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Last active July 16, 2023 19:05
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Trigger Javascript event on keypress without input or button

Trigger Javascript event on keypress without input or button

Open HTML document and find a body tag. Give the body tag onkeypress attribute. It shoud look like this:

<body onkeypress="KeyPressCheck(event)"> 
...html code...

Once that's done head over to your Javascript file that you'll import inside the html file with <script> tag.

Create function in Javascript:

Function can be named however you like. In this case function is called KeyPressCheck.

  function KeyPressCheck(event){
  // This function will be called whenever ANY key on keyboard is pressed.
  // if you want to do certain action only whenever Certain key is pressed, just put an if statement as below:
        if (event.keyCode == 44) {
        // code inside this if statement will execute only when key with ASCII code 44 is pressed.
        // that should be DEL key on your keyboard.
        // P.S. if you want to remove element when DEL key is pressed, try one of these two:  
            // el.parentNode.removeChild(el); // Javascript 
            // $(el).remove(); // Jquery
  // You can do the same with all the other keys. No input tag needed.


  • Add onkeypress attribute to your body tag in HTML calling the function you want with event as an argument.
  • Create function with the same name in Javascript and it will be called whenever ANY key is pressed.
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