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Created October 1, 2017 23:57
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String builder class for VB/VBA
MultiUse = -1 'True
Attribute VB_Name = "ByteStringBuilder"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
'Author: Megan Leet
'Much faster than concatenating lots of strings, also some additional functionality
Private Const BUF_SIZE As Long = &H10
Private buf() As Byte
Private totalBytes As Long 'Actual amount of bytes being used, not just the capacity
Private Declare Sub RtlMoveMemory Lib "kernel32" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal length As Long)
Private Declare Sub RtlZeroMemory Lib "kernel32" (ptr As Any, ByVal cnt As Long)
Public Function reverse() As ByteStringBuilder
Attribute reverse.VB_Description = "Reverses the order of the characters"
If totalBytes = 0 Then
Set reverse = Me
Exit Function
End If
Dim i As Long, j As Long, tempChar As Integer
i = length - 1
Do While i > j
RtlMoveMemory tempChar, buf(i * 2), 2
RtlMoveMemory buf(i * 2), buf(j * 2), 2
RtlMoveMemory buf(j * 2), tempChar, 2
i = i - 1
j = j + 1
Set reverse = Me
End Function
Public Function insert(offset As Long, s As String) As ByteStringBuilder
Attribute insert.VB_Description = "Inserts a string directly after the nth character"
'Inserts a string just after the offsetsth character
Set insert = replace(offset, offset, s)
End Function
Public Function replace(ByVal startPos As Long, ByVal endPos As Long, replacement As String) As ByteStringBuilder
Attribute replace.VB_Description = "Removes a specified range of characters and inserts a new string in their place"
'Removes the characters from startPos (inclusive) to endPos (exclusive) and inserts replacement at that position
'If endPos is greater than length, it is treated as length
'If startPos = endPos, it is effectively the same as insert()
'If replacement is empty, it is effectively the same as delete()
If startPos < 0 Then Err.Raise 9, "ByteStringBuilder.replace()", "startPos out of bounds: " & startPos
If startPos > length Then Err.Raise 9, "ByteStringBuilder.replace()", "startPos out of bounds: " & startPos
If startPos > endPos Then Err.Raise 9, "ByteStringBuilder.replace()", "startPos (" & startPos & ") greater than endPos (" & endPos & ")"
If endPos > length Then endPos = length
startPos = startPos * 2
endPos = endPos * 2
Dim replacementLen As Long: replacementLen = LenB(replacement)
Dim newLength As Long
newLength = totalBytes + replacementLen - (endPos - startPos)
ensureCapacity newLength * 2
RtlMoveMemory buf(startPos + replacementLen), buf(endPos), totalBytes - endPos
If replacementLen > 0 Then
RtlMoveMemory buf(startPos), ByVal StrPtr(replacement), replacementLen
End If
totalBytes = newLength
Set replace = Me
End Function
Public Property Get lastIndexOf(char As String, Optional fromIndex As Long = 0) As Long
If fromIndex < 0 Then Err.Raise 9, "ByteStringBuilder.lastIndexOf", "fromIndex out of bounds: " & fromIndex
If fromIndex >= length Then Err.Raise 9, "ByteStringBuilder.lastIndexOf", "fromIndex out of bounds: " & fromIndex
Dim i As Long, a As Long
a = AscW(char)
For i = length - 1 To fromIndex Step -1
Dim ii As Integer
RtlMoveMemory ii, buf(i * 2), 2
If ii = a Then
lastIndexOf = i
Exit Property
End If
Next i
lastIndexOf = -1
End Property
Public Property Get indexOf(char As String, Optional fromIndex As Long = 0) As Long
If fromIndex < 0 Then Err.Raise 9, "ByteStringBuilder.indexOf", "fromIndex out of bounds: " & fromIndex
If fromIndex >= length Then Err.Raise 9, "ByteStringBuilder.indexOf", "fromIndex out of bounds: " & fromIndex
Dim i As Long, a As Long
a = AscW(char)
For i = fromIndex To length - 1
Dim ii As Integer
RtlMoveMemory ii, buf(i * 2), 2
If ii = a Then
indexOf = i
Exit Property
End If
Next i
indexOf = -1
End Property
Public Function trimToSize() As ByteStringBuilder
If totalBytes > 0 Then
ReDim Preserve buf(0 To totalBytes - 1)
Set trimToSize = Me
End If
End Function
Public Property Get charAt(pos As Long) As String
Attribute charAt.VB_Description = "Accesses a single character from this object using a 0-based index"
charAt = vbNullChar
If pos >= length Or pos < 0 Then Err.Raise 9, "ByteStringBuilder.charAt", "pos out of bounds: " & pos
RtlMoveMemory ByVal StrPtr(charAt), buf(pos * 2), 2
