnumber Christians in England and Wales study
2016-05-24,"Venezuelans on Tuesday woke up to discover that the government-controlled price of corn flour - used to make corn patty arepas, a staple of local cuisine - has risen by 900%. The Superintendent also said that the price of chicken would rise, up 13 times from 65 bolivares a kilo to 850 bolivares."
2016-05-24,Brazil minister ousted after secret tape reveals plot to topple President Rousseff
2016-05-24,Paris Google HQ raided in tax probe
2016-05-24,"Australian Premier makes official state apology to people convicted under ""unjust laws against homosexual acts"""
2016-05-24,U.S. Embassy in Venezuela halts new visas because of overwhelming demand
2016-05-24,"Chinas Solar Prices Can Fall 38%, Become Competitive With Coal"
2016-05-24,"Human remains retrieved from the crash site of EgyptAir flight 804 suggest there was an explosion on board that may have brought down the aircraft, an Egyptian forensics official has told Associated Press. The official, one of the Egyptian investigative team, examined the remains at a Cairo morgue."
2016-05-24,"""Frequent flyer"" - Taliban most senior leader Mansour used to fly out of Pakistani airports to Iran and Dubai on Pakistani passport"
2016-05-24,"Arctic sea ice melt ""like a train wreck"" says US scientist.Artic sea ice levels are on course to hit a new record low as warming at the North Pole accelerates.Temperatures in Alaska hit 11C above average this winter."
2016-05-24,"The controversial leader of Chechnya, Kremlin-backed Ramzan Kadyrov, has engaged John Oliver in an unlikely online spat, after the British comedian mocked the hardman leader for posting an online appeal about a lost cat."
2016-05-24,India to invest $500 million in Iran port
2016-05-24,Fracking approved in Northern England despite massive opposition
2016-05-24,"Rise of the robots: 60,000 workers culled from just one factory as Chinas struggling electronics hub turns to artificial intelligence. Kunshan, in Jiangsu province, undergoes makeover as 600 companies look to trim their headcount"
2016-05-24,Over 100 bodies dumped in a mass grave in Mexico
2016-05-24,Barack Obama has said Washington supports Vietnams territorial claims against Beijing in the South China Sea and promised it greater access to security equipment.
2016-05-24,"Chinese and Russian warplanes have been increasingly aggressive intercepting U.S. military aircraft and patrolling near Americas West Coast, prompting the Air Forces top combat officer to label their provocations one of his top worries"
2016-05-24,"Greek authorities began an operation at dawn Tuesday to gradually evacuate the countrys largest informal refugee camp of Idomeni on Macedonian border, blocking access to the area and sending in more than 400 riot police."
2016-05-23,"'It keeps happening,' rape survivor says: Protests against American military presence in Japan continued on Saturday, as the countrys defense minister lodged a formal complaint over the latest case of alleged murder and rape of a young Japanese woman by a US military base employee"
2016-05-23,"Obama will not apologize for Hiroshima attack, he tells Japanese TV"
2016-05-23,Austria rejects 'far-right president'
2016-05-23,"Climate denial arguments fail a blind test: In a Pepsi challenge test, economist and statisticians find mainstream climate arguments accurate and contrarian arguments wrong and misleading"
2016-05-23,"Operation to retake Fallujah has begun, Iraqi prime minister says"
2016-05-23,India's First-Ever Indigenous Space Shuttle Launched Successfully
2016-05-23,"Chinese and Russian warplanes have been increasingly aggressive intercepting U.S. military aircraft and patrolling near Americas West Coast, prompting the Air Forces top combat officer to label their provocations one of his top worries."
2016-05-23,"Isis threatens attacks in India. Isis mocked Muslims living in harmony with Hindus and urged them to travel to Isis-held territories.India, a Hindu-majority country, is home to more than 160 million Muslims, but only a handful of them have joined the Middle Eastern group"
2016-05-23,Turkey's prime minister formally submitted his resignation on Sunday.
2016-05-23,Samoa Considering Amending Constitution to Become a Christian State. Churches Push for a Ban on Islam
2016-05-23,"The German drugs and chemicals group Bayer has pounced on Monsanto, the worlds biggest seed company, with an unsolicited takeover offer likely to be worth more than $40bn (27bn)."
2016-05-23,"Reuters: ""U.S. to completely lift Vietnam lethal arms embargo"""
2016-05-23,31 possible Rio Olympians 'failed drug tests' in Beijing
2016-05-23,Austria election: far-right candidate and rival tied at 50% in exit poll
2016-05-23,"Turkey shifts to presidential system, even without constitutional change"
2016-05-23,Hamas to publicly execute criminals in Gaza
2016-05-23,EU Survey: 64% of Europeans in Favour of Basic Income
2016-05-23,At least 17 girls killed in school dormitory fire in Thailand
2016-05-23,Vietnam hopes its voice is heard as Obama visits - Vietnam seeks US backing in its dispute with China over contested islands in the South China Sea. It seeks access to US military technology.
2016-05-23,"Brazil, you are next ISIS issue serious threat to 2016 Rio Olympics"
2016-05-23,India successfully test launches their first-ever indigenous space shuttle
2016-05-23,Farmer suicides soar in India as deadly heatwave hits 51 degrees Celsius | India has set a new record for its highest-ever recorded temperature a searing 51 degrees Celsius or 123.8F amid a devastating heatwave that has ravaged much of the country for weeks.
2016-05-23,Falluja assault: Iraq PM announces beginning of military operation
2016-05-23,Pakistan says U.S. drone strike violated its sovereignty
2016-05-23,"Across Africa, the worst food crisis since 1985 looms for 50 million"
2016-05-22,"Oil company records from 1960s reveal patents to reduce CO2 emissions in cars: ExxonMobil and others pursued research into technologies, yet blocked government efforts to fight climate change for more than 50 years, findings show"
2016-05-22,Women in Iran are cutting their hair short and dressing as men in a bid to bypass state 'morality' police who rigorously enforce penalties for not wearing a hijab.
2016-05-22,US releases Guantnamo prisoner after 14 years and no conviction
2016-05-22,Poland last week dismissed 32 of 39 scientific experts on the State Council for Nature Conservation after they criticized the logging plan of Bialowieza Forest
2016-05-22,"1.4 billion yen ($12.7 million) stolen from 1,400 convenience store ATMs across Japan in the space of two hours"
2016-05-22,Schoolchildren in Russia will soon be taught a variety of military skills such as maintaining firearms as part of a new drive by the country's defence ministry.
2016-05-22,50 million Africans face hunger after crops fail again
2016-05-22,"Anti-corporate activists, organic farmers, Indigenous peoples, environmental groups and others took to the streets across 6 continents and over 400 cities on Saturday in a global grassroots march against Monsanto"
2016-05-22,"Vegetarianism on the rise in Germany, but schools draw the line at veganism - Tofu schnitzel, tofu bratwurst, tofu kebab. It all exists in Germany. Popular as vegetarian options may be, a German court has ruled that veganism is too risky as a school meal option."
2016-05-22,"Taliban leader Mullah Akhtar Mansour 'probably killed' in US air strike on Afghanistan, US officials say"
2016-05-22,Taliban leader Mullah Akhtar Mansour had been killed in an attack by U.S. drones
2016-05-22,"EgyptAir crash: Internal blast 'tore right side' of jet, pilot says"
2016-05-22,"Israel defense chief quits, warns of extremist rise under Netanyahu"
2016-05-22,"Islamic State threatens attacks in India. Islamic State mocked Muslims living in harmony with Hindus who worship cows, trees and the sun, and urged them to travel to IS-held territories in the Caliphate."
2016-05-22,Venezuela To Hold Military Exercises Citing Imminent US Invasion
2016-05-22,The long-awaited Chilcot report into the Iraq war is reportedly set to savage Tony Blair and other former government officials in an absolutely brutal verdict on the failings of the occupation.
2016-05-22,"Police, soldiers swarm Mexico's Acapulco, killings continue"
2016-05-22,Outrage in Japan as U.S. Marine veteran arrested in connection with death of woman on Okinawa
2016-05-22,"Microplastics in the sea a growing threat to human health, United Nations warns: More than a quarter of fish in markets in Indonesia and California contain plastic particles"
2016-05-22,UK trains soldiers for majority of regimes on its own human rights abuse watchlist | Sixteen nations on the Foreign Office watchlist for use of torture and sexual violence benefit from military and security support
2016-05-22,China denies selling human flesh as tinned corned beef in Zambia in Africa
2016-05-22,Church of Scotland votes to allow gay marriages for ministers
2016-05-22,Georgian Shot Dead by Russian troops Near Breakaway Abkhazia Region
2016-05-22,First 'Made in India' space shuttle to lift off tomorrow
2016-05-22,Two zoo lions shot and killed after mauling 'suicidal' naked man
2016-05-21,Coke Has Suspended All Production in Venezuela
2016-05-21,"Magic mushroom compound psilocybin can reduce symptoms of treatment-resistant depression: ""This is the first time that psilocybin has been investigated as a potential treatment for major depression, says lead author Dr Robin Carhart-Harris, Imperial College London"
2016-05-21,EgyptAir Flight 804 black boxes located
2016-05-21,"The world's largest cruise ship and its supersized pollution problem: each of the Harmonys three four-storey high 16-cylinder Wrtsil engines will, at full power, burn 1,377 US gallons of fuel an hour, or about 96,000 gallons a day of some of the most polluting diesel fuel in the world"
2016-05-21,"Australias Great Barrier Reef will be in a terminal condition within five years, according to scientists. ""If something is not done in this election cycle then we may not see good coral again within our childrens lifetime."
2016-05-21,Paris Will Start Swabbing High Schoolers to See If They're Smoking Pot
2016-05-21,Vladimir Putin and the Russian state are being sued by families of those who died on Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 when it was shot down over Ukraine.
2016-05-21,'We are like a bomb': food riots show Venezuela crisis has gone beyond politics
2016-05-21,Mexico approves extradition of Joaqun El Chapo Guzmn to U.S.
2016-05-21,"Chiles Worst Ever Red Tide Kills 20 Million Fish, Prompts Investigation of Salmon Farms"
2016-05-21,"EU Data Protection Chief Calls for No Backdoors and a 'Right to Encypt'.Much more so than our homes, our mobile devices now contain revealing and sensitive data on almost every aspect of our lives, private and professional,"
2016-05-21,"Israel Has Been Infected by the Seeds of Fascism, Says ex-Prime Minister Ehud Barak"
2016-05-21,"80% of the worlds megacities are now in Asia, Latin America, or Africa"
2016-05-21,Sweden and Finland upgrade Nato relations
2016-05-21,"Cannes: With 'Risk,' Laura Poitras Ignites Demand For Julian Assange's Release ""In the U.S., most of the journalists are propagandists and stenographers for the state."""
2016-05-21,Mexican Government Fires a Staggering 3000 Striking Teachers.Federal Police forcibly removed teachers from their protest camp in the middle of the night.
2016-05-21,"A court in western Germany said on Friday that there was no legal obstacle to the practice of shredding male chicks shortly after they are hatched, in a big setback for animal rights activists."
2016-05-21,Fatal EgyptAir flight suffered on-board fire minutes before crash
2016-05-21,Cameron forced into 'major climbdown' over NHS TTIP deal. Tory rebels and Jeremy Corbyn form unlikely alliance to protect NHS from transatlantic trade deal
2016-05-21,French festivals ditch Eagles of Death Metal over singer's comments: Jesse Hughes alleged he saw Muslims celebrating during Paris attacks and that Bataclan staff were involved in assault
2016-05-21,Bangladesh village doctor hacked to death in attack claimed by Islamic State
2016-05-21,Russia proposes joint airstrikes on Syria rebels with U.S.-led coalition.
2016-05-21,"Reports of bathroom smoke alerts suggest an electrical fire on EgyptAir MS804 flight, which could have caused it's crash on it's Paris to Cairo route."
2016-05-21,"Turkey Moves to Prosecute Most Pro-Kurdish Party Lawmakers. Kati Piri, Turkey rapporteur for the European Parliament, called Fridays amendment an ""historic mistake."""
2016-05-21,US rejects Russian proposal for joint air strikes on Syria
2016-05-20,LinkedIn just revealed that the 2012 breach that compromised the accounts of 6.5 million users actually hit more than 100 million users.
2016-05-20,"The Chinese government is fabricating almost 490m social media posts a year as part of a massive secretive operation designed to distract the public from criticising or questioning its rule, according to a study."
2016-05-20,"EgyptAir Flight 804: Wreckage found, airline official says"
2016-05-20,Morocco starts blocking access to Steam and other popular computer games
2016-05-20,"Humans damaging the environment faster than it can recover, UN finds - Radical action is needed to combat increasing rate of environmental damage to water sources, land, biodiversity & marine life, report shows"
2016-05-20,Egypt military says finds EgyptAir plane debris 290 km from Alexandria
2016-05-20,"Jihadist website profiting from online advertising, including U.S. companies"
2016-05-20,NATO just added a new member: Montenegro
2016-05-20,"Auschwitz museum finds inmate's gold ring, necklace in false-bottomed mug"
2016-05-20,"Israeli defense minister quits, citing poor faith in Netanyahu"
2016-05-20,India records its hottest temperature ever: 123.8 degrees Fahrenheit (51 degrees Celsius)
2016-05-20,"Alberto Nisman, who investigated Argentinas worst terrorist attack before he was found dead in his home last year, may have been forced to kill himself, a prosecutor who was formerly in charge of his case has said."
2016-05-20,Australian scientists achieve a 2050 solar efficiency benchmark 34 years early
2016-05-20,Seychelles decriminalizes same-sex relationships
2016-05-20,"EgyptAir Flight 804: Greece official says debris not from plane, report"
2016-05-20,"Russia sends 2,400 tons of food to North Korea"
2016-05-20,High pay for bosses hurting economy says senior Bank of England official
2016-05-20,"Erdogan has 'autocratic ambitions' for Turkey: The Bundestag president has criticized the Turkish regime's push to strip legislators of parliamentary immunity. Turkey's president has ""autocratic ambitions."""
2016-05-20,China says more than 40 countries support its stance on South China Sea dispute
2016-05-20,97 Women and children freed from Boko Haram by Nigerian armed forces. Two of the kidnapped girls from Chibok were among them.
2016-05-20,China says it's ready if US stirs up any conflict in South China Sea
2016-05-20,An Attempt to Crack Down on Boycotting Israel in Canada Has Failed
2016-05-20,Uber drivers accused of 32 rapes and sex attacks on London passengers over the past year: New statistics reveal one assault every 11 days last year by drivers on popular car-hire app
2016-05-20,Bull spearing outlawed by Spanish regional government.
2016-05-20,U.S. investigators leaning toward possibility of terrorist attack (EgyptAir flight)
2016-05-19,EgyptAir Flight MS804 disappears from radar during Paris-Cairo flight
2016-05-19,McDonald's fish: Row over sustainability 'cover-up'- The document shows that the government was aware of made-up data and illegal practices such as the dumping of vast quantities of unwanted fish. There are also concerns that unlawful fishing in NZ waters is threatening the world's rarest dolphin
2016-05-19,"Pope condemns ""bloodsuckers"" who exploit poor workers: Pope says making ""slaves"" out of workers and setting unfair contracts is a mortal sin"
2016-05-19,"India just proposed an oil-for-drugs deal with Venezuela, Country is facing severe shortages of even basic supplies such as food, water and medicines, desperately short of medical supplies, lacking as much as 80 percent of what it needs to treat its population"
2016-05-19,"Portugal runs for four days straight on renewable energy alone: Zero emission milestone reached as country is powered by just wind, solar and hydro-generated electricity for 107 hours"
2016-05-19,Bayer offers 42 Billion to purchase Monsanto. Agricultural mega merger looms.
2016-05-19,Authorities shut down secret Islamic school in Brussels: report
2016-05-19,"Iran tells Hezbollah to stop attacking Israel, turn attention to Saudi Arabia"
2016-05-19,Egyptian officials confirm that EgyptAir flight crashed with 56 persons on board
2016-05-19,Ninety-two children and three teachers were poisoned in northern Peru when a plane fumigating nearby fields sprayed a weed-killer too close to their school.
2016-05-19,"Robin Hood hacker donates $11,000 of stolen bitcoin to help fight ISIS"
2016-05-19,Mob burns Venezuelan man alive over $5 as rule of law fails
2016-05-19,Boris Johnson wins most offensive Erdogan poem contest
2016-05-19,A Secret Tunnel Found in Mexico May Finally Solve the Mysteries of Teotihuacn
2016-05-19,"Superbugs will 'kill every three seconds': Superbugs will kill someone every three seconds by 2050 unless the world acts now, a hugely influential report says"
2016-05-19,Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Accused of Elbowing Opposition Member of Parliament in The House of Commons.
2016-05-19,Englands chief medical officer warns of antibiotic apocalypse
2016-05-19,Venezuelan opposition tells military that it's time to choose
2016-05-19,"New Zealand Customs will lose the automatic right to examine people's smartphones and electronic devices at the border, under a government proposal."
2016-05-19,"Banks Sued by Investor Over Agency-Bond Rigging Claims.Depending on the securities that are included, the market could range from $9 trillion to $15 trillion.""Defendants scheme was driven by greed and opportunity,"""
2016-05-19,Venezuelans are having to trade pharmaceutical drugs on social media as the country runs out of medicine
2016-05-19,French security chief warns Islamic State plans wave of attacks in France
2016-05-19,Russia under suspicion after sabotage of Swedish telecom mast
2016-05-19,Large Azerbaijan plane crashes in Afghanistan
2016-05-19,"Boris Johnson wins 'most offensive Erdoan poem' competition: Ex-London mayor wins 1,000 prize for limerick about Turkish president in contest challenging crackdown on free speech"
2016-05-18,Scientists Find A Weak Spot In HIV That May Pave the Way to a Vaccine
2016-05-18,Muslim states block 11 LGBT groups from attending UN Aids meeting
2016-05-18,Caribbean islands warned as Venezuela collapses
2016-05-18,US raises China steel taxes by 522%
2016-05-18,German court bans public recital of anti-Erdogan poem
2016-05-18,Mexican President Proposes Legalizing Gay Marriage
2016-05-18,Iran wants U.S. to pay for 63 years of 'spiritual and material damage'
2016-05-18,Magnitude 6.7 earthquake strikes western Ecuador
2016-05-18,"Dutch researchers are learning how to grow food on Mars and the Moon -- ""Especially in the Martian soil, plants were growing very fast and very good. They even started to flower, something that we never anticipated"""
2016-05-18,"Muslim states block gay groups from U.N. AIDS meeting: A group of 51 Muslim states has blocked 11 gay and transgender organizations from attending a high-level meeting at the UN next month on ending AIDS, sparking a protest by the US, Canada and the EU."
2016-05-18,"One of the missing Chibok girls has been found in Nigeria, activists say - the first since they were taken by Boko Haram militants two years ago."
2016-05-18,Russia to revive missile trains as U.S. launches European missile defense system
2016-05-18,"Zika virus could spread to Europe in coming months, says WHO"
2016-05-18,Russias new FindFace app identifies strangers in a crowd with 70 percent accuracy
2016-05-18,"Last stand for Europe's remaining ancient forest as loggers prepare to move in | Government plans to fell Polands Biaowiea forest have divided families, led to death threats against green campaigners and allegations of an environmental coup by government and state timber interests"
2016-05-18,"Google may face a fine of around 3 billion by the European Commission (EC) for manipulating search results to promote its own shopping comparison service,"
2016-05-18,Four in ten Australians admit they have drunk so much they've vomited - half want alcohol taxes increased to pay for alcohol-related treatment.
2016-05-18,"GM food is generally safe for humans and the environment, report says"
2016-05-18,"Mexico's President, Enrique Pena Nieto, has proposed constitutional reform to legalise same-sex marriage across the country."
2016-05-18,"Violence against labor activists remains rampant in Colombia since U.S. trade deal took effect, U.S. watchdog says."
2016-05-18,Spain's debt now worth more than value of the economy
2016-05-18,Obama to Lift U.S. Sanctions Against Myanmar
2016-05-18,Australia has laid off a prominent scientist as part of cuts to its national science agency that are mainly aimed researchers studying global sea rise and climate change.
2016-05-18,"Rodrigo Duterte says he's killed 1,700 crooks; pledges 100,000 dead in 1st 6 months as president."
2016-05-18,TTIP's definition of Feta cheese is getting more attention than saving the NHS: French President Franois Hollande threatened to veto TTIP if products made in specific regions cannot retain exclusivity over their names
2016-05-17,"After almost 18 years of circling Earth, the International Space Station completed its 100,000th orbit on Monday."
2016-05-17,"Pakistans Billion Tree Tsunami gains momentum, hopes to achieve target of One Billion new saplings plantation by end of next year."
2016-05-17,The new Brazilian presidents first pick for science minister was a creationist. He chose a soybean tycoon who has deforested large tracts of the Amazon rain forest to be his agriculture minister. And he is the first leader in decades to have no women in his Cabinet.
2016-05-17,Syria Army killed over 200 ISIS militants in 3-day long offensive in Deir Ezzor
2016-05-17,Israel Antiquities Authority announces the biggest archaeological find in 30 years -- A 1600-year-old Roman shipwreck filled with bronze statues and coins bearing the face of Constantine the Great.
2016-05-17,"The London mayor, Sadiq Khan, has outlined plans to quadruple the proportion of affordable housing being built in the capital.There is no point in building homes if they are bought by investors in the Middle East and Asia, I want to give first dibs to Londoners."
2016-05-17,Face recognition app taking Russia by storm may bring end to public anonymity
2016-05-17,"Australian Energy Boss Emails Climate-Change Skeptic Handbook.Prominent businessman and donor to the Australian Liberal Party, accidentally emailed hundreds of politicians and elites a 16-page handbook.The handbook explains how to argue that climate-change is not human-made."
2016-05-17,Prominent Oceans Scientist Fails to Disclose Funding From Fishing Industry
2016-05-17,Revealed: Saudi Arabia owns $117 billion of U.S. debt
2016-05-17,North Korea is last place Americans should travel to warns US State Department
2016-05-17,New Snowden Leak Reveals Key NSA Role in Guantanamo Torture
2016-05-17,Pirate Party set to be kingmaker in next Icelandic parliamentpolls
2016-05-17,"ADL to recognize Ottoman Empires massacre of Armenians as genocide: We believe that remembering and educating people about any genocide Armenian, the Holocaust, Bosnia, Rwanda and others is a necessary tool to prevent future tragedies"
2016-05-17,"Bell offers $1M settlement to Yellowknife man, northern customers over 911 fees. a class-action lawsuit against the company in 2007 over its 75-cent monthly fee for 911 emergency phone service a service that doesn't exist"
2016-05-17,US scientists have cloned the Zika virus - an important step towards fast-tracking a vaccine against the disease.
2016-05-17,"Panama Papers reveal George Soros' deep money ties to secretive weapons, intel investment firm"
2016-05-17,"Pope criticizes West for trying to export own brand of democracy to Iraq, Libya"
2016-05-17,Court condemns tobacco giant Philip Morris over secret bid to sue Australia over plain packaging laws
2016-05-17,[Russia] Cossacks beat up anti-corruption leader Alexey Navalny and others as police are slow to intervene
2016-05-17,Denmark pushes ahead with hate preacher blacklist
2016-05-17,Turkish police seal off hotel to halt dissident opposition congress
2016-05-17,Australian teen accused of plotting terror attack in Sydney
2016-05-17,Venezuela gives sweeping 'emergency' powers to security forces
2016-05-17,"World Health Organization study: ""during the last five years, unmarried women were less likely to have an abortion than married women. Roughly 73% of abortions were obtained by married women."""
2016-05-16,Iran is arresting models who pose without headscarves on Instagram
2016-05-16,"April breaks global temperature record, marking seven months of new highs. 2016 will be hottest year on record"
2016-05-16,Erdoan pictured as Hitler on Turkish Embassy in Berlin
2016-05-16,"Venezuelan President decrees emergency, seizes factories"
2016-05-16,New move to impeach Tony Blair over Iraq War gains cross-party support
2016-05-16,"Divers Discover 'Spectacular' Cargo of Ancient Shipwreck in Caesarea Harbor - Includes bronze statues & 1000s of coins bearing the images of Roman emperors Constantine & Licinius. 1,600 yr old wreck discovered by divers in ancient harbor of Caesarea."
2016-05-16,Thousands of South African gold miners launch a multi-million-dollar class action lawsuit against mining companies over deadly lung diseases.
2016-05-16,"An online al Qaeda magazine is calling for jihadis to damage the US economy by killing business leaders and entrepreneurs, according to analysts."
2016-05-16,"Half of fish caught in New Zealand waters not in official records. Reconstructed marine catch totalled 38.1 million tonnes between 1950 and 2010, which is 2.7 times the 14 million tonnes reported to the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)"
2016-05-16,Former CIA agent admits involvment in Nelson Mandela's arrest
2016-05-16,"Police in Colombia seize more than 8 tons of cocaine in ""largest ever"" drug bust"
2016-05-16,Luxembourg prosecutors seek jail time for whistleblowers
2016-05-16,India successfully test-fires indigenously developed supersonic interceptor missile
2016-05-16,North Korea releases Russian yacht - detention was a misunderstanding North Korean officials said
2016-05-16,"Car fires turning into a Dutch plague, 100s torched in recent months"
2016-05-16,"More pupils than expected in 'illegal schools' across UK, mainly Islamic and Jewish, Ofsted reports."
2016-05-16,"Duterte vows to kill criminals and reintroduce hanging in Philippines - What I will do is urge Congress to restore (the) death penalty by hanging, Duterte, 71, told a press conference in Davao on Sunday. He also said he would give security forces shoot-to-kill orders against organised criminals"
2016-05-16,China waging war against ancient superstitions that convinced a man to steam his wife to death
2016-05-16,"Magnitude 5.6 / Shindo 5 earthquake shakes Ibaraki, Japan. No tsunami warning issued."
2016-05-16,"China cyber probes show electronic warfare focus, Pentagon says: China's military conducted cyber probes and intrusions against US networks to support intelligence collection and electronic warfare even as it continues an ""extraordinarily rapid"" expansion of long-range precision strike capabilities"
2016-05-16,"Google (GOOGL.O) faces a record antitrust fine of around 3 billion euros ($3.4 billion) from the European Commission in the coming weeks, British newspaper The Sunday Telegraph said. The European Union has accused Google of promoting its shopping service in Internet searches"
2016-05-16,"Al Qaeda Turns to Syria, With a Plan to Challenge ISIS"
2016-05-16,Scientists Seek To Bring Dead Brains Back To Life
2016-05-16,Police are facing severe terror threat from IRA: Rank-and-file officers in Northern Ireland on a high state of alert with 52 bomb attacks over the past 12 months
2016-05-16,"Police sealed off a hotel in Ankara on Sunday, preventing dissidents in Turkey's nationalist opposition from holding a party congress that could jeopardize President Tayyip Erdogan's plans for more power"
2016-05-15,Iceland's Pirate Party secures more election funding than all its rivals as it continues to top polls: 'We don't care. Democracy doesnt revolve around getting loads of money from the government. We funded our campaign at a flea market before the last elections and that was fine.'
2016-05-15,Monsanto Linked to Tax Havens in Panama Papers Leak
2016-05-15,"Protesters take over German coal mine, block coal power plant: ""We are taking the exit from coal into our own hands and closing down one of the largest climate killers in Europe."""
2016-05-15,Radio-backed campaign pushes for FM access on your smartphone
2016-05-15,"India's top court ordered state governments to provide free meals to schoolchildren during summer break as country reels from impact of one of worst droughts on record. Free lunches are offered to some 120 million students in what is world's largest school feeding program, but not during holidays."
2016-05-15,ISIS burns family of 5 with 3 children alive in public for trying to flee terrorist-occupied land
2016-05-15,Manchester United's Old Trafford ground evacuated
2016-05-15,"A fake terror attack has panicked guests of several Hollywood stars at the Cannes film festival | The publicity stunt, by a French Internet company aimed at the super rich, saw a speedboat full of men in helmets and military style uniforms attempt to storm the dock of the Hotel du Cap."
2016-05-15,"Sinkhole discovery suggests humans were in Florida 14,500 years ago: Knife, bone, and dung cast doubt on Bering Strait theory and indicate humans spread through Americas 1,500 years earlier than thought, researchers say"
2016-05-15,"Heat wave hits Egypt, temperatures reach 45 degrees"
2016-05-15,Suicide bombing in Yemen kills 25 people
2016-05-15,NASA data shows last month was hottest April on record - The April figures continue the remarkably warm start to 2016
2016-05-15,Judge in Iran tells prisoner: 'If you're innocent you'll go to heaven after you're hanged'
2016-05-15,"Venezuela: Maduro orders seizure of closed Venezuela factories, jailing of owners"
2016-05-15,Student in Turkey accused of terror propaganda for speaking Kurdish
2016-05-15,Mark Zuckerberg claims 'no evidence' of political bias at Facebook
2016-05-15,"Pro-life marches across Poland: Demonstrations in over 140 cities, signatures collected for a so-called citizens bill calling for a complete ban on abortion."
2016-05-15,Pope to Visit Genocide Memorial During June Trip to Armenia
2016-05-15,"South African court allows landmark silicosis suit against gold firms: Up to 500,000 miners may be eligible to seek damages for lung diseases, a decision that could cost the industry millions"
2016-05-15,Police found a pig's head bearing a written insult against German Chancellor Angela Merkel at the entrance to her constituency office in the northeastern town of Stralsund
2016-05-15,Leaks Show Senate Aide Threatened Colombia Over Cheap Cancer Drug
2016-05-15,Turkey has agreed to modernise the Pakistan Air Forces fleet of F-16s at a cost of $75 million amid the controversy surrounding the purchase of new jets from USA
2016-05-15,Scientists believe they have an uncovered an evolutionary throwback in a rare deep ocean whale that washed ashore on a South Australian beach.
2016-05-15,"Germany to abolish provider liability law, open path to more free WiFi: a law that makes hotspot providers responsible for users' activity has long limited public WiFi and is set to be scrapped."
2016-05-15,"Militants kill two police in Russia's Dagestan, Islamic State claims responsibility"
2016-05-14,"Next Friday, the United Kingdom will join Australia and become the second country in the world to introduce ""plain packaging"" to cigarettes, removing all brands, logos, and colors and replacing them with standardized dark green packages with graphic health warnings."
2016-05-14,"Venezuela president declares emergency, cites U.S., domestic 'threats'"
2016-05-14,"Nearly 45,000 sign up to support call for Netflix to stop VPN blocking"
2016-05-14,North Korea detains Russian yacht
2016-05-14,U.S. intelligence warns of Venezuela collapse
2016-05-14,"Russia begins imposing transport, banking restrictions on North Korea, complying with United Nations sanctions against Pyongyang"
2016-05-14,Women in Saudi Arabia face flogging and imprisonment if they check their husbands phone without his permission.
2016-05-14,Erdoan says West cares more about gay and animal rights than Syria
2016-05-14,ISIS executes 11 Iraqi civilians for using cell phones
2016-05-14,Russian Doctor Explains How He Helped Beat Doping Tests at the Sochi Olympics: The director of Russias antidoping laboratory during the 2014 Winter Olympics revealed to The New York Times how Russian agents used an elaborate scheme to swap out tainted urine samples from Russian athletes.
2016-05-14,BBC News: Lightning strikes kill 50 in Bangladesh
2016-05-14,Judge tells man 'if you're innocent you'll go to Heaven' after sentencing him to be hanged for a crime he denied in Iran
2016-05-14,"Moscow wanted to eradicate the risk of domestic terror attacks, so intelligence and police officials turned a blind eye to Islamic militants leaving the country. Some sources say officials even encouraged militants to leave"
2016-05-14,Iran re-arrests Christian pastor once sentenced to death
2016-05-14,Leaked wiretaps of ISIS agents show Ankara routinely ignores terrorist cross-border activity
2016-05-14,"Venezuela looters target chicken, flour amid worsening shortages"
2016-05-14,"German MPs vote to block North African asylum claims: Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria classified as ""safe countries of origin"" meaning that asylum applications will only be accepted under exceptional circumstances"
2016-05-14,"ISIS declares state of emergency in Raqqa, ISIS's self-declared capital"
2016-05-14,"India announced a new intellectual property policy on Friday, speeding up the online registration of patents & trademarks, but resisted pressure from US and other Western countries to amend its patent laws"
2016-05-14,Prince Charles: I use homeopathy in animals to cut antibiotic use
2016-05-14,Belgian police: Don't use Facebook reactions if you value privacy
2016-05-14,China Is Not Celebrating Cultural Revolution's 50th Anniversary
2016-05-14,"World's Biggest Cruise Ship Sets Sail | The world's largest cruise ship, Harmony of the Seas which cost US$1 billion to build over 32 months has been finished and was delivered to owner Royal Caribbean International"
2016-05-14,Uganda has launched a total social media blackout for the second time in three months
2016-05-14,IDF general: ISIS fighters training with Hamas in Gaza
2016-05-13,"Declassified documents detail 9/11 commission's inquiry into Saudi Arabia, Chilling story of the Saudi diplomat who, many on the commissions staff believed, had been a ringleader of a Saudi government spy network inside the US that gave support to at least two of the 9/11 hijackers"
2016-05-13,Ontario parents who object to vaccines could be forced to take a class in science of immunization.
2016-05-13,Scientists have found a microbe that does something textbooks say is impossible: It's a complex cell that survives without mitochondria.
2016-05-13,"The Kremlin is considering whether or not to release some 20,000 hacked Clinton emails reportedly in its possession; Russian security services apparently obtained the emails as part of their investigation into the Romanian hacker Marcel Lehel Lazar"
2016-05-13,"Nearly 90,000 Gallons of Crude Oil Spill Into Gulf of Mexico"
2016-05-13,ISIS massacre 14 Real Madrid fans at supporters club in Baghdad
2016-05-13,Chinese Cops Are Temporarily Patrolling the Streets of Rome & Milan - A new experimental program put international police at Italy's tourist hubs to help the influx of Chinese travelers
2016-05-13,Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation divests entire holding in BP: Worlds largest health charity sells its $187m stake in the oil giant in a move welcomed by fossil fuel divestment campaigners
2016-05-13,"Luxembourg Is Set to Become the Most Animal-Friendly Country in the World - Proposed new animals rights legislation which states animals are sentient beings with certain rights, who can experience anguish has been described as the most progressive in the world."
2016-05-13,Chinese province has ordered kindergartens to enforce a ban on religious activity after a video was posted online of a little girl reciting part of the Koran at a nursery school
2016-05-13,"Dutch professor renounces Turkish award, brands Erdogan 'de-facto dictator'"
2016-05-13,"Venezuela: Countless Wounded after 5,000 Loot Supermarket"
2016-05-13,British astronaut Tim Peake has sparked an orbital kerfuffle after he tweeted a picture showing a crack in the International Space Station's window. It was caused by space debris.
2016-05-13,"Germany Says It Will Rescind Convictions for Homosexuality: The justice minister, Heiko Maas, said the government would put forward legislation that would overturn the convictions and allow for financial compensation to the men who suffered under the legislation"
2016-05-13,"Dozens of Russian athletes at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, including at least 15 medal winners, were part of a state-run doping program"
2016-05-13,Brazil's acting president used to be US intel informant - WikiLeaks
2016-05-13,Fears grow as temperatures double at massive New Zealand volcano featured in Lord of the Rings films
2016-05-13,Merkel warns of return to nationalism unless EU protects borders
2016-05-13,Russia to ban all Turkish fruit and vegetable imports next week: Interfax
2016-05-13,Egypt 'in denial' over hidden chambers in Tutankhamuns tomb - Scientists accuse government of suppressing data disproving claims that burial site contains Nefertitis remains
2016-05-13,N.Korea deploying ICBMs near Chinese border
2016-05-13,Child sex abuse victim in 20s euthanised after suffering irreparable PTSD
2016-05-13,Chinese state-owned firms claim 'sovereign immunity' in US courts with foreign ministry's backing
2016-05-13,MPs vote against 'emergency' use of banned bee-harming pesticides - National Farming Unions application for banned pesticide use on oil seed rape crops is rejected as govt rules against neonicotinoids for the first time
2016-05-13,"12,000 people trapped in Palestinian refugee camp in Syria by bombs, shells and bullets: Save the Children says camp cut off by heavy shelling, with supplies of food and medicine running out"
2016-05-12,"India has slashed prices of 54 essential medicines by up to 55%, including commonly used drugs for cancer, hypertension, diabetes and other heart disorders."
2016-05-12,"Rio Olympics could spark 'full blown global health disaster', say Harvard scientists"
2016-05-12,Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff is to face trial after the Senate voted to impeach and suspend her.
2016-05-12,"Saudi officials were 'supporting' 9/11 hijackers, commission member says"
2016-05-12,"60% of Brazilian Senators Participating in Todays Impeachment Vote Have Pending Legal Cases Against Them, Watchdog Says."
2016-05-12,"Italy says 'yes' to gay civil unions in historic vote, after a long and bitter debate that has pitted the Catholic Church against PM Renzi. Italy is the last major western European country to recognize civil unions for same sex couples."
2016-05-12,MP recites explicit Erdogan bestiality poem on live TV
2016-05-12,"Venezuela Unleashes Tanks as 4 Killed, 1,200 Arrested"
2016-05-12,Almost 400 companies listed on the London Stock Exchange with a collective market capitalisation of 225bn are based in offshore havens connected to the UK. Research shows that 389 companies trading their shares in London are registered in British overseas territories or crown protectorates.
2016-05-12,"A federal judge has sharply rebuked the Pentagon for the process by which it concealed hundreds of Bush-era photos showing US military personnel torturing detainees in Iraq and Afghanistan, suggesting Barack Obama may have to release even more graphic imagery of abuse"
2016-05-12,Catholic Diocese in India Reinstates Priest Who Admitted Child Sex Abuse
2016-05-12,"US missile defense site goes live in Romania, angering Russia as NATO bolsters defenses"
2016-05-12,Plane Debris Confirmed As Being From MH370
2016-05-12,US government suspends aid programs in Turkey
2016-05-12,"'Lord of the Rings' Volcano Has Become Active, Warns NZ"
2016-05-12,Tokyo Olympics: 1.3m payment to secret account raises questions over 2020 Games
2016-05-12,Islamic State yearly oil revenue halved to $250 million: U.S. official
2016-05-12,"U.S. activates Romanian missile defense site, angering Russia"
2016-05-12,"Brazil prepares to roll back green laws - Amidst the turmoil of the presidential impeachment process, members of Brazils Congress are set to dismantle environmental protection laws."
2016-05-12,"Suspects in the disappearance of 43 Mexican college students have claimed that they were tortured into making confessions, according to court documents obtained by the the U.S. international news agency Associated Press."
2016-05-12,11 Tons of Bomb-Making Chemical Found Under Fruit Crates
2016-05-12,"U.S. cities on Mexican border prep for 3,000 Cubans"
2016-05-12,Middle East U.N. slams Turkey for alarming reports of human rights abuses
2016-05-12,Londons Muslim mayor reaffirms plan for Israel trip
2016-05-12,Brutal justice of the mob in Venezuela: Venezuelan Mugger is beaten to the floor and burned alive by lynch mob after stealing from people
2016-05-11,"New Zealand Prime Minister John Key thrown out of Parliament for disobeying the Speaker during an exchange about the Panama Papers, which have revealed links between Mossack Fonseca and New Zealand's secretive foreign trust industry"
2016-05-11,Former Brazilian soccer star: Don't come to the Olympics
2016-05-11,Two-thirds of Germans want Merkel out at next election: A poll published on Tuesday shows that just under two-thirds of Germans do not want Chancellor Angela Merkel to run for office again in elections next year.
2016-05-11,Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull named in Panama Papers
2016-05-11,"Mayor Jokes About Rape, Brags About Death Squads, Gets Elected President of the Philippines"
2016-05-11,Queen says Chinese officials were 'very rude' during Xi Jinping's state visit
2016-05-11,"Ex-N. Korea army head, who Seoul said was executed, is alive"
2016-05-11,David Cameron calls Nigeria and Afghanistan 'fantastically corrupt'
2016-05-11,Italy: ISIS Fighters Are Posing as Refugees in Our Camps
2016-05-11,"Drones will take $127bn worth of human work by 2020, PwC says"
2016-05-11,"The world is hurtling towards an era when global concentrations of carbon dioxide never again dip below the 400 parts per million (ppm) milestone, as two important measuring stations sit on the point of no return."
2016-05-11,Kepler telescope discovers 100 Earth-sized planets
2016-05-11,French government to use special powers to invoke labor reform: hotly contested pro business measures pushed through lower house without vote
2016-05-11,British Hacker Wins Court Battle Over Encryption Keys
2016-05-11,"Scientists suspect that chunks from the bottom of the North American tectonic plate, which is the upper portion of the mantle, are peeling off and sinking."
2016-05-11,Central banks are loading up on gold
2016-05-11,"New era of 'super fires' as climate change triggers hotter, drier weather.The six worst fire seasons since 1960 have all occurred since 2000, according to the U.S. report. Since 2000, many Western states have experienced the largest wildfires in their state's history."
2016-05-11,"Zeenat Shahzadi is believed to be the first female journalist ""forcibly disappeared"" in Pakistan. Her family and human rights groups say she was abducted by security agencies who have been accused of illegally detaining thousands of people under the guise of anti-terrorism operations."
2016-05-11,"Two major media companies in New Zealand have announced they are in merger talks, raising the prospect that the entire country could be left with just one newspaper group."
2016-05-11,France studying possible ban on import of U.S. Shale gas - minister
2016-05-11,"CEO of Russia's leading Oil Company Rosneft, Igor Sechin: Say Goodbye to OPEC"
2016-05-11,"Global warming milestone about to be passed and there's no going back: Cape Grim, Tasmania monitoring site jointly run by CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology will witness the first baseline reading of 400 parts per million (ppm) of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere"
2016-05-11,"Proposed Internet surveillance will give dictators ideas, claims campaign.Each advert in the campaign shows how the group imagines a dictator would react favourably if the IP Bill, which has been nicknamed the ""Snooper's Charter"", becomes law"
2016-05-11,"Chinas total wind power generation to triple by 2030, increase from approximately 149 GW in 2015 to over 495 GW"
2016-05-11,Erdogan says Europe a safe haven for political wings of terrorist groups
2016-05-10,Panama Papers include dozens of Americans tied to financial frauds
2016-05-10,President Obama will visit Hiroshima later this month: The trip will mark the first visit by a U.S. president to the site since American forces dropped atomic bombs on that city and on Nagasaki at the end of World War II.
2016-05-10,Knife attacker 'shouting Allahu akbar' seriously injures four at Munich train station
2016-05-10,"Russia Builds a Tunnel to Save Endangered Amur Leopards, Tigers: The Narvinskii Pass tunnel allows the endangered big cats to avoid a deadly road as they move between Russia and China"
2016-05-10,China scrambles 2 fighter jets and 3 warships as U.S. sails warship near Chinese-claimed reef
2016-05-10,UK Police apologise for making fake suicide bomber shout 'Allahu Akbar' in Trafford Centre counter-terror exercise: Greater Manchester Police said it was unacceptable to use a phrase 'which so vocally linked the exercise with Islam'
2016-05-10,"""Our people"" planned 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks: ex-chief of Pakistan's intelligence service ISI"
2016-05-10,Scientists warn 21% of plants at risk of extinction
2016-05-10,"World Cup Winner, Rivaldo: I advise everyone with plans to visit Brazil for the Olympics in Rio to stay home."""
2016-05-10,"Trudeau turns down Russian, U.S., Mexican offers to help battle Fort McMurray wildfire"
2016-05-10,Rousseff impeachment vote 'annulled'
2016-05-10,"Londons New Mayor: I Wont Be Able To Visit The U.S. If Donald Trump Wins: Ill be stopped from going there by virtue of my faith, Sadiq Khan said."
2016-05-10,15yo discovers an hidden maya city by analyzing Mayan constellations
2016-05-10,"Christian refugees in Germany fear violence by other migrants, report says"
2016-05-10,"Tens of thousands of protesters took to the Roman streets Saturday to protest against the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). Holding signs that said ""Stop TTIP"" and ""Not capital, but people,"""
2016-05-10,Self-harm the 'biggest killer of people in their early 20s' in the UK
2016-05-10,Mexican judge rules drug lord Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman can be extradited to US
2016-05-10,New Milestone: 95% of German electricity provided by renewables on Sunday at 11 AM
2016-05-10,"An unnamed former Facebook employee told Gizmodo that workers ""routinely suppressed news stories of interest to conservative readers,"" according to Gizmodo, while ""artificially"" adding other stories into the trending list."
2016-05-10,"Two Afghan terrorists arrested in Bari (Italy) were planning attacks in London, Rome and Bari"
2016-05-10,Looming catastrophe in South Africa as unemployment climbs to more than 26 per cent
2016-05-10,A German court has rejected a bid by Turkeys president for an injunction against the head of one of Germanys biggest publishing houses in a standoff over a satirical poem.
2016-05-10,Jean Chretien says criminal records for pot possession 'completely unacceptable'
2016-05-10,Rodrigo 'The Punisher' Duterte claims victory in Philippines election | The pugnacious 71-year-old surged from outsider to the top of surveys with cuss-filled vows to kill tens of thousands of criminals
2016-05-10,India Wants To Kick Its Dirty Coal Habit: The countrys power ministry plans to shut down aging coal-fired power plants with a combined capacity of 37 gigawatts of power
2016-05-09,"Tax havens have no justification, say top economists, calling for their abolition | More than 300 economists are urging world leaders at a London summit this week to recognise that there is no economic benefit to tax havens, demanding that the veil of secrecy that surrounds them be lifted."
2016-05-09,Russia offers water bombers and specialists to help fight Fort McMurray forest fires
2016-05-09,CBS report: Russian gold medalists used steroids at Sochi Olympics
2016-05-09,Panama paper trail goes online with massive searchable database
2016-05-09,"About a fifth of homes have been destroyed in Fort McMurray, a Canadian city ravaged by a huge wildfire, the local MP has told the BBC."
2016-05-09,Israel seizes Palestinian family's land by secretly altering documents
2016-05-09,"After the Pacific Ocean swallows villages and five Solomon Islands, a study blames climate change: The study is the first time anyone has concretely analyzed the loss of Solomon Island shoreline in the context of global warming, they say."
2016-05-09,Panama Papers Source Wants Whistleblower Immunity to Aid Law Enforcement
2016-05-09,"North Korea's Leader Just Announced He's Getting a Promotion, Nukes Are Ready"
2016-05-09,Lightning kills four elephants in Sri Lanka - Elephants are venerated in the mainly Buddhist country and they are a highly protected species. Elephant deaths must be investigated and death certificates issued before disposing of the carcasses.
2016-05-09,"Japanese court rules vagina figurines 'pop art', not obscenity"
2016-05-09,US struggles to convince Iraqis it doesn't support IS
2016-05-09,Nasa Releases Dozens of Patents Into the Public Domain
2016-05-09,"Turkish President Accuses Europe of 'Dictatorship,' Cruelty'"
2016-05-09,Philippines investigates Shell and Exxon over climate change | A legal case will consider if the emissions of 50 fossil fuel companies violate the human rights of those hit by extreme weather
2016-05-09,"Morning after pill: British women forced to pay five times more than European peers for contraceptive: 'As a society we embrace sex for pleasure, but expect women to march a walk of shame, and pay through the nose,' says the British Pregnancy Advisory Service"
2016-05-09,Austrian chancellor steps down
2016-05-09,"In its minority report, the Labour Party expressed strong opposition to the TPP, saying the Government had failed to effectively represent the long-term interests of New Zealanders"
2016-05-09,Panama Papers reveal middlemen between Canada and offshore secrets
2016-05-09,Offshore finance: more than 12tn siphoned out of emerging countries
2016-05-09,"Nearly half of Europeans in poll want own votes on EU, like UK"
2016-05-09,66 Activists Arrested in Climate Change Protest in Australia
2016-05-09,NASA Releases First-Ever Global Topographic Model Of Mercury
2016-05-09,Top palm oil producer sues green group over deforestation allegations: Malaysian palm giant lost business after it was suspended from the Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oils certification scheme over deforestation allegations in Indonesia
2016-05-09,Red Cross: Curaao is ready for possible Venezuelan refugees - Curaao Chronicle
2016-05-08,Huge Panama Papers search database goes public Monday
2016-05-08,Pakistan police arrest 13 for burning girl in honor killing
2016-05-08,Scientists invent silk food wrap that's biodegradable and could replace plastic cling film - Bananas & strawberries kept at room temperature for more than a week did not go off after they were coated with a near-invisible film made from silk
2016-05-08,Russia is offering free land to citizens in hopes of getting people to develop the remote Far East part of the country from Siberia to the Arctic. A household of five will receive over 12 acres.
2016-05-08,Man rescued after 2 months adrift in Pacific
2016-05-08,"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said his country will not use nuclear weapons unless its sovereignty is infringed on by others with nuclear arms and it is willing to normalize ties with states that had been hostile towards it, state media reported on Sunday."
2016-05-08,"Despite intense opposition from the drinks industry, the Australian NSW government has chosen to support a community-backed recycling scheme for drink containers, as it seeks to reduce litter by 40 per cent by 2020, voting to adopt a 10 container deposit scheme to start in July next year."
2016-05-08,A tanker has mysteriously washed up on shore in Liberia with no sign of the crew
2016-05-08,"A molasses spill in a river in El Salvador from a sugarcane processing plant has caused authorities to issue an alert. 3.4 million liters (900,000 gallons) of sludgy, hot molasses was released into the La Magdalena river"
2016-05-08,Canada's 'Out Of Control' Fire Doubles In Size
2016-05-08,"Africa's Great Green Wall could halt youth migration, extremism - The planned Great Green Wall would see a 7,000 km strip of vegetation reaching from Senegal to Djibouti, designed to trap the sands of the Sahara, halt the advance of the desert and restore 50m hectares of land."
2016-05-08,"Re-using graves means UK cemetery will never run out of space - Re-use of spaces is the sustainable solution to overflowing graveyards, if done sensitively, says one of Britains biggest cemeteries"
2016-05-08,"Egypts Interior Ministry, in Error, Releases Memos on Restricting News Media. One document proposed a rule to stop all coverage related to Giulio Regeni, the Italian graduate student whose brutalized body was found on a Cairo roadside in February."
2016-05-08,Iran is facing a 'wide-scale armed uprising' as Kurdish insurgents have started targeting the Revolutionary Guard
2016-05-08,"Fort McMurray wildfire reaches 156,000 hectares in size, expected to double Saturday."
2016-05-08,Turkish airstrikes kill 55 ISIS fighters
2016-05-08,Leading Pakistani human rights activist gunned down in Karachi hours after Facebook post hailing London for electing first Muslim mayor
2016-05-08,"The Saudi King Fires the Guy Who's Been in Charge of the Country's Oil for 20 Yrs - Faced with plummeting oil prices, King Salman wants to revamp Saudi Arabia's economy & consider a future that relies less on petroleum sales."
2016-05-08,"Pro-Corporate TTIP on the Ropes as Top French Officials Lambaste 'Bad Deal': ""At this stage, France says 'No,'"" says president Franois Hollande"
2016-05-08,"Two people dressed in Afghan military uniforms killed two NATO service members on Saturday, according to the NATO-led mission there."
2016-05-08,"Tens of thousands of Poles waving national flags staged a huge protest march through Warsaw on Saturday, accusing the conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party that took power last year of undermining democracy and putting Poland's European future at risk"
2016-05-08,Camron under pressure to end tax haven secrecy: PM faces call to force British territories to adopt anti-corruption laws after Panama Papers scandal
2016-05-08,"Aung San Suu Kyi Asks U.S. Not to Refer to 'Rohingya' -- ""The Rohingya, Muslims in a Buddhist land, are reviled by the majority. They have lived in Myanmar for generations but are denied many basic rights."""
2016-05-08,Swaziland: King 'Steals From Children' to Buy Jet
2016-05-08,Panama Papers leaker targets NZ Prime Minister John Key
2016-05-07,"The EU won't sacrifice its high food safety standards for better US auto market access in a transatlantic trade deal being negotiated, German Agriculture Minister Christian Schmidt said Friday."
2016-05-07,London elects its first Muslim mayor.
2016-05-07,Panama Papers source breaks silence over 'scale of injustices'
2016-05-07,"Labatt Breweries Halts Production & Ships 200,000 Cans of Clean Water to Fort McMurray Residents Impacted by Raging Fire"
2016-05-07,"Saudi Prince Urges American Voters To Make The Right Choice On Donald Trump: For the life of me, I cannot believe that a country like the United States can afford to have someone as president who simply says, These people are not going to be allowed to come to the United States"
2016-05-07,Egypt official blames Tom and Jerry cartoons for violence in the Middle East
2016-05-07,"ISIS terrorist's wishlist revealed after wife arrested, luggage seized at airport"
2016-05-07,"Islamic State executes a 7-year old boy for ""insulting divinity"""
2016-05-07,U.S. reveals troops on the ground in Yemen
2016-05-07,Kazakhstan calls for nuclear free world by 2045
2016-05-07,Iranian filmmaker sentenced to 233 lashes for documentary about graffiti in Tehran
2016-05-07,Australia quietly adds 49 species to threatened and endangered lists
2016-05-07,"'Stop resetting your password so often', says British spy agency"
2016-05-07,A New Zealand man has pleaded guilty to possession of extremist Islamic videos and is set to be the first person in the country to be sentenced for such offending.
2016-05-07,"More than 8 million in UK struggle to put food on table, survey says: 4.7 million thought to be regularly going a day without eating"
2016-05-07,More than 50 mass graves found in former Isis territories in Iraq as evidence of genocide mounts
2016-05-07,Leopards have suffered a 75% range loss worldwide
2016-05-07,Bangladesh Sufi Muslim hacked to death in suspected Islamist attack
2016-05-07,Fort McMurray wildfire before and after satellite images
2016-05-07,Man who leaked Panama Papers targets New Zealand Prime Minister in new data dump
2016-05-07,Pakistan rejects US conditions attached to sale of F-16s
2016-05-07,Canada's Fort McMurray wildfire 'to double in size'
2016-05-07,Saudi prince: Getting nukes an option if Iran breaks deal
2016-05-07,The wildfire that destroyed the Fort McMurray region in Canada's Alberta province is expected to incur the largest insured property losses from a single disaster in Canadian history.
2016-05-07,Oil tanker washes up on Liberia beach with no crew or lifeboats
2016-05-06,'We need a revolt against the fossil fuel industry': Tesla chief says educating the public on climate issues is essential in countering oil and gas lobbys influence over big political decisions
2016-05-06,Fort McMurray wildfire grows 8 times larger as battle continues
2016-05-06,"Pope Francis urges Europe to return to postwar principles: What has happened to you, the Europe of humanism, the champion of human rights, democracy and freedom?"
2016-05-06,"Over 70% of Germans doubtful on EU-US TTIP pact. Merkel, meanwhile, reiterated her government's official position Wednesday, saying that she would ""do everything to conclude the negotiations"", preferably by the end of 2016."
2016-05-06,"Fort McMurray fire now too large, too fierce to stop without rain"
2016-05-06,"The targeting and killing of people with albinism in Malawi has a reached a crisis point after two more people were killed and their bodies mutilated, a leading acivist has said, just days after the UN said the community faced systematic extinction"
2016-05-06,"German report: Bailout has saved banks, not Greece"
2016-05-06,35 tons of dead fish wash up in China lake
2016-05-06,Oil prices surge above $45 amid Canadian wildfire
2016-05-06,Turkish journalist Can Dndar escapes attempted shooting outside court
2016-05-06,"Plans for coal-fired power in Asia are 'disaster for planet' warns World Bank | Experts have offered stark warnings that proposed power plants in India, China, Vietnam and Indonesia would blow Paris climate deal if they move ahead"
2016-05-06,Most of Greek bailout money went to banks - according to new study by the European School of Management and Technology
2016-05-06,U.S. To Ship Peanuts To Feed Haitian Kids; Aid Groups Say 'This Is Wrong'
2016-05-06,Venezuela accuses US of conspiring to topple Nicolas Maduro
2016-05-06,"Dozens reported killed and wounded by air strike on Syrian refugee camp near Turkish border, activists say"
2016-05-06,Palmyra hosts Russian concert after recapture from ISIS
2016-05-06,Blanket ban on psychoactive substances in England and Wales to begin on 26 May
2016-05-06,Firefighting plane crashes in Northwest Alberta while combating the fires in Alberta
2016-05-06,Bulgaria t return migrants to turkey from June 1 | Bulgaria has become the first EU member state to sign a protocol with Ankara to set in place procedures for sending illegal migrants back to Turkey starting from next month.
2016-05-06,Haiti had Zika months before Brazils 2015 outbreak. A fever epidemic in 2014 in Haiti wasnt chikungunya but Zika. University of Florida scientists tested cultures from Haitian schoolchildren. Funding needed to determine impact of mosquito-borne Zika virus.
2016-05-06,US sets deadline for Assad's transition from power to August 1st
2016-05-06,Saudi forces engage and kill suspected ISIS fighters near the holy city of Mecca.
2016-05-06,"Go your own way, Erdogan tells EU"
2016-05-06,Spain reports 1st case of Zika-linked microcephaly
2016-05-06,"Amazon and eBay hosting ads for banned invasive species - Unregulated traders are using the sites to sell some of the worlds most invasive plants, with potentially devastating impacts on ecosystems"
2016-05-05,India plans to spend $6 billion on creating new forests
2016-05-05,Isis members can now be stripped of Australian citizenship
2016-05-05,"David Cameron has no intention of withdrawing his claim that Donald Trump was divisive, stupid and wrong to call for a ban on Muslims entering the US, Downing Street has said."
2016-05-05,Kenya May End Forced Anal Exams of Suspected Gays
2016-05-05,US spent $1.4B+ on abstinence programs in Africa over 12 yrs. Study finds programs failed.
2016-05-05,Top Saudi cleric: Homosexuals should not be punished
2016-05-05,Turkeys prime minister resigns amid high-level rifts and deepening crises
2016-05-05,"A Colombian sailor has been rescued after spending two harrowing months lost at sea, witnessing the deaths of his three shipmates and forced to eat seagulls for survival, U.S. Coast Guard Honolulu says."
2016-05-05,"Thousands of Tons of Dead Creatures Hit Chile's Beaches.Heaps of dead whales, salmon and sardines blamed on the El Nio freak weather phenomenon have clogged Chile's Pacific beaches in recent months."
2016-05-05,Scientists uncover 71 million year old dinosaur fossils during Antarctic expedition
2016-05-05,Royal Navy fires warning shot at Spanish patrol boat hassling US submarine near Gibraltar
2016-05-05,Italy rules that stealing food not a crime if desperately hungry
2016-05-05,UN official to Israel: You must criminalize torture
2016-05-05,Most of Greek bailout money went to banks: study
2016-05-05,A Sydney woman who mistakenly had $4.6 million transferred into her bank account has been arrested at Sydney International Airport while attempting to leave the country
2016-05-05,Danny Healy-Rae labelled 'Ireland's Sarah Palin' after telling Dail climate change debate 'only God controls the weather'
2016-05-05,105 female students escape abduction in Nigeria
2016-05-05,"Brazil top court suspends parliament speaker Eduardo Cunha, who led impeachment drive against President Rousseff"
2016-05-05,IDF general in bombshell speech: Israel today shows signs of 1930s Germany - Israel News
2016-05-05,Sisi says Western human rights values dont apply in Egypt
2016-05-05,"Muslims in Punjab, Pakistan funded the construction of a Catholic church"
2016-05-05,Bangladesh Islamist party leader to hang for war crimes
2016-05-05,Germany gives go-ahead to relax rules on medical marijuana. Paraplegics and MS patients can heave a sigh of relief: doctors will soon be able to prescribe medical marijuana to relieve pain or symptoms. Berlin gave the go-ahead to relax rules on therapeutic cannabis use.
2016-05-05,"Mdecins sans Frontires to pull out of World Humanitarian Summit stating that the summit has become a fig-leaf allowing systematic violations, by states above all"
2016-05-05,"Ahmet Davutoglu, Turkeys Prime Minister, Is Expected to Be Replaced"
2016-05-04,"Wildfire destroying Fort McMurray, most of city evacuated"
2016-05-04,"Self-proclaimed ""Sharia Police"" in Germany to stand Trial on the grounds of violating laws against wearing uniforms with political messages"
2016-05-04,Doubts rise over TTIP as France threatens to block EU-US deal
2016-05-04,Seven of the world's biggest banks have agreed to pay $324 million to settle a private U.S. lawsuit accusing them of rigging an interest rate benchmark used in the $553 trillion derivatives market
2016-05-04,Jewish man handed life in prison for grisly murder of East Jerusalem teen. The Israeli ringleader in the killing of a Palestinian teenager who was abducted and burned to death in 2014 has been sentenced to life in prison.
2016-05-04,"King Felipe of Spain dissolves parliament, clearing way for a rerun of national elections, for the first time since the countrys return to democracy in the late 1970s."
2016-05-04,Clashes in Paris as police try to remove migrants occupying empty school
2016-05-04,Australia's first openly gay Muslim Imam has started a support group for gay Muslims
2016-05-04,Suicide bomber taken down by poisoned arrow
2016-05-04,Kenyan police bust ISIS cell plotting large-scale biological attack
2016-05-04,Israel stops four tons of rocket chemicals from being smuggled into Gaza
2016-05-04,"Attacks on Hospitals Are 'War Crimes,' UN Chief Says"
2016-05-04,Millions of dead fish on Vietnam's shores raise industrial pollution fears
2016-05-04,"Iran will close the strategic Strait of Hormuz, a passageway through which a third of the world's oil is transported, unless the US and its allies stop ""threatening"" it, a senior Iranian military commander has said."
2016-05-04,Apple no longer has exclusive rights to the iPhone name in China
2016-05-04,"Senior Egypt Official Blames Tom and Jerry, Video Games for Violence Across Middle East"
2016-05-04,"As Asia's rice crop shrivels due to drought, food security fears resurface.A heatwave is sweeping top rice exporter India, while the No.2 supplier Thailand is facing a second year of drought."
2016-05-04,Islamic State kills U.S. Navy SEAL in northern Iraq
2016-05-04,Iranian cartoonist jailed for insulting members of parliament released
2016-05-04,Number of children in Japan declines for 35th straight year to hit record low
2016-05-04,"Norway's $872-billion sovereign wealth fund, the world's largest, said it would press U.S. oil majors ExxonMobil and Chevron to do more to report on the risks of climate change."
2016-05-04,"European Commission says EU states refusing to take refugees will have to pay 250,000 euros per person"
2016-05-04,Scientists win $3 million for detecting Einstein's waves
2016-05-04,"The founder and leader of the German anti-Islam movement, Pegida, has been convicted of inciting racial hatred. Lutz Bachmann escaped a prison sentence but was fined 9,600 (7,600; $11,000) for calling refugees ""scum"""
2016-05-04,A company owned by Google has been given access to the healthcare data of up to 1.6 million patients from three hospitals run by a major London NHS trust.
2016-05-03,"France will press its G7 partners this month to launch an ""irreversible"" process to control the prices of new medicines, part of a global drive to make life-saving drugs more affordable"
2016-05-03,Iceland president's wife linked to offshore tax havens in leaked files | News
2016-05-03,The United States has told Pakistan it will have to finance the purchase of U.S. F-16 fighter jets itself after members of the U.S. Congress objected to the use of government funds to pay for them
2016-05-03,Nine years of censorship - Canadian scientists are now allowed to speak out about their work & the govt policy that restricted communications.
2016-05-03,"It's not a crime if hungry poor steal food, Italy says"
2016-05-03,The Super Rich Were the First to Bail During the Financial Crisis - Bloomberg
2016-05-03,Three Earth-like planets discovered orbiting dwarf star
2016-05-03,Turkish journalists accuse Erdoan of media witch-hunt
2016-05-03,"Berta Cceres murder: 4 men arrested for Honduran activist's death - 2 are linked to company building hydroelectric dam which Cceres was fighting. Cceres, who last yr won the Goldman environmental prize for her work opposing the Agua Zarca dam, was shot dead at her home 2 months ago."
2016-05-03,Mass brawl erupts in Turkish parliament over constitutional amendment
2016-05-03,French journalist infiltrates jihadist cell for six months
2016-05-03,Kenyan President personally sets fire to huge ivory stockpile to show countries commitment to combating poachers.
2016-05-03,EU may fine countries for rejecting refugees
2016-05-03,India's hottest town reaches 48.5 C (120 F) in a heat wave.
2016-05-03,"Zika Virus Birth Defects May Be 'Tip of the Iceberg', Experts Say"
2016-05-03,EU to grant Turkey visa-free travel
2016-05-03,"Climate to inspire exodus from Middle East, North Africa in coming decades.Temperature and sea level aren't the only things expected to rise as a result of climate change. As heat becomes more extreme in some parts of the world, scientists expect a significant rise in the number of climate refugees."
2016-05-03,A Copenhagen art exhibit planning to portray two of the Brussels suicide bombers and one of the Paris Bataclan attackers as martyrs has been reported to police for encouraging terrorism.
2016-05-03,An investigative economist has crunched 45 years of official statistics to discover just how much kleptocrats have plundered from 150 mostly poor nations.
2016-05-03,Cheering Cubans greet first cruise ship from US in decades
2016-05-03,Monsanto Set To Fight Argentina Over Royalties Owed By Farmers
2016-05-03,New Zealander William Trubridge breaks the world record for deepest freedive at 122 metres
2016-05-03,Hamas says its ties with UK Labor's Corbyn 'painful hit for the Zionists': Hamas praise of Corbyn coincides with a media firestorm in the United Kingdom surrounding recent revelations of extremist anti-Israel and anti-Jewish expressions by Labor members
2016-05-03,Labour suspends three councillors over Israel comments
2016-05-03,"Brazil judge orders WhatsApp blocked, affecting 100 million users"
2016-05-02,Puerto Rico says it will default on Monday
2016-05-02,Bitcoin's elusive founder reveals himself as computer scientist Craig Wrightand publishes info needed to verify claim
2016-05-02,Leaked papers allege US intimidating EU over TTIP free trade deal: German media say secret documents reveal the US is pressuring the EU to approve a transatlantic free trade deal. The reports say Washington may block easier car exports if the EU doesn't open up its agricultural market
2016-05-02,Leaked TTIP documents cast doubt on EU-US trade deal
2016-05-02,Berlin Brandenburg airport corruption 'whistleblower poisoned'
2016-05-02,"Looting On the Rise As Venezuela Runs Out of Food, Electricity: Food Producers Alert They Have Only 15 Days Left of Inventory amid Rampant Inflation"
2016-05-02,Health experts believe Australia is on the brink of virtually eradicating cervical cancer because of vaccine and testing breakthroughs
2016-05-02,Overfishing puts $42bn tuna industry at risk of collapse
2016-05-02,Former Catholic priest John Farrell sentenced to minimum 18 years for sexually assaulting 12 children
2016-05-02,"Some 30,000 people took part in a yearly May Day rally in Tokyos central Yoyogi park, protesting against the controversial TPP trade deal among other issues, national work unions federation Zenroren said in a statement on Sunday."
2016-05-02,Puerto Ricans leaving island for U.S. in record numbers
2016-05-02,Pakistan: Blasphemy case registered against six for desecrating Sikh man's turban
2016-05-02,"Deadly heat wave is shattering all-time records in Southeast Asia and India. The temperature in Sukhothai, Thailand spiked to 44.3 degrees Celsius, or 111.7 degrees Celsius"
2016-05-02,"Buses set on fire after Saudi Binladin Group 'lays off 50,000 foreign workers'"
2016-05-02,UAE to build artificial mountain to improve rainfall
2016-05-02,Massive oil theft by pirates costs Nigeria $1.5 billion every month
2016-05-02,"Israels controversial roof knocking tactic appears in Iraq. And this time, its the U.S. doing it."
2016-05-02,"Tips should go to workers, not employers, says government report | Charges on gratuities in restaurants, hotels and bars should be scrapped or limited, according to a review of tipping practices"
2016-05-02,"44 claimed dead, maybe more. Others missing, injured, and feared to be captured, after suicide bombers attack soldiers in Somalia."
2016-05-02,"British firm's Korean unit apologises over poison deaths: Most of the victims were found to have used Oxy Ssak Ssak, a liquid humidifier disinfectant sold by Reckitt Benckiser in South Korea from 2001, that has been blamed for around 103 deaths -- mostly women and children"
2016-05-02,Greenpeace publishes leaked TTIP documents #TTIPLeaks
2016-05-02,"The mosquito-borne Zika virus may be even more dangerous than previously thought, scientists in Brazil say."
2016-05-02,China Is Reportedly Training a 'Maritime Militia' to Patrol the Disputed South China Sea
2016-05-02,No TTIP if agriculture is threatened: France
2016-05-02,"Turkish artillery, US drones kill 34 ISIS militants in northern Syria"
2016-05-01,Iran's new parliament has more women than clerics
2016-05-01,Report: Germany considering stopping 'unconditional support' of Israel
2016-05-01,Colombia legalizes same-sex marriage.
2016-05-01,"A virulent strain of herpes virus will be released into Murray-Darling river system in bid to eradicate European carp, in what Science Minister Christopher Pyne has dubbed a ""carp-aggedon"". Australian Government estimates the $15m project will kill 95% of carp in river system over next 30 years."
2016-05-01,"Munich Oktoberfest to get first-ever entrance checks - Revellers hoping to join in the carousing at Munich Oktoberfest will have to pass through a security check before entering the festival grounds this year, Munich authorities have said."
2016-05-01,US military finds itself not guilty of war crimes in Afghan hospital bombing
2016-05-01,"German right wing party(Alternative fr Deutschland, AFD) calls for ban on minarets and the burqa"
2016-05-01,"Spanish Ditch Diggers Unearth 1,300 Pounds of Roman Coins - Workers find hoard of 19 amphora with mint-condition coins from the 3rd & 4th centuries. Find is remarkable, not only in size, but because it appears uncirculated, making them some of best-preserved coins ever discovered."
2016-05-01,72-year-old man pulled from rubble 2 weeks after Ecuador earthquake
2016-05-01,"Cambodia's prime minister has ordered a million hectares of forest be included in protected zones as the country faces one of the world's fastest deforestation rates. The move will bump Cambodia's conservation zones up by a fifth, bringing more than a quarter of the country's land under protection."
2016-05-01,Vietnam Dead Fish Crisis: Critics Blast Taiwanese Corporation Formosa Plastics As Environmental Disaster Devastates Region
2016-05-01,Royal Cambodian Turtle Population Plummets 95%; Just 10 Left in the Wild - Attempts to save this revered species in the rivers of Cambodia appear to have failed
2016-05-01,Farmers nationwide have threatened to organise protests against the government if it decides Thailand should take part in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement.
2016-05-01,UK Hospitals Are Feeding 1.6 Million Patients Health Records to Googles AI
2016-05-01,Kenya Burns Elephant Ivory Worth $105 Million to Defy Poachers
2016-05-01,Thousands of Brits who refused to do unpaid work in return for Jobseeker's Allowance may be due compensation after the Government lost a legal battle.
2016-05-01,State of emergency declared in Baghdad
2016-05-01,Crisis-hit Venezuela pushes clocks forward to save power
2016-05-01,Nissan recalls 4 million cars over seat belt and airbag safety fears
2016-05-01,Colombia's illegal mining linked to malaria outbreak
2016-05-01,Video appears to show the moment a Syrian hospital was destroyed by an airstrike
2016-05-01,"Saudi builder Binladin terminates 50,000 jobs: newspaper"
2016-05-01,Rescued circus lions flown from Peru to South African refuge
2016-05-01,Google AI gains access to 1.2m confidential NHS patient records
2016-05-01,Ecuador earthquake: Rescuers pull 72yo survivor from rubble two weeks after disaster
2016-04-30,Body of Russian soldier who called in an airstrike on himself after being surrounded by IS fighters has been recovered. He was posthumously awarded the Hero of Russia medal.
2016-04-30,"Exxon sees smallest profit in 16 years, Chevron posts loss"
2016-04-30,"A Hindu tailor has been hacked to death in a district of central Bangladesh | Police said Nikhil Joarder had been arrested in 2012 for allegedly making derogatory comments about Islam, then released."
2016-04-30,Illegal Muslim prayer hall blown up in Russia after police find explosives inside
2016-04-30,"Pirate Bay hit by malvertising attack, drops Cerber ransomware"
2016-04-30,"Hundreds of protesters storm Baghdad's Green Zone, enter parliament"
2016-04-30,"Airbnb drops almost half of Berlin listings as city cracks down on short-term rentals imposing a fine of 100,000 on property owners who rent vacation homes without a permit"
2016-04-30,"Fracking in the US causing global surge in dangerous gas, study finds"
2016-04-30,"Ken Livingstone stands by Hitler comments saying he was ""not sorry for telling the truth"", amid anti-Semitism row"
2016-04-30,"Malawi's estimated 10,000 albinos face ""extinction"" if they continue to be murdered for their body parts for use in witchcraft, a UN expert has warned."
2016-04-30,A suicide bomber driving a car has killed at least 19 people and wounded 48 others 30 in an attack claimed by ISIL on a group of Shi'ite Muslim pilgrims in a southeastern suburb of Baghdad
2016-04-30,"The Egyptian government has launched a smearing campaign against the Muslim Brotherhood, describing them as aids and calling for Egyptians to boycott them."
2016-04-30,ISIS begs for foreign donations as its oil sales plummet
2016-04-30,German police arrest 400 protesters outside far-right party meeting | Riot police use pepper spray to disperse activists blocking entrance to Alternative fr Deutschland conference in Stuttgart
2016-04-30,Russia defends intercept of U.S. reconnaissance plane over Baltic
2016-04-30,Russians 'barrel roll' over another U.S. Air Force plane
2016-04-30,Debt Collectors Adopt Mob Tactics as Russians Struggle to Pay Bills (including sexual assault)
2016-04-30,Price Of Using Mobiles In EU 'Drops 75%' Today
2016-04-30,"India has declined to issue visas to two Chinese activists hoping to attend a conference on promoting democracy, days after it revoked a visa for an exiled ethnic Uighur leader who China says backs militant violence."
2016-04-30,"Botswana could be malaria free by 2020 WHO estimates. Statistics show that Botswana has over the past 14 years reduced the incidence of malaria from 42 cases to 0.23 cases per 1,000 of the population."
2016-04-30,Kim Jong-un Brings Back Pleasure Squads Of Teenage Girls To Serve Him
2016-04-30,"24 killed, 38 wounded in Baghdad car-bombing"
2016-04-30,Obama: US 'setting up a shield' to block North Korean missiles
2016-04-30,Daytime cooking ban in India as heatwave claims 300 lives | Authorities try to prevent accidental fires amid scorching temperatures that have destroyed crops and killed livestock
2016-04-30,"Obama-Netanyahu rift impedes U.S. offer of record $40 billion aid deal for Israel: ""American officials have balked as their Israeli counterparts insisted on more generous terms for a new 10-year military aid package"""
2016-04-29,VW and Shell try to block EU push for electric cars
2016-04-29,Teens who bombed Sikh temple in Germany were ISIS sympathisers
2016-04-29,"Helicopter firms are carrying out unauthorised sightseeing flights over the upper reaches of Mount Everest, Nepalese officials say. Sherpas have expressed concerns that vibrations caused by the helicopters could trigger avalanches."
2016-04-29,Green Beret who beat Afghan official over alleged child assault to stay in Army
2016-04-29,More than half a tonne of ancient Roman coins unearthed by Spanish construction workers
2016-04-29,Norway moves to bar entry to 'hate preachers'
2016-04-29,SpaceX breaks Boeing-Lockheed monopoly on military space launches
2016-04-29,"Woolly Wolf Spotted in Nepal Is Likely a New Species - By analyzing the animal's poop, scientists provide more evidence it's not a subspecies of the gray wolf."
2016-04-29,"About 16 U.S. military personnel, including one general officer, have been disciplined for mistakes that led to the bombing of a civilian hospital in Afghanistan last year that killed 42 people"
2016-04-29,"South American Catholic country, Colombia, legalises same-sex marriage"
2016-04-29,"Australia's PM says ""We can't afford to let the empathy that we feel for the desperate circumstances that many people find themselves in to cloud our judgment"" as an Iranian Asylum Seeker burns himself to death in an Australian detention Centre on Nauru"
2016-04-29,Turkish embassy wants Swedish channel to withdraw film on Assyrian & Armenian genocide
2016-04-29,"Mosques in Germany should be placed under state supervision, according to a leading parliamentarian"
2016-04-29,"Geoblocking: Consumers not breaching copyright by circumventing with VPN, says Govt agency"
2016-04-29,Belgian police knew since 2014 that Abdeslam brothers planned irreversible act Damning report into Belgian response to Paris attacks shows sloppiness and lack of resources
2016-04-29,Helicopter carrying at least 13 people crashes near Bergen in Norway
2016-04-29,SpaceX founder Elon Musk announces company plans to send capsule to Mars in 2018
2016-04-29,"US aircraft carrier denied entry to Hong Kong, American consulate official says - by China"
2016-04-29,"Up in smoke: Kenya to torch millions of dollars worth of ivory; 105 tons of elephant ivory, 1.35 tons of rhino horn, exotic animal skins and other products such as sandalwood and medicinal bark"
2016-04-29,Chinese Investors Reeling After Wealth Management Firm's Collapse
2016-04-29,"Two journalists in Turkey have been sentenced to two years in jail for ""insulting religious values"" after they reprinted a controversial cover from the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo above their columns."
2016-04-29,"Saudi Arabia 'not ready' to let women drive because of culture, not religion - prince"
2016-04-29,British Labour member suspended for saying Hitler supported Zionism
2016-04-29,Peruvian Farmer Wins Monumental Battle Against U.S. Mining Giant
2016-04-29,Tony Blair courted Chinese leaders for Saudi prince's oil firm
2016-04-28,"Airstrike destroys Doctors Without Borders hospital in Aleppo, killing staff and patients"
2016-04-28,"People are increasingly identifying themselves as global rather than national citizens, according to a BBC World Service poll."
2016-04-28,"Paris terror suspect is a little jerk, his lawyer says - In an interview with the French daily Liberation, Sven Mary, Abdeslam's Belgian attorney, heaped opprobrium on his departing client, whom Mary described as having ""the intelligence of an empty ashtray an abysmal emptiness."""
2016-04-28,"Cheap red meat is helping kill off Glasgow's poorest men 30 yrs early - ""You need to afford to buy quality food. If you cant get quality red meat, youre going to have an issue."" Glasgow is notorious for astonishing gap in life expectancy between rich & poor. Now researchers think they know why."
2016-04-28,"Women protest in Nigeria, insisting we cannot be Islamised"
2016-04-28,100 days before 2016 Olympic games and Brazil is unraveling
2016-04-28,"Denmark considers tax on beef, other red meats to combat climate change"
2016-04-28,Iran calls for global destruction of weapons of mass destruction
2016-04-28,South Korea becomes 1st Asian nation to sign space pact with US
2016-04-28,North Korea launches missile; test fails
2016-04-28,Austria votes to reject most migrants and refugees. The Austrian parliament on Wednesday adopted one of Europe's toughest asylum laws.
2016-04-28,SpaceX is sending a Red Dragon Spacecraft to Mars in 2018
2016-04-28,Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) successfully placed the seventh and last satellite of Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) constellation into the orbit
2016-04-28,"'Let the Rich Pay More Taxes': Thousands Take to Streets in Costa Rica. Public sector workers have a long list of demands that includes salary increases, higher taxes on the wealthy, and land rights for peasants."
2016-04-28,Germany to give 1bn subsidy to boost electric car sales.
2016-04-28,'All Belgians to get iodine pills' in case of nuclear accident
2016-04-28,Oxygen Rates in Oceans are Falling
2016-04-28,"China successfully tests nuclear-capable hypersonic missile Pentagon sources: US intelligence fears that Beijing may use DF-ZF, capable of reaching speeds of over 11,000 kilometers per hour, to deliver nuclear weapons bypassing even the most complex of missile defense systems"
2016-04-28,"Taking a stance sharply at odds with most American public health officials, the British Royal College of Physician urged smokers to switch to electronic cigarettes, saying they are the best hope in generations for people addicted to tobacco cigarettes to quit."
2016-04-28,"Turkish police used tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse people protesting a call for the country to adopt a religious constitution, chanting ""Turkey will remain secular!"""
2016-04-28,India activates eight laser walls along border with Pakistan
2016-04-28,"Myanmar has banned lucrative logging operations as the newly-elected government of democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi steps up a battle on deforestation, an environment official said on Thursday."
2016-04-28,Philippine presidential frontrunner Rodrigo Duterte vows to pardon himself for murder
2016-04-28,Syrian army seizes Israeli-made weapons on their way to ISIS
2016-04-28,Colgate and Unilever operating detergent cartel in Australia to extort profits from consumers
2016-04-27,"A 1.4GB leak of internal documents from Qatar National Bank gives data on al-Jazeera journalists, the ruling family and British 'spies'"
2016-04-27,Toddler's meningitis death nets guilty verdict against Alberta parents
2016-04-27,"Kim Jong Un orders missile launches when angry, source says"
2016-04-27,"Saying that climate change is an ethical problem, the Danish Council on Ethics (Det Etiske Rd) has called for a climate tax on red meat."
2016-04-27,Australia is buying 12 new submarines from France for $39 billion
2016-04-27,'Largest ever lion airlift' flies 33 big cats back to Africa - Thirty-three lions rescued from circuses in Peru and Colombia are being flown back to their homeland to live out the rest of their lives in a private sanctuary in South Africa.
2016-04-27,Venezuela orders 2-day work week to stave off power crisis
2016-04-27,"Bangladesh: A court has jailed two teachers in southern Bangladesh for making derogatory comments about Islam and the Prophet,the case began when students complained that the assistant teacher of a science class dismissed Quran as the word of God and said there was no heaven."
2016-04-27,UK Labour MP Naz Shah claimed Israeli Jews should be relocated to America in a series of social media posts
2016-04-27,Xi Jinping calls for greater tolerance of criticism online about Chinas government ... and comments about his remarks are barred or censored
2016-04-27,A Canadian tribunal has ruled the Victoria Police Dept violated an officer's rights when they prevented him from advocating for drug legalization
2016-04-27,Islamic State: Up to $800m of funds 'destroyed by strikes'
2016-04-27,Sweden's Green Party 'infiltrated by Islamists'
2016-04-27,Trudeau says Canada 'does not and will not pay ransom to terrorists' - Politics
2016-04-27,Supreme Court allows 12-year-old Queensland girl to have abortion
2016-04-27,"Internet traffic to Wikipedia pages summarizing knowledge about terror groups and their tools plunged nearly 30 percent after revelations of widespread Web monitoring by the U.S. National Security Agency, suggesting that concerns about government snooping are hurting the ordinary pursuit of"
2016-04-27,"Iran's Deployment of 7,000 Plainclothes 'Morality Police' Prompts Criticism."
2016-04-27,Ofsted warns of Muslim school staff gender segregation
2016-04-27,UN rejects Israel's claim over Syria's Golan Heights
2016-04-27,[Germany] Computer virus found in Bavarian nuclear plant
2016-04-27,"The South African government has banned four country's sporting bodies (cricket, rugby, netball and athletics) from bidding to host global events because there aren't sufficient black players in national teams."
2016-04-27,Reports: 11 found dead at military barracks in Cape Verde
2016-04-27,Venezuela will have a 2 day work week until further notice
2016-04-27,EU rejects Greek request for emergency summit.
2016-04-27,Chinese Navy in South China Sea Draws U.S. Admiral's Praise: Rear Admiral Marcus Hitchcock says his ships have been engaged on almost a twenty four-seven basis with a completely professional Peoples Liberation Army Navy
2016-04-26,England's Doctors Walk Out of Emergency Wards in First Ever All-Out Strike
2016-04-26,Russia Arrests Scientologist for Stealing $2 Million and Giving to Church
2016-04-26,"Watchdog says press freedom in decline, 'new era of propaganda'"
2016-04-26,We are a Muslim country: Turkeys parliament speaker advocates religious constitution
2016-04-26,8 bombers killed as their suicide vests went off prematurely in Kunduz - Khaama Press (KP)
2016-04-26,Islamist militants behead Canadian man in southern Philippines
2016-04-26,Hillsborough disaster: Police errors led to deaths
2016-04-26,Sweden examining 'Islamic State threat' to Stockholm
2016-04-26,Massive fire destroys Delhi's National Museum of Natural History
2016-04-26,John Kerry condemns 'barbaric murder' of gay rights activist and US Embassy worker in Bangladesh
2016-04-26,Mitsubishi fuel tests errors since 1991
2016-04-26,"Report: Rouhani requests removal of ""Death to Israel"" from Iranian missiles"
2016-04-26,Russia and Syria sign deals worth $850 million to restore Syrian infrastructure
2016-04-26,"ISIS pay scale revealed: Documents show salaries based on number of wives, sex slaves"
2016-04-26,"Prions, the misfolded proteins that are known for causing degenerative illnesses in animals and humans, may have been spotted for the first time in plants."
2016-04-26,French mayor seeks to block Saudi-funded mosque
2016-04-26,ISIS-linked jihadis publish hit list targeting US State Dept. personnel
2016-04-26,"Tories vote against accepting 3,000 child refugees (U.K)"
2016-04-26,"'Coat Hanger Rebels' Battle Bid to Outlaw Abortion - Proposed law to ban abortion sends 1000s of Poles onto the streets, coat hangers held aloft & drawn on posters. Activists have long decried abortion laws in Poland, which are among the most restrictive in Europe."
2016-04-26,"The city of Medellin, Colombia has been awarded the Lee Kuan Yew World City Prize 2016 for its transformation from a violent city to a model of urban innovation."
2016-04-26,"U.S. official: ISIS has cells in UK, Germany, Italy"
2016-04-26,Elephant dies from exhaustion after decades carrying tourists to Cambodia's Angkor Wat
2016-04-26,Rise in CO2 has 'greened Planet Earth'
2016-04-26,Japan warship visits the Philippines in sign of deepening security ties as row over South China Sea festers
2016-04-26,Mexico's president proposes legalising medical marijuana (and up to 28 grams for recreational)
2016-04-25,"Missing Mexican Students Suffered a Night of Terror, Investigators Say: An international panel has provided details of the night in 2014 when Mexican police and gunmen abducted 43 students who have not been seen since."
2016-04-25,TTIP: UK Government did just one assessment of trade deal and found it had 'lots of risks and no benefit'
2016-04-25,Revealed: nearly all new diesel cars exceed official pollution limits - Health experts lambast deceitful carmakers as data suggests 97% of vehicles fail to meet NOx emissions standards in real-world conditions.
2016-04-25,Australia May Take in African Rhinos to Prevent Extinction
2016-04-25,Elephant poachers killed three rangers in Congo's Garamba wildlife park and wounded two other people including the Swedish park manager.
2016-04-25,"Australian MP sets river on fire, blames nearby fracking - An Australian MP is blaming seeping methane from a nearby fracking site for making it possible for him to set Queensland's Condamine River on fire."
2016-04-25,Saudi Arabia just announced its plan to diversify away from oil
2016-04-25,Bangladesh LGBT editor hacked to death
2016-04-25,"US President Barack Obama has dismissed North Korea's proposal to suspend nuclear tests if the US ends its annual military exercises with the South. On Sunday Mr Obama told reporters that the US did not take such a proposal seriously and that Pyongyang would ""have to do better than that""."
2016-04-25,Far-right 'comes top in Austria vote'
2016-04-25,"Brazil has said it repatriated $125m (86m) last year siphoned off to foreign bank accounts by corrupt officials, politicians and businessmen."
2016-04-25,"Japan says China's maritime expansion making the world 'greatly worried' - Foreign Minister, speaking ahead of Beijing visit, said China is making the world worried with its military buildup & maritime expansion in the East & South China Seas."
2016-04-25,ISIS Chief India recruiter killed in US drone strike.
2016-04-25,"Victims of a New African Massacre: Gorillas - With conflicts abating some in jungles of Democratic Republic of Congo, researchers finally have an updated gorilla head count one that confirms their fears. They've plummeted 77%. Less than 3,800 remain."
2016-04-25,Australian politician sets river on fire to protest fracking
2016-04-25,Indonesian navy impounds Chinese trawler for illegal fishing
2016-04-25,Malta Prime Minister associate found selling Maltese (EU) citizenship through secret company in British Virgin Islands
2016-04-25,"Carbon Pricing Becomes a Cause for the World Bank and I.M.F. - And to our economists, who have been studying this for quite some time, there is an equally obvious consensus that putting a price on carbon pollution is by far the most powerful and efficient way to reduce emissions."
2016-04-25,"Bangladesh Bank hackers compromised SWIFT software, warning to be issued"
2016-04-25,China's Xi warns of foreign infiltration through religion
2016-04-25,A Philippine presidential candidate who joked about raping a murdered Australian missionary widens his lead over his rivals despite backlash
2016-04-25,"Marguerite Barankitse, Burundi humanitarian who saved 30,000 lives, awarded inaugural Aurora Prize in Armenia worth $1.1 million."
2016-04-25,A panel of international experts investigating the disappearance of 43 Mexican trainee teachers in 2014 says the government of President Enrique Pena Neto has hampered its inquiries.
2016-04-25,Poland's ex-leaders say new govt is demolishing democracy - Prominent former leaders accuse right-wing govt of demolishing countrys democracy & its international standing. Urging lawmakers to disregard what they call the draconian new legislation the govt is proposing.
2016-04-25,India revokes passport of tycoon who owes $1 billion
2016-04-24,"After being released the head of the Berlin branch of Germanys Pirate Party, who was arrested for citing an insulting poem about Turkish President Erdogan, has told RT people should expect to lose their freedom of speech when their government ""signs deals with dictators."""
2016-04-24,Dutch journalist arrested in Turkey for criticising Erdoan
2016-04-24,"Police sweep away Brazils street children ahead of Olympics. As Rio prepares for the spotlight the Games will bring, advocates for homeless youth say children are being detained arbitrarily by policeor in some cases simply vanishing."
2016-04-24,India Accuses US Of Double Standards On Solar Trade
2016-04-24,"Europe is now malaria free for the first time in years. Malaria cases in Europe have dropped from a peak of over 90,000 in 1995 to zero in 2015, according to the World Health Organization."
2016-04-24,Investigators Say Mexico Has Thwarted Efforts to Solve Students Disappearance
2016-04-24,"China to increase high-speed rail network to 30,000 km by 2020: By the end of 2015, the length of high-speed railway (HSR) lines in operation in China exceeded 19,000 km with nearly 10,000 km under construction"
2016-04-24,London cat killer mystery deepens as charities investigate 100 animal deaths
2016-04-24,Prominent Sikh Figure Gunned Down In Pakistan
2016-04-24,"U.N. torture watchdog urges Saudi to halt flogging, amputations"
2016-04-24,"S Africa: 49 starving monkeys rescued from cages - Starving, dehydrated monkeys were rescued from garden nursery near Johannesburg Saturday, kept for the entertainment of those buying plants. Some heads were disproportionally large for their bodies & bones protruded. Many had rickets."
2016-04-24,"A bioethics panel of the Japanese government on Friday approved gene modifications of fertilized human eggs for basic research purposes, while rejecting the technology's clinical use due partly to the unknown impact on the next generation."
2016-04-24,North Korean official: We'll stop nuclear tests if US halts military exercises
2016-04-24,"Germany is seeking the creation of ""safe zones"" to shelter refugees in Syria, Chancellor Angela Merkel says, an idea Turkey has long championed in the face of UN caution. Keeping refugees on the Syrian side of the border would help Brussels and Ankara stem the flow of migrants to European shores."
2016-04-24,Saudi human rights activist sentenced to 9 years in prison
2016-04-24,Russia threatens to use 'all necessary measures' after US destroyer sails close to border
2016-04-24,"India, France launch $1 trillion potential solar programme for developing countries"
2016-04-24,"Ruined Chernobyl nuclear plant will remain a threat for 3,000 years"
2016-04-24,Islamist student arrested over machete murder of Bangladeshi university professor
2016-04-24,"Australian MP sets river on fire, blames nearby fracking"
2016-04-24,Norwegian fighter jet pilot fires at control tower during training flight
2016-04-24,"Ecuador quake death toll jumps to 646, one week on"
2016-04-24,Turkey warns EU: Visa deal or no migrant pact
2016-04-24,N. Korea says it will send restaurant defectors' families to Seoul
2016-04-24,Japan OKs recognizing virtual currencies as similar to real money
2016-04-23,Websites that detect ad-blockers to stop their users from reading webpages could be illegal under European law
2016-04-23,"Coral reef discovered in murky waters of the Amazon river, covering 3600 sq. km."
2016-04-23,Thousands of Germans Protest TTIP Trade Deal Before Obama Visit
2016-04-23,Pirate Partys leader detained in Germany for citing poem about Erdogan
2016-04-23,"A university professor has been hacked to death in Bangladesh, in an attack police say is similar to a number of killings of secular bloggers and atheist activists in the past months"
2016-04-23,"A former undercover C.I.A. agent will be handed over to Italy, where she was convicted of taking part in the 2003 kidnapping of an Egyptian cleric in one of the renditions ordered by the George W. Bush administration"
2016-04-23,China official says film 'The Martian' shows Americans want space cooperation
2016-04-23,North Korea seen to fire submarine-launched ballistic missile: South Korea
2016-04-23,Emission cheating costs VW $18 billion
2016-04-23,"Climate deal won't stop Great Barrier Reef from getting 'cooked', say Greens. Australias lack of action on pollution reduction targets has made the country a laughing stock on the international stage, according to senator Larissa Waters"
2016-04-23,Great Barrier Reef: 93% of reefs hit by coral bleaching
2016-04-23,China stopped from buying cattle ranches the size of Ireland from Australia
2016-04-23,Brutal heat wave in India puts 330 million people at risk.
