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Last active October 4, 2016 21:52
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WabAPI 2 (OWIN IIS Host) - References
Here is the list of references that are already there when you create new Web-Empty project in VS 2015 (.Net 4.6.1):
1. Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform
2. Microsoft.CSharp
3. System
4. System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations
5. System.Configuration
6. System.Core
7. System.Data
8. System.Data.DataSetExtensions
9. System.Drawing
10. System.EnterpriseServices
11. System.Web
12. System.Web.ApplicationServices
13. System.Web.DynamicData
14. System.Web.Entity
15. System.Web.Extensions
16. System.Web.Services
17. System.Xml
18. System.Xml.Linq
List of minimum references required to use WebAPI 2 with OWIN
1. Owin
Contains IAppBuilder interface only.
2. Microsoft.Owin
Contains: IOwinContext, OwinStartupAttribute (Startup class detection), AppBuilderUseExtension...
3. System.Web.Http
Contains: ApiController, disptachers, filters, model binding, IHttpActionResult implementations (OkResult, BadRequest...),
Routing and Validation.
4. System.Web.Http.Owin
Contains: UseWebApi(HttpConfiguration c)
5. System.Net.Http
Contains: DelegatingHandler, HttpClient, HttpMessageHandler, HttpRequestMessage, HttpResponseMessage, HttpHeaders
6. System.Net.Http.Formatting
Contains: HttpClientFactory, HttpMessageContext...
7. Newtonsofot.Json
Contains: Json manipulation.
List of Nuget packges that need to be installed:
1. Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Owin
This package will install following dependencies:
1. Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client
2. Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Core
3. Microsoft.Owin
4. Owin
5. Newtonsoft.Json
2. Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb
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