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Created August 8, 2021 05:56
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# ----- Mirv 2021
# -- script is ps5 compliant
# -- stops on errors
# -- defaults to putting all one users group in list, then 2nd user's groups
# optional value to sort by sg name, just put y or any character at the end
# --- Requires being ran in powershell console 5 or 7
# - Use: Get-ADUserComparision id1 id2 {optionally -sort y}
function Get-ADUserComparision {
# - Positional lets use not have to use `-NameOfParameter $var` format
# - Mandatory will prompt for required fileds if it's not in pipline
# - Alias lets us rename arguments received into more meaningful variables, not case sensitive
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True,ValuefromPipeline=$True,Position=0,HelpMessage='Enter the admin credentials!')]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True,ValuefromPipeline=$True,Position=1,HelpMessage='Enter the first user id!')]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True,ValuefromPipeline=$True,Position=2,HelpMessage='Enter the second user id!')]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True,ValuefromPipeline=$True,Position=3,HelpMessage='Enter the domain!')]
# We are providing aliases for command line here to sort if they do a `-s y`
[Alias("Sort", "S")]
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
# comparison
function Get-ADUserCompare($user1, $user2, $domain, $creds){
$user1 = (Get-AdPrincipalGroupMembership $user1 -server $domain -credential $creds | select name )
$user2 = (Get-AdPrincipalGroupMembership $user2 -server $domain -credential $creds | select name )
Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $user1 -DifferenceObject $user2 -property name -passthru
$comparedResults = Get-ADUserCompare $user1 $user2 $domain $creds
# enhancement for readability: fill in the user names again with the arrows
# note: you can uncomment -f for the add-member if testing in powershell env & getting value already exists
foreach($sg in $comparedResults) {
if($sg.SideIndicator -eq "=>") { $userWithSG = $user2 } else { $userWithSG = $user1 }
$sg | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'userWithSG' -NotePropertyValue $userWithSG -f
if($sortBySG){ $comparedResults | sort-object -property name } else { $comparedResults }
# get current directory
$ScriptName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name.Trim()
$mypath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$mypath2 = split-path $mypath
# output file name
$file = "user_compare.txt"
$output = Join-Path $mypath2 -childpath $file
# run it all with credentials & set it to sort by sg name instead of group by which user
$creds = Get-Credential
$result = Get-ADUserComparision $creds
$result | Out-File $output
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