2016-04-23,"Turkish border guards shoot eight Syrian refugees dead, including women and children trying to reach safety."
2016-04-23,Mexican voter database containing 93.4 million records leaks online
2016-04-23,Blindfolded and beaten: Palestinians decry PA torture. Rights groups cite lack of accountability among PA security forces as a factor in persistent torture allegations.
2016-04-23,"Nicaragua undergoing most severe environmental crisis in recent history: drastic reduction or disappearance of 34 rivers, near-complete evaporation of at 4 lakes, loss of nearly 6,000 hectares of pine forest, reduced rainfall and advance of agricultural frontier are some of the challenges it faces."
2016-04-23,US to buy 32 metric tons of Iranian heavy water to fulfill nuclear deal terms
2016-04-23,Australian river set on fire after Greens member of Parliament lights bubbling methane gas.
2016-04-23,China denies reports of massing troops at North Korea border
2016-04-23,Merkel admits 'mistake' in Bhmermann satire case
2016-04-23,[Russia] Controversial new Human Rights Commissioner says human rights are a Western blackmail tool
2016-04-23,Fiat Chrysler is recalling more than 1.1 million cars and SUVs worldwide because the vehicles may roll away after drivers exit.
2016-04-23,China to Develop Floating Nuclear Power Plants
2016-04-23,Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Delivers Statement on Armenian Genocide
2016-04-22,The Netherlands to decriminalize insulting heads of state
2016-04-22,Iranian women call on Western tourists to violate headscarf law to fight against oppression
2016-04-22,"Swiss army ready to act in worst case migrant scenario - Switzerland has said it is ready to mobilize up to 2,000 soldiers at border crossings should migrants continue to arrive into the country."
2016-04-22,Russian engineers have used dogs and robots to successfully clear the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra of nearly 3000 explosive devices left behind by Islamic State.
2016-04-22,"2,400 year-old Roman-era mosaic found in southern Turkey says be cheerful, enjoy your life"
2016-04-22,Edward Snowden to sue Norway in a bid to secure free passage in Norway without being extradited to the US. He wants to come to Norway to accept a freedom of speech award.
2016-04-22,Norwegian fighter jet helps save dying patient: Hospital staff call on air force F-16 to transport vital equipment from Trondheim hospital to patient 280 miles away
2016-04-22,"US Army captain foils Denmark school attack - A US Army captain in Iraq helped crack a plot to bomb a Danish school after gleaning crucial details from documents recovered from extremists, the Pentagon said on Wednesday."
2016-04-22,Olympic bike lane collapses in Rio; at least 2 die
2016-04-22,Boris Johnson suggests 'part-Kenyan' Obama may have an 'ancestral dislike' of Britain
2016-04-22,Barcelona Police Raid Arrests 39 Chinese Mafia: Frees 30 Trafficked Chinese Women
2016-04-22,U.S. charges woman for exporting underwater drone technology to China
2016-04-22,'Kindly send us names and quotes insulting our president': Ankara's Consulate asks Dutch citizens
2016-04-22,"Decriminalize all drugs, business and world leaders tell UN"
2016-04-22,U.S. soldier helps foil plot to blow up school in Denmark
2016-04-22,"Brussels bomber identified as jailer of foreign Isis hostages: Najim Laachraoui was Islamic State guard known as Abou Idriss, according to lawyer of former Syria hostage Nicolas Henin"
2016-04-22,Hong Kong bars may offer 'men's nights' after court deems ladies' night promos discriminatory
2016-04-22,Mexico to Consider Cannabis Legalization
2016-04-22,Turkish hotline for Erdogan insults angers Dutch
2016-04-22,6.0 quake strikes Ecuador amid recovery efforts
2016-04-22,Germany arrests two teenagers suspected of bombing Sikh temple
2016-04-22,DE - Teen 'Salafists' arrested over bomb attack on Sikh temple
2016-04-22,The UK has been using massive datasets to spy on innocent civilians for years
2016-04-22,Blow for Pope's reforms as audit into Vatican finances forced to halt
2016-04-22,Russian forces fired on Israeli military aircraft in Syria
2016-04-21,Declassified memo shows multiple Saudi connections to 9/11 plotters: flight certificate of Al Qaeda operative found in envelope from the Saudi Embassy in DC
2016-04-21,Canada to introduce pot legalization legislation in 2017
2016-04-21,IS executes 250 women for refusing sexual jihad: report
2016-04-21,"Referendum on abolishing monarchy must be held when Queen dies, republicans demand"
2016-04-21,Islamic face veil to be banned in Latvia despite being worn by just three women in entire country
2016-04-21,Watchdog says press freedom in decline in 'new era of propaganda'
2016-04-21,Super rich who hide money in tax havens to be unmasked
2016-04-21,Scientists resort to advertising to get Great Barrier Reef crisis in Queensland paper
2016-04-21,David Cameron will not be investigated over off-shore trust and tax affairs by parliamentary watchdog
2016-04-21,China deploying thousands of troops along North Korea border
2016-04-21,Wall Street Journal Runs Full-Page Ad Denying Armenian Genocide
2016-04-21,Jamaica Foreign Minister tells UN that scheduling cannabis as a dangerous drug with no medical use is outdated & out of touch & that the UN to needs to get its act together on weed
2016-04-21,Private US firms are opposing India's space program from launching US satellites into space.
2016-04-21,"Iran's president criticized the use of thousands of undercover morality police in Tehran to report on young women who are not wearing a full Islamic hijab or those who play loud music in their cars. Some 7,000 men and women officers began reporting such violations in Tehran"
2016-04-21,"Obama Blasts Saudi 9/11 Bill, Says It Opens U.S. to 'Being Continually Sued': If we open up the possibility that individuals and the United States can routinely start suing over governments, then we are also opening up the United States to being continually sued by individuals in other countries."
2016-04-21,U.K. Issues Travel Warning About Antigay U.S. States
2016-04-21,"""China's President Xi Jinping has assumed a new U.S.-style joint role as commander in chief of the military, state media and analysts said Thursday, signaling the buildup of his authority as the country's most powerful leader in decades."""
2016-04-21,"Failed N.K. missile launch damages launcher, causes human casualties: report"
2016-04-21,The Fallout From the Panama Papers in Hong Kong - The timing of an expos in a Hong Kong newspaper & an editors firing has angered some journalists.
2016-04-21,"Saudi government has vast network of PR, lobby firms in U.S."
2016-04-21,"VW to pay US customers $5,000 each to settle suit; VW would pay each customer affected by the carmaker's use of emissions test cheating software $5,000, in addition to paying to repair their vehicles"
2016-04-21,"Confirmed as Oldest in World: Message in bottle, promising finder a shilling, bobs up - Thrown into North Sea in 1906 by marine biologist & found by German woman She followed note's instructions & mailed it to Marine Biological Assn. We found an old shilling & sent it to her."
2016-04-21,Colombian president: prohibitionist drug policies have been a 'failure'
2016-04-21,Philippine's presidential frontrunner tells US and Australia to cut their ties if he becomes president.
2016-04-21,Hundreds of Palestinians march in support of Jerusalem bus bombing suspect
2016-04-20,Pacific Bluefin Tuna: Population Drops 97% Due to Overfishing
2016-04-20,"France bill McDonald's $341 million for unpaid taxes on profits believed to have been funneled through Luxembourg, Switzerland"
2016-04-20,'Insult Turkey's Erdogan' contest set up by UK magazine
2016-04-20,"Great Barrier Reef: Half of natural wonder is dead or dying and it is on the brink of extinction, scientists say"
2016-04-20,Mexican marines forced captured cartel bosses to wear women's lingerie and kiss each other
2016-04-20,"Fidel Castro, almost 90, gives rare speech saying he will soon die."
2016-04-20,Britain has exported 2.8bn of arms to Saudi Arabia since it started bombing Yemen in 2015
2016-04-20,"S. Korea covered up mass abuse, killings of 'vagrants' before 1988 Olympics"
2016-04-20,"India says it still wants back British queen's crown jewel; India has repeatedly demanded that Britain return the 105-carat diamond, which was presented to Queen Victoria in 1850 and today sits on display as part of the Crown Jewels in the Tower of London."
2016-04-20,Mitsubishi also admits cheating fuel efficiency tests
2016-04-20,"Muslim preachers appointed by the Ministry of Justice distributing Islamist material to inmates | Extremist material was found in more than 10 prisons, condemning homosexuality, urging attacks against apostates, and advocating a hard line interpretation of Sharia law."
2016-04-20,Mexico's president says he is open to legalizing medical marijuana
2016-04-20,3 men in line for Brazilian presidency accused of corruption
2016-04-20,Australian ranch the size of Ireland sold to Chinese investors
2016-04-20,More Than Half of Russians Want the Soviet Union Resurrected
2016-04-20,NY Times: Workers from two rival construction companies in China clashed using heavy machinery
2016-04-20,Norwegian court rules mass killer Breivik's rights violated
2016-04-20,Saudi Arabia takes out $10bn in bank loans
2016-04-20,Saudi Arabia Deploys US Public Relations Army Against 9/11 Bill
2016-04-20,At least 28 people have been killed and 329 injured in a huge explosion in the centre of the Afghan capital Kabul
2016-04-20,Hong Kong politician: Beijing will send in troops if Hong Kong declares independence
2016-04-20,"Intel to cut 12,000 jobs globally - approximately 11% of its workforce."
2016-04-20,61 endangered species facing extinction in N. Korea due to deforestation: World Bank
2016-04-20,Drones and kites banned from flying over London during Obama visit
2016-04-20,Some drug cartels now make more money from gold than cocaine
2016-04-19,"British govt poo-poos winning 'Boaty McBoatface' name for ship - After Internet users overwhelmingly voted to christen Britain's new $300 million research ship ""Boaty McBoatface"" in an online naming poll, a govt official suggests the name won't be used."
2016-04-19,"A fifth of people with advanced melanoma have no sign of tumours in their body after treatment with a pair of immunotherapy drugs, a study shows."
2016-04-19,7-Year-Old Boy Hit and Killed by UN Ambassador's Motorcade in Cameroon
2016-04-19,At least 20 reported wounded in Jerusalem bus blast
2016-04-19,"At least 413 people are now known to have died in the earthquake that struck Ecuador, the country's government says."
2016-04-19,German spies imply Snowden leaked files for Russia
2016-04-19,Almost 500 Students Fall Ill at Posh Chinese School From Toxic Waste Dumped Nearby
2016-04-19,60 Minutes crew facing more time in Lebanese prison on kidnapping charges
2016-04-19,Why super-gonorrhoea is spreading & may soon be untreatable - Englands public health agency has launched an incident response after discovering more cases of gonorrhoea that are resistant to nearly all antibiotics.
2016-04-19,"Solar is now cheaper than coal, says India energy minister"
2016-04-19,State of Un-dress: North Korean dictator bans jeans and piercings in latest crackdown on Western fashion
2016-04-19,Africa Sees 10-fold Increase in Number of Children Used for 'Suicide' Bombings
2016-04-19,Brazil president says she won't quit after impeachment vote
2016-04-19,Sea Shepherd Announces the Destruction of an Illegal Antarctic Fishing Fleet
2016-04-19,Riot erupts in Cairo after policeman kills man over cup of tea
2016-04-19,"US, Germany: Golan Heights not part of Israel; The United States and Germany both criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahus declaration that the Golan Heights will forever remain part of Israeli sovereignty."
2016-04-19,"Vice President Joe Biden says the U.S. has an obligation to push Israel toward peace with Palestinians despite a sometimes ""overwhelming frustration"" with Israel's government"
2016-04-19,Unprecedented global warming as 2016 approaches 1.5 C mark
2016-04-19,"Lausanne, Switzerland is joining the growing list of places looking to experiment with a universal basic income"
2016-04-19,"In groundbreaking move, Europe bans 2 endocrine-disrupting weedkillers - Use of Amitrole & Isoproturon, herbicides that have been linked to cancer, infertility & birth defects, is prohibited from Sept 30"
2016-04-19,IDF discovers two-kilometer-long Hamas tunnel in Gaza border area
2016-04-19,Cuba calls Obama visit 'an attack' as Communists defend ideology
2016-04-19,"Over 1,000 Leaders Worldwide Slam Failed Prohibitionist Drug Policies, Call for Systemic Reform"
2016-04-19,Mexican volcano spews ash two miles into the air over Puebla
2016-04-19,"Egypt floods Hamas tunnel, seven Palestinian trapped"
2016-04-18,Brazilian congress votes to impeach president Dilma Rousseff
2016-04-18,"Ethiopia attack: 200 people dead, 100 children missing"
2016-04-18,UK Home Secretary Theresa May 'tried to alter drug report because she didnt like its conclusions' | UK Politics
2016-04-18,More than 400 refugees drown in Mediterranean after boats capsize crossing from Egypt to Italy
2016-04-18,Georgia detains six it says were trying to sell $200 million worth of uranium-238
2016-04-18,"Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel backed his outspoken interior minister over comments that a significant number of Muslims had cheered the Brussels bombings, and said supporters of terrorism were a cancer that needed removing"
2016-04-18,US says it will respond strongly in event of another North Korea nuclear test.
2016-04-18,"Pharmaceutical company manager busted with $300 million worth of ephedrine, illegally used for production of methamphetamine in India ."
2016-04-18,"Castro, 84, says Cuba's leaders are too old, proposes limits"
2016-04-18,Chinese Parents Outraged After Illnesses at School Are Tied to Pollution
2016-04-18,"Europe can't take in millions of migrants: ex-chancellor Kohl - Former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl has warned that Europe can't become ""a new home"" for millions of migrants, in a veiled criticism of incumbent Angela Merkel's liberal asylum policies."
2016-04-18,"Hands off our cherished BBC, say older voters - The government is not trusted by a majority of voters to protect the BBC. Labour has recently accused ministers of trying to intimidate the BBC as part of a wider attempt to limit scrutiny of [the government's] activities."
2016-04-18,Germany's AfD takes overt anti-Islam stance: The right-wing Alternative for Germany has called for a ban on minarets and burqas ahead of its party congress
2016-04-18,Pilot flying into Heathrow airport says 'drone hit plane'
2016-04-18,"Decriminalising Cannabis Would Hurt Islamic State, Mafia-Italy Prosecutor."
2016-04-18,Sweden's housing minister quits after extremism row. Swedish minister Mehmet Kaplan resigns over dinner with Turkish fascist and comments about Israel
2016-04-18,Brazil leader's ally admits impeachment defeat
2016-04-18,Video of soldiers torturing woman prompts apology from Mexican defense chief
2016-04-18,"Hacking Your Phone - CBS News 60 Minutes - They were able to do it by exploiting a security flaw they discovered in Signaling System Seven -- or SS7. It is a little-known, but vital global network that connects phone carriers."
2016-04-18,England's last remaining golden eagle feared to have died in Lake District
2016-04-18,One of Italy's 100 most dangerous criminals has been arrested by detectives disguised as pizza boys who delivered food to his home as he was watching a football match.
2016-04-18,UK firm 'employed former child soldiers' as mercenaries in Iraq; Former director acknowledges Aegis Defence Services may have recruited former child fighters in Sierra Leone
2016-04-18,China releases dam water to ease SE Asia drought
2016-04-18,Tusk says 'alarming' numbers of migrants in Libya
2016-04-18,Trudeau: Respecting Saudi deal a 'matter of principle'
2016-04-17,"Man accidentally discovers ""perfectly preserved"" Roman villa in his backyard - Luke Irwin came across a well preserved Roman villa dating back 1,400 yrs which may have been home to an emperor"
2016-04-17,"Apple recovered 2,204 pounds of gold from broken iPhones last year"
2016-04-17,Ed Miliband says Panama Papers show wealth does not trickle down
2016-04-17,Ecuador earthquake: Powerful M7.4 tremor near Pedernales prompts tsunami alerts.
2016-04-17,"Anti-austerity protest brings 50,000 to the streets of London to demand David Cameron's resignation"
2016-04-17,Putin revealed to have told Assad: 'We will not let you lose'
2016-04-17,"Thousands of people gathered for a fifth consecutive night in the center of the Macedonian capital of Skopje to protest President Gjorge Ivanov's decision to grant pardons to dozens of politicians, including a former prime minister, accused in a wiretapping scandal"
2016-04-17,"Earthquake kills 77 in Ecuador, devastates coastal area"
2016-04-17,9 Guantanamo Bay detainees moved to Saudi Arabia
2016-04-17,Ethiopia: Armed men 'kill 140' near South Sudan border
2016-04-17,Palestinian who filmed Israeli soldier shooting disarmed man dead in Hebron receives death threats
2016-04-17,Netanyahu vows Golan Heights will remain part of Israel forever
2016-04-17,Doctors fear 'super-gonorrhoea' will spread across UK
2016-04-17,Nearly half of British public think all tax returns should be made public
2016-04-17,Rodrigo Duterte: Philippines presidential candidate jokes about rape and murder of Australian missionary
2016-04-17,Explosion Injures 3 at Sikh Temple in Western Germany
2016-04-17,How the Panama Papers revealed Nazi-looted art
2016-04-17,"Belgian Interior Minister Jan Jambon said Saturday that a ""significant"" part of the Muslim population celebrated attacks, blaming the country's policies for failing to integrate migrants into society."
2016-04-17,Three million residents in the Chilean capital Santiago have been left without clean water after landslides caused by heavy rains polluted the rivers supplying the city.
2016-04-17,Sacred North Korean Volcano at Risk of Possible Eruption
2016-04-17,"A United States Air Force reconnaissance plane was barrel-rolled by a Russian jet over the Baltic Sea during a routine flight in international airspace, U.S. European Command said Saturday."
2016-04-17,Congress to vote on impeaching Rousseff in divided Brazil
2016-04-17,"Anti-Isis coalition 'preparing to launch final assault on Raqqa stronghold', US official says"
2016-04-17,Massive Investment Fund Drops Eleven Companies Linked to Destructive Environmental Practices
2016-04-17,War on drugs: UN challenged by Colombian president
2016-04-16,"Saudi Arabia has told the Obama administration that it will sell off hundreds of billions of dollars worth of American assets held by the kingdom if Congress passes a bill that would allow the Saudi government to be held responsible in American courts for any role in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks."
2016-04-16,Powerful 7.1-magnitude earthquake hits southern Japan
2016-04-16,"BP CEO to get $3.3 million raise after 12,000 layoffs"
2016-04-16,"Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster conducts legal wedding in New Zealand - A pastarafian couple in New Zealand has become the first to ""tie the noodly knot"" in a legally recognized ceremony officiated by an ordained ""ministeroni"" from the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster."
2016-04-16,"Global Temperature Averages In February Broke Records and Was Deemed ""Shocking"" By Scientists. March has just surpassed It."
2016-04-16,"The supreme Court of Canada has ruled that two key ""tough on crime"" measures brought in by previous conservative government are unconstitutional, including mandatory minimum sentencing of 1 year in prison for drug offenses."
2016-04-16,Iran govt. disqualifies female politician for allegedly shaking hands with a man
2016-04-16,"Japan earthquakes: 29 dead and 1,500 injured after second quake in two days"
2016-04-16,Germany's Merkel criticized for allowing prosecution of comedian who mocked Erdogan
2016-04-16,"Millions Face Starvation As Haitis Drought Stretches Into Its 3rd Year - ""Weve had droughts before, but never like this."""
2016-04-16,Pope takes 12 migrants with him back to Vatican from Lesbos
2016-04-16,"Ancient mass graves discovered in Greece - They're from 675-650 BC, ""a period of great political turmoil in the region"". 80 found lined up, some on backs & others on stomachs. 36 had their hands bound with iron. May have been followers of ancient would-be tyrant Cylon of Athens."
2016-04-16,"UK government sets up an international Olympics of e-sports - First two-day ""eGames"" competition set for Rio alongside the actual Olympics."
2016-04-16,Growing wealth inequality 'dangerous' threat to democracy: experts
2016-04-16,Safety checks faked at German nuclear power stations
2016-04-16,Belgium minister resigns after airport security lapses leak
2016-04-16,Protesters who blockaded London arms trade fair acquitted after judge sees evidence of illegal weapons on sale
2016-04-16,Russia is running out of money
2016-04-16,Protest against Egyptian President: 100 arrested over islands given to Saudi Arabia
2016-04-16,U.S. Report on Saudi Arabia Downplays Civilian Casualties in Yemen
2016-04-16,Carbyne: Scientists create 'holy grail' strongest material in the world that's tougher than graphene
2016-04-16,The World Health Organization approves world's first-ever vaccine for dengue fever.
2016-04-16,Young French people have been staying up all night for two weeks to protest labour reforms & social inequality
2016-04-16,"Leaked Email: ABA Cancels Book for Fear of Upsetting the Chinese Government: The American Bar Association insists the move was market-driven, but an employee email says otherwise."
2016-04-16,Brazil Supreme Court upholds Rousseff impeachment vote
2016-04-15,"A witness to the disappearance of 43 Mexican students in 2014 has told investigators that federal and municipal police were present when the youths were forced from their bus, according to the countrys national human rights commission."
2016-04-15,N. Korea's early morning attempt to fire ballistic missile ends in failure: military
2016-04-15,"Putin admits Panama Papers 'accurate,' blames US"
2016-04-15,"Greenland is melting so quickly, scientists thought they had made an error."
2016-04-15,Half of all jobless in Sweden are foreigners
2016-04-15,"Nasa calls out climate change deniers on Facebook - Nasa had to tell a climate change denier that actually, fossil fuels aren't cooling the planet"
2016-04-15,Jamaica Weighs Replacing Queen Elizabeth and Legalizing Pot
2016-04-15,Norway's $860 Billion Fund Drops 52 Companies Linked to Coal
2016-04-15,Welcome to Czechia: Czech Republic adopts one-word name
2016-04-15,"A single Iraqi M-1 Abrams tank tears through Islamic State in Hit, earning the name ""Beast"""
2016-04-15,Russia FSB raids offices of billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov whose newspaper published 'Panama Papers'
2016-04-15,The Worlds Only Tiananmen Massacre Museum Is Being Forced To Close
2016-04-15,Spanish Minister Resigns After Alleged links to Panama Papers
2016-04-15,A never-before-seen galaxy has been spotted orbiting the Milky Way.
2016-04-15,"Leonardo Da Vinci's living relatives found: painter, engineer, Oscar nominee"
2016-04-15,Saudi Arabia said on Thursday that $681m (479m) transferred into Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razaks personal bank account was a genuine donation.
2016-04-15,"China blasts US human rights in tit-for-tat report: money corrupting politics and calling U.S. airstrikes in Syria and Iraq a ""gross violation of other countries' human rights."" Also cited gun crime, excessive force by police and touched on prison system corruption, homelessness, racial conflict"
2016-04-15,Mexico's President Is Skipping the Big UN Drug Meeting That Mexico Demanded
2016-04-15,"Fossil fuels could be phased out worldwide in a decade, says new study."
2016-04-15,"Average house price in Canada jumps 15% to $508,567 in March"
2016-04-15,EU trade law could criminalise whistleblowers
2016-04-15,"The charity GiveDirectly has just announced it will begin testing universal basic income by spending an estimated $30 million on providing it to 6,000 Kenyans."
2016-04-15,Fast food workers and union members have held a protest at a McDonald's restaurant at Disneyland Paris to demand higher wages and an end to the use of tax havens by multinational corporations
2016-04-15,Indian tigers may replenish Cambodian forests
2016-04-15,Second Canadian Province To Offer Free University Tuition to Low Income Students
2016-04-14,Saudi Arabia strips religious police of arresting power
2016-04-14,"Putin praises Obama for admitting mistakes in Libya: ""Firstly, this fact confirms once again that the current US president is a decent person"""
2016-04-14,"US corporations have $1.4tn hidden in tax havens, claims Oxfam report"
2016-04-14,"Netherlands looks to ban all gas, diesel car sales by 2025"
2016-04-14,Oil industry knew of 'serious' climate concerns more than 45 years ago
2016-04-14,"In Macedonia after a wiretapping scandal the president pardons all politicians, protesters break into president's office"
2016-04-14,"97% of scientists believe climate change is caused by humans, study finds"
2016-04-14,"Over 1,000 Leaders Worldwide Call for End to ""Disastrous"" Drug War, Ahead of UN Special Session"
2016-04-14,"The use of sniffer dogs at Manchester Airport has been criticised after dogs there failed to discover any Class A drugs in a seven-month period. But one dog, trained to detect illegal animal products, often found ""small amounts of cheese or sausages"" carried by holidaymakers, a report said."
2016-04-14,Canadian government under fire over $12bn arms sale to Saudi Arabia.
2016-04-14,A world-famous sports stars charity backed by Princess Beatrice and David Beckham is under investigation after the Mail found less than 1 per cent of the cash it raised in the UK has gone to good causes.
2016-04-14,"In a world first, a quadriplegic man can once again move his fingers after a chip was implanted in his brain."
2016-04-14,"Canada's new assisted suicide law will only apply to Canadians and permanent residents, precluding the prospect of suicide tourism."
2016-04-14,USS Donald Cook buzzed again by Russian jets in Baltic
2016-04-14,Germany Islam: CSU head Scheuer calls for German in mosques. The senior German conservative politician has said German must become the language of the country's mosques and that foreign funding from Turkey and Saudi Arabia must stop.
2016-04-14,Canada's Liberal government accused of lying about $15-billion Saudi arms deal
2016-04-14,Zika confirmed as a cause of microcephaly: CDC - Health
2016-04-14,"Islamic State destroys 2,000-year-old ancient gates of Nineveh near Mosul."
2016-04-14,BP CEO to receive 20% pay rise to $20m/14m
2016-04-14,"US accuses Israel of using excessive force against Palestinians. Annual US report on human rights says nearly half of Palestinians killed by Israel were not carrying out attacks, and many times did not pose a threat to life"
2016-04-14,Swiss banking whistleblower claims the CIA are behind the Panama Papers leak
2016-04-14,Canadian Police Obtained BlackBerrys Global Decryption Key. A high-level surveillance probe of Montreal's criminal underworld shows that Canada's federal policing agency has had a global encryption key for BlackBerry devices since 2010.
2016-04-14,"The worlds first museum dedicated to Chinas Tiananmen Square crackdown is to close its doors in Hong Kong, with organisers saying they believe they are being targeted for political reasons."
2016-04-14,IMF warns of fresh financial crisis
2016-04-14,NASA: Global warming now changing how Earth wobbles
2016-04-13,First Interstellar Probe Mission Announced: Breakthrough Starshot Will Accelerate Tiny Probes to Alpha Centauri 20 Years After Launch
2016-04-13,UK Jeremy Corbyn found to have overpaid tax... after the Sun newspaper tried to smear the Labour leader
2016-04-13,Thailand to Punish Drunk Drivers by Sending them to Work at the Morgue
2016-04-13,Sugar addiction 'should be treated as a form of drug abuse'
2016-04-13,Uber says they gave U.S. agencies data on more than 12 million users
2016-04-13,"Wide Majorities of Young Arabs Despise ISIS, Want More Rights for Women, See U.S. as Ally"
2016-04-13,7.2 earthquake hits Myanmar-India border
2016-04-13,"Graduates earning less than those who did not go to university, research reveals : Those studying the creative arts and mass communication go on to be among the lowest paid graduates"
2016-04-13,David Cameron says it is 'unfair' to criticise British-controlled tax havens
2016-04-13,Police Raid Mossack Fonseca headquarters in Panama
2016-04-13,Greece sells countrys largest port to China
2016-04-13,"Its only April, and scientists are already stunned by Greenlands melting: The Danish Meteorological Institute reported that although its only April, nearly 12 percent of the ice sheets surface is covered with a layer of meltwater of a depth of at least a millimeter."
2016-04-13,Kinder chocolate banned in Palestine because it contains alcohol
2016-04-13,"Swedish Turkish leader resigns after ""death to Armenians"" speech"
2016-04-13,Amsterdam airport evacuated for security threat
2016-04-13,Ecuador's President Demands Release of All the Panama Papers
2016-04-13,Goldman Sachs has agreed to pay more than $5 billion to settle charges it sold mortgages it knew were likely to fail during the housing bubble heydays of 2005-2007
2016-04-13,Germany train crash: Controller 'distracted by computer game'
2016-04-13,India's Supreme Court: Some Hindu temples/mosques ban on women is unacceptable and undermines the fight for gender equality.
2016-04-13,Worlds largest coal company files for bankruptcy
2016-04-13,Merkel stresses commitment to free speech in row over Erdoan poem
2016-04-13,"""Amid ominous warnings about threats to pollinators and the food crops they make possible, garden-care giant Ortho said Tuesday [12 April 2016] it will stop using a class of chemicals widely believed to harm the most important pollinators of all: bees."""
2016-04-13,"IMF: Inflation in Venezuela is projected to increase 481% this year and by a staggering 1,642% next year"
2016-04-13,Malik Jalal asks to be taken off the Kill List.
2016-04-13,"Shanghai: People Who Fail to Visit Parents Can Be Sued, Will Have Credit Scores Lowered"
2016-04-12,"Air France's gay stewards refuse to go to Iran, where homosexuality is punishable by death"
2016-04-12,Scientists have for the first time scanned the brains of people using LSD and found how brain in a psychedelic drug state mimics mind of a baby: free and unconstrained.
2016-04-12,Victoria has become the first state in Australia to legalise the use of medicinal cannabis
2016-04-12,Muslim woman prevented second terror attack on Paris by tipping off police about whereabouts of ISIS mastermind
2016-04-12,"EU unveils plan to force Facebook, Google and Amazon to pay their fair share of tax"
2016-04-12,Global Fisheries are collapsing. Some stocks depleted already by 85%
2016-04-12,"CIA middlemen and other spies used Panama Papers law firm to hide activities, report says"
2016-04-12,Most of World Bank's Private Investments Linked to Tax Havens
2016-04-12,Canadian Government offers up to $5 Million for whistle blowers after the release of the Panama Papers.
2016-04-12,A top African (Nigerian) prophet and televangelist - T.B. Joshuas shell company in offshore tax haven revealed in PanamaPapers
2016-04-12,"U.S. Drone Strike Kills 17 Civilians, Including First Responders In Afghanistan"
2016-04-12,President Obama: Libya aftermath 'worst mistake' of presidency
2016-04-12,"Number of wild tigers in the world rises 22%, For the first time in almost a century, there has been an increase in the global tiger population."
2016-04-12,"Some people appear to be born with 'superhero DNA' that cancels out genetic diseases like cystic fibrosis, say researchers."
2016-04-12,Saudi Arabias top Islamic cleric says women would be exposed to evil if allowed to drive
2016-04-12,Panama Papers: HMRC chief was partner at law firm that acted for David Cameron offshore fund
2016-04-12,First air passengers land on China's blacklist for 'uncivilized behavior'
2016-04-12,Television crew of the Australian edition of 60 minutes to be charged with kidnapping 2 children in Beirut.
2016-04-12,Norway's Lutheran church votes in favor of same-sex marriage
2016-04-12,An impeachment committee of Brazil's lower house of Congress voted 38-27 on Monday that there are grounds to impeach President Dilma Rousseff on charges of breaking budget laws to allegedly favor her re-election in 2014
2016-04-12,"One in every five suicide bombers used by Boko Haram in the past two years has been a child, a report by UNICEF says."
2016-04-12,"Brazil Deploying Troops, Barricades Before Impeachment Votes"
2016-04-12,U.S. to China: Abide by International Ruling on Disputed Islands
2016-04-12,U.S. sources: N. Korea may be preparing mobile ballistic missile launch
2016-04-12,UK - Dennis Skinner kicked out of Commons for Cameron jibe over tax
2016-04-11,Fifty four large investors managing 1 trillion pounds ($1.41 trillion) in assets have launched a campaign to curb the use of antibiotics in the meat and poultry.
2016-04-11,A man has been arrested for trying to assassinate the chief forensic expert in MH17 probe
2016-04-11,China Says 80% of Tested Wells Had Water Too Polluted to Drink
2016-04-11,Half of British Muslims 'think homosexuality should be illegal'
2016-04-11,"Saudi blogger Raif Badawi, who was sentenced to 10 years in prison and 1,000 lashes for publishing a liberal blog, is to be awarded the International Publishers Associations Prix Voltaire for his contribution to freedom of speech."
2016-04-11,N Korea senior intelligence officer 'defects to South'
2016-04-11,Turkey asks Germany to prosecute comedian for insulting Erdogan
2016-04-11,"Despite ban, women take part in I run Iran marathon"
2016-04-11,"HSBC, Coutts & Rothschild: British banks help the 1% evade tax, Panama Papers suggest"
2016-04-11,World's Wild Tiger Count Rising for First Time in a Century
2016-04-11,The leaders of every major Scottish political party publish their tax returns
2016-04-11,"Law firm at the center of the Panama offshore accounts scandal routinely usurped the name of the Red Cross and other charities to help obscure the origin of millions of dollars in questionable funds, two newspapers involved in the investigation reported Sunday."
2016-04-11,"Police station attacked in S. Russia, suicide bombing feared"
2016-04-11,Canada's Attawapiskat First Nation declares state of emergency over recent spate of suicide attempts - 11 attempts on Saturday night alone
2016-04-11,"In Hiroshima, Kerry will not apologize for atomic bombs dropped on Japan"
2016-04-11,World's smallest diode created out of an 11 base pair DNA molecule by joint American and Israeli research team.
2016-04-11,"A SpaceX Dragon cargo ship delivered the first inflatable room for astronauts to the International Space Station on Saturday, two days after launching from Cape Canaveral."
2016-04-11,The world's count of wild tigers has gone up for the first time in more than a century.
2016-04-11,Fukushima students reach out to tell truth about radiation
2016-04-11,Swede arrested in Brussels 'brainwashed' by militants
2016-04-11,"Panama Leaks Demand Coordinated Regulator Response, Denmark Says"
2016-04-11,At least 18 soldiers were killed and more than 50 wounded in a gun battle in the southern Philippines between government forces and the militant group Abu Sayyaf
2016-04-11,"Top North Korean intelligence officer defected to South, Seoul says"
2016-04-11,"Conspiracy theories abound six years after Polish plane crash in Russia: Poland's right-wing government has launched a new investigation into the crash. Jaroslaw Kaczynski, brother of the late president, says the plane broke up in mid-air and that then Polish PM Tusk was behind the crash"
2016-04-11,"Greenland and Antarctic melt isnt just raising seas its changing the Earths rotation: In other words, even as the Earth spins on its axis in a west to east direction, completing a full rotation every 24 hours, that axis itself is also moving."
2016-04-10,"Top secret ""28 pages"" may hold clues about Saudi support for 9/11 hijackers"
2016-04-10,Ukraine Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk has just resigned
2016-04-10,Huge turnout as thousands attend Downing Street protest calling for David Cameron's resignation
2016-04-10,"Cameron's 70,000 tax dodge revealed: PM received 200,000 gift from his mother in a bid to avoid death duties, new figures released by Downing St show"
2016-04-10,"Temple in Kerala hosts a fireworks competition after being denied permission, fire breaks out, 85 confirmed dead, hundreds injured"
2016-04-10,"Scientists have added a one-atom thick layer of graphene to solar panels, which enables them to generate electricity from raindrops"
2016-04-10,Congo expels American researcher after he published a report linking soldiers to the massacres of civilians.
2016-04-10,Migrant crisis: Macedonia repels migrants with tear gas at Greece border
2016-04-10,Strong earthquake jolts Pakistan
2016-04-10,"The Lancet: Half of all maternal, child, and newborn deaths could be prevented for $4.70 per person. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funded study has found that for only $4.70 each 4 million lives could be saved each year. Spending on family planning alone could save 1.5 million lives annually."
2016-04-10,"Islamist militants kill 18 soldiers, behead 4, in Philippines clashes"
2016-04-10,Obama may visit nuclear ground zero: Hiroshima
2016-04-10,Egypt gives Red Sea islands to Saudi Arabia
2016-04-10,Venezuela energy crisis: President tells women to stop using hairdryers and go with 'natural' style to save electricity
2016-04-10,"Bomb explodes in Istanbul, Turkey"
2016-04-10,Syrian prime minister says Russian air force and Syrian army preparing joint operation to liberate Aleppo
2016-04-10,Cameron releases tax returns information in unprecedented move following row over his financial affairs
2016-04-10,The world looks away as blood flows in Burundi | World news
2016-04-10,U.S. needs up to 18 more Russian rocket engines: Pentagon
2016-04-10,"India in talks to buy U.S. Predator drones, has eye on China, Pakistan"
2016-04-10,Officials: Group that hit Brussels planned 2nd France attack
2016-04-10,"David Cameron faces questions over 200,000 gift from mother"
2016-04-10,Russia's Patriarch Kirill: Some Human Rights Are 'Heresy'
2016-04-10,"Melting ice sheets changing the way the Earth wobbles on its axis, says Nasa"
2016-04-10,"Report: Hamas taps over 1,000 terror operatives to dig Gaza tunnels, using building materials and paying hundreds of thousands of dollars per month for the tunnel-building"
2016-04-09,SpaceX successfully lands its rocket on a floating drone ship for the first time
2016-04-09,Corbyn says David Cameron has 'misled the public' and lost their trust
2016-04-09,"Taxpayer 'pays for Samantha Cameron's 53,000-a-year fashion adviser'"
2016-04-09,Uganda's only radiotherapy machine for cancer treatment breaks: thousands will not be able to get life saving treatment
2016-04-09,The U.S. Air Force has deployed B-52 long-range bombers to the Middle East for the first time since the Gulf war ended over 25 years
2016-04-09,"North Korea: ICBM engine test succeeded, North's official KCNA says it would ""guarantee"" an eventual nuclear strike on the US mainland."
2016-04-09,Cameron admits he mishandled Panama Papers row
2016-04-09,"One Third of Iraqis Think US Supports Terrorism, ISIS"
2016-04-09,"Al Qaeda affiliate says it killed Bangladeshi blogger, group says: ""Machete-wielding attackers in the Bangladeshi capital of Dhaka killed Samad, 26, the sixth secularist writer or publisher to be killed in the city in the last 14 months."""
2016-04-09,"China Blocks Economist and Time Websites, Apparently Over Xi Jinping Articles"
2016-04-09,"1 in 50 British men are unknowingly raising a child which isn't theirs, research suggests"
2016-04-09,Paris attacks suspect Mohamed Abrini arrested
2016-04-09,Norway won't take any more refugees from EU
2016-04-09,"UK government goes on confiscation spree of mobility equipment from the disabled. Since 2013, more than 17,000 disabled people have had their mobility cars, powered wheelchairs, or scooters taken away. By 2018, it is predicted that 90,000 motability vehicles will be repossessed."
2016-04-09,Police raid El Salvador branch of Panama Papers law firm
2016-04-09,Former Governor of Iceland's Central Bank now named in the Panama Papers
2016-04-09,German migrant coordinator calls for doubling deportations
2016-04-09,Every Voter in Philippines Exposed in Mega Hack
2016-04-09,"Two-thirds of voters do not trust the new Icelandic government, sworn in yesterday"
2016-04-09,First freight train links Wuhan in central China and Lyons in France
2016-04-09,Trudeau says he has no money in offshore accounts
2016-04-09,"Sex tape scandal was work of Putin, says Russian political activist exposed in video"
2016-04-09,"Police operation & evacuation in Brussels, emergency vehicles at scene - report"
2016-04-09,"TransCanada estimates that about 16,800 gallons of oil leaked into a field in South Dakota as part of a spill that has shut the Keystone pipeline down while officials investigate."
2016-04-09,"European storks become couch potatoes and junk food junkies: Instead of migrating to Africa, storks are spending their winters feeding at landfills in Spain and Portugal. Storks across Europe are staying put due to availability of food waste at dumps - which causes some problems."
2016-04-08,David Cameron admits he did have a stake in father Ian Cameron's offshore investment fund
2016-04-08,"Big oil spent $115m obstructing climate laws in 2015, NGO says"
2016-04-08,Edward Snowdens David Cameron Tweet Tells Public to Rise Up and Force PMs Resignation
2016-04-08,"David Cameron facing calls to resign after finally confessing he did profit from 30,000 stake in his late father's offshore fund"
2016-04-08,Pope tell catholics to be more open toward gays and lesbians
2016-04-08,Thousands protesters to descend on Downing Street over PM's offshore links
2016-04-08,"After Australian ISP offers free data day to make up for widespread outage, customers use 2686 terabytes of data. This includes a single user downloading nearly a terabyte of data in 24 hours, including all of wikipedia, 24 seasons of the simpsons, 14 seasons of mythbusters, and backing it up."
2016-04-08,"Malawi Chief Annuls 850 Child Marriages, Sends Kids To School."
2016-04-08,"In an unannounced move, David Cameron has decided not to replace former climate change envoy, forfeiting his promised fight against climate change"
2016-04-08,Canadian PM Trudeau calls for global co-operation to crack down on offshore tax evasion in wake of Panama Papers scandal
2016-04-08,China's Great Firewall inventor forced to use VPN live on stage to dodge his own creation
2016-04-08,UK chancellor George Osborne benefited personally from a 6m tax dodging scheme
2016-04-08,"A Saudi Arabia-led military coalition used bombs supplied by the United States in an attack on a market in Yemen last month that killed at least 97 civilians, including 25 children, Human Rights Watch said in a report released Wednesday."
2016-04-08,Panama Papers leaked from law firm Mossack Fonseca uncover the exclusive club that lines the pockets of Palestine's political and financial elite
2016-04-08,13 North Korean workers at overseas restaurants defect to S. Korea
2016-04-08,David Cameron accused of 'completely undermining' Tory claims to be tough on tax dodgers
2016-04-08,"The U.S. Treasury Department intends to soon issue a long-delayed rule forcing banks to seek the identities of people behind shell-company account holders, after the ""Panama Papers"" leak provoked a global uproar over the hiding of wealth via offshore banking devices"
2016-04-08,Disgraced former FIFA boss Sepp Blatter to serve on panel on how to fix FIFA
2016-04-08,Female police officers subjected to 'attractiveness' inspections in Mexico
2016-04-08,"Global warming may be far worse than thought, cloud analysis suggests. Researchers find clouds contain more liquid as opposed to ice than was previously believed, threatening greater increase in temperatures."
2016-04-08,17+ Civilians Killed in U.S. Airstrikes
2016-04-08,Terror suspect Mohammed Abrini arrested
2016-04-08,Saudi Arabia's king announces a bridge is to be built over the Red Sea to Egypt
2016-04-08,"9,000 Ethiopian Jews to make aliyah in June"
2016-04-08,Denmark arrests four suspected 'Islamic State' returnees
2016-04-07,David Cameron personally intervened to prevent tax crackdown on offshore trusts
2016-04-07,Panama Papers reveal London as centre of 'spider's web'
2016-04-07,Edward Snowden says Panama Papers show whistleblower role is 'vital' - British Columbia
2016-04-07,A record 43% of Icelanders would now vote for the Pirate Party
2016-04-07,"Linking to Pirated Content Is Not Copyright Infringement, Says EU Court Adviser"
2016-04-07,China ramps up Panama Papers censorship after leaders' relatives named | World news
2016-04-07,Sarah Ferguson (the Duchess of York) and Simon Cowell named in Panama Papers
2016-04-07,David Cameron left dangerously exposed by Panama Papers fallout
2016-04-07,"Panama Papers only a glimpse into 'astonishing' wealth stashed offshore; Tax Justice Network, an international research and advocacy organization estimates that as of 2010, there was between $21 and $32 trillion kept in offshore holding representing between 8-13% of total global wealth."
2016-04-07,Beijing says North Korea has become an increasing threat to China
2016-04-07,"Secular Activist in Bangladesh Is Killed After Criticizing Militant Islam: Men armed with machetes surrounded the activist, Mohammad Nazim Uddin, and slashed his head, then shot him, a police official said."
2016-04-07,German comedian could face jail for insulting Erdogan
2016-04-07,"Polish women are trolling anti-abortion Prime Minister Beata Szydlo with updates on their periods, inspired by similar actions in Indiana"
2016-04-07,UK Banks must declare links to Panama Papers law firm by next week
2016-04-07,CEO of Austrian bank resigns because of Panama Papers coverage
2016-04-07,Dutch say 'no' to treaty with Ukraine and 32% vote: Nos exit poll
2016-04-07,At least three of the seven people on the Chinese Communist Politiburo named in Panama Papers
2016-04-07,"President Putin denies ""any element of corruption"" over Panama leaks"
2016-04-07,Venezuela Declares Every Friday a Holiday to Save Electricity
2016-04-07,France passes law making it illegal to pay for sex
2016-04-07,WikiLeaks: US Govt Behind Panama Leaks to Attack Putin
2016-04-07,South Africa considers legalizing rhino horn trade; live harvesting of horns and selling them touted as way to stave off possible extinction because of increasing illegal killing
2016-04-07,Vladimir Putin says the Panama Papers leak is part of Western efforts to weaken Russia | Europe | News
2016-04-07,Terrorists behind Pakistan Easter bombing vow more attacks on Christians
2016-04-07,"4 ISIS suspects arrested, weapons seized in Denmark, police say"
2016-04-06,The Prime Minister of Iceland has resigned
2016-04-06,Panama Papers: British Banker Funded North Korean Arms
2016-04-06,Tigers declared extinct in Cambodia
2016-04-06,"Iceland PM did not fully resign, merely asked deputy to take over ""for an unspecified amount of time"""
2016-04-06,Panama Papers: WikiLeaks calls for data leak to be released in full
2016-04-06,"Panama Papers firm linked to over 1,000 U.S. companies"
2016-04-06,Fifa president Gianni Infantino pulled into corruption scandal by Panama Papers
2016-04-06,Saudi Arabia passes Russia as worlds third biggest military spender
2016-04-06,Sperm Whales Found Full of Car Parts and Plastics
2016-04-06,German Officials: Suspects In Cologne Attacks Mostly Foreign
2016-04-06,Syrian rebels massacre Kurdish civilians in Aleppo
2016-04-06,Google offers Cubans free computer and Internet use
2016-04-06,France places Panama back on list of tax havens
2016-04-06,First Time Ever: Canadian bank fined $1.1M by anti-money laundering agency
2016-04-06,Iceland: PM Sigmundur Dav Gunnlaugsson Wavers On Resignation
2016-04-06,Israel tears down seven Palestinian homes in 24 hours
2016-04-06,"Jackie Chan, Pedro Almodovar among celebrities implicated by Panama Papers"
2016-04-06,Poverty in Russia Rising at Fastest Pace Since 1990s Turmoil
2016-04-06,"ISIS video game encourages players to ""Shoot Obama"""
2016-04-06,"After F-16s, US to give nine AH-1Z Viper attack helicopters worth $170 million to Pakistan"
2016-04-06,"Two members of French far-right leader Marine Le Pens entourage moved hundreds of thousands of euros by way of offshore companies in recent years, according to France's daily Le Monde"
2016-04-06,Chile's head of Transparency International resigns after 'Panama Papers'
2016-04-06,"2,000-year-old bronze artifacts tied to temple unearthed near Sea of Galilee"
2016-04-06,"A 6.9 event has occurred off the coast of Vanuatu, just a few days after another 6.9 event. No Tsunami warning."
2016-04-06,Cops hacked the Police National Computer to unlawfully retain suspects' biometric data
2016-04-05,China announces sanctions on North Korea
2016-04-05,BP to pay US government $20.8 billion for Gulf oil disaster
2016-04-05,The 19-year-old who started a massive protest movement in Hong Kong says HSBC won't let him open bank accounts for his new political party
2016-04-05,Iceland's PM asks president to dissolve parliament after allegations he concealed investments in offshore company
2016-04-05,"World figures deny wrongdoing as ""Panama Papers"" turn spotlight on tax evasion"
2016-04-05,"A trove of leaked documents casts HSBC Holdings into a harsh light, as a consortium of investigative journalists said it found the bank was among the most active in registering shell companies that move money around the world on behalf of rich and politically connected clients"
2016-04-05,Panama Papers Live Update Discussion Thread
2016-04-05,The entire Turkish citizenship database has allegedly been leaked online
2016-04-05,"600 Israeli companies, 850 shareholders listed in Panama data leak"
2016-04-05,Thousands demand PM's resignation in front of Iceland's parliament - Tomorrow's session has been cancelled after Panama Papers revelations
2016-04-05,"US-based McClatchy Washington Bureau, one of the few American publication to receive the Panama Papers, has begun releasing US citizens named in the files"
2016-04-05,"Renewed calls for Yahoo! to ban ivory sales - A recent investigation revealed that 93% of 6,000 advertisements on Yahoo! Japan on a single day in 2015 were for ivory name seals."
2016-04-05,'Suspicious activity' at N. Korea nuke site
2016-04-05,"Helen Clark, the former prime minister of New Zealand, has entered the race to succeed Ban Ki-moon as secretary general of the United Nations in a bid to become the first woman in the role of worlds top diplomat."
2016-04-05,Air France said it would allow female cabin crew and pilots to opt out of flying routes to Tehran after some staff said they did not want to be forced to cover their hair when in Iran.
2016-04-05,Panama Papers Causes Chile Head of Transparency International to Resign
2016-04-05,"PM Modi steps in: Income Tax, RBI panel to probe Panama Papers trail"
2016-04-05,ISIL uses mustard gas in Syria
2016-04-05,"The worlds largest primate is being wiped out by war: Back in 1998, a team of researchers estimated that 17,000 Grauers gorillas, also known as eastern lowland gorillas, lived in the forests of eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Since then, the population of Grauers gorillas has dropped by 77%"
2016-04-05,Two more Chinese political leaders found to have links to offshore firms - Panama Papers leaks
2016-04-05,Federal funding for Australia's largest Islamic school stopped after review
2016-04-05,US Navy ship seizes thousands of weapons from Iranian ship bound for Yemen.
2016-04-05,Physicists just discovered a new state of matter called quantum spin liquid
2016-04-05,Azerbaijani soldiers behead Yezidi from Armenia
2016-04-05,"IMF fears Greece ""disaster"" in leaked meeting revelation"
2016-04-04,"2.6 terabyte leak of Panamanian shell company data reveals ""how a global industry led by major banks, legal firms, and asset management companies secretly manages the estates of politicians, Fifa officials, fraudsters and drug smugglers, celebrities and professional athletes."""
2016-04-04,China censors Panama Papers online discussion
2016-04-04,David Cameron's dad and Tory MPs named in leak about tax haven firm
2016-04-04,Iceland PM: I will not resign
2016-04-04,Revealed: the $2bn offshore trail that leads to Vladimir Putin
2016-04-04,#Panamapapers see Iceland's Prime Minister faced with calls for a snap election. The Icelandic Pirate Party have an overwhelming lead in the polls.
2016-04-04,"New report claims 'war on drugs' has ""harmed public health"""
2016-04-04,Panama vows to cooperate if legal fallout from 'Panama Papers' leak
2016-04-04,Laundered cash from Britains largest gold bullion robbery was hidden with the help of an audacious plan hatched with advice from Mossack Fonsecas co-founder.
2016-04-04,Mossack Fonseca warns customers of unauthorised Panamaleaks data breach that is set to be revealed in the news
2016-04-04,Half of Scotland's energy consumption came from renewables last year | 57.7% of Scottish electricity consumption came from renewables in 2015 - 7.7% ahead of the 50% target.
2016-04-04,Interpol head detective in Venezuela charged with smuggling 769lbs of cocaine to the Dominican Republic
2016-04-04,Vietnam's coast guard in a rare move has seized a Chinese vessel for allegedly intruding in its water
2016-04-04,"Japan is witnessing a record number of compensation claims related to death from overwork, or karoshi, a phenomenon previously associated with the long-suffering salary man that is increasingly afflicting young and female employees."
2016-04-04,Panama Papers - FIFA official Damiani under suspicion
2016-04-04,Australian Tax office investigating 800 Australians identified in financial record leak
2016-04-04,"""Privacy is a fundamental human right that is being eroded more and more in the modern world. Each person has a right to privacy, whether they are a king or a beggar,"", says Mossack Fonseca founder."
2016-04-04,Official Silence In Russia Over Putin Allegations In Panama Papers: State-owned Russian media was silent Monday over documents allegedly showing a multi-billion dollar money-laundering scheme run by close associates of President Vladimir Putin
2016-04-04,Germany Spied on Both U.S. and Israel: Report
2016-04-04,Charlie Hebdo criticised for calling Brussels attacks tip of Islam 'iceberg'
2016-04-04,Tax authorities begin probes into some people named in Panama Papers leak
2016-04-04,Australian tax office probes hundreds for possible tax evasion after Panama Papers leak
2016-04-04,IS rocket expert 'killed by drone' - US
2016-04-04,The United Nations' internal investigations office has uncovered serious lapses and due-diligence failures in the world body's interaction with organizations tied to an alleged bribery scheme involving a former U.N. General Assembly president
2016-04-04,Interpol head detective in Venezuela charged with smuggling 769lbs of cocaine to the Dominican Republic
2016-04-03,Cyprus criminalizes denial of 1915 Armenian genocide by Turks
2016-04-03,Tsunami warning after Magnitude 7.2 earthquake off Vanuatu
2016-04-03,Kenyan Muslim man who died protecting Christians in terror attack awarded top honour
2016-04-03,Air France cabin crew angered by ruling to wear headscarves in Tehran
2016-04-03,Brazil's government sounded the alarm Saturday over meager sales of Olympic tickets and public apathy just five months before Rio hosts South America's first Summer Games.
2016-04-03,"Iraqi forces free 1,500 ISIS prisoners from underground dungeon"
2016-04-03,"After an 18-month battle, the Federal Court has ruled that Valve was in breach of Australian consumer law."
2016-04-03,Star of David found engraved into an ancient Temple arouses bustle in Egypt
2016-04-03,At least 30 soldiers and a boy were reported killed as heavy fighting erupted on Saturday between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces over the separatist region of Nagorno-Karabakh.
2016-04-03,Taliban app removed from Google Play Store following investigation by The Foreign Desk
2016-04-03,Turkish president: We stand with Azerbaijan to the end. Erdogan has vowed to back Azerbaijan in the conflict with Armenia over the separatist region of Nagorno-Karabakh
2016-04-03,"Potential Viking site found in Newfoundland, Canada"
2016-04-03,"100 GW solar capacity by 2017, 5 years ahead of schedule- India"
2016-04-03,"After WikiLeaks Revelation, Greece Asks I.M.F. to Clarify Bailout Plan"
2016-04-03,U.S. F-15s deployed to Iceland
2016-04-03,"Indian priest who was reported to have been crucified on Good Friday by ISIS, still alive and 'could be freed soon'"
2016-04-03,A British doctor has been secretly filmed describing how he prescribed banned performance-enhancing drugs to 150 elite sportsmen
2016-04-03,Bahraini citizens protest for human rights ahead of Formula One race
2016-04-03,"4,000 millionaires left India in 2015"
2016-04-03,Fire rips through Russian defense ministry building in Moscow
2016-04-03,Mass grave found in Syria's Palmyra
2016-04-03,Illegal Jewish schools: Department of Education knew about council faith school cover-up as thousands of pupils 'disappeared'
2016-04-03,Obama Warns of Nuclear Terrorism Threat
2016-04-03,Surgeons save Brazilian man's hand from amputation by sewing it into his belly : 'Its a really weird feeling trying to wiggle my fingers inside my body'
2016-04-03,Delta: Atlanta to Brussels service suspended
2016-04-02,Bill Gates is investing $2B to renewable energy technologies
2016-04-02,Heavy fighting has broken out between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces along the front lines of the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region
2016-04-02,A hacker rigged elections across Latin American countries in favor of right-wing candidates for almost eight years
2016-04-02,Russia accuses Turkey of smuggling weapons to ISIS
2016-04-02,"The White House Censors French President over using ""Islamist Terrorism"""
2016-04-02,Wikileaks reveals conversation between the Director of IMF in Europe and IMF mission chief in Greece
2016-04-02,Russian Economy Shrunk 3.7 Percent Last Year
2016-04-02,"The number of migrants entering Germany from Austria fell more than seven times in March to below 5,000 due to the introduction of border controls by countries along the Balkans migrant route, an interior ministry official said on Saturday."
2016-04-02,French troops accused of 'forcing girls into bestiality' in CAR
2016-04-02,"10,000 millionaires left France last year - CNN"
2016-04-02,Citibank And HSBC Worked With Firm At Center Of International Bribery Scandal
2016-04-02,"Forests still large enough to double the world's tiger population, study finds. Satellite maps show tiger habitat is being lost but still adequate for meeting international goal of doubling tiger numbers by 2022."
2016-04-02,N. Korea denounces UN Security Council for rejecting call for sanctions against USA
2016-04-02,"Ontario, Canada troubled by US plan to draw water from Great Lakes"
2016-04-02,GlaxoSmithKline to 'drop patents in poor countries for better drug access'
2016-04-02,India furious as China blocks U.N. blacklisting of militant chief
2016-04-02,"The Philippine National Police opened fire to farmer protesters who demanded the release of aid after the city is in state of calamity from drought for 3 months (Kidapawan, Philippines)"
2016-04-02,"The threat from terrorists trying to launch a nuclear attack that would ""change our world"" is real, President Barack Obama has said."
2016-04-02,Russia claims Turkish NGOs are 'main supplier' of extremists in Syria
2016-04-02,"Experts have found evidence of a large fire in which at least 17 bodies were burned at a dump in southern Mexico, a member of the investigating team said Friday, in the latest twist in the case of 43 missing teachers' college students"
2016-04-02,"Amid Clashes, Greece Presses On With Plan to Deport Migrants"
2016-04-02,For the first time in more than 40 years a Sumatran rhino has been found in Indonesian Borneo
2016-04-02,"Finland, Russia agree to close Arctic border for migrants"
2016-04-02,Saudi Arabia 'on course to double number of beheadings this year'
2016-04-02,"Obama says US avoids hitting women and children in drone strikes, but acknowledges, 'Civilians were killed that shouldn't have been' in the past"
2016-04-01,Reddit deletes surveillance 'warrant canary' in transparency report
2016-04-01,The headquarters of the Monaco-based oil company Unaoil and the homes of its executives have been raided by police in the wake of revelations in recent days that it has systematically corrupted the global oil industry.
2016-04-01,"Daily NK reports North Korea declares China an enemy and threatens a ""nuclear storm"" against them"
2016-04-01,World's Richest Banker Charged With Bribery
2016-04-01,"Rural Canadians Want the Govt to Fix Their Shitty Internet, Survey Says"
2016-04-01,"North Korea has officially announced it is blocking YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and South Korean websites in a move that underscores its increasing concern with the spread of information available on the Internet."
2016-04-01,Indonesian government threatens to deport Leonardo DiCaprio for palm oil criticism - Immigration chief Ronny Sompie says Oscar-winners visa could be revoked after comments made on environmental campaign visit but DiCaprio appears to have left the country already
2016-04-01,"Discovery Could Rewrite History of Vikings in New World: Archaeologists have unearthed a stone hearth that was used for iron-working, 100's of miles away from the only known Viking site in N.America suggesting that Norse exploration of the region wasn't a limited undertaking."
2016-04-01,"Protests erupt during Erdogan visit to Washington, D.C."
2016-04-01,Obama meets with Japan and South Korea today to discuss growing tensions with North Korea.
2016-04-01,Hacker claims he helped Enrique Pea Nieto win Mexican presidential election; claims he and other hackers installed malware to monitor opponents during 2012 campaign as part of black propaganda operation
2016-04-01,British Columbias Carbon Tax Has Been So Successful That Businesses Want To Increase It - It's reduced fuel usage by at least 16% & emissions fell 3.5 times faster per capita than in the rest of the country.
2016-04-01,"Right-wing, anti-Islam protest in Brussels' Molenbeek district banned"
2016-04-01,Saudi Arabia Plans $2 Trillion Megafund for Post-Oil Era: Deputy Crown Prince
2016-04-01,Norways Whaling Program Just Got Even More Controversial: A new document shows meat from whale hunts going to a company that makes feed for animals on fur farms.
2016-04-01,"A British Islamic extremist is found guilty of planning a terrorist attack on American military personnel in Britain. Delivery driver Junead Khan, 25, used his job with a pharmaceutical firm as cover to scout United States Air Force (Usaf) bases in East Anglia, his trial heard."
2016-04-01,"Amid North Korean Threat: South Korea will develop a Devastating Graphite Bomb called The Black Out Bomb; Carried by cruise missiles, the bomb explodes above its target, releasing fine carbon filaments which float down in a cloud melting electrical grids.They will develop it on a massive budget."
2016-04-01,North Korea says its attacks will be worse than September 11 | NK News - North Korea News
2016-04-01,"World's obese population hits 640 million, according to largest ever study"
2016-04-01,A man on the Egypt Air flight rang his wife to tell her about a secret bank account and one man slept through the hijack
2016-04-01,"North Korea jamming GPS signals in South; can affect planes, cellphones"
2016-04-01,North Korea nuclear tests: US and China to co-operate
2016-04-01,China Unveils Proposal for $50 Trillion for Global Electricity Network
2016-04-01,Frustration erupts in three-hour brawl between Afghans and Syrians at Greek refugee camp
2016-04-01,North Korea fires another missile into sea
2016-03-31,"Amnesty Int. has accused Qatar of using forced labor at World Cup stadium. Amnesty says workers are forced to live in squalid conditions, pay huge recruitment fees, have wages and passports withheld. It accuses Fifa of ""failing almost completely"" to stop the tournament ""built on human rights abuses"""
2016-03-31,"The FBI, US Department of Justice and anti-corruption police in Britain and Australia have launched a joint investigation into revelations of a massive global bribery racket in the oil industry."
2016-03-31,"Norway's integration minister: We can't be like Sweden - A tight immigration policy and tougher requirements for those who come to Norway are important tools for avoiding radicalisation and parallel societies, Integration Minister Sylvi Listhaug said on Wednesday."
2016-03-31,"French minister compares veil wearers to 'negroes who accepted slavery': France's women's rights minister has sparked fury by comparing Muslim women who choose to wear the headscarf to ""negroes who accepted slavery""."
2016-03-31,Pirate Bay allowed to continue operating by Sweeden Court
2016-03-31,ISIS forbids remaining Christians from leaving Raqqa
2016-03-31,"Government surveillance has 'chilling effect' on free speech, study finds"
2016-03-31,"A US based advocacy group says 98 girls in Central African Republic reported they were sexually abused by international peacekeepers and three girls told that they were undressed, tied and forced to have sex with dogs by a French military commander in 2014."
2016-03-31,"ISIS Threatens Germany, Calls For Attack On International Airport - An official Islamic State media wing launched a campaign urging ISIS supporters: ""Do what your brothers in Belgium did!"""
2016-03-31,South Africa's President Zuma ordered by constitutional court to repay costs of upgrading house with public money
2016-03-31,Massive Weapons Haul Intercepted By French Navy
2016-03-31,Electric Vehicle Sales Continue To Be Unstoppable In China Up 170%
2016-03-31,50 years of military rule over in Myanmar
2016-03-31,Poland Set to Demolish 500 Soviet Monuments
2016-03-31,U.S. to deploy armored brigade combat teams to Europe
2016-03-31,"British, Australian and American police launch investigations in global oil bribery scandal"
2016-03-31,"A wing of a far-right party in Germany is readying a proposal to ban the ""construction and operation"" of mosques."
2016-03-31,North Korea Sends Drones to Infiltrate South's Airspace
2016-03-31,Modi in Brussels: Define terrorism or UN may become irrelevant
2016-03-31,"EgyptAir hijacker arrested in Cyprus; officials call him an 'idiot,' not a terrorist"
2016-03-31,Japanese regulators on Wednesday approved the use of a giant refrigeration system to create an unprecedented underground frozen barrier around buildings at the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant in an attempt to contain leaking radioactive water
2016-03-31,"Global sea levels could rise by more than double the current best estimate, according to a new analysis of climate change in Antarctica."
2016-03-31,"Ex-wife says Egyptian hijacker abusive, beat her and their kids"
2016-03-31,"North Korean Citizens told to get ready for famine: ""get ready to eat plant roots"""
2016-03-31,"UK plans to track all internet connections could cost 1bn, campaigners warn. Home Office is told its plans in the snoopers charter to retain web browsing history of all British citizens for 12 months would cost in excess of 1bn"
2016-03-30,Hundreds of thousands of leaked emails reveal massively widespread corruption in global oil industry
2016-03-30,"Using Adblock Plus to block ads is legal, rules German courtfor the fifth time"
2016-03-30,Apple wants the FBI to reveal how it hacked the San Bernardino killer's iPhone
2016-03-30,"'War on Drugs' has made no difference to number of users & actively harms public health, major study concludes - Report authors call for ""scientifically grounded"" policies, including regulated markets for cannabis"
2016-03-30,Fracking Triggers 90% of Large Quakes in Western Canada
2016-03-30,Turkey 'demands deletion' of German video mocking Erdoan
2016-03-30,90% of Indigenous in Brazil's Amazon Suffer Mercury Poisoning
2016-03-30,Satire spat: Germany tells Turkey free speech not negotiable: A Foreign Ministry spokeswoman says German diplomats told their Turkish counterparts Tuesday theres no chance the government will intervene over the song Germanys position on freedom of the press and expression isnt negotiable.
2016-03-30,Chinese government is arresting the families of Chinese critics and journalists abroad.
2016-03-30,"Mass surveillance silences minority opinions, according to study"
2016-03-30,BBC Says Russias Troll Factory Faked a Video Showing a US Soldier Shooting at a Quran
2016-03-30,"Costa Rican men convicted for killing conservationist & raping volunteers - 4 of 7 men sentenced for murder of Jairo Mora, who worked to protect sea turtles with 4 female volunteers. Savagery of attack dealt severe blow to the countrys image as a safe, eco-tourist-friendly destination."
2016-03-30,U.S. orders military families to leave parts of Turkey
2016-03-30,"Scientists say a 305 million-year-old fossil is the closest relative to ""true spiders"" ever discovered - but is not itself a spider. Easily pre-dating the dinosaurs, the 1.5cm creature lived alongside the oldest known ancestors of modern spiders but its lineage is now extinct."
2016-03-30,The politicians voting to impeach Brazil's president are accused of more corruption than she is
2016-03-30,"Former Canadian minister Jean Lapierre, his wife and three of his siblings killed in plane crash on way to father's funeral"
2016-03-30,Brazil president closer to impeachment as coalition partner quits
2016-03-30,Saudi authorities reportedly seek death penalty for coming out
2016-03-30,"Chinese journalist denounces president Xi Jinping in resignation letter: ""Ive been kneeling so long I cant bear it. Id like to change posture"""
2016-03-30,$600 Million Worth Smuggling Operation Nailed by US and Hong Kong Authorities
2016-03-30,Obama administration to allow Atlantic oil prospecting despite threat to marine life
2016-03-30,FBI warned Dutch about El Bakraoui brothers week before attacks
2016-03-30,Several loud explosions followed by heavy gunfire were heard over Tripoli in the early hours of Wednesday
2016-03-30,"German prosecutor: Hard to convict 'Islamic State' returnees - Germany's top state prosecutor says often nothing can be proven against members of terrorist groups returning from war zones. ""Islamic State"" returnees can rarely be convicted on murder charges."
2016-03-30,"Child labor rises sharply in Gaza: In the past five years, the number of working children between the ages of 10 and 17 has doubled."
2016-03-29,"EgyptAir Domestic Flight From Alexandria to Cairo Hijacked, Lands in Cyprus"
2016-03-29,Israel passes law to cap bankers' salaries: Israel has introduced one of the worlds toughest curbs on bank executives salaries in an effort to narrow a big pay gap between bosses and workers. It was approved in parliament overnight in a 56-0 vote and will take effect in six months.
2016-03-29,U$1bn poured so rapidly into Malaysian PM's personal bank accounts that it rang money-laundering alarms
2016-03-29,"Many millions of Muslims 'fundamentally incompatible with the modern world', says Tony Blair"
2016-03-29,ISIS planning imminent attack on Jewish schools and kindergartens
2016-03-29,North Korea Tells Citizens To Prepare Themselves For Famine
2016-03-29,Canada has imposed sanctions on North Korea.
2016-03-29,"Palestinian fabricated 'Jewish terror attack', now faces charges."
2016-03-29,2nd major skyscraper fire in 3 months - UAE residential tower engulfed in flames
2016-03-29,"Falkland Islands lie in Argentinian waters, rules UN commission"
2016-03-29,"Indian Supreme Court agreed on Monday to hear a Muslim woman's petition seeking to declare 'Triple Talaq' and polygamy in Islam unconstitutional, despite strong opposition from influential Islamic bodies of judicial scrutiny of Muslim personal law practices"
2016-03-29,Japan's retirees turn to crime for a better life in prison
2016-03-29,Egypt's state-run news agency says the president has dismissed the country's top auditor who earlier had said corruption has cost the country billions of dollars
2016-03-29,CIA used nude photos as sexual humiliation on post-9/11 terror suspects: report
2016-03-29,"""Saudi Arabia's largest dairy company will soon be unable to farm alfalfa in its own parched country to feed its 170,000 cows. So it's turning to an unlikely place to grow the water-chugging crop -- the drought-stricken American Southwest."""
2016-03-29,China editor resigns over media censorship
2016-03-29,Russian weapons exports expected to receive $6bn-$7bn boost as result of marketing effect of bombing campaign in Syria
2016-03-29,"Putin Faces Information Attack on Wealth, Friends, Russia Says:The Kremlin accused a group of international journalists of preparing an information attack on President Vladimir Putins wealth and his ties to billionaire oligarchs"
2016-03-29,"Terrorists who targeted park filled with children are 'cowards', says Pakistan PM"
2016-03-29,"North Korea Fires Another Missile, Just as Obama Prepares for Trilateral Meeting"
2016-03-29,Turkey summoned German ambassador over satirical report: Spiegel
2016-03-29,Saudi Economy Shows Deepening Signs of Strain as Spending Drops
2016-03-29,"Arctic sea ice sets wintertime record low thanks to global warming. Arctic temperatures this winter were up to 15 degrees higher than average, according to NASA."
2016-03-29,ISIS executes 12 of its members relatives over intel links
2016-03-29,Brussels attacks: 'Fight the westerners' text sent to youths in Molenbeek
2016-03-28,An aerial survey of the northern Great Barrier Reef in Australia has shown that 95 per cent of the reefs are now severely bleached and about half of the corals are expected to die in the coming month.
2016-03-28,Top medical experts say we should decriminalize all drugs & maybe go even further - Their report comes ahead of a special UN General Assembly Session on drugs to be held next month
2016-03-28,Japan Loses Contact With New Space Telescope
2016-03-28,"Saudi Arabia Cracks Down On Peaceful Dissent, Sentences Journalist To 5 Yrs In Prison - over a series of tweets, in what human rights organizations are calling the latest crackdown on free expression by the oil-rich kingdom."
2016-03-28,"Saudi Arabia doesn't need elections even though Syria does, ambassador claims: Elections are unnecessary in Saudi Arabia because its people are happier with the current system of government than almost any other country in the world, the kingdom's UN ambassador has claimed."
2016-03-28,"Most British workers are spending longer at their workplace for little or no gain in productivity, according to a landmark study being released this week. More than two-thirds of employees say they are working longer hours than two years ago, but only 10% believe they are more productive."
2016-03-28,"Turkey is deliberately 'unleashing' Isis terrorists into Europe, says Jordan's King Abdullah"
2016-03-28,"Palmyra ruins mostly intact, Syria antiquities chief reports after regime forces recaptured the desert oasis from the Islamic State group."
2016-03-28,Fidel Castro to Obama: We don't need your 'presents'
2016-03-28,"Preserved ice age puppies recovered from Siberian permafrost awe scientists - dating back 12,460 years has mobilized scientists across the world."
2016-03-28,Belgium releases terror murder suspect
2016-03-28,"Russia is considering building a naval base on islands off northern Japan, an area that includes territory at the center of a long-running spat between Tokyo and Moscow"
2016-03-28,"Thousands of protesters have clashed with police near parliament in the Pakistani capital, Islamabad, against the execution of a man charged with murdering a governor for his criticism of blasphemy laws."
2016-03-28,Brazil seizes abortion drugs sent to women living in fear of zika virus
2016-03-28,Chinese Scientists Say They Have the Ability To Clone Humans
2016-03-28,Unemployment in France reaches new high
2016-03-28,Israel urges citizens to leave Turkey ASAP
2016-03-28,Scores killed in blast at family park in Lahore aimed at Christians
2016-03-28,London Priest loses 500K meant for refugees gambling
2016-03-28,"Another Nation Trims Meat From Diet Advice: ""The Netherlands Nutrition Centre says it is recommending people eat just two servings of meat a week, setting an explicit limit on meat consumption for the first time."""
2016-03-28,NSA director made secret visit to Israel last week
2016-03-28,Dutch arrest Frenchman suspected in planning attack
2016-03-28,"Taliban faction says carried out suicide bomb attack on Pakistan park, says Christians were target"
2016-03-28,Moldova: Thousands march for reunification with Romania
2016-03-28,Suspect arrested in Honduran activist Nelson Garca's murder: Environmentalist was killed near his house just days after colleague Berta Cceres was fatally shot but critics are accusing government of a cover-up
2016-03-26,"Ten dead, 30 injured in blast outside park in Pakistan's Lahore"
2016-03-26,Secret archive of paedophile crime kept by Catholic Church's insurers
2016-03-26,Syrian army 'recaptures city of Palmyra from ISIL'
2016-03-26,German food minister stands up for pork on public menus: I am worried about pork being taken from school and canteen menus
2016-03-26,Riot police brought in as tensions rise at Place de la Bourse Brussels memorial
2016-03-26,Ireland marks centenary of uprising that led to independence
2016-03-26,Soldier who shot disarmed Palestinian attacker facing murder charge
2016-03-26,"Illegal mining companies in the Brazilian Amazon are poisoning local indigenous communities, as high quantities of mercury have been found in the water and food sources of over 19 Yanomami and Yekuana communities."
2016-03-26,"Thousands line the streets in Dublin, to commemorate the centenary of the 1916 Rising with the largest military parade in the history of the State."
2016-03-26,Al-Qaeda used surface-to-air missile to bring down Emirati fighter jet
2016-03-26,Japan executes two death row inmates
2016-03-26,"Saudi Arabia Cracks Down On 'Peaceful Dissent,' Sentences Journalist To Five Years In Prison"
2016-03-26,'Ruthless' Poachers Butcher South African Rhino
2016-03-26,Beijing has rebuffed a Japanese request that the Chinese government contribute financially to a greenery foundation that supports tree-planting projects in China.
2016-03-26,An eye for an eye: Iran's Supreme Court orders removal of man's eye
2016-03-26,"Kremlin: No Russian troops in Ukraine's Donbass, but there are Russian 'citizens' - RIA"
2016-03-26,"Grounded Ship Splits in 2, Causes Massive Oil Slick in Taiwan - Engines stopped running March 10. Cracks began appearing Thursday, before it split off New Taipei City. Officials haven't been able to work on stranded ship since March 23 due to bad seas & don't expect to resume til next Monday."
2016-03-26,Migrant arrivals to Greece slow to a trickle
2016-03-26,$1.7B Giant Arch to Block Chernobyl Radiation For Next 100 Years
2016-03-26,"Brussels attacks raids uncover ""alarming"" evidence of Europe-wide jihadist cell"
2016-03-26,Italy arrests Algerian suspect wanted in Belgian attacks probe: Italian police have captured an Algerian national suspected of aiding both the Paris and Brussels attackers
2016-03-26,German pacifists protest war and refugee policy in Easter marches: Thousands have demonstrated against war and for a more welcoming refugee policy in 60 marches and vigils across Germany. The rallies were first held during the Cold War to protest the build up of atomic weapons
2016-03-26,"Google was fined 100,000 euros ($112,000) by Frances data-protection authority for failing to remove right-to-be-forgotten requests from global search results."
2016-03-26,Cargo ship reaches space station on resupply run
2016-03-26,Toshiba completes solar-powered hydrogen production/storage system at hotel
2016-03-25,"Suicide bomber hits stadium in Iraqi city, killing 29"
2016-03-25,North Korea releases propaganda film showing Washington under nuclear attack
2016-03-25,ISIS Appears to Be Close to Collapse: Front-line commanders no longer speak of a scarily formidable foe but of Islamic State defenses that crumble within days and fighters who flee at the first sign they are under attack.
2016-03-25,US Navy captain jailed over massive bribery scandal in Pacific; Man who oversaw operations in the US Pacific Fleet provided classified information to a Malaysian defense contractor in exchange for prostitutes
2016-03-25,"Daughter of dead ISIS commander and mother of four, who married to a physician, surrenders to Iraqi Kurds"
2016-03-25,Death toll climbs to 41 in Iraq stadium bombing
2016-03-25,Indian priest 'kidnapped by ISIS' may be crucified on Good Friday
2016-03-25,Muslims vow to fight terrorism in Belgium
2016-03-25,N. Korea threatens to take military action unless S. Korea complies with ultimatum
2016-03-25,Snoopers Charter: Only amendment politicians have submitted to controversial bill is to stop MPs being spied on
2016-03-25,Google to warn Gmail users of government backed attacks in new warnings as tech industry backs Apple in privacy fight
2016-03-25,"Parents in Uganda who fail to vaccinate their kids, will face a six-month prison sentence, according to new law"
2016-03-25,"The US just whacked the guy who handles ISIS's paychecks: ""We are systematically eliminating ISIL's cabinet,"" says the secretary of defense"
2016-03-25,"Sir Richard Branson is hoping to bring back supersonic transatlantic passenger flights, and this time they will be affordable."
2016-03-25,Endangered African rhinos are being relocated to Australia for protection against poachers
2016-03-25,"Obama Apologizes to Argentina for CIA's ""Early Dark Days"""
2016-03-25,"Vladimir Putin has nominated Chechnyas controversial leader Ramzan Kadyrov for a new term in office, despite claims that the Chechen had links to the murder of opposition politician Boris Nemtsov last year."
2016-03-25,Teen [Surrended suicide bomber] in North Cameroon Says She Is a Missing Chibok Girl [Nigerian abductee schoolgirls]
2016-03-25,"British Govt to Repeal Animal Welfare codes - Conservatives are repealing an array of official guidance on standards, starting by putting the code on chicken-farming into the hands of the poultry industry. Other sectors to control their own rules include cattle, sheep & pig farming industries."
2016-03-25,CT Scan Shows Pharoah Ramesses III Murdered by Multiple Assassins - Missing toe reveals more than one plotter. There must've been an assailant with an ax/sword attacking him from the front & another with a knife or dagger attacking him from his back at the same time.
2016-03-25,"Australia's F-35 jet acquisition has hallmarks of Ponzi scheme, inquiry told"
2016-03-25,US govt gives up the internet to California's ICANN. The Govt Advisory Committee was unable to reach 2/3 consensus. A French minister says States will be marginalized by the private sector (GAFA). Some govts feel the 2/3 pre-condition led by the internet community gives too much power to GAFA.
2016-03-25,Poland to ban prescription-free emergency contraception
2016-03-25,"Israeli and Jordanian jets confronted Russian warplanes on Syrian border, king says"
2016-03-25,Man Faces Prison Sentence For Circumventing UK Pirate Site Blockade
2016-03-24,Russian soldier surrounded by ISIS calls in airstrikes on himself
2016-03-24,ISIS's Second-in-Command Killed in Raid
2016-03-24,France arrests man in 'advanced stages' of attack plot
2016-03-24,"Pope washes feet of Muslim migrants, says We are brothers ""In his homily, Francis said: 'We have different cultures and religions, but we are brothers and we want to live in peace.'"""
2016-03-24,Imam at Scotland's largest mosque praises extremist killer
2016-03-24,16 people are missing after a Chinese news site ran a letter asking Xi Jinping to resign
2016-03-24,UN gives Qatar a year to end forced labour of migrant workers
2016-03-24,Brussels attacks: 'Explosion and gunfire heard' during police operations in Schaerbeek
2016-03-24,"The Ukrainian lawyer of captured Russian soldiers has been kidnapped, robbed, shot dead and buried"
2016-03-24,"Islamic State video calls for jihad after Brussels blasts - ""Every Muslim who is well aware of the history of Islam, knows that the holy war against infidels is an integral part of Islam, and those who read history would know."""
2016-03-24,"Car bomb hits Turkey, multiple casualties"
2016-03-24,"A U.N.-backed report says global investments in solar, wind and other sources of renewable energy reached a record $286 billion last year. For the first time the developing world accounted for the majority."
2016-03-24,International medical experts call for global drug decriminalisation
2016-03-24,Two students convicted for London terror plot
2016-03-24,Blasphemy cases rise in Egypt and Christians bear the brunt
2016-03-24,"Intel: North Korea ""Probably"" has a Miniaturized Nuclear Warhead"
2016-03-24,Israeli soldier arrested after being caught on video fatally shooting wounded Palestinian attacker
2016-03-24,"In Twitter blitz, Dubai security chief opposes Palestinian state, urges coalition with Israel"
2016-03-24,FlyDubai crash pilot 'was due to leave job over fatigue'
2016-03-24,Paris terror plot: Man arrested in 'advanced stages' of plan to attack French capital | Europe | News
2016-03-24,Clean energy is winning the race against fossil fuels but the planet is still losing
2016-03-24,Russia's special forces officer killed in Syria: Interfax
2016-03-24,"Scotland Just closed its Last Coal Plant - Longannet ceased operations Thursday. Once was largest in Europe, it shut down before those gathered in the main control room. Ok, here we go, said a worker pressing a red button that stopped the turbines that generated electricity for 1/4 of homes."
2016-03-24,"Hungary proposes ""temporary"" totalitarianism during high terrorist danger levels - anti-terrorist package proposed by cabinet includes altering constitution, army on streets, surveillance of any suspect, ISP record-keeping and forced decryption, absolute eminent domain rights, closed borders."
2016-03-24,Brussels attacks: Belgium fears Isis seeking to make dirty nuclear bomb
2016-03-23,Japan's whaling fleet returns from Antarctic with 333 minke whales including pregnant females
2016-03-23,Brazil descends into chaos as Olympics looms
2016-03-23,"Rockefeller Family Fund divests from fossil fuels, which built family's fortune | It will eliminate holdings of Exxon Mobil Corp, saying the oil company associated with the family fortune has misled the public about climate change risks"
2016-03-23,One of the attackers in the Brussels suicide bombings was deported from Turkey twice last year and the authorities warned their European counterparts that they suspected him of being a militant fighter
2016-03-23,Poland refuses to accept refugees after Brussels attack
2016-03-23,Karadzic jailed for Bosnian genocide. 40 years.
2016-03-23,Flag referendum: New Zealand to keep current flag
2016-03-23,Archeologists who scanned the grave of William Shakespeare say they have made a startling discovery: His skull appears to be missing.
2016-03-23,"With cross-party support in the nations Parliament, Denmark may strip radical imams of their citizenship"
2016-03-23,Nearly half of Englands teachers plan to leave in next five years
2016-03-23,"Turkey had previously deported one of the Brussels terror attackers, notified Belgian authorities, Pres. Erdoan says"
2016-03-23,"What were doing to the Earth has no parallel in 66 million years, scientists say If anthropogenic emissions rates have no analogue in Earths recent history, then unforeseeable future responses of the climate system are possible, the authors write."
2016-03-23,Turkish people are sharing a cartoon asking where the sympathy was for Istanbul and Ankara for their recent terror attacks
2016-03-23,"In a trash can in Brussels, police found a computer with a document suggesting that the attackers acted out of a sense of urgency and desperation after the capture on Friday of Salah Abdeslam, the last surviving direct participant in the Paris attacks."
2016-03-23,"Obama announced the declassification of new documents from the period of the Argentina's Dirty War, when as many as 30,000 Argentines were killed or disappeared. Thousands of records were previously declassified, but for the first time military and intelligence records will be declassified as well."
2016-03-23,Russia to lose Olympic and World Championship gold medals: Russia will lose two World Championship gold medals and an Olympic gold after the Court of Arbitration for Sport upheld an appeal by the IAAF over selective doping punishments imposed by the countrys anti-doping agency
2016-03-23,ISIS trains 400 fighters to attack Europe in wave of bloodshed
2016-03-23,Chinese Buy One-Third of Vancouver Homes: National Bank Estimate
2016-03-23,MH370 search: Mozambique debris 'almost certainly' from missing plane
2016-03-23,"Operation to retake Mosul from the Islamic State is currently underway, according to Iraqi army officials"
2016-03-23,Poland PM Szydlo says migrants cannot be settled in Poland now
2016-03-23,Dutch shut diplomatic post in Istanbul after threat
2016-03-23,France detects first case of mad cow since 2011
2016-03-23,"Argentine court: Death of Alberto Nisman, who accused Pres. Kirchner of cover-up in AMIA bombing, to be investigated as political murder"
2016-03-23,China plans to more than triple solar power capacity by 2020 to as much as 143 gigawatts to help reduce carbon emissions
2016-03-22,The International Criminal Court Recognises Rape as a War Crime
2016-03-22,Former Controversial Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Has Died
2016-03-22,"Tony Blair on extremism ""one of the problems with the West is that it constantly can be made to feel guilty about itself"""
2016-03-22,"U.S. strikes al Qaeda training camp in Yemen, killing dozens"
2016-03-22,IS claims responsibility for Brussels attacks.
2016-03-22,IS flag and bomb found during a house search in Schaarbeek linked to the Brussel attacks.
2016-03-22,ISIS threatens UK with 'harder and more bitter' attack than Brussels after claiming responsibility for bombings which killed 34 people
2016-03-22,"Scientists Warn of Perilous Climate Shift Within Decades, Not Centuries"
2016-03-22,Rare Sumatran rhino sighted in the wild for the first time in 40 years
2016-03-22,"Massive Bleaching Event Hits the Great Barrier Reef: Warm ocean temperatures have impacted large swaths of the Great Barrier Reef in the last month, part of a worldwide coral die-off"
2016-03-22,Terror suspect on the run after 34 killed in Brussels attacks
2016-03-22,"Protesters from some of the poorest communities in Ecuador took to the streets and to social media Tuesday World Water Day, in order to demand that multinational Veolia stops dumping raw sewage into the Saldo Estuary of the littoral city of Guayaquil where they live."
2016-03-22,"The worlds tallest building the Burj Khalifa in Dubai lights up in black, yellow and red to show solidarity with Belgium amid terror attacks."
2016-03-22,Australia's spending $3.3 million to study 'wind turbine sickness' - despite no evidence it exists
2016-03-22,Chile Harvests First Legal Marijuana Crop
2016-03-22,Hydrogen car smashes world records in six-day demonstration around London's M25
2016-03-22,Obama to Castro: Cuban embargo is going to end
2016-03-22,Millions more Russians living in poverty as economic crisis bites. Nearly 20 million now surviving on wages which are below the poverty threshold according to latest state statistics
2016-03-22,Ash tree set for extinction in Europe.
2016-03-22,"British state TV BBC reporter forced off air amid disability rally in parliament - people protesting against disability benefit cuts, chanting Cameron killer"
2016-03-22,"ISIS goes global: 75 attacks in 20 countries have killed 1,280 people - CNN"
2016-03-22,"The German far-right NPD party has taken the highly unusual step of praising refugees for their humanity, after a group of Syrian asylum-seekers administered first aid to one of its candidates involved in a car crash."
2016-03-22,Police find nail bomb in Brussels anti-terror raids
2016-03-22,Trudeaus first budget aims to spur growth with $29-billion deficit
2016-03-22,Netanyahu 'willing' to discuss two-state solution now
2016-03-21,Netherlands will once again need to close prisons due to falling crime rate and lack of prisoners.
2016-03-21,Reports of explosions at Brussels airport
2016-03-21,Two explosions at Brussels airport
2016-03-21,Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has called on Muslims across the world to unite and fight against terrorism posing a threat to the region and the globe.
2016-03-21,Belgian nuclear plant evacuated
2016-03-21,"Turkey says 3 ISIS suspects planning ""sensational"" attack"
2016-03-21,"By 2025, some 1.8 billion people will face absolute water scarcity, and an estimated two-thirds of the world's population could be living under water-stressed condition"
2016-03-21,"Ship carrying 331kg of weapons-grade plutonium, enough to make 50 atomic bombs, leaves Japan for US"
2016-03-21,"Russia says it will unilaterally start using force against those violating the partial truce in Syria, if the US does not agree to joint rules by Tuesday."
2016-03-21,Ethnicity bias - French Canadian referees call significantly more penalties on English Canadian players: university study
2016-03-21,1.8m vip paedophile ring probe closed without single arrest
2016-03-21,"Scientists think lead ink from scrolls may unlock library destroyed by Vesuvius - 100s of scrolls, part of classical worlds best-surviving library, have tantalised scholars since found in Herculaneum in 1752. About 200 have never been read. X-raying begins in July."
2016-03-21,"Flashdrives for freedom? 20,000 USBs to be smuggled into North Korea"
2016-03-21,"Astrophysicists detect ultra-fast winds near supermassive black hole: ""We're talking wind speeds of 20 per cent the speed of light, which is more than 200 million kilometres an hour. That's equivalent to a category 77 hurricane."""
2016-03-21,South Korea confirms first Zika case
2016-03-21,Brazil descends into chaos as Olympics looms
2016-03-21,"The mayors of 20 European cities including Madrid, Paris and Copenhagen, but excluding London, have called for more stringent regulations to be put in place across the continent to tackle the deadly levels of air pollution caused by diesel vehicles"
2016-03-21,"Corrupt European countries costing EU nearly 800bn a year, says study"
2016-03-21,"Castro urges return of Guantanamo land, after meeting with Obama"
2016-03-21,Ukrainian pilot Nadiya Savchenko given 22-year sentence
2016-03-21,Thousands protest in Okinawa over alleged rape of Japanese tourist by U.S. serviceman
2016-03-21,LGBT festival in Ukraine abandoned after clash with far-right activists
2016-03-21,"Seeking better ties with Egypt, Hamas removes Muslim Brotherhood billboards in Gaza"
2016-03-21,Alibaba to soon overtake Wal-Mart to become worlds No.1 retail platform
2016-03-21,Scientists remove HIV-1 from genome of human immune cells.
2016-03-20,"North Korea fires short-range projectiles, South Korea says."
2016-03-20,"Obama Arrives in Cuba, Heralding New Era After Decades of Hostility"
2016-03-20,"U.S. Navy officer arrested after allegedly groping and punching a Japanese woman on an airplane, the second high-profile arrest of a U.S. serviceman for sexually related offenses in Japan in less than a week"
2016-03-20,"February was the warmest month in recorded history, climate experts say. From Alaska to Australia, an unprecedented heating of planet Earth is underway with rising temperatures across huge swathes of land mass and oceans"
2016-03-20,Scans of King Tuts Tomb Reveal New Evidence of Hidden Rooms - Second round of radar scanning will look for more clues to what lies behind the walls of Tuts burial chamber. One theory: the tomb of famous Queen Nefertiti.
2016-03-20,Biden says Israel settlements raise questions about commitment to peace
2016-03-20,"UN envoy warns of environmental activist murder 'epidemic' | At least 116 environmental defenders were killed in 2014, according to NGO Global Witness, with 40% of whom were indigenous."
2016-03-20,"After 'shaming' by Israel, Time corrects story that depicted terrorist as victim"
2016-03-20,"A remarkable archaeological discovery in a Co. Clare cave has pushed back the date of human existence in Ireland by 2,500 years. This discovery re-writes Irish archaeology and adds an entirely new chapter to human colonisation of the island moving Irelands story into a new era."
2016-03-20,Joy as the first rhino calf is in 25 years born in Samburu-based (Kenya) sanctuary
2016-03-20,US sends in Marines to join ground fight against Isis in Iraq | Middle East | News
2016-03-20,"Ireland finally has a Palaeolithic period, moving back the earliest evidence of human occupation on the island by 2,500 years"
2016-03-20,"Russian spies pose as diplomats in Sweden; The most significant intelligence risk against Sweden comes from Russian spies, often posing as diplomats or business people, according to the Swedish security service Spo, which has just released its annual report."
2016-03-20,Spain bus crash kills 13 exchange students; 34 injured
2016-03-20,"Google set to expand Wifi, broadband access in Cuba, Obama tells ABC"
2016-03-20,"Cancel latest tax cuts for the wealthy to protect disability benefits, Jeremy Corbyn says"
2016-03-20,Missing Nigerian Chibok schoolgirls found by western intelligence
2016-03-20,"Istanbul bomber tailed Israeli tourists from hotel to scene of attack, Turkish media reports"
2016-03-20,Israel 'rescues' 19 Jews from war-torn Yemen in covert operation
2016-03-20,"In 2015 almost 2 million foreigners came to Germany, making it the year with the highest levels of inward migration in the history of the Federal Republic."
2016-03-20,Hezbollah vows to attack US forces 'defending ISIS' in Iraq
2016-03-20,"Britain's potential European exit could cost 100bn and nearly 1m jobs, CBI warns"
2016-03-20,Dozens of Cuba dissidents arrested hours before Obama arrival
2016-03-20,Morocco expels over 80 members of UN mission in Western Sahara
2016-03-20,Paris attacks suspect Salah Abdeslam 'had planned to target Brussels'
2016-03-19,2 Chinese poachers jailed 30 yrs for slaughtering 226 elephants
2016-03-19,"Tigers 'starved to death' to make $500 aphrodisiac wine with their bones. Growing demand has led to an increase in tiger farming, even extending to neighboring Laos and Vietnam."
