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Created December 23, 2020 23:21
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<h3 class="text-gray-700 font-medium">Товары в корзине</h3>
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<li class="relative block py-3 px-6 -mb-px border border-r-0 border-l-0 border-gray-300 no-underline flex justify-between lh-condensed">
<small class="text-gray-700">Код товара: 111-898</small>
<h6 class="my-0">Пижама мужская Cocoon</h6>
<small class="text-gray-700">Размер: S</small>
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<!-- <h6 class="my-0">Second product</h6>-->
<!-- <small class="text-gray-700">Brief description</small>-->
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<!-- <span class="text-gray-700">$8</span>-->
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<!-- <h6 class="my-0">Third item</h6>-->
<!-- <small class="text-gray-700">Brief description</small>-->
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<!-- <span class="text-gray-700">$5</span>-->
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<li class="relative block py-3 px-6 -mb-px border border-r-0 border-l-0 border-gray-300 no-underline flex justify-between bg-gray-100">
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<h6 class="my-0">Промо код</h6>
<span class="text-green-500">-5%</span>
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<span>Сумма к оплате:</span>
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<form class="max-w-xl m-4 p-10 bg-white shadow-xl">
<p class="text-gray-800 font-medium">Контактные данные</p>
<div class="">
<label class="block text-sm text-gray-00" for="cus_name">Имя</label>
<input class="w-full px-5 py-1 text-gray-900 bg-gray-100 rounded" id="cus_name" name="cus_name" type="text" required="" placeholder="Имя" aria-label="Name">
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<label class="hidden text-sm block text-gray-600" for="cus_email">Город</label>
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<form class="mt-8 w-full shadow-xl">
<h4 class="text-sm text-gray-500 font-medium">Методы Доставки</h4>
<div class="mt-6">
<button class="flex items-center justify-between w-full bg-white rounded-md border-2 border-blue-500 p-4 focus:outline-none">
<label class="flex items-center">
<input type="radio" class="form-radio h-5 w-5 text-blue-600" checked><span
class="ml-2 text-sm text-gray-700">Новая почта</span>
<span class="text-gray-600 text-sm">бесплатно</span>
<button class="mt-6 flex items-center justify-between w-full bg-white rounded-md border p-4 focus:outline-none">
<label class="flex items-center">
<input type="radio" class="form-radio h-5 w-5 text-blue-600"><span
class="ml-2 text-sm text-gray-700">DC Delivery</span>
<span class="text-gray-600 text-sm">$26</span>
<!-- </step2>-->
<!-- <step3>-->
<div class="md:w-1/2 lg:w-1/3 sm:w-full pr-4 pl-4 mb-4">
<form class="mt-8 w-full shadow-xl">
<h4 class="text-sm text-gray-500 font-medium">Методы оплаты</h4>
<div class="mt-6">
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<label class="flex items-center">
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class="ml-2 text-sm text-gray-700">Новая почта</span>
<span class="text-gray-600 text-sm">бесплатно</span>
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<label class="flex items-center">
<input type="radio" class="form-radio h-5 w-5 text-blue-600"><span
class="ml-2 text-sm text-gray-700">DC Delivery</span>
<span class="text-gray-600 text-sm">$26</span>
<p class="mt-4 text-gray-800 font-medium text-center">Информация об оплате</p>
<div class="">
<label class="block text-sm text-gray-600" for="cus_name">Card</label>
<input class="w-full px-2 py-2 text-gray-700 bg-gray-100 rounded" id="cus_name" name="cus_name" type="text" required="" placeholder="Card Number MM/YY CVC" aria-label="Name">
<!-- </step3>-->
<!-- <div class="md:w-2/3 pr-4 pl-4 md:order-1">-->
<!-- <h4 class="mb-3">Адресс доставки</h4>-->
<!-- <form class="needs-validation" novalidate>-->
<!-- <div class="flex flex-wrap ">-->
<!-- <div class="md:w-1/2 pr-4 pl-4 mb-3">-->
<!-- <label for="firstName">First name</label>-->
<!-- <input type="text" class="block appearance-none w-full py-1 px-2 mb-1 text-base leading-normal bg-white text-gray-800 border border-gray-200 rounded" id="firstName" placeholder="" value="" required>-->
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<!-- <label for="lastName">Last name</label>-->
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<!-- Please enter a valid email address for shipping updates.-->
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<!-- Please enter your shipping address.-->
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<!-- <label for="address2">Address 2 <span class="text-gray-700">(Optional)</span></label>-->
<!-- <input type="text" class="block appearance-none w-full py-1 px-2 mb-1 text-base leading-normal bg-white text-gray-800 border border-gray-200 rounded" id="address2" placeholder="Apartment or suite">-->
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<!-- <div class="md:w-2/5 pr-4 pl-4 mb-3">-->
<!-- <label for="country">Country</label>-->
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<!-- <option>United States</option>-->
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<!-- Please select a valid country.-->
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<!-- <div class="md:w-1/3 pr-4 pl-4 mb-3">-->
<!-- <label for="state">State</label>-->
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<!-- <option value="">Choose...</option>-->
<!-- <option>California</option>-->
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<!-- <div class="hidden mt-1 text-sm text-red">-->
<!-- Please provide a valid state.-->
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<!-- <input type="checkbox" class="custom-control-input" id="same-address">-->
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<!-- <h4 class="mb-3">Payment</h4>-->
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<!-- <div class="custom-control custom-radio">-->
<!-- <input id="credit" name="paymentMethod" type="radio" class="custom-control-input" checked required>-->
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<!-- <div class="custom-control custom-radio">-->
<!-- <input id="debit" name="paymentMethod" type="radio" class="custom-control-input" required>-->
<!-- <label class="custom-control-label" for="debit">Debit card</label>-->
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<!-- <div class="md:w-1/2 pr-4 pl-4 mb-3">-->
<!-- <label for="cc-name">Name on card</label>-->
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<!-- <small class="text-gray-700">Full name as displayed on card</small>-->
<!-- <div class="hidden mt-1 text-sm text-red">-->
<!-- Name on card is required-->
<!-- </div>-->
<!-- </div>-->
<!-- <div class="md:w-1/2 pr-4 pl-4 mb-3">-->
<!-- <label for="cc-number">Credit card number</label>-->
<!-- <input type="text" class="block appearance-none w-full py-1 px-2 mb-1 text-base leading-normal bg-white text-gray-800 border border-gray-200 rounded" id="cc-number" placeholder="" required>-->
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<!-- Credit card number is required-->
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<!-- </div>-->
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<!-- <div class="flex flex-wrap ">-->
<!-- <div class="md:w-1/4 pr-4 pl-4 mb-3">-->
<!-- <label for="cc-expiration">Expiration</label>-->
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<!-- <div class="hidden mt-1 text-sm text-red">-->
<!-- Expiration date required-->
<!-- </div>-->
<!-- </div>-->
<!-- <div class="md:w-1/4 pr-4 pl-4 mb-3">-->
<!-- <label for="cc-expiration">CVV</label>-->
<!-- <input type="text" class="block appearance-none w-full py-1 px-2 mb-1 text-base leading-normal bg-white text-gray-800 border border-gray-200 rounded" id="cc-cvv" placeholder="" required>-->
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<!-- Security code required-->
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