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Created September 13, 2023 17:59
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Simple Bitcoin main and test network key generator.
import secrets
import hashlib
from enum import Enum
import ecdsa
import base58
class Key:
class Prefix(Enum):
MainPrivate = b'\x80'
MainPublic = b'\x00'
TestPrivate = b'\xEF'
TestPublic = b'\x6F'
__slots__ = ('private', 'public')
def __init__(self):
self.private = self.gen_private()
self.public = self.gen_public(self.private)
def gen_private() -> bytes:
return secrets.token_bytes(32)
def gen_public(private: bytes) -> bytes:
pub_raw = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_string(private, curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1).verifying_key
return b'\x04' + pub_raw.to_string() # 04 for uncompressed
def wif(key: bytes, prefix: Prefix) -> bytes:
prefixed = prefix.value + key
sha1 = hashlib.sha256(prefixed).digest()
sha2 = hashlib.sha256(sha1).digest()
checksum = sha2[:4]
complete = prefixed + checksum
return base58.b58encode(complete)
def p2pkh(public: bytes, prefix: Prefix) -> bytes:
hash_sha = hashlib.sha256(public).digest()
hash_ripe ='ripemd160', hash_sha).digest()
return Key.wif(hash_ripe, prefix)
def print_key(keys: Key) -> None:
print('Private Key:', keys.private)
print('Public Key:', keys.public)
print('Private WIF:', Key.wif(keys.private, Key.Prefix.MainPrivate))
print('Public P2PKH:', Key.p2pkh(keys.public, Key.Prefix.MainPublic))
def vanity(start: bytes) -> Key:
while True:
keys = Key()
addr = Key.p2pkh(keys.public, Key.Prefix.MainPublic)
if addr[1:len(start) + 1] == start:
return keys
def main():
key = vanity(b'mi')
if __name__ == '__main__':
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