2016-03-19,"Video of weeping Indian goes viral, Saudi government jails him for 'spread of misinformation'"
2016-03-19,U.N. says Saudi-led bombing of Yemen market may be international crime
2016-03-19,"A cyber crime expert has disappeared after talking to police and the media about an attempted $951 million cyber heist from Bangladesh's central bank, his wife said on Sunday"
2016-03-19,"Norway's healthcare ministry on Friday proposed allowing people to legally change their gender without the need for any surgery, hormone treatment or sterilisation, a move hailed by Amnesty International."
2016-03-19,"U.S. soldier killed in Islamic State rocket attack in northern Iraq, military says"
2016-03-19,South Korea Forms Spartan 3000 Unit To Attack North Korea In Case Of Contingency
2016-03-19,China on yellow alert as heavy pollution chokes several cities
2016-03-19,"Emmy-Winning Iraq Polls May Have Been Tainted By Fabrication, Researchers Say: The U.S. company in charge of data collection threatened to sue if researchers disclosed their findings."
2016-03-19,Turkey blames Islamic State for Istanbul bombing
2016-03-19,"Paris attacker Salah Abdeslam 'backed out of blowing himself up', changed his mind at the last minute."
2016-03-19,"Soyuz capsule blasts off toward space station | A Russian rocket has blasted off from Kazakhstan, carrying three crewmen bound for the International Space Station (ISS). The crew is aboard for a six-month mission."
2016-03-19,Hong Kong Students Call for Territorys Independence From China
2016-03-19,"Scarlet fever: Once-feared Victorian disease infecting 100s of children a week in England - Illness associated with the Victorian era now back for no apparent reason for its return. Symptoms include rash, sore throat, flushed cheeks, swollen tongue & a pinkish red rash on the chest & stomach."
2016-03-19,Suspicious pizza order 'led police to Paris attack mastermind's hideout' at Brussels flat
2016-03-19,"Caribbean nations are at the vanguard of international efforts to eliminate plastic waste: On April 1, a ban on Styrofoam products will come into force in Guyana. Dominica is working on banning Styrofoam this year, too. Antigua and Barbuda is hoping to phase out plastic bags by July."
2016-03-19,Russia to Allow Morocco to Train Russian Imams in Attempt to Stop Spread of Extremism
2016-03-19,Tasmania abandons World Heritage Area logging plans on UNESCO advice
2016-03-19,Canada expands sanctions over Russias stance on Ukraine
2016-03-19,Mexico governor floats idea of medical opium growing to reduce drug violence
2016-03-19,Chinese military space station in remote Argentina shrouded in mystery
2016-03-19,"Russia's new disability rules prompt outrage as 500,000 lose benefits"
2016-03-19,Exiled Tibetans vote to elect political leader to succeed Dalai Lama
2016-03-19,"More than 100 women from the left-wing movement Marcha Patriotica took over one of the main cathedrals in the Colombian capital Bogota Saturday, demanding that the Catholic church condemn the violence against activists in the country."
2016-03-18,Paris attacks suspect Salah Abdeslam shot and wounded in Brussels anti-terror raid
2016-03-18,Passenger Boeing From Dubai Crashes in Rostov On Don
2016-03-18,Russia: Those guilty of insulting Vladimir Putin face six years in prison under proposed law
2016-03-18,'Shots fired' in new Brussels raids.
2016-03-18,"British Prime Minister David Cameron will postpone publication of the Iraq war inquiry report until after the European Union referendum, leading to accusations that he is deliberately delaying controversial announcements."
2016-03-18,Heinrich Himmler's stash of books on witchcraft is discovered in Czech library after being hidden for 50 years
2016-03-18,Australia: No jail for mum and midwife found guilty of female genital mutilation of young girls
2016-03-18,US Military Personnel To Be Punished For Bombing Doctors Without Borders Hospital In Afghanistan - I can tell you those individuals most closely associated with it are suspended from duties & referred for administrative action. spokesman for US central command.
2016-03-18,France moves towards full ban on pesticides blamed for bee losses
2016-03-18,"Security Researcher goes missing after investigating Bangladesh bank cyber-heist -- Zoha met with a friend at 11:30 PM on Wednesday night, March 16. While coming home, a jeep pulled in front of their auto-rickshaw, and men separated the two, putting them in two different cars"
2016-03-18,Vatican Will Replace Archbishop Who Set Up Kim Davis Meeting With Pope
2016-03-18,"UK Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith has resigned citing pressure to make cuts to disability benefits. It comes after mounting controversy over 4bn of planned cuts to Personal Independence Payments, expected to affect 640,000 people"
2016-03-18,US officials: 1 North Korean missile blew up shortly after launch
2016-03-18,Pentagon chief: Obama wants to defeat ISIS by end of his term
2016-03-18,Turkey: Academics Jailed For Signing Petition
2016-03-18,Brazil judge strips Lula of office amid mounting political crisis. Supreme court justice Gilmar Mendes says Lulas appointment appeared designed to prevent him being charged with corruption.
2016-03-18,Assisted Dying Canada: First Person In Ontario To Get Legal Permission Dies
2016-03-18,Former UN official accuses world body of 'colossal mismanagement'
2016-03-18,"The Saudi Coalition Killed More Than 100 Civilians in a Yemeni Market, Says the UN"
2016-03-18,"Australia's emissions rising and vastly underestimated, says report. Land clearing surge in Queensland since 2012 could create emissions roughly equal to those saved by the federal governments emissions reduction scheme"
2016-03-18,Toothfish poaching vessel Viking blown up by Indonesian authorities
2016-03-18,"As recession bites and land disputes hit Brazil's agricultural heartland, indigenous people face land grabs and assaults by violent gangs."" .Tauli-Corpuz called for immediate measures to be taken to protect indigenous leaders, 138 of whom were killed in 2014"
2016-03-18,"Denisovan DNA Found in Pacific IslandersThey've traces of it from Neanderthals & Denisovans, the only species of archaic humans we know less from fossil evidence & more how their genes show up in modern humans. So far, their DNA has only been found in those from Oceania."
2016-03-18,Brazil Supreme Court Justice Blocks Ex-President Lula's Cabinet Appointment
2016-03-18,Bahrain: Alarming spike in expulsion of citizens arbitrarily stripped of their nationality
2016-03-17,"TTIP: secrecy around talks is 'profoundly undemocratic', MPs say. A German MP said she was given only two hours to read 300 pages"
2016-03-17,China's 'Man-made' sun produces longest plasma pulse at 50 million degrees
2016-03-17,One of the worlds largest advertising agencies has been accused of helping Saudi Arabia whitewash its record on human rights following the kingdoms largest mass execution for more than 30 years.
2016-03-17,"Brazilian judge blocks appointment of ex-leader Lula as chief of staff, hours after he was sworn in to the post"
2016-03-17,"Ukraine tears down giant Lenin statue, live on YouTube"
2016-03-17,Obama Sends Letter on the First Mail Flight to Cuba in More Than 50 Years
2016-03-17,"Scientists discover secret chambers in the Tomb of King Tut. Scan reveals the chamber contains metallic and organic material which archaeologist Nicholas Reeves believes could be the remains, and possible grave goods, of Queen Nefertiti."
2016-03-17,Pizzeria owner who tried to recruit for ISIS gets 22 years
2016-03-17,Russian Sanctions to Remain Until Crimea Returned to Ukraine U.S.
2016-03-17,"February shatters heat records. Worldwide, February was warmer than 125 of the last 136 Marches, when temperature records first started being kept."
2016-03-17,"TTIP: Big business & US to have major say in EU trade deals, leak reveals - Exclusive: Document obtained by campaign group shows legislation will be influenced before it reaches European Parliament"
2016-03-17,German Spy Found Guilty of Treason and Sentenced to 8 Years for Selling Classified Documents to CIA
2016-03-17,North Korea Releases Footage of 21-Year-Old Captive's 'Crime Against the State'
2016-03-17,Cameroon sentences 89 Boko Haram members to death. First terror related death sentences since new law passed in 2014 allowing it.
2016-03-17,Invasion of the American lobsters: Sweden asks EU for help - Swedish environment ministry says Maine lobster could wipe out European species with deadly diseases
2016-03-17,Italy Will Adopt New Law Requiring All Unsold Food to Be Donated to the Needy
2016-03-17,Ebola outbreak: Guinea confirms two new cases
2016-03-17,The Saudi Aramco Oil Company now owns 100% of the biggest refinery in the US.
2016-03-17,The US Postal Service has restored direct mail to Cuba
2016-03-17,Scientists find evidence that Alzheimers lost memories may one day be recoverable.
2016-03-17,"ISIS claims to have killed five Russian soldiers near Palmyra, displays captured bodies"
2016-03-17,Chinese City Publicly Shames Migrant Workers Who Protested Unpaid Wages
2016-03-17,EU calls for more countries to impose sanctions over Crimea
2016-03-17,Japan strongly condemns North Korea's missile launch - PM Abe
2016-03-17,"Gay sex not a crime, says RSS, raises hopes of govt rethink - Times of India"
2016-03-16,"US State Dept declares ISIS is committing genocide in Iraq, Syria"
2016-03-16,Brazilian Federal Police releases tapped phone call between Rousseff and Lula
2016-03-16,"Muslim-majority Pakistan set to declare Holi, Diwali and Easter as public holidays in a landmark decision"
2016-03-16,Russia reveals plans for 2018 test of nuclear engine that could get cosmonauts to Mars in six weeks
2016-03-16,"Feel Free To Leave India, Says Government to Monsanto In GM Cotton Row"
2016-03-16,"Hiking on New Zealand glaciers banned because of rapid melting. Fox and Franz Josef glaciers have been melting at such a rapid rate that it has become too dangerous for tourists to hike onto them from the valley floor, ending a tradition that dates back a century."
2016-03-16,More than a dozen U.S. military personnel have been disciplined but face no criminal charges for mistakes that led to the bombing of a Doctors Without Borders hospital that killed 42 people in Afghanistan last year
2016-03-16,Nigerian lawmakers voted down a women equality bill citing the Bible and Sharia law
2016-03-16,The Kurds Are Planning to Declare Their Own Autonomous Region in Syria
2016-03-16,Protests erupt in Brazil after Lula appointed minister
2016-03-16,Syrian Kurds declare federal region in the north
2016-03-16,Brazil's Lula takes Cabinet post in bid to save Rousseff
2016-03-16,"Coke, Pepsi plan to fight Montreal on a possible plastic water bottle ban"
2016-03-16,"The Vatican is replacing its controversial ambassador to the U.S., who arranged the meeting between Pope Francis and antigay Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis last fall."
2016-03-16,Dugong mother and calf found chained in ocean cage
2016-03-16,"[Israel] Knesset pushes stiff limits for bank CEOs' pay - would limit CEO pay to NIS 2.5 million ($641,000) a year, or 35 times the salary of the lowest-paid worker, whichever is lower."
2016-03-16,"Russian Military 'Killed No Civilians In Syria', Ambassador Alexander Yakovenko Says"
2016-03-16,Australian golden orb spider blows over the Tasman Sea to land in a New Zealand town
2016-03-16,Drug cartels are taking over the tortilla business in Mexico
2016-03-16,Magnitude 2.2 artificial quake detected in N. Korea
2016-03-16,Migrants arriving on Greek islands to be sent back to Turkey within days if deal goes through
2016-03-16,US urges immediate release of student sentenced to hard labor in North Korea
2016-03-16,"2 out of 3 Indians drink milk laced with detergent, urea and paint"
2016-03-16,"Ukraine could be a month away from becoming the only country in the world without protection from polio because of delays in licensing a new vaccine, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO)."
2016-03-16,New North Korea sanctions issued by President Obama
2016-03-15,"FIFA admits to World Cup hosting bribes, asks U.S. for return of money"
2016-03-15,President Erdogan wants to change definition of terrorist to include journalists and politicians
2016-03-15,North Korea Sentences US Tourist to 15 Years in Prison
2016-03-15,"The world's first solar airport no longer pays for electricity; 45 acres of panels supply approximately 50,000 kilowatt hours"
2016-03-15,"Argentina sinks Chinese vessel, cites illegal fishing"
2016-03-15,"Puppy frozen in time for 12,400 years is thawed by scientists in remarkable footage"
2016-03-15,"Germany bans neo-Nazi group, carries out sweeping raids"
2016-03-15,"Denmark world's happiest country, Burundi least: new report shows"
2016-03-15,Israel seizes 234 hectares of West Bank land
2016-03-15,Netherlands votes to ban weapons exports to Saudi Arabia
2016-03-15,"NSW, Australia: Anti-coal seam gas protesters could be jailed for seven years under laws described as a crackdown on democratic rights"
2016-03-15,"More than 40 civilians killed in Yemen market by Saudi-led coalition air strike, health officials say"
2016-03-15,"Chinese website publishes, then pulls, explosive letter calling for President Xis resignation"
2016-03-15,Rescuers: Female suicide bombers kill 22 at Nigerian mosque
2016-03-15,Pakistan cricket captain Shahid Afridi accused of treason for suggesting his team gets a warmer welcome in India
2016-03-15,"Blood Lions documentary exposes controversial canned lion hunting industry in South Africa within which captive-bred, often hand-reared lions are placed in enclosed spaces on private hunting reserves guaranteeing a kill for a trophy hunter for $50,000"
2016-03-15,"A powerful Syrian Kurdish political party is planning to declare a federal region in northern Syria, a model it hopes can be applied to the entire country"
2016-03-15,NASA will intentionally start a fire on a cargo ship in space
2016-03-15,Saudi Arabia-led coalition kills 41 civilians in strike on market in Yemen
2016-03-15,"400,000-year-old fossils from Spain provide earliest genetic evidence of Neandertals"
2016-03-15,Belgian police hunt gunman after Brussels anti-terror raid - Shots fired during raid on house by officers investigating Novembers terrorist attacks in Paris
2016-03-15,Canadian woman who successfully sued province for wrongful sterilization when she was a teen dies.
2016-03-15,"Brazil's ex-president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva is likely to accept a position in his successor's cabinet, according to media reports, in order to protect himself from prosecution in a corruption case involving the state-run oil company, Petrobras."
2016-03-15,British academic detained in Turkey accused of 'making terrorist propaganda'
2016-03-15,Saudi Arabia 'planning Nato-like military alliance of Muslim states'
2016-03-14,Italy changes law to make all supermarkets give unsold food to needy
2016-03-14,Putin orders most troops out of Syria
2016-03-14,Google's AlphaGo AI beats Lee Se-dol again to win Go series 4-1
2016-03-14,"Israeli hiker finds 2,000-year-old gold coin the second of its kind to ever be found: The coin, from the year A.D. 107, bears the image of Augustus, the first emperor of the Roman Empire. It was minted as part of a series of coins honoring Roman rulers."
2016-03-14,'Shoot-out' during Brussels raid - following anti-terror raid
2016-03-14,"Mother Teresa to be made a saint, Pope Francis announces"
2016-03-14,"Two Canadian Soldiers Stabbed in Toronto, Possible Terrorist Act"
2016-03-14,"China will release water from a dam in its southwestern province of Yunnan to help alleviate a drought in parts of Southeast Asia, including Vietnam."
2016-03-14,Turkey's Erdogan wants to broaden definition of terrorists to include supporters
2016-03-14,"Citing the murder of Indian journalist Karun Misra, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said every time a journalist is killed anywhere in the world and the press is silenced, the rule of law and democracy get weaker."
2016-03-14,"Iran's legal vetting body has approved a bill that will see female victims of road traffic accidents paid the same compensation as men, in a small step toward gender equality in the conservative Islamic country."
2016-03-14,Drug Cartels Are Taking Over the Tortilla Business in Mexico
2016-03-14,Prison Officer in Belfast bomb attack dies. Attack claimed by the New IRA
2016-03-14,Military 'invisibility cloaks' could breach Geneva conventions
2016-03-14,Royal Brunei Airlines' first all-female pilot crew lands plane in Saudi Arabia - where women are not allowed to drive
2016-03-14,Macedonia sends back refugees who pushed their way in
2016-03-14,Shipwreck Discovered from Explorer Vasco da Gama's Fleet: A 16thcentury shipwreck found off an island in Oman is the earliest-known example from Europe's Golden Age of Exploration
2016-03-14,Damning report reveals Church of England's failure to act on abuse
2016-03-14,Whistleblower lawsuit says there is evidence Volkswagen deleted documents for three days after initial EPA allegations
2016-03-14,[India] From 1050 Tonnes Of Plastic Garbage A Day To Zero: Bangalore To Introduce Plastic Ban
2016-03-14,"Extreme temperatures in Brazil are causing desertification and drought in certain parts of the country, threatening the lives of over 35 million people. Since 2012, more than 1,000 municipalities have asked the federal government for help to deal with the extreme drought."
2016-03-14,New dinosaur species in tyrannosaur family discovered
2016-03-14,February breaks global temperature records by 'shocking' amount
2016-03-14,"Antarcticas ice is being carved up from below - The warm ocean water thats undermining West Antarctica from below may also be weakening its ice shelves. It appears to be slowly carving deep channels into their bases, cavities ranging from 50 to 250 meters in vertical extent."
2016-03-14,Iran says US court order on 9/11 compensation 'ridiculous'
2016-03-13,Montreal wants complete ban on plastic water bottles
2016-03-13,Bomb-sniffing dog discovers 2 Hellfire missiles bound for Portland
2016-03-13,"Wealth of super rich soars as the worst-off lose out, report says | UK"
2016-03-13,"Explosion hits central Ankara, wounded reported"
2016-03-13,Denmark cuts food waste by astounding 25%. Grocery stores sell 'expired' food for cheap
2016-03-13,UN Calls for Kim Jong-un to Be Prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity
2016-03-13,Brazil: nation wide protests call for President to resign
2016-03-13,"Shooting at Ivory Coast beach resort - casualties unclear, French media say"
2016-03-13,"German state elections: Success for right-wing AfD, losses for Merkel's CDU"
2016-03-13,Active Fault Line Discovered Directly Below Japanese Nuclear Power Plant
2016-03-13,"Facebook, Google, and WhatsApp are all planning to increase encryption"
2016-03-13,"Foreign born students 'weaken' school results: Record immigration to Sweden has played a ""small but not insignificant"" role in national school test scores tumbling, according to Skolverket, the Swedish National Agency for Education."
2016-03-13,Women secretly film inside ISIS stronghold
2016-03-13,Olympics ticket sales fall off a cliff in wake of Zika virus
2016-03-13,Saudi Arabia proposes a NATO-like military alliance of Muslim nations
2016-03-13,Mars methane mission lifts off
2016-03-13,Bermuda Triangle mystery solved by 'enormous gas blowouts' on ocean floor
2016-03-13,Kurdistan gets $200 million from Turkey
2016-03-13,"February obliterated global heat records, NASA confirms.Whether one looks at a 12-month running average, 5-year average, or better yet, 30-year trends, all show stark increases in global average surface temperatures"
2016-03-13,"Daesh commander Al Shishani clinically dead, monitor says | He is not able to breathe on his own and is using machines"
2016-03-13,Brazilians return with force to streets to demand Rousseff's exit
2016-03-13,Turkish warplanes hit Kurdish militant PKK camps in northern Iraq: army
2016-03-13,"Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has led thousands of supporters in a protest against the renewal of US sanctions | Unlike the US, we have never killed innocent children nor bombed hospitals, he said at the rally in the capital Caracas, vowing to fight imperialist intervention."
2016-03-13,February breaks global temperature records by 'shocking' amount
2016-03-13,Palestinian wins $1m global teaching prize
2016-03-12,Tesco to give all unsold food to charity after finalising deal - Supermarket giant says it aims to eradicate all food waste at its stores and distribution centres by 2017 (Tesco are the world's 2nd largest retailer and the largest in Europe)
2016-03-12,Go champion Lee Se-dol strikes back to beat Google's DeepMind AI for first time
2016-03-12,"Bhutan Celebrates Newborn Prince by Planting 108,000 Trees"
2016-03-12,Russian government confirmed Turkey have invaded Syria
2016-03-12,"Thousands gathered in Paris to condemn France's continued implementation of state of emergency laws, which they described as a government ""coup"". The state of emergency cannot become permanent because it effectively means citizens giving up their rights,"""
2016-03-12,Ex-Kremlin aide found dead in DC hotel 'departed US 40 days after his own death'
2016-03-12,Saudi Arabia to build Worlds largest Solar Powered Desalination Plant
2016-03-12,Refugee Shelters Set on Fire in Sweden Overnight
2016-03-12,Emergency Biscuits Flown Into UK Due To National Shortage
2016-03-12,South Africa has banned the leopard hunt for the 2016 season - the first time in decades
2016-03-12,India Rejects Joint Naval Patrols with US in South China Sea
2016-03-12,North Korea claims it could wipe out Manhattan with a hydrogen bomb
2016-03-12,Doctors Without Borders opposes Pfizers pneumonia vaccine patent in India
2016-03-12,"ISIS chemical weapons attacks kill child, wound 600"
2016-03-12,Thousands rallied in Warsaw and other Polish cities Saturday to protest the conservative government's refusal to accept a constitutional court ruling that strikes down government changes that have paralyzed the court
2016-03-12,"India will test a small aeroplane-shaped vehicle this year as part of its programme to develop a reusable space launch vehicle, a senior official of Indian Space Research Organisation said."
2016-03-12,Saudi Arabia due to 'complete' January mass executions with four more deaths | Middle East | News
2016-03-12,Top French Cardinal Hid Scouts Pedophile Scandal
2016-03-12,"Australia, Canada, NZ and UK support EU-style free movement, new poll says"
2016-03-12,"To Maintain Supply of Sex Slaves, ISIS Pushes Birth Control"
2016-03-12,North Korea Fires Projectiles after UN Approves Pyongyang Sanctions
2016-03-12,Japan advertising for full-time ninjas in tourism push
2016-03-12,Nurse banned after disabled victim blinks 'evidence of sexual abuse'
2016-03-12,Tibets more than 1.2 million dead remembered as 57th uprising anniversary marked
2016-03-12,Indian drinks mogul Vijay Mallya leaves country owing $1bn
2016-03-11,U.S. says North Korean submarine missing
2016-03-11,AlphaGo beats Lee Se-dol again to take Google DeepMind Challenge series
2016-03-11,Turkey's President Tayyip Erdogan said on Friday a constitutional court ruling that led to the release of two detained newspaper editors was a step against the country and warned the court that repeating such actions could bring its very existence into question.
2016-03-11,"Irans Supreme Leader: We Must Have Relations With Whole World, Except America and Zionist Regime"
2016-03-11,"Before her murder, Honduran activist Berta Cceres singled out the former U.S. Secretary of State for criticism of her support for the Honduran military coup government."
2016-03-11,US zoos secretly fly 18 elephants out of Swaziland ahead of court challenge
2016-03-11,'You've completely failed' angry Macedonia tells Berlin
2016-03-11,Russia minister: Rio Olympics ban would be 'no tragedy'
2016-03-11,"'Distracted' David Cameron helped turn Libya into a 'mess', Barack Obama says"
2016-03-11,"More than 8m UK adults have problem debt.8.2 million adults, or 16.1% of the population, live with problem debt with younger adults, larger families, single parents and renters particularly at risk."
2016-03-11,"Former Latin American leaders urge world to end war on drugs 'disaster' - Former presidents of Brazil, Colombia and Mexico write op-ed on outdated drug policies and denounce UN for secrecy ahead of special assembly on drugs."
2016-03-11,Paris attackers 'named in IS files'
2016-03-11,"Ten Years the Hong Kong movie, that Beijing wants obscured, disappears from cinemas"
2016-03-11,Zimbabwe's Mugabe Goes Missing After Cancelled India Trip
2016-03-11,"Ethics watchdog for Norway's $830 bln wealth fund sees increase in bans on firms.""Most of the corruption cases come from the industry studies within defence, telecoms and energy. Those three (sectors) seem to keep us very busy,"""
2016-03-11,Arab League officially designates Hezbollah 'terrorist' organization
2016-03-11,UK supermarket giant Tesco to give all its leftover food to charity by 2017
2016-03-11,EasyJet flight aborted after passenger spots spanner wedged into wing
2016-03-11,China Will Build an Extensive Port City in Sri Lankas Capital
2016-03-11,Canadas unemployment rate creeps up to 7.3% in February
2016-03-11,Food labelling and product safety laws in jeopardy under TPP says Choice
2016-03-11,Irish call for reunification poll should British leave EU
2016-03-11,"ISIS declares war on UAE, reports"
2016-03-11,Report: Turkish Airstrikes in Iraq Kill 67 PKK Militants
2016-03-11,Turkey provides Kurdistan Region with $200 million emergency fund
2016-03-10,"The robots sent into Fukushima have ""died"". As soon as they get close to the reactors, the radiation destroys their wiring and renders them useless,"
2016-03-10,South Sudan lets fighters rape women in place of wages: UN
2016-03-10,China Has Unblocked Internet Searches That Refer to Kim Jong Un As a Pig
2016-03-10,"Prof Stephen Hawking and 150 other scientists have called for Britain to stay in the EU, saying that a Brexit would be a ""disaster for UK science""."
2016-03-10,"It is ""outrageous"" to describe people who are worried about the impact of migration as racist, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has said"
2016-03-10,Scientists have found a species of bacteria that eats the type of plastic found in most disposable water bottles. The discovery could lead to new methods to manage the more than 50 million tons of this particular type of plastic produced globally each year.
2016-03-10,Spelling mistake prevented hackers taking $1bn in bank heist
2016-03-10,Former Putin aide died of 'blunt force trauma'
2016-03-10,"Night-Flying Drones Fight Poachers in Africa - unmanned aerial drones to expose illegal hunting and help re-establish stability in the tourism industry, gravely impacted by the deaths of wild animals."
2016-03-10,"Mikhail Lesin, Ex-Putin Aide And RT Co-Founder Died Of ""Blunt Force Injuries To The Head"""
2016-03-10,Myanmar is quietly experiencing its largest uprising in years
2016-03-10,Report: Abbas rejected new U.S. peace initiative presented by Biden
2016-03-10,"China strongly rejected U.S.-led criticism of its human rights record at the U.N. Human Rights Council, saying the United States was hypocritical and guilty of crimes. ""The U.S. is notorious for prison abuse at Guantanamo prison, its gun violence is rampant, racism is its deep-rooted malaise"""
2016-03-10,India cuts Monsanto cotton seed royalties despite threat to quit
2016-03-10,Gas pipeline from Israel to Jordan to begin operating in 2017
2016-03-10,"Carbon dioxide levels 'exploded' last year to reach record highs not seen since end of Ice Age, scientists warn.The last time there was such a sustained increase in carbon dioxide concentrations was at the end of the last Ice Age, between 17,000 and 11,000 years ago."
2016-03-10,"The first comparison of foetal abnormalities between Zika-positive and Zika-negative pregnant women has been published. Of those who tested positive, abnormalities were detected in 29% of foetuses. No abnormalities were detected among women without the virus."
2016-03-10,Zero-hour contracts banned in New Zealand
2016-03-10,Russia plans to close U.N. rights office in Moscow
2016-03-10,57 Different Pesticides Found In Poisoned Honeybees
2016-03-10,"Fossil fuels 'probably dead,' says Canadian Pacific Railway's CEO"
2016-03-10,"Gujarat Nuclear Plant Shut Down After Major Leak, All Workers Safe"
2016-03-10,"Manitoba First Nation declares state of emergency over suicide epidemic - 6 suicides in 2 months, 140 attempts in last 2 weeks."
2016-03-10,Finnish farmers protest new legislations by driving over 300 tractors to Helsinki Senate Square.
2016-03-10,"Refugee crisis: Balkan route 'permanently' shut -- Minister says refugees should not be fed false expectations, as thousands are stuck in squalid conditions in Greek camp."
2016-03-09,Apple: 'FBI could force us to turn on iPhone cameras and microphones'
2016-03-09,America has captured ISIS scientist in charge of chemical weapons
2016-03-09,Google's DeepMind beats Lee Se-dol again to go 2-0 up in historic Go series
2016-03-09,Isis files leak will throw group into 'crisis mode' as thousands of fighters' names and personal details revealed | Middle East | News
2016-03-09,"Chinas solar and wind energy capacity increased by 74% and 34%, respectively, in 2015, while coal consumption dropped by 3.7%"
2016-03-09,Irish economy grows at fastest pace since 2000 at 7.8%
2016-03-09,"A deadly algal bloom has hit the world's second biggest salmon exporter, Chile, where nearly 23 million fish have already died and the economic impact from lost production is seen soaring to $800 million."
2016-03-09,One of ISIS's top commanders that the US likely just killed was a 'star pupil' of US-special forces training
2016-03-09,"Australian Prepaid mobile plans are increasingly expiring after 28 days, not 30 days, meaning customers pay for a 13th ""month"" in a year."
2016-03-09,$81M stolen from Bangladesh central bank in online heist (additional $870M transfer blocked)
2016-03-09,China signals interest in denuclearization talks without North Korea
2016-03-09,Former paid agent of Swedish Security Police dictated Amnesty Swedens stance against Assange - celebrated Swedish activist turns out to be government spy
2016-03-09,Migrant crisis: Macedonia shuts border
2016-03-09,The Saskatchewan government bought one-way bus tickets to Vancouver B.C. for homeless men denied funding to stay at a homeless shelter
2016-03-09,Nearly 500000 migrants reached Greece in quarter four - EU border agency
2016-03-09,"Iran Told to Pay $10.5 Billion to Sept. 11 Kin, Insurers"
2016-03-09,Paris withdraws threat to recognize Palestine if peace confab fails
2016-03-09,"US to employ bank fraud law in VW emissions probe: The US Justice Department has reportedly issued embattled German carmaker Volkswagen a subpoena under a financial fraud law, which observers regarded as an escalation in the VW emissions cheating probe"
2016-03-09,Climate change contributes to worst drought in Middle East in over 900 years
2016-03-09,Record number of African rhinos killed in 2015
2016-03-09,"Finnish physicists tap into the dark state, produce 'qutrits' for a promising alternative approach to quantum computing"
2016-03-09,Coca-Cola has spent $1.7 million funding Australian health groups over five years
2016-03-09,N. Korea fires two short-range missile into East Sea
2016-03-09,Biden criticizes PA for not condemning terrorism
2016-03-09,Peru Indigenous Group Releases Officials Over Oil Spill Demands.The Peruvian government recently declared a state-of-emergency after 16 Amazon rainforest communities were adversely affected by extreme environmental damage following a series of major oil spills
2016-03-08,Russia has warned North Korea that threats to deliver preventive nuclear strikes could create a legal basis for the use of military force against the country
2016-03-08,Egypt drafts bill to ban burqa and Islamic veils in public places
2016-03-08,Google's DeepMind defeats legendary Go player Lee Se-dol in historic victory
2016-03-08,China to block North Korea ships from returning home
2016-03-08,Australian scientists found a new spider that can swim and catch fish
2016-03-08,Danish 16-year old girl charged with planning to bomb Jewish school
2016-03-08,Barack Obama and Justin Trudeau to join forces on climate change | Environment
2016-03-08,"Saudi Arabia is seeking a bank loan of between $6 billion and $8 billion, sources familiar with the matter told Reuters, in what would be the first significant foreign borrowing by the kingdom's government for over a decade"
2016-03-08,"Almost half of Israeli Jews want ethnic cleansing, 'wake-up call' survey finds - Israeli President Reuven Rivlin called the findings a 'wake-up call for Israeli society'"
2016-03-08,3 Israelis hurt in separate terror attacks in Jerusalem and Petah Tikva
2016-03-08,"Under pressure, India agrees to stop issuing licences for making cheap drugs - Firstpost"
2016-03-08,Palestinian attacks surge during Biden visit to Israel
2016-03-08,"France votes to penalize companies for refusing to decrypt devices, messages"
2016-03-08,Kim Jong-un says North Korea has miniaturized nuclear warhead
2016-03-08,"North Korean Cargo Ship Turned Away From Rizhao, China Following New Sanctions"
2016-03-08,Islamic State's de facto 'minister of war' possibly killed: U.S. officials
2016-03-08,"1,000-year-old 'lost' medieval village found under highway"
2016-03-08,NGO wants right to toilet as a fundamental right
2016-03-08,Murdered Honduran activist Berta Cceres buried as others vow to continue fight: A total of 991 land and environmental defenders were killed from 2002 to 2014
2016-03-08,"Press freedom in Turkey is 'under siege', says watchdog group"
2016-03-08,"Poland's Constitutional Tribunal has ruled that a raft of new laws regulating the court are unconstitutional. With its ruling Wednesday, the county's top legislative court weighed in on a legal crisis that has upended politics in the country"
2016-03-08,"China is building a big data plaform for precrime; Using online profile and movements, government aims to catch ""terrorists"" in advance."
2016-03-08,Court Orders One of Japan's Two Operating Nuclear Plants to Shut Down
2016-03-08,The US' Top International Drug Official Has Said That Countries Have Every Right to Decriminalize Drugs
2016-03-08,Hong Kong Bookseller Voiced Fears About China Agents Before He Disappeared
2016-03-07,"An indigenous community in the Peruvian Amazon took at least eight public officials hostage to demand help from the central government after an oil spill polluted its lands, authorities said Monday."
2016-03-07,Cannabis legalisation in the UK 'would raise 1bn a year in taxes' - Study calls for UK to follow lead of some US states & allow the sale of cannabis to over-18s in licensed retail stores
2016-03-07,Netanyahu declines offer to meet with Obama: White House
2016-03-07,More than 150 killed in Deadly US drone strike in Somalia
2016-03-07,International Women's Day: Russia topped ranking of countries with the highest percentage of women in senior business roles
2016-03-07,Turkish authorities have seized control of another opposition news agency
2016-03-07,Hong Kong Home Sales Tumble 70% as Slowdown Intensifies
2016-03-07,"Venezuela: 28 miners apparently kidnapped, murdered and disappeared by government-related forces"
2016-03-07,"One of Chinas most respected current affairs magazines has lashed out at Communist party censorship of its work, just weeks after the president, Xi Jinping, demanded absolute loyalty from his countrys media."
2016-03-07,"The United States wants to regularly rotate long-range heavy bombers through Australia, as concerns grow over China's military expansion in the Asia-Pacific region."
2016-03-07,"Thousands of refugees see border effectively closed: EU leaders said Monday said they had reached the outlines of a possible deal with Ankara to return thousands of migrants to Turkey, and also said that irregular flows of migrants along the Western Balkans route have now come to an end."
2016-03-07,U.S. builds two air bases in Kurdish-controlled north Syria: Kurdish report
2016-03-07,"'Exceptional' woman's 2,500-year-old seal unearthed in Jerusalem"
2016-03-07,China exports plunge 25% from a year ago
2016-03-07,"While the rest of the world's glaciers are shrinking, Pakistan's glaciers are growing. A phenomenon called ' The Karakoram Anomaly '"
2016-03-07,China hints at global military bases
2016-03-07,The Egyptian government has barred journalists from reporting on events in the troubled Sinai peninsula.
2016-03-07,Iraqi migrants return after Europe disappoints
2016-03-07,Almost 16 million people face hunger in Southern Africa because of a drought exacerbated by an El Nino weather pattern and that number could climb to almost 50 million
2016-03-07,"China Feb exports slump 25.4 pct, worse fall since May 2009"
2016-03-07,White House 'surprised' Netanyahu spurning offer to meet Obama
2016-03-07,"Actors and a production company are under investigation after creating ""It's just a prank"" videos where actors pretended to be suicide bombers."
2016-03-07,Tunisia bloodied: 53 dead in clashes near Libyan border
2016-03-07,Malaysian deputy PM says Daesh attempted to kidnap prime minister
2016-03-07,One in three Arab women fears violence within family
2016-03-06,"Revealed: the 30-year economic betrayal dragging down Generation Ys income. Exclusive new data shows how debt, unemployment and property prices have combined to stop millennials taking their share of western wealth."
2016-03-06,Canada plans to experiment with giving people unconditional free money (universal basic income)
2016-03-06,Nearly 2000 AK-47 rifles seized by Australian sailors from Somalia-bound fishing boat
2016-03-06,"6% Water Left In Marathwada Dams, Farmers Blame Government For Suicides.""We feed the entire nation and we ourselves are starving. The entire nation eats what we grow and here we die. No actually we don't kill ourselves, the government is killing us."""
2016-03-06,"North Korea threatens pre-emptive nuclear strike on South, US"
2016-03-06,"Israel will soon begin to deploy one of the most sophisticated missile defense systems in the world, with US help."
2016-03-06,"Over 31,000 women are currently pregnant within the so-called Islamic State, new report reveals - ""Theres a systematic creation of the next generation of mujahideen... the next generation of fighters"""
2016-03-06,"Climate change is destroying the world's coral, which are now in the midst of their 3rd global bleaching event."
2016-03-06,Death of Chinese Woman Trapped in Elevator for Month Stokes Uproar
2016-03-06,India's big move into solar is already paying off
2016-03-06,Sewage analysis shows methamphetamine use soaring in Queensland
2016-03-06,"""Scientists at the University of Cambridge have for the first time shown that it is possible to derive from a human embryo so-called 'nave' pluripotent stem cells -- one of the most flexible types of stem cell, which can develop into all human tissue other than the placenta."""
2016-03-06,"Underground network of tunnels discovered in UK was a druid temple dating back more than 2,000 years, claims historian"
2016-03-06,World's oldest chameleon found in amber fossil: 100 million years old
2016-03-06,Perfect weather conditions are causing a spider boom in Sydney Australia
2016-03-06,Women march in Warsaw for greater accessibility to abortion
2016-03-06,"New ISIS Video Shows Execution Of Alleged Russian Spy, Threatens Attack On Vladimir Putin"
2016-03-06,French parliament votes to penalise smartphone makers over encryption
2016-03-06,North Korea threatens to beat up the US
2016-03-06,"U.S. builds two air bases in Kurdish-controlled north Syria (""The Syrian Kurds have established control over wide areas of northern Syria since the country erupted into civil war in 2011, and their YPG militia has become a major partner in the U.S.-led coalition against Islamic State"")"
2016-03-06,"Scientists to Drill Dinosaur-Killing Impact Crater for 1st Time - Expedition off Yucatn coast to drill Chicxulub impact crater, where a 6-mi-wide space rock collided with Earth 66M yrs ago. It killed 1/2 of life on Earth & led to the ascendence of birds & mammals."
2016-03-06,A scientific paper on the anatomy of the human hand has been retracted by a leading scientific journal following criticism of references it made to a creator.
2016-03-06,International Women's Day Rally in Turkey Turns Violent
2016-03-06,"Suicide truck bombing by ISIS kills at least 61, Iraqi officials say"
2016-03-06,New IRA Claims Responsibility for Belfast Bomb Attack
2016-03-05,"""Shameful Day for Free Press in Turkey"" last headline for Zaman newspaper, largest newspaper in Turkey, as government seizes control"
2016-03-05,President Putin has suspended the transfer of S-300 to Iran in light of Tehrans violation of an earlier pledge not to provide Russian-made weaponry to Hezbollah
2016-03-05,"Donald Trump A Threat To Peace And Prosperity, German Vice Chancellor Says"
2016-03-05,Isis 'studied Nazi methods' to create own version of Hitler Youth and train child killers from birth - As many as 50 children from the UK are said to be among the 'future mujahideen' forced to hold up decapitated heads and carry out brutal executions
2016-03-05,Police have found a second bomb in a residential street in west Belfast.
2016-03-05,99m-year-old lizard trapped in amber could give clue to 'lost ecosystem'
2016-03-05,China bans North Korea money transfers
2016-03-05,"Fukushima: Tokyo was on the brink of nuclear catastrophe, admits former prime minister"
2016-03-05,Former US military adviser David Kilcullen says there would be no Isis without Iraq invasion
2016-03-05,"Ruling Party Wins Slovakia's Election, Neo-Nazis Gain 14 Seats"
2016-03-05,Russia stoking refugee unrest in Germany to topple Angela Merkel
2016-03-05,"Billionaire Iranian businessman Babak Zanjani sentenced to death on corruption charges, justice officials say"
2016-03-05,"In a First, Pakistan warns India of terrorist attack, High alert issued across the nation"
2016-03-05,Us Returns Historical Documents Stolen From Russia In 90's
2016-03-05,Afghanistan ruled safe enough to deport asylum-seekers from UK
2016-03-05,99 sexual abuse cases against UN peacekeepers
2016-03-05,High alert sounded after tunnel found on India-Pakistan border
2016-03-05,"Gold miners infected with lung diseases brought on by repeated exposure to the dust of South Africa's mines have won a multimillion dollar out-of-court settlement. Anglo American South Africa and AngloGold Ashanti have agreed to pay the equivalent of $32,595,800 to claimants affected by silicosis"
2016-03-05,Turkey warned that seizure of Zaman newspaper 'jeopardises' accession to EU as press freedom crackdown continues
2016-03-05,Electricity returns to Aleppo for the 1st time since October 2015
2016-03-05,Civilians rise up against ISIS rule in Raqqa City: government
2016-03-05,Refugee crisis: Greek governor urges state of emergency
2016-03-05,Driverless lorries to be trialled in UK
2016-03-05,"Christian missionary, filmmaker arrested in Sudan"
2016-03-05,Expert: Meager food allowances leaving Qatar workers hungry
2016-03-04,"China bans depictions of gay people, adultery, one night stands, cleavage and reincarnation on television"
2016-03-04,"Peanut allergy risk reduced by up to 80% by consuming peanuts as an infant, research suggests"
2016-03-04,Philippines seizes North Korean ship
2016-03-04,"Refugee children at Calais 'Jungle' camp are being raped, aid workers claim"
2016-03-04,"Italian City Bans New Ethnic Restaurants - Verona, home of Romeo & Juliet, stopping new eateries from opening that mainly serve kebabs, gyros & fried food. Mayor has tried to justify ban by saying its the best way to preserve the citys culture & traditions."
2016-03-04,South Koreans kick off efforts to clone extinct Siberian cave lions
2016-03-04,'El Chapo' entered US twice while a fugitive: report
2016-03-04,Gunmen Kill Honduran Indigenous Environmentalist Leader Berta Cceres
2016-03-04,Pakistan Admits Taliban Leaders Are Living There
2016-03-04,Europes harsh new message for migrants: Do not come
2016-03-04,Dairy Farm Accused of Beating Cows Finally Faces Charges After Two Years
2016-03-04,Report: North Korean diplomats smuggling luxury goods through Mongolia
2016-03-04,Gunmen Kill 14 at Nursing Home in Yemen Started by Mother Teresa
2016-03-04,"Crows and parrots have sophisticated thinking skills on a par with those of apes such as chimpanzees, researchers claim."
2016-03-04,"Malawi police chief issues shoot-to-kill order against albino killers - Criminal gangs, nicknamed albino hunters, have embarked on a reign of terror across Malawi, often killing albinos in broad daylight without mercy or remorse"
2016-03-04,A Turkish court has put Zaman newspaper - a vocal critic of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan - under state control
2016-03-04,Tibet boy who set himself on fire to protest China's occupation dies
2016-03-04,UK to spend $900 milllion more on nuclear sub program
2016-03-04,"Reports: Fessenheim nuclear accident played down by French authorities - Reactor had to be shut down by adding boron to the pressure vessel, an unprecedented procedure in Western Europe"
2016-03-04,Terrorist Anders Breivik 'inhumane treatment' claim rejected by Norway
2016-03-04,Loonie above 75 cents US for first time since November
2016-03-04,The four largest Chinese banks have stopped yuan and dollar cash transfers to North Korea: The reported measure is part of rising international pressure on Pyongyang following its latest nuclear test and rocket launch earlier this year
2016-03-04,Syrian Army defeats ISIS at the Deir Ezzor Military Airport
2016-03-04,"SpaceX rocket successfully delivers a commercial satellite into orbit, but couldn't quite manage to stick the landing during an audacious attempt to touch down on a drone ship at sea"
2016-03-04,Attack on Indian Consulate in Afghanistan; originated from Pakistan: Former President Karzai
2016-03-03,Kim Jong-un orders nuclear weapons to be made ready for use
2016-03-03,Mexican Officials Pass Proposal To Ban Donald Trump From Their Country
2016-03-03,Tens of thousands of Nigerian fishermen and farmers were given the green light to sue energy giant Shell in a British court on Wednesday for a series of destructive oil spills in the Niger delta over the past decade.
2016-03-03,"BP chief receives 20% pay package hike despite record loss and 7,000 axed jobs. At time of crisis for oil company Bob Dudley earned 14m last year, an amount the High Pay Centre describes as out of contact with reality."
2016-03-03,"UK, Facebook forced to pay millions more in tax after widespread controversy of only paying 4,327 in taxes last year."
2016-03-03,"Refugee crisis puts truckers lives at risk, says road transport lobby"
2016-03-03,"World food prices fall 14.5%, even as Canadian food prices climb - Business"
2016-03-03,Monsanto has threatened to pull out of India if the government imposed a big cut in royalties that local firms pay for its genetically modified cotton seeds
2016-03-03,Average temperatures across the Northern Hemisphere have breached the 2 degrees Celsius above normal mark for the first time in recorded history
2016-03-03,Scientists 'find cancer's Achilles heel'
2016-03-03,"Pakistani police rescued a nine-year-old girl from being married off to a 14-year-old boy to settle a family dispute on Friday and arrested four village elders who had ordered the ""compensation wedding""."
2016-03-03,French bill carries 5-year jail sentence for company refusals to decrypt data for police
2016-03-03,The U.S. just sent a carrier strike group to confront China
2016-03-03,"Spain seizes 20,000 ISIS military uniforms"
2016-03-03,Russia's military intelligence chief killed in secret operation in Lebanon
2016-03-03,"Japanese women are being exploited and abused in Japans multi-billion dollar pornographic film industry, rights advocates said on Thursday, calling on authorities to strengthen laws to protect them"
2016-03-03,Brazil Petrobras scandal: Police raid former president Lula's home
2016-03-03,NASA's Scott Kelly grew 2 inches while in space.
2016-03-03,"Labour Leader, Jeremy Corbyn, in favour of decriminalising the sex industry."
2016-03-03,"Honduran Indian leader Berta Caceres, who won the 2015 Goldman Environmental Prize for her role in fighting a dam project, was murdered Thursday. Caceres, a Lenca Indian activist, had previously complained of receiving death threats from police, soldiers and local landowners because of her work"
2016-03-03,"Spain Seizes 20,000 Military Uniforms Bound for ISIS"
2016-03-03,Gulf nations declare Hezbollah a terrorist group
2016-03-03,'Huge drop' in civilian deaths after Syria truce: monitor
2016-03-03,Kremlin: Russia concerned by North Korea's readiness to use nuclear arms
2016-03-03,Singapore Owner Recounts How Singapore Classified a Tesla as a Gas-Guzzler Equivalent and taxes him accordingly.
2016-03-02,North Korea launches short-range missiles into Sea of Japan hours after UN Sanctions
2016-03-02,"A powerful Pakistani religious body that advises the government on the compatibility of laws with Islam on Thursday declared a new law that criminalizes violence against women to be ""un-Islamic."""
2016-03-02,"Two of the worlds biggest coffee companies, Nestl and Jacobs Douwe Egberts, admit that beans from Brazilian plantations using slave labour may have ended up in their coffee"
2016-03-02,"Argentine Nobel Prize winner to Obama: Don't visit March 24, because it's the 40th anniversary of a coup that installed a military government that had U.S. backing"
2016-03-02,NASA: Drought in Middle East is the worst in 900 years
2016-03-02,A TV ad aired by the Church of Scientology in the UK has been banned for misleading viewers with a claim the church gives aid to tens of millions of people.
2016-03-02,"Blackout hits Syria, leaving entire country without electricity"
2016-03-02,"In Sydney, Australia, the penalties for cyclists who don't wear helmets or run red lights have gone up by 600%."
2016-03-02,"African elephants 'killed faster than they are being born': The new data, released on UN world wildlife day on Thursday, shows about 60% of elephant deaths are at the hands of poachers, meaning the overall population is most likely to be falling."
2016-03-02,A senior Pakistani official has admitted publicly for the first time that the Afghan Taliban's leadership is living in Pakistan.
2016-03-02,"Internet ""trolls"" could face criminal charges for creating fake profiles, according to guidance being considered for prosecutors in England and Wales."
2016-03-02,"Berta Cceres, Honduran indigenous leader and Goldman Prize winner, assassinated in her home"
2016-03-02,"Russia and Syria 'weaponising' refugee crisis to destabilise Europe, Nato commander claims"
2016-03-02,Problematic fossil turns out to be oldest known example of life on land - This 440 million-yr-old fungus helped life take root outside the oceans.
2016-03-02,China set to surpass its climate targets as renewables soar
2016-03-02,"Digging into Dieselgate: EU parliament looks into emissions cheating -- It's not just Volkswagen: it's all car manufacturers that are cheating on emissions, if activists are to be believed. European parliamentarians now want to get to the bottom of what's been coined 'Dieselgate'"
2016-03-02,Islamic State (ISIS) is exploiting national banking operations in Iraq and could be making up to $25 million a month in Middle Eastern money markets
2016-03-02,US Delivers 8 Black Hawks to Jordan for Its Anti-IS Battle
2016-03-02,Egypt parliament expels MP for dining with Israeli ambassador
2016-03-02,Nanny Who Says Beheaded Russian Child to Avenge Syria Strikes 'Mentally Unsound'
2016-03-02,"Adblocking is a 'modern-day protection racket', says culture secretary"
2016-03-02,Gang burns seven people to death over witchcraft claims in Malawi
2016-03-02,"Brazil reports 5,909 Microcephaly cases since October 2015 Zika virus outbreak"
2016-03-02,"Only Russia wants Britain to leave the EU, says Philip Hammond"
2016-03-02,Debris in Mozambique Is Thought to Come From Malaysia Airlines Plane
2016-03-01,"""A young British woman has become one of the first cancer patients to be injected with a new vaccine designed to stimulate the immune system so that it destroys tumours wherever they have spread in the body."""
2016-03-01,Magnitude 8.2 Quake Measured 763 Miles Southwest of Malaysian Capital
2016-03-01,Mormon leader: 'There are no homosexual members of the church.'
2016-03-01,Pentagon to sell $683 million in weaponry to Turkey in deal signed today
2016-03-01,Russian Faces Up to Year in Prison for Denying Existence of God
2016-03-01,Nato commander: Isis spreading like cancer among refugees
2016-03-01,"Mosul dam engineers warn it could fail at any time, killing 1m people"
2016-03-01,"Study: British need to retire at 81 to get parents standard. The report says without significantly higher levels of engagement in pensions, we may be witnessing the death of retirement."
2016-03-01,ISIS now deploying women in combat roles
2016-03-01,"South Korean opposition lawmakers have ended a parliamentary filibuster that lasted 192 hours, which is believed to have set a new world record. They were trying to block an anti-terrorism bill which they said threatened personal freedoms."
2016-03-01,"Hamas Commander, accused of theft and gay sex, is killed by his own"
2016-03-01,"Anti-immigrant 'Soldiers of Odin' expand from Finland to Nordics, Baltics"
2016-03-01,"Turkey: 1,845 cases opened for insulting Erdogan"
2016-03-01,Hamburg Is the 1st City to Ban Single-Use Coffee Pods - You wont find them in its govt buildings
2016-03-01,"China takes Philippine atoll: The Chinese have taken over another traditional Filipino fishing ground near Palawan where they have stationed up to five ships to keep local fishermen at bay, sources said."
2016-03-01,UK spying laws: Government introduces law requiring WhatsApp and iMessage to be broken
2016-03-01,Modern slavery widespread among East Asia migrant domestic workers - researchers
2016-03-01,Gay Iranian poet seeking Israel asylum gets visa extension
2016-03-01,Osama bin Laden's hand-written will reveals he left $40 million fortune to jihad instead of family
2016-03-01,ISIS Burned Alive Their Own Fighters Who Didn't Fight To The Death After Lossing Ramadi Battle
2016-03-01,19-mile razor wire fence built on Macedonia's border to stop a human tide of migrants as Greece is told it faces being 'sacrificed' to save the EU
2016-03-01,Russian prosecutors say that a nanny accused of killing and then decapitating a 4-year old girl in Moscow was not acting on her own. Prosecutors told the court that they believe that individuals who incited her to carry out the slaying are still at large.
2016-03-01,Rotherham child abuser's son guilty of witness intimidation
2016-03-01,"Russia and Syria are ""weaponising"" migration as an aggressive strategy towards Europe, the senior Nato commander in Europe has said"
2016-03-01,February Shatters Global Temperature Records
2016-02-29,China just announced one of the largest single layoffs in history. 1.8 Million people will lose their job.
2016-02-29,More than $1bn deposited in Malaysian prime minister's account report | World news
2016-02-29,Children sacrificed to bring luck in Uganda elections
2016-02-29,Isis kills eight Dutch members for desertion | World news
2016-02-29,ISIS hackers target the wrong Google: Caliphate Cyber Army hack small Indian firm 'Add Google Online' in apparent case of mistaken identity
2016-02-29,Leaked plans reveals German intent to close borders on refugees unless EU leaders agree on a strategy
2016-02-29,"E-cigarettes are estimated to have helped 16,000-22,000 smokers in England to quit in 2014"
2016-02-29,"Argentine prosecutor: Alberto Nisman, who died after accusing then-President Fernndez de Kirchner of covering up Irans role in the bombing of a Buenos Aires community center, was murdered"
2016-02-29,Sweden accuses Daily Mail of running anti-refugee propaganda campaign
2016-02-29,India to pump almost $13bn into rural development
2016-02-29,Bolkovac: 'UN tries to cover up peacekeeper sex abuse scandal': The UN have promised to investigate allegations of sexual abuse by peacekeepers in the CAR. Human rights investigator and whistleblower Kathryn Bolkovac tried to investigate similar cases in Bosnia - and lost her job.
2016-02-29,Mysterious bright flash and bang seen above Scotland
2016-02-29,Final warning to Facebook by Frances data watchdog
2016-02-29,Germany to lure more skilled foreign workers: Germany began testing a points-based immigration system on Friday in a bid to attract more skilled foreigners and end a chronic shortage of workers plaguing Europe's biggest economy despite a record influx of asylum seekers.
2016-02-29,Dutch find 10 Syrian war crime suspects among migrants
2016-02-29,Migrants break down Macedonia fence on Greek border
2016-02-29,"France: Rioting Breaks Out as Country Begins Clearing Refugee Camp in Calais, Officials Say"
2016-02-29,China deletes Weibo account of critic of President Xi Jinping
2016-02-29,"The Iraqi government and the US embassy in Baghdad have both issued urgent warnings about the possibility of the Mosul dam collapsing and sending a 20-metre-high flash flood coursing down the river Tigris, putting more than a million people at risk."
2016-02-29,Cologne Airport evacuated after major security alert
2016-02-29,Right-to-die report will call for prior consent in dementia cases.The Supreme Court ruled last year that the century-old law banning physician-assisted death was unconstitutional and that Canadians with unbearable and irremediable suffering could be eligible to end their life with a doctors aid.
2016-02-29,"Russian TV Silent Over Child Killed by Nanny in Moscow: The channels themselves decided to not show crazy people, Peskov was quoted by RBC as saying. But we support them."""
2016-02-29,"Calais refugee camp evicted by police with tear gas, rubber bullets and water cannon"
2016-02-29,Chilean Attacked in Poland After Being Mistaken for Arab
2016-02-29,"Financial cost of major weather events rising for Canadian taxpayers.The costs related to cleaning up devastating floods, the carnage from hurricanes and the damage left in the wake of intense winter storms has exploded to nearly $900 million annually"
2016-02-28,"Pope Francis' top advisers acknowledged that the Catholic Church ""has made enormous mistakes"" in allowing thousands of children to be raped and molested by priests over centuries"
2016-02-28,Woman arrested in Moscow after reportedly being seen outside metro station with decapitated child's head
2016-02-28,"The Nigerian government has removed nearly 24,000 workers from its payroll after an audit revealed they did not exist, the Finance Ministry has said."
2016-02-28,Mexico issues alert after theft of radioactive material
2016-02-28,"Four Hong Kong booksellers who went missing in October appeared on Chinese television confirming for the first time they'd been detained for ""illegal book trading"""
2016-02-28,Swiss voters have clearly rejected - by 58.9% to 41.1% an initiative to automatically deport foreigners who commit certain crimes.
2016-02-28,"Our missile can turn enemy tanks 'into boiled pumpkin', says North Korea's Kim Jong-Un"
2016-02-28,British Muslim girls being forced into marriage via internet
2016-02-28,Germany petitions North African states to take more migrants back
2016-02-28,"""Monarch butterflies have made a big comeback in their wintering grounds in Mexico, after suffering serious declines, experts said Friday [26 February 2016]."""
2016-02-28,SodaStream lays off last Palestinian workers after permit row
2016-02-28,Mexico police rescue 87 women forced to work as prostitutes
2016-02-28,Pakistan hangs Islamic extremist for assassinating official who had defended Christian woman accused of blasphemy
2016-02-28,"Two government surveys suggest a portion of the public remains unaware of the social hardships still faced by the indigenous Japanese who once occupied much of Hokkaido. In one survey for the native Ainu, about 72 percent said discrimination and prejudice are still directed against their race"
2016-02-28,"Polluted Milan wants to pay commuters to bike to work - With its serious pollution problem and notorious driving styles, Milan is hardly renowned as a cycle-friendly city but a radical new scheme aims to change that"
2016-02-28,Protests As Pakistan 'Hero' Assassin Is Hanged
2016-02-28,A new one atom-thick flat material that could upstage the wonder material graphene and advance digital technology has been discovered.
2016-02-28,At least 59 killed in double bombing at Baghdad market
2016-02-28,Japanese police add 10 more to list of possible North Korea abduction victims; total rises to 886
2016-02-28,Rights group: Saudi Arabia used U.S. cluster bombs on civilians
2016-02-28,George Pell: church made 'enormous mistakes' in dealing with paedophile priests
2016-02-28,"China expects to lay off 1.8 mln workers in coal, steel sectors"
2016-02-28,Former Tepco execs indicted over Fukushima nuclear disaster: media
2016-02-28,"Netanyahu to visit Africa, first Israeli PM to do so in 50 years"
2016-02-28,Police Use Tear Gas At Greece-Macedonia Border
2016-02-27,Landslide victory for the reformists in Iran: Reformists win all 30 Tehran seats in parliamentary election
2016-02-27,"Another financial crisis is certain and will come sooner rather than later, the former Bank of England governor has warned.Mervyn King, who headed the bank between 2003 and 2013, believes the world economy will soon face another crash as regulators have failed to reform banking."
2016-02-27,Rare Breed Of Giraffe Hunted To The Brink Of Extinction -- With Just 38 Left In Reserve
2016-02-27,"Iran executed the entire male population of a village for drug trafficking, says Irans Vice President for Women and Family Affairs"
2016-02-27,"Canada reaches resettlement goal as 25,000th Syrian refugee arrives in Canada"
2016-02-27,Thousands march in Moscow to honor slain Kremlin critic Nemtsov
2016-02-27,TPP Threatens Indigenous Land Rights Says the UN
2016-02-27,US says China will be bound by maritime arbitration ruling
2016-02-27,Sikh group calls for politicians and media to stop using term 'Asian' to describe Rotherham grooming gang
2016-02-27,Thousands of South Koreans marched in the capital on Saturday to protest what they say are setbacks in personal freedoms and labor rights under conservative President Park Geun-hye
2016-02-27,"Basic Income: Ontario To Introduce Pilot Program Aimed At Improving Efficiency, Eliminating Poverty"
2016-02-27,China is building the largest waste-to-energy plant in the world: It will turn a third of Shenzhen's trash into energy every single day
2016-02-27,"Investigatory Powers Bill: Theresa May accused of rushing snoopers' charter into law to avoid scrutiny .Bill would give government unmatched rights to invade privacy.It all keeps with their strategy, which is to rush everything through. They know when they engage with experts they lose"
2016-02-27,Two former presidents of Mexico compare Trump to Hitler
2016-02-27,Turkey's Erdogan says does not respect court ruling on journalists
2016-02-27,Algerian authorities have jailed a man with dual Algerian and Belgian citizenship for links with the ringleader of the Paris attacks
2016-02-27,Saudi air strike on market 'kills 30 people'
2016-02-27,UK's biggest energy lobby starts supporting green energy and the phasing out of fossil fuels
2016-02-27,ISIS suspect released from custody because court says it's too busy
2016-02-27,"Local German governments demand 'politician stalker' law: Local politicians have experienced more and more personal threats from the far right for carrying out their legal duty to house refugees. Now municipalities want the law to recognize ""politician stalking"" as a crime"
2016-02-27,Japan to supply Philippines with military equipment
2016-02-27,Switzerland votes on expelling foreigners for minor crimes
2016-02-27,"China plans to launch first micro-gravity satellite: It will perform a total of 19 experiments involving micro-gravity, micro-gravity combustion, space material, space radiation effects and space biotechnology during its 15-day mission"
2016-02-27,"President Hassan Rouhani won a resounding vote of confidence and his reformist allies won 29 out of the 30 seats reserved for the capital Tehran in parliamentary elections that could speed Iran's post-sanctions opening to the world, early results released on Saturday showed"
2016-02-27,US DARPA successfully collects data from animals using 'brain modem
2016-02-26,"Saudi man gets 10 years, 2,000 lashes over atheist tweets"
2016-02-26,Ex-Mexican President Vicente Fox: Donald Trump reminds me of Hitler
2016-02-26,Germany deems passports issued from IS territory invalid
2016-02-26,Trade Officials Promised Exxon That TTIP Will Erase Environmental 'Obstacles' Worldwide. EU trade officials soothed the oil giant as it fretted about new regulations popping up in Global South
2016-02-26,Japan Census: Population Fell Nearly 1 Million in 2010-15
2016-02-26,Hussain brothers jailed for sexual exploitation of 15 teenage girls in Rotherham
2016-02-26,"Danish environmental catastrophe kept quiet | A massive fire in Fredericia Harbour earlier this month released thousands of tonnes of liquid fertiliser into the Little Belt strait but authorities didnt acknowledge it for three weeks, Metroxpress reported on Friday."
2016-02-26,One of the highest-ranking Vatican officials is being compelled to testify this weekend in a public hearing about clerical sex abuse in an unusual demonstration of holding even the most senior Catholic bishops accountable for the scandal
2016-02-26,Turkey turns off independent TV channel on 'terrorist' charge
2016-02-26,Paul Sheehan apologises for failing to check story of gang-rape by Arabic-speaking men
2016-02-26,Mining Director Busted for Elephant Poisonings - Getting to the bottom of gruesome elephant killings in Zimbabwe.
2016-02-26,Afghan woman kills Taliban commander over privacy breach
2016-02-26,Tony Blackburn fired after being critized for allowing stars like Jimmy Savile to abuse women and children for nearly 50 years.
2016-02-26,Doctors Without Borders blasts $1700 price tag of Otsuka TB drug
2016-02-26,S Korean terror bill filibuster in 5th day
2016-02-26,Gianni Infantino elected Fifa president
2016-02-26,EU shelves plans to ban kettles from homes amid fears of the U.K. leaving the EU
2016-02-26,"Monarch butterflies have made a big comeback in their wintering grounds in Mexico, after suffering serious declines. The area covered by the orange-and-black insects in the mountains west of Mexico City this season was more than three and a half times greater than last winter."
2016-02-26,Dead pig found at German mosque building site: The animals corpse had the words Mutti [Mom] Merkel written on it in red letters
2016-02-26,A diverse team of scientists have traced the origins of mysterious pockets of high ozone concentrations and low water vapor in the air above the western Pacific Ocean near Guam to fires burning in Southeast Asia and in Africa.
2016-02-26,Rape sentences in landmark Guatemala trial
2016-02-26,European Parliament calls for Saudi arms embargo
2016-02-26,"Canadian Court Says Some Can Grow Marijuana at Home, With a Prescription"
2016-02-26,"US to go ahead with F-16 sale to Pakistan, state department says"
2016-02-26,Swiss hold divisive referendum on deporting petty criminals
2016-02-25,"770,000 names deleted from voter register in change to registration rules as critics claim Tories are rigging the system"
2016-02-25,Ontario makes college tuition free for low income families making 50k or less a year. Increases grants for those making 83k or less a year.
2016-02-25,"Arctic warming: Rapidly increasing temperatures are 'possibly catastrophic' for planet, climate scientist warns | Dr Peter Gleick said there is a growing body of 'pretty scary' evidence that higher temperatures are driving the creation of dangerous storms in parts of the northern hemisphere"
2016-02-25,ISIS suddenly trapped as Syrian Army pushes to recapture Aleppo supply route
2016-02-25,"An 11,000-year-old pendant has been found, the earliest known piece of Mesolithic art in Britain, and it may have been worn by a shaman"
2016-02-25,"Greenland: 'Ice sheet is now losing about 8,000 tons every second, year-round, day in and day out'"
2016-02-25,Coptic Christian teenagers sentenced to 5 years in egyptian prison for video mocking muslim prayer
2016-02-25,UBS charged with tax fraud and money laundering in Belgium
2016-02-25,The US Said India's Solar Power Plan Discriminates Against American Companies And the WTO Agrees
2016-02-25,"North Korea's state media has called for an attack on South Korea and the United States, as the allies gear up for their biggest ever joint military drills."
2016-02-25,Report: thousands of refugees 'disappear' after registering in Germany
2016-02-25,Islamists match Odins soldiers with Soldiers of Allah
2016-02-25,Australia's biggest banks pump billions into fossil fuels despite climate pledges
2016-02-25,"Europe's free travel will end unless Turkey halts migrant flow, officials say"
2016-02-25,Obama Bans Imports of Slave-Produced Goods
2016-02-25,David Cameron boasts of 'brilliant' UK arms exports to Saudi Arabia on the day the European parliament voted for an arms embargo
2016-02-25,Jimmy Savile dressed as a Womble to rape 10-year-old boy
2016-02-25,Saudi Arabia is reeling from falling oil prices. And it could get much worse.
2016-02-25,"Hundreds of thousands of Shiite Muslims, supporters of the influential cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, have taken to the streets of Baghdad to protest corruption in the government of Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi."
2016-02-25,"Social media helps fuel China's illegal craze for 'thumb monkeys' - Year of the monkey has sparked a trend for pygmy marmosets, the worlds smallest monkey, as pets. But conservationists warn the animals rarely survive in captivity."
2016-02-25,"Royal Malaysian Air Force plane crash-lands in shallow waters, only fatality was a fisherman who drowned while trying to help"
2016-02-25,Hitlers Mein Kampf is now a best-seller in Germany
2016-02-25,"The French government's plan to clear part of the Calais migrant camp known as the ""Jungle"" has been approved by a court in Lille."
2016-02-25,A teenage recruit ordered to have sex with fellow soldier the night before she was discovered shot dead in Britains controversial Deepcut barracks
2016-02-25,"A Belgian judge charged Swiss bank UBS on Friday with money laundering and ""serious and organized tax evasion,"" saying it directly sought clients in the country to help them skip taxes"
2016-02-24,Beijing now has more billionaires than New York
2016-02-24,"Brazil is building $250m-worth undersea cable linking directly Europe to avoid US espionage Tech giants like Google, Facebook likely to support"
2016-02-24,MH17 report identifies Russian soldiers suspected of downing plane in Ukraine
2016-02-24,Pope suggests contraceptives could be used to slow spread of Zika
2016-02-24,"PSA Peugeot-Citroen, ninth largest car manufacturer in the world made a net profit of $989 million in 2015. It gave its employees a 2,000.00 pays bonus but no dividends to its shareholders."
2016-02-24,"A gay Iranian poet is seeking asylum in Israel. Homosexuality is illegal in the Islamic Republic and those found guilty of the crime face tough punishments, including death."
2016-02-24,Canadian Federal Court allows medical marijuana users to grow their own cannabis
2016-02-24,"BBC TV host Jimmy Savile sexually abused 72 victims many under 16 years old at hospitals, stations premises for decades"
2016-02-24,China Stocks Plunge 6.4%. Down 47% last 8 months.
2016-02-24,"Polish scientists protest over plan to log in the ancient Biaowiea Forest - Researchers suspect motives for a planned increase in felling are commercial, but forest administration cites pest control. Govt claims there's no commercial benefit to leveling it."
2016-02-24,Jihadis selling U.S. weapons intended for Syrian rebels on Facebook
2016-02-24,Indian armed forces to open all combat roles to women
2016-02-24,Italy asks US to explain NSA spying report
2016-02-24,"Hungarys Orban slams Germany for rude tone over refugees: ""The quotas will change the profile of Europe from an ethnic, cultural and religious point of view,"" he said, warning that an uncontrolled migrant influx brought the risk of ""terrorism, criminality, anti-Semitism and homophobia."""
2016-02-24,Indian Police Silence Survivors Of Mass Rape - Women were dragged out of their vehicles and allegedly raped in fields near National Highway
2016-02-24,"Serious failings at the BBC allowed Jimmy Savile and Stuart Hall to sexually abuse nearly 100 people without detection for decades, according to two damning reports published on Thursday, which insisted that the corporation still had lessons to learn from the affair."
2016-02-24,"Russia, With Turkey In Mind, Announces Deal To Provide Armenia with $200 Million Credit to Buy Equipment: Multiple-Launch Rocket Systems, Anti-Tank Missiles, Handheld Antiaircraft Missiles and Tank Upgrades."
2016-02-24,ISIS Is Losing Its Capital
2016-02-24,France seeks 1.6 billion euros in back taxes from Google
2016-02-24,"US Passes Bill Banning Goods Produced by Child ""Slave Labor"" in Southeast Asia and Central Africa."
2016-02-24,Russia seeks joint manned flight to Mars with India
2016-02-24,China Warns U.S. After Trump Wins Nevada Caucus
2016-02-24,"Greece 'won't be Lebanon of Europe', says migration minister"
2016-02-24,Reports of hostage taking in London restaurant
2016-02-24,Germany deports Afghan refugees in effort to deter new arrivals
2016-02-23,Fuel has gotten so cheap that ships are now choosing to take the long way around Africa rather then pay the fees to transit the Suez Canal.
2016-02-23,Female student injures eight people in Canada school stabbing
2016-02-23,Medical Marijuana Now Legal in Australia
2016-02-23,It's official: Native Americans and Siberians are cousins
2016-02-23,Puerto Rico Freezes Condom Prices To Prevent Zika Profiteering
2016-02-23,"Google, Red Hat discover critical DNS security flaw that enables malware to infect entire internet"
2016-02-23,Hungary will call referendum on EU's refugee quotas. Prime minister says planned quotas are an abuse of power and that Brussels has no right to redraw Europes cultural and religious identity.
2016-02-23,"Refugee arrivals in Greece exceed 100,000 in less than two months"
2016-02-23,ISIS captures Libyan port city used by refugees heading to Europe
2016-02-23,"Russia gives a gift of 10,000 automatic rifles to Afghanistan"
2016-02-23,India agrees to give landlocked Nepal secure transit to Bangladesh by road and rail
2016-02-23,"Ramon Castro, Cuban President's Older Brother, Dies"
2016-02-23,Explosion & Collapse at British Power Station
2016-02-23,Former footbal star Hakan Sukur faces up to 4 years in jail for insulting Erdoan
2016-02-23,Netanyahu asks for 'Israeli apartheid' tube posters to be removed from London underground
2016-02-23,Germany blasts countries that won't take back migrants
2016-02-23,"UK downgrading of human rights sets dangerous precedent, says Amnesty"
2016-02-23,A controversial new study published in the Journal of Medical Ethics says nicking the genitals of young girls is an acceptable compromise for the practice of female genital mutilation (FGM) in the West
2016-02-23,"Tunisian museum security guards failed to search two heavily armed gunmen before they shot dead 22 people including a British woman in a terrorist attack, an inquest heard."
2016-02-23,South Africa will relax some of its tough rules on genetically modified crops so it can ramp up maize imports from the United States and Mexico to avert a potential food crisis amid a severe drought.
2016-02-23,NASA is devising plans for a human outpost near the Moon
2016-02-23,South East Asian plane goes missing in mountains with 69 on board
2016-02-23,Syria conflict: Warring parties accept US-Russia truce plan
2016-02-23,Kurds rescue Swedish teen from ISIS-held territory in northern Iraq
2016-02-23,Latest Wikileaks documents: Irish citizen working for the UN Refugee Agency was targeted by the NSA
2016-02-22,"WikiLeaks publishes docs showing that the NSA bugged meetings between Ban Ki-Moon and Merkel, Netanyahu, Berlusconi, between key EU and Japanese ministers discussing their secret trade red-lines at WTO negotiations, as well as details of a private meeting between Sarkozy, Merkel and Berlusconi"
2016-02-22,Montreal to ban plastic bags as of 2018
2016-02-22,Zimbabwe park warns it may shoot 200 surplus lions now that big game hunters are staying home
2016-02-22,Anti-vaccination campaigners blamed for measles outbreak in Melbourne suburb of Brunswick in Australia
2016-02-22,Peacocks in China zoo die from shock after tourists pluck out their feathers
2016-02-22,"We can say with 95 percent probability that the rate of global sea level rise in the 20th-century was faster than any of the previous 27 centuries, and it's continuing to accelerate."
2016-02-22,Israeli who burned Palestinian teenager alive ruled sane by psychiatrist
2016-02-22,"Egyptian four-year-old's life sentence a mistake, military says: ""Spokesman Col Mohammed Samir said the court should have sentenced a 16-year-old with a similar name instead."""
2016-02-22,Brazil to fight Zika by sterilizing mosquitoes with gamma rays
2016-02-22,"On February 6th Nasa reported a huge explosion of seven meter space rock over the Atlantic ocean. It released energy equivalent to 13,000 tons of TNT, which is the same as the energy used in the first atomic weapon that leveled Hiroshima in 1945."
2016-02-22,Russia requesting to fly reconnaissance aircraft over the US using Open Skies Treaty
2016-02-22,"Colombia's Search for the Disappeared Unearths 28,000 Bodies.The search is part of a government initiative to locate disappeared persons after tens of thousands have gone missing, or been forcibly disappeared, in the over 50-year internal conflict in the country"
2016-02-22,DOD Opens Afghan Child Sex Abuse Probe
2016-02-22,More than 800 Islamists leave Germany to join IS in Syria and Iraq
2016-02-22,Syria ceasefire 'to start 27 February'
2016-02-22,Kurdish special forces rescue teenage Swedish girl from Islamic State
2016-02-22,"People-smuggling gangs netted up to 6 billion euros ($6.6 billion) last year, most of it from the traffic of migrants into Europe."
2016-02-22,"The DOD Has Finally Launched an Investigation of Pedophilia by Afghan Soldiers -""The Department of Defense inspector general's office is launching an investigation into the way that US military officials handled repeated allegations that Afghan security forces and police were sexually abusing boys."""
2016-02-22,Denmark opens first food waste supermarket selling surplus produce
2016-02-22,"Peru pipeline leaks in Amazon; Two rivers polluted, agency says"
2016-02-22,"Muslim militants attack Filipino troops, more than 20 dead"
2016-02-22,"Mexico's missing students: international investigators say they are being obstructed. Experts claim the government is limiting their access to new information, including videos, about the 43 teaching students who disappeared in 2014"
2016-02-22,India has overtaken China's air pollution levels in 2015 : Greenpeace
2016-02-22,ISIS release the last 40 hostages of 230 Assyrian Christians kidnapped in Syria
2016-02-22,Portugal wants more refugees to help revive dwindling population
2016-02-21,Oil is now so cheap even pirates arent stealing it any more
2016-02-21,Prime Minister of India bows down to touch a 104 year old woman's feet who built toilets to stop open defecation
2016-02-21,US authorities have asked the German carmaker Volkswagen to produce electric vehicles in the United States as a way of making up for its rigging of emission tests.
2016-02-21,"TTIP deal poses 'real and serious risk' to NHS, says leading QC. Unite union set to present law experts advice to government, who they believe have kept Britain in the dark over deals potential impact on health service."
2016-02-21,"China is racing to get its Mars mission ready for the 2020 launch window, including instruments to detect signs of life"
2016-02-21,Ocean acidification expected to cause skeletal deformities in 50% of juvenile corals
2016-02-21,"France's far-right National Front party has asked Russia for a 27-million-euro ($30 million) loan, claiming that the party needs it to finance its election campaigns in 2017"
2016-02-21,Saudi prince: Muslim nations must lead in counterterrorism
2016-02-21,Austria Cancels Event Including Holocaust Survivor Who Compared Israel to Nazis
2016-02-21,"ISIS is marketing to Justin Beiber fans, tricking them into viewing ISIS propaganda videos with Beiber hashtags"
2016-02-21,"Queensland's land clearance is costing Australia and its wildlife - The state is destroying well over 100,000 hectares of native vegetation a year, and rising"
2016-02-21,"Thousands of protesters broke out into dance at a rally against Sydney's lockout laws, hours after emergency workers called for the laws to stay.Opponents say the laws are killing off the city's nightlife with venues being forced to close and hundreds of jobs disappearing along with patronage."
2016-02-21,"London Mayor, Boris Johnson to campaign to leave European Union."
2016-02-21,Egypt jails author for two years over sexually explicit novel
2016-02-21,"Israel preparing plan to boost Palestinian economy. Finance officials from both sides propose new cooperation in medicine, tech and construction, among other areas."
2016-02-21,The Australian government will now have the power to force multinational companies to sell Australian assests if they avoid paying tax
2016-02-21,Senior scientists have denounced a potential move to muzzle colleagues whose findings are disliked by the government.
2016-02-21,"Rip Curl has been exposed for using North Korean slave labour to make its clothing, and it seems its not the only surf brand whose supply chain remains under wraps."
2016-02-21,"Hindu priest killed in Bangladesh, Isis claims responsibility"
2016-02-21,"Radioactive water leak found at Takahama No. 4 reactor, posing restart delay"
2016-02-21,Refugees weep as they are welcomed in Germany by mob shouting 'go home'
2016-02-21,India caste unrest: 'Ten million without water' in Delhi
2016-02-21,Planned refugee shelter in eastern German town of Bautzen catches fire
2016-02-21,Homs and Damascus bomb blasts kill 140.
2016-02-21,Truce Unravels as Fighting Picks Up in Ukraine
2016-02-20,Homeopathy found to be effective for 0 out of 68 illnesses: a systematic review concluded the controversial treatment was no more effective than placebo drugs
2016-02-20,"Australian government's 'no jab, no pay' law sparks run on vaccines as parents fear missing out on welfare benefits"
2016-02-20,Pope calls for worldwide ban on death penalty
2016-02-20,"Salman Rushdie: Iranian state media renew fatwa on Satanic Verses author with $600,000 bounty"
2016-02-20,Rip Curl clothes produced in North Korean factory with 'slave-like' conditions
2016-02-20,"3,000-Yr-Old Egyptian Fingerprints found on Coffin Lid"
2016-02-20,Missing radioactive material found dumped in south Iraq
2016-02-20,"Banning homosexuality fosters hate crime and homophobia, says UN report"
2016-02-20,NASA Reveals Astronauts Heard Unexplained Music At The Moon
2016-02-20,"Syrian army, allies advance against Islamic State in eastern Aleppo"
2016-02-20,"ISIS Begins Mass Evacuation: Russia Destroys Another 1,593 Targets in Past Week"
2016-02-20,"EU police chief warns that 5,000 jihadists returned from Middle East and new attack is likely"
2016-02-20,Explosives found in front of French government buildings in Corsica before a huge demonstration
2016-02-20,US becomes Germanys top trading partner
2016-02-20,Late Russian anti-doping agency boss was set to expose true story
2016-02-20,"More than 10 million people are in need of food aid in Ethiopia amid a drought worse than the one that triggered the haunting 1984 famine, the U.N. has warned."
2016-02-20,"Twitters Account Suspensions Are Surprisingly Effective Against ISIS - ""Frequent pruning has hobbled terrorists ability to get their message out."""
2016-02-20,Thousands in Japan rally against U.S. base on Okinawa
2016-02-20,Pentagon: US kept nukes on Okinawa
2016-02-20,Mexican woman with Zika gives birth to healthy child
2016-02-20,Egyptian writer Ahmed Naji sentenced to two years for 'sexually explicit text'.
2016-02-20,Thousands of protesters formed a human chain around Japan's parliament Sunday in protest at the planned construction of a new US base on the southern island of Okinawa.
2016-02-20,Al Qaeda Has Seized Another City and Now Controls a Swath of Southern Yemen
2016-02-20,Britain and Saudi Arabia lobbied UN to whitewash Bahrain police abuses
2016-02-20,"Syria conflict: Homs car bombings kill 46, says monitor"
2016-02-19,Britain will vote on whether to remain in the EU on the 23rd of June
2016-02-19,Venezuelans face a 6000% hike in gasoline price from $0.01 to $0.60
2016-02-19,ISIS Terrorist Cell Dismantled in Morocco 'Planned to Use Biological Weapons'
2016-02-19,"Warming waters in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans have increased the prevalence of diseases that are turning sea stars to mush and killing lobsters by burrowing under their shells and causing lesions, two new studies say."
2016-02-19,Kurdish militant group claims responsibility for suicide bombing in Ankara that killed 28
2016-02-19,First case of Zika virus confirmed in Canada
2016-02-19,Russia warns Assad on vow to retake all of Syria
2016-02-19,The German government has asked its intelligence agencies to investigate whether Russia is conducting a propaganda campaign in Germany
2016-02-19,Germany migrant bus surrounded by protesters
2016-02-19,"500,000 Sign Petition Calling For National Animal Cruelty Register After Worst Ever Attack On Dog"
2016-02-19,Google moved over 28bn through Irish in tax scheme
2016-02-19,A South African university had to shut down its campuses Friday after violent protests over the use of Afrikaans as an official teaching language a demonstration that echoed students' demands during apartheid decades ago
2016-02-19,Saudi minister says Syrian rebels should get surface-to-air missiles
2016-02-19,Scientists are floored by whats happening in the Arctic where temperatures are 4 C above average
2016-02-19,Calais 'Jungle' migrants ordered to vacate by Tuesday or face being forcibly removed
2016-02-19,Scientists studying mysterious boiling river straight out of Amazonian legend
2016-02-19,Hollande's Attack On 35-Hour Workweek Angers French Socialists
2016-02-19,"Islamic State faces new trouble in Fallujah as Sunni tribesmen revolt--""Sunni tribesmen have attacked Islamic State militants in the Iraqi city of Fallujah, the Iraqi military and local officials said Friday, overrunning and burning one of their headquarters as resentment against the group grows."""
2016-02-19,Arabic Version of Saturday Night Live Hits the Middle East
2016-02-19,Abbas's Fatah declares would-be attacker a 'heroic martyr'
2016-02-19,"3,000-Year-Old Wheel Dug up from Mud in the UK"
2016-02-19,South Africa Confirms First Zika Virus Case
2016-02-19,"Stanford scientists have found that chronically low levels of oxygen throughout the oceans hampered the recovery of life after the Permian-Triassic extinction, the most catastrophic die-off in our planets history. Global ecosystems collapsed as 90 percent of species perished 250 million years ago."
2016-02-19,Lithuania President Says EU Deal Reached With United Kingdom
2016-02-19,"Iran will not tolerate Kurdish independence, ISIS and Israel benefit only"
2016-02-18,Obama Going to Cuba; First Visit by U.S. President in 88 Years
2016-02-18,David Cameron blocks compulsory sex education in classrooms across the UK
2016-02-18,Uganda shuts down social media; candidates arrested on election day
2016-02-18,"Japanese TV anchors lose their jobs for lack of ""fairness"" reporting"
2016-02-18,"Cairo court sentences 4-year-old boy to life in jail for murder, disturbance of the peace and damaging state property. Crimes that the boy alledgedly commited two years ago - Middle East"
2016-02-18,Finland starts non-stop flights from Helsinki to Baghdad for refugees who want to go back
2016-02-18,Jerusalems Zion Square to be renamed for teen fatally stabbed at gay pride parade
2016-02-18,"Ocean levels in the Philippines rising at 5 times the global average - Globally, sea levels are going up, but there are big regional differences."
2016-02-18,Pope: Bishops Who Reassign Suspect Pedophiles Should Resign
2016-02-18,"The Canadian government on Thursday delayed for a second time a ruling on whether waste from nuclear power plants can be permanently stored underground less than a mile from Lake Huron, a proposal that has drawn fierce opposition on both sides of the border"
2016-02-18,Jewish group attacks York University over anti-Semitic move to divest from weapons manufacturers
2016-02-18,Australian Court rules Shenhua (a Chinese coal mining company) may destroy koala habitat for huge coalmine
2016-02-18,150 allegedly 'burned alive by Turkish military' during crackdown on Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK)
2016-02-18,"Venezuela raises gas prices 6,200%, still has the lowest gas prices in the world"
2016-02-18,Virgin Galactic is set to reveal its new space plane Friday
2016-02-18,Seouls spy service says North Korea preparing attacks on South
2016-02-18,"On the Run from the Islamic State, Assyrians Are Trying to Save Their Heritage"
2016-02-18,U.S. Spurns Turkey Demand to Cut Kurdish Ties After Bombing
2016-02-18,"Isis sending children to die at unprecedented rate, report warns: Analysis of 89 deaths of minors finds 39% drove vehicles laden with explosives, while a third died as foot soldiers"
2016-02-18,The Hubble Space Telescope has given scientists their sharpest-ever look at a known galaxy containing an enormous black hole.
2016-02-18,U.S. stationing tanks and artillery in classified Norwegian caves
2016-02-18,First known sexual transmission of Zika virus in U.S. was eight years ago
2016-02-18,Colombias top cop resigns amid male prostitution scandal. The Inspector General has vowed to investigate allegations that senior police officers were also pimping young cops to members of Colombias congress.
2016-02-18,Kurds Warn Turkey of Big War With Russia If Troops Enter Syria
2016-02-18,UN: Hamas tunnel threats not helpful for Gaza reconstruction
2016-02-17,Colombian prison drain pipes yield over 100 dismembered corpses
2016-02-17,"Scientists warn of coming global disaster because of water inequality.We are revealing a global disaster in the making, yet we are seeing very little coordinated response."
2016-02-17,Blast hits Ankara military building
2016-02-17,ISIS beheads 15-year-old Iraqi boy for listening to pop music
2016-02-17,N. Korea prepares for terror attacks on S. Korea: intelligence unit
2016-02-17,"Huge explosion hits Turkish Centre, Stockholm, Sweden"
2016-02-17,"Fast-growing tumbleweed called hairy panic blows into Australian city - Dry grass piles up around homes in Wangaratta, north-east Victoria at times reportedly reaching roof height"
2016-02-17,"New LSE report recommends 'War on Drugs' is replaced by the Sustainable Development Goals.The question now is not, whether to end the war on drugs, but what to replace its failed policies with,"
2016-02-17,"Obama to travel to Cuba President Barack Obama is planning to travel to Cuba within the next month, becoming the first U.S. president to do so since Calvin Coolidge."
2016-02-17,Vatican says abortion is 'illegitimate response' to Zika virus
2016-02-17,Italy names Turkish president's son in money laundering investigation allegedly connected to political corruption | Europe | News
2016-02-17,Syrian rebels say reinforcements get free passage via Turkey
2016-02-17,Panasonic to recognize same-sex partnerships in rare step for conservative Japan
2016-02-17,Former Dutch PM Balkenende smuggled beer into Arab palace
2016-02-17,"Our 1st sex with Neanderthals happened 100,000 yrs ago - It was a 2-way street. Many carry Neanderthal DNA due to cross-species liaisons. Now it seems some Neanderthals carried our DNA too. 1 chunk of modern DNA found in Neanderthals was inside a gene linked to language development."
2016-02-17,Six soldiers killed in southeast Turkey bomb attack
2016-02-17,"Swine flu: Three hospital wards closed in Leicester, UK after 14 cancer patients diagnosed with virus"
2016-02-17,"Pentagon: North Korean special forces 'highly trained, well-equipped'"
2016-02-17,"Lockheed Martin ready to manufacture F-16 jets in India, Lockheed supplied six C130J Super Hercules planes to India in 2011 and will be delivering another six helicopters in 2017"
2016-02-17,Ankara blast: Turkey PM says Syria Kurds to blame
2016-02-17,"Venezuela president raises fuel price by 6,000% and devalues bolivar to tackle crisis"
2016-02-17,"El Nio has passed peak strength but impacts will continue, UN warns"
2016-02-17,Explosion hits another Turkish military convoy one day after Ankara attack
2016-02-17,"Pakistans parliament becomes first in world to run entirely on solar power | The seat of the government in the countrys capital, Islamabad, is now wholly powered by the sun"
2016-02-17,Cash for Life: Guaranteed Annual Income Gaining Steam in Canada
2016-02-16,"Faced with a cash shortage in its so-called caliphate, the Islamic State group has slashed salaries across the region, asked Raqqa residents to pay utility bills in black market American dollars, and is now releasing detainees for a price of $500 a person."
2016-02-16,According to NASA data this January was the warmest January on record by a large margin while also claiming the title of most anomalously warm month in 135 years of record keeping
2016-02-16,US stealth jets flying over S. Korea amid N. Korea standoff
2016-02-16,"A piece of Mozart music considered lost for more than 200 years has been performed for the first time since being rediscovered. It was co-written by him and Antonio Salieri, usually considered a rival, as well as an unknown composer, Cornetti."
2016-02-16,"Iranian Heavy Metal Band 'Confess' Reportedly Arrested for Blasphemy, Could Face Execution"
2016-02-16,Paedophile who led child sex grooming ring using human rights laws to try to block deportation
2016-02-16,"800 Bataclan survivors get to ""finish the concert"" last night in Paris with Eagles of Death Metal"
2016-02-16,"Eagles of Death Metal perform again in Paris to honour victims - starts concert by performing ""Paris s'veille"""
2016-02-16,"In a first, new Egyptian schoolbook teaches peace deal with Israel"
2016-02-16,"Nine out of 10 Britons on modest incomes under the age of 35 will be frozen out of home ownership within a decade, according to a study from a leading thinktank that lays bare the impact of surging property prices on the young."
2016-02-16,UK government to force all online porn users to identify themselves
2016-02-16,"Child abuse survivors raise $90,000 to see Australia's most senior Catholic official, George Pell, give evidence in Rome after he avoids flying to Australia and testifying in person to a child sexual abuse Royal Commission."
2016-02-16,"Young Saudis See Cushy Jobs Vanish Along With Nations Oil Wealth: For younger Saudis 70 percent of them are under age 30 the oil shock has meant a lowering of expectations as they face the likelihood that they will have to work harder than their parents, enjoy less job security"
2016-02-16,"As India prepares to import corn for the first time in 16 years, it plans to import only GMO-free corn"
2016-02-16,"TTIP could block Governments from cracking down on tax avoidance, study warns. Similar trade agreements have been used to facilitate apparent tax avoidance in the past"
2016-02-16,Germany will normalize ties with Iran after it recognizes Israel Merkel
2016-02-16,China sends missiles to contested South China Sea island
2016-02-16,Turkey's Erdogan: no intent to stop retaliatory shelling of Syrian Kurdish YPG
2016-02-16,"French ex-President Nicolas Sarkozy has been placed under formal investigation in a probe into his campaign funding, prosecutors say."
2016-02-16,"Iran invites Indian investment in projects worth $8 billion, offers stake in Imam Khomeini airport"
2016-02-16,Iranian banks reconnected to global payments network
2016-02-16,Saudi Arabia Launches unprecedented Military Exercise 'Thunder of the North'. Tensions rise in the area.
2016-02-16,"Hong Kongs popular, lucrative horror movie about Beijing has disappeared from theaters"
2016-02-16,Russian vodka exports slump 40% because of sanctions
2016-02-16,"The overconsumption of meat will inevitably push global temperatures to dangerous levels, a recent study has warned.""Global consumption of meat is forecast to increase 76% on recent levels by mid-century. A protein transition is playing out across the developing world"
2016-02-15,"The Obama administration has approved the first U.S. factory in Cuba in more than half a century, allowing a two-man company from Alabama to build a plant assembling as many as 1,000 small tractors a year for sale to private farmers in Cuba."
2016-02-15,"'Extraordinary' Cancer Breakthrough Revealed (94% of terminally ill patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia went into remission, study finds)"
2016-02-15,Hacker unleashes 17.8GB trove of data from a Turkish national police server
2016-02-15,"'Hobbits' found on Flores island are not Homo sapiens, but mystery remains"
2016-02-15,"The first train to connect China and Iran arrived in Tehran, loaded with Chinese goods, reviving the ancient Silk Road"
2016-02-15,France orders Facebook to stop monitoring Facebook visitors who don't sign up
2016-02-15,"Sea Shepherd says it can't find Japan's whaling fleet, asks Australian government to kindly provide the coordinates."
