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Last active November 18, 2021 22:40
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  • Save MirzaMerdovic/975522f513991070dd63f3d57f5f1404 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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| where ObjectName == "System"
| extend UpTime = CounterValue * 1s
| project TimeGenerated, Computer, UpTime
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by Computer
| order by UpTime desc
let Linu = Heartbeat
| where OSType = "Linux"
| summarize by Computer
| where Computer in (Linux)
| take 10
| evaluate narrow()
| summarize make_list(Value) by Column
print coalesce("", "B")
print 27h / 1d | getschema
| take 1
| evaluate narrow()
leftsemi: X | where Key in (Y | distinct Key)
rightsemi: Y : where Key in (X | distinct Key)
leftanti: X | where Key !in (Y | distinct Key)
rightanti: Y : where Key !in (X | distinct Key)
TableB get fully copied
| lookup kind=inner ( TableB ) on Key1, Key
to query hot and cold data put as a frist line in your query
set query_datascope='all'
| search "exceptions"
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