End Property
Public Property Let charAt(pos As Long, newVal As String)
If pos >= length Or pos < 0 Then Err.Raise 9, "ByteStringBuilder.charAt", "pos out of bounds: " & pos
RtlMoveMemory buf(pos * 2), AscW(newVal), 2
End Property
Public Function delete(Optional ByVal startPos As Long = 1, Optional ByVal endPos As Long = -1) As ByteStringBuilder
Attribute delete.VB_Description = "Removes characters from startPos to endPos"
'Deletes characters from the startPosth character (exclusive) to the endPosth character (inclusive)
'startPos cannot be less than 1 or greater than endPos
If startPos <= 0 Then
Err.Raise 9, "ByteStringBuilder.delete()", "startPos out of bounds: " & startPos
End If
If startPos > endPos Then
If endPos > 0 Then
Err.Raise 9, "ByteStringBuilder.delete()", "startPos (" & startPos & ") greater than endPos (" & endPos & ")"
End If
End If
If endPos <= 0 Then
endPos = length
End If
'Translate character positions into byte positions
startPos = startPos * 2
endPos = endPos * 2
If endPos > totalBytes Then
Err.Raise 9, "ByteStringBuilder.delete()", "endPos out of bounds: " & endPos
End If
Dim deletedLength As Long
deletedLength = endPos - startPos
RtlMoveMemory buf(startPos), buf(endPos), totalBytes - endPos
totalBytes = totalBytes - deletedLength
Set delete = Me
End Function
Public Property Get maxCapacity() As Long
Attribute maxCapacity.VB_Description = "Theoretical limit to array size"
'Theoretical limit to array size, in practice it'll claim you ran out of memory before that
maxCapacity = (2 ^ 31) - 1
End Property
Public Function ensureCapacity(newCapacity As Long) As ByteStringBuilder
Attribute ensureCapacity.VB_Description = "Ensures this object has at least newCapacity bytes"
'Ensures this object has at least newCapacity bytes
If newCapacity > totalBytes Then
ReDim Preserve buf(0 To newCapacity)
End If
End Function
Public Property Get capacity() As Long
Attribute capacity.VB_Description = "The amount of bytes used by this object's array."
capacity = UBound(buf) + 1
End Property
Public Property Get length() As Long
length = totalBytes \ 2
End Property
Public Property Let length(ByVal newVal As Long)
newVal = newVal * 2
If newVal < totalBytes Then
totalBytes = newVal
ElseIf newVal > totalBytes Then
ReDim Preserve buf(0 To newVal)
RtlZeroMemory buf(totalBytes), newVal - totalBytes
totalBytes = newVal
End If
End Property
Public Property Get toString(Optional ByVal startIndex As Long = -1, Optional ByVal endIndex As Long = -1) As String
Attribute toString.VB_Description = "Returns the string representation of this object"
Attribute toString.VB_UserMemId = 0
'No arguments: Returns the whole string
'startIndex only: Returns a substring starting from startIndex (exclusive) to the end
'endIndex only: Returns a substring with the first endIndex characters
'Two arguments: Returns a substring from startIndex (inclusive) to endIndex (exclusive)
If startIndex = -1 Then
If endIndex = -1 Then
toString = Space$(length)
RtlMoveMemory ByVal StrPtr(toString), buf(0), totalBytes
toString = Space$(endIndex)
RtlMoveMemory ByVal StrPtr(toString), buf(0), endIndex * 2
End If
If endIndex = -1 Then endIndex = length
If startIndex > endIndex Then
Err.Raise 9, "ByteStringBuilder.toString", "startIndex (" & startIndex & ") cannot be greater than endIndex (" & endIndex & ")"
End If
If endIndex > length Then
Err.Raise 9, "ByteStringBuilder.toString", "endIndex (" & endIndex & ") cannot be greater than length (" & length & ")"
End If
toString = Space$(endIndex - startIndex)
RtlMoveMemory ByVal StrPtr(toString), buf(startIndex * 2), (endIndex - startIndex) * 2
End If
End Property
Public Function append(ByVal s As String) As ByteStringBuilder
If LenB(s) = 0 Then
Set append = Me
Exit Function
End If
Dim b() As Byte, size As Long
b = s
size = (UBound(b) - LBound(b)) + 1
ensureCapacity totalBytes + size
RtlMoveMemory buf(totalBytes), b(0), size
totalBytes = totalBytes + size
Erase b
Set append = Me
End Function
Public Function appendLine(ByVal s As String) As ByteStringBuilder
Set appendLine = append(s).append(vbNewLine)
End Function
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
ReDim buf(0 To BUF_SIZE)
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Erase buf
End Sub
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