2016-02-15,UN Expert: Kim Jong Un Could Be Held Accountable for Crimes Against Humanity
2016-02-15,"Most Cologne New Year's suspects are refugees, says Cologne prosecutor Ulrich Bremer"
2016-02-15,VW: ex-CEO 'Knew About Defeat Device in Early 2014'
2016-02-15,"Isis stones to death four women for adultery 'after they were raped by militants', activists claim | Middle East | News"
2016-02-15,Ikea accused of dodging $1.1 billion in taxes
2016-02-15,"Saudis, Russia agree oil output freeze, talks with Iran to follow"
2016-02-15,Russia Killed More Syrian Civilians than Assad or ISIS in January: Report
2016-02-15,50 Civilians Feared Dead in Syria as 5 Hospitals Bombed
2016-02-15,"Germany expects 500,000 refugees this year: newspaper"
2016-02-15,Lasers are offensive weapons and must be banned' - pilots' union
2016-02-15,Global Water Shortage Worse Than Predicted
2016-02-15,Turkish warplanes violate Greek airspace 22 times within 24 hours
2016-02-15,Mexico Seizes Load of Meth Lollipops Headed for Nebraska
2016-02-15,Coca-Cola India shuts 3 plants citing inadequate demand
2016-02-15,Bosnia-Herzegovina applies for membership in European Union
2016-02-15,Turkmenistan president rewrites constitution to let him rule for life
2016-02-15,Russia rejects Syria war crimes claim over hospital attacks
2016-02-15,Sex assault: Vatican pardons Indian priest convicted of rape
2016-02-14,Goldman Sachs banker embroiled in massive overseas money scandal
2016-02-14,Student worker paid just 47 cents an hour by 7-Eleven
2016-02-14,$1billion dollars worth of meth hidden in bra inserts
2016-02-14,"Its legal for GCHQ to break into computers and install spyware, tribunal rules"
2016-02-14,"Israel boycott ban: Shunning Israeli goods to be criminal offence for [UK] councils, public bodies and student unions"
2016-02-14,"Saudi Arabia begins massive military drill in volatile Middle East - 2,500 warplanes, 20,000 tanks and 350,000 troops to take part"
2016-02-14,Exclusive: Samples confirm Islamic State used mustard gas in Iraq - diplomat
2016-02-14,New species that causes Lyme Disease discovered at Mayo Clinic
2016-02-14,Brazilian state suspends larvicide which doctors have linked to Microcephaly
2016-02-14,"Turkey shells Kurdish positions in northern Syria for second day, Damascus urges UN intervention"
2016-02-14,"Death toll in Syria adjusted to 470,000 deaths"
2016-02-14,Merkel isolated as EU partners slam door on refugees
2016-02-14,George Osborne's family business 'has not paid corporation tax for seven years'
2016-02-14,Israel to Appoint Muslim Arab in Second Highest Rank in Police Force
2016-02-14,US-registered aircraft impounded by Zimbabwe after body and millions of Rand found on board
2016-02-14,North Korea took 70 percent of Kaesong wages for weapons program: South Korea
2016-02-14,"More than 200 sailors, some of them still serving, have joined a class action against the Royal Australian Navy alleging they were tricked into signing up for four years under false promises they would leave with a trade."
2016-02-14,Condamine River's mysterious bubbling 'intensifying'
2016-02-14,Norway to sentence some drug addicts to treatment rather than prison | Europe | News
2016-02-14,Hamas leader: We will remove the Jews from our land
2016-02-14,"Suspected Russian airstrikes hit MSF-backed hospital in Syria, 9 dead, including a child"
2016-02-14,350 armed rebels enter northern Syria through Turkish border
2016-02-14,Turkey transfers 500 Islamist rebels to northern Aleppo
2016-02-14,Obama to Russia's Putin: cease air campaign on moderate Syrian opposition
2016-02-14,China to provide Iran with $20bn finance
2016-02-13,Indian govt asks banks to pitch in to build toilets and make India open defecation free.
2016-02-13,ISIS continues massive retreat as Syrian forces advance towards Tabaqa
2016-02-13,Leaked report reveals scale of crisis in England's mental health services. Damning confidential report reveals suicides are rising and 75% of those needing help are not receiving it
2016-02-13,"Christchurch New Zealand, has been hit by a 5.9 earthquake. Sirens and evacuations underway following severe shaking."
2016-02-13,Turkish forces shell Syrian air base captured by Kurds
2016-02-13,"Canadians crack down on guns, alarmed by flow from U.S."
2016-02-13,Norway: Criminals/Drugabusers can now be sentenced to treatment instead of jail
2016-02-13,"Assad 'will be removed by force' if peace talks fail, Saudi Foreign Minister says"
2016-02-13,U.S. missile inadvertently shipped to Cuba has been returned
2016-02-13,"North American countries sign first-ever climate accord - Canada, the United States and Mexico broke new ground Friday, signing the first-ever climate change and clean energy agreement in North American history"
2016-02-13,US urges Turkey to stop shelling Kurdish and Syrian forces
2016-02-13,"Alarming new research has found that 4 billion people around the globe including close to 2 billion in India and China live in conditions of extreme water scarcity at least one month during the year. Half a billion, meanwhile, experience it throughout the entire year."
2016-02-13,Syria Civil War: Turkey confirms military strikes against Assad regime troops
2016-02-13,"AI 'could leave half of world unemployed', says Expert | The Guardian"
2016-02-13,"South Korean lawmaker calls upon assassinating North Korean ""Hitler"""
2016-02-13,Chinese nuclear fusion scientists achieve temperatures three times hotter than the sun - The temperatures were roughly equal to a 'mid-sized thermo-nuclear explosion'
2016-02-13,Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi rejected the Roman Catholic Church's interference in a parliamentary debate on legislation that offers homosexual couples legal recognition and limited adoption rights.
2016-02-13,"Former Isis Yazidi sex slaves take up arms for revenge, to win back Mosul and 'bring our women home'"
2016-02-13,Russian PM Medvedev says new cold war is on
2016-02-13,New Zealand Prime Minister John Key booed off stage and glitter bombed by anti-TPP protestors at gay music festival in Auckland
2016-02-13,Canada's first transgender judge officially sworn in
2016-02-13,Pope calls out drug trade in Mexico
2016-02-13,"Earth's rarest minerals catalogued - None of 2,500 species is known from over 5 locales & for a few of them the total global supply could fit in a thimble. But it's important to hunt down these oddities as they hold basic info about construction of our planet."
2016-02-13,"Saudi Arabia, Turkey may launch ground operations in Syria: Turkish media"
2016-02-13,South Korea says North Korea's government took 70% of money paid for Kaesong Industrial Complex workers.
2016-02-12,"150,000 penguins killed after giant iceberg renders colony landlocked"
2016-02-12,U.S. to restore commercial air travel to Cuba
2016-02-12,India 'disappointed' as US decides to sell eight F-16 fighter jets to Pakistan-I News - IBNLive Mobile
2016-02-12,Medieval trading ship raised to surface 'almost intact' after 500 yrs on riverbed in Netherlands - The ship even has an oven and glazed tiles still preserved onboard
2016-02-12,"Four billion people face severe water scarcity, new research finds. Water shortages affecting two-thirds of worlds population for a month every year and the crisis is far worse than previously thought."
2016-02-12,Pope meets Russian Orthodox head after 962-year split: Church reconciliation and the welfare of Christians in Middle East and Africa in the agenda of historic talks held in Cuba.
2016-02-12,"More than 5,000 pregnant women in Colombia have Zika virus, 31,555 total infections, country's national health institute says"
2016-02-12,Turkey spent 20 times more than international aid agencies on refugees
2016-02-12,Saudi Arabia moves troops to Turkey as 'base for Syria invasion'
2016-02-12,"GCHQ hacking phones and computers is legal, including remotely activating microphones and cameras."
2016-02-12,France says Facebook must face French law in nudity censorship case
2016-02-12,"British teen Allegedly Behind CIA, FBI Breaches"
2016-02-12,Exclusive: U.S. Allies Now Fighting CIA-Backed Rebels
2016-02-12,Short story collection smuggled out of North Korea sparks global interest
2016-02-12,"Mysterious armed groups are on the prowl, targeting migrants in night attacks in Calais and elsewhere in northern France, sowing fear among the displaced travelers living in squalid slums and deepening concerns the city is becoming a tinderbox of anti-migrant, anti-Muslim rage"
2016-02-12,"U.S., UK likely to charge multiple banks in Libor rigging: WSJ"
2016-02-12,Turkey says ready to join ground operation with Saudi Arabia against ISIL in Syria
2016-02-12,"Syria's President Assad vows to retake ""the whole country"""
2016-02-12,"Computer and smartphone hacking by spying agency GCHQ is legal, the UK's Investigatory Powers Tribunal has said.Equipment allowed to be hacked includes -- but is not limited too -- computers, servers, routers, laptops, mobile phones and more."
2016-02-12,US military deploys more Patriot missiles in South Korea
2016-02-12,India just ruled that its ok to cut internet access when necessary
2016-02-12,"Israel, India to sign weapons deal"
2016-02-12,Syria's Assad: Europe Must Help Refugees Return.Syria's president says the West is responsible for the massive movement of refugees.
2016-02-12,"Newly invented Aldehyde-Stabilized Cryopreservation procedure wins Brain Preservation Prize: ""Using a combination of ultrafast chemical fixation and cryogenic storage, it is the first demonstration that near-perfect, long-term structural preservation of an intact mammalian brain is achievable."""
2016-02-12,Saudi Foreign Minister says removal of Assad is crucial to defeat ISIS.
2016-02-11,Gravitational waves from black holes detected
2016-02-11,"Teen girl sent by Boko Haram rips off suicide vest, refuses to bomb refugee camp"
2016-02-11,"South Korea cuts off power, water into Kaesong zone in North Korea"
2016-02-11,Families of Americans killed by Mexican cartels sue HSBC for laundering billions
2016-02-11,"Netanyahu's wife abused household staff, Israeli court finds"
2016-02-11,The European Union has given Greece three months to fix its border controls or face suspension from the border-free Schengen zone for up to two years.
2016-02-11,"Agreement reached at international talks on nationwide Syria ceasefire, US's John Kerry says."
2016-02-11,Afghan Taliban flogs woman in public for going out with her brother-in-law to visit doctor
2016-02-11,"China now the world leader in wind power production: According to statistics released by the Global Wind Energy Council, China installed 30,500 megawatts of new wind power last year, compared to the world total of 63,000 MW"
2016-02-11,"One of oldest cemeteries in Europe discovered, with graves dating back some 8,500 yrs. - Archaeologists in Germany have uncovered the bodies of children & 1 adult man who was buried, strangely, standing upright. Its rare for the Mesolithic to find multiple graves in 1 place."
2016-02-11,Indonesia bans gay emoji and stickers from messaging apps
2016-02-11,China Could Have a Meltdown-Proof Nuclear Reactor Next Year
2016-02-11,School shooting in Saudi Arabia: teacher kills 6 colleagues
2016-02-11,Argentine and Brazilian doctors suspect mosquito insecticide as cause of microcephaly
2016-02-11,"Scientists Discover Hidden Galaxies Behind The Milky Way: ""Despite being just 250 million light years from Earth--very close in astronomical terms--the new galaxies had been hidden from view until now by our own galaxy, the Milky Way."""
2016-02-11,UN official says Hamas has prevented a senior UN employee from leaving the Gaza Strip
2016-02-11,Britain accuses China of serious breach of treaty over 'removed' Hong Kong booksellers
2016-02-11,Bernie Sanders' British brother Larry Sanders appointed UK Green Party's health spokesperson
2016-02-11,"Britains biggest Roman structure uncovered 120-metre-long arcade provided a frontage to the Temple of Claudius. Archaeologists have known about it for 60 yrs, but demolition of office block shows it to be largest in Roman Britain. Closest rival in size is in France."
2016-02-11,U.S. and Russia Announce Plan for Humanitarian Aid and a Cease-Fire in Syria
2016-02-11,"New report estimates 470,000 dead so far in Syria's Civil War and that more than 1 in 10 Syrians have been injured or killed"
2016-02-11,GSK fined after paying millions to inflate the price of anti-depressant Seroxat
2016-02-11,"A five-storey building has collapsed in central Istanbul, with fears that people may be trapped inside, Turkish media report."
2016-02-11,"Bahrain's king hands 'sword of victory' to Putin after Syria talks. He said ""This [sword] was made under the kingdoms orders. Made from Damascus steel. We called it the sword of victory. For imminent victory, God willing."
2016-02-11,Report: Iranian Official Says GOPers Tried To Stall Prisoner Swap For 2016 Election
2016-02-10,British ISIS fighter who called himself 'Superman' but returned to the UK because Syria was too cold is jailed for seven years
2016-02-10,Animals reduced to cannibalism in Egyptian zoo after neglect
2016-02-10,"Grow a thicker skin, Germany tells Poland: The German government reminded Poland on Wednesday that it doesn't control political speech within its borders, after Warsaw complained about a Dsseldorf carnival float which mocked the leader of its governing party"
2016-02-10,"At least 50 killed in a prison riot in Monterrey, Mexico"
2016-02-10,North Korea accuses South Korea of 'dangerous declaration of war' over Kaesong industrial complex dispute
2016-02-10,"Catholic bishops not obliged to report clerical child abuse, Vatican says"
2016-02-10,'British child' blows up Isis prisoners in new execution video
2016-02-10,Saudi Arabia may deploy troops in Syria to counter Russia
2016-02-10,Female suicide bombers kill over 60 people in northeast Nigeria: officials
2016-02-10,Australia set to legalize cultivation of medical cannabis.
2016-02-10,"In rare admission, Pakistan recognises growing presence of Islamic State"
2016-02-10,A mammal's brain has been cryonically frozen and recovered for the first time - What the 21st Century Medicine team are trying to perfect is 'synthetic revival'
2016-02-10,Asylum seekers given priority for hospital visits: An admission by Austrian health officials that asylum seekers have been given priority for hospital visits has been greeted by angry reaction.
2016-02-10,Indian Soldier who was rescued after being buried under the snow passes away
2016-02-10,Report on Syria conflict finds 11.5% of population killed or injured
2016-02-10,UAE names female cabinet member as minister of happiness to make the Gulf State happiest in the world
2016-02-10,"Oil prices crash below $27 a barrel, 13-year low"
2016-02-10,Facebook board member Marc Andreessen offends India with colonialism tweets
2016-02-10,Master forger arrested in Thailand over fake passports for migrants to Europe.
2016-02-10,"Scandinavias first women-only mosque with women imams is opening in Copenhagen, Denmark"
2016-02-10,Turkey's Leader Blames U.S. for 'Sea of Blood' in Region
2016-02-10,N. Korea starts to feel neighbors' wrath over rocket launch
2016-02-10,"Pope Francis despatches 1,000 'super-confessor' priests"
2016-02-10,"North Korea Expels South Koreans From Joint Park, Cuts 2 Hotline Ties"
2016-02-10,UK Junior doctors' contract set to be imposed
2016-02-09,"Australia introduces ""Netflix tax"" legislation to parliament. With hopes of placing a tax on all foreign digital goods."
2016-02-09,Disbelief as Egyptian president rolls out four kilometre red carpet for austerity press conference
2016-02-09,"A smartphone application aimed at helping users avoid morality police units in Irans capital city, which became an instant hit just hours after its release yesterday, has been blocked in Iran."
2016-02-09,"Turkey detains 34 people with explosives, suicide vests at Syrian border - media"
2016-02-09,Physicists say theyve finally confirmed the existence of a 'four neutron-no proton' particle - ...were going to have to make some serious changes to current understanding of nuclear forces.
2016-02-09,North Korea: Kim Jong-un 'executes chief of military on corruption charges' | Asia | News
2016-02-09,Saudi Arabias Rosa Parks faces torrent of abuse over social media
2016-02-09,Zimbabwe pleads for $1.5bn in food aid to prevent mass starvation - 25% of entire population is at risk of starving to death
2016-02-09,Japan announces new sanctions on North Korea after satellite launch
2016-02-09,"Iraqi troops fully capture Ramadi, reopen road to Baghdad"
2016-02-09,IMF warns Ukraine it will halt $40bn bailout unless corruption stops
2016-02-09,French plan advances to strip passports from those convicted of terrorism
2016-02-09,India busts child trafficking racket to US
2016-02-09,China confirms first imported Zika case: Xinhua
2016-02-09,Stocks close slightly lower as oil plunges below $28 a barrel
2016-02-09,No evidence that EU's illegal timber policy is working - Leaked review shows that EU law is failing to prevent $100bn a year trade in illegal timber - or that rules are even being implemented
2016-02-09,"Teenager finds gold bars in German lake, revives mystery of Nazi gold"
2016-02-09,Pregnant woman diagnosed with Zika in Australia
2016-02-09,Music publisher agrees to pay $14m to end Happy Birthday song lawsuit
2016-02-09,Documents indicate chemical leaks at U.S. base that were unreported to Japanese authorities have polluted Okinawa water supply
2016-02-09,Several large nations consider levies on sweetened food and drinks to battle obesity and fatten government coffers.
2016-02-09,"North Korean satellite 'stable' in orbit after launch, US official confirms"
2016-02-09,"Top Intel Official Confirms ISIS Made, Used Chemical Weapons"
2016-02-09,Israeli Parliament Suspends Arab MPs Who Met Attackers' Kin
2016-02-09,Stock market rout intensifies amid fears central banks are 'out of ammunition'
2016-02-08,"North Korea satellite 'tumbling in orbit,' U.S. official says: The satellite North Korea fired into space on Sunday is ""tumbling in orbit"" and incapable of functioning in any useful way"
2016-02-08,North Korea has restarted plutonium reactor and could have stockpiles in weeks - US spy chief
2016-02-08,Hong Kong riot happening right now
2016-02-08,Mexico won't pay a cent for Trump's 'stupid wall'
2016-02-08,"Two passenger trains have collided in the German state of Bavaria, with reports saying several people have been seriously injured."
2016-02-08,"Australia Cuts 110 Climate Scientist Jobs: Because the science is settled there is no need for more basic research, the government says"
2016-02-08,Dow drops over 300 points as oil drops below $30
2016-02-08,Colombia's constitutional court has banned mining and oil projects in the country's ecologically delicate moorlands.
2016-02-08,Mexico: Sikh actor barred from flying to US 'because of turban'
2016-02-08,Turkey's Erdogan threatened to flood Europe with migrants: Greek website
2016-02-08,Experts say almost all species in the Mediterranean are still overfished despite decades of seeing stocks dwindle and that is forcing the European Union to consider creative solutions like using drones or space technology to catch fraudulent fishermen.
2016-02-08,'This is hell': British man held in Myanmar for 14 months without charge pleads for help
2016-02-08,Gunshots fired as Hong Kong police clash with hawkers and crowds in Mong Kok on first day of Chinese New Year
2016-02-08,2008 Mumbai Attacks Plotter Says Pakistans Spy Agency Played a Role
2016-02-08,"Canada's prime minister on Monday announced that the country will end airstrikes against the Islamic State group in Syria and Iraq by Feb. 22, saying that ""the people terrorized by ISIL every day don't need our vengeance, they need our help."""
2016-02-08,"Australian environment minister Greg Hunt named ""best minister in the world"" (He approved dredging near Barrier Reef)"
2016-02-08,UAE creates ministers for happiness and tolerance
2016-02-08,Murdered Cambridge student 'was killed by Egyptian secret services'
2016-02-08,Exclusive - U.S. athletes should consider not attending Olympics if fear Zika: officials
2016-02-08,At least 21 Hutus killed in 'alarming' east Congo violence: U.N.
2016-02-08,Zurich police used tear gas and rubber bullets to try to break up a group of around 100 Kurdish activists holding an unauthorized demonstration outside the Turkish consulate in Switzerland's financial capital
2016-02-08,"Global oil surplus will be bigger than thought, IEA says"
2016-02-08,Ex-JPMorgan Executive Fined $1.1 Million Over `London Whale'. JPMorgan was fined 138 million pounds in 2013 after a trader nicknamed the London Whale incurred $6.2 billion in losses.
2016-02-08,Indian Soldier pulled out alive after being buried in ice for 6 days in Siachen - the highest battlefield
2016-02-08,Ministers wined and dined by arms trade hours after MPs demand ban on selling weapons to Saudi Arabia
2016-02-07,South Korea fires warning shot after North Korean boat crosses border.
2016-02-07,"Indian telecom Regulatory Authority says no to content-based differential tariff offers, supports net neutrality"
2016-02-07,Indian man could be first recorded human fatality due to a meteorite | Ars Technica
2016-02-07,Family claims US lesbian couple were jailed for 25 years in Kuwait for being gay
2016-02-07,Man sells British fresh air to wealthy Chinese elite for 80 a jar
2016-02-07,Another Islamic State jailer who held Western hostages identified as Londoner
2016-02-07,Oil-rich Venezuela is now importing U.S. oil
2016-02-07,Russia is now China's biggest oil partner and it's a huge problem for Saudi Arabia
2016-02-07,Hamas hospitals treating ISIS operatives in Gaza
2016-02-07,"Tokyo's mile-high skyscraper set to be world's tallest & twice as tall as the Burj Khalifa - To be 5,577ft tall & host 55,000 people. Part of city's flood-defence plan."
2016-02-07,Mexican Indigenous Ask Pope to Apologize for Massive Genocide
2016-02-07,"Assange says weak French intelligence bowed to US after spying leaks | France is a weakened country that relies too heavily on its subservient intelligence relationship with the United States and the United Kingdom, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange told French radio"
2016-02-07,War on ISIS: Chechnya leader Ramzan Kadyrov claims his special forces are on the ground in Syria
2016-02-07,North Korea Missile Launch 'Strongly Condemned' by United Nations Security Council
2016-02-07,Tipping Point in Syria as Russian Air Power Turns Tide for Assad
2016-02-07,Hamas Kills Its Own Commander for Unnamed 'Violations'
2016-02-07,Haiti president steps down without successor in place.
2016-02-07,Russia shuts down two more banks as economic troubles mount
2016-02-07,"Detainees held by the Syrian government are dying on a massive scale amounting to a state policy of ""extermination"" of the civilian population, a crime against humanity, U.N. investigators have said."
2016-02-07,Somalia plane blast: airport worker 'handed device to bombing suspect'
2016-02-07,"Murders in Spain, and a Dublin attack with AK-47s: the deadly 20-year war of Irelands drug cartels"
2016-02-07,"Over 25,000 infected with Zika Virus in Colombia"
2016-02-07,Iran wants India to pay oil dues in euros
2016-02-07,"Saudi jets target's Yemen reservoir, dam"
2016-02-07,Merkel urges better protection of EU external borders
2016-02-06,North Korea fires long range rocket.
2016-02-06,Thousands take part in anti-Islam Pegida protests across Europe
2016-02-06,Oil cans as filler material spotted in walls of collapsed Taiwan building may reveal shoddy construction.
2016-02-06,A case of female genital mutilation (FGM) is reported in England every 109 minutes
2016-02-06,"Most Australians Want Customs Ship to Monitor Japanese Whaling, Poll Finds - 76.9% of 1,002 people want the federal govt to ""send a ship to oppose the whaling."""
2016-02-06,Attackers torch refugee center in Prague
2016-02-06,Iran wants euro payment (not USD) for new and outstanding oil sales
2016-02-06,"Headley confesses Pakistan's ISI, Army's hand in 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks"
2016-02-06,"South Korea and U.S. will begin talks about possibility of deploying U.S. missile defence system, after North Korea's rocket launch"
2016-02-06,"Lithuania pledges to publish names of 1,000 suspected Nazi collaborators"
2016-02-06,Luxembourg Just Announced Plans to Take Mining to Space and extract mineral content from metallic asteroids
2016-02-06,340 Brazilian Companies Fined for Modern Slave Labor Conditions
2016-02-06,NATO plans biggest build-up against Russia since the Cold War: but it will reject Polish demands for permanent bases
2016-02-06,Erdoan to US: Choose either Turkey or the [Kurdish] PYD as your partner
2016-02-06,"One dies as meteorite falls in Vellore(Tamil Nadu, India)"
2016-02-06,Report on Mass Graves of Yazidis in Sinjar
2016-02-06,"More than 3,100 pregnant women in Colombia have Zika virus: government"
2016-02-06,Airport workers seen with laptop used in Somalia jet blast
2016-02-06,N. Korea will make a special announcement at midday
2016-02-06,"""Woohoo"" email stokes more rumors of gravitational waves' detection"
2016-02-06,IDF censor requires bloggers to submit posts for review: Israeli censors are increasingly requiring bloggers to submit posts for prepublication review. The military has been reaching out to bloggers on Facebook - opening a new social media frontier for an old media law
2016-02-06,Japan PM Abe calls N.Korean launch 'absolutely intolerable
2016-02-06,Meteorite hits Denmark
2016-02-06,Taiwan investigates building toppled in quake after oil cans spotted in its pillars
2016-02-06,Haiti : Armed men in military fatigues marched in the capital
2016-02-05,Denmarks justice minister admitted on Friday that the US sent a rendition flight to Copenhagen Airport that was meant to capture whistleblower Edward Snowden and return him to the United States
2016-02-05,UN Demands Zika-Infected Countries Give Women Access To Abortion And Birth Control
2016-02-05,First abortion in Colombia possibly as result of Zika: A woman struggled to find a doctor willing to provide an abortion after it was discovered her fetus suffered from microcephaly.
2016-02-05,"Muslim women ""blocked from seeking office by male Labour councillors"" - Muslim Women's Network say the national Labour party is ""complicit"" in local male Muslim councillors' ""systematic misogyny"""
2016-02-05,Pirate Bay Transforms into The World's Biggest Streaming Site
2016-02-05,China confirms it's holding three missing Hong Kong booksellers
2016-02-05,Magnitude 6.7 earthquake hits Tainan in Taiwan residential block close to collapse
2016-02-05,"Ric O'Barry, the star of an Oscar-winning documentary that shows how dolphins are hunted in a Japanese village was deported to the U.S. on Friday after Tokyo airport officials barred his entry and he was held in detention for more than two weeks."
2016-02-05,Cardinal George Pell 'too ill' to travel from Rome for child sex abuse inquiry
2016-02-05,Russian prosecutors have begun considering whether media coverage of the unexpected friendship between a male tiger and goat at a safari park in the countrys far east counts as gay propaganda.
2016-02-05,"New Law In London Would Fine Homeless 1,000 For Sleeping Outside Or ""Loitering"""
2016-02-05,NASA Warns That Closest-Ever Asteroid Will Pass Earth Next Month (17000km)
2016-02-05,"Number of Syrian refugees heading for Turkey border nearly doubles, 35,000 in past 24 hours, Turkish official says"
2016-02-05,Gunfire reports at boxing event in Dublin
2016-02-05,The British want to come to America with wiretap orders and search warrants
2016-02-05,Nearly 200 images released by US military depict Bush-era detainee abuse
2016-02-05,Julian Assange: 'sweet' victory soured by British and Swedish rejection. No release in sight despite UN panel deciding WikiLeaks founder is being arbitrarily detained at Ecuador embassy.
2016-02-05,"Pope to meet leader of Russian Orthodox Church for first time in nearly 1,000 years"
2016-02-05,Australia guts government climate research
2016-02-05,One of America's oldest stock exchanges has just been sold to China: The 134-year-old Chicago Stock Exchange reached a deal on Friday to be acquired by a Chinese-led group of investors.
2016-02-05,"Syria warns Saudis against incursion, says will be resisted"
2016-02-05,"The Pentagon on Friday released 198 photographs linked to allegations of abuse of detainees in Iraq and Afghanistan, many of them showing close-ups of cuts and bruises to arms and legs of prisoners held in U.S. facilities"
2016-02-05,"NATO: Soldiers lives can be saved by renewable energy | Transporting fuel to war zones is extremely risky, often leading to casualties. Around 3000 American soldiers were either killed/wounded in Afghanistan while protecting fuels and water supplying convoys between 2003 and 2007"
2016-02-05,"Taiwan Warned of Fishery Collapse Number of species drop 75% in 30 yrs. It's headed for greatest marine ecosystem collapse on planet. Illegal & overfishing, habitat destruction, pollution & invasive species add to drop. Most dominant fish at a nuclear plant now rabbitfish instead of mullet."
2016-02-05,Brazil Health Researchers Say Zika Virus Is Active in Saliva and Urine.
2016-02-04,"France has become the first country in the world to ban supermarkets from throwing away or destroying unsold food, forcing them instead to donate it to charities and food banks."
2016-02-04,Man Ejected From Somali Plane in Midair Was Suicide Bomber
2016-02-04,German spy agency says ISIS sending fighters disguised as refugees
2016-02-04,"Swiss bank Julius Baer, facing a criminal charge, has agreed to pay $547 million and cooperate for three years with American authorities to shut down accounts that enabled wealthy Americans to evade taxes"
2016-02-04,Cologne Carnival: Police record 22 sexual assaults
2016-02-04,Russia: There are a growing number of signs that Turkey is preparing a military incursion into Syria
2016-02-04,"DNA discovery unearths 'unknown chapter in human history' in Europe 15,000 yrs ago - Scientists studying the DNA of ancient Europeans found evidence of a 'major population upheaval' at the end of the last Ice Age"
2016-02-04,European Parliament Unanimously Recognizes Islamic State Attacks on Yazidis and Assyrians (Christians) as Genocide
2016-02-04,FGM (female genital mutilation): number of victims found to be 70 million higher than thought - Half of girls and women cut live in just three countries as Unicef statistics reveal shocking global scale of barbaric ritual
2016-02-04,"Morocco to switch on first phase of world's largest solar plant | Desert complex will provide electricity for more than 1 million people when complete, helping African country to supply most of its energy from renewables by 2030"
2016-02-04,At least 87 people trapped in South African gold mine after building collapse
2016-02-04,TPPA Protester throws and hits MP with sex toy in New Zealand
2016-02-04,Spain confirms case of Zika virus in a pregnant woman - the first in Europe
2016-02-04,"U.N. panel rebukes Iran for allowing sex, execution at nine years old"
2016-02-04,Berlin has signed a deal that will lead to further integration of German naval forces with the Dutch military. The move is being hailed as an important step in the creation of united European armed forces.
2016-02-04,Australia considers strict screening of Muslim refugees
2016-02-04,President Abbas' party: Palestinians who killed Israeli policewoman became role models
2016-02-04,Protests Erupt as Trade Ministers Sign 'Toxic' TPP Agreement
2016-02-04,"Woman who turned in Paris attack ringleader also said he had travelled to Europe with 90 others, including Syrians, Iraqis, French, German and British citizens."
2016-02-04,"Sakurajima volcano erupting this evening (near Kagoshima, Japan)"
2016-02-04,Ecuador says it should be compensated for housing Julian Assange in embassy
2016-02-04,"Chinese police have confirmed for the first time that three of five Hong Kong booksellers who went missing were being investigated for illegal activities in China, according to a letter sent to Hong Kongs police on Thursday."
2016-02-04,"North Korea drops propaganda leaflets, trash, cigarette butts on South Korea"
2016-02-04,China saw a 60 percent annual increase in its new wind generating capacity in 2015 as the country seeks to expand the use of clean energy to reduce air pollution and lower carbon emissions
2016-02-04,"Italian Police Seize 85,000 Tons of Olives Covered in Copper Sulfate To Make Them Greener"
2016-02-03,Nuclear fusion device's 1st test with hydrogen declared a success
2016-02-03,UN panel 'rules in Assange's favour'
2016-02-03,World is about to eradicate the first human disease since smallpox - the gruesome Guinea worm
2016-02-03,Woman assaulted by cop who lost his job found dead in Holloway prison cell
2016-02-03,A 10-year-old Afghan boy who was declared a hero after fighting the Taliban has been shot dead by insurgents while on his way to school.
2016-02-03,TPP protesters shut down central Auckland as ministers sign controversial deal
2016-02-03,"Johnson & Johnson, Viacyte testing possible diabetes cure: ""If it works as well in patients as it has in animals, it would amount to a cure, ending the need for frequent insulin injections and blood sugar testing"""
2016-02-03,"Gorbachev: ""I am ashamed by Putin and Medvedev"""
2016-02-03,Finnish president: Migrants pose challenge to western values
2016-02-03,"Morocco to switch on 1st phase of world's largest solar plant - Desert complex will provide electricity for over 1 million people when complete, helping African country to supply most of its energy from renewables by 2030"
2016-02-03,"Support for Merkel at four-and-a-half year low, doubts grow over refugee policy"
2016-02-03,Missing Cambridge University student Giulio Regeni found dead 'with signs of torture' in Egypt
2016-02-03,"Hiker Finds 3,500-Yr-Old Egyptian Seal in IsraelCarved in the shape of a beetle, the scarab represents Pharaoh Thutmose III (1481-1425 BC) sitting on his throne. He set up govt in Canaan & waged wars, including battle of Megiddoa victory documented on Karnak Temple walls."
2016-02-03,"TPP has been signed in Auckland,New Zealand"
2016-02-03,Julian Assange says he will 'accept arrest' on Friday if UN rules against him
2016-02-03,"Police arrest 'IS' suspects as Carnival celebrations kick off in Germany - Several men said to be linked to the ""Islamic State"" militant group have been arrested at the start of Carnival. Police have increased security in the wake of the Paris attacks and sexual assaults committed in Cologne."
2016-02-03,806 people died by falling off trains in 2015 in Mumbai
2016-02-03,Israel considers revoking press cards of outlets that give 'distorted headlines'
2016-02-03,"Archaeologists from the Charles University in Prague have unearthed a 4,500-year-old 59-foot boat at a site in Egypt"
2016-02-03,"Israel: Abu Khdeir killers get life, 21 years"
2016-02-03,Germany moves to make country less attractive to migrants
2016-02-03,Four charged with helping gunman attack Copenhagen synagogue
2016-02-03,"U.S., 11 nations formally sign largest regional trade deal in history"
2016-02-03,1st orangutan murder seen as pair team up to kill female - Female orangutans are normally solitary & very rarely engage in fights. Its also unusual for females & males to form coalitions. The area is more crowded because of habitat destruction.
2016-02-03,At least 45 killed in blasts near Shiite mosque in Damascus
2016-02-02,"TPP ""fundamentally flawed"", should be resisted - Human Rights Expert"
2016-02-02,"Stop refugees or we'll stop aid, Germany tells Afghans"
2016-02-02,Women barred from entering Starbucks in Saudi Arabia
2016-02-02,"BP is to cut another 7,000 jobs after reporting an annual loss of $6.5bn (4.5bn), the worst in its history"
2016-02-02,Goldman Sachs Says It May Be Forced to Fundamentally Question How Capitalism Is Working
2016-02-02,UK scientists get cancer cells addicted to drugs that will kill them
2016-02-02,NASA's New Horizons team discovers vast reserves of H2O ice on Pluto
2016-02-02,"Scientists in Germany are poised to begin an experiment they hope will advance the quest for nuclear fusion. Researchers plan to inject a tiny amount of hydrogen and heat it until it becomes a super-hot gas known as plasma, mimicking conditions inside the sun."
2016-02-02,Japan readies to 'destroy' North Korea rocket
2016-02-02,Terror stabbing attack at Damascus Gate in Jerusalem.
2016-02-02,The Hyderabad company has now developed the world's first vaccine against the Zika Virus
2016-02-02,"Smokers in Italy hit with new fines to protect the young: Smokers in Italy are now facing fines of up to 500 euros ($600) if they light up in a car with a child or pregnant woman, or if they toss a cigarette butt on the street"
2016-02-02,World's largest offshore windfarm to be built off Yorkshire coast - DONG Energy given go-ahead for 1.2-gigawatt project that will power more than a million UK homes
2016-02-02,Dutch Defence Minister wants to extend military service to women
2016-02-02,"Asylum seekers as young as 11 come to Norway married - At least 61 minors were married when they sought asylum in Norway last year, figures from the Norwegian authorities show. The youngest was an eleven year old girl."
2016-02-02,"Nasa hack: AnonSec attempts to crash $222m drone, releases secret flight videos and employee data"
2016-02-02,90% of Russian Regions Hit by Flu Epidemic
2016-02-02,British Columbia unveils historic agreement to protect a massive swath of rainforest along its coastline.
2016-02-02,"""President Obama plans to substantially increase the deployment of heavy weapons, armored vehicles and other equipment to NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe, a move that administration officials said was aimed at deterring Russia from further aggression in the region."""
2016-02-02,Condoms compulsory in German sex industry under new law
2016-02-02,"Saudi Arabia says 375 civilians killed on its border in Yemen war. ""Now our rules of engagement are: you are close to the border, you are killed"""
2016-02-02,Berlin Senate negotiates transformation of 22 hotels into refugee shelters
2016-02-02,Australia's offshore asylum policy ruled legal by High Court
2016-02-02,"Chinese military aircraft trespass into Japan, Korea airspace, Japan scrambles jets"
2016-02-02,Zika virus forces India's Tata motors to rename its new car
2016-02-01,"Canada moving ahead with plans to ditch first-past-the-post electoral system. ""FPTP suited for fledgling democracies, mature democracies can do better,"" says minister in charge of reform."
2016-02-01,Zika virus declared global emergency by WHO
2016-02-01,"Maori leaders in New Zealand's Far North have voted to block Prime Minister John Key from visiting the site where the country's founding document was signed, with one saying ""I don't understand why we'd want to welcome a Prime Minister when he has already signed away our sovereignty"" (with the TPPA)"
2016-02-01,Hidden population of up to 200 lions found in remote Ethiopia.
2016-02-01,Lumber Liquidators Holdings Inc. must pay $10 million in fines and penalties for telling U.S. officials the timber for its wood flooring came from Germany rather than the actual source -- the habitats of endangered Siberian tigers in southeast Asia
2016-02-01,"Ponzi Scheme In China Stole $7.6 Billion From Investors, Police Say"
2016-02-01,ISIS-run 'Voice of the Caliphate' radio station silenced by air strikes in Afghanistan
2016-02-01,"The commander of the US-led coalition fighting the Islamic State group dismissed calls to carpet-bomb the jihadists. ""Indiscriminate bombing where we don't care if we are killing innocents or combatants is just inconsistent with our values."""
2016-02-01,Japanese firm to open worlds first robot-run farm - Spread says it will open the fully automated farm with robots handling almost every step of the process
2016-02-01,Canada Admits Theres No Chance Itll Reach Its Climate Change Targets Not Even Close
2016-02-01,Driver deliberately runs over 17 kangaroos on 100m-stretch of road outside Brisbane in Australia
2016-02-01,"North Korea blames U.S. for 'H-bomb test', says it's capable of making unlimited hydrogen bombs"
2016-02-01,DEA uncovers major drug trafficking by Hezbollah to fund global terrorism
2016-02-01,"There is no chance that the Rio Olympics will be cancelled because of a Zika virus outbreak, Brazil has said."
2016-02-01,Secret Motor Found On Cyclist's Bike At World Championships
2016-02-01,Vancouver set to approve first legal marijuana shops
2016-02-01,Alphabet- Google's parent company- has surpassed Apple as the world's most valuable company after its latest earnings report.
2016-02-01,"Budget smartphones from Lenovo, Huawei, and other largely Chinese brands contain an accidental backdoor that grants intruders root access."
2016-02-01,BP is expected to announce a near 70% collapse in underlying profits on Tuesday as low oil prices continue to take their toll.
2016-02-01,United Nations human rights expert Alfred de Zayas called on Governments not to sign the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) without reaffirming their human rights treaty obligations and their recent pledges to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
2016-02-01,Dutch Police Trained an Eagle to Attack Illegal Drones
2016-02-01,King Abdullah : Jordanians 'at boiling point ' over refugees
2016-02-01,"Canadian Great Bear Rainforest Agreement: ~3 Million Hectares preserved as ""A gift to the world"""
2016-02-01,Egyptian Christian Students Stand Trial for Insulting Islam
2016-02-01,ISIL suicide bomber kills at least 18 Iraqi soldiers near Ramadi
2016-01-31,Nestl admits slavery in Thailand while fighting child labour lawsuit in Ivory Coast
2016-01-31,The lifeless body of Yemen's top Salafi cleric in the southern port city of Aden was found disfigured on Sunday hours after he was abducted following an anti-extremism sermon
2016-01-31,"Earth made up of two planets after 'violent collision' with Theia 4.5 billon years ago, UCLA scientists find - UCLA-led team reveals event also created the moon"
2016-01-31,UK scientists get permission to genetically modify human embryos for the first time.
2016-01-31,Norway to disarm its police force after officers ordered to carry guns for just one year
2016-01-31,HSBC fights to stop money-laundering report going public
2016-01-31,Historic day in Myanmar as Aung San Suu Kyi takes power
2016-01-31,"A massive, abandoned freighter is drifting toward the French coast and will run aground in days"
2016-01-31,Goldman Sachs Banker With Ties To Malaysian Scandal Goes On Leave
2016-01-31,Yazidi ex-slave girls subjected to traumatic virginity tests to prove ISIS abuse
2016-01-31,"France, India To Jointly Explore Mars And Venus"
2016-01-31,"Russian Fighter Jet Came Within 15 Feet of US Air Force Plane, US Officials Say"
2016-01-31,"Israel,Turkey sign gas deal worth $1.3 billion"
2016-01-31,British Woman who Took child to Join ISIS Jailed for 6 Years
2016-01-31,'Mein Kampf' Banned From Publishing in Brazil
2016-01-31,"ISIS executed 2,114 civilians in 19 months"
2016-01-31,"Hollande frees abused murderer Jacqueline Sauvage - Sauvage's husband was a violent alcoholic who, she said, had raped and beaten her and her daughters for decades"
2016-01-31,Turkish police recover stolen Picasso painting in stanbul
2016-01-31,China police arrest 21 over $7.6 bln online financial scam
2016-01-31,ISIS beheads Syrian teenager on charges of apostasy
2016-01-31,"More than 10,000 migrant children may have disappeared after arriving in Europe over the past two years, the EU's police intelligence unit says."
2016-01-31,Seoul criticizes Japan for sending denial of forcible recruitment 'comfort women' report to U.N. committee | The Japan Times
2016-01-31,Israeli Cabinet approves liberal Jewish prayer at holy site
2016-01-31,Historic Israeli ruling allows men and women to now pray together at section of Western Wall
2016-01-31,France welcomes Cuba's Castro in historic visit
2016-01-30,"British helicopter pilot, Roger Gower, working for conservation organization in Tanzania dies after poachers open fire on his helicopter, ""fatally wounding"" him."
2016-01-30,Boko Haram burns kids alive in northeast Nigeria: A survivor hidden in a tree says he watched Boko Haram extremists firebomb huts and heard the screams of children among people burned to death in the latest attack by Nigerias homegrown Islamic extremists.
2016-01-30,"Switzerland will be the first country in the world to vote on having a national wage of 1,700 a month: If the plans go through, it will become the first country in the world to provide a basic unconditional monthly income, and they are already the first country to vote on the matter."
2016-01-30,"Group of Brazilian lawyers, activists & scientists asking govt to allow abortions for women with Zika virus, since women are advised not to get pregnant due to risk of birth defects. Abortions are illegal in Brazil, except in emergencies, rape or when big part of brain & skull missing."
2016-01-30,"'NAFTA on Steriods': National Mexican Union Protests TPP - ""We say no because it was negotiated without consulting us, but also because it will bring serious consequences for Mexico, United States, Chile, Canada and Peru"""
2016-01-30,China Just Released True Color HD Photos Of The Moon
2016-01-30,"Zika virus has infected 2,100 pregnant Colombians, health officials say - Health"
2016-01-30,Pirate Party Support Exceeds 40 Percent (Iceland)
2016-01-30,Turkey says Russia violated airspace
2016-01-30,Canada to Remove Visa Requirements for Mexican Citizens
2016-01-30,"UN chief 'alarmed' at Hamas vow to keep building Gaza tunnels, rockets"
2016-01-30,Hamas has officially announced that it is rejecting Frances new initiative to convene an international conference to renew negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians
2016-01-30,"Babylonians used geometry to track Jupiter 1400 years before Europeans: ""Astronomers discovered how to calculate Jupiter's position with geometry between 350 and 50 BC, predating work of European scholars by 14 centuries"""
2016-01-30,"World Heritage-listed forests whose origins pre-date the age of the dinosaurs are being destroyed by raging Australian bushfires, with conservationists increasingly fearful they could be lost forever."
2016-01-30,Europe Is Building a Space Data Highway With Lasers - It'll transmit data back to Earth about 90 times faster than your typical earthly internet connection.
2016-01-30,"10,000 refugee children are missing, says Europol"
2016-01-30,NATO confirms Russian jet violated Turkish airspace
2016-01-30,"Despite abuses, Saudi Arabia aims to recruit 15000 Somali maids"
2016-01-30,Bribery allegations against Japan's lead TPP negotiator have sparked public concerns that corruption may have influenced the corporate-friendly deal.
2016-01-30,"Marshall Islands sue Britain, India and Pakistan over nuclear weapons"
2016-01-30,British Mao cult leader who sexually abused followers and kept daughter as a slave is jailed
2016-01-30,Snow has been falling in Saudi Arabia for the last 2 days. Snowed first time in Kuwait.
2016-01-30,"One of six men who left Australia to join the terrorist group Jabhat al-Nusra in Syria in 2013, has returned from the Middle East and is living in western Sydney. Mehmet Biber has warned of more local attacks, saying he would voluntarily leave again if the government handed his passport back."
2016-01-30,Thousands march in Paris rain to protest state of emergency
2016-01-30,"At least 30 people killed in double blast near Shia shrine of Sayyida Zeinab, south of Damascus"
2016-01-29,"A 13-year-old girl from a Russian-speaking community in Berlin was not kidnapped and sexually assaulted by immigrant men as previously reported, but simply spent the night with an acquaintance."
2016-01-29,Two jailed for handing out Isis leaflets on London's Oxford Street
2016-01-29,Mobs of 'hundreds' of masked men rampage through Stockholm central station beating up refugee children
2016-01-29,Russia Will Not Allow Exclusion of Kurds From Syrian Peace Talks
2016-01-29,"India, Egypt say no thanks to free Internet from Facebook"
2016-01-29,Snow falls in Kuwait for 'first time ever'
2016-01-29,Mexican cops again at center of mass disappearance
2016-01-29,Church of England members back same-sex marriage
2016-01-29,"France: If new peace initiative fails, we'll recognize Palestine"
2016-01-29,"Mali's elephants, one of just two remaining desert herds in the world, will be gone in three years unless the government does more to protect them, a conservation group said on Thursday."
2016-01-29,"IED found on Mumbai-bound train, defused"
2016-01-29,France to build 1000km of road with solar panels
2016-01-29,Egypt jails prominent writer for insulting Islam
2016-01-29,Proton beam cancer therapy 'effective with fewer side effects'
2016-01-29,"Number of TPPA protests held around New Zealand, ahead of the official signing next week"
2016-01-29,"Israel rejects French peace bid, saying threat of recognition incentivizes Palestinians not to negotiate"
2016-01-29,Suicide Attack on Shiite Mosque in Eastern Saudi Arabia Kills 3
2016-01-29,7.0 quake strikes Russias far eastern Kamchatka
2016-01-29,"Spain: Princess Loses Legal Battle to Avoid Tax Fraud Trial - ""Spain's Princess Cristina has lost a legal battle to avoid being tried for tax fraud and is expected to testify next month in a corruption trial also featuring her husband and 16 other defendants, a panel of judges ruled Friday."""
2016-01-29,Anti-GMO research may be based on manipulated data
2016-01-29,"Fukushima nuclear crisis far from over, Kan says | The Japan Times"
2016-01-29,"UK mother Tareena Shakil, who took son to Syria, guilty of Islamic State and encouraging terror"
2016-01-29,Chinese Billionaire Zhang Xin: 'The Old Model Doesn't Work Anymore'
2016-01-29,Russian fighter came within 15 feet of U.S. Air Force jet over the Black Sea this week.
2016-01-29,"Egypt minister of justice calls for killing 400,000 Muslim Brotherhood members and supporters"
2016-01-28,Young people in England have 'lowest literacy levels' in developed world says OECD
2016-01-28,Volunteer who claimed a migrant had dropped dead outside Berlin registration center after waiting outside for days admits he lied in a bid to win sympathy for asylum seekers
2016-01-28,Man 'held with guns at Disneyland Paris'
2016-01-28,Microsoft co-founder's yacht tears up protected coral reef in Cayman Islands. Paul Allens 330ft vessel destroys 80% of reef in protected zone
2016-01-28,Forty percent of Germans want Merkel to resign over refugee policy
2016-01-28,An EgyptAir mechanic whose cousin joined Islamic State in Syria is suspected of planting a bomb on a Russian passenger plane that was blown out of Egypt's skies in late October
2016-01-28,BBC News: Migrant crisis: Dutch plan for migrants who land on Greek islands to be immediately ferried back to Turkey.
2016-01-28,Japan adopts negative interest rates in surprise move
2016-01-28,Zika virus: Activists in Brazil to petition court to allow abortions
2016-01-28,The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation is launching an encryption technology to protect whistle blowers.
2016-01-28,"Finland expects to expel 20,000 failed asylum seekers"
2016-01-28,Italy Claims Google Dodged $248 Million in Taxes
2016-01-28,New docs confirm CIA had rendition flight lurking in Europe to catch Snowden
2016-01-28,Irans supreme leader airs Holocaust denial video on international Remembrance Day
2016-01-28,One-Third of Ecuador's Rainforests to Be Auctioned Off to Chinese Oil Companies
2016-01-28,'Deadly' attack rocks mosque in Saudi Arabia
2016-01-28,"Zika virus at ""pandemic"" level, National Institutes of Health says"
2016-01-28,"Fungi Survive Mars-Like Conditions Aboard Space Station: Some hardy Earth organisms may be able to survive on Mars, a new study suggests"
2016-01-28,"Spies in the Sky: Israeli Drone Feeds Hacked By British and American Intelligence | Under a classified program code-named Anarchist, the U.K.s GCHQ, working with the NSA, systematically targeted Israeli drones from a mountaintop on Cyprus"
2016-01-28,Yemeni forces seize three Saudi bases
2016-01-28,"Saudi Arabia Conducted 119 Airstrikes Against Civilian Targets In Yemen, UN Panel Finds"
2016-01-28,"Egypt ""disappeared"" hundreds of activists in advance of Tahrir Square Jan 25 anniversary"
2016-01-28,Zika virus found in New Zealand
2016-01-28,"HIV becoming resistant to key drug, study finds"
2016-01-28,Russian whistleblower's death 'like Litvinenko murder
2016-01-27,"The ISIS encrypted messaging app, widely reported in the media as a tool for plotting terrorist attacks, does not exist"
2016-01-27,Zika Virus May Have Spread To Common Mosquito
2016-01-27,"A Chinese firm has purchased the rights to the Tiananmen Square ""Tank Man"" photo from Bill Gates"
2016-01-27,"The 50 most violent cities in the world are revealed, with 21 of them in Brazil... but Venezuela's capital Caracas is named the most deadly"
2016-01-27,US: Call for life sentences for journalists raise serious concerns about Turkey's commitment to democracy
2016-01-27,Gates Foundation accused of 'dangerously skewing' aid priorities by promoting 'corporate globalisation': Controversial new report calls for Bill Gates' philanthropic Foundation to undergo an international investigation
2016-01-27,"Germany bans far-right Internet platform, arrests 2"
2016-01-27,Greece warned: control your borders or you will be out of Schengen. Athens furious at being scapegoated by rest of EU over refugee crisis and fears effect of being expelled from passport-free zone.
2016-01-27,Zika virus: Disease may spread to Britain after experts find virus-carrying mosquitoes in Kent and Sussex | Home News | News
2016-01-27,"3-D Scanners Race to Monuments before Terrorists Blow Them Up - Advances in 3D scanning technologies, drone use and even tourists' online posting of images are giving preservationists a new set of tools to prevent the permanent loss of cultural artifacts."
2016-01-27,"The top U.S. general in Iraq has warned of the potential collapse of Mosul Dam, saying that such an event could prove catastrophic, despite preparations already in place. A report by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 2006 called Mosul Dam the most dangerous dam in the world"
2016-01-27,Iran's Khamenei releases video denying Holocaust on International Holocaust Remembrance Day
2016-01-27,Belgium said 'push migrants back to sea' - Greek minister
2016-01-27,Zika in Europe: Danish man tests positive for virus
2016-01-27,Top Japanese official in charge of TPP accused of graft
2016-01-27,Eritrea 'appalled' by hoax forced two-wife minimum story
2016-01-27,Japan Will Not Join War Against ISIS for Foreseeable Future
2016-01-27,Documentary on radical Islam raises hackles in France
2016-01-27,"Venezuela doctors fume at official silence on Zika, could already be facing an epidemic"
2016-01-27,Hamas militants 'die in Gaza tunnel collapse'
2016-01-27,"Germany's domestic intelligence agency says the number of Islamic extremists heading to Syria and Iraq continues to grow, raising concerns over trained fighters returning who could carry out attacks in Europe."
2016-01-27,ISIS retreats after sustaining heavy losses in Deir Ezzor
2016-01-27,"The German cabinet endorsed measures on Wednesday that would make it easier to deport many noncitizens convicted of crimes, responding to outrage over the sexual assault of hundreds of women by foreigners on New Years Eve"
2016-01-27,"A British woman has become the first person in the world to have a pancreas transplant because of a severe needle phobia, her doctors have said."
2016-01-27,French Jews appalled by Iranian presidents visit on Holocaust remembrance day
2016-01-26,"United Nations panel finds evidence that Saudi-led coalition has conducted widespread air strikes against civilian targets, in violation of international law"
2016-01-26,"Most fleeing to Europe are not refugees, EU official says: Dutch commissioner Frans Timmermans says 60% of arrivals are economic migrants"
2016-01-26,"8 dead, over 610 injured as heavy snowfall continues in Japan"
2016-01-26,"""Pope Francis is taking direct aim at the wealthy and powerful of the world, saying in his message for Lent that they are often 'slaves to sin' who, if they ignore the poor, 'will end up condemning themselves and plunging into the eternal abyss of solitude which is hell.'"""
2016-01-26,"Giant Turtle Dies, Leaving Only 3 Alive on Earth - The recent death of Cu Rua pushes the Yangtze giant soft-shell turtle to the brink of extinction"
2016-01-26,Isis fighters 'virtually impossible' to detect as group continues to use fake passports to exploit refugee crisis
2016-01-26,Putin denounces Soviet founder Lenin
2016-01-26,"U.S. pastor freed by Iran says he was tortured in prison, saw Sunni cellmates executed for their faith"
2016-01-26,Rouhani says Iran didn't request statue cover-up
2016-01-26,"Greece has ""seriously neglected"" obligations to control external borders, European Commission says in draft report"
2016-01-26,Moscow accuses Germany of hushing up Russian girl's rape
2016-01-26,Russia Will Not Accept Deported Refugees from Norway
2016-01-26,"Secretary of State John Kerry warned on Wednesday that if China failed to do more to curb North Koreas enhanced nuclear capacity, Washington would take steps that China has strongly opposed, including deploying defense systems to protect American allies in Asia."
2016-01-26,"Denmark named least corrupt country; Somalia, North Korea the most: report"
2016-01-26,Germany warns Moscow not to exploit teen 'rape' case
2016-01-26,Russia: Syria peace talks must include Kurds despite Turkish 'blackmail'
2016-01-26,Family planning is 'critical link' in eradicating poverty - Reproductive health experts want more access to modern contraceptives to prevent population bulge that would undermine efforts to tackle global poverty.
2016-01-26,Russia may ban American corn and soybeans
2016-01-26,Two Cases Suggest Zika Virus Could Be Spread Through Sex
2016-01-26,"World heritage forests burn as global tragedy unfolds in Tasmania | Devastating long-term prognosis for ancient Gondwana ecosystem as bushfires turn trees more than 1,000 years old to tinder"
2016-01-26,"Hundreds Vanishing in Egypt as Crackdown Widens, Activists Say"
2016-01-26,China warns Soros against declaring war on its currency
2016-01-26,Person In Denmark Tests Positive For Zika Virus
2016-01-26,"Poland sending 46,000 troops to border with Russia as fears grow over Putin expansionism"
2016-01-26,Israeli PM Netanyahu says UN Chief Ban Ki-moon 'encourages terror'
2016-01-25,Sri Lanka destroys huge illegal ivory haul - Govt publicly destroys biggest ever illegal ivory haul in bid to show poachers it will not tolerate the violent trade. Sri Lanka also becomes worlds 1st country to apologize for complicity in the illegal killing of elephants.
2016-01-25,First Monkeys with Autism Created in China | They spin in their cages and dont interact. The scientists who created autistic monkeys say theyll now try to cure them
2016-01-25,"Mahatma Gandhi statue defaced in India and scribbled ""Long Live ISIS"""
2016-01-25,Rome's nude statues covered to spare Rouhani's blushes
2016-01-25,Japan is building the Worlds largest floating solar power plant
2016-01-25,The caste system has left its mark on Indians genomes - A group of researchers has identified exactly when Indians stopped intermarrying.
2016-01-25,"ISIS Has Whole Fake Passport 'Industry,' Official Says"
2016-01-25,Swedish Prime Minister visits site of fatal stabbing at asylum centre
2016-01-25,"Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday criticized Soviet founder Vladimir Lenin, accusing him of placing a ""time bomb"" under the state, and sharply denouncing brutal repressions by the Bolshevik government."
2016-01-25,Malaysia's attorney-general says $US681 million ($A976 million) transferred into Prime Minister Najib Razak's personal bank account was a gift from the royal family in Saudi Arabia and there are no criminal offences or corruption involved.
2016-01-25,"Thousands of Brits have been left in pain after being fitted with hip implants in incorrect or ""mismatch"" sizes, a report has claimed."
2016-01-25,Malaysia attorney general: Saudi royal family gave Najib $681M 'personal donation'
2016-01-25,"Cars blaze in Dresden as PEGIDA demonstrates nearby: Thousands of PEGIDA demonstrators have once again protested in the eastern German city of Dresden. Local media have reported that 10 cars, thought to belong to PEGIDA supporters, were set alight"
2016-01-25,South Africa bans leopard trophy hunting for 2016 because of excessive legal shooting and poorly managed trophy hunting
2016-01-25,Lifesavers forced to watch 31 refugees drown because they were 'not allowed to intervene' in international waters
2016-01-25,Hong Kong freezes over in ice as Guangzhou experiences first snowfall since 1949
2016-01-25,Direct Flights Between U.S. and Iran to Resume After 36 Years
2016-01-25,China Stocks Plunge to 13-Month Low Amid Capital Outflow Concern
2016-01-25,Israeli 'spy vulture' captured in south Lebanon - Middle East
2016-01-25,Walmart Canada introduces five cent charge for plastic bags
2016-01-25,"Brazilian army declares war on Zika, mobilizes troops"
2016-01-25,"""Putin is Corrupt"" Says US Treasury"
2016-01-25,"10 Afghan Police Officers Poisoned by Colleague, Then Shot by Taliban"
2016-01-25,Plan to bomb ISIS in Syria wins Netherlands MP majority support
2016-01-25,Boosting Middle East economy is way to beat extremism: Iranian president
2016-01-24,Explorer Henry Worsley dies after suffering exhaustion and dehydration during solo Antarctic crossing attempt
2016-01-24,"Zika virus: Outbreak 'likely to spread across Americas' says WHO - The infection has already been found in 21 countries in the Caribbean, North & South America."
2016-01-24,"By 2050, our oceans will hold more plastic than fish"
2016-01-24,Scottish police accidentally publish secret counter-terrorism report on their website
2016-01-24,El Salvador Urges Women Not To Get Pregnant Till 2018 To Combat Spread Of Zika Virus
2016-01-24,"Five years after the uprising, activists are claiming state repression in Egypt is worse than its ever been"
2016-01-24,Pakistan 'can and must' dismantle all terror networks: Barack Obama
2016-01-24,"Swedish-Finnish telecom operator TeliaSonera, and Swedish telecommunications giant Ericsson, have announced that Stockholm and Tallinn in Estonia will be the first cities to have new wireless mobile technology, 5G, rolled out in 2018."
2016-01-24,Europol: ISIS planning large scale attacks in Europe
2016-01-24,"Asylum seekers in Cardiff are being issued with brightly coloured wristbands that they must wear at all times, in a move which echoes the red door controversy in Middlesborough and has resulted in their harassment and abuse by members of the public."
2016-01-24,Animals are starving at Gazas zoos under Hamas
2016-01-24,ISIS releases video of Paris attackers committing atrocities in Syria.
2016-01-24,New Zika Virus Cases Confirmed in the U.K.
2016-01-24,Disquiet grows over French state of emergency
2016-01-24,"European Union interior ministers on Monday urged Greece to do more to control the influx of migrants, some threatening to exclude it from the continent's prized passport-free travel zone as the crisis increasingly divides the bloc's members."
2016-01-24,Asia-Pacific: TPP backers face opposition almost everywhere
2016-01-24,"China to ban CO2 auditors from carbon trading in new rules | To improve the credibility of the verifiers, the NDRC also said they should not hire staff who have worked in companies being audited at any time during the previous five years."
2016-01-24,Germany follows Switzerland and Denmark to seize cash and valuables from arriving refugees
2016-01-24,"Polar vortex hits Hong Kong: record low temperatures close schools, hospitalise 45, injure 111, trap 130 on Kowloon Peak"
2016-01-24,ISIS Video Appears to show Paris Assailants Earlier in Syria and Iraq
2016-01-24,Iran announces 100 arrests over attack on Saudi embassy
2016-01-24,"Switzerland made secret deal with PLO to prevent terrorist attacks on Swiss territory. In return, Switzerland would offer diplomatic support to the PLO."
2016-01-24,Twenty-five dead in suicide bomb attack on north Cameroon market
2016-01-24,"Inmates in one of Brazil's roughest prisons used explosives to destroy a wall and escape en masse into surrounding streets, prompting a frantic manhunt. Media footage of the brazen breakout on Saturday in the northeastern city of Recife showed the blast ripping a hole in the main wall"
2016-01-24,Rocket fired at southern Israel near Gaza border - Israel News
2016-01-23,South America Takes to the Streets Against TPP
2016-01-23,"Child Porn Sting Goes Global: FBI Hacked Computers in Denmark, Greece, Chile"
2016-01-23,Thousands gather in Poland to protest internet surveillance laws
2016-01-23,"Christian refugees from Syria claim they saw a former Islamic State member living in Frankfurt, and that this is not an isolated case."
2016-01-23,Merkel: Anti-Semitism more widespread than we imagined
2016-01-23,"Bacteria that resist last-resort antibiotics were found in China two months ago, now they're everywhere"
2016-01-23,Berlin Residents Protest Near Merkel's Office Against Migrant Violence
2016-01-23,S Africa girls given student grants to remain virgins
2016-01-23,Muslim doctor and sister helped convict pro-ISIS hate preachers on Oxford Street
2016-01-23,Russian general Igor Sergun dies suddenly after being 'sent to Syria by Vladimir Putin to ask President Assad to step down' | Middle East | News
2016-01-23,China Has 'Reached Consensus' With Djibouti on Military Base: First International Military Bases to be Built
2016-01-23,Jordan kills 12 infiltrators attempting to cross borders from Syria
2016-01-23,'Plane wreckage' found in Thailand fuels talk of missing Malaysian jet
2016-01-23,Iran finalises purchase of 114 Airbus planes but wants 400 more passenger jets
2016-01-23,Migrants storm French port of Calais and board British ferry
2016-01-23,Vienna Says Violence Outbreak Possible Over Measures to Reduce Migrant Flow
2016-01-23,Biden Says U.S. Is Prepared to Use Military Force in Syria
2016-01-23,Worst cold in 30 years grips China with temp below -30 degrees Celsius
2016-01-23,"Russian air strikes kill over 1,000 civilians in Syria"
2016-01-23,Scores of medical experiments on primates are being conducted in secret at a number of Sydney hospitals and universities including an apparent cover-up of a kidney transplant from a pig to a baboon.
2016-01-23,Palestinians in Gaza fire rocket towards Israel
2016-01-23,"Thousands of Poles have taken part in marches in Warsaw and other cities to protest new surveillance law, which they say will curtail privacy and freedom"
2016-01-23,"Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Saturday called for closer economic and security ties with China, saying Iran had never trusted the West, as the two countries agreed to increase bilateral trade more than 10-fold to $600 billion in the next decade."
2016-01-23,"UK Should Process Calais Migrants, Says Corbyn"
2016-01-23,Tutankhamun: Egypt museum staff face trial over botched beard job
2016-01-22,Pregnant women are being warned not to travel to the Olympics in Brazil after a virus causing thousands of babies to be born with unusually small heads swept through the region.
2016-01-22,Toronto man found not guilty in Twitter harassment trial widely viewed as a Canadian first
2016-01-22,"Japan accepts 27 refugees last year, rejects 99%"
2016-01-22,"5 dead, 2 critically injured in Sask. school shooting, Trudeau says"
2016-01-22,U.S. to ask China to ban oil exports to North Korea
2016-01-22,'We will recover our land from the invaders': ISIS issues chilling threat to launch terror attacks in Spain to reimpose Muslim rule after 500 years
2016-01-22,No German no money: Austria to fine refugees for refusal to integrate
2016-01-22,Iraqi Kurdistan president: time has come to redraw Middle East boundaries
2016-01-22,Mass evacuation alert: Popocatpetl volcano near Mexico City spewing ash
2016-01-22,"As Zika virus spreads, El Salvador asks women not to get pregnant until 2018"
2016-01-22,Europe could suspend passport-free travel for two years under emergency measures as leaders warn the migrant crisis could destroy the European Union.
2016-01-22,France To Try Seven Jihadists Including Paris Bombers Brother
2016-01-22,German police have said they do not have enough resources to carry out interior minister Thomas de Maizires plan to extend border controls as long as the refugee crisis continues.
2016-01-22,Migrants torch Calais camp in violent protests after police move in to evict hundreds from slum
2016-01-22,Violent crime rises by 27% after killings hit a five-year high in the UK
2016-01-22,Islamist gunmen kill 17 in Somalia beach restaurant attack
2016-01-22,Footage shows devastation in Yemen as Saudi 'double tap' strike hits rescuers
2016-01-22,"Amazon founder Jeff Bezos' space transportation company, Blue Origin, successfully launched and landed a suborbital rocket for a second time, a key step in its quest to develop reusable boosters, the company says."
2016-01-22,Norways largest bank calls for total end to cash
2016-01-22,Erdoan says Turkey will not allow Russia to build a base north of Syria
2016-01-22,"Canada Wants Drones to Bomb Terrorists, Track Pirates, and Spy on Protesters"
2016-01-22,Russia's AIDS Epidemic Reaches Crisis Levels
2016-01-22,The Latest: Macedonia shuts border with Greece to refugees
2016-01-22,Problem drinkers account for almost 70 per cent of alcohol sales
2016-01-22,15 countries in UN lose voting ability due to lapse in UN payment dues.
2016-01-21,"A Danish city has ordered pork to be mandatory on municipal menus, including for schools and daycare centers, with politicians insisting the move is necessary for preserving the country's food traditions and is not an attack on Muslim"
2016-01-21,"HIV infections in Russia have reached record levels, with the number of people registered as HIV-positive passing the one million mark."
2016-01-21,"Migration crisis can destroy Europe, says French Prime Minister Manuel Valls | Europe | News"
2016-01-21,"Independent economists: TPP will kill 450,000 US jobs; 75,000 Japanese jobs, 58,000 Canadian jobs"
2016-01-21,Top Japanese official in charge of TPP trade deal is accused of graft
2016-01-21,"Bill Gates has told the the BBC that the United States ""should set a better example"" by taking in more refugees. Speaking to the BBC at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Mr Gates said his home country ""had the capacity"" to follow the examples of Germany and Sweden, who were ""to be congratulated""."
2016-01-21,North Korea arrests US student
2016-01-21,Alexander Litvinenko accused Vladimir Putin of being a paedophile four months before he was poisoned
2016-01-21,More European nations are barring the door to migrants - A host of European nations are taking new steps to curb migrant arrivals amid rising security concerns.
2016-01-21,Chinese president declares support for Palestinian state
2016-01-21,"Australia's largest solar plants are open for business | will generate enough power to serve more than 50,000 homes. The two plants cover more than 375 hectares (927 acres) in total, making them the largest in Australia and potentially the Southern Hemisphere."
2016-01-21,The US Will Cede Control of the Internet for the 1st Time - Globalization has made it impossible for the US to maintain its oversight of internet governance organization ICANN.
2016-01-21,French police fire tear gas at hundreds of migrants trying to jump onto UK-bound trucks after a night of rioting at The Jungle refugee camp
2016-01-21,"Pope Francis opens foot-washing rite to women in gesture of inclusion - In a change that quickly set the Catholic world buzzing, Pope Francis allowed priests to wash women's feet & anyone else in the community on Holy Thursday & not just men, as church law previously decreed."
2016-01-21,IMF: Refugees Cost Greece 300 Million in 2015
2016-01-21,Israel dismantles West Bank terror cell directed by Hezbollah chiefs son
2016-01-21,"A pregnant woman with her hands and feet bound. A man with an obsidian blade embedded in his skull. Men and women with arrow wounds to the head and neck. That's the grisly scene archaeologists describe at Nataruk, in modern-day Kenya, where they say they've uncovered unique evidence of violence"
2016-01-21,"Thirty five restaurants across China have been busted using opium poppies to illegally season dishes, authorities say."
2016-01-21,Montenegro WWII concentration camp island to be turned into luxury resort with nightclub
2016-01-21,Report reveals clandestine Swiss deal with PLO to avert further terrorist attacks against the country in exchange for diplomatic support
2016-01-21,"Long Thought To Be Extinct, Bizarre Tree Frog Surfaces In India"
2016-01-21,U.S. Tightens Visa Rules for Some European Visitors
2016-01-21,"Israeli Holocaust survivor, 112, likely oldest man in the world"
2016-01-21,Israeli forces evict settlers a day after they illegally move into Hebron homes
2016-01-21,"Extremely Likely Germany To Limit Number Of Refugees, Says President Gauck"
2016-01-20,"The solar system appears to have a new ninth planet. Today, two scientists announced evidence that a body nearly the size of Neptunebut as yet unseenorbits the sun every 15,000 years."
2016-01-20,"Less than 1% of the wealth created since 2000 has gone to the poorest 50% of the world's population, new research has revealed."
2016-01-20,"Over half of the world's supply of Cobalt, a primary element used in lithium batteries, is mined in the Democratic Republic of Congo by child miners."
2016-01-20,UK inquiry finds Putin 'probably' approved Litvinenko assassination in 2006
2016-01-20,Head transplant has been successfully done on a monkey
2016-01-20,"Tajikistan shaves 13,000 men's beards to end radicalism"
2016-01-20,Russia's currency collapses to lowest level ever
2016-01-20,"China busts child trafficking ring, recovers 15 infants: Xinhua"
2016-01-20,"Two brothers hunting for ichthyosaur fossils along the coast of the United Kingdom came across something far more astounding: The bones of what may be the earliest known dinosaur from the Jurassic period in the U.K., and possibly even the world, a new study finds."
2016-01-20,Saudi Arabia Minister Avoids Questions On Acquiring Nukes From Pakistan
2016-01-20,"China to allocate $4.6 bln to shut 4,300 coal mines"
2016-01-20,Denmark considers moving migrants to camps outside cities
2016-01-20,Afghanistan is setting up its first-ever women-only university in Kabul
2016-01-20,"US wasted millions on Afghan reconstruction, says watchdog"
2016-01-20,"1,175 rhinos killed by poachers in S.Africa last year. Fewer than 100 rhinos were poached in 2008, since when numbers have rocketed."
2016-01-20,"Jimmy Savile raped children as young as nine' while working at BBC, leaked report finds"
2016-01-20,People are afraid these 'zombie ships' are the first sign of global economic collapse
2016-01-20,Fears grow of repeat of 2008 financial crash as investors run for cover
2016-01-20,"Vietnam is mourning an ancient turtle revered as a symbol of auspiciousness, whose death has shocked the country. Thought to be one of only four living Yangtze giant softshell turtles, it was found floating in the Hanoi lake where it lived. Cause of death is unclear."
2016-01-20,Austria Limits Asylum to 1.5 Percent of Population
2016-01-20,"Oil price: fall to $10 a barrel 'not impossible', admits BP boss"
2016-01-20,"A New U.K. Law Says Non-E.U. Migrants Must Earn 35,000 or Face Deportation"
2016-01-20,IMF recommends paying refugees below the minimum wage
2016-01-20,"Sierra Leone Records Another Ebola Case, Days After Africa Was Declared Ebola-Free"
2016-01-20,Merkel says Austrian cap on refugees 'not helpful' for European solution
2016-01-19,"ISIS destroys Iraq's oldest Assyrian Christian monastery that stood for over 1,400 years"
2016-01-19,Oceans running out of fish as undeclared catches add a third to official figures
2016-01-19,Chemistry Teacher opens fire on Taliban Militants in valiant effort to protect students
2016-01-19,Isis cuts soldiers pay by 50%
2016-01-19,"Leonardo DiCaprio has launched a ferocious attack on the greed of the worlds energy industry at the World Economic Forum in Davos. DiCaprio used an awards ceremony to demand more action on climate change, decrying those who deny it is a problem."
2016-01-19,Terrorist Attack on Bacha Khan University
2016-01-19,Muslim man who protected Christians during Kenyan terrorist attack dies in hospital
2016-01-19,"Jews welcome in Russia, Putin tells Europes Jewish leaders"
2016-01-19,Inside the worlds saddest zoo: Horror pictures show starving bears and lions abandoned by billionaire oligarch
2016-01-19,Swedish Police Instructed to Withhold From Public Suspects Skin Color and Ethnicity to Avoid Being Labeled Racist
2016-01-19,Freed Iranians in Prisoner Swap Choose to Stay in United States
2016-01-19,"Norway to bus the first 60 out of 5,500 migrants from ""safe countries"" back to Russia"
2016-01-19,India's internet regulator just called Facebook's Free Basics campaign 'crude' and 'dangerous'
2016-01-19,"OBarry, star of oscar-winning dolphin-killing film 'Cove', refused entry in Japan, detained at airport"
2016-01-19,"The UK government's official voice encryption protocol, around which it is hoping to build an ecosystem of products, has a massive backdoor that would enable the security services to intercept and listen to all past and present calls, a researcher has discovered."
2016-01-19,ISIS confirm Jihadi John was killed in Raqqa air strike
2016-01-19,Gauck: Limiting refugee numbers not 'unethical'
2016-01-19,"Plastic to outweigh fish in oceans by 2050, study warns"
2016-01-19,"Israel Defense Minister: In Syria, if the choice is between Iran and the Islamic State, I choose the Islamic State."""
2016-01-19,"For the next month, Earthlings will be treated to a spectacular sight, with all five planets visible to the naked eye lining up together, stretching from the horizon to the moon. But just dont call it a planetary alignment."
2016-01-19,"According to Human Rights lawyers, Thai ""prosecutors love Microsoft as they give them all the information they ask for."""
2016-01-19,"49th Mersenne prime discovered, largest prime to date."
2016-01-19,"Obama, Erdogan speak by phone, vow cooperation against terrorism: sources"
2016-01-19,'Patriots' distribute pork sandwiches during protest against praying Muslims
2016-01-19,"A simple spelling mistake has led to a 10-year-old Muslim boy being interviewed by British police over suspected links to terrorism. The boy, who lives in Accrington in Lancashire, wrote in his primary school English class that he lived in a terrorist house. He meant to write terraced house."
2016-01-18,Barrel of Oil now cheaper than an actual Barrel to put the oil in.
2016-01-18,German police make first arrest in Cologne New Year's Eve sexual assaults
2016-01-18,"No. of suicides in Japan drops below 25,000 for first time in 18 years"
2016-01-18,"Donald Trump branded a 'fool', 'buffoon' and 'wazzock' by British MPs"
2016-01-18,"Take back migrants or lose aid cash, Berlin tells North Africa: Germanys Vice-Chancellor, Sigmar Gabriel, has threatened to withdraw aid from north African countries if they dont cooperate on taking back rejected asylum seekers."
2016-01-18,"UK Terrorism Act incompatible with human rights, court rules in David Miranda case - His judgment came in the case of the detention of a man detained at Heathrow airport for carrying files related to information obtained by the US whistleblower Edward Snowden."
2016-01-18,Facebook Begins Merkel led banning on hate speech and xenophobic comments for European users
2016-01-18,"Bavarian conservatives want national burqa ban: The conservative Christian Social Union (CSU), ruling party in Bavaria, want to pass a new law making it illegal for anyone to wear a burqa in Germany."
2016-01-18,"EU has ""no more than 2 months"" to get migration crisis under control - EU's Tusk"
2016-01-18,Largest ever longitudinal twin study of adolescent cannabis use finds no relationship between heavy use and IQ decline.
2016-01-18,New riot in Dutch town against refugee centre
2016-01-18,Irans petroleum production forecasted to increase to 3.7 million barrels per day by the end of 2017.
2016-01-18,"Austria suspends Schengen, imposes Border Controls"
2016-01-18,"Germany must soon close borders to refugees, transport minister tells Merkel"
2016-01-18,Alleged Paris attacks suspect arrested in Morocco
2016-01-18,Tearing down the Calais jungle: Bulldozers move-in despite migrant backlash
2016-01-18,North Korea: We have invented hangover free alcohol
2016-01-18,Vladimir Putins Internet Adviser Owns a Torrent Site
2016-01-18,Greek police forced a smuggler to kneel before the body bags of the children before sending him to prison
2016-01-18,961 foreign ISIL members from 57 countries caught in Turkey in 2015
2016-01-18,"Iran nuclear deal 'satisfies everyone except extremists', says president Hassan Rouhani"
2016-01-18,"As the crash in commodities prices spreads economic woe across the developing world, Europe could face a wave of migration that will eclipse todays refugee crisis, says Klaus Schwab, executive chairman of the World Economic Forum."
2016-01-18,MI5 named UK's most gay-friendly employer after survey
2016-01-18,Canada not invited to anti-ISIS coalition meeting in Paris - Politics
2016-01-18,ISIS 'halves salaries for fighters in Raqqa' as US-led coalition air strikes continue to target oil and revenue streams
2016-01-17,UN whistleblower who exposed sexual abuse by peacekeepers is exonerated
2016-01-17,Muslim women in the UK 'must integrate and speak English' says David Cameron
2016-01-17,"Just 62 people own as much wealth as the poorer half of the global population, a new report reveals, as the widening of the gap between the rich and poor accelerates."
2016-01-17,"UK doctors say patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) are showing ""remarkable"" improvements after receiving a treatment usually used for cancer. About 20 patients have received bone marrow transplants using their own stem cells. Some patients who were paralysed have been able to walk again."
2016-01-17,ISIS commits largest massacre since Syrian conflict by dumping 280 dead in the river and taking 400 hostages
2016-01-17,New world record: Danish windmills produced 42.1 percent of all electricity used in Denmark last year
2016-01-17,Police arrest 40 immigrants in Dsseldorf raid.
2016-01-17,"Women Forced to Work in Wartime Brothels Were Not Sex Slaves, Japans Foreign Minister Says - He prefers the term 'comfort women'"
2016-01-17,Terrorist kidnaps sole surgeon for 2 million poor citizens of Burkina Faso
2016-01-17,French president declares economic emergency
2016-01-17,Helium balloons from North Korea have scattered around one million propaganda leaflets in South Korea
2016-01-17,"US imposes sanctions on Iranian companies and individuals over missile programme, after lifting of nuclear sanctions"
2016-01-17,Hong Kong Bookseller Who Disappeared From Thailand Held in China
2016-01-17,Germany plans expulsion centres for Algerians and Moroccans
2016-01-17,Three Americans reportedly kidnapped by militia members in Baghdad
2016-01-17,SpaceX rocket explodes after landing
2016-01-17,Tennis investigation reportedly uncovers evidence of match-fixing by core group of 16 professional players
2016-01-17,US to pay Iran $1.7 bn in debt and interest: Kerry
2016-01-17,Ontario court rules police cellphone data collection violated human rights
2016-01-17,Somalia received Saudi aid the day it cut ties with Iran - document
2016-01-17,"Iraqi city of Ramadi, once home to 500,000, lies in ruins"
2016-01-17,Five million jobs will be gone by 2020 in 15 leading countries
2016-01-17,UN Reports Gang Rapes And Mass Graves Amid Growing Violence In Burundi
2016-01-17,Chinas Haier buys GEs appliance business in $5.4 billion deal
2016-01-17,"Ethiopia drought 'as bad for children as Syria's war': 400,000 children suffering from severe acute malnutrition and 10 million more need food aid."
2016-01-16,Middle East stock markets crash as Tehran enters oil war
2016-01-16,International sanctions against Iran lifted
2016-01-16,"Turkmenistan president outlaws all sale of tobacco products, effectively banning smoking altogether"
2016-01-16,"David Cameron has authorised an investigation into the foreign funding and support of jihadi and extremist groups in the UK, a development that could lead to a potential standoff with the governments key Gulf ally Saudi Arabia."
2016-01-16,German officials: 'Algeria and Morocco must take back deportees'
2016-01-16,"Shock figures to reveal deadly toll of global air pollution - air pollution now kills more people a year than malaria and HIV combined, and in many countries accounts for roughly 10 times more deaths than road accidents"
2016-01-16,Indian villagers destroy toilets that the government had built for them.
2016-01-16,"Crimes at refugee homes on the rise, say German Criminal Police"
2016-01-16,"Netanyahu calls for banning of ""unbearable noise"" - otherwise known as Adhan, the Islamic call to prayer. Israeli Premier Benjamin Netanyahu said that Adhan (Islamic call to prayer) violates Israels interior laws as it causes unbearable noise."
2016-01-16,Shipwreck from 1800s found during search for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
2016-01-16,NASA Has Opened a Planetary Defense Office to Protect Earth from Cosmic Collisions
2016-01-16,"One earthquake is recorded on average each day in a western Canadian region where companies extract oil by fracking, according to statistics published by the Canadian province's energy regulatory agency"
2016-01-16,"Taiwan must abandon 'hallucination' of independence, warns Chinese media"
2016-01-16,Iran to reclaim oil market from Saudi Arabia
2016-01-16,"Oil price woes deepen as Iran vows to add 500,000 barrels a day"
2016-01-16,OPEC's oil basket price drops to $25 a barrel
2016-01-16,Australian surgeon and his wife kidnapped by jihadists in Burkina Faso
2016-01-16,"SpaceX to launch ocean satellite, try water return Sunday"
2016-01-16,German minister proposes EU extra levy to finance refugee costs
2016-01-16,"Venezuela declares Economic State of Emergency. The measure, which will last for 60 days, involves a restriction of constitutional guarantees"
2016-01-16,Russian deputies want to ban public displays of affection between gay people
2016-01-16,Men who aroused suspicions at mall were in Vancouver for vision treatment
2016-01-16,Iran to Buy 114 Airbus Planes after Removal of Sanctions
2016-01-16,Austria temporarily suspends Schengen
2016-01-16,"E.U.s Open Borders Are in Danger,German Minister Warns"
2016-01-15,China to participate in UN sanctions against N.Korea
2016-01-15,Bill aiming to ban child marriages shot down in Pakistan as anti-Islamic and blasphemous.
2016-01-15,Tsai Ing-wen elected Taiwan's first female president
2016-01-15,Schoolgirls report abuse by young asylum seekers
2016-01-15,"Four US prisoners freed in Iran. Prisoners include Washington Post Reporter, Jason Rezaian."
2016-01-15,More people in Europe are dying than are being born
2016-01-15,German town bars asylum seekers from pool after harassment complaints
2016-01-15,Female Jihadis Attack Tourist Hotel in Burkina Faso; 23 Killed
2016-01-15,Burkina Faso attack: 'At least 20 dead' in Ouagadougou hotel
2016-01-15,"Gunfire, explosions heard at major hotel in Burkina Fasos capital reports"
2016-01-15,North Korea said it could stop its nuclear tests in exchange for signing a peace treaty with the U.S. and a stop to annual military exercises between the U.S. and South Korea.
2016-01-15,Swiss Muslim-convert mother is stopped at Turkish border trying to take her four-year-old boy to Syria to join ISIS after she was brainwashed by jihadists online
2016-01-15,Former Dutch soldier may face charges for killing IS jihadis
2016-01-15,Netanyahu slams 'stupid' Swedish minister's probe call
2016-01-15,Ecuador said Friday that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange can leave his hideout in its London embassy and go into exile in the South American country if Swedish prosecutors do not charge him after questioning him.
2016-01-15,Crude oil at $29
2016-01-15,Migrants feel chill as Europe tightens frontier checks
2016-01-15,Venezuela's President Maduro declares economic emergency; claims powers to rule by decree for two months
2016-01-15,At least 18 academics in Turkey have been arrested for denouncing military operations in the country's south-east.
2016-01-15,The Wall Street banks that financed the U.S. shale boom are facing growing losses as oil falls below $30 a barrel.
2016-01-15,"Facebook outsources fight against ""racist posts"" in Germany"
2016-01-15,Gunfire and explosions heard at Burkina Faso hotel
2016-01-15,"Burkina Faso: Security forces raid besieged hotel, free hostages"
2016-01-15,Julian Assange to be questioned by Swedish prosecutors in London
2016-01-15,Adolf Hitlers Mein Kampf sells out after week on German bookshelves
2016-01-14,No. of crimes in Japan falls to postwar low in 2015. 933 murder for a 127M population. Teenage crimes numbers lower than 65yo+.
2016-01-14,"Danish 15yo girl who converted to Islam arrested for possessing explosives, sanctioning terror"
2016-01-14,Apple may be on the hook for $8 billion in taxes as a result of a European Commission investigation.
2016-01-14,New Ebola case emerges in Sierra Leone
2016-01-14,Reefer madness debunked as major UK study finds marijuana does not reduce IQ in teens
2016-01-14,"TPP trade deal will expand Australia's economy by less than 1%, World Bank reveals"
2016-01-14,Hollande: 'Intolerable' that French Jews feel need to hide religion
2016-01-14,Colossal star explosion detected
2016-01-14,Survey: Most young Muslims in Middle East believe ISIS perverts Islam
2016-01-14,"Ancient people conquered the Arctic at least 45,000 years ago"
2016-01-14,Forget $20 - Oil Prices At $8 Per Barrel In Canada
2016-01-14,Turkey 'kills 200 Isis militants' in wave of revenge attacks for Istanbul bombing
2016-01-14,Israel: 4 charged in 'lynching' of Eritrean migrant mistaken for terrorist
2016-01-14,"A Japanese lawmaker Thursday said wartime sex slaves forced to work for Japans Imperial Army were professional prostitutes, before he was forced to retract the remarks and issue an apology."
2016-01-14,"Several in critical condition - one in a coma - after clinical trial of new drug in France, health minister says"
2016-01-14,"Twitter Sued For Enabling ""Explosive Growth Of ISIS"""
2016-01-14,Germany's highest court rules Facebook 'friend finder' is unlawful
2016-01-14,Pentagon: U.S. sailors made 'navigational error' into Iranian waters
2016-01-14,Isis has abducted up to 400 Yazidi children and could be using them as suicide bombers
2016-01-14,"U.S. Health Officials Consider Travel Warning As Zika Virus Spreads: ""there's no vaccine against Zika, a viral cousin of dengue fever, and no treatment for it."""
2016-01-14,Calais Jungle clearing: Tensions mount as refugees prepare for clash with police and government bulldozers
2016-01-14,Islamic State takes credit for shootings and suicide bombings in Jakarta
2016-01-14,French drug trial halted after one person falls into a coma and five others become critically ill
2016-01-14,"Footage of elephants in Cambodia raises hopes for Asian species in the wild - A camera trap captured pictures of a herd roaming through the remote Cardamom mountains, spelling success for 14-yr conservation effort"
2016-01-14,"Iraqi Kurds, who field one of the most effective ground forces fighting Islamic State militants, are urgently asking the U.S. to help ease their budget crisis made worse by slumping oil prices and 1.8 million people who have fled fighting in Iraq and Syria"
2016-01-13,"Explosions heard in Indonesian capital - in Jakarta, with reports of casualties."
2016-01-13,"Wearing black jackets adorned with a symbol of a Viking and the Finnish flag, the ""Soldiers of Odin"" have surfaced as self-proclaimed patriots patrolling the streets to protect native Finns from immigrants, worrying the government and police."
2016-01-13,"Denmark is poised to pass a law requiring newly arrived refugees to hand over valuables, including gold or jewelry, to help pay for the costs of lodging them."
2016-01-13,"In Huge Win For Elephants, Hong Kong Finally Vows To 'Phase Out' Ivory Sales"
2016-01-13,London breaches air pollution limit for the whole of 2016 in just over seven days
2016-01-13,Scientists say humans have canceled the next ice age
2016-01-13,"Istanbul suicide bomber entered Turkey as a refugee, less than a week before his attack killed 10 tourists"
2016-01-13,A local politician in Bavaria is following through on a threat he made to Angela Merkel in October - by sending a bus full of refugees on a 550km journey to her office in Berlin
2016-01-13,"As Oil Crashed, Renewables Attracted Record $329 Billion - These figures are a stunning riposte to all those who expected clean energy investment to stall on falling oil and gas prices, said Michael Liebreich, founder of the London-based research arm of Bloomberg LP."
2016-01-13,Car bomb at Turkish police station kills 5
2016-01-13,"Francois Hollande has called the idea French Jews would hide their religion out of fear ""intolerable"", after an anti-Semitic attack in Marseille."
2016-01-13,NASA: Planetary Defense Office Set Up to Save Earth
2016-01-13,"Anger in Haiti over misspent aid, six years after the 2010 earthquake"
2016-01-13,Israel to bar Sweden from any role in future diplomatic process with Palestinians
2016-01-13,Kerry Thanks Iran for Quick Release of U.S. Sailors
2016-01-13,Bomb blasts and gunfire in Jakarta
2016-01-13,Suicide Attack on Pakistan Polio Vaccination Center Kills 15
2016-01-13,Norway to send refugees back to Russia - by bike
2016-01-13,"[Developing in Sydney, AUS] Police clearing Opera House, ferries cancelled"
2016-01-13,"Canada officially welcomes first 10,000 Syrian refugees"
2016-01-13,African lions are set to gain greater international protection this year in the wake of the killing of Cecil by an American dentist in Zimbabwe in 2015. The number of lions in Africa has declined by half since the 1990s.
2016-01-13,French MPs wear Jewish kippot to National Assembly in show of solidarity
2016-01-13,"Taiwan's pig farmers threaten large-scale protest over US pork containing ractopamine, a drug fed to promote rapid weight gain"
2016-01-13,"Prominent Putin Critic Vladimimr Pribylovsky, Co-Author of The Corporation, Found Dead in Moscow"
2016-01-13,New Charlie Hebdo cartoon suggests dead 3-year-old refugee Alan Kurdi would have become sexual attacker
2016-01-12,Oil Falls Below $30/Barrel for First Time Since December 2003
2016-01-12,Migrant crisis: Coach full of British schoolchildren 'attacked by Calais refugees'
2016-01-12,"Saudi Arabia arrests human rights activist Samar Badawi who was the first woman to sue her guardian for preventing her from marrying the man of her choice, and also sued the Saudi government for the right to vote in municipal elections"
2016-01-12,"Putin says Russia has no interest in ""costly,"" ""meaningless"" role as superpower"
2016-01-12,"Calais Jungle: 2,000 refugees 'given three days to leave as bulldozers move in'"
2016-01-12,Iran frees US sailors
2016-01-12,Canadian dollar drops to 69 cents US - Business
2016-01-12,ISIS burns its fighters alive for letting Ramadi fall
2016-01-12,Seoul media: South Korea has fired warning shots after North Korean drone seen across border
2016-01-12,"Istanbul Bomber identified, Saudi national, member of ISIL, entered Turkey via Syria"
2016-01-12,Pakistan army officers involved in attack on Indian Consulate: Afghan police
2016-01-12,"Archaeologists have uncovered Britain's ""Pompeii"" after discovering the ""best-preserved Bronze Age dwellings ever found"" in the country."
2016-01-12,"Israel blasts Swedish FM for ""supporting terrorism, encouraging violence"""
2016-01-12,Gaza Journalist Says He Was Tortured in Hamas Jail
2016-01-12,Mexico moves El Chapo randomly from cell to cell to avoid fresh escape.
2016-01-12,Putin's Alleged Son-In-Law Is Russia's Latest Billionaire
2016-01-12,A Fallen Russia Oligarch Sends Warning to Rest of Putin Insiders
2016-01-12,"Private messages at work can be read by employers, says court"
2016-01-12,North Korea faked missile test footage: U.S. experts
2016-01-12,Iranian Official Denies That Nuclear Reactor Was Sealed
2016-01-12,Iran seizes 2 US Navy Boats -- will return boat and sailors promptly.
2016-01-12,Head of Marseille Jews urges them not to wear kippa after attack
2016-01-12,"Irish intelligence units monitor 40 suspected Isil supporters - Garda and Army intelligence units are monitoring upwards of 40 individuals who have been identified as either Isil supporters or jihadi fighters, the Irish Independent has learned."
2016-01-12,Sierra Leone receive $90 billion in funds from China
2016-01-12,Australia rejects US call for more troops to defeat Islamic State
2016-01-11,"Iran removes core of Arak heavy water nuclear reactor and fills it with concrete, fulfilling one of its key obligations in the nuclear deal"
2016-01-11,"In an extremely unusual airstrike, the U.S. dropped bombs Sunday in central Mosul, Iraq, destroying a building containing huge amounts of cash ISIS was using to pay its troops and for ongoing operations"
2016-01-11,U.N. says some of its peacekeepers were paying 13-year-olds for sex
2016-01-11,"Explosion in Istanbul's Sultanahmet, injuries reported"
2016-01-11,Nestle the world's largest food producer is to be sued over allegations that it used child slaves to harvest cocoa in the Ivory Coast in Africa.
2016-01-11,Scientists may have detected gravity waves for the first time ever
2016-01-11,Germany sends migrants back to Austria
2016-01-11,More than 200 children were abused in choir run by Pope Benedicts brother
2016-01-11,Qatar bans film The Danish Girl about a transgendered Danish artist for 'moral depravity'
2016-01-11,Most of Istanbul blast victims are German citizens - sources in Turkish PM office
2016-01-11,"ISIS gunmen, suicide bombers, and car bomb kill 17 at Baghdad mall"
2016-01-11,"Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) has advised clients to brace for a ""cataclysmic year""..""Sell Everything""..Oil may touch US$ 16/brl"
2016-01-11,"Today junior doctors in the UK go on strike for the first time in 40 years after the government has tried to sell an 30-40% salary pay cut as an 11% pay rise, and make them work longer hours than they currently do"
2016-01-11,Bankers charged in euro rate-rigging case: Nearly a dozen former top bankers have been charged with colluding to rig a key euro benchmark borrowing rate. But almost half the defendants didn't appear in court
2016-01-11,Merkel Says Europe Is Vulnerable in Refugee Crisis
2016-01-11,GoPro Footage from Arrest of El Chapo
2016-01-11,"A teenager who attacked a Jewish teacher in the French port of Marseilles said he did it in the name of the so-called Islamic State, according to the city prosecutor."
