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An example of usage of the ScalaCheck and ScalaTest frameworks.
package com.liveperson.predictivedialer.examples.misc
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
import org.scalatest.prop.Checkers
import org.scalacheck.Prop._
import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary._
import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary
import org.scalacheck.Gen
import scala.collection.immutable.{HashSet, SortedSet, TreeSet}
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalatest.FunSuite
* Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: mishaelr
* Date: 1/29/14
* Time: 11:51 AM
* The following tests are examples of ScalaCheck and ScalaTest frameworks usage.
* They test two possible heuristics for solving the following problem:
* We are given a set of integer intervals, which we denote as S.
* Given a new interval i, we wish to perform the following query:
* Find all the intervals in S that contain i.
* For example:
* S = {(1, 5), (1, 7), (3, 8), (1, 10)}
* i = (2, 7)
* Result should be: {(1, 7), (1, 10)}
* Assumptions:
* S can be assumed to be fixed.
* The intervals in S are assumed to be short.
* We wish to store the above set in a data structure that enables fast queries.
* The time complexity of the preprocessing process can be expensive.
* The space complexity of the data structure can also be reasonably expensive.
trait SetWithContainsIntervalQuery[T <: Set[(Int, Int)]] {
def intervalsSet: T
def apply(interval: (Int, Int)): T
* A solution using TreeSets and range queries (from, until).
* Query complexity: O(log(number of intervals))
* Space complexity: O(number of intervals)
class TreeSetWithContainsIntervalQuery(val intervalsSet: TreeSet[(Int, Int)]) extends SetWithContainsIntervalQuery[SortedSet[(Int, Int)]]{
val endsSet =
def apply(interval: (Int, Int)) = {
endsSet.from((interval._2, Int.MinValue)).map(_.swap) intersect intervalsSet.until((interval._1, Int.MaxValue))
* A faster solution using HashSets.
* The space complexity for this solution is not as good as the TreeSet based solution, and is dependent on the intervals lengths.
* Expected Query complexity: O(1)
* Space complexity: O(number of intervals * E[Interval length]). Where the expectation is on the intervals in S, which we assumed to be short.
class HashSetWithContainsIntervalQuery(val intervalsSet: HashSet[(Int, Int)]) extends SetWithContainsIntervalQuery[HashSet[(Int, Int)]] {
val mapping = for {
(i, j) <- intervalsSet
k <- i to j
} yield (k, (i, j))
val grouped = mapping.groupBy(_._1)
def apply(interval: (Int, Int)) = {
val resultOption = for {
containStart <- grouped.get(interval._1)
containEnd <- grouped.get(interval._2)
} yield intersect
resultOption match {
case Some(set) => set
case _ => HashSet[(Int, Int)]()
* Tests
class ScalaCheckExample extends FunSuite with Checkers {
implicit class Interval(interval: (Int, Int)) {
def contains(other: (Int, Int)) = interval._1 <= other._1 && interval._2 >= other._2
implicit override val generatorDrivenConfig = PropertyCheckConfig(minSuccessful = 1000, minSize = 0, maxSize = 1000)
val supremum = 1000
val maximalLength = 8
val intervalGenerator = for {
i <- Gen.choose(0, supremum)
j <- Gen.choose(i, math.min(supremum, i + maximalLength - 1))
} yield (i, j)
implicit def arbInterval(implicit a: Arbitrary[(Int, Int)]) = Arbitrary(intervalGenerator)
implicit def arbIntervalSet(implicit a: Arbitrary[(Int, Int)]) = Arbitrary(Gen.containerOf[Set, (Int, Int)](intervalGenerator))
test("Interval are generated correctly") {
(interval: (Int, Int)) =>
val (i, j) = interval
(i >= 0) && (j >= i) && (supremum >= j) && (maximalLength > j-i)
test("Contains interval using trees") {
(interval: (Int, Int), intervalsSet: Set[(Int, Int)]) =>
val treeContainsInterval = new TreeSetWithContainsIntervalQuery(TreeSet[(Int, Int)]() ++ intervalsSet)
val treeResult = treeContainsInterval(interval)
(treeResult forall(_ contains interval)) && (!(intervalsSet -- treeResult).exists(_ contains interval))
test("Contains interval using hash") {
(interval: (Int, Int), intervalsSet: Set[(Int, Int)]) =>
val hashContainsInterval = new HashSetWithContainsIntervalQuery(HashSet[(Int, Int)]() ++ intervalsSet)
val hashResult = hashContainsInterval(interval)
(hashResult forall(_ contains interval)) && (!(intervalsSet -- hashResult).exists(_ contains interval))
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