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Created January 16, 2014 14:05
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The Birthday problem (paradox) implementation in Scala.
package com.liveperson.predictivedialer.examples.misc
import scala.util.Random
import scala.collection.mutable
import com.liveperson.predictivedialer.common.utils.TraversableWithStatistics._
* Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: mishaelr
* Date: 1/16/14
* Time: 1:47 PM
object BirthdayParadoxUntilSuccess extends App{
val rand = new Random()
require(args.length == 2,
"""Birthday Paradox: Usage: there should be two arguments:
|The total number of "days".
|The number of experiment repeats.""".stripMargin)
val (numOfDays, numOfRepeats) = (args(0).toInt, args(1).toInt)
val experimentsResults = List.fill(numOfRepeats)(numOfBirthdaysUntilCollision)
"""Birthday Paradox: The mean number of birthdays until collision was %s, the variance was %s.
|The total number of "days" %s.
|The number of experiments was %s.
|sqrt(n) = %s""".format(experimentsResults.mean, experimentsResults.variance, numOfDays, numOfRepeats, math.sqrt(numOfDays)).stripMargin)
def numOfBirthdaysUntilCollision = {
val birthdayIterator = Iterator.continually(rand.nextInt(numOfDays)).zipWithIndex
val encounteredBirthdays = mutable.Set[Int]()
val firstCollision = birthdayIterator.find{case (birthday, index) => !(encounteredBirthdays add birthday)}
firstCollision.get._2 + 1 // The +1 is due to index to length
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