2016-01-11,Former French President Sarkozy: We Did Not Fight Nazis to Force Jews to Run to Israel
2016-01-11,Egyptian President Al-Sissi attends Coptic Christmas Mass in Cairo; apologizes for extremists who burned down churches and promises to rebuild them.
2016-01-11,US bombs 'millions' in ISIS currency stock
2016-01-11,RBS tells investors sell everything
2016-01-11,Beijing to end coal usage by 2020 to reduce smog
2016-01-11,Western sanctions 'severely' harming Russia: Putin
2016-01-11,"Russia Is Arming Hezbollah, Say Two of the Groups Field Commanders"
2016-01-11,Putin Says Sheltering Assad Would Be Easier Than Snowden Asylum
2016-01-10,Swedish police accused of covering up rampant sexual abuse at music festival
2016-01-10,"Canadian pastor held in North Korea labor camp digs holes alone for eight hours a day, has not seen any other prisoners"
2016-01-10,Largest manmade 4.6 magnitude earthquake by fracking; new world record in Northern B.C.
2016-01-10,Body found at Dyatlov Pass where 9 hikers mysteriously died in 1959
2016-01-10,Muhammad cartoons censored at Charlie Hebdo exhibit in Tel Aviv
2016-01-10,"China Discovers 470-Ton Gold Mine, Worth Over $16.4 Billion, 2000 Meters Undersea"
2016-01-10,The Only Bridge Linking Eastern and Western Canada Splits in Cold Weather - Effectively Separating the Country in Two.
2016-01-10,"Filipino terror groups pledge allegiance to ISIS, form 'Islamic State satellite'"
2016-01-10,Meat targeted for theft as food prices soar across Canada
2016-01-10,Isis: Paris attacks planner Abdelhamid Abaaoud 'met jihadists on UK visit'
2016-01-10,"Delhi's air quality improves after 9 days of odd-even formula, pollution levels drop sharply"
2016-01-10,HIV Cure Hope - Two JHU scientists believe they can destroy infected cells - human clinical trials to begin within 3 months
2016-01-10,Putin says he wants global cooperation against terrorism: Bild
2016-01-10,Shanghai stocks close down 5.33% on economic gloom
2016-01-10,"Doctors Without Borders Hospital in Yemen Bombed, Leaving 4 Dead, 10 Injured"
2016-01-10,The biggest sea-dwelling crocodile ever found has turned up in the Tunisian desert. The whopper of a prehistoric predator grew to over 30 feet long (nearly ten meters) and weighed three tons.
2016-01-10,Pakistan Says It Will Respond to Any Threat to Saudi Arabia
2016-01-10,Swedish minister says bringing back conscription (draft) could help in refugee crisis
2016-01-10,"Turkey plans to offer Syrian refugees work permits in order to encourage fewer of them to migrate, minister says"
2016-01-10,"Tuberculosis outbreak in Papua New Guinea worsens, as health workers plead for promised funding"
2016-01-10,Isis 'ran sophisticated immigration operation' on Turkey-Syria border
2016-01-10,"India biggest exporter of doctors, nurses to Europe: report"
2016-01-10,"As Iraq battles Islamic State in the northwest, violence and crime surge in south.Fear has become part of daily life amid a surge of violence in Basra, where rampant crime, kidnappings and extortion have become commonplace."
2016-01-10,"""Only 22 cases of Guinea worm disease were reported worldwide in 2015, an 83 percent reduction from the 126 cases reported in 2014, the greatest single percentage reduction in human cases in the history of the global campaign"""
2016-01-10,NATO Report Slams Afghan Army As Mission Incapable
2016-01-09,2015 was the first year since 1974 in which no climber successfully made it to the top of Mount Everest.
2016-01-09,"Mexican Politician: 'They Can Find El Chapo, But Not 43 Students"
2016-01-09,British woman jailed for trying to kidnap her children and place them under ISIS rule in Syria
2016-01-09,"ISIS urges UK jihadis to cut beards, shun mosques and wear crosses to blend in"
2016-01-09,Mexico will be extraditing El Chapo to the United States
2016-01-09,Hong Kong: Thousands rally over missing booksellers. Suspected to have been abducted by mainland Chinese security forces.
2016-01-09,"Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has called on all Iranians, even those who oppose the Islamic Republic, to participate in next month's elections to parliament and to the assembly that will choose his successor."
2016-01-09,New edition of Hitlers Mein Kampf is an instant sellout in Germany
2016-01-09,"The Catholic Church has spent millions of dollars providing pensions, housing, and private medical insurance to convicted paedophile priests despite branding them ""evil"" and having most defrocked."
2016-01-09,"40,000 starving Syrians trapped by Assad regime forced to make soup from grass because theyve 'eaten every stray cat and dog in the city' | Middle East | News"
2016-01-09,Paris police station attacker lived in German refugee shelter: police
2016-01-09,"As Ottawa prepares to legalize recreational marijuana, the 27 companies licensed to grow and sell medical pot in Canada are getting ready to cash in."
2016-01-09,Fire breaks out at Kosovo government HQ as protests flare
2016-01-09,Sean Penn did an interview with El Chapo at his hideout in Mexico before he got caught.
2016-01-09,Merkel proposes tougher migrant laws
2016-01-09,Germany and US revive joint intelligence surveillance
2016-01-09,Egypt policemen shot dead in Giza in IS-claimed attack
2016-01-09,India to save $6 billion per annum after switching to LED by 2018: Piyush Goyal
2016-01-09,Police Discover Paris Bomb Factory In Brussels
2016-01-09,"Foreign 'super students' told to leave Denmark for working 1,5h per week too much"
2016-01-09,Britain's intelligence services tried to recruit new Jihadi John: report
2016-01-09,"Rocket hits Medecins Sans Frontieres clinic in Yemen, killing three: MSF"
2016-01-09,Anti-migrant protest turns violent as German welcome cools
2016-01-09,Emirati sentenced to death for joining Islamic State
2016-01-09,China is going to invest at least 3.8 trillion yuan ($538 billion) in new railway construction in the country's 13th Five Year Plan (2016-2020)
2016-01-08,El Chapo' Being Taken to Same Prison He Escaped from Six Months Ago
2016-01-08,El Chapo has been caught
2016-01-08,At least 231 children abused at Catholic boys choir run by Pope Benedicts brother
2016-01-08,"North Korea has defended its latest nuclear test, saying the fate of Saddam Hussein in Iraq and Moamer Kadhafi in Libya showed what happened when countries forsake their nuclear weapon ambitions."
2016-01-08,"A group of United Nations' experts have warned of a ""chilling effect"" on freedoms of speech and expression, should the UK's draft surveillance bill become law.The bill has proven controversial among the public and tech companies alike."
2016-01-08,"Gunman opens fire on hotel popular with western tourists in Hurghada, Egypt"
2016-01-08,French Proposal to Strip Citizenship Over Terrorism Sets Off Alarms
2016-01-08,"Hungary will never support EU sanctions against Poland, says Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban"
2016-01-08,"Inside Delhi's gadget graveyard where the West's e-waste ends up: Indian men, women and children process discarded technology for as little as $2.10 a day and it is slowly poisoning them."
2016-01-08,North Korea says South Korea's propaganda broadcasts push situation to 'brink of war'.
2016-01-08,"A blast in a crowded market in India's northeast has wounded at least eight people, three of them seriously, police say."
2016-01-08,Great White Dies After Three Days In Aquarium
2016-01-08,"Carter Center: 22 Guinea Worm Cases Reported in 2015. The human rights organization founded by former President Jimmy Carter in 1986 began targeting the painful parasitic disease for eradication. At that time, an estimated 3.5 million cases occurred annually worldwide."
2016-01-08,French daredevil falls to death while preparing for tightrope stunt
2016-01-08,"In bid to win back tourists, Brussels wants visitors to dial random locals - After a yr of terror plots & alerts, lockdowns & raids, the city's hit upon a new idea: Curious foreigners can call & talk to locals. Anyone can visit #CallBrussels website, click a button & wait for someone to pick up."
2016-01-08,"Swiss missionary has been kidnapped from her home in Timbuktu nearly four years after she was abducted by Islamist militants from the same house, the Malian army and a local resident says."
2016-01-08,NASA's Fermi satellite completes map of the sky; finds mysterious source of gamma rays
2016-01-08,US condemns Israel expanding West Bank settlement bloc
2016-01-08,Hundreds of Syrians Are Turned Back at Beirut Airport
2016-01-08,Iranian Soccer Player Jailed Over Photos With Unveiled Women
2016-01-08,Saudi Arabia executions: Philip Hammond condemned by rights campaigners for 'excusing' mass killings
2016-01-08,"Venezuela's Economy Czar: ""Inflation Does Not Exist"""
2016-01-08,"Seychelles, in a first-ever debt restructuring for climate adaptation, is swapping nearly $30 million of its debt in exchange for the protection of 30 percent of its ocean territory with an area larger than the size of Germany."
2016-01-08,"A Germans Video Likens Mao to Hitler, and China Wants Him Punished"
2016-01-08,"Cereal harvests across world ""fall by 10% in 50 yrs"" - Impact of droughts stronger recently, especially in developed countries like N America, Europe & Australia, that are even more strongly affected than the developing world, with average production cuts of 20%."
2016-01-07,"Reports of sexual assaults on women across European cities, including Cologne, Hamburg, Zrich, Salzburg, Helsinki during NYE festivities"
2016-01-07,"Shelter forcibly converted children to Christianity, raided by police Emmanuel Group in India. Busted by police.Children hung from wrists ,starved and beaten for failing to recite Bible passages post conversion"
2016-01-07,Iran Has Banned Its Citizens from Making Pilgrimages to Mecca
2016-01-07,"Gaddafi warned Blair his ousting would 'open door' to jihadis. ""They want to control the Mediterranean and then they will attack Europe."
2016-01-07,A Turkish firm has been selling fake life vests - they soak up water - for refugees at sea
2016-01-07,German minister says deportations possible in Cologne sexual-assault case
2016-01-07,Mao statue in China 'pulled down by authorities' after 120ft gold giant is mocked online
2016-01-07,A poacher-hunting dog in South Africa has been awarded a medal for his heroic work in helping save endangered rhinos. K9 Killer's tracking skills have led to the arrest of 115 poachers in Kruger National Park over the last four years.
2016-01-07,Police 'used terror powers to spy on officers blowing whistle on racism' | Exclusive: Cleveland constabulary faces claims it used officers' confidential emails to defend against employment cases
2016-01-07,Iran Bans All Imports from Saudi Arabia
2016-01-07,UK has sold $8bn of arms to Saudi Arabia in five years: Report
2016-01-07,Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico says migrants can't be integrated
2016-01-07,U.S. Tells China That Soft Approach to North Korea Has Failed
2016-01-07,"5,300-year-old Iceman had the stomach bug that causes ulcers; also had arthritis, spinal damage, tooth decay, and lactose intolerance, but died from a murderous arrow wound to the shoulder"
2016-01-07,New Jihadi John milked the benefit system before leaving to join ISIS
2016-01-07,Charlie Hebdo anniversary: free-speech groups unite in defence of 'right to offend'. PEN International leads organisations around the world calling for awareness of intense repression of writers and increased government surveillance in wake of atrocity
2016-01-07,Polish president signs bill putting state media under government control
2016-01-07,Mein Kampf hits stores in tense Germany
2016-01-07,"Morocco Bans WhatsApp, Skype, Viber and Other Services Providing Mobile Internet Calls"
2016-01-07,"The UN library announced its most-checked-out book of 2015: ""Immunity of Heads of State and State Officials for International Crimes"""
2016-01-07,"One third of the worlds freshwater fish are at risk if dozens of large hydroelectric dams are built in the Amazon, Congo and Mekong basins, aquatic ecologists have warned."
2016-01-07,"Nuclear weapons risk greater than in cold war, says ex-Pentagon chief.""The probability of a nuclear calamity is higher today, I believe, that it was during the cold war, Perry said. A new danger has been rising in the past three years"""
2016-01-07,"North Korea Claims That It Tested the ""H-Bomb of Justice"""
2016-01-07,UK - DWP told woman she was not ill enough for benefit on day she died
2016-01-07,Venezuela's new parliament removes pictures of Hugo Chavez
2016-01-06,China shuts down stock market after 15 min 7% loss.
2016-01-06,Armed suspect shot dead after trying to storm Paris police station
2016-01-06,Oil price falls below $35 a barrel to fresh 11-year low
2016-01-06,Germans outraged by mayors advice for women after raft of harassment
2016-01-06,German public broadcaster ZDF has apologised for delays in reporting on a wave of sexual assaults blamed on men of Arab appearance amid accusations Wednesday of media self-censorship of the inflammatory issue.
2016-01-06,"Iran accuses Saudis of bombing their embassy in Sana'a, Yemen"
2016-01-06,Protesters demand Canada cancel $15B Saudi contract
2016-01-06,"'Snooper's charter' will cost British lives, MPs to be warned | Former NSA security chief-turned-whistleblower says plan for bulk collection of communications data is 99% useless"
2016-01-06,"Islamic scholars from Malaysia and Indonesia issue a fatwa against poachers, declaring wildlife poaching a sin"
2016-01-06,Turkish workshop employs Syrian minors to produce fake life jackets that often absorb water and drag the user down
2016-01-06,"100 murdered Christians who were gang-raped, disemboweled or burned alive when they refused to convert to Hindus could be canonised by the Pope"
2016-01-06,South Korea to restart propaganda loudspeakers on North's border
2016-01-06,Egypt asks Israel to keep Turkey away from Gaza
2016-01-06,"Reducing sugar content in sugar-sweetened drinks by 40 percent over 5 years could prevent 1.5 million cases of overweight and obesity in the UK and 300,000 cases of diabetes"
2016-01-06,Scientists Discover Meteorite 'Older Than Earth Itself' in Australian Outback
2016-01-06,Rio Olympic stadium has no water or electricity because of unpaid bills.
2016-01-06,Saudi-led air strikes in Yemen hit centre for blind people
2016-01-06,Truck bomb kills 65 at Libyan police training center
2016-01-06,Israeli Tourists on Tour Bus Attacked by Masked Gunmen at Cairo Hotel
2016-01-06,"Israel and China have signed a document of understandings expanding their cooperation in energy technology research and development, including the establishment of funds for renewable energy"
2016-01-06,Donald Trump threatens to pull 700m investment from Scotland
2016-01-06,Israel busts Hamas terror cell planning abduction and murder
2016-01-06,"A working hospital in central China was demolished by force this morning, doctors and patients inside were nearly buried."
2016-01-06,Paris to close Champs Elysees to cars one Sunday a month
2016-01-06,TransCanada Corp files US$15-billion lawsuit against U.S. government for rejecting Keystone XL
2016-01-05,"Dutch government backs strong encryption, condemns backdoors"
2016-01-05,ISIS Militants Strap Bomb on 4 Year-Old Boy and Blow Him Up after Killing the Childs Father
2016-01-05,Canada proceeding with controversial $15-billion Saudi arms deal despite condemning executions
2016-01-05,Brazil is heading for its worst recession since 1901
2016-01-05,British ISIS militant's desperate plea for doctors to join the terror group as he admits many fighters are dying due to poor treatment in latest sign of the group's collapse
2016-01-05,Malaysia's schools will start holding anti-ISIS talks for kids
2016-01-05,Saudi Arabia omitted from UK death penalty strategy 'to safeguard defence contracts' - Kingdom is only major death penalty state missing from document setting out UK strategy to curb executions
2016-01-05,ISIS executes first female journalist. One of her last posts complained of limits on wifi
2016-01-05,The U.S. Justice Department has sued Volkswagen for up to $90 billion for allegedly violating environmental laws - five times regulators' initial estimate and a reminder of the carmaker's problems nearly four months after its emissions scandal broke.
2016-01-05,Leaked memo shows Saudi Arabia was fully prepared for executions backlash and went ahead anyway | Middle East | News
2016-01-05,Sister of British extremist fighter says she will 'kill him myself' if he is new Jihadi John
2016-01-05,Mexico first country to approve Israeli drug that cures early-stage prostate cancer
2016-01-05,"Jihadi Junior - 6 or 7 year old boy in new Islamic State video, identified by grandfather in London"
2016-01-05,"Nuns claim they were forced to brand themselves with fire, eat out-of-date food and write orders of obedience in their own blood in Mafia-style initiations at Italian convent"
2016-01-05,"Malaysia Airlines temporarily bans checked baggage for flights to Europe due to 'safety, strong head winds'"
2016-01-05,'Fat cat Tuesday' as top bosses pay overtakes UK workers
2016-01-05,"""The United Nations special rapporteur for human rights in the Palestinian territories, Makarim Wibisono, submitted his resignation to the president of the Human Rights Council on Monday, citing Israels refusal to grant him access to the West Bank and Gaza."""
2016-01-05,"Merkel rejects Bavarian bid for refugee limit: Amid ongoing tensions with her allies in Bavaria, Angela Merkel has refused their plan to place a cap on incoming aslyum seekers. The proposed upper limit of 200,000 for 2016 was ""not the chancellor's position."""
2016-01-05,Yemen centre for blind 'hit in Saudi coalition air raid'
2016-01-05,"Mass murderer Anders Behring Breiviks court case against the Norwegian state over his prison conditions, which he likens to torture, will take place in the jail where he is being held.Breivik killed 77 people because he was opposed to Norways multiculturalism."
2016-01-05,"Kuwait has recalled its ambassador to Iran in the latest episode of a regional diplomatic crisis following the execution of a prominent religious leader in Saudi Arabia, the official Kuwait News Agency reported."
2016-01-05,Britain set for first mass strike by doctors in 40 years
2016-01-05,First known hacker-caused power outage signals troubling escalation
2016-01-05,Kuwait becomes latest Saudi ally to downgrade ties with Iran
2016-01-05,"'Do Your Cars Emit Oxygen?' Indian Supreme Court to car manufacturers including Toyota and Mercedes, who want ban on their larger diesel cars in Delhi to be revoked"
2016-01-04,Saudi Arabia breaks off ties with Iran - Amid row over Saudi execution of Shia cleric
2016-01-04,Exclusive: UK Government urged to reveal its role in getting Saudi Arabia onto UN Human Rights Council | Liberal Democrat and Green Party leaders call on David Cameron to reveal whether British government supported Saudi bid
2016-01-04,China halts trading as stocks fall 7%
2016-01-04,Earthquake measuring 6.8 magnitude strikes India
2016-01-04,A virus linked to shrinking newborns brains is spreading rapidly beyond Brazil (epidemic of Zika virus suspected)
2016-01-04,"New photos of SpaceX booster show sooty, but undamaged rocket"
2016-01-04,Indian consulate in Afghanistan under attack by gunmen
2016-01-04,Iran calls off Major Hajj
2016-01-04,"Denmark responds to Swedish border checks with own controls. ""If the European Union cannot protect the external border you will see more and more countries forced to introduce temporary border controls."" - Danish PM"
2016-01-04,David Cameron criticised for turning 'blind eye' to mass executions in Saudi Arabia
2016-01-04,Denmark introduces temporary controls along German border
2016-01-04,Israel Retaliates to Hezbollah bombing at Lebanon Border - IDF currently firing artillery at Hezbollah and Lebanese army positions
2016-01-04,"China Aims to Build 40 Nuclear Power Plants in Upcoming 5 Years, Generating 88 Gigawatts"
2016-01-04,"According to obtained documents, after rape and forcing inmates to do oral sex, British Soldiers could face charges for possible War Crimes committed in Iraq"
2016-01-04,Western Australian rooftop solar systems producing more energy than its biggest turbine
2016-01-04,Iranian leaders website posts controversial image comparing Saudi Arabia to Isis
2016-01-04,"After Bahrain, Sudan expels Iranian ambassador from Khartoum"
2016-01-04,"Saudi Arabia to cut off all air traffic with Iran, Saudi FM"
2016-01-04,Hezbollah sets off large border bomb targeting IDF heavy vehicles
2016-01-04,Iranian diplomats given 48 hours to leave Saudi Arabia
2016-01-04,BBC News: Migrant crisis: Sweden border checks come into force
2016-01-04,Teachers claim the politics of austerity is leaving Scottish schoolchildren so hungry they have to steal from their classmates just to be able to eat.
2016-01-04,"The Aftermath of a Muslim Cleric's Execution in Saudi Arabia - Al-Nimrs death, which al-Nimrs brother told the Associated Press came as a surprise to even their own family, was seen by some as a warning to individuals, particularly Shiites, against seeking political reforms."
2016-01-04,Iran: 40 arrested for attack on Saudi embassy
2016-01-04,"Oil prices jump over 2 pct on Saudi Arabia, Iran tensions"
2016-01-03,"Despite ban, Iranians consume 60 million litres of alcohol each year"
2016-01-03,"Protesters storm Saudi embassy in Tehran, set it ablaze"
2016-01-03,"A Week After India Banned It, Facebook's Free Basics Shuts Down in Egypt"
2016-01-03,Mexican Mayor Murdered One Day After Taking Office.A newly installed mayor in a municipality close to Mexico City was shot and killed outside her home by four gunmen.
2016-01-03,Calls for calorie labels on alcoholic drinks to help fight obesity
2016-01-03,"a group of city Muslims launched ""Muslims against ISIS"" campaign on Friday, denouncing the jihadist terror organization's brutalities and chalking out steps to stop Muslim youths from becoming IS recruits"
2016-01-03,Hong Kong unsettled by strange case of missing booksellers
2016-01-03,Nigel Farage's car wheels 'were sabotaged in an assassination attempt': Ukip leader lost control of Volvo when wheel fell off on motorway...police confirm foul play
2016-01-03,"Britain is to create a marine reserve only slightly smaller than the UK in the waters of Ascension Island. The waters have a host of extraordinary species including some of the largest marlin in the world, one of the largest populations of green turtles, tropical seabirds and a unique frigate bird."
2016-01-03,Isis releases video showing execution of five 'British spies' and warning to 'imbecile' David Cameron
2016-01-03,Israel indicts Jewish extremists in deadly arson attack
2016-01-03,Angela Merkel tightens Germanys rules for migrants - Automatic refugee status will be replaced by individual hearings to establish identity
2016-01-03,"ISIS oil trucks cross into Turkey every day, captured terrorist admits"
2016-01-03,"In New Year's address, Kim Jong Un vows to raise living standards"
2016-01-03,Iran's leader warns Saudis of 'divine vengeance' over execution of Shia cleric
2016-01-03,Pathankot: Fresh gunfire and blast at India military base
2016-01-03,Canadian fighter jets in the Middle East engage in air campaign against Islamic State
2016-01-03,France quarrels over revoking citizenship of terrorists
2016-01-03,Refugees find dizzying freedoms and unexpected dangers in Brazil
2016-01-03,French Soldiers Shoot Attacker Who Drove Car At Them
2016-01-03,US shuts down drone operation in Ethiopia
2016-01-03,Man Who Drove Car at French Troops Had Jihadi Propaganda in Computer: Prosecutor
2016-01-03,EU commissioner: Poland's new state media law conflicts with EU values
2016-01-03,British Hikers Rescued Three Times in Iceland
2016-01-03,"Iran wins world record for most executions per capita; Tehran hanged at least 694 people between Jan. 1 and Sept. 15, the highest rate of executions in the Islamic Republic in some 25 years, according to a report by a U.N. human rights monitor"
2016-01-02,The seventh row of the periodic table is officially full
2016-01-02,Coffee Just Got Cheaper - A global surplus of coffee is causing bean prices to bottom out
2016-01-02,Another Hong Kong worker at anti-Beijing bookshop 'disappears
2016-01-02,Switzerland signs deal to end international banking secrecy
2016-01-02,Al-Qaeda affiliate group uses Donald Trumps anti-Muslim rant in recruitment video
2016-01-02,Militants have attacked an Indian air force base near the country's border with Pakistan.
2016-01-02,All BBC Websites went down after a major DDoS attack
2016-01-02,"Tel Aviv mayor: Shooting appears to be terrorist attack - 2 dead, 4 wounded"
2016-01-02,King Amenhotep III statue was found by chance during a raid on weapons and drugs traders.
2016-01-02,"Wind, solar power soaring in spite of bargain prices for fossil fuels"
2016-01-02,"Saudi beheadings soar in 2015 under discretionary rulings: Saudi Arabia carried out at least 157 executions in 2015, with beheadings reaching their highest level in the kingdom in two decades, according to several advocacy groups that monitor the death penalty worldwide."
2016-01-02,"According to scientists, a storm the likes of which few have ever seen is about to raise north pole temperatures to as high as 40 degrees Fahrenheit"
2016-01-02,Over 800 cars set ablaze in France on New Year's Eve
2016-01-02,Kim Jong Un warns: I'm ready for war. Also expressed a willingness to work toward reconciliation with South Korea
2016-01-02,"Nimr al-Nimr execution: Former Iraq PM al-Maliki says death will ""topple Saudi regime"""
2016-01-02,"Saudi Arabia says 47 executed on terror charges, including Shi'ite cleric"
2016-01-02,"French academic defies Anne Frank Fund, publishes diaries online"
2016-01-02,Hand grenade attack kills two at Ethiopian university: police
2016-01-02,Renowned Animal Trainer Caught On Film Beating Life of Pi Tiger
2016-01-02,China Says It Is Building Its Second Aircraft Carrier
2016-01-02,Two injured as man runs car into troops protecting mosque in southern France
2016-01-02,"Roundup: Russia takes restrictive measures against Ukraine, Turkey"
2016-01-02,Dubai's residents rally together and launch social media campaign to offer their homes as shelter to those displaced by the large hotel fire.
2016-01-02,Contamination from Brazil mining spill spreads to ocean
2016-01-02,"Isis in Raqqa: Undercover activists do what they can to fight back against Islamists.Part citizen journalists, part resistance movement, members of Raqqa is Being Silently Slaughtered secretly document Isiss barbaric punishments and strict social regimes"
2016-01-01,"A free-standing, waste-trapping floating dam could revolutionize ocean cleanup. In a few months a giant floating dam in the form of a 100 metre long barrier segment will be set up in the North Sea off the coast of The Netherlands. Its ambition: to cleanse the worlds oceans of plastic forever."
2016-01-01,Today China begins its 2-child policy
2016-01-01,Fire engulfs 63-story Dubai hotel near world's tallest building
2016-01-01,Turkish politician jailed for almost three years after 'insulting president Erdogan on Twitter'
2016-01-01,Munich police warn of terror threat - Ask people to avoid crowds
2016-01-01,SpaceX's first reusable rocket is back in its hangar
2016-01-01,ISIS are preparing for a final battle against the West over loss of key towns
2016-01-01,Kabul bomb: Huge blast targets French restaurant popular with ex pats on New Year's Day in Afghanistan capital
2016-01-01,"Poachers using science papers to target newly discovered species - Journals begin withholding locations after warnings the data is helping smugglers drive lizards, snakes & frogs to near-extinction"
2016-01-01,Russia starts delivery of S-300 missile systems to Iran
2016-01-01,Dubai bought 20 jetpacks to battle skyscraper fires but they won't arrive until 2016
2016-01-01,Japanese research team earns right to name Element 113
2016-01-01,Nepalese women trafficked to Syria and forced to work as maids: Unscrupulous agents lure women into conflict zones with promises of employment abroad only to leave them working long hours for little or no pay.
2016-01-01,"Britain's ""Crosby flap"" has developed into a national cringe over its royal honours system, which is being denounced as ""borderline corrupt"" cronyism that rewards friends and donors to the Conservative party."
2016-01-01,Dubai New Year's fireworks will go on despite blaze: Official
2016-01-01,"Merkel thanks Germans for helping 1 million refugees.""Thank you for the overwhelming and really moving wave of spontaneous helpfulness that we experienced this year"""
2016-01-01,"China arrests 11 for deadly landslide, death toll now 12"
2016-01-01,"Unearthing Roman 'nerve centre' in Spain - Archaeologists begin uncovering remains of what could be one of the most important Roman settlements in Spain, under town of Jimena de la Frontera. Drawings reveal some of the most significant & virtually untouched Roman remains in the region."
2016-01-01,"China, the worlds biggest clean energy investor, plans to increase wind and solar power capacity by more than 21 percent next year as it works to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by cutting its reliance on coal"
2016-01-01,"Pope: Now's the time to end indifference, 'false neutrality'"
2016-01-01,"Russian President Vladimir Putin has endorsed a new security strategy, which points to NATO expansion as a threat to the country."
2016-01-01,Kim Jong-un Talks of Reconciliation in New Years Speech
2016-01-01,Terror bombing at Eilat hotel thwarted
2016-01-01,"Remains of over 4,500-yrs-old shepherd's hut found on Google Earth in South Wales Argus - A man was looking for signs of a WWI firing range when something else caught his eye. The landowner knew of the site but had been told it was of no importance."
2016-01-01,Voice of the Caliphate radio broadcasts anti-Taliban propaganda in Afghanistan
2015-12-31,Microsoft Corp said on Wednesday it will begin warning users of its email service when the company suspects that a government has been trying to hack into their accounts.
2015-12-31,Greek Orthodox Church: Homosexuals are God's creation - the church doesn't reject people.
2015-12-31,"Vladmir Putin officially dissolves Roscosmos, the Russian Space Agency and will restructure it as a state-run corporation starting January 1, 2016."
2015-12-31,Donald Trump could be refused entry to the UK after the Home Secretary Theresa May said she will ban people that are non-conducive to the public good. The petition to ban him has over half million signatures.
2015-12-31,"Saudi Arabia says its ready to meet any additional oil demand. We will satisfy the demand of our customers. We no longer limit production. If there is demand, we will respond. We have the capacity to respond to demand, Saudi oil minister said."
2015-12-31,"New Year fireworks and festivities have been cancelled in the Belgian capital, Brussels, because of terror alert."
2015-12-31,"New species of human may have shared our caves - & beds Controversial bone discoveries suggest we even interbred with & cannibalised these mystery hominins. This could overturn what it means to be human. If true, this would make the finds of truly global importance."
2015-12-31,Egypt becomes second nation to shut down Facebook's free internet service
2015-12-31,Polish government takes control of public media with new law. All current managers and supervisory board members fired with immediate effect.
2015-12-31,"From Jan 1, UK to stop financial aid to India - Times of India"
2015-12-31,"The rise of antibiotic resistance is a global health crisis, and governments now recognize it as one of the greatest challenges for public health today."""
2015-12-31,US sued over donations for illegal Israeli settlements - Lawsuit targets US Treasury Department for allowing billions in tax-exempt donations to support Israel's landgrabs
2015-12-31,"Giant squid that swam into Japanese bay guided back out to sea by diver - Toyama Bay dive shop owner joins 3.7-metre-long creature in the water, where it was lively, spurting ink and trying to entangle his tentacles around me"
2015-12-31,"In Tanzania, a Horrific Fishing Tactic Destroys All Sea Life - It's the only country in Africa where fishermen widely use homemade bombs to increase their catch. 'Blast fishing' popular off the coast, where its been outlawed since 1970."
2015-12-31,Paris Scales Back NYE Event Amid Terror Fears
2015-12-31,Ramadi residents fleeing ISIS: 'They wanted to use us as human shields'
2015-12-31,Israeli Gov't approves NIS 15-billion plan to invest in Arab municipalities
2015-12-31,Russia denies 'absurd' claims that air strikes in Syria are killing hundreds of civilians
2015-12-31,Web attack knocks BBC websites offline
2015-12-31,Iran says any U.S. sanctions on missiles illegal
2015-12-31,Maternity Benefits: Indian Government plans to allow new moms to work from home for two years
2015-12-31,'Rat on a plane' forces Air India flight to turn back
2015-12-31,Philippines to join China-backed AIIB infrastructure bank
2015-12-31,ESPN invites five FIFA presidential candidates to TV debate
2015-12-31,"Hamas to keep Palestinians from ringing in New Year, says New Years Eve ""contrary to our traditions and an imitation of the West."
2015-12-30,Tech companies face criminal charges if they notify users of UK government spying
2015-12-30,Mexican marijuana farmers see profits tumble as U.S. loosens laws.
2015-12-30,A would-be suicide bomber and his wife have been found guilty of planning an attack in London to coincide with the 10th anniversary of the 7/7 atrocity.
2015-12-30,"The rich will get richer while two million more children slide into poverty, 2030 economic forecast suggests"
2015-12-30,The North Pole will have above freezing temperatures this Wednesday.
2015-12-30,South Australia - New sexting laws to spare children from facing child pornography charges.
2015-12-30,ISIS militants burn 20 media activists to death in Mosul
2015-12-30,Italy fines Apple over misleading tax conduct
2015-12-30,Body of notorious Mexican drug cartel founder dumped on highway with bullet holes
2015-12-30,"Morocco to deploy 100,000 armed officers to protect the country on New Year's Eve after ISIS threats"
2015-12-30,8 survivors found 5 days after Chinese mine collapsed
2015-12-30,German states to spend around 17 billion euros on refugees in 2016
2015-12-30,'Ramadi Is Liberated': Key Victory Over IS: The capture of Ramadi is the first major triumph for the Iraqi Army since it fled in the face of an assault by IS 18 months ago.
2015-12-30,Cuba Vows to Keep Socialism 'Intact' Despite US Investment
2015-12-30,Assassination of third Syrian journalist raises fears of Islamic State activity in Turkey - ABC News
2015-12-30,Norway to turn back asylum seekers on Swedish border
2015-12-30,"Islamic State Suffers Double Blow As Ramadi Falls, Leaders Killed"
2015-12-30,Journalist reveals Erdoan imprisoned him for exposing Turkey's hand in the 'Syrian conflict'
2015-12-30,Russian Moon base plan falls victim to budget cuts
2015-12-30,"Belgium, Netherlands to exchange territory without a fight: almost two centuries after the 1843 border posts were set. And all with a smile on everyones face, even though Belgium will get only a tiny part around a lock that has been built to promote traffic between the two nations."
2015-12-30,North Korea says top official Kim Yang-gon killed in car crash
2015-12-30,Putin's Son-in-Law Boosted by $1.75 Bln Russian State Loan
2015-12-30,An orgasm a day could cut prostate cancer risk
2015-12-30,"Germans claim Belgian nuclear reactors are ""falling to bits"""
2015-12-30,UK Sperm Bank Doesn't Accept Donors with Dyslexia and Asperger's
2015-12-29,Pentagon thwarts Obama's effort to close Guantanamo
2015-12-29,Rare Footage of Giant Squid in Japan
2015-12-29,Muslims tell ISIS they'd rather see Star Wars than fight in Syria
2015-12-29,"Syrian Journalist Who Documented ISIS Atrocities Is Killed in Turkey. His death came a day before he and his family were to fly to France, where they were seeking asylum"
2015-12-29,"North Korea's second most-powerful man sent to work in mine for ""ideological reeducation"""
2015-12-29,Austria Turns Away Hundreds of Migrants for Lying About Nationality
2015-12-29,Saudi Grand Mufti calls ISIS part of the Israeli army
2015-12-29,"'What has war yielded, neither land nor heaven'- Indian PM Modi to Pakistan PM Sharif"
2015-12-29,Ancient arch attacked by ISIS to be rebuilt in London using world's largest 3D printer
2015-12-29,"Islamic State theologians have issued an extremely detailed ruling on when ""owners"" of women enslaved by the extremist group can have sex with them, in an apparent bid to curb what they called violations in the treatment of captured females."
2015-12-29,A new type of basaltic rock has been discovered on the surface of the moon by the Chinese Jade Rabbit moon rover.
2015-12-29,Belgians arrest 2 accused in New Year's terror plot
2015-12-29,Germany gives green light to bicycle highways
2015-12-29,"""Chinese companies that helped fuel the global hoverboard craze are unraveling rapidly, after Western retailers like Amazon demanded new safety and legality standards earlier this month [December 2015]."""
2015-12-29,Five years in jail for men who 'emotionally bully' wives: New law will target bullies who control partners with 'coercive and controlling behaviour'
2015-12-29,"Iran Hands Over Stockpile of Enriched Uranium to Russia... to soon be allowed to ""sell oil and operate in global financial markets"""
2015-12-29,Registrar Shuts Down All Pirate Bay Domain Names
2015-12-29,"The Irish Government has taken unprecedented action to deport a man it claims is Islamic State's ""main recruiter"" of extremists in the Republic."
2015-12-29,Saudi Arabia to raise domestic petrol prices by 'up to 40%' as low oil price hits home
2015-12-29,Saudi Arabia hikes petrol prices by 40% at the pump
2015-12-29,"World Health Organization declares Guinea Ebola-free after more than 2,500 deaths"
2015-12-29,Hacker group Anonymous is helping the 'Making a Murderer' convict and says it'll release critical new documents
2015-12-29,Russia 'has removed uranium from Iran'
2015-12-29,China threatens to shoot down Australian aircraft.
2015-12-29,Israel warns Brazil to accept its settler ambassador
2015-12-28,"Germany recruits 8,500 teachers to teach German to 196,000 child refugees"
2015-12-28,"Almost 23,000 people have signed an Italian porn star's petition for sex education to be taught in Italian schools."
2015-12-28,"Japan apologizes to Korea over sexual enslavement of Korean ""comfort women"""
2015-12-28,"Milan and Rome ban cars as pollution rises. Milan is banning cars, motorcycles and scooters for six hours a day over the next three days. In Rome, cars with odd-numbered plates have been banned for nine hours on Monday. On Tuesday, cars with even-numbered plates will be restricted."
2015-12-28,Saudi posts record $98 bn deficit in 2015
2015-12-28,"The United States, Russia, Iran, and Saudi Arabia are at odds over which Syrian fighters they'll be able to shoot as terrorists and which will be labeled moderates."
2015-12-28,"Vladimir Putin has achieved his central goal of stabilizing the Assad government and, with the costs relatively low, could sustain military operations at this level for years, U.S. officials and military analysts say."
2015-12-28,Noted Syrian journalist who uncovered ISIS Aleppo atrocities murdered in Turkey
2015-12-28,Criminal gangs are contaminating democracy in Mexico by funding political campaigns and even buying public debt to launder their dirty money
2015-12-28,ISIS leader threatens to strike Israel
2015-12-28,"Schools do not have to teach non-religious world views and should let students know Britain is ""in the main Christian"", the Government has said."
2015-12-28,Iraqi army declares first major victory over Islamic State in Ramadi
2015-12-28,Syrian journalist & filmmaker who exposed ISIS Aleppo atrocities assassinated in Turkey
2015-12-28,"Train carrying 200,000 litres (44,000 gallons) of sulphuric acid derails in Australia"
2015-12-28,"Stoner Sloth was $500,000 well spent, insists firm behind PR disaster"
2015-12-28,Saudi Arabia Plans Subsidy Cuts as King Unveils 2016 Budget
2015-12-28,Syria anti-ISIS documentary maker 'assassinated' in Turkey
2015-12-28,Denmark wants Geneva Convention debate if Europe cannot curb refugee influx - Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen called on Monday for debate on possible changes to the Geneva Convention on the rights of refugees if Europe cannot soon curb an uncontrolled influx of asylum seekers.
2015-12-28,David Cameron is heckled during visit to flood-hit York as angry residents demand action to stop disaster happening again
2015-12-28,British Army Is Deployed as Flooding Submerges Northern England
2015-12-28,Brazils reluctance to accept an Israeli ambassador who is a West Bank settler has led to a standoff with Israel now warning it could downgrade diplomatic relations.
2015-12-28,Russian GDP down 4.0 percent year-on-year in November: Economy Ministry
2015-12-28,Syria and Iraq: Ethnic cleansing by Sunni and Shia jihadis is leading to a partition of the Middle East
2015-12-28,Deadly car bomb explodes at Kabul airport
2015-12-28,Experiment in Germany tests the idea of an 'emancipatory basic income'
2015-12-27,"Theresa May wants to see your internet history, so the independent thought it was only fair to ask for hers | UK Politics | News"
2015-12-27,Italy to fine smokers 300 for tossing cigarettes
2015-12-27,China officially ends three-decade-old one child policy
2015-12-27,Iran's Rouhani says it's up to Muslims to correct Islam's image
2015-12-27,"American weapons sales rose to $36.2 billion in 2014 from $26.7 billion the year before, bolstered by multibillion-dollar deals with Qatar, Saudi Arabia and South Korea. Those deals and others helped the United States control just over 50 percent of the market"
2015-12-27,"Dutch city plans to pay all citizens a basic income, and Greens say it could work in the UK"
2015-12-27,Czech leader calls migrant wave in Europe an 'organised invasion'
2015-12-27,ISIS loses key supply route to U.S.-backed rebel alliance (YPG/SDF)
2015-12-27,Swiss bank tax evasion fines to US reach $1 bn
2015-12-27,"Japan teacher who paid for sex with 12,000 filipino women, some as young as 14, gets suspended sentence over child pornography pictures."
2015-12-27,France has officially banned 'excessively thin' models from working and will send people who hire them to jail
2015-12-27,Police in Vienna have stepped up security around the city after a warning to several European capitals about a possible attack between Christmas and new year
2015-12-27,"Serbia arrests 80 in anti-corruption sweep, including ex-minister"
2015-12-27,"Guantnamo Bay lawyers call bluff on Obama's promise to close prison Obama blames Republican Congress for stalled efforts to make good on campaign promise, but detainees lawyers say fault lies within his administration"
2015-12-27,"Israeli Defense Minister: Israeli Right Must Do Some Soul-searching Over Jewish Terror. The ongoing Duma case, in which a group of extremist Jews killed multiple members of the Palestinian Dawabsheh family, as well as a recent video of wedding celebration of right-wing extremists with rifles"
2015-12-27,Chinese mine owner kills himself as 17 miners remain trapped
2015-12-27,"Wrestling With God & Taxes - In Iceland, a group find a way to game& protestthe govt's ""church tax."" Opinion polls that show Icelanders are increasingly in favor of the separation of church & state"
2015-12-27,"UK Home Secretary defends controversial surveillance bill, says it will stop cyberbullies"
2015-12-27,Canadas marijuana industry lights up as legalization looms
2015-12-27,John Beeden becomes first non-stop solo Pacific rower
2015-12-27,Istanbul airport explosion: Kurdish militant group claims responsibility - and says more attacks are on the way
2015-12-27,Iraqi forces 'enter Islamic State Ramadi stronghold'
2015-12-27,An Islamic airline has begun operations in Malayasia. Rayani Air offers flights that adhere to Islamic rules. The idea for Rayani Air grew out of demands by conservative Muslims who believed that two major air disasters for the national Malaysia Airlines were caused by Allah's wrath.
2015-12-27,Belgian College's Concerns Over Paris Attacker Were Ignored By Education Authorities to Whom They Were Reported
2015-12-27,Prince Charles can legally set off nukes: UK study
2015-12-26,"Anonymous takes credit for massive cyberattack on Turkey. ""The attack left more than 400,000 websites down in Turkey"". The government eventually had to cut off all foreign Internet traffic coming to .tr websites, the domain for Turkey, to mitigate the assault"
2015-12-26,"U.S. Pours Millions Into Fighting Poachers in South Africa - The Obama administration is stepping up efforts here to combat wildlife poaching, an expanding criminal enterprise in South Africa that has driven several animal species toward extinction and fueled the growth of international gangs."
2015-12-26,Breakaway Muslim rebels kill nine people in southern Philippines on Christmas eve
2015-12-26,ISIS allows taking organs from a living captive to save a Muslim's life
2015-12-26,"Scientists have developed a new reusable polymer that can remove pollutants from flowing water within seconds, just like air fresheners trap invisible air pollutants in the home and remove unwanted odours."
2015-12-26,"Chile is carrying out a feasibility study for the construction of a permanent pier at one of its bases in Antarctica. The move, being explored by the Ministry of Public Works, would facilitate access to the far-flung area for both scientists and tourists."
2015-12-26,"The IMF has taken Russia's side and recognized Ukraine's debt as sovereign, meaning Kiev would have to declare default if unable to pay."
2015-12-26,French Protesters ransack Muslim prayer hall
2015-12-26,Putin steps up military presence in Arctic in claim for region's oil
2015-12-26,Japan says armed Chinese vessel enters Japan waters
2015-12-26,Rome plagued by starlings
2015-12-26,China 'expels' French journalist over Uighur article
2015-12-26,"Iran shocked by high casualty rate, pulling elite forces out of Syria"
2015-12-26,"Russian Intelligence Spots, Destroys Oil Tankers on Iraq-Turkey Border"
2015-12-26,"Record number of gold coins found in 2,000-yr-old Chinese tomb"
2015-12-26,Bangladesh signs $12.65 billion deal with Russia for nuclear power plants
2015-12-26,"Turkish Internet servers are suffering a powerful cyber attack, slowing banking services and fanning fears that it could be a politically motivated attack from abroad"
2015-12-26,Iran calls on China to step up contribution to anti-Daesh fight
2015-12-26,"Earthquake shakes Islamabad, Peshawar measuring 6.9 on richter scale"
2015-12-26,"'German emissions scandal threatens to engulf Mercedes, BMW'...""Amidst this new scrutiny, the German government is maintaining a stony silence. In response to a DW request, the Transport Ministry did not offer any other explanation for the test discrepancies."""
2015-12-26,Journalists to be tried for 'insulting Erdoan'
2015-12-26,Islamic State conflict: Iraqi forces push deeper into Ramadi
2015-12-26,"Russian Orthodox church sacks ultra-conservative senior priest: Father Vsevolod Chaplin, who recently referred to Russian intervention in Syria as a holy war, relieved of his duties"
2015-12-26,Germany's foreign minister says Europe needs to regain control of its borders
2015-12-26,UK flood warnings: Homes evacuated amid heavy rain
2015-12-25,China's moon rover is alive and analyzing moon rocks
2015-12-25,Report: All Major Oil Companies Knew of Climate Change by 1970s
2015-12-25,Russia warming '2.5 times quicker' than global average
2015-12-25,Indian doctor from Bangalore designs less than 1$ device to give patients their lost voice back
2015-12-25,Shin Bet: Jewish extremists seek to overthrow Israel's gov't and crown a king
2015-12-25,Saudis to return 3 Indian workers who filmed their employer's brutal treatment
2015-12-25,First Indian Prime Minister to visit Pakistan today after a gap of over 11 years
2015-12-25,Tea containing cocaine accidentally being sold in Italian shops
2015-12-25,Turkish Internet servers reeling under huge cyber attack
2015-12-25,French immigration to Israel at all-time high
2015-12-25,Russia Asks Erdogan to Keep Promise of Resignation
2015-12-25,The governor of the Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago has been fired after releasing the names of companies that have bought one-third of the foreign exchange sold in the last three years
2015-12-25,U.S. held secret communications with Syrian government; explored ways to encourage a military coup in 2011
2015-12-25,"Somali Minister: No Ban on Christmas, New Year's Parties"
2015-12-25,"Indian and Russian leaders signed defence, energy and other deals."
2015-12-25,Tajikistan bans Christmas and New Year Celebrations
2015-12-25,Dozens Reported Dead in Nigeria Gas Plant Explosion
2015-12-25,Visa and MasterCard block Russian banks under US sanctions
2015-12-25,Six civilians wounded in cultural center bombing in Turkeys southeast
2015-12-25,Iraqi forces to retake Mosul from Islamic State after Ramadi secured: PM
2015-12-25,The US just bombed the taliban
2015-12-25,Chinese Rover Yutu Finds New Type of Lunar Basalt
2015-12-25,"MSF refuses U.S. apology, demands investigation after 'shocking' attack on Afghan hospital"
2015-12-25,Pope Francis in his Christmas homily denounces materialism
2015-12-25,Serbia rejects US idea for Kosovo's UN membership
2015-12-24,"Brazil declares emergency after 2,400 babies are born with brain damage, possibly due to mosquito-borne virus ""This is an unprecedented situation, unprecedented in world scientific research,"" Brazil's health ministry said in a statement on its website"
2015-12-24,"Scientists find big 1500-yr-old Viking settlement under new airport site - Midden, or garbage, materials of this age have never been found before in Norway. What's emerging is a rare look at a culture that's long gone, along with the lost coastline that once nourished it."
2015-12-24,Paris attacks: Belgian police arrest ninth suspect
2015-12-24,Wiretapping reveals communication between Turkish officers and Islamic State
2015-12-24,Russia airstrikes: Hundreds of Syrian civilans killed
2015-12-24,Pakistan changes neutral position on Syrian Civil War; now against any attempt to remove Assaad
2015-12-24,"North Korean diplomat arrested in South Africa, expelled over rhino horn trade"
2015-12-24,German teachers want 'Mein Kampf' on syllabus
2015-12-24,North Korea slave force earns Kim Jong Un regime $300M
2015-12-24,"50,000 Yemeni Forces Preparing to Attack Saudi Arabia, a Military Source Says"
2015-12-24,Irish government rules out fracking in the Republic of Ireland
2015-12-24,Americans in Beijing warned of terrorism threat; parts of city locked down
2015-12-24,"Shin Bet arrests Nazareth area cousins, ISIS operatives who planned attacks in Israel"
2015-12-24,Baghdad holds Christmas celebrations out of respect for Iraq's persecuted Christian community: Fireworks will illuminate the Tigris river every night of the week and a 25-metre Christmas tree has been set up in Zawraa public park.
2015-12-24,French cabinet backs plans to embed emergency anti-terror laws in constitution: The French government has outlined proposals for constitutional amendments which would shield state-of-emergency measures from legal challenges. Some French nationals could be stripped of their nationality
2015-12-24,Report on sexual exploitation and abuse by peacekeepers and United Nations staff of the very people they are meant to be protecting.
2015-12-24,Baby girl dies after X-president's son's staff denies entry to hospital - Pakistan
2015-12-24,China smog sparks red alerts in 10 cities
2015-12-24,"US planned East Berlin's 'systematic destruction': The US Air Force planned to drop 91 atomic bombs in and around East Berlin in the event of the Cold War turning hot, documents released on Wednesday showed."
2015-12-24,Qatar World Cup 2022 workers 'earning as little as $1.50 per hour'
2015-12-24,Thai Court Sentences Two to Death for Killings of British Backpackers
2015-12-24,Germany Pays to Halt Danish Wind Power to Protect Own Output - Germanys wind farms are now producing so much electricity one of its grid managers is paying generators in neighboring Denmark to shut down to keep its network from overloading
2015-12-24,"Egypts President Sisi Urges Islamic Scholars to Send Christmas Greetings, Calls for Reform in Islamic Discourse"
2015-12-24,"Russia Rejects Amnesty Internationals Report on Syria Raids, Calls total lies"
2015-12-24,"Cameron, Osborne and Murdoch back together at mogul's Christmas knees-up: Party at magnate's London flat saw half the Tory cabinet and Rebekah Brooks in attendance and marks Rupert Murdoch's return to the centre of political power"
2015-12-23,"New law in India would try teens as adults for rape, murder"
2015-12-23,Colombia legalizes medical marijuana
2015-12-23,"Anonymous has declared cyber-war on Turkey: ''Turkey is supporting Daesh [ISIS] by buying oil from them, and hospitalizing their fighters. We wont accept that Erdoan, the leader of Turkey, will help [ISIS] any longer,"
2015-12-23,"Research reveals five major banks, JP Morgan, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Deutsche Bank, Nomura and Morgan Stanley, paid no UK corporation tax in 2014"
2015-12-23,Terror attack foiled in French region of Orleans
2015-12-23,New Zealand Judge rules Kim Dotcom can be extradited to US
2015-12-23,German court ruling: you can force your ex lover to destroy your naked photos
2015-12-23,"The Pirate Bay Co-Founder Makes Kopimashin Music Piracy Device,Device creates $10m daily music loss"
2015-12-23,"Kenya: Muslim Women gave hijabs to Christians as Muslim men confronted gunmen, witness says"
2015-12-23,More Than Exxon: Big Oil Companies for Years Shared Damning Climate Research - New investigative reporting exposes a task force headed by the American Petroleum Institute also knew about global warming since the 1970's
2015-12-23,North Korea Blasts Canada for 'Daring to Pick a Quarrel' Over Life Sentence of Pastor
2015-12-23,Africa: Zambia pardons singer who raped 14 year old - makes him ambassador against sexual violence
2015-12-23,"Jordan rejects Hamas leader's request to visit, calling him 'unwelcome' in the kingdom"
2015-12-23,US Intercepts Cyanide-Laced Chinese Pharmaceuticals - FDA
2015-12-23,Russian bombing kills 70 Civilians on Sunday.
2015-12-23,Air pollution in India now worse than China
2015-12-23,Saudi Arabia 'jails reformist writer Zuhair Kutbi'--A Saudi writer who has called for political reform is reported to have been sentenced to four years in prison.
2015-12-23,Ginger extremist who fantasized about killing Prince Charles so Harry could be king detained indefinitely
2015-12-23,Germany withdraws Patriot missile defense systems from Turkey
2015-12-23,"Russia's lower house of parliament has approved a bill letting Federal Security Service (FSB) officers shoot at crowds, as well as at women and children under certain conditions."
2015-12-23,Hamas leader expelled from Turkey
2015-12-23,Twenty-three companies fined for causing forest fires leading to Indonesia haze: Twenty-three companies have been fined or had licenses revoked after causing forest fires that spread thick haze across Southeast Asia. The Indonesian government said it was still investigating scores of other firms
2015-12-23,Miss Iraq pageant held for first time in 43 years
2015-12-23,Sex tape row: German court orders man to destroy naked images
2015-12-23,Brazilian president rejects settler leader as Israeli envoy
2015-12-22,SpaceXs Falcon 9 rocket successfully lands upright.
2015-12-22,Drunk people account for 70% of weekend emergency room visits in UK city
2015-12-22,New ruling means US big game hunters won't be able to bring home African lion parts as trophies
2015-12-22,Zimbabwe to make Chinese yuan legal currency after Beijing cancels debts.
2015-12-22,"Qatar Rejects 7,000 workers have died on 2022 tournament projects despite trade union allegations of modern slavery"
2015-12-22,ISIS beheads ten of its own militants for escaping battlefield in Mosul
2015-12-22,Six U.S. troops killed outside U.S. airbase by suicide bomber on a motorcycle
2015-12-22,ISIL Leaders Mobile Phone Shows Turkeys Support
2015-12-22,Researchers Solve Juniper Backdoor Mystery; Signs Point to NSA
2015-12-22,Greece Parliament votes and approves recognition of Palestine as a state
2015-12-22,'Almost too late': fears of global superbug crisis in wake of antibiotic misuse
2015-12-22,"In leaked tape, ex-Argentine FM says Iran bombed Jewish center"
2015-12-22,Bacteria that resist the antibiotic of last resort - colistin - have been discovered in the UK.
2015-12-22,Islamic State chief Baghdadi claims he's global leader of Muslims; Pakistan's Taliban says no
2015-12-22,"Ford, Google to build self-driving cars together"
2015-12-22,Japan to install anti-aircraft and anti-ship missile batteries on 200 islands in East China Sea to check Beijing's influence
2015-12-22,One of World's Largest Coal Ports Approved for Great Barrier Reef area
2015-12-22,"Sky switches on 'porn filter' by default. Broadband giant Sky will block ""adult content"" by default for all new customers, the company has announced."
2015-12-22,Apple warns UK surveillance bill would 'spark serious international conflicts'
2015-12-22,Hungary accuses Austria of 'stupidity' in refugee crisis
2015-12-22,Iraqi army to start attack on ISIS-held Ramadi city in coming hours: Commander
2015-12-22,"Toshiba cuts 7,800 jobs following accounting scandal"
2015-12-22,Paris attacks suspect 'got past three police checks'
2015-12-22,"A Syrian artist who was accused of being an opposition activist and tortured in a detention centre has drawn pictures of his experiences - and described how he became numb to death, as dead bodies were piled up in the cell he shared with dozens of other naked prisoners."
2015-12-22,Boko Haram Forces More Than 1 Million Kids Out of School
2015-12-21,Fifa president Sepp Blatter and Uefa boss Michel Platini have been suspended for eight years from all football-related activities following an ethics investigation.
2015-12-21,"A group of Kenyan Muslims travelling on a bus ambushed by Islamist gunmen protected Christian passengers by refusing to be split into groups, according to eyewitnesses. The bus was travelling from the capital Nairobi to the town of Mandera."
2015-12-21,"African lions will be added to the endangered species list, activists say"
2015-12-21,Nigerian Army killed thousands of Shia Muslims & burried them in mass graves
2015-12-21,Stoner sloth anti-drug campaign gets reality check as medical experts walk away
2015-12-21,Minority killings by IS 'should be recognised as genocide
2015-12-21,Chinese censors ban North Korean music group over anti American lyrics
2015-12-21,Venezuela frees Pepsi workers it arrested for not making enough Pepsi
2015-12-21,"Australian woman, known for her generosity, leaves an amazing legacy by donating her $4.3m fortune to the homeless in her will."
2015-12-21,Russia says black box from warplane downed by Turkey unreadable
2015-12-21,"Juniper Warns Of Spying Code In Firewalls: ""Juniper, a major manufacturer of networking equipment, said on Thursday [17 December 2015] it found spying code planted in certain models of its firewalls, an alarming discovery that echoes of state-sponsored tampering."""
2015-12-21,China names and shames five badly behaving tourists
2015-12-21,Greece to recognize Palestinian state
2015-12-21,"New 'super condom' will fight HIV and increase sexual pleasure, scientists claim"
2015-12-21,"Landslide of construction debris and earth destroys 33 buildings in China, 59 people missing"
2015-12-21,"Spain's ruling conservatives win election, fall short of majority"
2015-12-21,"Check travellers IDs or be fined, Sweden warns - Infrastructure Minister Anna Johansson has warned public transport companies that failing to check traveller identities before they enter Sweden could result in fines of up to 50,000 kronor."
2015-12-21,Joint Operations calls citizens to evacuate Ramadi within 72 hours - Iraqi News
2015-12-21,Study reveals that the majority of Syrian rebels are sympathetic to ISIS
2015-12-21,Pakistani Taliban calls Isis 'un-Islamic' - snubs Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is merely a local gang leader and not 'caliph'
2015-12-21,"Nature Index: Since 2012, China's total contribution in high-quality science has risen to become the second largest in the world, surpassed only by the United States."
2015-12-21,Turkish offensive kills over 100 Kurdish fighters
2015-12-21,An American woman was shot dead in her Kabul apartment building on Sunday night
2015-12-21,Suspected Russian warplanes kill scores in Syrian city
2015-12-21,Slovenia rejects same-sex marriage law by large margin
2015-12-20,99% of Costa Rica's electricity came from renewable energy in 2015
2015-12-20,"India to make available all textbooks online, for free"
2015-12-20,"Australia to provide $100,000 hepatitis C 'miracle' drug for $37.70 for general patients and $6.10 for concessional patients."
2015-12-20,Secret Code Found in Junipers Firewalls Shows Risk of Government Backdoors
2015-12-20,Over 110 ISIS militants killed in Iraq in Two Days
2015-12-20,Toxic mud reaches Atlantic in Brazil's worst environmental disaster
2015-12-20,"Most smuggled ISIS oil goes to Turkey, sold at low prices Norwegian report"
2015-12-20,"Turkey kills 70 Kurdish militants, vowing to prevent 'chaos'"
2015-12-20,"Beijing choked under a thick layer of toxic smog Saturday, after the Chinese capital issued its second-ever red alert and put its emergency response plan into action."
2015-12-20,China accuses U.S. of serious military provocation
2015-12-20,Lebanese Hezbollah leader killed in Israeli raid in Syria
2015-12-20,"Arrested Pune girl reveals Islamic State planning to attack India by 2020. The 16-year-old girl, who was arrested by the Anti-Terror Squad before she could join the Islamic State in Syria, has revealed that the terror group is planning to launch a massive assault on the Indian sub-continent by 2020."
2015-12-20,"Russia ready to increase military role in Syria, Putin says"
2015-12-20,US Airstrike Mistakenly Kills Iraqi Security Forces
2015-12-20,State Dept. issues 'urgent' message to Americans about possible terror attack in Pakistan capital
2015-12-20,"Iran will export most of its enriched uranium to Russia in the coming days as it rushes to implement a nuclear deal and secure relief from international sanctions, Tehran's nuclear chief was quoted as saying on Saturday"
2015-12-20,Canadians expect transparency on TPP
2015-12-20,Damascus Residents Build Gardens To Feed Themselves
2015-12-20,Al-Jazeera blocks article slamming Saudi Arabian human rights record
2015-12-20,Lord Janner dead: Former Labour peer found unfit to stand trial for child sex abuse dies aged 87
2015-12-20,Red alert sounds in northern Israel
2015-12-20,Turkey's Erdogan meets Hamas leader Meshaal in Istanbul: sources
2015-12-20,Melbourne 'bomb scare prank' sparks outrage across Australia
2015-12-20,Burundi rejects African peacekeeping force
2015-12-20,Afghan official warns Helmand province may fall to Taliban; 90 members of the security forces killed over the past two days
2015-12-19,Two countries had no idea they were in Saudi Arabia's Muslim coalition to fight terrorism
2015-12-19,"Europes oldest lake faces destruction to make way for tourists - Lake Ohrid is most biodiverse lake of its size in world, home to over 350 novel species & a UNESCO World Heritage Site & a Holy Grail for world's biologists. Its marsh is threatened to be destroyed with luxury apts."
2015-12-19,UN: 177 countries vote in support of the right of Palestinians to self-determination
2015-12-19,The Tokyo Olympics 2020 will cost the host organizing committee six times more than their original estimate: $14.85 billion
2015-12-19,"Lake Poopo, Bolivia's 2nd-largest lake has dried up"
2015-12-19,"Nuclear leak at St Petersburg, Russia"
2015-12-19,UK: Richest one per cent 'have as much wealth as the poorest 57 per cent combined
2015-12-19,Only 18 FGM (female genital mutilation protection) orders issued to protect UK girls since launch: Health professionals urged to be braver in applying initiative to safeguard thousands of children.
2015-12-19,India is ready to fight ISIS only if UN adopts resolution to counter the jihadist extremists in the Middle Eastern countries.
2015-12-19,Marine reserve habitat of world's rarest dolphin approved for oil exploration and seismic testing
2015-12-19,UK government cuts solar subsidies by 64%
2015-12-19,UN's Ban Ki-Moon accuses Israel of breeding Palestinian terror attacks
2015-12-19,Tobacco company Philip Morris loses bid to challenge plain packaging laws in Australia--claimed breach of foreign investment protections that the Australian Government guaranteed in its trade deal with Hong Kong
2015-12-19,UK weather: Daffodils bloom in December as London temperatures reach June average.
2015-12-19,US airstrike may have inadvertently killed Iraqi soldiers
2015-12-19,"More than 103,000 children 'homeless at Christmas' in England"
2015-12-19,Briton stabbed to death by Canadian during 'bad trip' in Amazon spiritual ceremony
2015-12-19,Isis bans 'corrupt' foreign television and calls satellite dishes the 'machinations of Satan'
2015-12-19,"Peruvian Women who were Forcibly Sterilized in a Scheme Unveiled in 1995, Might Finally see Punishment Handed Down to its Perpetrators"
2015-12-19,Biggest mystery in mathematics in limbo after cryptic meeting
2015-12-19,Brutal torture and luxury trips of Libya's ruling family: Hannibal Gaddafi's iPad reveals how dictator's sons revelled in the regime's violence while treating their family to lavish holidays and shopping
2015-12-19,"Refugee crisis warnings to eastern EU nations from Germany, Austria. Eastern EU nations that refuse to accept refugees risk funding cuts and legal sanctions, according to two German cabinet ministers."
2015-12-19,"Israeli security forces thwarted another attempted ramming attack by a Palestinian motorist in the West Bank, the second within two hours on Saturday afternoon"
2015-12-19,Dutch Court: Shell to Be Held Accountable for Nigeria Oil Spills
2015-12-19,"Hamas seeking to orchestrate suicide bombings, PA says"
2015-12-18,"Models must have doctor's note to prove they are not too thin, France rules"
2015-12-18,"Canadian dollar tumbles to close below 72 cents US, the lowest in nearly 12 years"
2015-12-18,Cuba and U.S. agree to resume commercial flights
2015-12-18,Norway wants to give a mountain to Finland as an Independence Day present
2015-12-18,Germany shuts down mosque over ISIS sponsoring & recruiting
2015-12-18,"A Ukrainian Website Is Outing Russian Soldiers, and Moscow Wants Canada to Stop It"
2015-12-18,France votes for plain cigarette packaging from 2016
2015-12-18,Shashi Tharoor: India MP's bill to decriminalise gay sex defeated in the lower house of the Parliament
2015-12-18,Fossil found in China reveals that ancient species of mankind may have existed alongside us for far longer than was previously thought.
2015-12-18,Ukraine Defaults on $3 Billion Bond to Russia
2015-12-18,"Biochip identifies cancerous cells, 'washes' blood clean of cancer in dialysis-style treatment"
2015-12-18,Australia wins international legal battle with Philip Morris over plain packaging
2015-12-18,Kuwait Airways cancels New York-London route rather than letting Israelis fly
2015-12-18,Isis: Former German militant claims group is planning co-ordinated terror attacks in Europe
2015-12-18,Poland installs new NATO training centre head in the dead of night
2015-12-18,Muslim family 'denied boarding' on flight to US from Gatwick
2015-12-18,A Turkish government official says authorities at Istanbul's main airport have detained two people suspected of attempting to smuggle 148 blank European passports concealed in pizza-making equipment.
2015-12-18,Closure of Kellingley pit brings deep coal mining to an end in Great Britain
2015-12-18,Russian air strikes in Syria kill 34 civilians including '6 children and 11 women'
2015-12-18,A contingent of Canada's elite commandos were thrown into a day-long battle alongside Kurdish Peshmerga fighters as the Islamic State launched its biggest offensive in Iraq since western troops arrived in the region 18 months ago.
2015-12-18,'Super-Earth' discovered only 14 light-years away
2015-12-18,Jordan has begun deporting Sudanese asylum seekers
2015-12-18,"Beijing grinds to halt as second ever 'red alert' issued over severe smog | Four days of heavy pollution in Chinas capital means restrictions on vehicle use, school closures and bans on fireworks and outdoor barbecues"
2015-12-18,"Turkey mistreated scores of migrants, says Amnesty"
2015-12-18,Researchers Who Uncovered VW Dieselgate Are Now Accusing Mercedes and BMW - The companies deny the allegations.
2015-12-17,Martin Schkreli - Turing CEO who increased the price of Aids drug by 5000% - has been arrested
2015-12-17,Saudi Arabia about to behead a teenage boy for attending a protest when he was 15
2015-12-17,New Earth like planet spotted just 14 light years away: Wolf 1061c
2015-12-17,"Teen punches Spanish PM in face during a campaign appearance, breaks his glasses"
2015-12-17,"Cancer is overwhelmingly a result of environmental factors and not largely down to bad luck, a study suggests."
2015-12-17,Solar panel subsidy cuts branded 'huge and misguided: UK government has decided to cut subsidies to householders installing roof top solar panels by 65% just days after agreeing to move swiftly to a low-carbon energy future at the climate change conference in Paris
2015-12-17,Putin says democratic elections must be the only path to replacing Assad
2015-12-17,"Google enlisted members of the US congress, whose election campaigns it had funded, to pressure the European Union to drop a 6bn antitrust case which threatens to decimate the US tech firms business in Europe."
2015-12-17,US announces $1.8B arms sales for Taiwan
2015-12-17,Brazil judge orders WhatsApp banned for 48 hours
2015-12-17,Turkish MP who claimed sarin gas was delivered to Isis in Syria through Turkey faces treason charges
2015-12-17,"Putin pours fresh scorn on Turkey for downing Russian jet: ""The Turks"", Putin said, ""decided to lick the Americans in a certain place""."
2015-12-17,Riot in Dutch town over plan for asylum-seeker centre
2015-12-17,"Peshmerga repulsing ISIS attacks for 15 hours now, on multiple fronts."
2015-12-17,"Unusual heatwave to rip through Aussie capitals.Temperatures were not normally seen until the height of summer, late January and early February."
2015-12-17,"4,000 'slave' child workers removed from cocoa plantations"
2015-12-17,Norwegians campaign to give Finland a mountain
2015-12-17,"A New Study Shows Humans Caused a Major Shift in Earth's Ecosystems 6,000 Years Ago."
2015-12-17,Ukraine banned the Communist Party
2015-12-17,China launches worlds most sensitive dark matter probe
2015-12-17,Two Paris attack link suspects arrested in Austria refugee centre
2015-12-17,Rules from Israeli Medical Association require that terrorists be treated the same as victims in the event of a terrorist attack
2015-12-17,Putin: Russia did have people in Ukraine doing 'certain military tasks'
2015-12-17,U.S. helping West African troops fight ISIS-linked Boko Haram
2015-12-17,"Denmark wants to seize jewelry and cash from refugees | ""Now, the country is debating another and even more extreme step: The government is considering a law that would allow authorities to confiscate jewelry from refugees entering the country. The proposal is almost certain to pass parliament."""
2015-12-16,Donald Trump loses Scottish windfarm appeal
2015-12-16,North Korea sentences Canadian pastor to hard labor for life
2015-12-16,"Brazil downgraded to junk status by 2nd risk agency, with negative outlook for further downgrades."
2015-12-16,"No 'regime change' in Syria: After talks in Moscow, Kerry accepts Russian stance on Assad"
2015-12-16,"A moderate Muslim group says that a Singapores Penal Code section, which covers actions done with deliberate intent to wound the religious or racial feelings of any person, curbs freedoms in Singapore and contradicts with secularism."
2015-12-16,Members of Qatari Ruling Family Kidnapped in Iraq While Hunting
2015-12-16,Report: Arctic temperatures hit record high
2015-12-16,"November was Earths warmest such month on record by a huge margin - 1.05 degrees Celsius, or about 1.9 degrees Fahrenheit, warmer than the 1951 to 1980 average. Its also the second month in a row that Earths temperature exceeded 1 degree Celsius above average."
2015-12-16,Taliban Join Global Effort to Kill Off Polio in 2016
2015-12-16,"Hamas political leader: Stabbers are 'the most exalted, noblest of people'"
2015-12-16,"Iran seizes more than 40,000 cars over womens veil offenses"
2015-12-16,"Iran violated a U.N. Security Council resolution in October by test-firing a missile capable of delivering a nuclear warhead, a team of sanctions monitors said, leading to calls in the U.S. Congress on Tuesday for more sanctions on Tehran."
2015-12-16,"After the Syrian Kurds failed to receive an invitation to the Syrian opposition conference in Riyadh, Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister has stated that Russia is against excluding the Kurds from the Syrian peace negotiations"
2015-12-16,"Two teams of physicists working independently at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, reported on Tuesday that they had seen traces of what could be a new fundamental particle of nature."
2015-12-16,China is continuing to commandeer islands in the South China Sea
2015-12-16,Two Palestinians on trial in Germany for targeting Israeli embassy
2015-12-16,"European teenagers face having to secure parental permission to join the likes of Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat before the age of 16, under new EU data protection proposals."
2015-12-16,"Global supermarkets selling shrimp peeled by slaves: ""More than 2,000 trapped fishermen have been freed this year as a result of an ongoing Associated Press investigative series into slavery in the Thai seafood industry."""
2015-12-16,Hamas: Jerusalem car-ramming terrorist was a member.
2015-12-16,Revealed: Rupert Murdoch and top News Corp bosses' meetings with government ministers
2015-12-16,"US Not Seeking 'Regime Change' in Syria, John Kerry Says After Meeting With Russian President"
2015-12-16,Germany: armored truck robbed by group using anti-tank rocket launcher and automatic weapons. Police still searching for suspects
2015-12-16,"Germany makes Facebook, Google, and Twitter remove hate speech within 24 hours"
2015-12-16,Peru is planning to sanction Kimberly-Clark for allegedly conspiring with a competitor to set prices for toilet paper and other products
2015-12-16,"Pope Francis is urging governments to consider granting a Holy Year amnesty to prisoners, find alternatives to incarceration and at the very least abolish the death penalty, in his annual peace message released Tuesday."
2015-12-15,"Just miles from the US border, Lexmark fires 90 long-term employees who asked for their pay to be increased by 6 pesos to 120 pesos ($7) a day."
2015-12-15,IS Has Lost 40% Of Its Iraqi Territory
2015-12-15,French teacher invented school attack
2015-12-15,Putin signs law allowing Russia to overturn rulings of international rights courts
2015-12-15,Pope refuses to wear bullet proof vest for Christmas speech amid ISIS threat...
2015-12-15,"Burundi: Help us, the world needs to know that a genocide is underway"
2015-12-15,Germany arrests Islamist preacher on charges of recruiting militants.
2015-12-15,"Decline in over 3/4 of UK butterfly species is 'final warning', says Chris Packham - Conservationist calls for urgent research into disappearance of British butterflies after survey reveals dramatic declines in common species over last 40 yrs"
2015-12-15,"An increasing number of asylum seekers from Afghanistan, Iraq and Kosovo are returning to their countries, saying that they had expected better care and a shorter asylum process in Austria."
2015-12-15,"Never Mind $35, The World's Cheapest Oil Is Already Close to $20"
2015-12-15,"The FBI has arrested a Maryland man who they say received about $9,000 from IS to carry out an attack in the US | Mohamed Elshinawy, 30, is being held on a number of charges."
2015-12-15,"Egypt must immediately release a 14-year-old boy who says he was sexually abused in detention by police using a wooden stick and bring his alleged torturers to justice, Amnesty International said."
2015-12-15,Romanian lawmakers vote to ban medicine ads to stop self-diagnosis
2015-12-15,29-year-old arrested and two are held over January Charlie Hebdo massacre
2015-12-15,Shrimp sold by global supermarkets is peeled by slave labourers in Thailand
2015-12-15,NZ confirms Silver Fern as flag referendum candidate
2015-12-15,Teacher who allegedly made up ISIS knife attack in Paris 'could face prosecution'
2015-12-15,Two unpublished investigations show that the United States has consistently overlooked killings and torture by Iraqi government-sponsored Shi'ite militias.
2015-12-15,Saudi Arabia forms coalition of 34 Islamic countries to fight terrorism
2015-12-15,"China and Israel boost science research ties: The joint research will be conducted in the fields of brain sciences, nanotechnology, 3-D printing, biomedicine, renewable energy, computer sciences, the aging of the population, smart cities and more"
2015-12-15,UK Astronaut Tim Peake begins his landmark flight to the ISS
2015-12-15,U.S. tech firms that don't adequately warn users in Europe how their information is going to be used could face fines in the billions of dollars under a new European privacy protection directive expected to be agreed upon on Tuesday.
2015-12-15,"There is no Nazi gold train, Polish scientists say: Scientists reject claim by amateur treasure hunters that a train laden with gold, jewels, weapons and stolen art is hidden in railway embankment."
2015-12-15,Le Pen acquitted of inciting hatred
2015-12-15,Maternal exposure to anti-depressant SSRIs linked to autism in children
2015-12-14,Saudi Arabia elects up to 17 female councillors in historic election
2015-12-14,Drug giant Reckitt Benckiser ordered to pull painkillers off Australian shelves after admitting products for specific types of pain were identical - but sold at double the price of its standard painkiller
2015-12-14,Maltese ships owned by Turkish presidents son being implicated in ISIS oil trade
2015-12-14,"Fracking no longer viable, says UK government advisor"
2015-12-14,Deadly bomb rips through Pakistan market killing at least 20 people and wounding 40 others
2015-12-14,Denmark passes law to seize jewelry from refugees to cover expenses
2015-12-14,Merkel wants to 'drastically reduce' refugee arrivals in Germany
2015-12-14,French far right Front Nationale 'routed' in key vote
2015-12-14,"The September stampede during the hajj in Saudi Arabia killed at least 2,411 pilgrims, a new Associated Press count shows, three times the number of deaths acknowledged by the kingdom three months later."
2015-12-14,Car ramming attack in central Jerusalem. 4 people injured.
2015-12-14,"725,000 People Evacuated as Typhoon Slams Into Philippines"
2015-12-14,Gaza rocket lands in Israel
2015-12-14,Tokyos drone squad will deploy 10-foot drones armed with nets to police the sky: Squad will patrol no-fly-zones and order unlawful operators to land their drones
2015-12-14,Turkish troops start to leave Iraqi camp after Baghdad orders them out
2015-12-14,President Yahya Jammeh has declared The Gambia an Islamic state
2015-12-14,Turkey says its patience with Russia 'has a limit'
2015-12-14,A judge in Mexico City has sentenced two men to 520 years in prison for the kidnap and murder of 13 young people at a bar in the city two years ago.
2015-12-14,Crude falls below $35 per barrel for first time since 2009
2015-12-14,Websites 'Stirring up Social Strife' to be Blocked Within 5 Days in Russia
2015-12-14,About 30 dead after Argentinian border staff's bus crashes into ravine
2015-12-14,France's National Front shut out of regional elections
2015-12-14,Rare Forest Elephants Seen for the First Time in South Sudan - A recent camera trap survey also spied a wealth of other species thriving in remote forests despite the young country's civil unrest
2015-12-14,AP: Global supermarkets selling shrimp peeled by slaves
2015-12-14,Thousands (35000 estimated) march in support of Poland's new government.
2015-12-14,"Many women in Stem fields expect to quit within five years, survey finds."
2015-12-13,Two Saudi men removed from Jeddah book fair after protesting against allowing a woman to recite a poem in the hall. Much to their surprise the rest of the audience sided with the poet.
2015-12-13,Lombardy in Italy bans burqas and Islamic veils following European terror attacks: Whoever wants to enter a hospital in Lombardy must be recognisable and present themselves uncoveredThe burqa [and the] niqab are therefore banned.
2015-12-13,World agrees landmark climate deal
2015-12-13,BP faces Mexican class action lawsuit over Deepwater Horizon oil spill - Oil giant faces potentially huge compensation bill for environmental damage. BP paid $20.8bn settlement in US but so far nothing in Mexico for Gulf oil spill.
2015-12-13,Man faces up to 32 years in prison for insulting the king of thailand after liking a Facebook post
2015-12-13,"Abdallah, Egyptian teenager, was tortured by administering electric shocks to his genitals, beating him and raping him multiple times with a wooden stick, according to Abdallahs family and lawyer. Amnesty reports."
2015-12-13,Scientology faces ban in Belgium amid fraud allegations
2015-12-13,"Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has lifted Tony Abbott's controversial ban on government investment in wind power, in his first major break from the former regime's environmental policy"
2015-12-13,Montreal bans single-use plastic bags as of 2018
2015-12-13,Barbados to Remove Queen Elizabeth II as Titular Head of State
2015-12-13,ISIS set to Destroy Ancient Roman Site near Tripoli
2015-12-13,69 police officers injured in clashes in eastern Germany
2015-12-13,Russia fires Turkey boat warning shot
2015-12-13,"Czech President Milos Zeman: 'Barbarian' Turkey Acts Like ISIS Ally, Not Welcome in EU"
2015-12-13,Ecuador and Sweden have signed a pact that would allow WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to be questioned at Ecuador's embassy in London where he has been for more than three years.. The legal agreement was signed in the Ecuadorean capital after half a year of negotiations
2015-12-13,A Jordanian woman who came close to joining the ISIS described a sophisticated 14-month recruitment process by the extremists that she said landed her in a secret compound in Turkey with dozens of other women
2015-12-13,"Saudi Arabia bombing Yemen's schools, Amnesty International claims | The UN has described the humanitarian situation inside Yemen as 'critical'"
2015-12-13,Woman who nearly joined ISIS reveals extremists' sophisticated recruitment process - Middle East News
2015-12-13,Shaker Aamer: Extremists 'have no right to live in the UK'
2015-12-13,Kamlesh Tiwari row: Muslim community's protest turns ugly with pro-Islamic State slogans (India)
2015-12-13,"ISIS Terror Plot uncovered names Geneva, Chicago & Toronto as potential targets"
2015-12-13,ISIS chemical weapon plot foiled as two Syrian terror suspects arrested in Geneva
2015-12-13,LAX-to-Cuba charter flights take off for first time
2015-12-13,"Climate Deal Requires $16.5 Trillion Investment to Cut Pollution: To accomplish that, governments will have to offer incentives for clean energy production, scale back support for fossil fuels like oil, make emissions more costly, and reduce deforestation"
2015-12-13,'Anything but Le Pen': French turn to tactical voting to stop far right
2015-12-12,"Mexico issues first permit to grow and use marijuana: Authorities issued Friday the first permit allowing four individuals to grow and use their own marijuana for recreational purposes, following a landmark Supreme Court ruling"
2015-12-12,"""It was satire, faux news"" - Reports that Mexican drug leader El Chapo declared 'war' on ISIS as run by NY Post, Forbes and Fox News have been proven false"
2015-12-12,"Japan slammed for fueling illegal ivory trade - Its inaction abetting slaughter of elephants as demand rises, study finds"
2015-12-12,Gun linked to Paris attacks traced back to Florida arms dealer implicated in Iran-Contra scandal
2015-12-12,"Over 50,000 of people gathered today in capital of Poland to protest against recent decisions of government."
2015-12-12,Prime Minister Justin Trudeau personally greets 160 Syrian refugees as they arrive in Canada.
2015-12-12,Giant salamander measuring 4ft 7in discovered in remote cave in China
2015-12-12,"President Vladimir Putin said Friday that Russia has provided air cover, weapons and supplies to the Free Syrian Army, the leading Western-backed opposition group in Syria and called for closer coordination with the U.S.-allied coalition"
2015-12-12,Mexico issues first permit to grow and use marijuana
2015-12-12,"Former Chilean soldier charged with murder after stunning radio confession in which he admitted to 18 killings under the countries ex dictator, Augusto Pinochet"
2015-12-12,Paris attacker was French army reject - He was turned down by the French army and possibly also by the police before Islamic State took him on to fight for them.
2015-12-12,Facebook User in Thailand Facing 32 Years in Prison for Liking Something on Facebook
2015-12-12,"Chinas top bankers who disappeared, were detained, or died unnaturally this year"
2015-12-12,"James Hansen, father of climate change awareness, calls Paris talks 'a fraud' - The former Nasa scientist criticizes the talks, intended to reach a new global deal on cutting carbon emissions beyond 2020, as no action, just promises"
2015-12-12,Canadian dollar drops below 73 cents US as oil sinks under $36 - lowest in 11 years
2015-12-12,"Two Syrians Arrested in Geneva, Traces of Explosives in Their Car-Swiss Media"
2015-12-12,Julius Caesar battlefield unearthed in southern Netherlands
2015-12-12,300 ISIS fighters trapped after tactical mistake
2015-12-12,Donald Trump in Twitter spat with Saudi Prince Alwaleed
2015-12-12,Putin vows to 'immediately destroy' any target threatening Russia in Syria | World news | The Guardian
2015-12-12,"The Swiss Federal Court has rejected a ban on wearing Muslim headscarves, or hijabs, in school."
2015-12-12,"Gambia now an Islamic republic, says President Yahya Jammeh"
2015-12-12,"At least 22 killed,over 70 injured in massive blast near hospital in Syria's Homs"
2015-12-12,Restored Photos From Shackletons Antarctic Wreck Reveal New Details - Photos taken during Shackletons Antarctic expedition have been digitally restored for the 1st time
2015-12-12,"Sunken haul of Roman fish sauce found off Italy - Archaeologists have discovered an ancient Roman vessel laden with 3000 jars of Roman fish sauce or garum on the seabed off the coast of Italy. ""It's an exceptional find that dates to the 1st or 2nd century AD."""
2015-12-11,"France will not ban Wi-Fi or Tor, prime minister says: ""Internet is a freedom, is an extraordinary means of communication between people, it is a benefit to the economy,"" Valls added"
2015-12-11,"Man wanted for planning the execution of 20,000 people during the 1994 Rwandan genocide arrested by Interpol after 21 years on the run"
2015-12-11,Mysterious hackers attempting to bring down entire internet by DDoS-ing critical servers
2015-12-11,"Eighty children get chickenpox at Brunswick North West Primary, a school that calls for 'tolerance' of vaccine dodgers"
2015-12-11,"Make cannabis consumption legal; ban is turning people alcoholic: Tathagata Satpathy, Indian Member of Parliament"
2015-12-11,"Beijing continues to suffer from pollution, but Delhi's air quality is one-and-a-half times worse"
2015-12-11,"Turkey acts like ISIS ally, should not be EU member Czech president"
2015-12-11,The first plasma: the Wendelstein 7-X fusion device is now in operation | On 10th December 2015 the first helium plasma was produced in the Wendelstein 7-X fusion device at the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP) in Greifswald
2015-12-11,Russian nuclear power plant in Beloyarsk which was created to recycle nuclear waste and minimize risks of nuclear disasters produced its first electricity.
2015-12-11,IS finance chief 'killed in air strikes'
2015-12-11,Israel one of the main buyers of ISIS oil
2015-12-11,3rd Paris Attacker Identified as a French Citizen
2015-12-11,Carbon footprints dont lie: Worlds richest 10% release 50% of its CO2
2015-12-11,"At Least 9,115 Killed in Ukraine Conflict, U.N. Says"
2015-12-11,"Saudi Arabia more of a threat to Britain than Russia, says Ken Livingstone"
2015-12-11,Russian production of T-shirts with anti-Turkish slogans has been delayed by disruptions in fabric imports from Turkey.
2015-12-11,China to Give Rights to Millions of Unregistered Citizens Born in Violation of One-Child Policy
2015-12-11,"New Zealand selects a new preliminary flag, featuring a fern and the southern cross. The decision to choose a new flag has been backed by Prime Minister John Key, who has said the current one is too similar to Australia's and that it is time to remove the Union Jack from the flag."
2015-12-11,"Pearl Harbor ceremony unites former U.S. and Japanese pilots: Former U.S. airman Jack DeTour, 92, and Japanese fighter pilot Shiro Wakita, 88, sworn enemies during World War Two, together poured whiskey from a battered canteen into Pearl Harbor to commemorate the 1941 attack on the U.S. naval base."
2015-12-11,Fighting breaks out in Ukrainian parliament
2015-12-11,"Electron lifetime is at least 66,000 yottayears"
2015-12-11,Bombing of Yemeni schools by Saudi-led coalition leaves thousands out of education: Amnesty
2015-12-11,Oil hits new seven-year low on glut warning
2015-12-11,"Save the Planet. Eat Ugly. - The efficiencies in farming, packaging and transportation that could come from consuming such fruits and vegetables, instead of throwing them away, could eliminate one billion tons of carbon emissions a year"
2015-12-11,Islamic State has made $1.5bn from looting banks and selling oil
2015-12-10,"""The US State Department has approved a $1.29 billion arms sale to Saudi Arabia, which includes as many as 13,000 precision guided weapons or smart bombs. The sale comes as Human Rights Watch charges that Saudi airstrikes in Yemen 'have indiscriminately killed and injured civilians.'"""
2015-12-10,"Trump cancels trip to Israel after Netanyahu releases statement about Trump's proposed Muslim ban, saying Israel ""respects all religions and strictly guarantees the rights of all its citizens."""
2015-12-10,"Mina stampede deaths three times higher than acknowledged by Saudi authorities, up to 2,411 compared to 769 official figures"
2015-12-10,"A Canadian ISP has received a public backlash after posting a list on its Facebook page of 25 subscriber names who had not paid their overdue bills, in order to publicly shame them into paying"
2015-12-10,Nicola Sturgeon removes Donald Trump as business ambassador for Scotland
2015-12-10,Kim Jong-uns uncle admits he defected to U.S. due to fears of being victimized during power struggles
2015-12-10,Two detained in Finland over ISIS executions - suspected of murdering 11 on video
2015-12-10,Fukishima Radiation Off West Coast of North America Continues to Increase and Spread
2015-12-10,"Saudi women face off against men for first time in elections: Not only can they run in a government election for the first time, it is the first time they are permitted to vote at all"
2015-12-10,Japanese PM's website hacked by whaling protesters.
2015-12-10,Nurseries in Qatar have canceled childrens festive concerts for Christmas following a directive from authorities reminding them not to hold non-Islamic rituals.
2015-12-10,"Anonymous declares this Friday ""Troll ISIS Day"""
2015-12-10,A 15-year-old and a 20-year old have been arrested in counter-terrorism raids in Sydney.
2015-12-10,"Refugee crisis could lead to Britain leaving EU, David Cameron says"
2015-12-10,Mars moisture-farming mission gets approval for 2018 launch
2015-12-10,Iran's Rouhani to Erdogan: in Iran there is democracy and sometimes media publish such articles. referring to Erdogan's criticism of articles published in Iran about him.
2015-12-10,UK has 'lost world climate leadership role' by axing domestic green policies - Leading scientists and former ministers say the country has undermined its record as a world leader on climate change and is moving backwards
2015-12-10,"Ammunition, IS propaganda found after France mosque closure"
2015-12-10,"Kim Jong Un says N. Korea has hydrogen bomb, becomes powerful nuclear state"
2015-12-10,An anti-corruption documentary is gaining momentum in Russia and the government is taking notice
2015-12-10,"A brazen Taliban assault on an air base outside the southern Afghan city of Kandahar triggered a 24-hour gunbattle that killed at least 37 people and was still underway. Also Wednesday, the Taliban seized a district in another southern province, Helmand, killing 14 Afghan security forces"
2015-12-10,Swiss police raise alert level in Geneva acting on intelligence of terror suspects in city or wider region
2015-12-10,"Two servicemen have told Congress that American special forces called in an air strike on a hospital in Afghanistan because they believed the Taliban were using it as a command center, contradicting the military's explanation that the attack was meant for a different building."
2015-12-10,Toronto Taxi Drivers Are Comparing Uber to ISIS And Hanging on to Moving Vehicles in Protest
2015-12-10,Japanese authorities make another grim 'ghost ship' discovery
2015-12-09,"Saudi Arabia accused of trying to wreck Paris climate deal - One of the worlds largest oil producers is getting in the way of a deal and making implausible objections, say delegates and campaigners"
2015-12-09,"Kazakhstan has passed a law that would require citizens to install a certificate on all their personal devices allowing the government to capture all the web traffic, passwords and financial details of the population."
2015-12-09,"Nearly 70,000 clerics came together and passed a fatwa against terrorist organizations, including IS, Taliban and al-Qaida. These are ""not Islamic organizations,"" the clerics said to a sea of followers, adding that the members of these outfits were ""not Muslims"""
2015-12-09,An undercover sting by Greenpeace has revealed that two prominent climate sceptics were available for hire by the hour to write reports casting doubt on the dangers posed by global warming.
2015-12-09,"Thousands Sign 'Ban Trump From UK' Petition. ""The UK has banned entry to many individuals for hate speech"""
2015-12-09,"There is no internet censorship in China, says China's top censor"
2015-12-09,Angela Merkel is Time person of the year
2015-12-09,Icelanders flock to religion revering Sumerian gods and tax rebates - Ancient Zuist movement enjoys revival as thousands join as part of protest against requirement that citizens pay taxes to state church.
2015-12-09,Hundreds of Muslims marching against terrorism in London 'ignored by British media'
2015-12-09,"India accounted for $12.3 billion, or 40%, of the total of $31 billion of globalized engineering and R&D in 2015"
2015-12-09,2000 Sex Workers From Indian State Maharashtra Skipped 2 Meals A Day To Gift One Lakh Rupees To Chennai Flood Relief
2015-12-09,"Australia's ex-Prime Minister Tony Abbott declares: 'Islam must change, not us'"
2015-12-09,"Historians say that in all likelihood they have found the remains of the tomb of Suleiman the Magnificent, who died in 1566 while his troops were besieging the fortress of Szigetvar in southern Hungary."
2015-12-09,Angela Merkel's deputy accuses Saudi Arabia of sponsoring extremism
2015-12-09,S. Korean Navy fires warning shots at Chinese ship in Yellow Sea
2015-12-09,Oil producers prepare for prices to halve to $20 a barrel
2015-12-09,"5 Arab Israelis arrested for IS support, planning terror attacks"
2015-12-09,"London Metropolitan Police - ""Mr Trump could not be more wrong"""
2015-12-09,Amnesty report: ISIS armed with U.S. weapons
2015-12-09,NHS rationing 'is denying patients care' as cash crisis deepens
2015-12-09,"Germany, UK to ban petrol and diesel vehicles by 2050"
2015-12-09,President Vladimir Putin: Su-24's Black Box to Reveal Truth About Jet Shot Down by Turkey and it should be opened only in the presence of international experts.
2015-12-09,Taliban attacks Kandahar airport and US-NATO base
2015-12-09,"Canada launches inquiry into murdered and missing indigenous women - Justin Trudeau promises total renewal of relationship with aboriginal people with investigation of nearly 1,200 murders and disappearances in three decades"
2015-12-09,"A generation of Syrian children are facing ""catastrophic"" psychological damage with one in four inside Syria at risk of developing a mental health disorder from witnessing traumatic events, a global children's charity said on Tuesday."
2015-12-08,Resistance to last-resort antibiotic has now spread across globe
2015-12-08,US confirms death of top ISIS leader in Libya
2015-12-08,"Arnold Schwarzenegger has got his sights set on vanquishing another peril: Climate change | Speaking at the United Nations conference on climate change in Paris, he said that the world had to unite to tackle climate change, rather than pointing the finger at the largest polluters."
2015-12-08,U.S. Agent Gets Six Years Prison for Silk Road Bitcoin Theft
2015-12-08,"""Private American donors have pumped more than $220 million into Jewish West Bank settlements in recent years through tax-deductible donations, effectively subsidizing a policy opposed by U.S. administrations for decades, according to an investigation published in an Israeli newspaper on Monday."""
