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Last active May 3, 2021 04:18
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(use 'prc)
;;; ----- Bar chart -----
(defn roll-die [num-sides]
(inc (rand-int num-sides)))
(defn roll-dice [num-sides num-dice]
(->> (repeatedly num-dice #(roll-die num-sides))
(reduce +)))
(prc/bar-chart "Dice frequencies"
(->> (repeatedly 10000 #(roll-dice 6 2))
;;; ----- Scatter chart -----
(prc/scatter-chart "Dice scatter"
{:six (repeatedly 10000 #(roll-dice 6 2))
:ten (repeatedly 10000 #(roll-dice 10 3))
:twenty (repeatedly 10000 #(roll-dice 20 5))})
;;; ----- Graph ------
(def parents->children {["Eddard" "Catelyn"] ["Rob" "Sansa" "Arya" "Bran" "Rickon"]
["Eddard" "Wylla"] ["Jon"]
["Tywin" "Joanna"] ["Cersei" "Jamie" "Tyrion"]})
(prc/graph "Family Tree"
{:nodes (->> parents->children
:edges (mapcat #(for [parent (key %)
child (val %)]
[parent child])
{:nodes {:font {:size 18}}
:edges {:arrows {:to {:scaleFactor 0.5}
:from {:scaleFactor 0.5}}}
:layout {:hierarchical {:enabled true
:levelSeparation 150
:direction "UD"
:sortMethod "directed"}}})
;;; ----- Timeseries -----
(def row-data (->> (-> (slurp "resources/timeseries.csv")
(clojure.string/split #"[,\n]"))
(partition 6)))
(prc/custom-chart "Timeseries"
{:data {:rows row-data
:x "Date"
:axes {:Volume "y2"}}
:axis {:x {:type "timeseries"
:tick {:format "%Y-%m-%d"}}
:y2 {:show true}}})
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