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Last active March 23, 2022 10:37
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  • Save Miouyouyou/c2567dba3e959251a9597d8e5680044f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Miouyouyou/c2567dba3e959251a9597d8e5680044f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Quick and very dirty ARM64 ( AARCH64 ) ELF linker
#include <stdint.h>
#include <elf.h>
#include <sections/data.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#define DATA_SIZE 16
#define CODE_BASE_ADDR 0x10000
#define DATA_BASE_ADDR 0x20000
enum program_elements {
element_start_phdrs = element_text_phdr,
element_start_text = element_text_data,
element_end_text = element_data_data,
element_start_shdrs = element_empty_shdr
Elf64_Ehdr program_header = {
.e_ident = {ELFMAG0, ELFMAG1, ELFMAG2, ELFMAG3, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
.e_type = ET_EXEC,
.e_machine = EM_AARCH64,
.e_version = 1,
.e_entry = 0,
.e_phoff = sizeof(Elf64_Ehdr),
.e_shoff = 0,
.e_flags = 0,
.e_ehsize = sizeof(Elf64_Ehdr),
.e_phentsize = sizeof(Elf64_Phdr),
.e_phnum = 2, // .data and .text
.e_shentsize = sizeof(Elf64_Shdr),
.e_shnum = 4, // none, .data, .text, .symtab
.e_shstrndx = 3, // [0], [1], [2], [3]
Elf64_Phdr text_header = {
.p_type = PT_LOAD,
.p_offset = 0,
.p_vaddr = 0,
.p_paddr = 0,
.p_filesz = 0,
.p_memsz = 0,
.p_flags = PF_X | PF_R,
.p_align = 0x1000
Elf64_Phdr data_header = {
.p_type = PT_LOAD,
.p_offset = 0,
.p_vaddr = 0,
.p_paddr = 0,
.p_filesz = 0,
.p_memsz = 0,
.p_flags = PF_W | PF_R,
.p_align = 0x1000
uint32_t dot_text[] = {
// Will be located at CODE_BASE_ADDR + sizeof(Elf64_Ehdr) + sizeof(Elf64_Phdr*2) -> 100b0
0x90000081, // adrp x1, PC+(0b10000 * 4096) -> 0x10b0 + 0x1000 -> 0x20b0 >> 12 << 12 -> 0x2000
0xd2800482, // mov x2, #0x24 // FIXME Bogus size
0xd2800020, // mov x0, #0x1
0x91035021, // add x1, x1, #0xd4 -> 0x2000 + 0xd4 (offset of dot_tex + sizeof(dot_text)) -> 0x20d4 (Our data address)
0xd2800808, // mov x8, #0x40
0xd4000001, // svc #0x0
0xd2800000, // mov x0, #0x0
0xd2800ba8, // mov x8, #0x5d
0xd4000001, // svc #0x0
uint8_t dot_data[] = "Meow!";
Elf64_Shdr empty_section = {0};
Elf64_Shdr text_shdr = {
.sh_name = 1,
.sh_type = SHT_PROGBITS,
.sh_addr = 0,
.sh_offset = 0,
.sh_size = 0,
.sh_info = 0,
.sh_addralign = 4,
.sh_entsize = 0
Elf64_Shdr data_shdr = {
.sh_name = 7, // \0.text\\0 -> [7] -> .data\0
.sh_type = SHT_PROGBITS,
.sh_flags = SHF_ALLOC | SHF_WRITE,
.sh_addr = 0,
.sh_offset = 0,
.sh_size = 0,
.sh_info = 0,
.sh_addralign = 1,
.sh_entsize = 0
Elf64_Shdr shstrtab_section = {
.sh_name = 13, // \0.text\\0.shrstrtab\0 -> [13] -> .shrstrtab
.sh_type = SHT_STRTAB,
.sh_addralign = 1,
static uint8_t scratch_space[10000];
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define N_TEST_INSTS 10
uint32_t test_machine_code[50] = {0};
uint8_t test_data[1000] = {0};
static struct data_symbol test_symbols[10] = {0};
uint8_t section_names[] = { "\0.text\\0.shstrtab\0" };
uint32_t write_data
(uint8_t * __restrict const storage,
uint32_t storage_offset,
void const * __restrict const data,
uint32_t data_size)
memcpy(storage+storage_offset, data, data_size);
return storage_offset + data_size;
uint8_t test_data_string[] =
"My hamster is rich and can do kung-fu !\n";
typedef uint32_t offset;
offset glbl_offsets[n_elements] = {0};
uint32_t add_binary_data
(enum program_elements element,
uint32_t storage_offset,
void const * __restrict const data,
uint32_t data_size)
glbl_offsets[element] = storage_offset;
return write_data(
scratch_space, storage_offset, data, data_size
static void setup_text_sections(
uint8_t * __restrict const elf_binary_data,
offset const * __restrict const offsets,
uint32_t const text_base_addr)
/* It seems conventional that the size defined in the Text Program
* Header, defines where the .text section data stop in the binary
* file, instead of the amount of bytes these data really takes in
* the binary file.
* Also, the offset stays at 0 when this convention applies.
* Program Headers defining data sections do not seem to follow such
* convention.