2015-12-08,"The price of raw, illegal ivory has almost halved in China in the past 18 months because of growing public awareness, a promise from President Xi Jinping to ban the trade, a far-reaching anti-corruption drive and a slowing economy, according a new study by Save the Elephants."
2015-12-08,"A 16-member panel, paid for by Monsanto, is disputing a World Health Organization report published earlier this year that concluded glyphosate, the world's most widely used weed killer, is probably carcinogenic to humans."
2015-12-08,"Totally antibiotic resistant Salmonella has reached Denmark meat, at least one human case known."
2015-12-08,3 injured in blast at Moscow bus stop reports
2015-12-08,"A 64-year-old albatross named Wisdom, believed to be the oldest known tracked bird in the wild, has returned with a mate to a large nesting colony on Midway Atoll to lay An egg"
2015-12-08,Humans are draining even more of earth's freshwater than previously thought
2015-12-08,Japan defends scientific value of new plan to kill 333 minke whales - claims it wants to study how many whales can be harvested sustainably
2015-12-08,"Bibi the lion, made famous from her appearances on the BBC's Big Cat Diary from 1996 to 2008, has been discovered dead after being poisoned, a BBC wildlife crew has confirmed."
2015-12-08,"The use of antibiotics in agriculture is fuelling drug resistance and must be cut back or even banned where they are important for humans, a new report has warned."
2015-12-08,"Muslim thrown off Coach in Bristol after passenger said they felt ""uncomfortable"".."
2015-12-08,Beheaded for practicing magic; ISIS executes two sorcerers in Libya
2015-12-08,"Vancouver startup, G-Kup, launches 'world's first' 100% compostable coffee pod, aims to tackle single-cup brewer waste that circled the globe 11 times in 2014"
2015-12-08,Eagles Of Death Metal Appear In Paris Less Then 1 Month After The Attack.
2015-12-08,A Russian activist has been sentenced to three years in prison under a new law that tightens punishment for taking part in unauthorized protests. The verdict was strongly condemned by Amnesty International
2015-12-08,"Islamic State going broke? As airstrikes target oil revenue, ISIS slashes salaries, imposes new taxes (report from London-based analysis firm IHS)"
2015-12-08,"Russians Are Joining ISIS in Droves | Jihadists from Russia and Central Asia are pouring into the caliphate, 300 times more than a year ago."
2015-12-08,"Iran tested ballistic missile, breaching U.N. council resolutions"
2015-12-08,4 female students who went to Syria to join ISIS attended Mississauga school
2015-12-08,Iran and India to Build $4.5 Billion Pipeline
2015-12-08,Cyprus To Give Russian Warplanes Emergency Landing Rights
2015-12-07,"Beijing has issued its first ever Red Alert over smog, and the city is going into complete shutdown"
2015-12-07,"Ten african countries vow to recreate 100 million hectares of lost jungle, twice the size of Europe. World bank & Germany announces funding"
2015-12-07,"After Paris Attacks, Proposed French Law Would Block Tor and Forbid Free Wi-Fi"
2015-12-07,Chile removes marijuana from list of 'Hard Drugs' takes steps towards legalization.
2015-12-07,"NATO has ruled out sending ground troops to fight against Islamic State militants in Syria.""Muslims are on the front line in this war. Most victims are Muslims, and most of those who fight against the IS are Muslims. We can not carry on this struggle for them,"""
2015-12-07,Nearly 100 people in Turkey have been arrested after being charged with insulting President Recep Tayyip Erdogan over the past 10 months
2015-12-07,"Britain no longer a Christian country, and its time to rid public life of Anglicanism, panel says"
2015-12-07,The Isis papers: leaked documents show how Isis is building its state
2015-12-07,"Killing whales: Let's 'agree to disagree', says Japan"
2015-12-07,Venezuela opposition claims victory in legislative elections
2015-12-07,"Wreck of legendary Spanish galleon is finally found, Colombia says. The value of its cargo believed to include gold, silver, emeralds, and other precious cargo has been estimated at more than $10 billion"
2015-12-07,"French Regional Elections : far-right party ""Front National"" ahead with over 30% of the votes"
2015-12-07,Egypt destroys 20 newly found tunnels along border with Gaza
2015-12-07,FBI investigating Sepp Blatter in $100M ISL bribes scandal.
2015-12-07,Bacteria containing mcr-1 gene resistant to all known antibiotics found in Denmark
2015-12-07,"China is forecast to become the world's biggest electric car market this year, with sales estimated at 220,000 to 250,000 vehicles"
2015-12-07,Argentina arrests Syrians traveling on false Greek passports
2015-12-07,"Assad says Britain's Syria strikes 'illegal', will only fuel terror"
2015-12-07,Kerry angers Israel with talk of 'binational state'
2015-12-07,Russia loses advanced military satellite on launch
2015-12-07,Venezuela Opposition Says It Won Congress as Government Silent
2015-12-07,Opec bid to kill off US shale sends oil price down to near seven-year low
2015-12-07,EU to press ahead with plans to suspend Schengen rules
2015-12-07,China is laying the groundwork for a robot revolution by planning to automate the work currently done by millions of low-paid workers.
2015-12-07,"The new Liberal government has promised to act quickly to legalize marijuana for general use, which would make Canada the first G-20 country to end cannabis prohibition on a national level."
2015-12-06,German Vice Chancellor Gabriel:'Saudi Arabia must stop financing Wahabi Mosques throughout the world. They are a breeding ground of Terrorism. In Germany many extremists considered dangerous persons emerge from these communities. I say to them that the time of looking the other way is over.'
2015-12-06,Uruguay is now generating 95% of its electricity from renewable energy
2015-12-06,Passengers on the flight Frankfurt - Belgrade stopped a Jordanian who wanted to get into the cockpit
2015-12-06,France shuts down three mosques in security crackdown
2015-12-06,"Yazidis Get Revenge On ISIS In Sinjar: Obama went back to war in Iraq in 2014 to save the Yazidis of Sinjar from ISIS. Now, after retaking their homes, theyre killing the neighbors they think betrayed them"
2015-12-06,"U.S. Officials Admit a Mistaken Identity Case at Guantanamo Bay, Held for 13 years"
2015-12-06,Finland plans to give every citizen 800 euros a month and scrap benefits
2015-12-06,India to criminalize marital rape
2015-12-06,Gay refugees placed in separate accommodation after attacks in the Netherlands
2015-12-06,"Ford Recalling Up to 452,000 Cars Because Fuel Tanks May Crack"
2015-12-06,Major Italian catholic magazine ask for Tony Blair to be put under trial for war crimes
2015-12-06,"Tamil Nadu(India) Floods, 270 Dead"
2015-12-06,"ISIS threatens Modi, Vows to expand War to India"
2015-12-06,World's Largest Bakery To Stop Caging Hens For Eggs
2015-12-06,Kuwait Airways pilot loses licence for inviting porn star into cockpit
2015-12-06,"In Australia, $300 million will be invested in the drug treatment sector as part of a new national plan that shifts focus from policing to prevention."
2015-12-06,UK jets hit ISIS oilfield as Typhoons fly first missions
2015-12-06,"Facebook, Google and Twitter are stepping up efforts to combat online propaganda and recruiting by Islamic militants, but the Internet companies are doing it quietly to avoid the perception that they are helping the authorities police the Web."
2015-12-06,"Croatian police debunks The Sun journalist lies: It is not true that he managed to smuggle himself from Turkey to France, he didn't pass through Croatia without showing any papers we registered him and we have scan of his passport"
2015-12-06,"Tree by tree, more than a dozen African governments pledged to restore the continent's natural forests at the United Nations climate talks on Sunday"
2015-12-06,Report: Russia begins delivery of S-300 missiles to Iran
2015-12-06,Patriot Act author warns EU against dragnet response to terror
2015-12-06,Scientists find out a way to store electricity in paper
2015-12-06,Google Patents Needle-Free Blood Draw System
2015-12-06,"Syria row: No 10 admits '70,000 fighters' figure made up of disparate groups"
2015-12-05,Iraq orders Turkey to 'immediately' withdraw troops sent across border
2015-12-05,Canada to become first G7 nation to legalize marijuana: government
2015-12-05,Iran ready to present proof on ISIS oil trade to Turkey: Official
2015-12-05,"Sharia courts in Britain lock women into 'marital captivity', study says: Academic with unprecedented access to Islamic divorce hearings says courts fail to report domestic violence"
2015-12-05,"Thousands of South Koreans, many wearing masks, marched in Seoul on Saturday against conservative President Park Geun-hye, who had compared masked protesters to terrorists after clashes with police broke out at a rally last month"
2015-12-05,Defense Contractors Cite Benefits of Escalating Conflicts in the Middle East
2015-12-05,"Isis spreads to Afghanistan as 1,600 militants pledge allegiance to terror group."
2015-12-05,OPEC Unity Shattered as Saudi-Led Policy Leads to No Limits - OPEC abandoned all pretense this week of acting as a cartel. Its now every member for itself.
2015-12-05,"More than half of Indian scientists self-identify themselves as religious and almost a third believe that religion and and science can not only co-exist but be used to help each other, reveals a worldwide survey of how scientists view religion."
2015-12-05,Lake Chad suicide blasts 'kill 27'
2015-12-05,Porsche Is Building a Tesla Competitor
2015-12-05,Brutal new ISIS video puts child soldiers through Hunger Games-type training
2015-12-05,"Big Oil Faces Historic Human Rights Inquiry for 'Complicity in Climate Change': 'Climate change interferes with the enjoyment of our fundamental rights as human beings. Hence, we demand accountability.'"
2015-12-05,75 Voters In Argentine Soccer Federation Election Somehow Produce 76 Votes
2015-12-05,Protesters demand to stop stoning of Sri Lankan maid in Saudi Arabia
2015-12-05,Saudi Warplanes Drop Cluster Bombs on Own Soil to Prevent Yemeni Forces' Advances
2015-12-05,World's Largest Islamic Organization Tells ISIS To Get Lost
2015-12-05,NASA releases clearest images of Pluto world might see for decades
2015-12-05,Mexico arrests 'gang members' over Australian surfers murders
2015-12-05,'Two new suspects' in Paris attacks
2015-12-05,Merkel Pledges to Confront Anti-Semitism Among German Refugees
2015-12-05,"Responding to a complaint filed by typhoon victims, a Philippines human rights commission agreed Friday to look into whether large international fossil fuel companies are violating the human rights of its citizens by driving climate change."
2015-12-05,"Volkswagen scandal might force it to sell luxury brands - Bentley, Lamborghini and Ducati could be on the chopping block."
2015-12-05,Former prime minister Tony Abbott pocketed taxpayer-funded travel allowance on a day he attended a birthday celebration for a mining magnate and Liberal Party donor.
2015-12-05,"'Ghost ship' mystery grips Japan as rickety boats with corpses, skeletons continue to wash ashore"
2015-12-04,"World's largest Muslim group, Sunni movement launches anti extremism campaign"
2015-12-04,U.S.-led coalition is finding and killing a mid- to high-level Islamic State leader every two days
2015-12-04,Mount Etna has errupted
2015-12-04,"Uruguay makes dramatic shift to nearly 95% electricity from clean energy: In less than 10 years the country has slashed its carbon footprint and lowered electricity costs, without government subsidies"
2015-12-04,ISIS Dumping Dead Bodies On Syrian Streets Causes Deadly 'Flesh-Eating' Disease To Spread
2015-12-04,Exxon could lose 'billions' in climate change lawsuit
2015-12-04,'Enough's enough': Former deputy prime minister of Australia calls for travel warnings after US shootings
2015-12-04,Denmark 'votes No' on adopting EU rules
2015-12-04,"Turkish jets, two armed, violate Greek air space | News"
2015-12-04,"Latin America's ""Largest Ever"" Legal Marijuana Crop Planted in Chile: Medical marijuana advocates won a huge victory in Chile in November as the regional agriculture authority approved a 6,900-plant marijuana farm and a team of volunteers planted 20 strains of high-potency marijuana seeds"
2015-12-04,"The number of Muslims attacked each week in London has more than tripled since the Paris attacks, figures show. The Met said in the week prior to the attacks on 13 November there were 24 recorded Islamophobic incidents. Two weeks after there were 76."
2015-12-04,Australia Passes New Law to Strip Jihadists of Citizenship
2015-12-04,Israel Arrests Young Jews Suspected of Terrorism Against Palestinians
2015-12-04,"With average speed of 16.1 Mbps, Lithuania offers best public WiFi in the world"
2015-12-04,Turkey gives the cold shoulder to US proposal to seal Syria border
2015-12-04,"Egypt: 12 Killed, 5 Hurt in Firebomb Attack at Nightclub"
2015-12-04,"How the Toxic Trade Deal You've Never Heard Of Could Kill the Climate: TiSA seeks to place 'corporate handcuffs' on government attempts to steer away from fossil fuels, says Global Justice Now"
2015-12-04,Russia just successfully tested an anti-satellite missile
2015-12-04,"Bhutan has most ambitious pledge at the Paris climate summit: Himalayan kingdoms forests absorb three times more CO2 emissions than its population create, helping to make it the worlds most carbon negative country"
2015-12-04,Research finds rich nations' fossil fuel subsidies exceed climate aid 40 to 1
2015-12-04,Former Isis hostage says airstrikes on Syria are a trap
2015-12-04,"Paris attack fugitive posed as refugee at Budapest railway station in September, Hungarian government claims"
2015-12-04,Saudi Arabia Spends over $60bln in war on Yemen
2015-12-04,German government agrees to participate in Syrian war
2015-12-04,Japan defies world as 'research' ship embarks on minke whale kill
2015-12-03,UK Parliament Vote in Favor of Airstrikes in Syria
2015-12-03,Oscar Pistorious guilty of murder.
2015-12-03,"The Pentagon lavished nearly $150m of taxpayer money on villas with private security, flat screen TVs and three course meals for special events for US government staff in Afghanistan, an official watchdog has found"
2015-12-03,No jail for 2010 BP oil disaster white collars
2015-12-03,"Turkey has proof of Russian involvement in Daesh oil, President Erdoan says"
2015-12-03,"Canada: Ontarians paid $37-billion above market for electricity over eight years, Auditor-General's report says"
2015-12-03,"Saudi Arabia 'destabilising Arab world', German intelligence warns"
2015-12-03,Paris attacks: France 'to extend state of emergency indefinitely' - reports
2015-12-03,Facebook accused of blackmail after Belgian court rules it can no longer track non-users
2015-12-03,Friend of Paris suicide bomber arrested at Brussels Airport
2015-12-03,FIFA Corruption: Top Officials Arrested in Pre-Dawn Raid at Zurich Hotel
2015-12-03,"UN on wrong track with plans to limit global warming to 2C, says top scientist. Climate change scientist James Hansen says current half arsed plans to reduce emissions will lead to dangerous climate change and calls for an honest carbon price to cut fossil fuel use."
2015-12-03,Brazil speaker Cunha opens impeachment proceedings against president Dilma Rousseff
2015-12-03,"New Report Details TPP's 'Panoply of Threats' to Climate - The 12-nation pact would be 'raw deal for communities & our climate,' Sierra Club says"
2015-12-03,Russian TV host Pavel Lobkov announces HIV positive status live TVHe is the first public figure in Russia to be openly HIV positive
2015-12-03,"Iraqi Kurds refute Russias claims on Turkey-Daesh oil trade, say tankers belong to KRG"
2015-12-03,Mexico to debate marijuana legalization in January
2015-12-03,"A Dominican cardinal upset over comments that the U.S. ambassador made about corruption in his country has said the openly gay diplomat should focus on homemaking. ""Let him focus on housework, since he's the wife to a man."""
2015-12-03,ISIS Releases Video Purportedly Showing Beheading of Alleged Russian Spy
2015-12-03,"Photos: The scene in Chennai, the Indian city suffering its most devastating rains in 100 years"
2015-12-03,"Turkey guilty off 'treacherous war crime' after shooting down Russian plane, warns Vladimir Putin: ""And evidently Allah decided to punish the ruling clique in Turkey, by depriving it of any reason or logic."
2015-12-03,United Arab Emirates threaten to destabilize Tunisia for not repressing moderate Islamists ala Sisi in Egypt
2015-12-03,A Chinese artist vacuumed up Beijing's smog and made a brick from what he collected
2015-12-03,"NATO Unveils Plans to Grow, Drawing Fury and Threats From Russia"
2015-12-03,"A dream team of tech giants Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Richard Branson, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, Jack Ma from Alibaba, along with a host of international tech leaders have announced they're coming together to combat climate change: Breakthrough Energy Coalition"
2015-12-02,"Quebec Judge issues $1 fine for possessing 30 cannabis plants, calls marijuana laws obsolete"
2015-12-02,Turkish doctor faces 2 years in jail for sharing meme that likens president Erdogan to Gollum in LOTR
2015-12-02,"Cameroon army 'kills 100 Boko Haram fighters, frees 900 hostages'"
2015-12-02,"Zuckerberg, wife pledge to donate 99% of their Facebook shares, about $45 billion, to charity"
2015-12-02,Russia says has proof Turkey main consumer of Islamic State oil
2015-12-02,France shuts three mosques on grounds of radicalization
2015-12-02,Four Arrested In Italy For Planning ISIS Attack On Pope
2015-12-02,"Man held at Guantnamo for 13 years a case of mistaken identity, say officials"
2015-12-02,"Young people who question the Government or media may be extremists, officials tell parents"
2015-12-02,Kim Jong-un's Aunt (who lives in the US) will sue North Korean refugees for defamation in South Korean courts
2015-12-02,World's richest 10 per cent produce 50% of CO2: report
2015-12-02,David Cameron calls Jeremy Corbyn a 'terrorist sympathiser' for opposing Syria air strikes
2015-12-02,"Researchers: Exxon, Koch Family Have Powered the Climate-Denial Machine for Decades"
2015-12-02,Istanbul metro blast and injuries reported
2015-12-02,German nuclear fusion reactor 'stellarator' cleared for first test on 10 December 2015
2015-12-02,Turkey YouTube ban violated freedom of expression: European court of human rights
2015-12-02,"China clone factory claims it can replicate humans, is only holding off for fear of public reaction"
2015-12-02,Bill Gates teams up with Mark Zuckerberg to create multi billion dollar fund for clean energy technologies
2015-12-02,"Hitler's words to return to German bookshelves. For the first time since the Second World War, Adolf Hitler's ""Mein Kampf"" will be printed in Germany in January"
2015-12-02,"No, Mark Zuckerberg is not giving 99% of his Facebook shares to charity - Times of India"
2015-12-02,Russia building new military bases on islands claimed by Japan
2015-12-02,A major Indian city has been underwater for almost a month now
2015-12-02,Venezuela has bigger oil reserves than Saudi Arabia yet there's no toilet paper in stores
2015-12-02,"Beijing is shrouded in a cloud of smog 25 times the ""safe"" level of toxic particle PM 2.5"
2015-12-02,337 whales dead in Chile in one of history's biggest beachings
2015-12-01,"Amnesty International says Qatar has done ""almost nothing effective to end chronic labour exploitation"" since it was chosen five years ago to host the football World Cup in 2022."
2015-12-01,#SueMeSaudi: Twitter users taunt Saudi Arabia
2015-12-01,Erdoan: I will resign if any oil purchase from Daesh is proven
2015-12-01,Pope says fundamentalism is 'disease of all religions'
2015-12-01,Australia: MP says 'tyranny of political correctness' stops debate on Islam and extremism
2015-12-01,"Wales has become the first nation in the UK to introduce a ""revolutionary"" new system to increase organ donors: adults will be regarded as having consented to organ donation unless they have opted out."
2015-12-01,North Korea violates UN resolution with submarine missile launch that failed to make it above water
2015-12-01,"11,571 Norwegians have registered for licences to kill 16 wolves, although the country may have only 30 in the wild"
2015-12-01,Yemen crisis: Sanaa resident describes Saudi-led bombing as like 'being at the centre of an earthquake'
2015-12-01,Putin makes 99-year-old daughter of Tsarist general a Russian again
2015-12-01,Thai printer replaces International New York Times article with blank space instead of critical piece on stagnant Thai economy
2015-12-01,Schools shut in Beijing as air pollution reaches hazardous levels | CTV News
2015-12-01,World headed toward 'suicide' if no climate agreement: pope
2015-12-01,"The Chinese renminbi will join the dollar, euro, yen and pound as one of the worlds main reserve currencies"
2015-12-01,"The ocean is filling up with a mysterious life form and scientists don't know why: Phytoplankton, micro-organisms that float, as opposed to swim, are rapidly thriving in the North Atlantic, suggesting an environmental shift that defies previous scientific predictions."
2015-12-01,Dubai to make solar panels on rooftops compulsory by 2030
2015-12-01,US Marine Found Guilty of Killing Transgender Filipino
2015-12-01,Top US Intelligence Chief Calls Iraq War A 'Huge Mistake'
2015-12-01,BlackBerry leaves Pakistan following government backdoor demands
2015-12-01,Germany to join military action against Islamic State in Syria but won't participate in air strikes
2015-12-01,"Global warming could suffocate life on Earth as oxygen levels fall, research shows"
2015-12-01,Big Data Predicts Centuries Of Harm If Climate Warming Goes Unchecked
2015-12-01,ISIS is preparing a 'backup' capital in case its major center in Syria falls
2015-12-01,Express Scripts Covers $1 Alternative to $750 Pill Daraprim
2015-12-01,The International Monetary Fund has officially designated the Chinese yuan a global reserve currency.
2015-11-30,"Air pollution reached hazardous levels in Beijing on Sunday, prompting the city to upgrade to the second-highest alert for the first time in 13 months on the same day that the Chinese government said it has met pollution-reduction targets for the year"
2015-11-30,"China Is Building a Giant Animal-Cloning Factory to Feed the Masses - While the rest of the world sorts out its feelings about the safety & ethics of cloning animals for food production, China is charging ahead & building the world's largest animal cloning factory, set to begin operations in 2016."
2015-11-30,Japan stuns world by announcing it will resume whaling in Antarctic Ocean despite ban
2015-11-30,"Newspaper draws piggy bank to show ISIS funding, Muslim groups attack it as pig is unislamic"
2015-11-30,"Russia hits back at Turkey by changing Syria 'game' - Kurds get Russian help, talks about a union of secular forces."
2015-11-30,Kurdish fighters say US special forces have been fighting Isis for months
2015-11-30,Obama demands that Turkey close stretch of frontier with Syria
2015-11-30,"Prince Ali vows to open the books if elected FIFA head. Salaries, finances, what have you, that should all be open. Why not? People want it to be open."
2015-11-30,Hamburg votes against hosting the 2024 Olympics in referendum
2015-11-30,Russian plane escorted from Israeli airspace without incident
2015-11-30,White House Releases Details of Bill Gates's Climate Research Plan
2015-11-30,El Salvador's anti-abortion law makes criminals of mothers who miscarry
2015-11-30,Blair and Bush went to war in Iraq despite the assurances of South Africa that Saddam did not possess WMDs
2015-11-30,French police fire teargas to disperse climate protest
2015-11-30,Negative interest rates in Switzerland have started a bizarre debate among economists over whether cash should be abolished
2015-11-30,Lakes are forming on top of Mount Everests glaciers
2015-11-30,Migrant crisis: Turkey to get 3 billion and possible EU membership as part of migrant deal
2015-11-30,Russian football clubs banned from signing Turkish players
2015-11-30,Iraqis find 3 more mass graves in formerly ISIS-held Sinjar
2015-11-30,"50,000 people without drinking water after reported Russian airstrike"
2015-11-30,"Declaring 'new beginning,' EU and Turkey seal migrant deal - Turks to benefit from visa-free travel to Europe's Schengen zone within a year if Turkey meets conditions on tightening its borders and reduces departures to Europe."
2015-11-30,Refugees with infectious diseases will not be denied entry into Canada: Health minister
2015-11-30,Christmas is cancelled: Italians outraged over school decision to ban festivities
2015-11-30,"Corporate tax cuts contributed to slower economic growth, Canadian study finds"
2015-11-30,Merkel faces call to resign amid migrant crisis criticism
2015-11-29,"Two prominent journalists in Turkey face charges of espionage after publishing video that allegedly showed trucks, belonging to the state intelligence agency, carrying ammunition to Syrian militants"
2015-11-29,"Australia slams Japans decision to resume Antarctic whaling - Environment minister says Tokyo cannot ""unilaterally decide"" to ignore scientific advice & international court of justice ruling to hunt & kill 333 minke whales"
2015-11-29,ISIS mocked with rubber ducks as internet fights terror with humour
2015-11-29,"Ban On Tuna Labeled Dolphin-Safe Shows How TPP Will Crush Consumer Rights: ... dolphin-safe labeling of tuna managed to reduce annual deaths of the mammals from over 100,000 to only 3,000 but the World Trade Organization just effectively nullified this critical program"
2015-11-29,Putin orders sanctions against Turkey
2015-11-29,Turkish human rights lawyer shot dead during press conference.
2015-11-29,Mystery ghost fleet washes up in Japan: Eleven ships containing 20 dead sailors are discovered off the coast... and nobody can explain why
2015-11-29,Russian air strike hits busy market in Idlib province
2015-11-29,"Iran orchestra barred over women musicians: A high-profile performance in Iran by the Tehran Symphony Orchestra was cancelled at the last minute because it was due to feature female musicians, its furious conductor said on Sunday."
2015-11-29,Turkey Arrests Generals for Stopping Syria-Bound Trucks 'Filled With Arms'
2015-11-29,Thousands Protest Arrest of 2 Turkish Journalists on Spying Charges
2015-11-29,Brazil to sue miners BHP and Vale for $ 5.2 billion following bursting of dam
2015-11-29,Syria army says Turkey increases arms shipments to rebels
2015-11-29,"Spain Approves 'Sun Tax,' Discriminates Against Solar PV"
2015-11-29,"Oman has scored zero in the global terrorism index, which reflects well on its safety and security against terrorist threats, according to the Global Terrorism Index 2015 released recently by the Economics and Peace Institute. Meanwhile, no Omani has joined ISIS, according to a monitoring group"
2015-11-29,"""Migrants attack Macedonian police as construction of Greek border fence begins"""
2015-11-29,British war planes 'could be bombing Isis in Syria within 72 hours'
2015-11-29,Hrriyet columnist faces up to five years in prison for insulting President Erdoan
2015-11-29,"Eyewitness: No IS group in Aleppo, so who is Russia bombing?"
2015-11-29,Turkeys President Erdogan says Putin has not returned his phone call
2015-11-29,Probe begins after Arabic graffiti found on four easyJet planes in France
2015-11-29,Hong Kong's 'pink' dolphins under threat from airport and Macau bridge: Conservationists fear Hong Kongs unique dolphins are at risk of disappearing due to loss of habitat and pollution from two major construction projects.
2015-11-29,Russia-Ukraine row over Crimea escalates as Moscow cuts coal to Kiev
2015-11-29,Kremlin says Putin 'fully mobilized' to tackle threat from Turkey
2015-11-29,Bill Gates to pledge $1 billion for 'clean energy'
2015-11-28,Exposed: 'Full Range of Collusion' Between Big Oil and TTIP Trade Reps: new documents reveal that EU trade officials gave U.S. oil giant ExxonMobil access to confidential negotiating strategies considered too sensitive to be released to the European public
2015-11-28,Putin: Commercial scale oil smuggling into Turkey to become a priority target of Russia's anti-ISIS strikes
2015-11-28,Bill Gates will invest as much as $2 billion in new clean energy partnership with US and India
2015-11-28,Nestle landed in more trouble late on Friday after a Uttar Pradesh laboratory alleged that samples of its pasta were found to have lead beyond permissible limits.
2015-11-28,Pope Francis: God must never be used to justify hatred and violence
2015-11-28,Researches are now 90% sure there is a previously undiscovered chamber hidden in King Tutankhamun's tomb
2015-11-28,UK could be prosecuted for war crimes over missiles sold to Saudi Arabia that were used to kill civilians in Yemen
2015-11-28,"China is crushing the U.S. on renewable energy - According to new data, China's clean energy investment over the last year outpaced that of the U.S., the U.K., & France combined."
2015-11-28,Syrian Turkmen commander who 'killed' Russian pilot turns out to be Turkish ultranationalist
2015-11-28,France puts 24 climate activists under house arrest ahead of UN talks
2015-11-28,"Vladimir Putin accused Turkey of allowing ISIS jihadists to run a ""living oil pipe"" across its border as he upped the ante in the row over the downing of a Russian jet."
2015-11-28,"Austrian Foreign Minister openly criticized Saudi Arabia over its human rights record, citing ""inhuman punishment"". Also urged Saudi Arabia to create more opportunities for the relocation of the Syrian refugees in the Middle East, saying the kingdom has not done enough"
2015-11-28,"A booby-trapped mass grave containing the bodies of at least 110 people from the minority Yazidi sect has been found in northern Iraq, officials say."
2015-11-28,"Eighteen village councils in northern India are demanding a local Coca-Cola bottling plant be prohibited from extracting water from the ground, claiming its over usage has led to water scarcity in the area"
2015-11-28,Prominent Lawyer Shot Dead in Turkey
2015-11-28,France accepts Russian replacement for police dog killed in Paris attack
2015-11-28,"Belgian Physicists Calculate that Everyone Is Lying About the Downed Russian Jet. Using video of the incident and the maps provided by Turkish and Russian officials, they show in a post on a blog run by KU Leuven that what went down couldnt possibly have happened as both parties present it."
2015-11-28,"Nearly 1,000 'security risks' denied entry to France since Paris attacks"
2015-11-28,Cruelty of the Tokyo 'euthanasia centre' for stray dogs where animals suffer for fifteen minutes before they die from suffocation in canine 'gas chamber'
2015-11-28,Putin Says Israel and Russia Will Continue Sharing Intelligence on Anti-Terrorism
2015-11-28,The president of Paraguay has fired the head of the country's indigenous affairs office after he apparently kicked an indigenous woman.
2015-11-28,"Five days after saboteurs blew up power lines in southern Ukraine plunging Russian-annexed Crimea into an energy crisis, all four damaged pylons are out of action and engineers say they need a political decision to restore supplies"
2015-11-28,Martin Shkreli Breaks His Promise To Lower The Price Of HIV Drug
2015-11-28,More that 700 people were killed in jihadist attacks worldwide in three weeks
2015-11-28,"Suicide bomber kills at least 21 people in attack on Shia Muslim procession in Nigeria's Kano state, officials say"
2015-11-27,Saudi Arabia just promised to sue anyone who compares their justice system to Isis
2015-11-27,Coca-Cola's chief scientist and heath officer leaves after being caught setting up a nonprofit which downplayed the role of sugary drinks in the obesity epidemic
2015-11-27,"Swedish court: 'We cannot ban Pirate Bay': After deliberating for almost a month on the closely-watched case, the District Court of Stockholm ruled that copyright holders could not make Swedish ISP Bredbandsbolaget block Pirate Bay."
2015-11-27,Two journalists arrested in Turkey for story on weapon loaded Turkish intelligence trucks bound for Syria
2015-11-27,Turing's $1 a pill Daraprim competitor sells well; Impris considers producing cheap versions of other price gouged drugs
2015-11-27,French ban on Muslim headscarves is upheld by human rights court after woman sacked for refusing to remove hers loses appeal
2015-11-27,Saudi Arabia is planning to execute more than 50 people in a single day
2015-11-27,Turkish fighter jets violate Greek national air space | News
2015-11-27,HSBC whistleblower jailed for five years over biggest leak in banking history
2015-11-27,"Turkey violated Greek airspace more than 2,000 times last year"
2015-11-27,Medical marijuana users get OK from Ontario government to vaporize anywhere
2015-11-27,"Putin on working with U.S-""Why did we give the Americans this information? Either they're not controlling their allies or they're leaking this info all over the place."""
2015-11-27,"2,700 yr-old sarcophagus of high priest of God Amun unearthed in Luxor"
2015-11-27,Turkey's Erdogan warns Russia not to 'play with fire'
2015-11-27,Amazon Deforestation increases by 16% in 2015
2015-11-27,26 Turkish businessmen taken into police custody in Russia
2015-11-27,Russia deploys advanced S-400 air-defence missile system in Syria after Turkey downed one of its jets
2015-11-27,"Artist says his death sentence results from a personal dispute, not atheism"
2015-11-27,800 Belgium-Bound Shotguns Seized by Italian Police: Official
2015-11-27,"Russian jet incident planned, Turkish opposition member says"
2015-11-27,US accused of covering up death of six children in Syria air strike [includes video]
2015-11-27,"Russia raiding Turkish firms and sending imports back. Moscow also preventing Turkish tourists from entering Russia, businessmen say, in apparent response to downing of plane"
2015-11-27,"Russia ""Wipes Out"" Syrian rebels in area where its plane was brought down"
2015-11-27,Germany arrrests man who may have sold guns to Paris attackers
2015-11-27,"China said on Thursday that it planned to establish a military facility in Djibouti, a strategically important country on the Horn of Africa, which would apparently be the first permanent presence overseas for Chinas military and a sign of the growing reach of its navy."
2015-11-26,Turkey's Erdogan says Russia should apologise after jet downing - CNN
2015-11-26,Turkish army releases audio of warnings to downed Russian plane
2015-11-26,"Turkey won't apologize for downing Russian jet, Erdogan says."
2015-11-26,Russia holding up Turkish goods at border as relations sour - Reports of hundreds of trucks bringing Turkish goods stranded
2015-11-26,ISIS releases video claiming war on over 60 nations.
2015-11-26,Turkey moves 20 tanks to its border and sends 18 fighter jets on patrol as Russia crisis continues
2015-11-26,"Iraqi forces cut last ISIS supply line into Ramadi by retaking bridge | News , Middle East"
2015-11-26,"The United Arab Emirates has secretly dispatched hundreds of Colombian mercenaries to Yemen to fight in that countrys raging conflict, adding a volatile new element in a complex proxy war that has drawn in the United States and Iran."
2015-11-26,Russia accuses Turkey of 'hypocrisy' after Erdogan admits airspace violation 'does not justify attack'
2015-11-26,Islamic State riles China by recognizing Taiwan in new propaganda video
2015-11-26,Canada's PM Trudeau refuses to point finger at Russia over tensions with Turkey
2015-11-26,Russian jets hits aid trucks in Syria
2015-11-26,"India's poverty rate falls to 12.4%, electricity plays big role"
2015-11-26,Venezuelan opposition politician shot dead
2015-11-26,Eagles of Death Metal will finish their Bataclan set in Paris
2015-11-26,TTIP talks: EU alleged to have given ExxonMobil access to confidential papers - Documents and emails obtained by the Guardian reveal collusion between Brussels and industry over the fossil fuel push in free trade negotiations
2015-11-26,"In the Italian countryside, not far from Pisa, a vast experiment is about to be switched on. If it's a success, one of Albert Einstein's greatest predictions will have been directly observed for the first time. If it fails, laws of physics might have to be reconsidered"
2015-11-26,"The Islamic State group (ISIS) is on its last breath in the city of Ramadi, where it is blowing up homes to punish young men who have fled and joined the Iraqi Army, an Iraqi officer and the government said."
2015-11-26,Brazilian police on Wednesday arrested the government's leader in the Senate for allegedly obstructing the investigation into a corruption scandal at state-owned oil company Petrobras
2015-11-26,Britain offers France use of airbase in Cyprus to support air war on ISIS in Syria
2015-11-26,Ukraine has banned all Russian planes from using its airspace and exports of Russian gas to Ukraine have been halted by state-controlled giant Gazprom.
2015-11-26,A painful chapter in Quebecs history has concluded with the release of a detailed report on how corruption infiltrated every corner of the provinces multibillion-dollar public construction industry and seeped from the biker gangs and the mafia into bureaucracy and politics.
2015-11-26,Turkish newspaper editor in court for 'espionage' after revealing weapon convoy to Syrian militants
2015-11-26,Russia fully suspended from world athletics after accepting an indefinite ban from the sport
2015-11-26,"$750/pill pharma company reverses decision to lower drug price - Turing will offer hospitals and patients discounts, but high list price stands."
2015-11-25,I gave the order myself Turkish PM on downing Russian plane
2015-11-25,'Severe blow': Al Qaeda suicide bomber takes out leadership of key ISIS brigade
2015-11-25,Depressed Elephant Has Been Living In A Concrete Cell For 61 Years
2015-11-25,Hackers knock out ISIS's Dark Net propaganda site
2015-11-25,BBC: Downed plane pilot denies Turkey warning
2015-11-25,"Iranian Authorities Overrule Husband, Allow Female Soccer Captain To Travel To World Cup Event"
2015-11-25,"All Russian tourist agencies stop selling Turkey trips, cancel charter flights"
2015-11-25,Turkey downed Russian fighter jet to protect ISIS oil sales: Putin
2015-11-25,Russian lawmakers submit bill to hold to account anyone who denies Armenian genocide: RIA
2015-11-25,Syrian and Russian special forces have rescued the second pilot of a Russian warplane shot down by Turkey and he is now at a Russian air base in Syria
2015-11-25,Turkish military release radar image tracking Russian fighter jet over Turkish territory before attack. Radar shows Russian jet only over Turkey for 10 seconds.
2015-11-25,All Russian bombers in Syria will now be escorted by fighters.
2015-11-25,Russia bombards Syrian rebels near site of downed Russian jet
2015-11-25,Gambia bans female genital mutilation
2015-11-25,Greece Agrees With Russian Assessment of Turkey's 'Unfriendly' Actions
2015-11-25,"""No war with Turkey"" - Russia condemns ""planned provocation"" and expresses disappointment over Ankara prioritizing contact with NATO"
2015-11-25,Syrian military source says rebels making heavy use of U.S.-made anti-tank missiles paid for by Saudi Arabia and supplied via Turkey
2015-11-25,Flight data released by Russian Ministry of Defense shows that the Su24 never entered Turkey.
2015-11-25,Erdogan: We didn't know warplane was Russian
2015-11-25,US says it cannot coordinate with Russia until they stop killing so many civilians and moderate rebels.
2015-11-25,Russia to stop air communication with Turkey
2015-11-25,"Europe should take no more refugees, says French prime minister"
2015-11-25,NATO backs Turkey over Russian aircraft
2015-11-25,Over 1/2 the world's primates on brink of extinction - International experts call for urgent action to protect mankind's closest living relatives. Highlight threat to lesser-known apes & monkeys from large-scale habitat destruction & illegal wildlife trade
2015-11-25,"Archeologists in Croatia announced their discovery of a 3,500-year-old sunken town in Adriatic Sea near Zadar, a southern coastal city."
2015-11-24,Putin calls Turkey 'accomplices of terrorists' after Russian jet shot down
2015-11-24,Fighter jet goes down in flames near Syrian border: Turkey's Haberturk TV footage
2015-11-24,Nestl admits slavery and coercion used in catching its seafood
2015-11-24,"France's leading Muslim body called Tuesday for imams to require a permit to preach and for a new religious body to fight back against jihadist propaganda. The country's imams should be given a certificate -- ""like a driving licence"" -- that ensured they promoted a ""tolerant and open Islam""."
2015-11-24,Reports of Russian helicopter downed during search for fighter jet pilot.
2015-11-24,Vladimir Putin warns of 'serious consequences' following Turkey shooting down Russian jet
2015-11-24,"West should learn from Iraq and Libya, says Russian envoy Vladimir Morozov.""We can remember Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. In both cases, it was said that if you remove the dictator, the country will prosper. The result as we can see is quite different,"" he said"
2015-11-24,Russia to cut off natural gas to Ukraine
2015-11-24,Secret cell of British Muslim women encouraging others to join Islamic State exposed
2015-11-24,US issues worldwide travel alert
2015-11-24,"Eating less meat only way to save planet, warns climate think tank: ""We cannot avoid dangerous climate change unless consumption trends change."""
2015-11-24,NATO calls 'extraordinary meeting' after Turkey downs Russian jet
2015-11-24,Young 'to be poorer than parents at every stage of life'
2015-11-24,Taiwanese beauty queen kicked out of Miss Earth pageant for refusing to change 'Taiwan ROC' sash to 'Chinese Taipei'
2015-11-24,New chemical attack fears as Paris health authority reports protective suits stolen from hospital
2015-11-24,"Boy dies of Ebola in Liberia, first such fatality in months"
2015-11-24,Government is ignoring ISIS recruitment in Ireland says top Muslim cleric
2015-11-24,More Mexicans leaving US than arriving
2015-11-24,Russia's Lavrov cancels scheduled visit to Turkey
2015-11-24,French police: Explosive belt without detonator found in southern Paris suburb of Montrouge
2015-11-24,Putin: Russia will not tolerate such crimes as attack against its Sukhoi-24 plane
2015-11-24,Bomb explodes outside Greek business federation offices in Athens: police
2015-11-24,Sweden set to tighten asylum rules for refugees
2015-11-24,"Israel nuclear weapons arsenal includes 115 warheads, according to a new report by the Institute for Science and International Security, a Washington, DC-based think tank"
2015-11-24,Norway to raise taxes to pay for refugees
2015-11-23,Russia Bans Scientology
2015-11-23,Australia passes law banning anti-vax parents from childcare benefits
2015-11-23,"Russian sailor drinks half a litre of rum before crashing 7,000-ton ship at full speed into Scotland"
2015-11-23,Only 3 northern white rhinos left on Earth
2015-11-23,Third Paris stadium suicide bomber identified as refugee who came via Greece
2015-11-23,New hacker group (Ghost Security Group) 'Spying' on Islamic State instead of hacking them. Calling Anonymous tactics 'unsophisticated'
2015-11-23,"Canada's Syrian refugee plan limited to women, children and families"
2015-11-23,"Plot to 'explode three bombs in German football stadium' foiled after game cancelled at last minute | The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, said: 'Security officials took a responsible decision'"
2015-11-23,Paris attacks: Fugitive Salah Abdeslam frequented gay bar in Belgium
2015-11-23,Cult's potentially lethal bleach 'cure' for Autism spreads to Britain. Parents giving children sodium chlorite and hydrochloric acid on the advice of Genesis II Church of Health and Healing
2015-11-23,"An ex-CIA director claims Snowden should face the death penalty because he has French blood on his hands. Some experts cast doubt on that claim, with one saying the Paris attacks are being used as a good crisis by those in power"
2015-11-23,Chinese police use a flamethrower on 'Muslim terror suspects'
2015-11-23,People in Belgium are flooding the hashtag #Brusselslockdown on twitter with cat pictures after the police officially asked them not to communicate on social media about their whereabouts.
2015-11-23,"More than 1,200 Europeans who flew out to join Islamic extremists have returned home"
2015-11-23,Iraq: 300 ISIS Militants Surrender to Peshmerga
2015-11-23,Turkey has summoned Russias ambassador following intensive bombing of ethnic Turkish people in Syria | The Turkish foreign ministry warns that the Russian attacks could lead to serious consequences. Turkey has already warned the Kremlin that it will shoot down its warplanes.
2015-11-23,Five Finger Death Punch cancel show in Milan following reported terrorist threat.
2015-11-23,Russian thieves made off with a full bomb's worth of highly enriched uranium | GlobalPost
2015-11-23,Brussels alert 'stays at highest level'
2015-11-23,"The election of a lesbian as president of the student body at Koreas super-elite Seoul National University has made front page news, exposing the generation gap between Koreas increasingly liberal younger generation and older people still imbued in the nations conservative traditions."
2015-11-23,Belgian police arrest six terror suspects after raids across country
2015-11-23,Argentine opposition wins presidential election
2015-11-23,Israeli woman killed as more violence hits West Bank
2015-11-23,Report: Russia Starts Ground Operations in Syria
2015-11-23,Russian strikes blamed for 400 Syrian civilian deaths
2015-11-22,China declares war on ISIS after terrorists 'execute Chinese hostage'
2015-11-22,"Paris city police commissioner arrived at Bataclan before special forces. Ran in alone, took out one of the gunmen."
2015-11-22,state of emergency as Crimea loses electricity.
2015-11-22,Pope Says Christmas Will Be A Charade Because Whole World Is At War
2015-11-22,"Thanks to Russian strikes, our troops advancing on nearly every front, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad says"
2015-11-22,The French military has seen a surge in applications after the Paris attacks
2015-11-22,"Putin never said ""To forgive them is up to God, but to send them to him is up to me"""
2015-11-22,US rock group Pearl Jam donated proceeds from a concert in Brazil to victims of a toxic mining spill that killed 12 people and was the country's worst environmental disaster
2015-11-22,Around 100 ISIS militants killed by Syrian army on Saturday
2015-11-22,"A volcanic island which was formed in 2013 has grown to 12 times its size, according to Japan Coast Guard officials. New aerial film footage of the remote Nishinoshima shows eruptions are still taking place from a crater in the islands center, and continuous lava flows."
2015-11-22,"Japan is running out of people to take care of the elderly, so it's making robots instead.To address the issue, Japanese companies are leading in the development of Carebots."
2015-11-22,"Vladimir Putins massive, triple-decker war room revealed"
2015-11-22,2 Deaths Reported After Missiles Hit Doctors Without Borders Hospital In Syria
2015-11-22,U.S. vets return to Iraq to fight ISIS
2015-11-22,"""A tiny Swiss bank specialised in financing social and environmental projects will on January 1 go where no retail lender has gone before, applying negative interest rates on individual clients."""
2015-11-22,Suicide Attack in Cameroon Kills 10
2015-11-22,The ISIS bombs hidden inside dolls and toys to kill CHILDREN: Iraqi military reveal IEDs placed in toys by Islamists
2015-11-22,Iranian court sentences Washington Post reporter Rezaian to prison.
2015-11-22,Authorities missed many 'red flags' before Paris shootings
2015-11-22,"Merkel berated over refugee policy by key ally, who says Germany must end ""welcome culture"" for refugees -"
2015-11-22,Liberia monitors over 150 Ebola contacts as virus re-emerges
2015-11-22,Russia kills 10 militants who had sworn allegiance to ISIS
2015-11-22,"U.S. and Chinese troops connect in first-ever exchange at JBLM. ""first time Chinese troops have been invited to train in the continental United States"""
2015-11-22,'Not in my name' - Italy's Muslims rally against terrorism
2015-11-22,"Entire northern border of Syria to be shut off by US/Turkish force. ""75 percent of it has now been shut off. And we are entering an operation with the Turks to shut off the other remaining 98 km (61 miles)"""
2015-11-21,Saudi Arabia Sentences Poet to Death for Atheism
2015-11-21,"Anonymous said Saturday it has uncovered information about Islamic State group attacks in Paris as well as on locations in the U.S., Indonesia, Italy and Lebanon, all apparently set for Sunday"
2015-11-21,"Belgium raised its terror alert level to the highest level in the capital Brussels on Saturday, warning of an ""imminent threat"""
2015-11-21,Anonymous takes down the main messaging forum used by ISIS
2015-11-21,"Cable and satellite providers in Canada must provide a $25 basic cable package or channel pick-and-pay system by March 1, 2016"
2015-11-21,Russians inscribe 'For Paris' on bombs destined for Syria
2015-11-21,Paris attacks: Terrorist arsenal found in Brussels suburb
2015-11-21,US urged to reject bomb sales to Saudi Arabia
2015-11-21,War on Isis: UN in rare unanimous vote calls on world to unite against jihadist group
2015-11-21,Pakistanis views on ISIS showcase worrying trend: 62% of the individuals revealed that they did not hold a definite opinion about ISIS while 9% even showed support for the group.
2015-11-21,Russian cruise missiles hit ISIS from Mediterranean & Caspian; 600 killed in one strike
2015-11-21,No problem. I will talk to my boss: B.C. man learns he will be next king of Ghana tribe
2015-11-21,"Putin Blasts Syria With New Stealth Missileand Shows the World He Can Strike From 1,700 Miles Away"
2015-11-21,SpaceX gets mission to take NASA crew to space station
2015-11-21,Turkey seizes 11 million pills of 'Syria war drug': reports
2015-11-21,Turkey seized 11 million pills of a stimulant that's helping to fuel the Syrian civil war
2015-11-21,"Nurse thought Paris attack was gas explosion, started giving CPR, then discovered injured man was suicide bomber, his bomb not fully exploded."
2015-11-21,Syria secretly sentenced free software developer Bassel Khartabil to death.
2015-11-21,Japan Considers Sending Navy to Aid U.S. in South China Sea
2015-11-21,"Egypt's top Muslim cleric issued an impassioned appeal Saturday to disassociate Islam from extremist attacks, saying Muslims themselves had suffered most from ""the catastrophe of terrorism."""
2015-11-21,"'Nearly impossible' to find jihadists among migrants, Greeks warn"
2015-11-21,UN Approves Resolution Urging Action Against Islamic State
2015-11-21,Mali hotel attack: 'No more hostages' after special forces raid
2015-11-21,British rescue 347 French near Falklands Islands after cruise ship catches fire and loses power.
2015-11-21,"Canadian City Becomes The First In The World To Implement Climate Change Warning Stickers At Gas Stations: North Vancouver, BC passed a law that mandates climate change warning stickers be applied to gas pumps"
2015-11-20,"Fighters in Syria are on steady doses of an amphetamine called Captagon. This allows them ""stay up for days, killing with a numb, reckless abandon."" Side effects include ""psychosis and brain damage"""
2015-11-20,"Shots fired at Radisson Hotel in Bamako, Mali (French)"
2015-11-20,British police still shun guns despite Paris attacks: We are an unarmed force were proud of that
2015-11-20,US Approves $1.29 Billion Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia
2015-11-20,"Czech Republic to deliver 10 million rounds of ammunition and 5,000 grenades to Peshmerga forces fighting ISIS"
2015-11-20,"Gunfire, explosions, hostage situation as jihadists attack luxury Radisson hotel in Mali - reports"
2015-11-20,Saudi court sentences Palestinian poet to death for apostasy
2015-11-20,"U.S. criticizes Israel's punishment of 6 weeks community service for policeman filmed beating Palestinian-American teen. US says ""says evidence of excessive force is 'clear' and the sentence doesn't promote accountability"""
2015-11-20,Ukrainian President supports replacing Russian with English on all passports
2015-11-20,"A leaked Malaysian police report alleges there could be at least ten ISIS suicide bombers in Kuala Lumpur, where leaders from 18 countries, including the US, Russia, Japan and China, are set to gather this weekend for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations summit"
2015-11-20,28 terrorists killed in Chinas Xinjiang province
2015-11-20,King Abdullah of Jordan: We Are Facing A Third World War
2015-11-20,"""Bataclan concert hall will reopen despite Paris attacks"""
2015-11-20,Now that TPP agreement has been reached - theres plenty of time for public debate: Obama responding to a question from a Malaysian youth who said the TPP was elitist and excluded most voices
2015-11-20,"By extending state of emergency, France can now block websites"
2015-11-20,China Has a $1.2 Trillion Ponzi Finance Problem
2015-11-20,"Boko Haram, responsible for the Nigeria explosion this week and kidnapping 300 girls last year, is the now world's most dangerous terrorist group - not ISIS (Daesh)"
2015-11-20,World powers are poised to forge a single resolution at the United Nations Security Council to declare a common war against Isis and eradicate jihadists in Iraq and Syria
2015-11-20,On the run from Isis: Jihadists targeting Paris attacker Salah Abdeslam for chickening out of killings
2015-11-20,U.S. Releases Convicted Israeli Spy Jonathan Pollard After 30-Year Prison Term
2015-11-20,"The Islamic State group is aggressively pursuing development of chemical weapons, setting up a branch dedicated to research and experiments with the help of scientists from Iraq, Syria and elsewhere in the region, according to Iraqi and U.S. intelligence officials."
2015-11-20,"Loud explosion after security alert, evacuation at London tube station"
2015-11-20,(France) Army recruitment inquiries triple since attacks
2015-11-20,Swedish Jews close synagogues after terror threat raised
2015-11-20,"A new study shows that the most widely used insecticides in the worldneonicotinoidsturn bumblebees into more bumbling pollinators, leading to lower yields for apples and perhaps other plants that they visit."
2015-11-19,Paris attacks ringleader dead - French officials
2015-11-19,355 ISIS targets in Syria destroyed by Russian air force in last 48 hours:
2015-11-19,Putin Puts $50 Million Bounty on Heads of Metrojet Bombers
2015-11-19,Syrian man kills judge at ISIS Sharia Court for beheading his brother
2015-11-19,Paris attacks: The eight terror suspects named so far are not refugees and all have EU passports
2015-11-19,Jeremy Corbyn calls for economic sanctions against banks and countries funding Isis: The Labour leader has previously said the UK should be asking questions about Saudi Arabia's involvement
2015-11-19,China vows justice after ISIS executes national
2015-11-19,Three people stabbed in south Tel Aviv in suspected terror attack
2015-11-19,British Muslims take out a full page advert in the British press to condemn isil
2015-11-19,The pot-smoking Paris suicide bomber: Ex-wife reveals 'blood brother' terrorist was a jobless layabout who spent his time taking drugs and sleeping... and never went to the mosque
2015-11-19,White House vows to veto any bill limiting the amounts of Syrian refugees into the US
2015-11-19,ISIS Calls Anonymous Idiots as Cyber War Heats Up
2015-11-19,Honduras detains 5 Syrians heading for U.S. with stolen Greek passports-police
2015-11-19,Man 'shot through window by stray bullet' in Paris attacks found dead in flat
2015-11-19,"Obama's drone war a 'recruitment tool' for Isis, say US air force whistleblowers - Four former service members including three sensor operators issue plea to rethink current airstrike strategy that has fueled feelings of hatred toward US"
2015-11-19,Nigeria's Boko Haram kills 49 in suicide bombings
2015-11-19,Bosnia: Gunman kills two soldiers and blows himself up in Sarajevo 'terror' attack
2015-11-19,Beijing vows justice after Islamic State executes Chinese captive
2015-11-19,"Swedish PM Stefan Lfvn in live press conference: ""Sweden has been naive a long time about possible terror threats"", he reveals that up until 2015 ""there was practically nothing on the table in terms of counter-terrorism measures"" in Sweden"
2015-11-19,"A 1,111 carat ""high quality diamond"" has been discovered at a mine in Botswana, said to be the biggest find in more than a century"
2015-11-19,"The fearless father who threw himself on a suicide bomber, saving hundreds of lives in Beirut"
2015-11-19,North Korea executes 3 women for recording South Korean TV drama
2015-11-19,Former Mexican president says country will legalise all drugs within a decade
2015-11-19,Alarming ''superbug'' gene discovered in China. Highly resistant to antibiotics with a chance of becoming an epidemic.
2015-11-19,US Offers $5M Reward for IS Leader
2015-11-18,"Reports of gun fire, possible explosions near Saint-Denis area of Paris, France"
2015-11-18,"France Rejects Fear, Renews Commitment To Take In 30,000 Syrian Refugees"
2015-11-18,Paris attacks: Mother died using her body to shield her five-year-old son from bullets
2015-11-18,"Despite Paris attacks, Hollande says erecting walls and fences ""would be the end of Europe""."
2015-11-18,Indian Government starts offering up to 90% discount on cancer drugs and reduces costs of cardiac implants by 50 to 60 percent.
2015-11-18,Russia hits 206 ISIS targets in Syria after confirming bomb downed passenger plane over Sinai
2015-11-18,"French Police Kill Three, Arrest Three in Saint-Denis Raid"
2015-11-18,Obama presses Canada for quick TPP approval
2015-11-18,"Anonymous is crowdsourcing #OpParis, publishes noob guide to hacking"
2015-11-18,"A British couple was found guilty Tuesday of keeping a Nigerian immigrant enslaved for more than two decades, forcing him to work for no pay and threatening him with deportation if he tried to escape, prosecutors said."
2015-11-18,Montreal police arrest man in mask who vowed to kill Muslims in Quebec
2015-11-18,"No explosives found and no arrests made in Hannover, Germany"
2015-11-18,Turkey detains 8 Europe-bound IS suspects 'posing as refugees'
2015-11-18,Sweden raises terror threat level to second highest citing 'concrete information'
2015-11-18,"Britain wants to close all of its coal-fired power plants by 2025 and lower their output from 2023, the government said on Wednesday, making it the first major economy to put a date on shutting down polluting coal plants to curb carbon emissions."
2015-11-18,"About 24,000 Colombians filed a class action lawsuit against government agencies after a study revealed the residents in the outskirts of Medelln have been drinking water contaminated with feces for more than 20 years."
2015-11-18,ISIS says it smuggled bomb onto Russian plane after finding security loophole - shows photo of improvised Russian plane bomb.
2015-11-18,Nigerian Soldiers Arrest Boko Haram Kingpin and Destroy IED Factory
2015-11-18,"Paris Plans Defiant Night of Food, Drink and Cafe Life in Wake of Attacks"
2015-11-18,"All 129 victims of the Paris attacks have been identified, a French government spokesman says"
2015-11-18,Japanese whalers fined $1 million by Australian court
2015-11-18,Man in Joker Mask Vows to Kill 'One Arab a Week' Across Quebec
2015-11-18,Boko Haram overtakes Isis as world's deadliest terror organisation
2015-11-18,Putin Says France Now Ally in Syria as Russia Steps Up Strikes
2015-11-18,India's Largest Muslim Organisation To Lead Protests Across The Country Against ISIS
2015-11-17,"The Dalai Lama on terrorist attacks: ""We cannot solve this problem only through prayers. ... I believe in praying. But humans have created this problem, and now we are asking God to solve it. It is illogical. So let us work for peace ... and not expect help from God, Buddha or the governments."""
2015-11-17,Justin Trudeau has officially ordered Canada's Justice Minister to start the weed legalization process
2015-11-17,Anonymous identified 900 ISIS-related Twitter accounts and now they've been suspended
2015-11-17,Video showing 'London Muslims celebrating terror attacks' is fake. The footage actually shows British Pakistanis celebrating a cricket victory in 2009.
2015-11-17,"World leaders have taken to calling ISIS Daesh, a word the Islamic State hates."
2015-11-17,"Russia's security chief says a ""terror act"" brought down Russian plane in Egypt killing all 224 people on board"
2015-11-17,"Anonymous takes down 5,500 ISIS Twitter accounts"
2015-11-17,Three syrians arrested in St. Marteen airport with false greek passports
2015-11-17,Russia launches cruise missiles at ISIS targets in Syria
2015-11-17,"All of the attackers from Fridays massacre in Paris so far have been identified as European Union nationals, according to a top EU official. The announcement further casts doubt on the validity of a Syrian passport found near the bodies of a slain attacker."
2015-11-17,Russian Warplanes Destroy 140 Terrorist Targets in Syria
2015-11-17,"Charlie Hebdos post-Paris cover: 'Fuck their weapons, we have Champagne'"
2015-11-17,President Hollande calls for laws that give authorities the ability to strip French born terrorists of their citizenship
2015-11-17,"After ISIS Paris Attack, Saudi Arabia's King Salman Donates $110M For International Anti-Terrorism Center"
2015-11-17,Hollande calls for U.S. and Russia to join France and fight this terrorist army in a single coalition
2015-11-17,Pregnant Woman Dangling From A Paris Window During Attacks Is Safe
2015-11-17,Russia offers $50 million reward for help detaining Egypt plane bombers: TASS
2015-11-17,"Assad is Not the Enemy of France, ISIS is - Hollande"
2015-11-17,"German police arrest two women, one man in operation linked to Paris attacks"
2015-11-17,US approves $1.29 bn sale of bombs to Saudi Arabia
2015-11-17,Five rescued in Tanzania after 41 days trapped in gold mine
2015-11-17,Spain Issues Arrest Warrants for Netanyahu and Senior Israeli Officials
2015-11-17,"Syrian refugees should be trained into an army to fight Isis, Poland's foreign minister says"
2015-11-17,Stocks of the leading weapons manufacturers have soared following Paris Attacks
2015-11-17,Anti-migrant mood deepens in Central Europe after Paris
2015-11-16,France Drops 20 Bombs On IS Stronghold Raqqa
2015-11-16,"French Interior Minister: We will start the ""dissolution of mosques where hate is preached."""
2015-11-16,"French police are using new powers under the state of emergency to question people in the ""radical jihadist movement"". Over 150 searches executed, multiple arrests, and a rocket launcher discovered."
2015-11-16,"Putin: ISIS financed from 40 countries, including G20 members"
2015-11-16,Same-sex marriage is now legal in Republic of Ireland
2015-11-16,ISIS executes 73 of its own militants for fleeing battle
2015-11-16,Anonymous declares war on ISIS
2015-11-16,G20: Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin agree to Syrian-led transition
2015-11-16,"France ""is at war"" after Friday's attacks on Paris, President Francois Hollande tells the national assembly."
2015-11-16,"Sikh man wrongly depicted as Paris attacker, faces online fury"
2015-11-16,"Syrian Refugee Puts Paris Attacks Into Perspective In One Simple Sentence - Whats happening to them is happening every day in Syria, 100 times per day for five years, so we know what that means, he said."
2015-11-16,The world's largest nuclear fusion reactor is about to switch on
2015-11-16,Bataclan attackers corralled wheelchair spectators on the first floor balcony and shot them each individually
2015-11-16,"Have you seen this man? Police hunt Salah Abdeslam, suspected to have taken part in the Paris terror attacks."
2015-11-16,Turkish ban on Reddit has been lifted
2015-11-16,Obama rules out putting U.S. troops on the ground to fight Islamic State
2015-11-16,Canadian mosque deliberately set on fire last night according to police
2015-11-16,U.S. warplanes strike hundreds of ISIS oil trucks in Syria
2015-11-16,Polish minister says Syrians can return to fight and 'liberate' homeland
2015-11-16,"Egyptian pyramids illuminated with the colors of the Russian and French flags, in a show of solidarity with Moscow and Paris"
2015-11-16,Islamic State vows to 'strike America at its center in Washington' in new video
2015-11-16,Troops find bodies of 78 elderly women in Islamic State mass grave
2015-11-16,6 days before the Paris attacks - ISIS commanders evacuated headquarters in Raqqa.
2015-11-16,Turkey says notified France twice about Paris attacker -senior official
2015-11-16,Japan's economy falls back into recession again
2015-11-15,U.S. Kills Leader of ISIS in Libya
2015-11-15,Syrian passports found at Paris attacks scene fakes made in Turkey
2015-11-15,ISIS: We'll hit Russia 'very soon'
2015-11-15,"The Turkish government has officially blocked access to Reddit. Users first reported last night that they were unable to access the social media site, and as of Saturday the ban still appears to be in effect. It's not clear how long the block will remain in effect."
2015-11-15,Eagles of Death Metal Merch Manager Nick Alexander Killed in Paris Attack
2015-11-15,Paris Attacker With Explosive Vest Was Blocked From Entering Paris Soccer Stadium
2015-11-15,The German National Team Slept In The Stade de France Stadium Last Night After The Paris Attacks - France players also slept in the stadium as a gesture of camaraderie
2015-11-15,Mass grave of Yazidi women killed by 'IS' found in Iraq: Iraqi Kurdish forces have discovered a mass grave containing the bodies of women who were executed by the 'Islamic State' (IS). The UN has described the brutal campaign against the Yazidi minority as a possible genocide
2015-11-15,Several Kalashnikovs have been found in an abandoned car believed to have been used by some of the Paris attackers
2015-11-15,"Hezbollah Leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah condemns the Paris and Beirut attacks on innocent civilians, vows severe retaliation against ISIS"
2015-11-15,"Suspected ISIS Terrorist Blows Himself Up in Turkey, 4 Cops Injured: Reports"
2015-11-15,"A father's split-second heroism saved countless lives in another terror attack, in Beirut"
2015-11-15,Schools' religious assemblies 'should be scrapped'
2015-11-15,Muslim security guard prevented bomber from entering Stade de France saving thousands of lives
2015-11-15,"Lebanon arrests five Syrians, one Palestinian suspect in Beirut bombings: security source"
2015-11-15,Official says 7 people detained in Belgium are linked to Paris attacks
2015-11-15,"South Korea police clash with 70,000 protesters at anti-government Seoul rally"
2015-11-15,250 ISIS militants killed and headquarters destroyed in Albu Hayat of Iraq
2015-11-15,"Iran president says Paris attacks are ""crimes against humanity"""
2015-11-15,Police Arrest Members Of Paris Attacker's Family
2015-11-15,Sikh Gurdwaras in Paris opened their doors for refuge the night of the Paris attacks
2015-11-15,Dutch PM: Netherlands Is in State of War with IS
2015-11-15,[Paris attacks] Bataclan survivor Isobel Bowdery has written down her account of Friday night's massacre. She pretended to be dead for over an hour to not get shot.
2015-11-15,Paris attacks: severed finger found at Bataclan theatre identifies attacker | Omar Ismal Mostefai has been named in France as one of the attackers with a number of others now being identified through documents
2015-11-15,Islamist militants behead Tunisian 16-year-old shepherd accused of spying for the army and send his head to his family
2015-11-14,'Shootings' reported in central Paris: Reports of shooting and casualties in central Paris
2015-11-14,Paris attacks were 'act of war by IS'
2015-11-14,Death tolls reach 158 in Paris.
2015-11-14,Poland says cannot accept migrants under EU quotas after Paris attacks
2015-11-14,China's Xi says willing to join France in combating terrorism
2015-11-14,Obama says U.S. stands ready to aid France after attack
2015-11-14,Man arrested in Germany linked to Paris attacks
2015-11-14,"Magnitude 7.0 earthquake hits off the coast of Japan, tsunami warnings issued"
2015-11-14,France Closing Borders
2015-11-14,"The Islamic State claimed responsibility on Saturday for the catastrophic attacks in the French capital, calling them the first of the storm and mocking France as a capital of prostitution and obscenity"""
2015-11-14,"Muslims all over the world condemn terrorism, express solidarity with French"
2015-11-14,Colombia to legalize commercial sale of medical marijuana
2015-11-14,"Fury as Turkey axes raki festival amid alcohol crackdown: Event celebrating national drink scrapped after complaints by Islamic groups, sparking outrage among secular Turks"
2015-11-14,Iran's Rouhani brands Paris attacks 'crimes against humanity'
2015-11-14,'Five dead' as French trail derails
2015-11-14,Day of mourning in Lebanon after deadly Beirut bombings | A national day of mourning was held Friday after two suicide bombers on motorcycles killed at least 43 people and wounded more than 200 others in a predominantly Shia area of southern Beirut.
2015-11-14,People are queuing in the streets of Paris to give blood after deadly attacks
2015-11-14,Gatwick Airport North Terminal evacuated after security alert
2015-11-14,Colombia to legalize commercial sale of medical marijuana
2015-11-14,Victims of slavery on salt farms in South Korea claim police and official negligence prolonged their ordeal.
2015-11-14,Paris changes everything on refugees: Bavaria
2015-11-14,"French President Hollande declares state of emergency for all of France, closes borders, says several dozen killed"
2015-11-14,"Frustrated European officials alerted the US to Volkswagen's emissions cheating scam after the European Commission failed to act on the intel for years, German media reported on Friday."
2015-11-14,"German Chancellor Angela Merkel was on the defensive Friday saying she would stick to her open-arms policy approach, Reuters reported. Merkel vowed to fight for her vision of how to deal with the refugee crisis as resources are stretched thin and a Europe-wide solution is still being debated"
2015-11-14,Josh Homme's band Eagles of Death Metal escape off stage before 100 killed in Paris concert hall.
2015-11-13,"Brazil Seeks To Copy U.S. Gun Culture ""to allow embattled citizens the right to defend themselves from criminals"""
2015-11-13,US officials confirm Jihadi John is dead
2015-11-13,"Homeopathy 'could be blacklisted' - Ministers are considering whether homeopathy should be put on a blacklist of treatments GPs in England are banned from prescribing, the BBC has learned."
2015-11-13,Dubai Is Giving Its Firefighters Jetpacks To Use During Skyscraper Fires
2015-11-13,Lost ancient island found in the Aegean: A lost island where the ancient city of Kane was located has been found by geo-archaeologists in the Aegean province of zmirs Dikili district. The island was mentioned in ancient sources.
2015-11-13,"At least four people were killed and 40 wounded in two suicide explosions in a busy area in Beirut's southern suburb, a stronghold of Lebanese Hezbollah, on Thursday, a medical official said."
2015-11-13,Ukraine Just Passed Protections For LGBT Employees
2015-11-13,"""Jihadi John"" of ISIS targeted in American drone strike; officials working to confirm whether or not the British militant who beheaded hostages is dead."
2015-11-13,UK NHS Considers Rule Banning Doctors From Prescribing Homeopathy
2015-11-13,"Russians are to see a new banknote commemorating Moscow's annexation of Crimea from Ukraine, in what could appear to be an act of defiance against world opinion."
2015-11-13,People Come to Sleep and Die in Hong Kongs 24-Hour McDonalds
2015-11-13,Largest-ever dark-matter experiment poised to test popular theory
2015-11-13,Facebook says governments demanding more and more user data
2015-11-13,"Peshmerga forces wrest Sinjar from ISIL, raise Kurdish flag in town"
2015-11-13,Protesters carrying coffin of beheaded Hazara girl storm Afghan presidential palace
2015-11-13,Brazil dam burst: at least 15 feared dead after disaster at BHP-owned mine. 300k with no drinking water.
2015-11-13,G20 Countries Spend $452 Billion a Year Propping Up Fossil Fuel Companies
2015-11-13,Russia's economy keeps getting smaller
2015-11-13,"200,000 Refugees Enter Slovenia As Authorities Warn Of Humanitarian Crisis"
2015-11-13,EU council president Donald Tusk says the EUs open border system could be about to collapse
2015-11-13,"Hundreds of workers at a Hong Kong-owned toy factory in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen have been protesting since last week after the owner ""disappeared,"" leaving their wages unpaid."
2015-11-13,"Indonesia's national narcotics chief wants to build an island prison for death row inmates surrounded by crocodiles, tigers and piranhas"
2015-11-13,"Myanmar's army is backing militias that make a fortune off of meth Myanmar is now soaking up international praise for holding elections that could end decades of tyranny. All the while, its government is quietly fueling the meth trade."
2015-11-13,Jailed Saudi blogger's wife says he's not well
2015-11-13,Scientists say Greenland just opened up a major new floodgate of ice into the ocean
2015-11-12,"UK becomes only G7 country to increase fossil fuel subsidies - Tory government is giving billions in ever increasing handouts to oil and gas majors at the same time as cutting support for clean energy, report reveals"
2015-11-12,"Vladimir Putin has ordered an investigation into claims the country's athletes have been part of a systematic doping program. ""The battle must be open,"" he said. ""A sporting contest is only interesting when it is honest."""
2015-11-12,"ISIS committed genocide against Iraqs Yazidis, U.S. Holocaust Museum report says"
2015-11-12,"Norway says Russian spies are ensnaring its politicians in sex traps - Norwegian authorities say that Russians are blackmailing govt workers, MPs into revealing state secrets by tricking them with duplicitous gifts like vodka and attractive women, a well-known strategy from the Cold War era."
2015-11-12,"Pacific trade deal could limit affordable drugs - World Health Chief.""If these agreements open trade yet close the door to affordable medicines we have to ask the question:is this really progress at all,"""
2015-11-12,Islamic State video threatens attacks in Russia 'very soon': site monitoring group
2015-11-12,Military Concedes Election to Aung San Suu Kyi in Myanmar
2015-11-12,Malfunction at North Korea zoo suffocates dozens of animals
2015-11-12,"Seven Italian firms probed in olive oil scam - including Bertolli, Sasso and Carapelli, are being investigated over allegations that the firms falsely sold olive oil products as extra virgin"
2015-11-12,Christians and Muslims fight to protect ancient Christian town against ISIS
2015-11-12,Russia's nuclear torpedo plan to bypass Nato missile shield revealed after broadcaster forgets to blur out secret document
2015-11-12,"Crickhowell: Welsh town moves 'offshore' to avoid tax on local businesses, using the loopholes used by multinational giants to avoid paying UK tax"
2015-11-12,Underwater Vertical Seaweed Farm Restores Our Oceans While Providing Food and Fuel Source
2015-11-12,Female Genital Mutilation: mother and retired nurse guilty of mutilating two sisters in Australia's first prosecution
2015-11-12,David Cameron complains about constituency cuts caused by his own policies in leaked letter.
2015-11-12,Sweden to introduce temporary border controls
2015-11-12,New Research Shows Electric Cars 50 Percent Cleaner Compared to Gasoline Over Their Lifetime
2015-11-12,Montreal's Massive Dump (of Raw Sewage into St. Lawrence) Begins
2015-11-12,"A small eel photographed by accident on a Caribbean coral reef is the first green fluorescent fish ever recorded, a new study says"
2015-11-12,"Johannesburg, South Africa's largest city and economic hub, on Monday imposed emergency water restrictions as supplies deteriorated due to a drought, the worst to ravage the country in three decades."
2015-11-12,"Two relatives of the wife of President Nicols Maduro of Venezuela have been arrested on United States federal drug charges in Haiti and are expected to appear in court in Manhattan on Thursday, a person with knowledge of the case said on Wednesday night."
2015-11-12,"India could push world into climate change danger zone, warn scientists"
2015-11-12,"According to the UN, over 50 million people could move from the desertified areas of sub-Saharan Africa towards North Africa and Europe by 2020."
2015-11-12,Video Shows Mexico Police Violently Attacking Teacher Students
2015-11-12,"The European Union Will Now Explicitly Label Israeli Settlement Goods | EU today approved new guidelines for labelling products from Israeli settlements on occupied land, a move Brussels says is technical but Israel branded ""discriminatory"" and damaging to peace efforts with the Palestinians"
2015-11-11,"What the Internet hates about the TPP trade deal: After years of warning that the secretive TPP would be devastating for Internet freedom, intellectual property experts have finally gotten to look at the final draft of the proposed treaty. And they say its as bad as they feared"
2015-11-11,"Charles Darwins On the Origin of Species has been voted the most influential academic book ever written, hailed as the supreme demonstration of why academic books matter and a book which has changed the way we think about everything."
2015-11-11,France wont dine with Iran unless wine is served
2015-11-11,Germany to start using the dublin regulation again - syrians will be sent back to the country they initially arrived in
2015-11-11,"Interns protest at the UN to get paid, but Security breaks it up and tells reporters to delete their photographs"
2015-11-11,Two countries get 75% of all U.S. spending on foreign military aid
2015-11-11,Pope urges Catholic church to disavow conservatism and fundamentalism
2015-11-11,"Scientists confirm their fears about West Antarctica that its inherently unstable ""The result of this study is an ifthen statement, saying that if the Amundsen Sea Sector is destabilized, then the entire marine part of West Antarctica will be discharged into the ocean."
2015-11-11,Facebook faces fines of $268K per day for tracking non-users in Belgium
2015-11-11,Germany's refugee bill to top $22 billion
2015-11-11,Ethnic British Minorities more likely to go to university than their White British peers
2015-11-11,"Thousands of Afghan women joined a protest march in the streets of Kabul on Wednesday morning, in one of the biggest demonstrations of the past 15 years"
2015-11-11,EU Moves To Label Products From Israeli Settlements
2015-11-11,An entire town in the UK has moved 'offshore' to avoid tax on local business
2015-11-11,Canada's Miss World entry claims China is trying to block her from final
2015-11-11,"Britain loses top energy rating after green policy U-turns: UK downgraded from AAA to AAB in World Energy Councils trilemma index, after Conservatives scrapped onshore wind subsidies and cut solar subsidies."
2015-11-11,Poland to sue Russia over withholding 2010 plane crash wreckage
2015-11-11,"El Nio, one of three strongest recorded, brings high drought risk for Australia"
2015-11-11,"Worlds most elusive shark found & tagged for 1st time - Lurking in murky tropical rivers, no live adults had ever been seen before. The speartooth sharks (Glyphis glyphis) tagged & released. Tags will beam back data to satellites in 2 months, revealing details about the endangered species."
2015-11-11,"There's a Long-Lost Paleo-River Beneath the Sahara Desert Nobody Knew Existed - As if the Sahara wasnt mystical enough, now it has hidden river systems."
2015-11-11,Netanyahu asks Obama for $50b in military aid
2015-11-11,27 pupils collapse at North Yorkshire school
2015-11-11,Thailand mystery: 2 detainees suspected of insulting monarchy die in custody
2015-11-11,"Carbon emissions fall in 11 of G20 members, in turning point | per capita carbon emissions over the five years to 2012 was down in Australia, the United States, Canada, Japan, Germany, Britain, the European Union, South Africa, Italy, France and Mexico."
2015-11-11,"Man declared dead after 20 years missing, found alive living in Tuscan nature reserve"
2015-11-10,"Belgium Tells Facebook to Stop Storing Data From Non-Users - Facebook faces a fine of 250,000 euros ($269,000) a day if it doesnt comply"
2015-11-10,Indonesia is planning to build a prison island guarded by meat-hungry crocodiles for drug convicts. The reason for using the deadly reptiles as prison guards is that crocodiles cannot be bribed unlike human guards.
2015-11-10,Turkey's only atheist group launches petition to stop automatically registering all babies as Muslim
2015-11-10,"Helmut Schmidt, former West German chancellor, dies aged 96"
2015-11-10,"Former Calgary judge investigated for comments made to alleged sex assault victim - Camp asked the complainant during trial, such as: Why didnt you just sink your bottom down into the basin so he couldnt penetrate you? and Why couldnt you just keep your knees together?"
2015-11-10,"Chevron Australia's US parent company paid income tax of only $248 last year despite earning an estimated $1.73 billion profit on interest charges to its Gorgon LNG development, documents filed with the Senate inquiry into corporate tax avoidance show."
2015-11-10,A Moroccan actor who starred in a controversial film about sex workers says she has fled the North African nation for France after being savagely beaten.
2015-11-10,China recently conducted a flight test of a new missile capable of knocking out U.S. satellites as part of Beijings growing space warfare arsenal
2015-11-10,"Nothing can compete with renewable energy, says top climate scientist | ""This is not sheer optimism it is based on analysis of how incumbent systems implode."
2015-11-10,U.N. officials claim that 13% of Japanese girls engage in compensated dating angers government
2015-11-10,Former British soldier arrested over 1972 Bloody Sunday shootings
2015-11-10,"Crimes against the environment such as illegal deforestation, wildlife trafficking and toxic waste dumping now bring in as much as $213 billion a year, but Interpol officials say the problem is not getting enough attention."
2015-11-10,Russia hits back at ISIS by destroying 448 targets in just three days
2015-11-10,Two possible ice volcanoes have been identified on the surface of Pluto.
2015-11-10,"Four Months after Pluto Flyby, NASAs New Horizons Yields Wealth of Discovery"
2015-11-10,Sicily police arrest convicted terrorist Ben Nasr Mehdi who entered Italy on migrant boat
2015-11-10,Karzai calls al-Qaida a 'myth' and denies 9/11 attacks were plotted in Afghanistan
2015-11-10,China decries Shenyang pollution called 'worst ever' by activists
2015-11-10,Toxic fumes from the Indonesian fires have spread a choking haze across Southeast Asia; scientists warn of health damage
2015-11-10,Myanmar ruling party concedes defeat as Suu Kyi's party heads for big win
2015-11-10,"China's Dirty Air Just Hit 'Doomsday' Levels | The amount of dangerous, small-particle air pollution in Shenyang was more than 50 times what the World Health Organization says is safe for humans."
2015-11-10,More misery ahead for Greeks as economy set to shrink again
2015-11-10,"Israel: Netanyahu government approves 2,200 new settlement homes amid rising violence"
2015-11-10,6 Ethiopians Burned to Death in Latest South Africa Xenophobic Attacks
2015-11-10,"UK surveillance bill could bring 'very dire consequences', warns Apple chief | Any back door is a back door for everyone, says Tim Cook of proposals to allow authorities to track citizens internet use without requiring warrant"
2015-11-09,Catalan parliament votes to secede from Spain by 2017
2015-11-09,TPP deal worst thing that Harper government has done for Canada: Balsillie
2015-11-09,Turkish Atheism Association starts petition calling for 'equal treatment': Group calls for the removal of the automatic registration of Turkish children as Muslim at birth
2015-11-09,"World Anti-Doping Agency says Russia 'sabotaged' London Olympics, Recommends Bans"
2015-11-09,Thousands of unopened letters dating to the 17th century where hoarded away by a postmaster and only recently discovered by academics hoping to shed light on the period of history
2015-11-09,A new Taliban breakaway group claims support for peace and womens rights
2015-11-09,Myanmar elections: ruling party concedes defeat to Aung San Suu Kyi
2015-11-09,World Bank warns climate change could add 100 million poor by 2030
2015-11-09,"Villagers attack orangutan mother and baby trying to escape forest fires in Borneo: To escape the out-of-control forest fires burning in Borneo, an orangutan with baby by her side attempted to take refuge in a village only to be attacked by frightened villagers, an animal rights group reported"
2015-11-09,"Rangers in Congo's Garamba park fight, die in skirmishes with heavily armed elephant poachers"
2015-11-09,"'Life on planet at stake', France warns as climate ministers meet"
2015-11-09,A court in Saudi Arabia has sentenced three young men to 75 days in jail and to 50 lashes after they were found guilty of harassing two girls in public
2015-11-09,CNN: Israeli Intel led to bomb conclusion for Sinai crash
2015-11-09,Saudi Arabia will not stop pumping to boost oil prices
2015-11-09,"English signs must be taken down in Gasp hospitals, language watchdog rules"
2015-11-09,Newly declassified documents reveal just how extremely close USA and Russia were to atomic attacks during the Cold War [Nov 1st]
2015-11-09,Paralympian 'dragged self' from Qatar Airways flight
2015-11-09,"Chinese spies try to hack Australian submarine bidders plans in Japan, France and Germany"
2015-11-09,"A dam holding back waste water from an iron ore mine in Brazil that is owned by Vale and BHP Billiton burst on Thursday, devastating a nearby town with mudslides and leaving officials in the remote region scrambling to assess casualties"
2015-11-09,"Germany's capacity to take in refugees is limited, Schaeuble says"
2015-11-09,Warming set to breach 1C threshold
2015-11-09,"Canadian Doctor At Sunnybrook In Toronto First In World To Break Blood-Brain Barrier, Successfully Treat Brain Tumor"
2015-11-09,"Israel, US to initiate huge arms deal"
2015-11-09,Australia Deploys Sheepdogs to Save a Penguin Colony
2015-11-09,Australia Tries to Halt Unrest at Immigration Detention Camp
2015-11-08,A new report suggests that the marriage of AI and robotics could replace so many jobs that the era of mass employment could come to an end
2015-11-08,Muslims are dangerous: Myanmar Buddhist monks threaten democracy with support for anti-Muslim laws
2015-11-08,France lifts ban on gay men as blood donors -
2015-11-08,India sues the Queen for return of 'stolen' 100m Koh-i-Noor diamond
2015-11-08,Pakistani college hires transgender staff in an effort to promote acceptance
2015-11-08,Peru is creating a national park to protect a vast territory in the Amazon basin that is vulnerable to drug trafficking and illegal logging and mining
2015-11-08,"VW engineers have admitted manipulating CO2 emissions data -- ""VW engineers tampered with tyre pressure and mixed diesel with their motor oil to make them use less fuel, a deception that began in 2013 and carried on until the spring of this year"""
2015-11-08,First women to stand for election in Saudi Arabia
2015-11-08,"""Germany 'systematically spied' on own allies on grand scale"""
2015-11-08,"Russia has returned 11,000 of its tourists from Egypt in the last 24 hours in response to the plane crash in the Sinai Peninsula a week ago, RIA news agency said on Sunday, but tens of thousands more are waiting for flights home."
2015-11-08,'Nazi gold train' investigators start excavating site in Poland
2015-11-08,U.S. official: '99.9% certain' bomb felled Metrojet flight
2015-11-08,"A report into claims of doping cover-ups, extortion and money-laundering in athletics will show ""a whole different scale of corruption"" even compared to FIFA"
2015-11-08,"Thousands march in Berlin anti-refugee demo: Some 5,000 supporters of the right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) have protested in Berlin against Germany's refugee policy. The demonstrators called for Chancellor Angela Merkel to step down"
2015-11-08,South African president says political party comes before country...
2015-11-08,"Volkswagen (VOWG_p.DE) managers are worried about traveling to the United States, a German newspaper reported on Saturday, saying U.S. investigators have confiscated the passport of an employee who is there on a visit."
2015-11-08,"Day Before Deadly Bombing, U.S. Official Asked if Any Taliban Were Holed Up At MSF Hospital | A report released today by the medical aid group Doctors Without Borders says a U.S. gunship killed doctors and medical staff as they fled from a burning hospital"
2015-11-08,"The Moment This Orangutan Knew She And Her Baby Would Be OK: Volunteers recently came to the rescue of a desperate orangutan and her baby victims not only of the blaze, but of human cruelty as well"
2015-11-08,Iraqi Army Killed Over 900 ISIS Terrorists During the Liberation of Baiji
2015-11-08,Russia sending 44 planes to Egypt to repatriate tourists
2015-11-08,Street celebrations as Sierra Leone declared Ebola-free
2015-11-08,New Zealand Spy Watchdog Investigating Countrys Ties to CIA Torture
2015-11-08,"Sharm el-Sheikh airport officials reveal porous security; faulty scanner, bribes for guards"
2015-11-08,"More than 50 people were killed in Yemen in the past two days in fighting pitting an Arab coalition against Houthi fighters backed by troops loyal to former president Ali Abdullah Saleh, medical sources and residents said on Sunday."
2015-11-08,Chemical weapons watchdog believes Syrian insurgents used mustard gas
2015-11-07,Sierra Leone has been declared officially Ebola free.
2015-11-07,"Muzzled Canadian scientists now free to speak with media: ""For years, scientists who worked for the federal government were silenced by strict rules that made them seek departmental approval before speaking to the press."""
2015-11-07,"Obama rejects Keystone XL project, citing climate concerns"
2015-11-07,Russian plane crash black box 'confirms bomb explosion brought down jet'
2015-11-07,UK government says fast broadband is a fundamental right like water or power and pledges all businesses and households will have it by 2020
2015-11-07,Illegally planted palm oil already growing on burnt land in Indonesia
2015-11-07,"China emits nearly 1 billion tonnes more CO2 a year than it discloses, report claims"
2015-11-07,Presidents of China and Taiwan Shake Hands in First Ever Meeting
2015-11-07,"Satellite pictures of a remote and treeless northern steppe reveal colossal earthworks recognizable only from the air and the oldest estimated at 8,000 years old."
2015-11-07,Anti-capitalism rising in UK as Million Mask March spurs violence in London
2015-11-07,"Mikhail Lesin, Putin associate and creator of Russia Today (, found dead in D.C. hotel room."
2015-11-07,LDS church bans children of same-sex marriages from membership.
2015-11-07,"An underwater vessel containing undetonated explosives has been found near the Russian underwater gas pipeline Nord Stream, just off the Swedish coast."
2015-11-07,India orders Greenpeace to shut down over fraud
2015-11-07,"A plane carrying British holidaymakers to Sharm el-Sheikh came within 300 metres (1,000ft) of a missile as it neared the Egyptian airport in August, the government has confirmed."
2015-11-07,"Britain, U.S. intercepted 'chatter' supporting theory bomb took down Russian jet - officials"
2015-11-07,Iranian President Criticizes Iran's Free Speech Crackdown
2015-11-07,Attacks on refugees in Germany double in three months
2015-11-07,Infrared Scans Show Possible Hidden Chamber in King Tuts Tomb
2015-11-07,UAE told UK: crack down on Muslim Brotherhood or lose arms deals. Files reveal plans for crown prince to demand David Cameron act against Islamist group in return for BAE Systems and BP deals.
2015-11-07,"NATO Was 'Praying' for MSF as the US Attacked Its Hospital in Kunduz | Doctors Without Borders reveals that, while US airstrikes were killing patients in an Afghan hospital, the alliance was being warned via text that it was hitting civilians -- and that it replied with prayers"
2015-11-07,25 minutes to escape: Brazilian village destroyed in dam deluge
2015-11-07,Russian plane crash: French 'rule out technical failure'
2015-11-07,Greenpeace India Says It Has Been Ordered to Dissolve.
2015-11-07,UK Set to Ban Internet Companies from Providing Total Encryption to Its Users
2015-11-06,Mexicos Supreme Court rules that smoking pot is a fundamental human right
2015-11-06,"The United States takes offense at comments by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's new communications director accusing President Barack Obama of anti-Semitism and suggesting that Secretary of State John Kerry had the mental abilities of a 12-year-old, the State Department said"
2015-11-06,Maldives impeaches its Vice President by 61-0 vote for plotting to kill its President
2015-11-06,"""We got Pizza and Wings"" Interactions between rival US and Chinese navies are now so frequent in the South China sea that crews have begun to share weekend stories and plans for the holidays."
2015-11-06,Putin suspends Russian flights to Egypt after Sinai plane crash
2015-11-06,NASA just announced key findings that explain how extreme climate change transformed Mars into a lifeless desert
2015-11-06,"Members of the UK parliament could be forced to debate a vote of no confidence in David Cameron, after a petition passed 100,000 signatures"
2015-11-06,Uber in Egypt to teach drivers how not to sexually harass women
2015-11-06,"Coal not so 'amazing', public say, as mining industry advertising backfires - New polling suggests the net approval rating for coal among Australians fell by 9% during the course of Little Black Rock advertising campaign"
2015-11-06,McDonald's French Fries Now Selling for $133 in Venezuela
2015-11-06,"'Designer cells' reverse one-year-old's cancer - The first person in the world to receive a pioneering genetic therapy has had her cancer reversed, say Great Ormond Street doctors."
2015-11-06,"Protonmail (encrypted email service provider) under sophisticated DDOS attack, official statement suggests state-sponsored actors."
2015-11-06,"A chemical that could potentially be used in eye drops to reverse cataracts, the leading cause of blindness, has been identified by a team of scientists."
2015-11-06,British intelligence has uncovered evidence suggesting the Russian airliner was blown up by an onboard bomb
2015-11-06,"Unnoticed mining waste dam collapse in Brazil: operated by BHP and Vale accident caused at least 15 deads, 500 people lost their houses and the environment is expected to take 20-30 years to recover"
2015-11-06,China releases nearly a billion more tons of carbon dioxide annually than previously thought
2015-11-06,"US knew Afghan hospital was safe from Taliban but bombed it anyway, say MSF | Accounts from the organisation claim there was no military justification for the US air strike on 3 October that killed 30 medical staff and patients"
2015-11-06,"China opens drone schools as demand for pilots soars: It is estimated the country's maintenance, mapping, filming and agricultural industries will need more than 10,000 drone pilots this year"
2015-11-06,China overtakes Canada as largest trade-partner of US | Business Standard News
2015-11-06,More Oil Companies Could Join Exxon Mobil as Focus of Climate Investigations
2015-11-06,Ex-JPMorgan broker pleads guilty to stealing $20 million to gamble and trade with
2015-11-06,US now sees Taliban as reconciliation partners: Pentagon
2015-11-06,"Unions, lawmakers promise closer scrutiny of Pacific trade pact - ""It's worse than we thought, Lori Wallach, director of Public Citizens Global Trade Watch"
2015-11-06,Canadian veteran John Gallagher killed in fight against ISIS.
2015-11-06,Police have used anti-terrorism powers to detain UK volunteers taking aid to Calais refugee camp | British volunteers on a humanitarian aid run to refugees in Calais were detained by police under legislation meant to be used against suspected terrorists
2015-11-05,Full text of the TPP has just been released.
2015-11-05,Child born out of rape has inheritance rights on assaulter's property rules Indian High Court
2015-11-05,Man Dies After Tapeworm Inside Him Gets Cancer - This is the first known report of a person becoming sick from cancer cells that developed in a parasite.
2015-11-05,Kim Dotcom is building his own fully encrypted internet -- a non-IP based internet called MegaNet.
2015-11-05,"Canada's new prime minister, Justin Trudeau, took office on 4 November and as one of his first acts, created the post of Minister of Science. Canadian election brings hope for science Kirsty Duncan, a medical geographer at the University of Toronto, will be the first to hold the job."
2015-11-05,Iranian actress who posted photos online not wearing a hijab forced to flee country
2015-11-05,Mexican Supreme Court has opened the door to legalizing Marijuana use
2015-11-05,"Climate change missing from full Trans-Pacific Partnership text, confirming the ""worst nightmares"" of environmental groups"
2015-11-05,U.S. intelligence: Bomb likely brought down plane
2015-11-05,"Doctors Without Borders Staff Shot While Fleeing Kunduz Hospital, Report Finds"
2015-11-05,"Iraqi, Turkish businessmen directly involved in funding $2B to ISIS by buying oil."
2015-11-05,"MI5 secretly collected Britons' data for 'more than a decade,' Theresa May says"
2015-11-05,"Thousands of protesters are expected to take to the streets today in over 670 cities across the world wearing Guy Fawkes masks, as part of the anti-establishment Million Mask March."
2015-11-05,Saudi hand-chopping incident: No exit visa for Indian maid if 'assault' is mentioned
2015-11-05,The Mexican Supreme court ruled Wednesday that individuals should have the right to grow and distribute marijuana for their personal use.
2015-11-05,"Irish Government To Decriminalize Heroin, Cocaine, And Marijuana"
2015-11-05,Canada's new PM Justin Trudeau appointed the most diverse and gender-equal cabinet in history
2015-11-05,Greek refugee island running out of space to bury the dead
2015-11-05,Sharm el-Sheikh flights to UK delayed amid bomb fears
2015-11-05,Cause of Russian plane crash looking like explosion- source close to investigation
2015-11-05,Erdogan demands Turkish constitution change to gain sweeping powers
2015-11-05,Colombia court rules same-sex couples must be allowed to adopt children.
