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Last active May 15, 2019 07:57
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An implementation of a constant size queue, in which enqueue dequeues the oldest enqueued element. * The performance characteristics of all operations are amortized constant time, due to the fact that * tail, append, and apply (random access) are amortized constant time operations for vectors.
package com.twitter.mrosenthal.timelines.adhoc.dataset_transform
* An implementation of a constant size queue, in which enqueue dequeues the oldest enqueued element.
* The performance characteristics of all operations are amortized constant time, due to the fact that
* tail, append, and apply (random access) are amortized constant time operations for vectors.
case class FixedSizeQueue[T](elements: Vector[T]){
def newest: T = elements.last
def oldest: T = elements.head
def enqueue(elem: T): FixedSizeQueue[T] = FixedSizeQueue(elements.tail :+ elem)
case class Tweet(score: Double)
case class SumScoresAndSubSeq(sumScores:Double, subSeq: Vector[Tweet])
object PositionRelevancePromptsApp extends App {
* You are given a sequence of `n` tweets with corresponding scores (between 0 and 1).
* Find a sub-sequence that maximizes the sum of scores such that there is at least a
* spacing of `k` between every two consecutive tweets in the sub-sequence.
* @param scores the original sequence of scores
* @param spacing the minimal spacing between two consecutive selected elements
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException in case scores is empty
def solution(scores: Seq[Tweet], spacing: Int): SumScoresAndSubSeq = {
val (initializationElements, remainingElements) = scores.splitAt(spacing + 1)
val initializationVector = initializationElements.foldLeft(Vector.empty[SumScoresAndSubSeq]){
case (acc, elem) =>
if(acc.isEmpty || elem.score > acc.last.sumScores ) {
acc :+ SumScoresAndSubSeq(elem.score, Vector(elem))
} else {
acc :+ acc.last
val queue = FixedSizeQueue(initializationVector)
val results = remainingElements.foldLeft(queue) {
case (acc, elem) =>
if (acc.oldest.sumScores + elem.score > acc.newest.sumScores) {
acc.enqueue(SumScoresAndSubSeq(acc.oldest.sumScores + elem.score, acc.oldest.subSeq :+ elem))
} else {
// example: prints SumScoresAndSubSeq(0.9,Vector(Tweet(0.4), Tweet(0.5)))
println(solution(scores = Seq(0.4, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5).map(Tweet.apply), spacing = 1))
* This is a mutable alternative to the immutable FixedSizeQueue
case class MutableFixedSizeQueue[T](elements: Array[T]){
private var currIndex: Int = elements.length - 1
def nextIndex: Int = (currIndex + 1) % elements.length
def newest: T = elements(currIndex)
def oldest: T = elements(nextIndex)
def enqueue(elem: T): Unit = {
elements(nextIndex) = elem
currIndex = nextIndex
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