* I have no idea if ignoring this convention could break the program
* execution, so I'll follow such convention for now.
unsigned int text_size = sizeof(dot_text);
offset const physical_text_offset = offsets[element_text_data];
offset const virtual_text_offset =
text_base_addr + physical_text_offset;
offset const text_end_offset = physical_text_offset+text_size;
Elf64_Phdr * text_phdr =
(Elf64_Phdr *) (elf_binary_data+offsets[element_text_phdr]);
text_phdr->p_paddr = text_base_addr;
text_phdr->p_vaddr = text_base_addr;
text_phdr->p_memsz = text_end_offset;
text_phdr->p_filesz = text_end_offset;
Elf64_Shdr * text_shdr =
(Elf64_Shdr *) (elf_binary_data+offsets[element_text_shdr]);
text_shdr->sh_addr = virtual_text_offset;
text_shdr->sh_offset = physical_text_offset;
text_shdr->sh_size = text_size;
static void setup_data_sections
(uint8_t * __restrict const elf_binary_data,
offset const * __restrict const offsets,
uint32_t const data_base_addr)
offset const physical_data_offset = offsets[element_data_data];
offset const virtual_data_offset =
uint32_t data_size = sizeof(dot_data);
Elf64_Phdr * dh =
(Elf64_Phdr *) (elf_binary_data+offsets[element_data_phdr]);
dh->p_offset = physical_data_offset;
dh->p_vaddr = virtual_data_offset;
dh->p_paddr = virtual_data_offset;
dh->p_memsz = data_size;
dh->p_filesz = data_size;
Elf64_Shdr * dsh =
(Elf64_Shdr *) (elf_binary_data+offsets[element_data_shdr]);
dsh->sh_offset = physical_data_offset;
dsh->sh_addr = virtual_data_offset;
dsh->sh_size = data_size;
void build_program(void)
memset(&empty_section, 0, sizeof(Elf64_Shdr));
uint32_t bytes_written = 0;
bytes_written = add_binary_data(
element_elf_header, bytes_written, &program_header,
bytes_written = add_binary_data(
element_text_phdr, bytes_written,
&text_header, sizeof(text_header)
bytes_written = add_binary_data(
element_data_phdr, bytes_written,
&data_header, sizeof(data_header)
bytes_written = add_binary_data(
element_text_data, bytes_written,
dot_text, sizeof(dot_text)
bytes_written = add_binary_data(
element_data_data, bytes_written,
dot_data, sizeof(dot_data)
bytes_written = add_binary_data(
element_empty_shdr, bytes_written,
&empty_section, sizeof(empty_section)
bytes_written = add_binary_data(
element_text_shdr, bytes_written,
&text_shdr, sizeof(text_shdr)
bytes_written = add_binary_data(
element_data_shdr, bytes_written,
&data_shdr, sizeof(data_shdr)
bytes_written = add_binary_data(
element_shstrtab_shdr, bytes_written,
&shstrtab_section, sizeof(shstrtab_section)
bytes_written = add_binary_data(
element_shstrtab_data, bytes_written,
&section_names, sizeof(section_names)
Elf64_Ehdr * header = (Elf64_Ehdr *) scratch_space;
header->e_shoff = glbl_offsets[element_empty_shdr];
header->e_entry = CODE_BASE_ADDR+glbl_offsets[element_text_data];
scratch_space, glbl_offsets,
scratch_space, glbl_offsets, DATA_BASE_ADDR
Elf64_Shdr * shstrtab_shdr =
(Elf64_Shdr *) (scratch_space+glbl_offsets[element_shstrtab_shdr]);
shstrtab_shdr->sh_size = sizeof(section_names);
shstrtab_shdr->sh_offset = glbl_offsets[element_shstrtab_data];
int fd = open("executable", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 00755);
if (fd != -1) {
write(fd, scratch_space, bytes_written);
int main() {
for (enum program_elements element = element_elf_header;
element < n_elements; element++) {
printf("%x\n", glbl_offsets[element]);
return 0;
#include <stdint.h>
struct data_section_status {
unsigned int allocated;
void * address;
struct data_symbol {
uint32_t id;
uint32_t align;
uint32_t size;
uint8_t * name;
uint8_t * data;
struct data_section {
struct data_symbol * symbols;
uint32_t stored;
uint32_t next_id;
uint32_t base_address;
uint32_t max_symbols_before_realloc;
struct data_section_symbol_added {
unsigned int added;
unsigned int id;
struct data_section * generate_data_section();
unsigned int expand_data_symbols_storage_in
(struct data_section * __restrict const data_section);
struct data_section_symbol_added data_section_add
(struct data_section * __restrict const data_section,
unsigned int const alignment,
unsigned int const size,
uint8_t const * __restrict const name,
uint8_t const * __restrict const data);
struct uint32_result {
unsigned int found;
uint32_t value;
struct symbol_found {
unsigned int found;
struct data_symbol * address;
struct symbol_found get_data_symbol_infos
(struct data_section const * __restrict const data_infos,
uint32_t id);
void exchange_symbols_order
(struct data_section * __restrict const data_section,
unsigned int const id1, unsigned int const id2);
uint32_t write_data_section_content
(struct data_section const * __restrict const symbols,
uint8_t * __restrict const dest);
void delete_data_symbol
(struct data_section * __restrict const data_section,
uint32_t id);
uint32_t data_section_size
(struct data_section const * __restrict const data_section);
#define data_address_func_sig struct data_section const * __restrict const data_section,\
uint32_t const data_id
uint32_t data_address(data_address_func_sig);
uint32_t data_address_upper16(data_address_func_sig);
uint32_t data_address_lower16(data_address_func_sig);
uint32_t data_size(data_address_func_sig);
void update_data_symbol
(struct data_section * __restrict const data_section,
uint32_t const id,
uint32_t const align,
uint32_t const data_size,
uint8_t const * __restrict const name,
uint8_t const * __restrict const data);
void data_section_set_base_address
(struct data_section * __restrict const data_section,
uint32_t const base_address);
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