2015-11-05,India-born former soldier sworn in as Canada's new defense minister
2015-11-05,US officials: Israel requesting $5 billion in annual defense aid
2015-11-05,"The Communist government in Vietnam has agreed to American terms to grant potentially far-reaching labor rights to the countrys workers, including the freedom to unionize and to strike, in return for expanded trade between the former adversaries."
2015-11-04,NASA set to announce another big finding on Mars this Thursday.
2015-11-04,Rupert Murdoch recently acquired National Geographic and has just laid off 10% of the staff.
2015-11-04,Cuba achieved food security without destroying its environment and the rest of the world has taken notice: Cuba is presenting several of its original biotechnologies at an international business fair this week.
2015-11-04,41 dead as Russian plane crash lands in South Sudan reports
2015-11-04,Add Porsche To The List Of Cars Involved In VWs Massive Emissions Cheating Scandal
2015-11-04,Justin Trudeau sworn in as new Canadian Prime Minister
2015-11-04,"2,000-year-old Maccabean-era fortress unearthed in Jerusalem after century-long search | One of the 'great archaeological riddles in the history of Jerusalem' is solved"
2015-11-04,"China Burns Much More Coal Than Reported, Complicating Climate Talks - China has been using up to 17% more coal a yr than reported. By some estimates, that means almost a billion more tons of carbon dioxide released annually."
2015-11-04,Romania's PM Ponta to resign after mass protests - ruling party
2015-11-04,China offers free higher education to poor students: Says by 2020 it will provide free senior high education to all students in the country
2015-11-04,Zimbabwe journalists arrested for linking police with elephant poisonings - Amnesty condemns shocking attempt to threaten freedom of the press as trio from state-run Sunday Mail face slander charge
2015-11-04,Secret Wife Of Saudi King Awarded $40m By UK Court
2015-11-04,"The worlds only wild orangutansalready besieged by logging, hunting, pet trading and the steady expansion of palm-oil plantationsare now threatened by forest fires that have burned for months on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra in southeast Asia."
2015-11-04,"Trial of former HSBC banker Herve Falciani, the 'Snowden of tax evasion,' starts in Switzerland | The trial has begun in Switzerland of banker Herve Falciani, whose leaks helped uncover the HSBC tax evasion scandal. The French-Italian national is accused of financial espionage, among other charges"
2015-11-04,"Sunken Ruins of Alexandria Set to Become Worlds First Underwater Museum - the associated 270,000 square foot area of Alexandria Bay includes the Lighthouse of Alexandria, one of the seven ancient wonders of the world"
2015-11-04,Syrian Army recaptures key oilfield from ISIS
2015-11-04,UK- Scotland Yard is to deploy thousands of extra police officers and impose tough public order restrictions over fears that a Bonfire night protest in London against austerity and increased state surveillance will turn violent.
2015-11-04,"Proposed UK surveillance laws sates internet firms must store details of all ""internet connection records"" for 12 months. After government dropped plans to store everyone's browsing history."
2015-11-04,"25,000 people protest in Bucharest against corruption"
2015-11-04,"Volkswagen says 800,000 cars may have false CO2 levels"
2015-11-04,"A 'huge milestone': approval of cancer-hunting virus signals new treatment era - Treatments such as Imlygic have two modes of action: first, the virus directly attacks the cancer cells; and second, it triggers the bodys immune system to attack the rogue cells too"
2015-11-04,Iran Arrests U.S. Resident for Espionage; Man Had Been Invited to Tehran by Irans VP
2015-11-04,Saudi Wells Running Dry of Water Spell End of Desert Wheat.
2015-11-04,"Norway wealth fund drops 29.4bn amid market rout. The worlds largest sovereign wealth fund, which is Norwegian, has posted its biggest loss in four years, just as the government is preparing to make its first ever withdrawals to plug budget deficits"
2015-11-04,Canada ranks first in world for personal freedom and social tolerance.
2015-11-03,Airport Security in the Philippines Have Been Putting Bullets in Luggage to Extort Passengers
2015-11-03,"The Department of Defense (DoD) spent nearly $43 million to build a gas station in Afghanistan that should have cost no more than $500,000 according to a new report by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR)."
2015-11-03,NASA reveals that Antarctica is actually gaining more ice than it is losing
2015-11-03,"Lawyers without Borders findings about the Raif Badawi trial: An unfair trial, an incompetent court, a crime which is not one and a punishment that constitutes torture: Saudi Arabia has violated its own laws in addition to its international obligations."
2015-11-03,"""More than 10,000 crocodiles are starving to death on a farm in Honduras after the wealthy family owning them had their assets frozen because of US accusations they laundered money for drug traffickers."""
2015-11-03,"In a six-month period, 70% of detached homes sold in Vancouvers west side went to Mainland China buyers"
2015-11-03,"Amnesty International says oil giant Shell's claims of cleaning up spills that have destroyed the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of Nigerians are ""false"""
2015-11-03,Satellite detected heat flash at time Russian jetliner went down
2015-11-03,Iran Ayatollah: 'Death to America' Refers to US Policies
2015-11-03,"ISIS Protection Tax Found Among UK Inmates In High-Security Prisons, Report Says. Investigation uncovers scheme to make non-Muslim prisoners py a tax for their protection from radical Muslim prisoners"
2015-11-03,"Tomb Tells Tale of Family Executed by China's 1st Female Emperor - 1,300-yr-old tomb, discovered in cave, holds bones of a man who helped the only female emperor rise to power. The epitaphs describe how she then executed him & his entire family."
2015-11-03,Money Flooding Out of Canada at Fastest Pace in Developed World
2015-11-03,"Syria conflict: Russia softens support for Assad, saying it is not crucial for him to remain in power."
2015-11-03,TransCanada suspend its US permit application for the controversial Keystone XL pipeline
2015-11-03,Shopkeepers revolt has mafia on the run in its Sicilian heartland.
2015-11-03,"Vatican financial investigators suspect a department of the Holy See which oversees real estate and investments was used in the past for possible money laundering, insider trading and market manipulation"
2015-11-03,Big solar storm means chance to see Northern Lights in across most of the US and Europe
2015-11-03,Iran Says It May Quit Talks on Syria Over Saudis' Role
2015-11-03,"Espionage is fueling China's development of high-end weapons systems. China has already created prototypes that are remarkably similar to some of the US's most advanced weapons systems, such as the F-35, USNI reports."
2015-11-03,"Ecuador said Monday a World Bank arbitration panel has ordered it to pay $1 billion to US oil firm Occidental Petroleum for cancelling a contract. Occidental sued Ecuador in May 2006, after the cancellation of a contract granting it the right to extract 100,000 barrels of oil a day"
2015-11-03,VW emissions scandal widens to include Porsche claims
2015-11-03,"Guinness to pour vegan-friendly pints from 2016, after the company revealed it will remove fish guts from the brewing process."
2015-11-03,"China and France agreed Monday that an international deal to tackle climate change to be negotiated in Paris should include checks on compliance, in what visiting French President Francois Hollande called a ""historic"" step forward"
2015-11-03,Sharp increase in Golan Druze seeking Israeli citizenship as Syria war rages
2015-11-03,Black U.S. citizen Kyle Lydell Canty seeks refugee status in Canada: A U.S. citizen has argued before Canada's Immigration and Refugee Board in Vancouver that he should be granted refugee status over fears that he will be killed in his home country by police because he is black.
2015-11-02,"Ireland plans to decriminalise the possession of small amounts of drugs, including heroin, cocaine and cannabis"
2015-11-02,A Huge Fire in the Amazon Likely Caused By Illegal Loggers Threatens Thousands of Indigenous People and an Uncontacted Tribe
2015-11-02,Sweden to become worlds first fossil-fuel free nation
2015-11-02,"Pacific Islands Make Last-Ditch Plea to World Before Paris Climate Change Talks - ""Unless the world acts decisively in coming weeks, the Pacific as we know it is doomed,"" said Fijian prime minister Frank Bainimarama."
2015-11-02,'External factor' caused Sinai crash
2015-11-02,"Saudi Arabia will raise the price of water for non-residential consumers, local media reported, a sign the government is cutting back an expensive system of subsidies as low oil prices strain its finances."
2015-11-02,Flight recorders show crashed Russian jet not struck from outside: investigator
2015-11-02,Erdogan's AKP set to win majority in critical Turkey vote
2015-11-02,Details Revealed in Chilling Plot to Execute Anti-ISIS Activists in Turkey
2015-11-02,Syria rebels using caged captives as 'human shields': monitor
2015-11-02,"Singapore ranked world's healthiest country, UK fails to make top 20"
2015-11-02,"For the first time since 1948, Egypt votes for Israel at UN"
2015-11-02,At least 550 wounded in horrific market-bombing in Damascus besieged area
2015-11-02,China just unveiled its first large passenger plane
2015-11-02,"Xu Xiang, boss of China's largest local private fund has been arrested due to insider trading and market manipulation"
2015-11-02,Japan and China agree on moves to mend ties further
2015-11-02,"Iran starts taking nuclear centrifuges offline | Under the July 14 agreement, Iran is to curb its nuclear programme under United Nations supervision to ensure it cannot be used to make a nuclear weapon, in exchange for the removal of sanctions that have isolated Tehran and hobbled its economy."
2015-11-02,China Sends Armed Jets Over Disputed Waters In Response to U.S. Naval Presence
2015-11-02,"Jihad is a lot of fun, said German rapper turned ISIL pitchman. Now hes reportedly dead from air strike"
2015-11-02,Majority of Northern Ireland MLA's vote for gay marriage but motion fails for the 5th time in 3 years due to a 5th motion of concern by the DUP.
2015-11-02,Living Wage in London rising to 9.40 an hour
2015-11-02,Official: Afghanistan will accept deportees from Germany
2015-11-02,"The worlds largest and the UKs first floating offshore wind development approximately 25 kilometres off the coast of Peterhead has been granted consent, the Scottish Government has announced today."
2015-11-02,Ban Ki Moon: It is up to the Syrian people who have to decide the future of President Assad.
2015-11-02,Male rape now a crime in China
2015-11-01,"Report: UN Staff Transported 380 Pounds of Weed, Watched and Shared Child Porn, and Tried to Bring a Chainsaw onto a Plane"
2015-11-01,A man held for 14 years without being charged at Guantanamo wants an independent UK inquiry
2015-11-01,"Denmark's Prime Minister says ""I know that some people in the US associate the Nordic model with some sort of socialism, ... therefore I would like to make one thing clear. Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy"""
2015-11-01,Burger King could become the first fast food chain to sell alcohol in the UK
2015-11-01,"Germany is about to start up a monster machine that could revolutionize the way we use energy: the Max Planck Institute has completed the worlds largest nuclear fusion machine of its kind, called a stellarator"
2015-11-01,A rare intense tropical cyclone has formed in the Arabian Sea and is forecast to dump eight years of rain in about 48 hours on typically arid regions of the Arabian Peninsula.
2015-11-01,Seized Turkish Media Outlets Turn Pro-government Overnight
2015-11-01,Controversial plans to allow the police and security services full access to everyones internet browsing history have been abandoned by ministers in UK.
2015-11-01,Venezuela is running out of cash and selling its gold
2015-11-01,German frustration builds over TTIP secrecy from US: German parliamentarians are demanding access to documents that contain the US position on transatlantic trade negotiations. TTIP supporters in the US argue that Washington shouldn't lay all of its cards on the table
2015-11-01,"Muslim children should not be forced to sing national anthem, says Hizb ut-Tahrir"
2015-11-01,Co-Pilot's Wife: He Complained About Plane - Says that daughter called co-pilot of the Russian plane that crashed & he complained before the flight that the technical condition of the aircraft left much to be desired.
2015-11-01,"Scientists and nuclear experts from around the world gathered in southwestern Japan on Sunday to push for the abolition of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction, with this year marking the 70th anniversary of the U.S. atomic bombings of Japanese cities."
2015-11-01,"At least 129 refugees have been found in a refrigerated truck on the Bulgarian border with Turkey, according to a Bulgarian state news agency report. The refrigerated truck driven by a Turkish citizen attempted to enter Bulgaria at the Kapitan Andreevo border checkpoint with Turkey"
2015-11-01,Cambridge chemists make breakthrough with ultimate battery which can power a car from London to Edinburgh
2015-11-01,Saddam-style: ISIS oil exports worth $500m a year 'conducted through Turkey'
2015-11-01,Blair denies ministers were told to 'burn' Iraq war legal advice
2015-11-01,"Lufthansa, Air France avoid flying over Sinai after crash"
2015-11-01,"UN & Red Cross issue rare joint rebuke, scold world leaders over 'conflict paralysis' - Urge immediate concrete steps to ease plight of civilians in places like Afghanistan, Nigeria & Syria. 1st time they've issued a joint warning. ""Instability is spreading. Suffering is growing."""
2015-11-01,Islamic State claims video shows it blowing up Russian plane over Egypt
2015-11-01,"Sinai plane ""broke up in mid air"""
2015-11-01,Greek Banks Face $15.9 Billion Bill After Economic Debacle
2015-11-01,"Small, dim stars could still support life"
2015-11-01,U.S. pledges nearly $100 million to support Syrian opposition as anti-ISIS offensive begins
2015-11-01,"Somalia threatened by illegal fishermen after west chases away pirates | Nato came because of the piracy, but the cause of piracy is the illegal fishing, says Wais, the Eyl official. If Nato can chase away the pirates, then why not the illegal fishermen?"
2015-10-31,Russian airliner carrying more than 200 passengers missing on flight over Egypt's Sinai peninsula
2015-10-31,"At least 21 dead, 80 wounded in blast at Bucharest nightclub - BNONews"
2015-10-31,Islamic State claim responsibility for today's plane crash over Egypt
2015-10-31,publisher of secular books hacked to death in Bangladesh
2015-10-31,"A Pfizer Inc. plant in China that was being inspected by Food and Drug Administration regulators in order to ship drugs to the U.S. kept a second set of quality and manufacturing records that didnt match official ones, according to an FDA review of the facility"
2015-10-31,"Researchers have developed a blood test that can accurately diagnose, from a single drop of blood, if a person has cancer with 96% certainty for most common types of cancer"
2015-10-31,Indian air force on high alert after repeated sightings of 'UFOs' at Delhi airport
2015-10-31,"The Devil, most wanted ivory trafficker in Tanzania, arrested"
2015-10-31,Canadas national police force is demanding VICE Canada turn over all notes and communications between the journalism outlet and a suspected Islamic State fighter
2015-10-31,Mysterious Ancient Earthworks in Kazakhstan Spotted by NASA
2015-10-31,Ozone Hole over Antarctic hits Record Size
2015-10-31,Innocent Guantanamo Bay Inmate Finally Released After 14 Years
2015-10-31,"A Nasa spacecraft that dived through a geyser plume on one of Saturns moons, closer to the surface than ever before, has delivered the first images and data from its taste of an underground ocean."
2015-10-31,S&P just downgraded Saudi Arabia
2015-10-31,Netanyahu Retracts Assertion That Palestinian Inspired Holocaust
2015-10-31,New Lords revolt looms over plans to allow police to view everyone's internet browsing history in UK.
2015-10-31,"Scientists have designed microscopic ""grenades"" that can explode their cancer-killing payload in tumours."
2015-10-31,"A new species is evolving right before our eyes an ultra-successful mix of wolves, coyotes & dogs - The interbreeding began up to 200 yrs ago, as European settlers pushed into Ontario & cleared the animals habitat for farming, killing a large number of wolves who lived there."
2015-10-31,"Charities working in immigration detention centres were asked to pay multimillion-dollar bonds that could be forfeited if they spoke out against government policy, as the Coalition sought to maintain secrecy over border protection."
2015-10-31,"Four UN employees have been fired for storing child pornography on their UN computers, while another was sacked for transporting marijuana in a UN vehicle and another for threatening to kill a UN mission head"
2015-10-31,Egyptian authorities once again flood Gaza tunnels with sea water
2015-10-31,"Russia has again thwarted attempts to create the worlds largest ocean sanctuary in Antarctica, the final country opposing the protection of a vast swathe of rich waters from fishing, after a revised international plan won support from China"
2015-10-31,China plans to double the entire world's nuclear power plant count by 2050. They plan to build 400 nuclear power plants.
2015-10-31,Pentagon Opens Probe Into Sexual Abuse by U.S. Allies in Afghanistan | The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan
2015-10-31,Nasa tracking asteroid 'coming close' to earth
2015-10-30,"Isis shuts down all women's clinics, threatens male gynaecologists with death"
2015-10-30,German rapper who joined ISIS killed in U.S. strike
2015-10-30,Syrian anti-ISIS activist who blogged about terrible conditions in Raqqa is found decapitated in Turkey alongside beheaded corpse of his friend
2015-10-30,The police want to see your entire internet history
2015-10-30,"Every child left behind in the Islamic States new elementary schools. ""Math, music, philosophy, history, French and geography were all banned."""
2015-10-30,"Brazil, which has one of the highest murder tolls on the planet, could soon end most restrictions on gun ownership, risking what one critic called a ""Wild West"" scenario: draft law stripping away current limits has been approved and is due to go to the lower house of Congress in November."
2015-10-30,Sweden's outspoken foreign minister says 'In the long run our system will collapse'
2015-10-30,UK Prime Minister Apparently Last To Realize New EU Net Neutrality Rules Mean No Porn Filtering
2015-10-30,"Egyptians are turning on a TV host who justified a sexual assault and said that a victim wore ""revealing clothes""."
2015-10-30,"Qatar plans to spend $200 billion on infrastructure related to World Cup| Foreign workers making up nearly 90 percent of the population, still need permission to leave the country, keeping them at the mercy of their employers,said the Int'l Trade Union Confederation"
2015-10-30,More than 50 leading international media editors have written an open letter to President Recep Tayyip Erdoan raising profound concerns about the deteriorating conditions for press freedom in Turkey in the run up to the elections this weekend
2015-10-30,Polish court rejects US request to extradite Roman Polanski.
2015-10-30,Pentagon: 'We're in combat' in Iraq
2015-10-30,Tanzania is planning to supply a million homes with electricity using solar power
2015-10-30,Pakistan sold nuke technology to Iran in 1980s says former president Rafsanjani
2015-10-30,Hole in the ozone layer expands to near record levels. Southern part of Australia to be hit with high levels of UVR.
2015-10-30,NASA spacecraft plunges through Saturn moon's icy spray
2015-10-30,"Snowden slams UK government over encryption 'backdoor' plans | The UK government wants backdoor access to communications for ""everything people actually use"", Edward Snowden has claimed"
2015-10-30,Russia says no country can use military force in Syria without government approval
2015-10-30,China Scores Dead Last in Latest Internet-Freedom Survey
2015-10-30,Saudi Arabia Can't Get Its Story Straight on the MSF Hospital Destroyed in Yemen
2015-10-30,Germany to deport thousands of Immigrants
2015-10-30,Obama orders US special forces to 'assist' fight against Isis in Syria
2015-10-30,Deadly Betrayal: Elephants Lie Slaughtered And Mutilated By The Men Paid To Protect Them
2015-10-30,"Former president of Uruguay Jose Mujica, who is known for his humble character, was hosted modestly, in accordance with his wishes, with a 73 VW as his official car and a three-star hotel in Istanbul."
2015-10-29,"By 285 votes to 281, MEPs decide to call on EU member states to ""drop any criminal charges against Edward Snowden"""
2015-10-29,China to end one-child policy
2015-10-29,Nepal elects first female President
2015-10-29,"22 Shipwrecks Found in Single Location in Greece - ""Surpassing all expectations, over only 13 days we added 12% to total of known ancient shipwrecks in Greek territorial waters."" They span from the Archaic Period to the Classical & Hellenistic through Late Medieval Period."
2015-10-29,Japan urged to ban manga child abuse images: UNs child protection envoy says extreme child pornographic content in comics should be banned but artists call it an attack on freedom of expression
2015-10-29,"Denmark wants foreign fighters jailed for life: The Justice Ministry on Thursday announced plans to punish Danish foreign fighters as traitors, allowing for life imprisonment."
2015-10-29,"EU Toughens Against TTIP as Top German Lawmaker Blasts Anti-Democratic Deal: the president of the German Bundestag, or parliament, has threatened to vote against the so-called ""trade"" agreement due to its lack of transparency and democratic legitimacy"
2015-10-29,"Saudi blogger Raif Badawi, who has been sentenced to 1,000 lashes and 10 years in jail for insulting Islam and for cyber crime, was awarded the European Union's Sakharov prize for human rights and freedom of thought"
2015-10-29,Automatic porn filters to be made 'law of the land' (UK)
2015-10-29,Rosetta finds oxygen on comet 67P in 'most surprising discovery to date'
2015-10-29,Google believes it is on course to have enough internet-beaming balloons in the stratosphere to form a ring over part of the world next year.
2015-10-29,Russia Announced It Is Sending Humans To The Moon
2015-10-29,Bitcoin CEO spent embezzled funds on prostitutes: reports
2015-10-29,"Refugees refusing to leave bus in 'too cold' Sweden to be removed Fourteen people have stayed on the bus since it reached Limedsforsen three days ago, saying the village is too cold and isolated"
2015-10-29,Police used the Terrorism Act to seize a Newsnight journalist's laptop
2015-10-29,"China to start work on super, super-collider by 2020. The facility is expected to generate millions of Higgs boson particles, far more than the capacity of Europe's Large Hadron Collider (LHC), helping scientists to answer some fundamental questions about how the universe works."
2015-10-29,A prominent Iranian official recently suggested a new drug policy for the country that includes taking steps toward the legalization of cannabis and opium
2015-10-29,Brazil officials evict families from homes ahead of 2016 Olympic Games
2015-10-29,"An international team of scientists discovered that solar storms can be much more powerful and devastating than we know. By analyzing traces of solar storms in ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica, researchers concluded that Earth was hit by two extreme solar storms over a thousand years ago."
2015-10-29,Pope says denying Israel's right to exist is anti-Semitism
2015-10-29,"4,400 Dead Cows Are Decomposing on Brazilian Beaches"
2015-10-29,France to ban vaginal exams without consent
2015-10-29,"UK- A private company has made thousands of pounds by targeting smokers who drop their cigarette ends in the town centre. The company are paid their commission by the council every time they give out a fine, regardless of whether the culprits cough up or not."
2015-10-29,"Syrians living tragedy and despair barely imaginable five years ago, says top UN relief official"
2015-10-29,"North Korea believed to earn a fortune from sending forced labor overseas, U.N. says"
2015-10-28,The star witness in a case pitting rainforest villagers against a multinational oil giant has admitted to lying under oath in an effort to help Chevron avoid paying a $9.5 billion judgment for deliberate pollution of the Ecuadorian Amazon
2015-10-28,"Toronto on brink of a mob war, Italy warns"
2015-10-28,Two children face two years in jail for tearing down Erdoan poster
2015-10-28,"African Union reports mass graves, cannibalism in South Sudan"
2015-10-28,"Saudi Prince busted smuggling two tons of amphetamines out of Beirut, and some cocaine."
2015-10-28,"Another MSF (Doctors Without Borders) Hospital Destroyed by Airstrikes, this time in Yemen."
2015-10-28,"Turkish authorities are seizing two major opposition TV stations, trying to shut it down, police attacking journalists"
2015-10-28,"Roman Polanski should be deported from Poland to the US to face sentence over a conviction for having sex with a minor in 1977, according to the leader of Polands newly elected Law and Justice party."
2015-10-28,"Malnutrition and other 'Victorian' diseases soaring in England 'due to food poverty and cuts' | Cases of Victorian-era diseases including scurvy, scarlet fever, cholera and whooping cough have increased since 2010"
2015-10-28,500 billion dollars stolen under Maliki rule in Iraq: official
2015-10-28,United Nations votes 191-2 to condemn U.S. embargo against Cuba
2015-10-28,This Could Be the Worst Climate Crisis in the World Right Now: Indonesia's deforestation nightmare is choking thousands and making climate change worse
2015-10-28,Iraq: We Didn't Ask for U.S. Ground Operations
2015-10-28,"Oxytocin spray improves social skills in some children with autism, world-first study shows"
2015-10-28,"About 1,000 Bikini islanders have applied to relocate to the United States as rising seas threaten their adopted home."
2015-10-28,Nasa opens discussion on where to land humans on Mars
2015-10-28,"Asthma drug could rejuvenate ageing brains, study suggest - Researchers found that a six week course of the drug, montelukast, improved memory and learning in older rodents, with their performance in cognitive tests nearly matching that of much younger animals."
2015-10-28,Scientists confirm that East Antarcticas biggest glacier is melting from below.
2015-10-28,"20,000 orangutans in danger of burning due to fires in Indonesia"
2015-10-28,Austria to Build Border Fence to Control Flow of Migrants
2015-10-28,"1,000-year-old Bible recovered in central Turkey"
2015-10-28,US will fly and sail where 'international law permits' despite rebuke from China
2015-10-28,93% of deaths and injuries in Yemen are civilian
2015-10-28,"Iran Is Invited to Join U.S., Russia and Europe for Talks on Syrias Future"
2015-10-28,Exxon is denying it deliberately downplayed global warming
2015-10-27,Exxon Knew about Climate Change Almost 40 Years Ago - A new investigation shows the oil company understood the science before it became a public issue and spent millions to promote misinformation.
2015-10-27,Rape Victims Are Being Jailed Under Extramarital Sex Laws in the UAE
2015-10-27,Greenland Is Melting Away
2015-10-27,Belgian Scientologists go on trial for fraud and extortion - church could face ban if convicted
2015-10-27,"China say's US warship ""illegally"" entered its waters."
2015-10-27,"As large animals disappear, the loss of their poop hurts the planet"
2015-10-27,Whistleblowers in Canada could receive awards in excess of $1.5 million when a formal policy is unveiled Wednesday by the Ontario Securities Commission to encourage those in the know to help ferret out corporate wrongdoing.
2015-10-27,"Intolerable Heat May Hit the Middle East by the End of the Century - ""By the end of this century, areas of the Persian Gulf could be hit by waves of heat and humidity so severe that simply being outside for several hours could threaten human life"""
2015-10-27,Poachers kill another 22 elephants with cyanide in Zimbabwe
2015-10-27,Change of heart for peace: Top Pakistani hardliner cleric says I am a Pakistani and I do not hate India
2015-10-27,"Worlds largest concentrated solar power plant, powered by the Moroccan Saharan sun, set to help renewables provide almost half the countrys energy by 2020"
2015-10-27,343 UK scholars pledge boycott of Israeli universities
2015-10-27,"German Jews Warn Merkel That Refugees May Spread Anti-Semitism: Jewish leaders told German Chancellor Angela Merkel theyre concerned that refugees streaming into the country may foment anti-Semitism, underscoring the risk of social conflict as her government struggles to contain the migrant crisis"
2015-10-27,"Sec. Carter: U.S. to Begin 'Direct Action on the Ground' in Iraq, Syria"
2015-10-27,Troops Who Sought Strike On Afghan Hospital Knew It Was A Hospital: The Army Green Berets who requested the Oct. 3 airstrike on the Doctors without Borders trauma center in Afghanistan were aware it was a functioning hospital but believed it was under Taliban control
2015-10-27,U.S. Navy to send destroyer within 12 miles of Chinese islands
2015-10-27,Yemen hospital hit by Saudi-led airstrikes
2015-10-27,"Skeleton of ancient warrior & hoard of treasure found in 3,500-yr-old tomb - US archeologists found the wooden coffin of the unknown soldier on the Peloponnese peninsula, with jewellery, a bronze sword & ivory combs inside"
2015-10-27,"Around 700 of the 4,000 refugees who have been housed in Lower Saxony over the past week have gone missing and authorities mostly have no idea who or where they are. The astonishing number was revealed in a survey of local authorities in the north-west German state by the Neue Osnabrcker Zeitung."
2015-10-27,Emperor Palpatine takes City Council seat in Ukraines Odessa
2015-10-27,Kurds Say Turkey Shot at Its Forces in Northern Syria
2015-10-27,European Parliament votes in favour of 'two speed' internet
2015-10-27,"Last-surviving cracker from Titanic is auctioned for 15,000. Most valuable biscuit."
2015-10-27,Parts of London have higher TB rates than Iraq or Rwanda
2015-10-27,Out Of The Closet & Straight To Jail: New Plan To Punish Coming Out In Russia - A proposed law would extend the countrys ban on gay propaganda to cover simply publicly identifying as gay.
2015-10-26,"College applications in UK to become anonymous ""to prevent unconscious bias against candidates from minority groups"""
2015-10-26,"Saudi Arabia to run out of cash in fewer than 5 years, IMF says"
2015-10-26,Saudi Prince Arrested in Beirut on Drug Smuggling
2015-10-26,Strong earthquake jolts Islamabad
2015-10-26,UK accused of doing China's bidding after police raid home of Tiananmen Square survivor over peaceful protest
2015-10-26,WHO: Processed meats cause cancer.
2015-10-26,Dutch court revokes Scientology's tax-exempt status
2015-10-26,"A Chinese biotechnological company announced that it has developed the world's first 3D blood vessel bio-printer, which makes it possible to produce personalized functional organs"
2015-10-26,Activists urge Trudeau to defend Canadas copyright regime from TPP changes
2015-10-26,Poland has returned their government to the right as exit polls show 39% for Kaczyski's PiS party.
2015-10-26,Google invests in Africas largest windfarm - Internet giant to acquire 12.5% stake in Lake Turkana windfarm in Kenya.
2015-10-26,Venezuelas central bank has filed suit in the US against a website widely used to track the plummeting black market value of the countrys currency
2015-10-26,"Saudi relationship with UK 'at risk', warns ambassador. An ""alarming change"" in Britain's attitude towards Saudi Arabia could lead to ""serious repercussions"", the Saudi ambassador has warned."
2015-10-26,"Indonesia's fires labelled a 'crime against humanity' as 500,000 suffer | Haze has caused havoc, with schools in neighbouring Singapore and Malaysia shut down, flights grounded and events cancelled"
2015-10-26,Israeli ministers approve mandatory Arabic studies from first grade
2015-10-26,Scientifically validated anti-diabetes herbal drug launched in India. Cost- 0.077 USD per tablet
2015-10-26,Muslim leader condemns beheading of South Sudanese Christian by IS in Libya
2015-10-26,Red meat cancer risk to be revealed by WHO
2015-10-26,Pakistan uses Taliban to counter India: CIA chiefs hacked emails
2015-10-26,"Tour boat carrying 27 passengers sinks off Tofino, B.C."
2015-10-26,"China to supply fuel to Nepal after protesters block deliveries from India: Beijing is set to send about 100 tanker trucks of gasoline to fuel-starved Nepal, officials say. The move comes after protesters from Nepal's Madhesi minority blocked off the key border crossing with India"
2015-10-26,Europe is starting to shut down the free flow of refugees
2015-10-26,"Nine killed in gun battle between Turkish police and ISIL suspects.The shoot-out in Diyarbakir erupted just six days ahead of elections in Turkey, with tensions running high following the countrys worst ever bomb attack and a resurgence of the conflict with Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) rebels."
2015-10-26,"Guatemala's jailed former president, Otto Perez, says he regrets bowing to U.S. pressure to extend the work of an anti-corruption unit that then toppled him from power and that it was U.S. Vice President Joe Biden who forced his hand"
2015-10-26,Plane's Undercarriage Collapses During Landing
2015-10-25,Pastor in Singapore found guilty of using $37 million in church funds to boost wife's failing pop star career
2015-10-25,Tony Blair apologises for 'mistakes' over Iraq War and admits 'elements of truth' to view that invasion helped rise of Isis.
2015-10-25,"Japan's Yakuza Cancels Halloween - On Halloween, Japans largest organized crime group used to allow children to extort mobsters. But event called off this yr due to a possible gang war."
2015-10-25,"Lockheed Martin, Boeing rally around Saudi Arabia, wave off humanitarian concerns"
2015-10-25,"Chinese demand for forest turtles is threatening an endangered species found only on one Philippine island, wildlife officials said Sunday. The Philippine Forest Turtle, found only in the western island of Palawan, is one of numerous freshwater turtles being taken by poachers for sale to China."
2015-10-25,Pope Francis scolds Catholic bishops over their attitudes towards gays and the divorced
2015-10-25,Portugal is in the midst of a constitutional crisis after President Anibal Cavaco Silva refused to allow a coalition of left-wing anti-austerity parties to take power even though they have a majority in parliament.
2015-10-25,"Anger at David Cameron who uses 100,000 from taxpayers for trip to honour dead Saudi King."
2015-10-25,Egypt has developed a game-changing low-power water desalination technique
2015-10-25,"UK nuclear deterrent to cost 167 billion pounds, far more than expected"
2015-10-25,Russia Poised to Criminalize Coming Out
2015-10-25,"1 in 4 Australian students fails to complete a year 12 certificate or vocational equivalent, and 30 % of year 7 students are falling behind international benchmarks in reading: Landmark national study has also exposed an alarming discrepancy between advantaged and disadvantaged students."
2015-10-25,Journalist pays for reporting the truth about ISIS with his father's life
2015-10-25,Helmet camera footage shows joint US Delta Force-Kurdish raid to rescue Islamic State hostages
2015-10-25,ExxonMobil Targets Journalists and Activists After Climate Change Investigation
2015-10-25,Pirate Party storms to success in Icelandic polls
2015-10-25,Larger employers will have to publish the amount men and women are awarded in bonuses as part of proposed legislation to reduce the gender pay gap.
2015-10-25,Iranian government slams US jailing of engineer for trying to send sensitive military documents to Iran
2015-10-25,"Severe weather hits Middle East, causes fatal flooding, downed power cable in Egypt"
2015-10-25,Chinese Investment Company to Buy Texas Oil Fields for $1.3B
2015-10-25,"British Army Enlisted Indian Children as Young as 10 in World War 1, Claims Book"
2015-10-25,"Russian airstrike hits Syrian hospital, aid group says"
2015-10-25,Jordan and Israel agree to take steps to help quell violence
2015-10-25,European leaders to hold summit over migrant crisis
2015-10-25,China communist party paper says country should join U.S.-led TPP
2015-10-24,"U.N. Report Calls on Governments to Protect Whistleblowers Like Snowden, Not Prosecute Them | Confidential sources and whistleblowers are a crucial element of a healthy democracy, says the U.N. Special Rapporteur for free speech."
2015-10-24,Somebody Is Carving Select Cuts from Canadian Cows & Leaving Their Corpses in the Field
2015-10-24,"Hurricane Patricia roars into Mexico early this morning, then quicky crumbles and dies off from the mountainous terrain."
2015-10-24,ISIS is making up to $50 million a month from oil sales
2015-10-24,"Isis earns $50m a month from oil sales | Isis reportedly earns up to $50 million (32.6 million) each month from oil sales, allowing the group to maintain its rule over their self-declared caliphate stretching across large parts of Syria and Iraq."
2015-10-24,"Palau creates marine sanctuary the size of California | The sanctuary will take up 80 percent of the Pacific nation's waters, and will be the world's sixth-largest area to be fully protected from fishing or drilling."
2015-10-24,Ai Weiwei banned from using Lego to build Australian artwork - toy company told artist it cannot approve the use of Legos for political works
2015-10-24,"Initial reports indicate no major damage, deaths from Hurricane Patricia"
2015-10-24,American Delta Force and Kurdish commando team raided ISIS prison after word leaked that executions were imminent; US Delta operator killed in firefight was a father of four.
2015-10-24,"""When you say, I need a wife, you can first consult your parents and, God willing, they will find you a suitable one. If they dont, you can come to us"", says Turkish islamist AKP prime minister Davutoglu"
2015-10-24,Iraq authorizes Russian airstrikes against Daesh (ISIL)
2015-10-24,Indian Government approves induction of women fighter pilots in Air Force
2015-10-24,"Czech Republic under fire for ""stripping refugees to take their money to pay for their involuntary detention"""
2015-10-24,Saudi Arabia: Eight of the 12 surviving sons of country's monarch support move to oust King Salman
2015-10-24,"A boat carrying 560 Egyptian child migrants, all aged 11 and younger, has reached Italian shores, where the children have now been provided with residence and shelters."
2015-10-24,"Boris Johnson calls for halt to planned solar aid cuts - Mayor of London warns that thousands of jobs are being put at risk, in letter sent to the energy minister on final day of govt consultations on the proposals"
2015-10-24,"Common asthma drug reverses aging in rat brains, human trials starting soon"
2015-10-24,ISIS publishes first-ever video in Hebrew: 'Not a single Jew will remain in Jerusalem'
2015-10-24,Suicide bomber kills 16 at procession for Shi'ite holiday in Pakistan
2015-10-24,"Giant Squid: juvenile monsters of the deep captured off Japan - Marine biologists capture 3 young giant squid in what's 1st confirmed catch of very young juveniles of the elusive creature. Spitting image of their gigantic parents if nearly 1,000lbs & 50ft smaller"
2015-10-24,Iranian-born man is sentenced to 8 years in prison for sharing information on advanced US fighter jet engines
2015-10-24,Iraq authorises Russia to strike Islamic State inside country
2015-10-24,"For the first time, EU regulators have recommended approval for a viral immunotherapy drug. The drug uses a modified Herpes simplex virus (cold sores) that only infects melanoma cancer cells, causing them to rupture and die."
2015-10-24,Erdogan Says Turkey Won't Let Kurds 'Seize' Northern Syria
2015-10-24,"Brazil Supreme Court seized $2.45 million in Swiss accounts allegedly belonging to the speaker of Brazil's lower house of congress, a powerful political figure who can largely determine whether widely sought impeachment proceedings against President Dilma Rousseff are introduced on the chamber floor"
2015-10-23,Hurricane Patricia is now measured to be the strongest Hurricane we have ever seen
2015-10-23,At least 39 people feared dead in traffic accident involving truck and bus in south-west France
2015-10-23,Gay Sex Is Now Punished With 100 Lashes in Indonesias Province of Aceh
2015-10-23,"WikiLeaks emails from head of CIA reveal he 'consulted a mental health expert', suggested US spying on own citizens may be illegal and that his own security firm had been 'disingenuous' to win contract"
2015-10-23,Survivor of alleged elite paedophile ring including former Australian prime minister speaks out
2015-10-23,"Pope Franciss enemies inside the church leaked false story that he had a brain tumour, enraged Vatican says"
2015-10-23,"Putin accuses US of backing terrorism in Middle East: ""No need to play with words and split terrorists into moderate and not moderate"""
2015-10-23,Teen Arrested for 'Insulting' President Erdogan on Facebook.Insulting the president of Turkey is punishable under the law and those guilty face up to four years in prison.
2015-10-23,Many Antidepressant Studies Found Tainted by Pharma Company Influence
2015-10-23,Islamists recruiting at Norway asylum centres
2015-10-23,Cisa amendment would allow US to jail foreigners for crimes committed abroad
2015-10-23,"Peru's Indigenous Women Demand Justice for Forced Sterilization.More than 300,000 women and 20,000 men were subjected to forced steralization to reduce births among Indigenous peoples."
2015-10-23,The MP tricked into condemning a fake drug called cake has been put in charge of scrutinising drugs policy in the UK
2015-10-23,"Putin says Assad could work with rebels against IS, specifically mentioning the Kurdish forces"
2015-10-23,"After massive student protests, South Africa freezes tuition hikes"
2015-10-23,Cycling to Norway: Hundreds of migrants have cycled into Norway from Russia after finding a new route into Europe that avoids the deadly Mediterranean crossing.
2015-10-23,Germany arrests suspected anti-refugee plotters: German officials have arrested three far-right extremists and seized explosive material that could be used in attacks on migrants. The authorities say right-wing groups plan to intensify their anti-refugee violence
2015-10-23,"Stun grenades and water cannons used on South African university students, as tuition protests continue around the country"
2015-10-23,The Obama administration is cutting aid to the Palestinians by $80 million in an apparent message to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.
2015-10-23,"Refugees 'look like an army', says Hungarian PM Viktor Orban Rightwing leader says the flow of people consists of economic migrants and fighters along with refugees as Hungary offers trains for people to return to Turkey"
2015-10-23,"The World Health Organisation is reportedly planning to declare that bacon, sausages and other processed meat cause cancer. Red meat is also expected to be listed as being probably carcinogenic to humans."
2015-10-23,"47 Percent of Nigerians Don't Wash Their Hands With Soap After Defecation, UNICEF Finds"
2015-10-23,"Greece has seen a record 48,000 migrants and refugees land on its shores in the space of just five days, the International Organization for Migration said on Friday."
2015-10-23,2015 Likely to Be Hottest Year Ever Recorded
2015-10-23,Human trafficking crackdown on sex trade across Canada yields 47 people charged
2015-10-22,"Canada's move to legalize marijuana would be the most high-profile rebuke of international drug treaties to date, exposing ""a huge hole in the treaties, making more nations comfortable with the idea of legalization."""
2015-10-22,"WikiLeaks obtains CIA chief's hacked emails, says will publish them 'shortly'"
2015-10-22,Mexico supreme court to discuss legalizing recreational marijuana
2015-10-22,Iceland does what the US wont: 26 top bankers sent to prison for role in financial crisis
2015-10-22,"Astronomers announced today that they have spotted a large, rocky object disintegrating in its death spiral around a distant white dwarf star. ""This is something no human has seen before,"" says lead author Andrew Vanderburg. ""We're watching a solar system get destroyed."""
2015-10-22,Egyptian Facebook User Sentenced to Three Years in Prison for Putting Mickey Mouse Ears on Sisi
2015-10-22,U.S. soldier killed during special ops hostage rescue in Iraq
2015-10-22,"The Chinese Communist Party has banned all 88 million of its members from joining golf clubs, in its latest update of party discipline rules. Extravagant eating and drinking, and abuse of power, are also formally banned, said Xinhua news agency."
2015-10-22,"Hiker Discovers Viking Sword in NorwayA hiker sits down to rest finds 1,200-yr-old sword in very good condition, missing only its grip. When the snow has gone, we will check where the sword was found. If we find several objects, or a tomb, perhaps we can find the story behind the sword."
2015-10-22,Justin Trudeaus first move as prime minister is to take Canada out of the fight against the Islamic State.
2015-10-22,Canada dumps $135 Million Jet
2015-10-22,Ai Weiwei accuses David Cameron of sacrificing UK's human rights record for Chinese cash
2015-10-22,"Syria has warned Qatar of a harsh response after Doha threatened that it may intervene militarily in the Arab country.On Wednesday, the Qatari foreign minister said his country would consider launching a military intervention against the Syrian government with our Saudi and Turkish brothers."
2015-10-22,"U.S. to Iraq: If Russia helps you fight ISIS, we can't"
2015-10-22,"Europe failing to stop illegal logging, report warns - Plan to tackle $100bn trade in illegal timber is poorly designed, badly managed & ineffective. Illegal logging thought responsible for 1/5 of man-made greenhouse emissions more than worlds ships, planes, trains & cars combined."
2015-10-22,Mass graves of ISIS fighters found by Iraqi Army
2015-10-22,Singapore Megachurch Founder Guilty of Pilfering $36 Million to Bankroll Wife's Pop Music Career
2015-10-22,Spanish unemployment falls to 21.2%
2015-10-22,"In a landmark study, scientists at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands reported they have conducted an experiment they say proves one of the most fundamental claims of quantum theory that objects separated by great distance can instantaneously affect each others behavior."
2015-10-22,"Three Syrian hospitals bombed since Russian airstrikes began, doctors say"
2015-10-22,Canadian Liberals map swift overhaul of anti-terror law.
2015-10-22,"The Weight is Over, The Kilogram is Settled"
2015-10-22,"Global temperatures are running far above last years record-setting level, all but guaranteeing that 2015 will be the hottest year in the historical record and undermining political claims that global warming had somehow stopped."
2015-10-22,"Russia is pushing for early presidential elections in Syria that may give President Bashar al-Assad a fresh mandate, hardening opposition to demands for his ouster from the U.S. and its allies."
2015-10-22,Russian official called out after image of terrorist turns out to be from Harold & Kumar
2015-10-21,Europe Already Beat Its 2020 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Target
2015-10-21,Scientists have found fossil-like hints that some kind of life existed on Earth 4.1 billion years ago when the planet was a mere volcanic toddler. That's 300 million years earlier for life to pop up than previously thought.
2015-10-21,"Sunscreen contributing to decline of coral reefs, study shows | UV filtering chemical is killing off baby coral around tourist resorts, particularly in the Caribbean and Hawaii"
2015-10-21,"New Canadian PM Tells Obama Withdrawing Fighter Jets From Syria, Iraq"
2015-10-21,A group that documented Nazi war crimes is now investigating whether massacres committed by Islamic State jihadists against Iraq's Yazidi minority amount to genocide. The Yazidis are neither Arabs nor Muslims and have a unique faith which IS jihadists consider to be heretical and polytheistic.
2015-10-21,"A Saudi activist has been sentenced to 10 years in prison and barred from travel abroad for another decade, a human rights lawyer said Tuesday.He was considered among the most vocal critics of religious extremism and militancy."
2015-10-21,"N. Korea asks US for peace treaty, US has no interest"
2015-10-21,"Four con artists spend 200,000RMB building a fake interrogation center to extort money from corrupt Chinese officials"
2015-10-21,"Canada's Liberals Sweep to VictoryWith a Marijuana Legalization Platform: ""We will remove marijuana consumption and incidental possession from the Criminal Code, and create new, stronger laws to punish more severely those who provide it to minors..."""
2015-10-21,Oslo just declared that it will become the first major city to ban cars
2015-10-21,Number of London's 'working poor' surges 70% in 10 years
2015-10-21,Camerawoman plans to sue one of the refugees she kicked at Hungary border
2015-10-21,US Navy F18 jet crashes in Cambridgeshire Fens.
2015-10-21,"Benjamin Netanyahu blames Holocaust on Palestinian leader at World Zionist Congress, says Hitler only wanted to expel Jews"
2015-10-21,"British spies will soon have the right to hack into smartphones and computers | Tory lawmakers are planning to pass new laws giving MI5, MI6 and GCHQ a dizzying range of electronic surveillance, reports suggest"
2015-10-21,Migrants 'torch tents' in Slovenia camp
2015-10-21,"Chemicals In Sunscreen Are Harming Coral Reefs, Says New Study"
2015-10-21,Carbon nanotubes have turned up in the lungs of children living in Paris the first time they have been detected in humans.
2015-10-21,Keystone & TPP under question as Canada elects Liberal PM
2015-10-21,"Australia continues its strong opposition against lethal commercial whaling activities, with Minister for the Environnment Greg Hunt releasing a statement this week condemning Japan's whaling program and attempt to exclude itself from the ICJ in matters relating to future whaling activities."
2015-10-21,Refugee crisis: Nine-month pregnant 14-year-old goes missing amid anger the Netherlands is allowing child brides from Syria to seek asylum
2015-10-21,Singapore Mega-Church Head Guilty of Embezzling $35 Million
2015-10-21,Wave of Violence in Israel and Palestine
2015-10-21,Assad in surprise visit to Moscow
2015-10-21,"Dalai Lama joins spiritual leaders calling for ambitious Paris climate agreement | ""This is not a question of one nation or two nations. This is a question of humanity. Our world is our home,"" the Dalai Lama said. ""There's no other planet where we may move or shift."""
2015-10-20,Canadians elect Liberal majority. Ending Stephen Harpers 9 year rule.
2015-10-20,US approves $11.25 billion warship sale to Saudi Arabia
2015-10-20,Scientists are about to use the Large Hadron Collider to try and discover a parallel universe
2015-10-20,"Israeli hummus cafe gives Jewish-Arab tables 50% off | Owner offers free refill to Jews and Palestinian guests dining together, to show that ""we're all human beings""."
2015-10-20,"UK's largest online pharmacy fined 130,000 for selling patients' personal data to scammers"
2015-10-20,"Aer Lingus passenger who died after biting fellow traveller 'had 41,000 worth of cocaine in his stomach"
2015-10-20,"Each Syrian refugee is set to cost the taxpayer up to 23,420 in the first year of their relocation to the UK, figures seen by BBC News suggest."
2015-10-20,Stephen Harper resigns as Conservative leader
2015-10-20,"Fourth asylum home on fire in west Sweden - Housing for asylum seekers near Munkedal in western Sweden is on fire, in the fourth suspected arson attack on refugee accommodation in just over a week."
2015-10-20,"2/3 of Germans still trust Volkswagen after emissions scandal - Polls shows 65% of respondents think the scandal has been exaggerated, & 63% expect it to be forgotten in a year"
2015-10-20,Muslims condemn Britain's plans to combat extremism
2015-10-20,UNESCO Will Vote on Plan To Declare Western Wall a Muslim Site
2015-10-20,First Fukushima worker diagnosed with radiation-linked cancer
2015-10-20,U.N. May Recommend Decriminalizing Drug Use. The U.N.s Office on Drugs and Crime would recommend decriminalizing drug use as well as possession of all drugs for personal consumption.
2015-10-20,Christian churches in Indonesia province to be closed over Muslim groups pressure
2015-10-20,"Gay marriage: 15,000 same-sex couples marry since law change"
2015-10-20,"The Saudi government, under increasing criticism over civilian casualties from its airstrikes in Yemen and a harsh crackdown on political dissidents at home, has just hired a powerhouse Washington, D.C., lobbying firm headed by a top Hillary Clinton fundraiser"
2015-10-20,Russian secret service to vet research papers: A biology institute at Russias largest and most prestigious university has instructed its scientists to get all research manuscripts approved by the security service before submitting them to conferences or journals.
2015-10-20,Bomb-sniffing Labrador thwarts possible terror attack in E. Jerusalem
2015-10-20,NASA predict huge asteroid will just miss Earth as it zips past this Halloween
2015-10-20,The new head of customs at one of Europe's most notoriously corrupt ports is a 26-year-old YouTube star with no experience.
2015-10-20,"Norway's oil-rich capital first to divest from fossil fuels | Oslo takes responsibility for climate in ridding $9 billion pension fund of coal, oil and gas investments say surging Greens"
2015-10-20,Third Russian air strike on Syrian rebel group kills leader
2015-10-20,Islamic State Unleashes Propaganda Blitz Calling for Attacks Against Jews
2015-10-20,"Marine Le Pen, the leader of France's far-right National Front, went on trial Tuesday on charges of inciting hatred after comparing Muslim street prayers to the Nazi occupation."
2015-10-19,"Japan furious at UNESCO listing Nanjing Massacre documents | Japan may halt funding for UNESCO over the organization's decision to include documents relating to the 1937 Nanjing Massacre in the latest listing for its ""Memory of the World"" program."
2015-10-19,"Saudi Arabia Hajj Disaster Death Toll at Least 2,110"
2015-10-19,"TTIP Already 'Rewriting the Rule Book' for EU Food Standards, New Report Finds: Campaigners say that corporate lobbyists, buoyed by the pending trade agreement, are already lobbying against key food safety measures"
2015-10-19,"5 hurt in terror attack at Beersheba, Israel central bus station"
2015-10-19,Swiss Anti-Immigration Party Wins Big in Elections
2015-10-19,Report: Taliban at their strongest since 2001
2015-10-19,Eritrean mistaken for Palestinian shot; beaten by mob in Israel
2015-10-19,Japan rejects international court jurisidiction over whaling
2015-10-19,UN draft urging member states to decriminalise possession and use of drugs worldwide foiled by at least one country
2015-10-19,"Court rules Uber's app legal in London: The ruling is a victory for the ride-hailing service, which has faced significant opposition from London's established cab trade, but taxi drivers already are challenging the decision."
2015-10-19,"When we told them we were Jews from Israel, they kissed us:Amid tragic circumstances, Israeli boaters save 11 Syrian and Iraqi refugees."
2015-10-19,India is planting trees along it's railway system across the country to combat environmental issues
2015-10-19,Australia Approves Coal Mine That Environmentalists Call A Complete Disaster For Coral Reef
2015-10-19,"British journalist who worked for BBC found dead at airport in Istanbul | It is not yet known how Ms Sutton, 50, died. Friends questioned Turkish media reports that she killed herself after missing a connecting flight to Erbil and not having the money to buy another ticket."
2015-10-19,"Researchers accidently find industrial waste, orange peel material sucks mercury out of water"
2015-10-19,'Convert or die' ISIS graffiti jihadis declare first European 'caliphate'
2015-10-19,"Women working for international aid agencies are facing a hidden threat of sexual violence and harassment which their employers routinely ignore or sweep under the carpet, according to testimonies gathered by the Guardian."
2015-10-19,Colombian government has acknowledged that crime and smuggling have gone down since Venezuela deployed thousands of troops along their common border two months ago
2015-10-19,"'My cousin made me do it,' 13-year-old Palestinian stabber tells police"
2015-10-19,ISIS Media Blitz Urges Palestinians To Slaughter Jews
2015-10-19,Russia aims to increase missions in Syria by '300 a day'
2015-10-19,Russia takes out 49 ISIS targets 24 hours of ferocious bombing in Syria
2015-10-19,"Hamas making efforts to carry out suicide attacks against Israel, officials say"
2015-10-19,Israeli Bedouin leaders condemn despicable Beersheba attack: Heads of minority community in Negev urge calm after Bedouin man carries out fatal attack in bus station.
2015-10-19,"China economy grows 6.9 percent in Q3, weakest since 2009"
2015-10-18,Smoking gun emails reveal Blair's 'deal in blood' with George Bush over Iraq war was forged a year before the invasion had even started - despite claiming he wanted peace. Leaked White House memo shows former Prime Minister's support for war at summit with U.S. President in 2002.
2015-10-18,North Korea reportedly willing to sign peace treaty with US to end conflict
2015-10-18,70 Tunisia hotels closed since attacks on tourists. Unemployment in Tunisia is almost 30 percent as the country suffers from the impact of deadly militant attacks on tourists.
2015-10-18,German mayor candidate stabbed in the neck over her support of refugees
2015-10-18,"Germany's police union chief has called for a fence to be built along the country's border to stem the flow of migrants. Rainer Wendt told the ""Welt am Sonntag"" newspaper that other countries would then follow suit."
2015-10-18,"The Australian government has secretly flown a pregnant refugee out of the country to escape a court injunction before it could be heard, chartering a jet to take her back to Nauru and the immigration detention centre where she was raped."
2015-10-18,"With the discovery in southern China of human teeth dating back at least 80,000 years, the history of human migration is set to be rewritten"
2015-10-18,"German hunter kills one of the largest elephants in Africa for $60,000"
2015-10-18,El Chapo wounded but not caught after Mexican armed forces operation
2015-10-18,"Tower of London staff 'used magic to repel forces of the Devil' & witches - Archaeologists find dozens of ritual protection marks literally burnt into timbers holding up roof. These are hugely significant, revealing hopes, fears & desires of the everyday occupants."
2015-10-18,"Russia reportedly looking to remove itself from Internet. Russia has reportedly run tests to see if it can remove itself from the World Wide Web to stem the flow of information to and from foreign countries, according to a top industry official."
2015-10-18,"Kissing scene brings Iranian Kurdish director six years imprisonment, 223 lashes."
2015-10-18,"Four Israeli cities, citing security, ban Arab workers from schools"
2015-10-18,"Prospect of TTIP already undermining EU food standards, say campaigners | Opponents of Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership say EU negotiator has admitted to approving entry of banned goods"
2015-10-18,UN's Blue Helmets to defend world heritage sites from IS attacks
2015-10-18,"An air strike by the U.S.-led coalition has killed Sanafi al-Nasr, a Saudi citizen and the leader of an al Qaeda offshoot called the Khorasan Group, a Pentagon spokesman said on Sunday."
2015-10-18,Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejected a French proposal for placing international observers at a Jerusalem shrine that has become a flashpoint spurring a wave of Palestinian attacks.
2015-10-18,Nuclear deal with Iran officially takes effect
2015-10-18,French police raid Volkswagen offices in emission scandal
2015-10-18,"Few in Venezuela Want Its Currency as Economy Struggles: Venezuelas currency, the bolvar, has crashed along with its economy. But the official exchange rate is unchanged, leading to economic absurdities like a movie ticket that costs $60 at the government rate, or 54 cents at the black-market rate"
2015-10-18,Iraqi forces retake key oil refinery from IS militants
2015-10-18,"Israel and the United States signaled on Sunday they were putting disputes over the Iran nuclear deal behind them, announcing resumed talks on U.S. defense aid for Israel as it hosted Washington's top general and a joint air force drill"
2015-10-18,Germany offers Turkey $3.4 billion to stem migrant tide
2015-10-18,Saudi air strikes mistakenly kill 30 pro-government troops in Yemen
2015-10-18,Rash of Palestinian stabbing attempts continues over weekend
2015-10-17,"The Origins of the King James Bible - A handwritten draft of the world's most famous bible has been discovered in England. It contains handwriting of dozens of authors from 1604-1608. That handwriting is a crucial find, because it reveals how they translated & assembled the text."
2015-10-17,China warns Britain not to bring up human rights during Xi Jinping's visit because he would be offended
2015-10-17,Canada's ruling Conservatives facing criminal investigation over election law violation for the 4th election in a row
2015-10-17,Saudi police try to shift blame onto Indian maid
2015-10-17,Ebola is now an STD - First case of sexual transmission of the viral disease documented in Liberia.
2015-10-17,"Hundreds of Israeli Jews and Arabs rally for peace: Around 700 people form human chain in north of country, call for coexistence and condemn violence"
2015-10-17,Australia to lift ban on medical cannabis
2015-10-17,China plans to build 110 nuclear power plants by 2030 with an investment of over $78 billion
2015-10-17,"Erdogan slams Nobel prizes as biased, saying:""Someone [Merkel] says, We will receive 30-40,000 refugees,' and then they are nominated for the Nobel [prize]. I wonder how it happens. We are hosting 2.5 million refugees at the moment. Nobody cares about that."""
2015-10-17,"Rich nations are spending $250 billion annually subsidizing their agricultural sectors to the detriment of poor farmers as they artificially lower prices for some crops and block market access for growers from poor countries, a new study said."
2015-10-17,"A group of Russian hackers infiltrated the servers of Dow Jones & Co., owner of the Wall Street Journal and several other news publications, and stole information to trade on before it became public.The FBI, Secret Service and the Securities and Exchange Commission are leading an investigation."
2015-10-17,"Smoking bans in Australian prisons sees packets of cigarettes trade for $320 | Since smoking was banned in August, the price of a pack of cigarettes has sky-rocketed from $28 on the prison buy-ups scheme to $300 on the black market. Matches and papers, once sold for $3 now fetch up to $90"
2015-10-17,"The World Is Not As Hungry As You Might Think: Deaths due to mass famine have plummeted, according to data from the International Food Policy Research Institute, Welthungerhilfe and Concern Worldwide."
2015-10-17,Germany reportedly bribed FIFA for 2006 World Cup
2015-10-17,The richest 1% of Indians own 53% of the countrys wealth while top 10% have 76.3% of the country's wealth
2015-10-17,"Islam was 'never part of Europe': Hungary's Orban | Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban defended his hardline stance against refugees, the vast majority of whom are Muslim, saying in an interview published Friday that Islam ""has never been part of Europe""."
2015-10-17,"Sleep researchers observed tribal groups living pre-industrial lives. After 1,165 days collecting data,they found the avg sleep time among the tribes was 6.5 hrs a night. In industrial societies, the average is 7.5 hrs a night. They barely suffered insomnia, which is prevalent in 20% of our society."
2015-10-17,Europe and Russia planning space mission to assess Moon settlement
2015-10-17,Obama Says Israel Will Only Be Secure With A Two-State Solution
2015-10-17,"Cologne mayoral candidate Henriette Reker seriously hurt in knife attack - An independent candidate to be mayor of Cologne has been severely injured in a knife attack. Police said four other people were hurt at the scene, and a suspect was taken into custody."
2015-10-17,U.S. confirms Iran tested nuclear-capable ballistic missile
2015-10-17,More than 400 dead in southeast Congo measles outbreak: U.N.
2015-10-17,Politicians panic after law change could leave them open to surveillance
2015-10-17,Migrant crisis: Slovenia braces as Hungary shuts border
2015-10-17,"Victims of modern slavery hidden in Britain's brothels, farms and private homes must be found and protected, the country's anti-slavery commissioner said on Friday"
2015-10-16,"Over 100 anti-TTIP Protesters Arrested in Brussels.Demonstrators said the TTIP is death, claiming it will lower standards of living and damge the environment, while benefiting huge multinationals."
2015-10-16,Salman Rushdie warns of new dangers to free speech in West: Violence against writers and a misplaced sense of political correctness pose new dangers to freedom of speech in the West
2015-10-16,Earth just had its warmest September on record by a long shot
2015-10-16,Croatia Legalizes Use of Medical Marijuana
2015-10-16,Palestinian disguised as a journalist stabs Israeli soldier near Hebron
2015-10-16,Turkey 'downs aircraft on Syria border'
2015-10-16,"The United Kingdom and Sweden are clearly violating international law for refusing to grant Julian Assange medical attention outside the Ecuadorean Embassy in London without arrest, a lawyer for the WikiLeaks founder told RT Thursday."
2015-10-16,Aussies get behind proposal to change currency to dollarydoos
2015-10-16,"Germany spied on the United States, as well as on several embassies and administrations of ""European states and allies"", including France"
2015-10-16,"Bubble plumes off Washington, Oregon suggest warmer ocean may be releasing frozen methane"
2015-10-16,"This Iranian Cartoonist Was Subjected To A Virginity Test For Shaking Her Lawyers Hand - She was also charged with having ""illegitimate sexual relations."""
2015-10-16,India- 11 Indian nuclear scientists died mysteriously from 2009-2013.
2015-10-16,Adolf Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' to Return to German Bookstores
2015-10-16,Game changing breakthrough in solar energy cuts material losses in half and reduces fabrication costs by 80%
2015-10-16,Conservatives withhold timeline for revealing full text of TPP deal
2015-10-16,India's forest cover steadily increasing
2015-10-16,Few Russians Believe Separatists Shot Down MH17
2015-10-16,Malaysia arrests a hacker who provided stolen personal information of U.S. service members to ISIS
2015-10-16,Hungary to Seal Border With Croatia to Stem Flow of Immigrants
2015-10-16,Aboriginal activists vow to fight nuclear waste shipment destined for Australia
2015-10-16,Islam was 'never part of Europe': Hungary's Orban
2015-10-16,"After decades of study, scientists are about to agree on how much a kilogram weighs"
2015-10-16,"Uber ride-hailing app does not break law, High Court rules"
2015-10-16,"Incredible Discovery of Fossilized Teeth Show Humans in Asia Long Before Europe - Found in a China cave, they date 80,000-120,000 yrs ago. This is tens of 1000s yrs older than oldest human remains found in Europe & Mediterranean. May be earliest evidence of modern humans outside Africa."
2015-10-16,Snowden and Ellsberg hail leak of drone documents from new whistleblower
2015-10-15,"Turing Pharmaceuticals, the drug company that jacked up the price of AIDS and cancer drug 5,000%, is now facing an antitrust probe."
2015-10-15,New Edward Snowden? Whistleblower leaks documents on drones and Obama's assassination program
2015-10-15,"Sweden opens world's first male rape centre - A hospital in Stockholm is understood to be first in the world to set up an emergency department specifically for male rape victims. The clinic at Sdersjukhuset opened on Thursday as part of a strategy to ensure ""gender equal"" patient care."
2015-10-15,The Philippines Is Still Pissed Off That Canada Is Using It as a Giant Garbage Bin - The island nation is demanding Canada take back its shipping containers full of rotting food & adult diapers.
2015-10-15,Trans-Pacific Partnership text won't be available before election
2015-10-15,"""Dead"" 13 year old terrorist is alive and being treated in Israeli hospital contrary to claims by Abbas that he was executed by Israel (pictures/article)."
2015-10-15,"Toyota to Phase Out Gas-Powered Vehicles, Doubling Down on Hydrogen"
2015-10-15,US President Barack Obama has announced that US armed forces have been deployed to Cameroon to help fight against the Islamist militants Boko Haram.
2015-10-15,"Obama to delay withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan - Officials say Obama to outline plans to keep 5,500 troops in Afghanistan in 2017, having previously promised to end war on his watch"
2015-10-15,Queensland makes coding and robotics compulsory in schools
2015-10-15,Iran Nuclear Deal has been approved
2015-10-15,"Canada is preparing to embark on a far-reaching program of financial surveillance of senior public officeholders, from Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Governor-General David Johnston and Supreme Court Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin down to thousands of elected politicians and senior bureaucrats."
2015-10-15,The United States' Deceptive Anti-Abortion 'Pregnancy Centers' Are Going Global
2015-10-15,Eritrean football players have refused to return home after playing a World Cup qualifying match in Botswana and are now seeking asylum
2015-10-15,UK denies Julian Assange medical attention
2015-10-15,"UN: Brazil's Police Kill Kids to ""Clean Streets"" for Olympics"
2015-10-15,"'13-year-old was executed,' Abbas claims falsely - PA chairman's speech decries 'execution' of teen terrorist who is being treated in Israeli hospital"
2015-10-15,Ebola lingers in semen for nine months
2015-10-15,Cuban Troops Join the Russian Offensive in Syria
2015-10-15,2 Indian Engineers Sued Apple For Copying Their Patent Technology & Won.
2015-10-15,Israeli police arrest four Jewish settlers following clashes with Palestinians
2015-10-15,Experts astonished by British nurse's deterioration to Ebola - Pauline Cafferkey's rapid decline after being 'cured' leaves experts staggered & expressing astonishment at the deterioration of her condition
2015-10-15,France says Iran missile test 'worrying' violation of UN resolution
2015-10-15,Former Moldova PM Filat arrested over $1 billion bank fraud
2015-10-15,"Nordic police break up refugee smuggling ring - Swedish and Finnish police have together smashed a network believed to be responsible for smuggling more than a hundred refugees, mainly Iraqi nationals, across the border."
2015-10-14,Palm oil company caught destroying primary forest in endangered ecosystem
2015-10-14,"China says Russia, U.S. must avoid fighting proxy war in Syria"
2015-10-14,ISIS Confirms That US Killed Its Number Two Leader
2015-10-14,Half of world's wealth now in hands of 1% of population report
2015-10-14,"If You're Young, The Job Outlook Is Grim No Matter Where You Live"
2015-10-14,Thousands of Iranian troops amass for all-out assault on Syrian city of Aleppo | The attack is set to backed by Russian air strikes.
2015-10-14,Columbus Statue in Venezuela replaced with one of indigenous leader who led resistance against Spanish colonialism.
2015-10-14,"In a secret meeting in Russia with President Vladimir Putin, Saudi Defense Minister said that his country and Qatar stand ready to pay $300 billion to Russia to topple the Assad regime."
2015-10-14,"Putin complains about US cooperation: We have offered the Americans: ""Give us objects that we shouldnt target on Syria. Again, no answer"""
2015-10-14,"NASA, Israel Space Agency Sign Agreement To Expand Space Cooperation For 'Peaceful Use'"
2015-10-14,"""Osama was a guest of Pakistan"", says the Pakistani Defence Minister at the time of the U.S. operation to kill Osama Bin Laden."
2015-10-14,Partys over for striped legless lizard in nation's capital - One of the last populations in Australia of this near-extinct reptile being moved from Canberra to 75km south in a do-or-die operation. Their habitat is being flattened to create a caravan park & tourist site for up to 480 people.
2015-10-14,China is rapidly emerging as star of the show just six weeks ahead of the Paris climate talks thanks to its promised deep cuts to greenhouse gas emissions and pledges to ramp up renewable energy investments.
2015-10-14,"China's middle class is now the biggest in the world, and growing much faster than America's"
2015-10-14,"Russia has hit 86 'terrorist' targets in Syria including command posts, ammunition depots, and convoys transporting fuel and ammunition, in past 24 hours"
2015-10-14,Top Leaders Knew About Osama bin Laden's Presence: Ex-Pak Defence Minister
2015-10-14,"Pacific nations beg for help for islanders when 'calamity' of climate change hits - Coalition of Fiji, Kiribati, Tuvalu & Tokelau ask wealthy nations to help their people migrate & find work if they have to flee because of rising sea levels"
2015-10-14,"A 76-year-old British national has been held in an Iranian jail for more than four years and convicted of spying, his family has revealed, as they seek to draw attention to the plight of a man they describe as one of the oldest and loneliest prisoners in Iran."
2015-10-14,"41 writers return Indian award, cite climate of intolerance: novelists, essayists, playwrights and poets had returned the awards they received, saying they cannot remain silent about numerous incidents of communal violence or attacks on intellectuals across the country over the past year."
2015-10-14,"Israel's new security steps: IDF to guard buses, surround Arab neighborhoods, ""to counter the ongoing wave of violent attacks that has left nine Israelis dead and dozens more injured"""
2015-10-14,"New tally shows at least 1,621 killed in Saudi hajj tragedy"
2015-10-14,Netanyahu to Abbas: Palestinians will bear responsibility for escalating violence
2015-10-14,"Goldman Sachs analysts have warned that the financial crisis has moved into its third phase, caused by slower growth in China and other emerging economies.This follows the International Monetary Fund's recent warning that companies in emerging markets have over-borrowed by nearly 2tn ($3tn)."
2015-10-14,Panda on loan from China gives birth to twins at the Toronto Zoo. The first Canadian born pandas.
2015-10-14,Gunmen Are Holding Some 300 Tunisians Hostage in Coastal Libyan Town
2015-10-13,CIA torture survivors sue psychologists who designed infamous program
2015-10-13,"Legalising cannabis in the UK 'would raise hundreds of millions and produce huge savings for the justice system,' Treasury study finds"
2015-10-13,U.S. gives 50 tons of ammunition to Syria rebel groups
2015-10-13,Russia made missile that downed MH17: Dutch
2015-10-13,"Subject PM Harper to criminal investigation over offshore tax haven scandal, 3 out of 5 Canadians say"
2015-10-13,Rockets hit Russian embassy in Damascus just hours after Nusra leader Golani called Russian intervention in Syria a 'crusade'.
2015-10-13,India: Government may bar pharmaceutical companies from giving gifts to doctors
2015-10-13,"A third of all young men in China will die from smoking cigarettes, a study shows"
2015-10-13,"UN: lack of whistleblower protection has 'chilling' effect on exposing wrongdoing | Report by UN special rapporteur David Kaye says, unlike Edward Snowden, many national-security whistleblowers struggle for attention and response"
2015-10-13,Surveillance whistleblower Edward Snowden draws attention to new Australian metadata laws
2015-10-13,World poverty rate to fall below 10% for the first time ever.
2015-10-13,"Bolivia's President Morales blames capitalism for climate change - Leader calls for tribunal to prosecute those who commit crimes against nature. The Paris conference will bring together 196 states, including largest emitters of greenhouse gases & those most effected."
2015-10-13,Multiple stabbings in Israel
2015-10-13,Iran's parliament formally approves nuclear deal with world powers
2015-10-13,German protesters set up mock gallows to hang Angela Merkel for her pro-refugee stance
2015-10-13,Bernie Madoff investors seek $100M from Ernst & Young
2015-10-13,Poland Opens LNG Terminal to End Russian Dependence on Gas
2015-10-13,Australia begins mass data retention under new law
2015-10-13,Mortar Shells Strike Near Russian Embassy in Syria
2015-10-13,"Islamic State is prime suspect in Turkey bombing, as protests erupt"
2015-10-13,"Warehouse explosion rocks Tianjin, China, 2 months after deadly blasts"
2015-10-13,UK Pensioner Faces 350 Lashes In Saudi Arabia
2015-10-13,Saudi-led Coalition Accused of War Crimes
2015-10-13,Bombed Afghan hospital rejects US funds for damages
2015-10-13,Palestinian Rock-Throwers Injure UN Official Monitoring Palestinian Worker Safety
2015-10-12,"Facebook paid 4,327 of UK corporation tax in 2014"
2015-10-12,South Korea's government has announced controversial plans to control the history textbooks used in secondary schools. The government has argued that current history textbooks are too left-leaning and encourage anti-American and pro-North Korea feelings.
2015-10-12,Turkish police use tear gas to prevent mourners from laying flowers at site of bombings
2015-10-12,Indian government plans to sell solar power at record low price of $0.07 per unit.
2015-10-12,The Chairman of Taiwan's Hon Hai Precision Industry Co. has donated all $554 million (USD) of his cash dividends to fund bio-medical research at National Taiwan University.
2015-10-12,Police stop guarding Assange embassy
2015-10-12,Chinese investors flooding billions into the Australian real estate market prompt money laundering fears
2015-10-12,Thousands rally against Erdogan as Turkey mourns deadliest attack
2015-10-12,"5-Hour Energy creator to donate 10,000 stationary bikes to power homes in India"
2015-10-12,Greenpeace is planning to buy four coal-fired power plants and their corresponding mines in Eastern Germany for $2.2 billion to shut them down.
2015-10-12,"Cecil the lion: No charges for Walter Palmer, says Zimbabwe"
2015-10-12,"Exxon Arctic Drilling Benefitting From Global Warming: Oil Company Denied Climate Change Science While Factoring It Into Arctic Operations, Report Shows"
2015-10-12,This Tiny Country Is Going 100% Organic - Bhutan is only country in world that rejects gross domestic product (GDP) as a measure of progress.
2015-10-12,"Deleting certain genes could increase lifespan dramatically, say scientists after 10 years' research - American scientists exhaustively mapped the genes of yeast cells to determine which affected lifespan"
2015-10-12,Syria conflict: Assad forces make 'significant gains'
2015-10-12,"Three injured in stabbing attack near Hadera,Israel."
2015-10-12,Saudis tell Russia its actions in Syria will have 'dangerous consequences'
2015-10-12,China enters the search for alien life with the construction of the world's biggest radio telescope
2015-10-12,Russia's National Anti-Terrorism Committee says it has arrested group of people preparing a terrorist attack in Moscow
2015-10-12,"Sweden sees highest asylum levels in history - More refugees have sought asylum in Sweden so far in 2015 than in any other year in the Nordic nation's history, new figures released by the country's Migration Agency have revealed."
2015-10-12,"El Nio could leave 4 million people in Pacific without food or drinking water - Papua New Guinea drought has already claimed 2 dozen lives & looming El Nio weather pattern could be as severe as in 1997-98, when 23,000 people died"
2015-10-12,Ebola nurse Pauline Cafferkey 'in serious condition'
2015-10-12,RAF given green light to shoot down hostile Russian jets in Syria
2015-10-12,Syrian rebels decry Russian airstrikes: 'we have not had Isis here in over a year' Residents in areas hit by Russian airstrikes describe widespread destruction of civic buildings and housing while Free Syrian Army largely shelters itself
2015-10-12,Swedish university shut down over threats of mass-shooting.
2015-10-11,China arrests hackers of US government on behalf of the US
2015-10-11,"For just the third time on record, scientists say they are now watching the unfolding of a massive worldwide coral bleaching event, spanning the globe from Hawaii to the Indian Ocean."
2015-10-11,"""Queen of Ivory"" arrested in Tanzania, charged with smuggling at least 706 elephant tusks worth about $2.5 million"
2015-10-11,A Canadian start up has opened a pilot plant to take CO2 out of the atmosphere in the form of pellets. Company plans to scale it up on a Global scale enabling countries to suck more CO2 from the atmosphere than they dump in.
2015-10-11,Syrian Christian leader tells West: 'Stop arming terror groups who are massacring our people'
2015-10-11,Fate of Isis leader al-Baghdadi unknown as his convoy 'struck by Iraqi air force'
2015-10-11,Ankara terror attack: Turkey censors media coverage of bombings as Twitter and Facebook 'blocked'
2015-10-11,ISIL Threatens to Execute 180 Assyrian Christians unless $14 million ransom is paid.
2015-10-11,Nobel Peace Prize committee accused of ignoring what Alfred Nobel wanted
2015-10-11,"A mysterious Russian military satellite parked itself between two Intelsat satellites in geosynchronous orbit for five months this year, alarming company executives and leading to classified meetings among U.S. government officials."
2015-10-11,Researchers at the University of Utrecht find that Dutch cyclists live longer than non-bikers. They say the evidence proves that cycling is not just good for your health but adds about an hour to your life for every hour spent this way. People in the Netherlands average about 74 minutes per week.
2015-10-11,"Canada Caves on Copyright in TPP: Commits to Longer Term, Urge ISPs to Block Content"
2015-10-11,Indigenous Peoples of Yaigoj Apaporis Victorious as Court Ousts Canadian Mining Company
2015-10-11,"Merkel's deputy expects Germany to get over a million refugees in 2015: More than a million refugees will come to Germany this year, Chancellor Angela Merkel's deputy said on Sunday, as a poll showed almost half of Germans believe she is handling the influx of asylum seekers badly."
2015-10-11,Shell & Exxon's 5bn problem: gas drilling that sets off earthquakes & wrecks homes - Groningen has been 1 of Europes richest gas fields for 30 yrs & 1000s of people say homes are damaged by tremors by drilling. Now class action may bring compensation & force a rethink of energy security.
2015-10-11,Right-wing anti-immigrant party poised to win Vienna vote
2015-10-11,Australia's Royal Children's Hospital doctors are refusing to return asylum seeker children to detention
2015-10-11,Turkey hit by protests over government response to suicide bombings
2015-10-11,Sabah police gets report claiming plane wreck with Malaysian flag found on Philippine island
2015-10-11,U.S. and Russia are trying to hash out flight procedures to ensure that there are no collisions or other incidents as both countries conduct bombing operations in Syria
2015-10-11,Russia using electronic warfare to cloak its actions in Syria from Isis and Nato
2015-10-11,"Suicide Bombings at Chad Market, Refugee Camp Kill 38 | A military official said the extremist group Boko Haram is suspected."
2015-10-11,Turkey enters mourning after Ankara blasts killed almost 100
2015-10-11,48 Million Year Old Horse Remains Found In Germany
2015-10-11,Japan lashes out at UNESCO's decision to archive documents on the Nanjing Massacre.
2015-10-10,Four rangers that protect elephants in Africa killed by poachers.
2015-10-10,'Stop TTIP' activists hand EU 3mn signatures
2015-10-10,Blast hits rally in Turkish capital
2015-10-10,NASA confirms ancient lakes existed on Mars 2 to 3 billion years ago
2015-10-10,#StopTTIP: Tens of thousands protest trade deal with US in Berlin right now
2015-10-10,Boeing Says It's Made the Lightest Metal Material in the World - Boeing has created a structure that is 99.99% air.
2015-10-10,India moves to stop flow of housemaids to Saudi Arabia.
2015-10-10,British Guantanamo Bay inmate who was given 1 million pound compensation set off to join ISIS
2015-10-10,"Privacy ends October 13, 2015: a new law requires that every one of the 400 Australian telcos and ISPs keep a record not a recording of every phone call, text, email, and download you make"
2015-10-10,Russian military bombs ISIS 64 times in 24 hours
2015-10-10,Internet Providers Would Be Forced to Block Filesharing Sites Under TPP
2015-10-10,'Rape of Nanjing' inscribed in UNESCO Memory of the World register
2015-10-10,"Turing Pharmaceuticals: ""We've agreed to lower the price of Daraprim."" But we haven't done it."
2015-10-10,Saudi Arabia delivers 500 TOW antitank missiles to the Free Syrian Army
2015-10-10,Ninety of Malis 300 remaining desert elephants have been killed during the past year as ivory poachers exploit a security vacuum created by an Islamic insurgency in the deserts near the city of Timbuktu.
2015-10-10,Iceland completes pay-back of IMF loan
2015-10-10,Nasa reveals its three-phase plan for putting people on Mars
2015-10-10,"Second Saudi juvenile faces beheading, a day after Cameron's questioned over 'squalid' human rights deal"
2015-10-10,"Jordan parliament accuses Israel of 'state terrorism' - The Jordanian parliament Saturday accused Israel of ""state terrorism"" against the Palestinian people after its forces shot dead seven Gazans and wounded more than 140 others in the coastal strip."
2015-10-10,"Conquistador Convoy Found in MexicoIn 1520, some 550 people were captured by Aztec. They decapitated them, even making figurines of them & beheading those. Hearing Cortez was coming, they hid it all in wells & split town. Cortes conquered the Aztecs the next yr."
2015-10-10,Amnesty International has mounted pressure on the UK to stop supplying weapons to the Saudi-led coalition in an effort to ease the conflict in Yemen.
2015-10-10,"Europe Begins Massive Deportation Of 400,000 Illegal Immigrants"
2015-10-10,Violence escalates as Palestinian militants 'fire rocket into Israel'
2015-10-10,More than 80 dead in Ankara blasts
2015-10-10,D.A.R.P.A. researching devices to help human body self-heal
2015-10-09,"Today, 9 October, 2015 WikiLeaks releases the final negotiated text for the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) Intellectual Property Rights Chapter. The TPP encompasses 12 nations representing more than 40 per cent of global GDP."
2015-10-09,"Mercedes-Benz, Honda, Mazda and Mitsubishi have been found to be part of the diesel emission scandal."
2015-10-09,"2 weeks after controversial pharma CEO Martin Shkreli announced he would lower the price of Daraprim, it's the exact same price"
2015-10-09,New study finds children living near the Fukushima nuclear meltdowns have been diagnosed with Thyroid cancer at a rate 20 to 50 times that of children elsewhere
2015-10-09,Obama Issues Rare Apology Over Bombing of Doctors Without Borders Hospital in Afghanistan
2015-10-09,"Claims that Russian missiles hit Iran are lies and part of psychological war, says Iranian general Musa Kamali"
2015-10-09,"Parramatta shooting: 'If you don't like Australia, leave', Muslim leader tells worshippers"
2015-10-09,Saudi Arabia is responding to the recent Russian air strikes on Syria by stepping up its supplies of lethal weaponry to Syrian rebel groups
2015-10-09,"The Nobel Peace Prize 2015 was awarded to National Dialogue Quartet ""for its decisive contribution to the building of a pluralistic democracy in Tunisia in the wake of the Jasmine Revolution of 2011""."
2015-10-09,Australian mosque leader tells violent Muslims to leave country
2015-10-09,"Hamas leader declares 'intifada' in the West Bank, says Gaza is prepared for confrontation, violence the only path to liberation."
2015-10-09,"Saudi Arabia Continues Hiring Spree of American Lobbyists, Public Relations Experts"
2015-10-09,Obama administration ends $500mn program to train Syrian rebels report
2015-10-09,The Hajj Stampede Was Twice As Bad As Originally Thought
2015-10-09,Bavaria threatens to take German government to court over refugees: The state of Bavaria threatened on Friday to take the German government to court if it fails to take immediate steps to limit the flow of asylum seekers to Germany.
2015-10-09,"Norway to limit asylum grants to five years - Norways right-wing government is to limit grants of asylum to a five-year term, after which refugees will be automatically sent home if the situation in their country has changed for the better."
2015-10-09,Ebola detected again in Scottish nurse who first contracted the virus in December last year.
2015-10-09,Russian air strikes 'hit three medical facilities' in Syria
2015-10-09,"Ancient Mars harbored long-lasting lakes, boosting the odds that life could have existed on the Red Planet billions of years ago, a new study suggests."
2015-10-09,Ali Mohammed al-Nimr crucifixion: Defiant Saudi Arabia rejects international 'interference' in protester's crucifixion
2015-10-09,"China said on Friday it would not stand for violations of its territorial waters in the name of freedom of navigation, as the United States considers sailing warships close to China's artificial islands in the South China Sea"
2015-10-09,HIV vaccine human trials to commence
2015-10-09,"""Queen of Ivory"" Infamous Poaching Mastermind Nabbed in Africa"
2015-10-09,Manned Russian jets are stalking US Predator drones in Syria
2015-10-09,Syrian Kurdish leader: Moscow wants to work with us
2015-10-08,Saudi Arabia: Employer chops off hand of Indian maid for trying to escape torture
2015-10-08,Ebola countries record first week with no new cases
2015-10-08,"Donald Trump goes to Scottish Supreme Court to fight the placement of a wind farm near his golf course because the 11 turbines would ""spoil the view."""
2015-10-08,"Amnesty tells the US to stop selling arms to Saudi Arabia- The group cites ""damning evidence"" of war crimes involving American-made weapons in Yemen."
2015-10-08,New Horizons Finds Blue Skies and Water Ice on Pluto
2015-10-08,Lake in India so toxic that it froths over and occasionally bursts into flames
2015-10-08,Chinese woman with no medical degree or a PhD wins a Nobel Prize for her work in creating an anti-malaria medicine
2015-10-08,Russian Offer to Share ISIL Targets With US-Led Coalition Gets No Response
2015-10-08,Volkswagen's US boss has admitted he was aware early last year of the emissions cheating affecting millions of the company's vehicles.
2015-10-08,Israeli Yeshiva student critically injured after being stabbed by a young Palestinian in fourth incident in 24 hours.
2015-10-08,"Calling Protesters in Chile Dumb, Pope Francis Sets Off Uproar - ""Pope Francis, called people in Osorno, a city in southern Chile, dumb for protesting against a bishop accused of being complicit in clerical sexual abuse."""
2015-10-08,British SAS soldiers use mannequins to lure dozens of ISIS into an ambush.
2015-10-08,British prime minister David Cameron vows to shut down Islamic schools that teach hate
2015-10-08,Pentagon Says North Korea Capable of Nuclear Strike on U.S.
2015-10-08,FBI has foiled 4 attempts by gangs to sell nuclear material to ISIS through Russian connections
2015-10-08,"Fifa: Sepp Blatter, Michel Platini & Jerome Valcke suspended"
2015-10-08,Hundreds of thousands of migrants will be deported from the EU within weeks under secret plans intended to 'deter irregular migration
2015-10-08,Mexico army boss will not allow questioning of troops in student massacre
2015-10-08,Scientists say a dramatic worldwide coral bleaching event is now underway
2015-10-08,Saudi Hajj disaster: Photos suggest true death toll in thousands
2015-10-08,Italian Priest Dismissed After Blaming Children for Sexual Abuse
2015-10-08,Israeli nonprofit SpaceIL secures Moon launch for 2017
2015-10-08,Islamic State 'used mustard gas' against peshmerga
2015-10-08,"At least 30 killed after airstrikes hit wedding in Yemen, officials say"
2015-10-08,Canadian and US generals discussed the possibility of fully 'integrating' the two countries' militaries
2015-10-07,Norwegian Air CEO Says $69 Flights From U.S. to Europe Coming Soon
2015-10-07,4 Russian warships launch 26 missiles against ISIS from Caspian sea
2015-10-07,"Wind power is now the cheapest electricity to produce in both Germany and the U.K., even without government subsidies."
2015-10-07,"Paedophile bishop escaped charges after MPs and royal family intervened, court told"
2015-10-07,"Teslas Hit by 180% Danish Tax on Cars as Green Goals Ditched. ""The three-month old government has already said it is abandoning ambitious CO2 emissions targets and dropping plans to become fossil-fuel free by 2050."""
2015-10-07,"Images of Pluto and Charon continue to captivate Nasa: 'This world is alive' - Every week I am floored, Stern said. Nasa wont let me tell you what were going to tell you on Thursday. Its amazing."
2015-10-07,3 scientists just won a Nobel for discovering the genetic mechanisms that explain why we dont all have cancer
2015-10-07,Doctors Without Borders Wants Independent Inquiry Into U.S. Attack On Hospital
2015-10-07,Italian priest Don Gino Flaim defends paedophiles and blames 'love-seeking children'
2015-10-07,Emails show Qadaffi son offered talks but Clinton ordered top general to 'not take the call'
2015-10-07,Obama: We Won't Turn Syria Into 'Proxy War' Between U.S. And Russia
2015-10-07,"Toyota, U.S. unsure how ISIS got brand new pickup trucks"
2015-10-07,Drone Drops Anti-Spying Leaflets Over NSA Facility in Germany
2015-10-07,Doctors Without Borders airstrike: US alters story for fourth time in four days
2015-10-07,Saudi prince now owns 5% of Twitter
2015-10-07,"3,500 ft High Glass Skywalk Cracks Under Visitors' Feet In China"
2015-10-07,Landmark High Court ruling on BRCA1 gene patent as pensioner wins legal case - A 69 year-old pensioner from Australia has succeeded in a David-and Goliath battle against a multinational corporation that claimed a patent over her genes.
2015-10-07,"Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Wednesday banned any further negotiations between Iran and the United States, putting the brakes on moderates hoping to end Iran's isolation after reaching a nuclear deal with world powers in July."
2015-10-07,U.S. Investigating How ISIS Got All Those Toyota Pickups
2015-10-07,Canadas PM Stephen Harper: Human Rights Issues Won't Derail Arms Sale to Saudis
2015-10-07,"The world's oceans are under threat from both illegal and mass industrial fishing, in which millions of fish are caught and discarded, experts warned Tuesday"
2015-10-07,Study finds that 500 biggest US companies stash $2.1 trillion in overseas tax havens; government losses $620 billion in potential taxes.
2015-10-07,David Cameron challenged over UN Human Rights deal with Saudi Arabia
2015-10-07,Zimbabwe: 14 Elephants killed by cyanide poisoning
2015-10-07,"Breast cancer gene BRCA-1 cannot be patented, Australian High Court rules"
2015-10-06,BP fined a record $20.8 billion for oil spill disaster
2015-10-06,Big U.S. firms hold $2.1 trillion overseas to avoid taxes: study
2015-10-06,"Former NSA boss Michael Hayden tells the BBC about Edward Snowden: If youre asking me my opinion, hes going to die in Moscow. Hes not coming home."
2015-10-06,Doctors Without Borders calls US bombing of its hospital a war crime
2015-10-06,Scientists to nudge asteroid off course as practice for protecting the Earth
2015-10-06,"NASA has released almost 10,000 never-before-seen images from the moon landings"
2015-10-06,"Your smartphone can be taken over with just a text, says Edward Snowden, and it could be happening right now"
2015-10-06,"The 2015 NobelPrize in Physics to Takaaki Kajita and Arthur B. McDonald for the discovery of neutrino oscillations, which shows that neutrinos have mass."
2015-10-06,"Wildlife thriving around Chernobyl nuclear plant despite radiation - High numbers of elk, deer, boar and wolves show long-term effect of worlds worst nuclear accident is less damaging than everyday human activity, say scientists."
2015-10-06,European Court of Justice ruled Safe Harbor Agreement invalid
2015-10-06,"A new species of rat has been discovered on an island in Indonesia. Scientists consider the rat so exceptional that they have described it not only as a new species but a new genus - a step up from the ""new species"" label."
2015-10-06,"Ireland- Millions of fish have been washed ashore on a beach in west Kerry. Peculiarly, no birds or scavengers have eaten the bodies that have been just lying on the shore, rotting, since Thursday."
2015-10-06,China is building the world's largest radio telescope to detect signs of life billions of light years away
2015-10-06,Snowden: I'd go to prison to return to US
2015-10-06,Hamas suspects arrested for murder of couple in front of their children
2015-10-06,'Hundreds' of Yazidis killing themselves in ISIS slavery
2015-10-06,"China wants to speed construction of a national network to charge electric cars, to help reach an ambitious goal of 5 million green vehicles on its roads by 2020"
2015-10-06,"Email to Hillary Clinton shows the US tried to cover up a WikiLeaks story on Turkey, PKK"
2015-10-06,US Troops Weren't Under Fire in Afghan Hospital Airstrike: Army Gen. John Campbell contradicts previous reports by his own Afghanistan command
2015-10-06,"Thousands form 'living border' against refugees - People across the eastern state of Saxony took part in demonstrations against refugees being taken into Germany at the weekend, with thousands gathering on the Czech frontier to form a ""living border""."
2015-10-06,"Russian station says weather forecast ""excellent for bombing Syria"""
2015-10-06,Kremlin Says Russian Volunteer Forces Will Fight in Syria; A senior Kremlin defense official told Russian news agencies on Monday that military veterans who had fought in eastern Ukraine would likely start showing up as volunteer ground forces in Syria.
2015-10-06,"Drone Flies Over NSA Complex in Germany, Dropping Leaflets"
2015-10-06,Russian Air Force Strikes ISIS in Al-Raqqa and East Aleppo: Terrorists Suffer Heavy Casualties
2015-10-06,"""Saudi clerics called on Muslim countries to back holy war against Syria and its Iranian and Russian backers."""
2015-10-05,Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Deal Is Reached
2015-10-05,Previously Unknown Lines to the 'Epic of Gilgamesh' discovered in stolen cuneiform tablet - A serendipitous deal between a history museum & a smuggler has provided new insight into one of the most famous stories ever told
2015-10-05,Montreal to dump 8 billion liters of sewage in the St. Lawrence River
2015-10-05,"Human rights are no longer a 'top priority' for the UK Government, says Foreign Office chief"
2015-10-05,ISIS militants blow up ancient Arch of Triumph in Palmyra
2015-10-05,"Obama has ordered the Pentagon, to directly provide ammunition and weapons to Syrian opposition forces on the ground."
2015-10-05,"Snipers have been pictured in Manchester city centre as thousands march in protest to cuts, coinciding with the Conservative Party conference. Armed police can be seen on the roof of the Great Northern complex in images that have been widely shared on social media."
2015-10-05,The World Bank has said that for the first time less than 10% of the world's population will be living in extreme poverty by the end of 2015.
2015-10-05,BBC admits faking impressive volcano footage for Patagonia TV documentary that went viral
2015-10-05,"Nigerian Governor promises to return money he stole, but only if he is re-elected"
2015-10-05,"Chile to create one of world's largest marine parks around Easter Island. Plans put forward by the local people will ban fishing in over 600,000 sq km of the Pacific ocean"
2015-10-05,Australian Doctors Successfully Reattach Baby's Internally Decapitated Head Following Serious Car Crash
2015-10-05,"France moves closer to passing controversial surveillance law.Despite firm criticism from civil liberties groups, the bill has faced minimal opposition from the public and the political classes."
