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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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package com.liveperson.predictivedialer.examples.misc
* Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: mishaelr
* Date: 3/23/14
* Time: 11:50 AM
* A two pass implementation
object FindingFrequentElements {
implicit class TwoPassFindingFrequentElements[T](trav: Iterable[T]){
def findFrequent(theta: Double) = {
val (superSet, travSize) = trav.foldLeft((Map[T, Int](), 0)){case ((acc, i), x) =>
val newAcc = if(acc.contains(x))
acc.updated(x, acc(x) + 1)
else {
val updated = acc + (x -> 1)
if(updated.size > 1/theta)
updated.mapValues(_ - 1).filter(_._2 > 0)
(newAcc, i + 1)
val travFiltered = trav.view.filter(superSet.contains)
val secondPass = travFiltered.foldLeft(superSet.mapValues(_ => 0)){case (acc, x) => acc.updated(x, acc(x) + 1)}
secondPass.filter{case(_, count) => count >= travSize * theta}.keySet
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