2015-10-05,Holocaust historians criticise Austrias plan to jail Jewish author who inventoried property stolen from Jews in Vienna
2015-10-05,"Australia- The government called in the Federal Police to investigate information leaks from the Nauru detention camp six times in as many months, prompting claims it is pursuing whistleblowers instead of those who allegedly assaulted and raped asylum seekers."
2015-10-05,Air France bosses attacked by angry workers after announcing huge job losses
2015-10-05,Syrian rebels call for regional alliance against Russia and Iran
2015-10-05,German authorities now expect up to 1.5 million migrants in 2015: newspaper
2015-10-05,Defiant Chinese reporter claims police work with propaganda machine to sway public opinion. Liu recounted how the police try to draw out confessions and then air them on state television to shame suspects and sway public perceptions ahead of their trials.
2015-10-05,Nato warns russia over syria strikes
2015-10-05,England's shoppers say goodbye to free plastic bags
2015-10-05,Tens of thousands protest against UK government
2015-10-05,Iraqi prime minister says he would welcome Russian airstrikes in Iraq
2015-10-05,"Dozens of Islamist Saudi Arabian clerics have called on Arab and Muslim countries to ""give all moral, material, political and military"" support to what they term a jihad, or holy war, against Syria's government and its Iranian and Russian backers."
2015-10-05,"Germany needs to limit refugee influx, close borders: Merkel allies"
2015-10-04,"Medical aid group Doctors Without Borders denied that Taliban fighters were firing from its hospital at NATO forces before a US air strike killed at least 19 people. ""In any case, bombing a fully functioning hospital can never be justified."""
2015-10-04,UN says U.S. military's Afghan hospital bombing may be 'war crime'
2015-10-04,"'Marijuana is infinitely worse' than tobacco, Harper says as he encourages pot debate to go up in smoke"
2015-10-04,"10,000 protest in Moldova over missing $1.5 billion"
2015-10-04,Turkish journalist who acknowledged Armenian Genocide beaten by Turkey ruling party members
2015-10-04,Palestinian Authority condemns Israel for killing of Palestinian attackers
2015-10-04,Doctors Without Borders Leaves Afghan City After Airstrike
2015-10-04,Russia plans to ramp up Syria bombing.
2015-10-04,Most of H&Ms best factories in Bangladesh still dont have working fire exits
2015-10-04,Egypt says Russia's intervention in Syria will counter terrorism
2015-10-04,"Palestinian stabber shot dead after killing 1, wounding 4 in Jerusalem's Old City"
2015-10-04,Hopes Fade As 350 Still Missing After Landslide
2015-10-04,Patients were burning in their beds: Witnesses recall horrific Kunduz hospital airstrike
2015-10-04,Bashar Assad: I would leave office if it would help
2015-10-04,"Taller people more likely to get cancer, say researchers - Swedish study sheds new light on link between height and disease but smoking, obesity and poor diet are still greater risks."
2015-10-04,"Kunduz charity hospital bombing 'violates international law': Mdecins Sans Frontires decries horrific loss of life, as US airstrike revives questions over whether enough is done to protect civilians in Afghanistan"
2015-10-04,"Typhoon ""Mujigae"", known as Kabayan in the Philippines, was rapidly intensifying before it hit southern China early Sunday, October 4, 2015. Mujigae was bringing powerful winds and heavy rain. The storm left 120 fisherman missing in the Philippines."
2015-10-04,TPP negotiations likely to be concluded this weekend.
2015-10-04,China and Russia to jointly develop new heavy helicopter
2015-10-04,Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani Urges Global War Against ISIS
2015-10-04,TPP talks bogged down over pharmaceuticals
2015-10-04,Merkel: Iran's stance on Israel 'unacceptable'
2015-10-04,"Russian Air Force hits 50 ISIS targets in Syria over 3 days, significantly damaging militants"
2015-10-04,"Canada creates tip-line, to report ""Barbaric cultural practices"""
2015-10-04,Hundreds of Mauritanian women trafficked to Saudi Arabia trapped in 'slavery'
2015-10-03,Coca-Cola calls for FIFA President Sepp Blatter to step down immediately.
2015-10-03,Priest and theologist of the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith comes out as gay and with a partner
2015-10-03,Corporate tax dodging is 'corruption': World Bank chief
2015-10-03,Medical charity MSF says three of its staff were killed in a US airstrike on a clinic in the Afghan city of Kunduz
2015-10-03,Russia accuses US of 'pretending' to bomb Isis
2015-10-03,"The fatal aerial bombardment Saturday of a hospital in the Afghan city of Kunduz went on more than 30 minutes after officials in Washington and Kabul were informed, Doctors Without Borders said"
2015-10-03,Russia finally blitzes ISIS: At least 12 jihadis killed after Kremlin strikes targets near Raqqa - as fanatics hit back with 'Death to Putin' tweet and image of Moscow in flames
2015-10-03,"Migrants break into Channel Tunnel, rail services disrupted"
2015-10-03,McDonald's calls for FIFA President Sepp Blatter to step down immediately
2015-10-03,"Saudi Arabia sinks UN war crimes probe in Yemen, Washington stays silent"
2015-10-03,"Mumbai Play Called off After Catholic Bishop's Conference of India and others ask for a ban on its performance, claiming it hurts their religious sentiments. ""If this play could be tolerated 25 years ago in India and there are issues now, what are we saying about India today."" said the director."
2015-10-03,"16 Dead, 600 Missing in Guatemala Landslide"
2015-10-03,Merkel urges Europe to protect external borders amid refugee crisis
2015-10-03,"'This is a major world event': The Syrian war is now fueling a 'global cold war': One day after launching a campaign of airstrikes in Syria, Russia announced that it was considering going into Iraq."
2015-10-03,Neural lace has been invented to organically connect your brain with a computer
2015-10-03,"Saudi Arabia demands Russia end Syria raids, criticizes Iran"
2015-10-03,The Coca-Cola called on Friday for FIFA's President Sepp Blatter to step down immediately following Swiss authorities saying they were opening a criminal investigation into the head of the world soccer body
2015-10-03,Cattle farmer finds Iraqi refugee crossing illegally into Canada
2015-10-03,"Arab MK: Temple Mount should be Jews free, Jews have no historical connection to it"
2015-10-03,"US-Flag Cargo Ship M/V El Faro, 33 Crew Missing off Crooked Isl, Bahamas after reporting to have ""lost propulsion and a 15-degree list""."
2015-10-03,Taliban militants committed gang rapes and mass murders in Kunduz
2015-10-03,India pledges 33-35% cut in carbon emission intensity by 2030.
2015-10-03,Ukraine rebels have powerful new Russian-made rockets
2015-10-03,Most of Europe will now be free of genetically-modified crops
2015-10-03,Eight Of Iran's Women's Football Team Are Actually Men
2015-10-02,"Saudi Arabia insists UN keeps LGBT rights out of its development goals - ""The Saudi Foreign Minister says LGBT rights are 'counter to Islamic law' """
2015-10-02,Hamburg has become the first German city to pass a law allowing the seizure of empty commercial properties in order to house migrants
2015-10-02,Five Brazilian policemen have been arrested after mobile phone footage appeared to show an officer placing a gun in the hand of a teenager they had shot dead in a Rio de Janeiro favela.
2015-10-02,Canadian Feds penny-pinched on science libraries while lavishing funds on religion and oil
2015-10-02,Passenger plane reported as missing in Indonesia
2015-10-02,Belfast City Council wants people who are convicted of for animal cruelty to be registered in the same way that sex offenders are.
2015-10-02,Pope did not give unconditional support to clerk in gay marriage row: Vatican
2015-10-02,Amsterdam brothel owners must speak sex workers' language
2015-10-02,Indian government built 8.9 Million (89 lakh) Public toilets in just a year
2015-10-02,Israeli couple shot dead in West Bank
2015-10-02,"Half of World's Coal Output Is Unprofitable, Moody's Says"
2015-10-02,"Fearing Russian air strikes, Islamic State didn't hold Friday prayers, report says"
2015-10-02,Fatah armed wing claims responsibility for terror attack | Abdel Qader al-Husseini Brigades says deadly shooting of Eitam and Naama Henkin was a necessary action
2015-10-02,"European Union countries can imprison migrants who re-enter their territory after being expelled, the EU's top court ruled on Thursday in a judgment likely to be closely watched across the continent as it struggles to cope with a migration crisis."
2015-10-02,CIA pulls staff from China after US government hack
2015-10-02,Images Suggest China Is Building 1st Indigenous Aircraft Carrier
2015-10-02,"Amnesty condemns Taliban's 'reign of terror' in Kunduz: Mass murder, gang rapes and house-to-house searches by death squads: Based on civilian testimonies, Amnesty International has catalogued a number of atrocities attributed to the Taliban in the embattled city of Kunduz."
2015-10-02,"Russia's Lavrov on Syria targets: 'If it looks like a terrorist, walks like a terrorist if it fights like a terrorist, it's a terrorist, right? '"
2015-10-02,Cairo University Bans Teachers From Wearing Face Veil
2015-10-02,Anti-abortion activist Troy Newman to be deported after losing court bid to stay in Australia
2015-10-02,"US Spent a Year Bombing Syrian Desert, Not ISIL Russian MP"
2015-10-02,Vote Compass: Majority of Canadians support softer marijuana laws
2015-10-02,Netanyahu stares down UN in intense moment of silence
2015-10-02,India is teaming up with Google to have free WiFi at 500 railway stations
2015-10-02,AP: At least 997 people died and 600 people remain missing in Saudi hajj disaster | Iran death toll rises to 464
2015-10-01,"France threatens to walk away from TTIP negotiations saying a ""total lack of transparency"" in TTIP talks poses a ""democratic problem""."
2015-10-01,It's now illegal in England and Wales to smoke in cars with kids inside
2015-10-01,"Russian air strikes in Syria - They didn't hit Isis', US and France say as emergency talks planned"
2015-10-01,ISIS cell uncovered in northern Israel
2015-10-01,Saudi King Salman Orders the Seizure of all CCTVs in Mina
2015-10-01,Palestinian flag raised at UN for the first time ever
2015-10-01,Syrian Rebels Say Russia Is Targeting Them Rather Than ISIS
2015-10-01,US warns Russia against striking non-ISIS targets in Syria
2015-10-01,US anti-abortion activist Troy Newman still managed to fly to Australia but has been detained by border force in Melbourne
2015-10-01,Liberals 'committed' to legalizing cannabis: Trudeau
2015-10-01,Putin: Claims Russian jets killed civilians in Syria emerged before airstrikes started
2015-10-01,Abbas says Palestinians are no longer bound by the Oslo Accords with Israel
2015-10-01,"Organic? No guarantee Indian organic products free from pesticides, says study: Samples of veggies, fruits and organic food collected from across India show high level of contamination."
2015-10-01,Poland moves to take in ethnic Poles from former USSR
2015-10-01,"Nigerian football fans set up alternative Premier League on Twitter: It started as a joke, but popularity of local tournament has grown to rival that of English Premiership"
2015-10-01,"Veil debate becomes big issue in Canada election, putting Conservatives into lead"
2015-10-01,Iraq says would welcome Russian air strikes against IS in Iraq
2015-10-01,"Record El Nio set to cause hunger for 10 million poorest, Oxfam warns"
2015-10-01,"Jamaica should 'move on from painful legacy of slavery', says Cameron"
2015-10-01,Thai government websites hit by denial-of-service attack
2015-10-01,US Department of Transportation: Kuwait Airways must sell tickets to Israeli travelers if is wants to operate in the US
2015-10-01,"The UN refugee agency expects at least 1.4 million refugees to flee to Europe across the Mediterranean this year and next, a sharp rise from initial estimates of 850,000."
2015-10-01,Underwater Mining in the Philippines using children
2015-10-01,"Lieutenant of 'El Chapo' Guzman killed in Mexico, U.S. prosecutors reveal"
2015-10-01,"Half of the European Unions 28 countries and three of its regions have opted out of a new GM crop scheme, in a blow to biotech industry hopes. Under new EU rules agreed in March, 14 countries have now told Brussels they will send territorial exclusion requests to the big agricultural multinationals"
2015-09-30,"Germany has translated the first 20 articles of the country's constitution, which outline basic rights like freedom of speech, into Arabic for refugees to help them integrate."
2015-09-30,Man Killed by Hindu Mob in India because they suspected he ate Beef.
2015-09-30,Japan says it must look after its own before allowing in Syrian refugees
2015-09-30,Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe shouts 'We are not gays' during UN address
2015-09-30,"Diesel cars made by Renault, Nissan, Hyundai, Citroen, Fiat and Volvo among others emitted far more NOx in more rigorous tests, research shows"
2015-09-30,"Russia has conducted its first airstrike in Syria, near city of Homs, senior U.S. official tells CNN"
2015-09-30,An Iranian man who was on death row for allegedly insulting the prophet Muhammad has had his sentence commuted to reading 13 religious books and studying theology for two years.
2015-09-30,"A British nursing home offers its residents strippers and prostitutes, sparking a debate over sexual rights of the disabled."
2015-09-30,"Young New Zealander took his own life while awaiting deportation from Australia, he had lived in Australia since the age of 4. He was placed in indefinite detention in Goulburn jail and denied mental health support. Currently 200 New Zealanders are in indefinite detention awaiting deportation."
2015-09-30,Iron Dome intercepts rocket over Ashdod
2015-09-30,"Tractors, cows take over Canadian Parliament Hill as dairy farmers protest TPP"
2015-09-30,UK and Saudi Arabia made a 'secret deal' to secure each others' UN Human Rights Council seats
2015-09-30,"The Russian parliament on Wednesday unanimously granted President Vladimir Putin the right to deploy the country's military in Syria, a move a top Kremlin aide said related only to the air force."
2015-09-30,Montreal to dump 8 billion litres of sewage into St. Lawrence River
2015-09-30,US court dismisses 9/11 lawsuit against Saudi Arabia
2015-09-30,Chinese city hit by multiple explosions at public buildings
2015-09-30,Saudi Arabia insists Assad must go or be overthrown
2015-09-30,"For the first time ever, there are now more people in Canada age 65 and over than there are under age 15"
2015-09-30,A German scientist is revoking the license to his bioinformatics software for researchers working in eight European countries because those countries allow too many immigrants to cross their borders.
2015-09-30,"First of its kind study: No serious adverse effects from long-term MMJ use. ""No evidence of harmful effects on cognitive function, or blood tests among cannabis consumers and we observed a significant improvement in their levels of pain, symptom distress, mood and quality of life"""
2015-09-30,Antikythera Shipwreck Yields New Cache of Ancient Treasures
2015-09-30,"Norwegian terrorist and mass murderer, Anders Behring Breivik, who killed 77 people in 2011, pledges to hunger strike until death as a protest against prison conditions"
2015-09-30,"Quebec-based Valeant Pharmaceuticals is suspected of using the same business model as former hedge fund manager Martin Shkreli, as the price of two heart drugs is increased."
2015-09-30,"Volkswagen staff acted criminally, says board member"
2015-09-30,"King Tut's tomb likely has hidden chamber, Egyptian official says"
2015-09-29,"Canada tries to cut cost of US drug, gets sued"
2015-09-29,Elon Musk Says Climate Change Refugees Will Dwarf Current Crisis. Tesla's CEO says the Volkswagen scandal is minor compared with carbon dioxide emissions.
2015-09-29,British doctors hail 'cure for blindness' with successful treatment of age-related macular degeneration | The groundbreaking operation was carried out be surgeons at Londons Moorfields Eye Hospital
2015-09-29,An app which tracked US drone strikes through text notifications and maps has been removed from the App Store by Apple due to excessively crude or objectionable content
2015-09-29,"New Zealand has revealed plans to turn an area of the South Pacific about the size of France into a marine reserve. The Kermadec Ocean Sanctuary lies 1000km north of the mainland and includes a chain of islands and underwater volcanoes. It is a vast 620,000 sq km (239,400 sq miles) area."
2015-09-29,Putin: Do you realize what you have done? Putin speaks to UN about middle east situation.
2015-09-29,"The death toll from a suspected air strike on a wedding party in Yemen on Monday has risen to at least 131, the United Nations and local medics say."
2015-09-29,"""A senior Saudi prince has launched an unprecedented call for change in the countrys leadership, as it faces its biggest challenge in years in the form of war, plummeting oil prices and criticism of its management of Mecca, scene of last weeks hajj tragedy."""
2015-09-29,Edward Snowden promotes global treaty to curtail surveillance - Accord would require countries to reduce domestic snooping and provide asylum to whistleblowers
2015-09-29,"Putin: ""We can no longer tolerate the current state of affairs in the world"" (speech at UN on IS)"
2015-09-29,"China will contribute 8,000 troops for a United Nations peacekeeping force, China's President Xi Jinping told the United Nations General Assembly, a move that could make it one of the largest players in U.N. peacekeeping efforts."
2015-09-29,"Hajj crush: Saudi Arabia issues over 1,000 images suggesting death-toll rise -- Authorities in India and Pakistan say photographs of dead released to diplomats for identification mean hundreds more killed than originally thought"
2015-09-29,"U.S., Russia agree Syria must be united and secular: Kerry"
2015-09-29,"Hitachi says it can predict crimes before they happen: called Hitachi Visualization Predictive Crime Analytics, gobbles massive amounts of datafrom public transit maps, social media conversations, weather reports, and moreand uses machine learning to find patterns that humans cant pick out."
2015-09-29,U.S. gives up effort to train Syrian opposition forces
2015-09-29,A vast stretch of New Zealand's exclusive economic zone is being turned into an ocean sanctuary in a landmark deal to preserve one of the most pristine and unique environments on earth.
2015-09-29,KGB defector: Russia killed the British spy found in a duffel bag
2015-09-29,"The Taliban captured the northern Afghan city of Kunduz in a massive assault Monday involving hundreds of fighters, and now control a major urban area for the first time since the 2001 U.S.-led invasion."
2015-09-29,China opens terrifying glass-bottomed bridge in Shiniuzhai park
2015-09-29,"Saudi royal calls for regime change in Riyadh, The king is not in a stable condition"
2015-09-29,"Obama willing to work with Iran, Russia to end Syria conflict"
2015-09-29,Harper Conservatives hope to have TPP agreement this week
2015-09-29,"Three dead as Peruvian farmers and police clash at $7.4bn Chinese mine | As well as the deaths 17 were injured, three critically, when officers reportedly shot at protesters after they entered the Las Bambas copper mining project"
2015-09-29,"The Australian share market has lost around $41 billion in morning trade, as BHP Billiton shares tumbled below $22 for the first time since the global financial crisis."
2015-09-29,Counter to Islamic law: Saudi diplomat refuses to discuss gay rights at UN
2015-09-28,NASA announces discovery of flowing water in Mars
2015-09-28,"Mount Everest to be declared off-limits to inexperienced climbers, says Nepal"
2015-09-28,China will cancel debts to the world's least developed nations.
2015-09-28,Audi says 2.1 million cars have 'cheat' emissions software
2015-09-28,Dead woman emerges 31 years after she disappeared and 28 years after a man confessed to killing her
2015-09-28,Pirate Bay Founder Finally Free After Three Years
2015-09-28,"UN says world waited too long to act on refugee crisis.""Unfortunately only when the poor enter the halls of the rich, do the rich notice that the poor exist"""
2015-09-28,"Top Australian universities call for end to ""every child gets a prize"" approach and funding of mediocre research"
2015-09-28,French minister: 'TTIP talks are not transparent'
2015-09-28,"Iraq agrees to share intelligence on ISIS with Russia, Syria and Iran, catching Obama administration off guard"
2015-09-28,"India successfully launches its first space observatory Astrosat into orbit along with six other satellites (4 American, 1 Canadian, 1 Indonesian)"
2015-09-28,A Mexico City judge has sentenced three men to 520 years in jail each for their roles in the kidnapping and murder of 13 young people two years ago.
2015-09-28,Canada revokes citizenship of ringleader using new anti-terror law
2015-09-28,Yemen says war wipes out decades of development
2015-09-28,President Putin: US-Led Coalition Must Understand. Only the Syrian People Are Entitled to Decide Who Should Govern Their Country
2015-09-28,Moldovan protesters call on government to resign over the disappearance of $1.5 billion
2015-09-28,"El-Sisi: ""Egypt's Nearly 40-year Peace With Israel Should Include More Arab Countries"""
2015-09-28,Swiss competition authorities have said they've opened an investigation into whether a number of banks have been involved in the illegal fixing of precious metals prices.
2015-09-28,Paris goes car-free for a day to fight pollution
2015-09-28,"Creator of VW's software ""cheat"" warned them that it was only to be used for testing and not for road vehicles"
2015-09-28,"On Sept. 27th, 2015, nearly 2 billion people worldwide will be treated to a skywatching event not seen seen 1982. The 'Supermoon', which appears up to 14% larger in diameter due to its proximity to Earth, will also turn a reddish hue as a result of a total lunar eclipse."
2015-09-28,Pope: Workers Have 'Right' to Refuse Gay-Marriage Licenses
2015-09-28,Switzerland may ban Volkswagen diesel car sales.
2015-09-28,"After canceling a U.S. tour, the Dalai Lama, 80, checks into the Mayo Clinic for evaluation."
2015-09-28,Iran earns more from tax than oil for first time in almost 50 years
2015-09-27,"Russian President Vladimir Putin branded U.S. support for rebel forces in Syria as illegal and ineffective, saying U.S.-trained rebels were leaving to join ISIS with weapons supplied by Washington"
2015-09-27,No mercy: Video of weeping homeless man losing dog to activists sparks online outrage
2015-09-27,"30% migrants are fake Syrians, says Germany"
2015-09-27,Anonymous targets Saudi websites as teen awaits crucifixion for anti-govt activities
2015-09-27,Poll confirms Australians don't agree with the Government's proposal to strip Environmental groups of charity status.
2015-09-27,Saudi-led coalition helicopter attack kills another 25 civilians in Yemen
2015-09-27,Thousands turn out for anti-immigration protests in Poland
2015-09-27,"Despite western efforts, ISIS/ISIL has gained 30,000 recruits in the last 12 months"
2015-09-27,"Italy's Berlusconi says that Crimea split from Ukraine ""was democratic,"" hails Putin as ""world's greatest political leader"""
2015-09-27,Volkswagen warned about illegal emissions tricks years ago: Report
2015-09-27,"Japanese universities are cutting humanities and social sciences in favour of practical subjects, sparking global concern"
2015-09-27,Israel to penalize IDF soldiers for assaulting journalists in West Bank
2015-09-27,Catalan Vote Seen as Referendum on Secession From Spain
2015-09-27,Iran to buy $21 billion in Russian space equipment and aircraft
2015-09-27,"""The well-known preferential treatment Syrians receive within the German and Swedish asylum system has turned their passports into desired accessories for other immigrants who otherwise would not be likely qualify as refugees."""
2015-09-27,"Suspects forced to stand on anthills, made to eat raw chili peppers and stripped naked and whipped in public - Mass Facebook vigilante movements are going viral in Peru, prompting civilians to punish alleged criminals for petty crimes."
2015-09-27,"The leader of the British Labour Party has reiterated his support for a united Ireland at the start of his party's annual conference in Brighton.""There is that kind of sense that there is one island of Ireland."""
2015-09-27,"Russia, Iran, Iraq & Syria setting up joint information center to coordinate anti-ISIS operations"
2015-09-27,"Haj death toll rises to 769; Iran denounces ""crime"""
2015-09-27,Saudi Arabia and al-Qaeda Unite in Yemen
2015-09-27,Vladimir Putin bids for major world role as his forces move into Syria
2015-09-27,2000 civilians dead in Yemen.
2015-09-27,Saudi Arabia has refused Iran's request for a diplomatic meetng
2015-09-27,"Bangkok Erawan Shrine bomb: Main suspect is in custody, police say"
2015-09-27,"Pope Francis met with sex abuse victims, will celebrate outdoor Mass on his last day in U.S."
2015-09-26,NASA Will Announce A Major Mars Discovery On Monday
2015-09-26,Poles furious after Russia blames them for starting WWII (from @AP)
2015-09-26,German nurse shocked after being forced out of flat to make way for refugees
2015-09-26,US and China ban ivory trade
2015-09-26,"One of Europe's largest mosques on fire, 70 firefighters battling blaze."
2015-09-26,"Fukushima, Up to 100% of No. 2 reactor fuel may have melted"
2015-09-26,"German Chancellor Angela Merkel called on world leaders to tackle the root causes of a global surge in refugees by pushing back on war and terror.""We have to work against the source that causes people to flee or be driven out."
2015-09-26,TPP talks to resume in Atlanta this weekend
2015-09-26,U.S.-trained Rebel Surrenders Ammunition to Al Qaeda Affiliate in Syria
2015-09-26,"Fearing loss of TTIP deal, car industry buried U.S. safety report"
2015-09-26,Catalonia goes to the polls in an 'incredible moment for democracy' - A regional election billed as a referendum on Catalan independence could throw Spain and the EU into uncharted waters
2015-09-26,"The Thai captain of a seized cargo ship carrying an estimated $2 million worth of seafood has been arrested in Indonesia on suspicion of illegal fishing, in the latest development linked to an Associated Press investigation that uncovered a slave island earlier this year."
2015-09-26,Switzerland bans sale of Volkswagen models
2015-09-26,Anonymous leaks another high-level federal document as part of vendetta against government
2015-09-26,Germany's Giessen asylum centre rife in rape and child abuse as refugee crisis grows
2015-09-26,"CENTCOM Admits US-Trained Syrian Rebels Gave Their Supplies, Ammunition and Trucks to Al Qaeda Affiliate"
2015-09-26,Islamic State gaining ground in Afghanistan: UN
2015-09-26,"Saudi Mufti: Hajj stampede beyond human control. Says authorities not responsible for deadly crush, adding that ""fate and destiny are inevitable""."
2015-09-26,People smuggler who 'transferred thousands to Europe' killed in shootout in Libya
2015-09-26,Support for Merkel falls over handling of refugee crisis
2015-09-26,Hajj stampede: Saudi mufti says deaths 'beyond human control'
2015-09-26,"'New activity' detected at N. Korean nuclear test site: Amid concerns that Pyongyang may conduct a nuclear test to mark the 70th anniversary of the ruling party, US analysts say they have spotted a greater number of trucks and excavation activity at the Punggye-ri test site"
2015-09-26,Australia set to abandon opposition to Assad as part of Syria settlement
2015-09-26,Student union blocks speech by 'inflammatory' anti-sharia activist
2015-09-26,Canadian mining company who spilled 1mn litres of cyanide resumes operations after 2 days.
2015-09-25,U.S. drug company sues Canada for trying to lower cost of $700K-a-year drug.
2015-09-25,S. Korean court rules that any politician that receives bribe over $900 will be removed from office
2015-09-25,A 19-year-old who plotted a massacre at his former college has been jailed for life with a minimum term of eight years.
2015-09-25,40% more people are homeless than when David Cameron swept into Number 10
2015-09-25,"Boko Haram leader cant read Quran, nor perform Islamic prayers"
2015-09-25,"9 mega-companies, including Walmart, Nike, and Starbucks, commit to 100% clean energy"
2015-09-25,Cannabis 'forest' discovered in south-west London
2015-09-25,The stampede was caused by a Prince and 200 guards
2015-09-25,Iran has led growing criticism of Saudi Arabia after at least 717 people died and 863 were injured in a stampede near the holy city of Mecca on Thursday.
2015-09-25,"Pope's climate push is 'raving nonsense' without population control, says top US scientist"
2015-09-25,Swiss officials to start formal proceedings against Fifa President Sepp Blatter
2015-09-25,GCHQ surveillance has been tracking browsing history of every web user from porn visited websites to mobile locations
2015-09-25,65% of Taiwanese feel they are an independent nation apart from China
2015-09-25,"Renewable energy outstrips coal for first time in UK electricity mix. Wind, solar and bioenergy surge to supply a record 25% of the countrys electricity for a whole quarter"
2015-09-25,Tax on sugary drinks favored by most New Zealanders
2015-09-25,"Uber banned in belgium, gets 21 days to cease operations rules court"
2015-09-25,"Volkswagen rigged tests on 2.8 million cars in Germany, Berlin says"
2015-09-25,Russian fighter jets enter Syria with transponders off
2015-09-25,U.N. Agencies Told to Leave East Ukraine
2015-09-25,Finland demonstrators attack refugees with stones and fireworks
2015-09-25,"The third recorded global coral bleaching event may be underway. It's like watching a slow-motion train wreck, and were waiting for the cars to pile up on this side of the track, says Mark Eakin, the coordinator of NOAA's Coral Reef Watch"
2015-09-25,Saudis Blame African Pilgrims For Deadly Stampede Near Mecca
2015-09-25,15 tons of sulfuric acid intercepted en route to Gaza
2015-09-25,UK Chancellor George Osborne praised for 'not stressing human rights' by Chinese state media during visit
2015-09-25,"China, Worlds Largest Polluter, to Announce Program to Limit Emissions"
2015-09-24,Canadian mining company Barrick Gold leaks a million liters of cyanide into river in Argentina
2015-09-24,"Nigerian troops free 241 women, children in Boko Haram camps, arrest kingpin."
2015-09-24,Hajj: 100 dead and 390 injured in Mina stampede
2015-09-24,"The Associate Press will no longer use the term ""skeptic"" for those who deny climate change."
2015-09-24,"German commander in charge of anti-ISIS coalition in Iraq has been found dead in his hotel room in Irbil. ""This incident is under investigation and further information will be released as appropriate,"""
2015-09-24,"UK, France and Germany lobbied for flawed car emissions tests, documents reveal. Countries publicly calling for investigations into VW emissions rigging scandal have privately fought to keep loopholes in car tests for carbon emissions"
2015-09-24,Car industry 'buried report revealing US car safety flaws over fears for TTIP deal'
2015-09-24,India to supply generic cancer drug to US
2015-09-24,Volkswagen CEO Likely to Get $32 Million Pension After Leaving
2015-09-24,"Radicalisation Awareness Kit: The Australian Government's new booklet for schools links green activism, 'alternative music' to terrorism"
2015-09-24,Vladimir Putin plans air strikes in Syria if no US deal reached: Report
2015-09-24,"British National Health Service uncovers 1,000 female genital mutilation cases in England"
2015-09-24,Ali Mohammed al-Nimr crucifixion: UN issues urgent call for Saudi Arabia to stay execution of juvenile offender
2015-09-24,"ISIS Defectors claim ISIS teaches ""The Principles of the Islamic State, not the principles of Islam."""
2015-09-24,Student 'accused of being a terrorist' for reading book on terrorism
2015-09-24,"After Volkswagen Revelation, Auto Emissions Tests Come Under Global Scrutiny - ""In the United States, automakers conduct their own emissions tests and submit the results to the government. In Europe, automakers pick who conducts the tests and where they are done."""
2015-09-24,BMW Drops on Report That X3 Diesel's Emission Exceeded EU Limit
2015-09-24,Pope Warns Of 'Critical Moment' On Climate
2015-09-24,Syrian forces pound ISIS with new Russian aircraft:At least 38 Islamic State fighters were killed over the last 24 hours as Syrian jets continued to pound the extremist group's strongholds in the ancient city of Palmyra
2015-09-24,China to prosecute three over butchered panda
2015-09-24,Turnbull government considers blocking singer Chris Brown from entering Australia because of his domestic violence record
2015-09-24,"Europe has the worlds highest rates of drinking and smoking, and more than half its people are too fat, putting them at high risk of heart disease, cancer and other deadly illnesses"
2015-09-24,Explosion hits mosque in Yemen capital
2015-09-24,The Syrian war has caused the first-ever withdrawal from the 'doomsday vault' - Svalbard Global Seed Vault
2015-09-24,Dalai Lama says female successor must be attractive 'otherwise not much use'
2015-09-23,"Pharmaceuticals CEO who raised HIV drug price by 5,000% 'also hiked cost of pill taken by children with incurable kidney disease'"
2015-09-23,Norway rewards Brazil with $1 billion for keeping the Amazon full of trees
2015-09-23,Volkswagen hires BP oil spill lawyers to defend emissions cases
2015-09-23,Turing to roll back pricing for Daraprim amid controversy
2015-09-23,Ginger extremist convicted in royal death plot so Prince Harry can be king
2015-09-23,Martin Winterkorn resigns as Volkswagen CEO
2015-09-23,Pope Francis to Dine With Homeless Rather Than Lawmakers Thursday
2015-09-23,This 16-year-old won the Google Science Fair with a cheap and easy way to detect Ebola.
2015-09-23,"The commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan said Tuesday he expects U.S. personnel to report to military superiors any allegations of sexual abuse of boys by Afghan forces. He added that Afghan President Ashraf Ghani has assured him the government ""will not tolerate abuse of its children"""
2015-09-23,"The professional hunter, who helped American dentist kill Zimbabwes popular lion Cecil, re-arrested Monday on new charges of planning to smuggle 29 rare sable antelope out of the country"
2015-09-23,Indigenous site 'older than pyramids' in Perth freeway's path taken off heritage register
2015-09-23,Indigenous activist who helped close polluting Guatemala palm oil factory shot dead
2015-09-23,Pissed-Off UN Interns Protest Unpaid Internships Outside UN Headquarters
2015-09-23,"After 60 million years of extreme living, seabirds are crashing - A new study finds that the worlds seabird populations have plummeted by almost 70% in just 60 yrs."
2015-09-23,"Iran has given permission for five Americans to study in a Tehran University masters program a 'breakthrough,' the department head says. Others are enrolling in Persian language classes."
2015-09-23,"91 Year Old Woman To Be Charged With 260,000 Counts Of Accessory To Murder At Auschwitz Nazi Death Camp"
2015-09-23,"Putin opens the biggest mosque in Russia , praises Russian Muslims for rejecting extremists ."
2015-09-23,World's largest 3D mud printer makes dirt cheap homes at public debut in Italy
2015-09-23,"Hillary Clinton comes out against Keystone XL pipeline project - Breaks months of silence & says it's not in the best interests of ""what we need to do to combat climate change"". Pipeline would move crude from Alberta tar sands to Texas Gulf Coast."
2015-09-23,"The Israeli secret service is suspected of being behind a series of mysterious yet highly sophisticated cyber-spying attacks on decisive negotiations over Irans nuclear programme held at luxury hotels across Europe earlier this year, Swiss media has reported."
2015-09-23,"Canadians eating less meat, taking a bite out of food industrys margins"
2015-09-23,David Cameron says Europe must get better at sending migrants home
2015-09-23,Eight Million Tons of Plastic Dumped in Ocean Every Year
2015-09-23,A civil lawsuit against Volkswagen was filed Tuesday in Sao Paulo accusing the company of allowing the torture and detention of employees opposed to Brazil's former military dictatorship
2015-09-23,"Diesel ""worse than the black plague"" and responsible for 50,000 premature deaths a year in the UK alone - Skoda and Seat models in the UK were also fitted with the EA189 engine VW used to cheat US emissions tests"
2015-09-22,"Another drug Cycloserine sees a 2000% price jump overnight as patent sold to pharmaceutical company. The ensuing backlash caused the companies to reverse their deal. Expert says If it weren't for all of the negative publicity the original 2,000 per cent price hike would still stand."
2015-09-22,"Hedge fund trader Martin Shkreli who raised the price HIV drug by 5,000% asked how he sleeps at night. His reply ""You know, Ambien"""
2015-09-22,American soldiers told to ignore sexual abuse of boys by Afghan allies
2015-09-22,An engineer who once worked for Russia's military intelligence has been sentenced to 14 years in prison for seeking a job at a Swedish company
2015-09-22,VW emissions scandal hits 11m vehicles world wide
2015-09-22,Israeli Police Can Now Use Snipers Against Teenagers Throwing Stones
2015-09-22,"Fewer than one in 20 lobbyists are covered by the governments new lobbying register, according to a report warning that the public are being left in the dark about those trying to influence UK policy."
2015-09-22,Seeds removed from doomsday seed vault as a result of Syrian civil war
2015-09-22,Archaeologists have discovered a Pre-Roman era tomb in perfect condition at Pompeii
2015-09-22,IS executes 10 people accused of being gay in Syria: monitor
2015-09-22,US-trained Division 30 rebels 'betrayed US and hand weapons over to al-Qaeda's affiliate in Syria'
2015-09-22,"Disputed EU migrant plan voted in - EU ministers approve plans to relocate 120,000 migrants, with Hungary and Czech Republic among four voting against"
2015-09-22,Scientists release 'complete' tree of life which shows how 2.3 million species are related
2015-09-22,Report: Israel tells Jordan that it's breaching Temple Mount status quo - Channel Two reports that Israel has sent messages to Jordan that armed rioters were being allowed to sleep in al-Aksa
2015-09-22,Russia launches drones in Syria
2015-09-22,"China's cyberespionage putting ""enormous strain"" on relations, U.S. says"
2015-09-22,Facebook accused of spying on Belgian citizens like the NSA
2015-09-22,"German Stocks Fall More Than 3%, Pulled Down by Volkswagen"
2015-09-22,Midwife in the Indian state of Assam registered herself as pregnant 85 times in 6 months to get monetary benefit from a state-sponsored scheme.
2015-09-22,Exxon Confirmed Global Warming Consensus in 1982 with In-House Climate Models. The company chairman would later mock climate models as unreliable while he campaigned to stop global action to reduce fossil fuel emissions.
2015-09-22,Syrian asylum-seeker in Germany filmed boasting of having killed for ISIS
2015-09-22,Syrian refugee tripped over by Hungarian journalist was part of Al Qaeda's Nusra front according to PYD
2015-09-22,"Land Degradation, Desertification Might Create 50 Million Climate Refugees Within A Decade.Desertification also threatens water availability and quality that is believed to have played a key role in pushing Syria toward a brutal, protracted civil war that has cost nearly 300,000 lives."
2015-09-22,"European Union officials will forge ahead with a controversial plan to begin labeling products produced in Israeli settlements in the Occupied West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights"
2015-09-22,"German police conduct raids in Berlin's Islamist scene: German police say they have carried out several raids in Berlin targeting people suspected of recruiting for ""Islamic State"" in Syria. Hundreds of officers were involved in the operation."
2015-09-21,"Volkswagen has admitted to using software on VW and Audi branded cars to cheat U.S. diesel emissions tests, shares plunge more than 20 percent."
2015-09-21,Saudi Teenager Ali Mohammed al-Nimr Has Been Sentenced to Death by Crucifixion
2015-09-21,"German woman, 91, is charged with 260,000 counts of accessory to murder as prosecutors accuse her of being a Nazi SS radio operator who served in Auschwitz"
2015-09-21,New Zealand Zoo Won't Euthanize Tiger That Killed Zookeeper
2015-09-21,"Hungary passes law allowing govt to use army in asylum seeker crisis. According to the law, the army would be allowed to use rubber bullets, pyrotechnical devices, tear gas grenades or net guns"
2015-09-21,"Hungary places ads in Lebanese press warning off migrants...""Do not listen to the people smugglers. Hungary will not allow illegal immigrants to cross its territory."""
2015-09-21,Ruble fall causes wage parity between Russia and China: The devaluation of the ruble has put average salaries in Russia on par with those in China
2015-09-21,"The Obama administration will increase the number of refugees the United States is willing to accept to 100,000 annually in 2017, a significant increase over the current worldwide cap of 70,000, Secretary of State John Kerry said on Sunday."
2015-09-21,"PYD: ""Syrian refugee tripped by Hungarian journalist was member of radical al-Nusra Front"""
2015-09-21,"SodaStream offers 1,000 jobs to Syrian refugees in Israel. Company, which was targeted by BDS over its West Bank plant, says it could employ refugees in southern Israel"
2015-09-21,Saudi official: We wont cooperate with Israel as long as Palestine is occupied
2015-09-21,Russian embassy in Damascus comes under mortar fire foreign ministry
2015-09-21,No European country `can be exempt` from taking in refugees: Hollande
2015-09-21,"Attempts to protect Australias Great Barrier Reef are failing: report | Australia's Great Barrier Reef is still being damaged by the effects of climate change and farming, a report says. It says efforts to improve water quality are falling far short of the targets that have been set"
2015-09-21,Pirate Bay: What Raid? Police Never Got Our Servers
2015-09-21,"Pacific Islanders Plead for Urgent Climate Action as Seas Rise - The village where Anote Tong attended school some 40 years ago is no longer there. As the Pacific Ocean encroached on the settlement, the villagers left for higher ground."
2015-09-21,ISIS Defectors Reveal Growing Disillusionment
2015-09-21,Ministry of Defence condemns serving army general behind Jeremy Corbyn 'mutiny' threat - Some Conservatives also expressed disquiet with right-wing MEP Daniel Hannan describing the general as an 'idiot
2015-09-21,Apple's App Store infected with malware in China
2015-09-21,Islamic rebels free 2 American hostages held in Yemen
2015-09-21,"Israel to bring in 20,000 Chinese construction workers"
2015-09-21,Reports: Russian troops refusing deployment to Syria
2015-09-21,At least 55 people killed by three bomb blasts in Nigeria
2015-09-21,Climate Change Will Boost Arctic Mosquito Population
2015-09-21,"Greece opposition concedes defeat, Syriza poised to retain power"
2015-09-20,Anger after Saudi Arabia 'chosen to head key UN human rights panel'
2015-09-20,"Taxi drivers snarl up Brussels in anti-Uber protest. Belgian deputy PM says ""Improve customer experience. Invest in technology. Innovate the business. All things the taxi sector could do instead of strike"""
2015-09-20,"South Korea, host of the 2018 Winter Games, has been accused of bulldozing a 500-year-old virgin forest to make room for an Olympic ski slope."
2015-09-20,Egyptian billionaire: I found the island I want to buy for refugees
2015-09-20,"British Army 'could stage mutiny under Corbyn', says senior serving general"
2015-09-20,Parents protest forced circumcision of children: At least 25 children at Uganda school subjected to forced genital mutilation without parent's consent
2015-09-20,"Rouhani: Iranian 'Death to America' chants aimed at US policies, not American people. Rouhani listed the US backing of Iraq during the Iran-Iraq War as one of the historical instances that Tehran holds against Washington."
2015-09-20,Anti-migrant demo in Finnish border town over refugee influx
2015-09-20,Man killed 6 people in Japan found out to be Brother of Prisoner for Killing 25 citizens in Peru
2015-09-20,Volkswagen could face $18 billion penalties from EPA
2015-09-20,"MI5 pays UK Muslims to spy on terror suspects. UK intelligence agency has paid up to 2,000 for reports on alleged radical activity"
2015-09-20,Nepal passes secular constitution amid protests
2015-09-20,"Glyphosate harms bees' spatial learning - study shows not just neonicotinoids impair bees' ability to navigate, glyphosate has been found to have the same impact even at very low levels"
2015-09-20,"Canada to accept 10,000 Syrians within one year"
2015-09-20,Reykjavk to Cancel Boycott of All Israeli Products
2015-09-20,One Of Princess Diana's Charity Missions Completed 18 Years After Her Death
2015-09-20,German interior minister calls for limits on migrants to EU.
2015-09-20,The US and China are secretly negotiating what could become the first arms control accord for cyberspace
2015-09-20,"Indonesia arrests seven company executives for illegal forest fires - A senior executive of plantation company Bumi Mekar Hijau is one of those held for suspected environmental crimes, as part of a wider drive to combat the pollution haze crisis"
2015-09-20,"Taliban gunmen attack Pakistan air force base, 42 killed"
2015-09-20,Egyptian military floods vital Gaza supply tunnels on Palestinian border
2015-09-20,Finland Imposes Migration Controls at Swedish Border
2015-09-20,"Syrian Refugee Crisis: Albania Says It Will Take 75,000 Seeking Asylum"
2015-09-20,Pakistan bombs Taliban hideouts after deadly raid on military base
2015-09-20,Germany redirects flow of migrants to avoid Oktoberfest Festival
2015-09-19,Elephants Shot With Poison Arrows Travel To Humans For Help
2015-09-19,Japan passes law allowing troops to fight abroad
2015-09-19,"Croatia says it can take no more migrants: ""They will get food, water and medical help, and then they can move on. The European Union must know that Croatia will not become a migrant 'hotspot'. We have hearts, but we also have heads."" -Croatian Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic"
2015-09-19,A WikiLeaks document appears to show US plans to destabilize Syria back in 2006
2015-09-19,"The president of Canada's largest private sector union says the Trans-Pacific Partnership could have ""catastrophic effects"" on the nation's economy."
2015-09-19,"Operation Smile in India saves 19,000 missing children from Slavery, abuse"
2015-09-19,"UK- new counter-extremism bill, which will ban non-violent extremists, risks provoking a backlash in Britains Muslim communities a government watchdog has warned. Cameron have defined extremism as as vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values."
2015-09-19,"Russia Warns Poland After WWII Monument Pulled Down: Russia has threatened Poland with ""most serious consequences"" for pulling down a monument to a Soviet World War II general"
2015-09-19,"Advanced Ligo labs in the US, designed to detect ripples in gravitational waves permeating through the universe, are up and running: ""It's sort of like we've been deaf to the Universe until now, and turning on these detectors is like turning on our ears."""
2015-09-19,'Bad news on ISIS wasn't welcome': We know more about how US officials reportedly cooked ISIS intel
2015-09-19,Witnesses: Egypt flooding tunnels to Gaza Strip
2015-09-19,"500,000 Children Forced To Flee Boko Haram"
2015-09-19,"Hungary seizes migrant train from Croatia, disarms 40 Croatian police and arrests train driver"
2015-09-19,Germany's Oktoberfest kicks off in Munich - Golden days have come again in Germany for keen beer-drinkers and sausage-eaters: the 182nd Oktoberfest has begun in Munich after the tapping of the first keg. The festival is expected to draw 6 million visitors.
2015-09-19,Three Guatemalan activists working in the northern part of the country have been kidnapped following a landmark court ruling against palm oil manufacturer Repsa
2015-09-19,"UN officials have openly criticized the the virtual silence with regards to civilian suffering in the Yemeni conflict from the world community, warning that unless violence on the ground is stopped via political compromise more people will suffer."
2015-09-19,A group of British aviation enthusiasts committed to seeing Concorde fly again has revealed it has the funds to purchase one of the supersonic jets and bring it back into service within the next four years.
2015-09-19,Hungary's Foreign Minister Warns of Up to 35 Million Migrants Coming to Europe
2015-09-19,Claims a 240-year-old bottle of wine was uncorked in Crimea for former Italian leader Silvio Berlusconi and Russian President Vladimir Putin have sparked a probe in Ukraine.
2015-09-19,"The researchers from Sunshine Coast University (SCU) and the University of New England (UNE), Australia have discovered that the Aboriginal people keep the oral tradition story passed on for generations about the sea-level rise dating back to over 7 000 years ago."
2015-09-19,The worlds largest Delta 3D printer can print nearly zero-cost housing out of mud
2015-09-19,"1,100 crossing-border refugees apprehended by Slovenian police"
2015-09-19,Migrant crisis: Croatia will 'force' Hungary to take migrants
2015-09-19,"Iranian crowds chanting 'death to America' don't mean it personally, says president Hassan Rouhani"
2015-09-19,"China Calls On North Korea To Halt Planned Space Launch, Nuclear Test."
2015-09-18,Brazil's Supreme Court has banned corporate contributions to political campaigns and parties
2015-09-18,"Investigation finds Exxon knew about CO2's effect on the climate since 1977, but ignored internal research and warnings"
2015-09-18,Islamic extremist shot dead in Berlin after stabbing police officer
2015-09-18,Man sentenced to death in Saudi Arabia will be crucified
2015-09-18,"Finland has a strike - over 30 000 people have gathered in the rain to protest against the government, no public transport working, stores closed"
2015-09-18,Cameron gives top environment policy job to oil man ahead of major climate talks
2015-09-18,India is not an 'IT-superpower' but an 'IT-labour contractor' as it lacks innovation : Indian Minister
2015-09-18,Bid to inspect Israeli nuclear site blocked
2015-09-18,Burkina Faso just had a coup that put the military junta into power. Protests have begun.
2015-09-18,Ukraine bans journalists who 'threaten national interests' from country
2015-09-18,Refugee Kicked By Camerawoman Gets Job as Soccer Coach in Spain
2015-09-18,Skeletons of 200 Napoleonic troops found in Germany
2015-09-18,"First 'zero-emissions' hydrogen filling station opens. ""It uses electricity generated by a wind turbine to split water into its constituent parts: hydrogen and oxygen."""
2015-09-18,"For the second time in two years, a captive snake in south-east Missouri has given birth without any interaction with a member of the opposite sex."
2015-09-18,A new report ties the Russian government to a seven-year malware campaign
2015-09-18,"Germany seeks stricter limits on migrants, rolling back welcome mat"
2015-09-18,One million Yemenis ready to invade Saudi Arabia according to Iranian Press
2015-09-18,Israeli police could use live sniper fire against Palestinian rock throwers under Benjamin Netanyahu plan
2015-09-18,"Japan passes new military bill, Scuffling ensues."
2015-09-18,Russia says ready for talks with United States on Syria
2015-09-18,Farmers in northern France have been ordered to destroy this year's produce because of pollution caused by World War One armaments left in the soil
2015-09-18,'Super-gonorrhoea' outbreak in Leeds
2015-09-18,"In egalitarian Sweden, richer regions reluctant to share refugee burden"
2015-09-18,China Is Building The Mother Of All Reputation Systems To Monitor Citizen Behavior
2015-09-18,"Half a million children have fled attacks by the Islamist group Boko Haram over the past five months, the UN children's agency says."
2015-09-17,"Efficiency up, turnover down: Sweden experiments with six-hour working day | World news | The Guardian"
2015-09-17,7.9-Magnitude Earthquake Strikes off the Coast of Chile
2015-09-17,"HPV vaccine should be free for boys, says mother who paid $340 The vaccine is free for girls in Grade 6, but costs more than $300 for boys"
2015-09-17,"US priests accused of sex abuse get a second chance by relocating to South America The Catholic Church has allowed priests accused of sexually abusing children in the United States and Europe to relocate to poor parishes in South America, a yearlong investigation has found."
2015-09-17,BBC News: A Russian prank caller has said he and a colleague tricked Sir Elton John into thinking President Vladimir Putin had called him to discuss gay rights
2015-09-17,Nobel director regretted Obama peace prize.
2015-09-17,Saudi Arabia: Juvenile prisoner faces 'death by crucifixion' after appeal is dismissed
2015-09-17,University of Sydney Student Smashes NASA Record For Fuel Efficiency; Mars and Back on a Tank of Fuel
2015-09-17,Iceland's capital declares boycott of Israeli goods
2015-09-17,Tsunami alert as Chile hit by powerful 7.9 earthquake
2015-09-17,Final push for TPP set for end of September
2015-09-17,School ordered to pay student $1 million for sex abuse by female principal of ultra-orthadox Jewish school. Principal fled to Israel and is fighting extradition.
2015-09-17,Migrants break through police lines on Croatia-Serbia border
2015-09-17,"""I am racist and my racism based on Islam"", says supreme council member of Malaysia's ruling party"
2015-09-17,Czech President: Refugees from Ukraine should be included in EU's refugee quotas
2015-09-17,Rising number of employees reporting mental health issues. More than two fifths of employers have seen increase in workers reporting conditions such as depression or anxiety
2015-09-17,"UK Judge gives Asian pedophile harsher sentence when victims were Asian because ""Asian sex crime victims suffer more than whites""."
2015-09-17,"Exxon Believed Deep Dive Into Climate Research Would Protect Its Business | 1979 memo: ""It behooves us to start a very aggressive defensive program in the indicated areas of atmospheric science and climate because there is a good probability that legislation affecting our business will be passed."""
2015-09-17,Jewish Man Dies as Rocks Pelt His Car in East Jerusalem
2015-09-17,"World Wide Fund for Nature says nearly half the world's marine animals wiped out in single generation: ""The emergency edition of WWF's Living Blue Planet Report revealed a 49 per cent decline in marine vertebrate populations between 1970 and 2012. For some fish this figure was almost 75 per cent."""
2015-09-17,"Threatened, starved: Cook reveals life at Saudi Diplomat's house"
2015-09-17,Global study reveals soaring antibiotic resistance in India
2015-09-17,Burkina Faso 'coup': Presidential guard dissolves government
2015-09-17,"Malicious Cisco router backdoor found on 79 more devices, 25 in the US"
2015-09-17,Russian Authorities Close Down American Center in Moscow: The Russian government has shut down the U.S. Embassy's American Center in Moscow after 22 years in operation
2015-09-16,"Tuna and mackerel populations suffer catastrophic 74% decline, research shows"
2015-09-16,"Australian Government introduces ""No Jab No Pay"" legislation, preventing parents of unvaccinated children from receiving childcare benefits."
2015-09-16,"Norway will soon pay Brazil the final instalment of a $1bn payment for slowing the rate at which the Amazon rainforest is cut down, and is in talks about a further scheme."
2015-09-16,Air Canada pilot diverts international flight to save dog from freezing.
2015-09-16,"Nepal to stay secular, proposal for a Hindu nation rejected"
2015-09-16,"'If you are worried about refugees, stop supporting terrorists' - Assad interview"
2015-09-16,"Exxon's Own Research Confirmed Fossil Fuels' Role in Global Warming Decades Ago | ""Over the past several years a clear scientific consensus has emerged,"" Cohen wrote in September 1982, reporting on Exxon's own analysis of climate models."
2015-09-16,"Scared By Russia, Sweden And Poland Make War Pact"
2015-09-16,Netherlands bans wild animals in circuses
2015-09-16,"Hungary convicts migrant for illegally crossing into country, first conviction under new law"
2015-09-16,Germany can stop cash for jobless EU migrants - The European Court of Justice ruled on Tuesday that Germany can deny basic welfare payments to European migrants - even if they've previously had a job in the country.
2015-09-16,"The Leap Manifesto, ""an ambitious plan to end fossil fuel subsidies, increase income taxes on corporations and the wealthy, cut military spending and implement a progressive carbon tax"", signed by at least one hundred notable Canadian personalities"
2015-09-16,David Attenborough backs huge Apollo-style clean energy research plan
2015-09-16,Google to raise $11 million for refugee crisis in Europe in 1:1 donation-matching campaign
2015-09-16,"UK drops out of top 10 renewable energy ranking for 1st time - Conservative govt has sentenced renewable energy to death by 1000 cuts & left investors puzzled, says EY report. ""Weve entered a really weird phase where weve almost got govt energy policy being set in a vacuum."""
2015-09-16,"Pope warns religious orders: Take in refugees, or pay property taxes."
2015-09-16,Iranian Female Soccer Star Faces Husband-Imposed Travel Ban
2015-09-16,WWF - Failing fisheries and poor ocean health starving human food supply. Their report shows a decline of 49 per cent of marine populations between 1970 and 2012.
2015-09-16,"Jeremy Corbyn has said Labour can win the 2020 general election by creating a radical grassroots movement.They call us deficit deniers; they spend billions cutting taxes for the richest families and for the most profitable businesses. What they are is poverty deniers,"
2015-09-16,Croatia says it will allow migrants to travel on to northern Europe - opening up a new route a day after Hungary sealed its border with Serbia.
2015-09-16,"Flying Korea's farmed dogs to safety - ""Our goal is to end the dog-meat industry in Korea,"""
2015-09-16,Turkish presidents office says insulting president not within freedom of expression
2015-09-16,Saudi suspends Binladen group over Mecca crane crash - royal court
2015-09-16,"Anheuser-Busch InBev, the maker of Budweiser and Corona, said Wednesday it has approached rival SABMiller Plc for a potential takeover that would combine the world's two biggest brewers"
2015-09-16,China stocks resume sharp slide as economic worries mount
2015-09-15,"Egyptian Billionaire who wants to purchase private islands to house refugees, has identified potential locations and is now in talks to purchase two private Greek islands"
2015-09-15,The UN Says US Drone Strikes in Yemen Targeting al Qaeda Have Killed More Civilians Than al Qaeda
2015-09-15,Saudis Accused of Not Taking Refugees Despite 100K Empty Tents
2015-09-15,"Denmark has said it will not participate in the EUs plans to resettle some 160,000 refugees."
2015-09-15,US troops return to Iraq to battle Islamic State
2015-09-15,West 'ignored Russian offer in 2012 to have Syria's Assad step aside'
2015-09-15,Hungary Declares Emergency As It Blocks Migrants At Border
2015-09-15,"Whales to gain 'long-sought protections' as navy limits sonar use, activists say"
2015-09-15,Thousands of refugees may lose right of asylum under EU plans - Brussels meeting is expected to call for establishment of refugee camps in Italy and Greece and for detention of irregular migrants
2015-09-15,"Two decades of frontier-free travel across Europe unraveled on Monday as countries re-established border controls in the face of an unprecedented influx of migrants, which broke the record for the most arrivals by land in a single day."
2015-09-15,"According to a new study, half of the sea turtles on the planet have ingested some form of plastic. This comes just days after another study (with some of the same researchers involved) reported similar findings in seabirds -- some 90 percent of which have consumed plastic."
2015-09-15,"Tens of thousands of people have already left Central America for the United States, fleeing violence and poverty.Extreme weather could drive further migration from the Central American countries, particularly Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador."
2015-09-15,Tourists interrupt endangered turtle reproduction season in Costa Rican beach
2015-09-15,FOIA Reveals TPP Has Immigration Chapter
2015-09-15,Australian mother on trial for genital mutilation
2015-09-15,Hundreds quarantined as Ebola returns to north Sierra Leone district
2015-09-15,"They are calling it the great Indian gold rush. Within months, Indian officials are expected to auction licences for new gold mines across the country, and abandoned colonial-era mines are set to be revived."
2015-09-15,"Okinawa governor to block construction of new US airbase: Takeshi Onaga says he will revoke permits for offshore base in Henokos pristine waters, opposing Japans central government"
2015-09-15,Ex FIFA adviser: Blatter should face a criminal investigation for TV rights deal
2015-09-15,"City officials have suspended the mayor of Bucharest who is under arrest on suspicion of taking bribes worth 25,000 euros ($28,000) from companies working for the city hall."
2015-09-15,Canadian banks helping clients bend rules to move money out of China
2015-09-15,Poland & Sweden agree to intensify military cooperation
2015-09-15,North Korea 'restarts nuclear operations' | BBC
2015-09-15,Teen Arrested for Planning Alleged ISIS-Inspired Attack on Pope
2015-09-15,'Syria Is Emptying'
2015-09-14,Malcom Turnbull becomes Prime Minister of Australia after Tony Abbott rejected by Liberal party
2015-09-14,El Nino set to be strongest ever. The most powerful weather pattern of its type in the past 65 years will have huge impacts on weather around the globe.
2015-09-14,12 Mexican Tourists and Egyptians Killed After Security Forces Misidentify Them As Terrorists
2015-09-14,Police drop VIP Westminster paedophile ring murder probe over lack of evidence
2015-09-14,"A Chinese woman suspected of stealing a $300,000 (195,000) diamond in the Thai capital, Bangkok, has had the jewel surgically removed from her intestines."
2015-09-14,"Iran's President Rouhani sends message for Jewish new year - ""May our shared Abrahamic roots deepen respect and bring peace and mutual understanding. L'Shanah Tovah."""
2015-09-14,Australia- A former teacher from one of Australia's most distinguished families of judges has avoided jail after being convicted of filming up the skirts of his students and possessing ( over 9000 images) child abuse material.
2015-09-14,"In a remarkable technical feat, researchers have sequenced DNA from fossils in Spain that are about 300,000 to 400,000 years old and have found an ancestoror close relativeof Neanderthals."
2015-09-14,"Don't return, a Sydney uni student is told after his father 'disappears' in China"
2015-09-14,Bolivia proposes commercialization of the coca leaf
2015-09-14,Japan's Mount Aso volcano erupts
2015-09-14,Historian understood to have found first use of word f*** in 1310 English court case
2015-09-14,Two suspected terrorists linked to Boko Haram are charged with horrendous acid attack on holidaying British teenagers
2015-09-14,El Nino could make 2015 'the hottest year on record'... and 2016 will be even hotter. The findings will demolish claims by climate sceptics that the slowdown in the rate of global warming over the past 17 years proves that scientists concerns are exaggerated.
2015-09-14,"Goldman Sachs report: Oil headed to $20 a barrel. Economist says it's unlikely because ""There are too many big financial players that have been buying up oil they would just start buying up the companies and shutting down production themselves"""
2015-09-14,Iran's President Wishes Jews a Happy Rosh Hashana
2015-09-14,Egypt Begins Digging Moat To Protect Itself from Hamas: The moat is intended to prevent the Muslim-Brotherhood affiliate in Gaza from digging smuggling tunnels into Egypt.
2015-09-14,Vivienne Westwood drives tank to David Cameron's house in anti-fracking protest.
2015-09-14,"Three critically endangered Javan rhinoceros calves where spotted on camera in an Indonesian national park, much to the excitement of staff and rhino lovers."
2015-09-14,Obama Administration Accused of Ignoring Geneva Conventions in Refusal to Release 74-Pound Guantanamo Detainee
2015-09-14,"Taliban storms Afghan jail with suicide bombers, releases over 350 prisoners"
2015-09-14,NASA Launching 4K TV Channel
2015-09-14,The Egyptian army announced it has killed 64 alleged Islamic State (IS) militants in North Sinai Saturday
2015-09-14,"Oxfam: Increasing inequality plunging millions more Europeans into poverty.Between 2009 and 2013, the number of Europeans living without enough money to heat their homes or cope with unforeseen expenses, known as severe material deprivation, rose by 7.5 million to 50 million people"
2015-09-14,Czech PM insists migrant quotas 'won't work'
2015-09-13,A 200 yr old tree in Ireland is blown over during storm to reveal an early medieval skeleton within the roots
2015-09-13,"Sweden wants Russia to explain threats over NATO Entry: Sweden has called in Russia's ambassador to explain comments by a Foreign Ministry spokeswoman who said any Swedish decision to join NATO would have ""consequences"" that would compel Russia to respond"
2015-09-13,"Climate change talks in Paris our 'last chance', say Pacific islands: 'This is not politics, it's survival'.The Pacific island nations whose very existence is threatened by rising sea levels have issued a desperate plea to Australia and New Zealand."
2015-09-13,"Some 20,000 people are protesting against Moldova's government for the eighth straight day, demanding a probe into the estimated $1.5 billion that disappeared from three Moldovan banks"
2015-09-13,Germany 'to start border controls'
2015-09-13,Twelve major banks have tentatively agreed to pay $1.87 billion to settle allegations that they colluded to fix prices and lock out competitors
2015-09-13,"Nations using child soldiers are invited to British arms fair | New figures reveal that of the 23 countries listed by the UN for grave violations against children or where child soldiers are used, the UK sold military equipment to 19 during the past five years."
2015-09-13,"Munich has run out of space for refugees, says mayor, as crisis pushes German city to 'the limit"
2015-09-13,Norwegian politicians propose putting refugees on Svalbard remote Arctic islands with more polar bears than people
2015-09-13,"Jeremy Corbyn's Labour Is A 'Threat To National Security', David Cameron Claims In Tweet"
2015-09-13,"Leader of Al Qaeda Belittles Leader of ISIS as Not Worthy: ""In a blistering new message, [Ayman al-Zawahiri] denounces [Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi] as the illegitimate leader of a phony caliphate."""
2015-09-13,"A Man Found a Chunk of Whale Vomit Worth $10,000 - The vomit contained ambergris, a substance produced inside whales' stomachs, which can be used to create the musky smell in perfume."
2015-09-13,Woman On Alan Kurdi Boat Claims Drowned Toddler's Father Is A People Smuggler
2015-09-13,Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri has called on young Muslim men in the United States and other Western countries to carry out attacks within their countries and urged greater unity between militants.
2015-09-13,"Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said that beginning next week, immigrants found crossing into the country illegally will be arrested"
2015-09-13,Hungary has accused the Austrian chancellor of making comments unworthy of a 21st century leader after he described the country's asylum seeker policies as reminiscent of Nazi-era Germany.
2015-09-13,Germany's Merkel sees need to cooperate with Russia on Syria
2015-09-13,A UK-funded memorial to Kenyans killed and tortured by British forces during the Mau Mau uprising in the 1950s has been unveiled in the Kenyan capital.
2015-09-13,Belgium 'Ready' To Send Troops To Syria After Order Is Restored
2015-09-13,"""Scottish nationalists will propose holding a new referendum on independence from the rest of Britain, Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said on Sunday [13 September 2015]."""
2015-09-13,First confirmed double meteorite crater discovered in Sweden
2015-09-13,Knife and Car Attacks on Kurdish Rallys in Germany and Switzerland Leave Many Injured
2015-09-13,"Federal government will match up to $100 million for Syria aid, while Ontario hopes to resettle 10,000 refugees"
2015-09-13,Thousands flock to anti-migrant demos in E.Europe
2015-09-13,French consul in Turkey suspended for boat sales to migrants
2015-09-12,52 People Killed After Crane Falls in Mecca's Grand Mosque
2015-09-12,"Obama says that Chinese cyberhacking is 'unacceptable'. The White House said he will no longer stay at New York's Waldorf Astoria hotel, which was bought by a Chinese company last year. Obama also said that China should fear confrontation online: ""I guarantee you we will win if we have to."""
2015-09-12,Germany houses asylum seekers at former Nazi concentration camp Buchenwald
2015-09-12,"The premier of British Columbia, Christy Clark, has advised Miley Cyrus to stick to what she knows, twerking and provocative dancing, rather than getting her followers up in arms about a wolf cull in that province, which Clark says is to help protect endangered caribou."
2015-09-12,"The Trans-Pacific Partnership would kill Canadian auto jobs says Unifor, the union that represents thousands of autoworkers in this country."
2015-09-12,"Hungry, aggressive polar bears lay siege to Russian weather station"
2015-09-12,"Vodafone illegally accessed the mobile phone records of Fairfax investigative journalist Natalie O'Brien to find the sources of her story, according to a leaked email."
2015-09-12,"Russian cosmonaut sets new record in space | Russia's Gennady Padalka has returned from his fifth space mission spending a cumulative 879 days in space, a new record. The three-person crew touched down safely in Kazakhstan."
2015-09-12,At least 60 killed in Indian restaurant gas explosion
2015-09-12,"$11mn, 36-hour historic head transplant to be carried out in China in 2017"
2015-09-12,"Egyptian prime minister, cabinet resign"
2015-09-12,Hundreds of Tunisians have gathered in the heart of the capital under heavy security to protest against a law which offers amnesty for those accused of corruption
2015-09-12,"A Strong El Nino Is Here, and Likely To Last Through Winter and Spring, NOAA Says"
2015-09-12,India To Buy Attack Drones From Israel For $400 Million: Report
2015-09-12,"New Canadian study analyzing 35 years of US General Social Survey data, finds no empirical link between growth pornography availability via the internet, and aggressive behavior against women."
2015-09-12,Russia to U.S.: talk to us on Syria or risk 'unintended incidents'
2015-09-12,FBI says The famous Australian 'IS jihadist' is actually a Jewish American troll named Joshua Ryne Goldberg.
2015-09-12,"A former French minister stirred up controversy Friday after saying Germany ""took our Jews and gave us Arabs"" as France began taking some of the thousands of refugees arriving in Germany"
2015-09-12,"More than 430,000 refugees and migrants have crossed the Mediterranean to Europe so far in 2015, a record number that is more than double the total for the whole of last year"
2015-09-12,"Fleeing war, Syrian refugees bike across Arctic border"
2015-09-12,U.S. Drops Charges That Professor Shared Technology With China
2015-09-12,New wave of refugees possible due to cuts in UN aid | International aid to Syrian refugees is drying up. The emergency could mean that soon more and more longterm refugees living in Arab transit countries will come to Europe.
2015-09-12,China Tells U.S. to Stop 'Groundless' Hacking Accusations
2015-09-12,"Accused Canadian terror suspect tries to convert a prisoner, earns a jailhouse beatdown"
2015-09-12,Militant group in Gaza (Jaish al-Islam) pledges allegiance to ISIS in communiqu
2015-09-11,Child poverty in Scotland is now so severe that teachers are being sent advice on how to spot if a child in their class is going hungry
2015-09-11,Muslim radicals in Germany are trying to recruit some of the growing numbers of asylum seekers reaching the country
2015-09-11,Al Qaeda Leader Al-Zawahiri Declares War on ISIS 'Caliph' Al-Baghdadi
2015-09-11,Cereal banned from Zimbabwe schools after pupils brewed beer
2015-09-11,Palestine flag to fly at UN headquarters after majority vote
2015-09-11,"Hundreds of thousands of Catalans gather in Barcelona, calling for secession from Spain"
2015-09-11,Citi's Chief Economist Says China Is 'Financially Out of Control'
2015-09-11,Black Mamba female rangers awarded for anti-poaching efforts - A mostly female anti-poaching unit known as the Black Mambas in South Africa won the United Nations top environmental prize this week.
2015-09-11,"Saudi diplomat case: Waive immunity, Delhi tells Riyadh. There is prima facie evidence of abuse, sodomy and rape by the diplomat and his father-in-law"
2015-09-11,"North Korea says defectors are liars and that people who stay behind are ""happy"""
2015-09-11,"Obama Directs Administration to Accept 10,000 Syrian Refugees"
2015-09-11,U.S. government officials have blocked the release of 116 pages of defense lawyers' notes detailing the torture that Guantanamo Bay detainee Abu Zubaydah says he experienced in CIA custody
2015-09-11,Researchers at Alexandria University in Egypt have unveiled a cost-effective desalination technology which can filter highly salty water in minutes.
2015-09-11,Australia: Peter Dutton overheard joking about rising sea levels in Pacific Island nations
2015-09-11,Europe migrant crisis: Hungary 'will arrest illegal migrants'
2015-09-11,UK: MPs reject 'right to die' law
2015-09-11,TPP protesters occupy Prime Minister's office
2015-09-11,World nuclear capacity set to grow by 45% by 2035
2015-09-11,"Scientists: Poorer nations outdo wealthier ones on climate pledges - Developed countries ""ought to be embarrassed."" ""Ethiopia & Morocco have been considerably more transparent than China & Canada. Mexico was really better than US or EU"" in terms of plans."
2015-09-11,Turkish Teen Gets Suspended Sentence for Insulting Erdogan
2015-09-11,Female cartoonist on indecency charge for shaking man's hand: Thousands petition to free Atena Farghadani
2015-09-11,"US intelligence chief says Iraq, Syria may not survive as states, could split along ethnic, sectarian lines"
2015-09-11,50 kg of gold stolen from Egyptian Mint Authority.
2015-09-11,Russia: World must arm Syrian government against IS
2015-09-11,Astronomers resort to crowdfunding to save Australia's Mopra Radio Telescope
2015-09-10,National Geographic sold to Fox
2015-09-10,French court confirms Monsanto guilty of chemical poisoning
2015-09-10,Top female student takes on corruption in Egypt after scoring zero on exams
2015-09-10,"A new species of human ancestor found, Homo naledi, has been found in South Africa"
2015-09-10,Female cartoonist could have 12 year prison term extended for shaking her lawyer's hand
2015-09-10,"Travelling to work 'is work', European court rules"
2015-09-10,"The Amazon tribe protecting the forest with bows, arrows, GPS and camera traps - With authorities ineffective, the 2,200-strong Kaapor, in the Brazilian state of Maranho, are taking on the illegal loggers with technology & direct action"
2015-09-10,People climbing onto rooftops to stay alive - Japan is experiencing extreme flooding
2015-09-10,Finland to raise taxes on the wealthy to cover refugee costs
2015-09-10,The European Commission and Big Tobacco accused of cover-up after heavily redacted documents released.Documents back up fears that TTIP will allow tobacco giants to take legal action against the UK and other European governments who attempt to tighten smoking legislation
2015-09-10,"UK govt calls environmental controls on fracking ""unnecessary red tape"" - Added its weight to a behind-the-scenes lobbying drive by oil & gas firms including BP, Chevron, Shell & ExxonMobil to persuade EU leaders to scrap series of environmental safety measures, according to leaks."
2015-09-10,"A judge in Iran has started sentencing criminals to buy and read books instead of handing down jail terms to avoid ""irreversible physical and psychological impact on convicts and their families"""
2015-09-10,Thailand introduces first law to protect LGBT people
2015-09-10,German Lawmaker: At the Root of Refugee Crisis are Wars Led by the United States in the Middle East
2015-09-10,"More Than 1,000 Indian Muslim Clerics Sign Fatwa Against ISIS"
2015-09-10,Number of Russians Living in Poverty Nears 22 Million
2015-09-10,"China to explore 'dark side' of the moon. China has confirmed it plans to send a spacecraft to land on the moon's ""dark side"" before 2020..."
2015-09-10,ISIS claim to be holding Norwegian and Chinese men hostages
2015-09-10,"Karachi 'water mafia' sucking city's pipelines dry. Officials say 30 percent of Pakistan city's water supply is wasted or stolen, worsening an already chronic shortage."
2015-09-10,"Saudis protest ""intrusion"" into diplomat's house as Nepalese women recount horror."
2015-09-10,"Sudan's security forces killed, raped and burned civilians alive, says rights group. Human Rights Watch report catalogues appalling acts carried out by Sudans Rapid Support Forces during two military campaigns in Darfur."
2015-09-10,"UN: 96,000 children are starving and close to death in the port city of al-Hodeidah in Yemen"
2015-09-10,Egyptian researchers developed a cost-effective method for cleaning saltwater in just minutes
2015-09-10,"Non-EU countries Norway, Iceland, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein will have to agree to relocate asylum seekers in the latest EU scheme or face possible penalties"
2015-09-10,Russian troops join combat in Syria
2015-09-09,"Sometimes, 7-8 men raped us in one daywe thought we were going to die, says woman rescued from Saudi diplomats home in India"
2015-09-09,"Japanese group sues to stop TPP talks - A group of citizens has sued the Japanese government, arguing that the Trans Pacific Partnership agreement would violate that nation's constitution"
2015-09-09,"UK Parliament to debate ""making the production, sale and use of cannabis legal"" on October 12."
2015-09-09,Saudi Arabian diplomat accused of raping Nepali maids claims diplomatic immunity
2015-09-09,"S. Korea dedicates $100 million to help poor countries fight infectious diseases including Ghana, Ethiopia, Jordan"
2015-09-09,Indian police say they have rescued 2 Nepali women kept as slaves from a Saudi diplomat's residence.
2015-09-09,Hungarian nationalist TV camera operator filmed kicking refugee children
2015-09-09,"Frankenvirus Emerges From Siberia's Frozen Wasteland: ""Scientists said they will reanimate a 30,000-year-old giant virus unearthed in the frozen wastelands of Siberia, and warned climate change may awaken dangerous microscopic pathogens."""
2015-09-09,Camerawoman sacked for tripping up refugee father carrying his child
2015-09-09,Opening Syrian refugee 'floodgates' too risky for Canada: Prime Minister Harper
2015-09-09,"More than 107,000 sign UK petition for arrest of Netanyahu"
2015-09-09,Queen Elizabeth II becomes Britain's longest-reigning monarch later when she passes the record set by her great-great-grandmother Queen Victoria.
2015-09-09,Saudi Arabia Bans National Geographic Issue Featuring Pope Francis For Cultural Reasons
2015-09-09,"Khamenei: Israel wont survive next 25 years - ""Taking to Twitter, Iranian leader says Zionists wont find serenity until destruction, calls US Great Satan and rejects any talks with Washington beyond nuke deal"""
2015-09-09,Danish police close motorway as refugees march to Sweden
2015-09-09,Germany promises 50 Mbps broadband for all.
2015-09-09,"Australia to accept additional 12,000 Syrian refugees and provide $44 million financial aid"
2015-09-09,"Chinese imports drop 13.8%, casting more doubts about its economy"
2015-09-09,New law allows Irish transgender people to get updated birth certs
2015-09-09,Huge Russian military planes land in Syria
2015-09-09,"Europeans allowed to sue over privacy breaches in new EU-US data agreement | EU citizens will now be able to sue over data misuse in American courts, as part of a new agreement on data security between the EU and US. It follows years of concern over the reach of the US National Security Agency"
2015-09-09,National Geographic put a GPS tracker inside a fake ivory tusk heres where it went
2015-09-09,Czech far-rightist calls to put refugees in former concentration camp
2015-09-09,"Syria: Abbott wants Christians, not Muslim refugees"
2015-09-09,"Palestinian detainee freed after two days, finds home razed"
2015-09-08,Homeopathy conference in Germany ends in chaos after delegates take hallucinogenic drug
2015-09-08,"Germany to Spend $6.6 Billion on 800,000 Refugees and Migrants"
2015-09-08,"Two months after Cecil, outrage arises about South African hunt massacre. Hundreds of antelope, wildebeest, baboons, and other animals will be herded along a narrow track while hunters shoot at them from elevated platforms."
2015-09-08,"Until the 1970s, Western Australia stole the wages of thousands of Aboriginal workers. Its been waiting for them to die rather than pay back."
2015-09-08,"Islamist vigilantes face trial for 'Sharia police' who declared that they would ""patrol the streets to police morals"" - The Local Germany"
2015-09-08,New Zealand politician says that country should only take women and children refugees from Syria and that men should be told to go back and fight
2015-09-08,"A former Dragons' Den star has been charged with child sex offences. Doug Richard, who acted as an adviser to Prime Minister David Cameron, is accused of three counts of sexual activity with a child and one of causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity, the Press Association reports."
2015-09-08,Russian Prime Minister orders all gas stations to install EV charging stations
2015-09-08,Canada clears way for case against Chevron over 'Amazon Chernobyl' - Ecuadorians seek billions of dollars in compensation from energy giant over mass contamination of rainforest
2015-09-08,Palestinian man gets death threats for saving US Jewish students from Palestinian mob
2015-09-08,Syrian refugees in Uruguay say they want to move elsewhere
2015-09-08,Austria says fight against Islamic State needs Syria's Assad
2015-09-08,"Germany could take 500,000 refugees each year for several years, the countrys vice-chancellor, Sigmar Gabriel, has said"
2015-09-08,"700 Germans are fighting for ISIS and the number of women joining keeps growing - Germany's domestic intelligence agency (BfV) fears a growing number of women have gone to Iraq and Syria to fight alongside Islamic State militants, its chief said on Wednesday."
2015-09-08,"Left for dead in the Aegean, Syrian teen refugee swims 16 hours back to Turkey"
2015-09-08,Philippines to Roll Out Nationwide Free Wi-Fi Service by 2016
2015-09-08,"Lesbos 'on verge of explosion' as refugees crowd Greek island - Greeces interior ministry says island of 85,000 inhabitants is currently hosting as many as 17,000 refugees in its capital alone"
2015-09-08,Bulgaria denies air access for Russian supply flights to Syria
2015-09-08,IKEA's 'Better Shelter' refugee housing units heading to Iraq | MNN
2015-09-08,"David Cameron reveals Islamic State plot to kill the Queen, royals"
2015-09-08,"Hit by new wave of refugees, Germany warns EU partners: ""if countries in eastern Europe and elsewhere continued to resist accepting their fair share of refugees, the bloc's open border regime, known as Schengen, would be at risk."""
2015-09-08,"Two days after killing 16 soldiers, another bomb attack by PKK in eastern Turkey kills at least 10 police officers"
2015-09-08,Defector: Kim Jong Un's days are numbered -
2015-09-08,"World is running out of one of the most effective snakebite treatments, putting tens of thousands of lives at risk, warn experts"
2015-09-08,"Romania says can take maximum 1,785 refugees, rejects EU quotas"
2015-09-07,Mosul: Iraqi woman kills senior Isis commander after forcing her to act as sex slave
2015-09-07,"Israel plans to demolish up to 17,000 structures, most of them on privately owned Palestinian land in the part of the illegally occupied West Bank under full Israeli military and civil rule, a UN report has found."
2015-09-07,Majority of French against easing rules for migrants asking for refugee status
2015-09-07,Mining industry's new 'coal is amazing' TV ad labelled desperate. Green groups criticise ludicrous Minerals Council of Australia ad which claims coal creates light and jobs and can now reduce its emissions by up to 40%
2015-09-07,Greek authorities have seized a freighter carrying an undeclared shipment of weapons en route from Turkey to Libya
2015-09-07,"Opposing gay marriage, the Australian leader Tony Abbott faces opposition from his party and family, including his gay sister, Christine Forster"
2015-09-07,Fake Rice made of paper found in China
2015-09-07,"UK to accept 20,000 refugees from Syria by 2020"
2015-09-07,"Giant 'Stonehenge' more than 4,500 years old found buried a mile from ancient stone circle"
2015-09-07,"Scientists in Germany have come up with a method for extracting germanium from plants. Nowadays, silicon-germanium alloy is indispensable to modern life, crucial in making computers, smartphones and fiber-optic cables."
2015-09-07,"The European Central Bank has refused a request to appear before a parliamentary probe into the Republic of Ireland's banking crisis. The inquiry, set up after the country suffered a catastrophic financial crash in 2008, had asked the ECB to give evidence on its role in the crisis."
2015-09-07,Israel finds Palestinians with Israeli army uniforms and guns in West Bank counter-terror raids
2015-09-07,"Dalai Lama can't deny China central government's role in reincarnation, says China"
2015-09-07,"Austria to close borders again after 12,000 refugees enter from Hungary in 48 hours. The Austrian chancellor, Werner Faymann, says emergency measures will be lifted"
2015-09-07,Quebec doctors can now prescribe exercise
2015-09-07,Huge meteorite falls on earth in Thailand
2015-09-07,France to prepare for IS air strikes
2015-09-07,[Canadian] Conservative candidate Jerry Bance caught in CBC sting urinating in homeowner's coffee mug
2015-09-07,Fire in refugee apartment block in Germany's Ebeleben: Yet another settlement for migrants in Ebeleben in central Germany has caught fire. Prosecutors are looking into political motives behind the disaster that occurred shortly after another blaze in a Bavarian refugee home.
2015-09-07,UN agencies 'broke and failing' in face of ever-growing refugee crisis
2015-09-07,Russia: We never concealed giving arms to Syria
2015-09-07,Blast reported at chemical plant in eastern China
2015-09-07,"""As thousands of refugees arrive every day in Germany, calls are growing louder from business leaders in Europe's biggest economy to offer them jobs."""
2015-09-07,RAF killed Briton in Syria strike - PM
2015-09-07,Russian Orthodox Extremist Takes Credit for Destroying Mephistopheles Sculpture in St. Petersburg
2015-09-06,Pope Francis calls on every Catholic parish in Europe to host one migrant family
2015-09-06,Urban Myth Confirmed True as Archaeologists Discover Hidden Tunnels in Mexico
2015-09-06,Large Hadron Collider Produces State of Matter Existing at Birth of Universe. Researchers at the University of Kansas working with an international team at the LHC produced quark-gluon plasma with fewer particles than previously thought possible
2015-09-06,": A young Tibetan who vanished two decades ago after he was chosen by the Dalai Lama as the second-highest figure in Tibetan Buddhism is ""living a normal life"" and does not want to be disturbed, a senior Chinese official said on Sunday."
2015-09-06,"Massive wildfires are burning around Russia's Lake Baikal - world's largest and oldest freshwater lake - for the last month and a half, and the situation is now close to catastrophic."
2015-09-06,"Alberta government bans logging, mining, and oil and gas expansion in Castle area"
2015-09-06,"U.S. Warns Russia Over Military Support for Assad: ""... such a move might even lead to a confrontation with the American-led coalition"""
2015-09-06,Egyptian belly dancers jailed for 'inciting debauchery'
2015-09-06,Putin proposes new common currency among former Soviet states to replace the dollar
2015-09-06,"Munich mayor: I don't think about numbers, only refugees' safety | Southern German city has become a gateway for people arriving via Austria from Hungary and expects to have received 10,000 this weekend"
2015-09-06,"Psychedelic drug emergency at seminar near Hamburg Germany. In what may have been a mass experiment by enthusiasts of 'naturopathic medicine', a synthetic form of methamphetamine sickens 29 people and several had life-threatening symptoms."
2015-09-06,"Israel working to prevent the next Gaza offensive through 'Palestinian relief' - Israel will add power lines in Gaza, help establish many acres of solar farms in the northern Gaza Strip, and more"
2015-09-06,"Japan, US agree to conclude TPP early"
2015-09-06,"Snowden attacks Russia's online restrictions, curbs on rights"
2015-09-06,Star pupil who scored zero in all her exams - potential case of injustice and corruption.
2015-09-06,US concerns over Russia 'building military base in Syria' reports
2015-09-06,Germany seizes fake Syrian passports in asylum inquiry
2015-09-06,Teen is paraded down the street by police after 'recruiting other women to fight for ISIS'
2015-09-06,"Israel demolished 143 Palestinian structures in August, the highest such total in five years. The wave of demolitions came amid severe heat waves and has left children homeless as they start the new school year"
2015-09-06,10 million in silver bullion still not recovered after massive heist in Montreal Canada
2015-09-06,India Muslim Leaders Condemn ISIS: Religious Scholars Endorse Fatwa Lambasting Islamic State Ideology As Un-Islamic
2015-09-06,Edward Snowden attacks Russia over human rights and online freedom
2015-09-06,In pictures: Thousands show support for migrants at Paris rally
2015-09-06,Anti-Muslim Buddhist group moves toward Myanmar's mainstream
2015-09-06,"Immigration News Today: Mexico Deportation Rate Outpaces US, Most Deportees Are Not Criminals : US News"
2015-09-05,Putin confirms Russian military involvement in Syria's civil war
2015-09-05,"The BBC plans to propose doing a daily news broadcast into North Korea and a satellite TV service in Russia as part of a drive to counter state propaganda worldwide, reports said."
2015-09-05,El Chapo's son forgets to switch off location data in Twitter picture
2015-09-05,A 22-year-old anti-Nazi song tops German charts again to welcome refugees
2015-09-05,"A crater in Russia, which emerged 10 months ago has tripled in size to become a 120m-wide sinkhole."
2015-09-05,"Russian president Vladimir Putin has said that Europe's migrant crisis is payback for the EU ""blindly following U.S. orders"" in the Middle East."
2015-09-05,The Supreme Court of Canada on Friday dismissed an attempt by oil giant Chevron to block Ecuadorian villagers from using an Ontario court to collect billions in damages over rainforest pollution
2015-09-05,Finland's prime minister says he will share his house with refugees
2015-09-05,Japanese group sues to stop TPP talks
2015-09-05,"Norway's security services have confirmed that Hassan Dhuhulow, a Norwegian man of Somali decent, was one of the terrorists behind a brutal attack on a Nairobi shopping centre in 2013."
2015-09-05,The leader of Austria's far-right Freedom Party (FPO) has blamed the United States and the NATO Western military alliance for triggering the refugee crisis that has overwhelmed Europe.
2015-09-05,Snowden Accepts Norwegian Prize via Video Link From Russia
2015-09-05,German Chancellor Angela Merkel says there is no legal limit to the number of asylum seekers her country can receive.
2015-09-05,"Saudi Arabia is satisfied with assurances from U.S. President Barack Obama about the Iran nuclear deal and believes the agreement will contribute to security and stability in the Middle East, a senior Saudi official said on Friday."
2015-09-05,New solar-power device can conserve ancient texts in India
2015-09-05,Supreme Court of Canada rules Ecuadorean villagers can pursue a multi billion pollution lawsuit against Chevron Corp
2015-09-05,Deadly missile strike launched by Houthi rebels kills 83 coalition troops in Yemen.
2015-09-05,"Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370: Plane 'Landed' On Water, Not Crashed, Investigators Suggest"
2015-09-05,Thousands of refugees take to motorway to walk to Austria from Hungary
2015-09-05,China backs Putin's idea of developing Russia's Far East
2015-09-05,Argentina: doors are open to welcome Syrian refugees
2015-09-05,EUs Mogherini fed up with calls to act emotionally to drowned Syrian refugee toddler photo
2015-09-05,A Palestinian man saved Jewish students from a mob in the West Bank
2015-09-05,Anti-corruption police target more than 20 foreign politicians. British police are targeting more than 20 of the worlds most corrupt politicians involved in laundering millions of pounds through the City in a major expansion of the UKs international anti-graft operations.
2015-09-05,France Confirms Wing Part Found on Reunion is from Missing Malaysian Plane MH370
2015-09-04,"Jordan has a population of 6 million, but have taken in 1.5 million refugees. All with little protest or mass global coverage."
2015-09-04,Egyptian billionaire wants to buy island to house migrants.
2015-09-04,People would rather live near wind turbines than fracking wells.
2015-09-04,"Canadian Prime Minister candidate Justin Trudeau promises to legalize marijuana ""right away"" if elected"
2015-09-04,Edward Snowden says Hillary Clinton 'ridiculous' to think emails were secure - Snowden said in Al-Jazeera interview that ordinary government workers would very likely face prosecution for sending classified emails over personal server.
2015-09-04,3 Indians get 20 years in jail for raping Japanese student
2015-09-04,The U.S. is finalizing a $1 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia
2015-09-04,"Amid refugee crisis, Hungary prime minister says Muslims not welcome: Viktor Orban says history of Ottoman rule means Hungarians will not accept large-scale Muslim immigration"
2015-09-04,"More than 1,000 tractors have rolled into Paris as farmers attempted to clog up the capital's roads in protest of their falling incomes."
2015-09-04,Syria civil war: Russians filmed fighting alongside President Assad's forces
2015-09-04,"Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott says the ""very sad"" images of a Syrian boy lying lifeless on a Turkish beach demonstrate the need for countries to adopt tough policies to stop asylum seekers arriving by boat."
2015-09-04,Netlfix Has Apparently Reduced Piracy In Australia
2015-09-04,I want a blue-eyed Yazidi - A teenager describes what it's like on the ISIS sex-slave market
2015-09-04,300 girls hospitalized due to mysterious gas (Afghanistan)
2015-09-04,"Migrant Smuggling in Europe Is Now Worth Billions - With thousands of migrants pouring out of Afghanistan and the Middle East, the business of smuggling them across the Balkans into the European Union has grown even larger than the illicit trade in drugs and weapons"
2015-09-04,"Canada gets a C on innovation report card, corporate R&D lowest of 16 countries"
2015-09-04,Drowned Syrian toddlers' family had not applied for Canada entry
2015-09-04,"More than 100,000 asylum seekers enter Germany in August"
2015-09-04,Nice but dim: Posh but stupid children do better than poor yet gifted
2015-09-04,"Canadian Forces have no role to play in Syria, Iraq: Mulcair"
2015-09-04,One of the Indian women sentenced to be gang-raped speaks of her fear
2015-09-04,South Korea on the Brink of Becoming a Multicultural Country
2015-09-04,Russian spy ship off the coast of US sub base Georgia
2015-09-04,"Iranian police to confiscate cars of poorly veiled women, says the head of Tehrans traffic police, Gen. Teymour Hosseini"
2015-09-04,Peru: Indigenous Seize 11 Oil Wells Demanding Spill Clean Up
2015-09-03,"The Democratic Republic of Congo has banned a film about Congolese surgeon Denis Mukwege, who has treated thousands of women raped during conflict. ""There is a clear intent to harm and sully the image of our army."""
2015-09-03,Turkish daily exposes transfer of weapons to ISIS
2015-09-03,"Exactly half of Germans are concerned that the strong increase in the number of asylum seekers is overwhelming them and German authorities, a survey showed on Thursday."
2015-09-03,"Australia wants to join India, the United States and Japan in joint naval exercises in the Indian Ocean, widening participation in multilateral drills as China's influence in the region grows."
2015-09-03,Guatemalan President Otto Perez has resigned after Congress stripped the leader of immunity over corruption allegations and a warrant was issued for his arrest.
2015-09-03,"Plane Debris Found on Reunion Island Definitely from MH370, French Investigators Determine - French investigators confirmed plane debris found on Runion Island is indeed from Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, which went missing on March 8, 2014 with 239 people on board."
2015-09-03,Earth has 3 trillion trees but they're falling at alarming rate.The number of trees has fallen by about 46 percent since the start of human civilization and each year there is a gross loss of 15 billion trees and a net loss of 10 billion
2015-09-03,"Bill Nye 'the Science Guy' visits tar sands: 'extraordinary exploitation' of environment. Everybody says they feel like the tipping points been reached. Everyone we speak with, where enough is enough kind of thing."""
2015-09-03,Two poachers in Kenya sentenced to pay US$1 million each or else face life in prison
2015-09-03,"Ukraine outbreak brings polio back to Europe, 2 kids paralysed"
2015-09-03,The Pentagon is monitoring Chinese navy ships off the coast of Alaska right as Obama is wrapping up a trip there
2015-09-03,Venezuela's Unofficial Inflation Rate Is 808%
2015-09-03,Flesh-eating disease on rise in Japan : International
2015-09-03,Unsheared sheep found wandering in Australia was so wooly he nearly died ended up having 93 pounds of wool sheared
2015-09-03,HIV Prevention Drug Appears to Work in First Real-World Test.
2015-09-03,Gaza schools expel girls for leaving hair uncovered
2015-09-03,"Italian road authorities disown man to build street. But state doesn't recognise he isn't owner any more. Now he declares his own ""principality""."
2015-09-03,SodaStream leaves West Bank as CEO says boycott antisemitic and pointless.
2015-09-03,Bali police see tourists as ATMs: 'kick them and they spit out money'
2015-09-03,"The Catholic Church in India is supporting some 150 million workers on a nationwide strike Sept. 2 that shut down factories, banks, traffic and government offices across India: ""The Church is in solidarity with striking workers because we are concerned about their welfare."""
2015-09-03,Isis profits from destruction of antiquities by selling relics to dealers - and then blowing up the buildings they come from to conceal the evidence of looting
2015-09-03,PA officials reject Netanyahus call for renewal of peace talks
2015-09-03,Hungary will send back economic migrants
2015-09-03,Hungarian PM: Migrant crisis 'is a German problem'
2015-09-03,India has added 52 million Internet users in
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