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Last active September 18, 2021 13:59
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Compare the dats of two git revisions of a libretro core (for arcade games) to see what is new
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import re
import sys
from urllib.request import urlopen
from xml.etree import ElementTree
description_matcher = re.compile(r'(.+?)\s*(\[[^\]]+\])$')
class Game():
def __init__(self, xml):
self.xml = xml
self.basename = xml.attrib['name']
self.parent = xml.attrib.get('cloneof')
self.bios = None
romof = xml.attrib.get('romof')
if romof != self.parent:
self.bios = romof
description = xml.findtext('description')
match = description_matcher.match(description)
if match:
self.description = match[1]
self.status = match[2][1:-1]
self.description = description
self.status = None
self.year = xml.findtext('year')
self.manufacturer = xml.findtext('manufacturer')
def datfile_xml_to_dict(xml):
#We don't need to care about the header I don't think
#I guess I could implement this using ElementTree.iterparse on the returned HTTP response but eh
d = {}
for game in xml.findall('game'):
d[game.attrib['name']] = Game(game)
return d
def get_datfiles(repo, path, old_version, new_version=None):
if not new_version:
new_version = 'master'
url = '{0}/{1}/{2}'.format(repo, old_version, path)
with urlopen(url) as response:
old_version = datfile_xml_to_dict(ElementTree.parse(response))
url = '{0}/{1}/{2}'.format(repo, new_version, path)
with urlopen(url) as response:
new_version = datfile_xml_to_dict(ElementTree.parse(response))
return old_version, new_version
def compare_games(basename, old, new):
changed = False
if old.description != new.description:
changed = True
print(basename, 'has changed description from', old.description, 'to', new.description)
if old.status != new.status:
changed = True
if not new.status and old.status != 'Bootleg':
#A game no longer being bootleg is just a minor description change and isn't exciting
print('Yay!', basename, old.description, 'no longer has status:', old.status)
elif not old.status:
print('Potential warning!', basename, old.description, 'now has status:', new.status)
print('Maybe yay?', basename, old.description, 'has changed status from', old.status, 'to', new.status)
if old.parent != new.parent:
changed = True
print(basename, old.description, 'has changed parent from', old.parent, 'to', new.parent)
if old.bios != new.bios:
changed = True
print(basename, old.description, 'has changed BIOS from', old.bios, 'to', new.bios)
if old.year != new.year:
changed = True
print(basename, old.description, 'has changed year from', old.year, 'to', new.year)
if old.manufacturer != new.manufacturer:
changed = True
print(basename, old.description, 'has changed manufacturer from', old.manufacturer, 'to', new.manufacturer)
old_driver = old.xml.find('driver')
new_driver = new.xml.find('driver')
if old_driver is not None and new_driver is not None:
old_driver_status = old_driver.attrib.get('status')
new_driver_status = new_driver.attrib.get('status')
if old_driver_status != new_driver_status:
changed = True
if old_driver_status == 'preliminary':
print('Yay!', basename, old.description, 'is now', new_driver_status, 'instead of broken')
elif new_driver_status == 'preliminary':
#Maybe it was broken all along though, and the driver was just mistakenly labelled as "good"
print('Warning!', basename, old.description, 'is now broken instead of', old_driver_status, ', old status from name was', old.status)
else: #The status attrib in these datfiles seems to only ever be preliminary or good, so this might not happen
print('Maybe yay?', basename, old.description, 'has changed driver status from', old_driver_status, 'to', new_driver_status)
#Don't think we really need to compare the <video> element? Don't expect that to have actually changed
old_roms = {rom.attrib['name']: rom for rom in old.xml.findall('rom')}
new_roms = {rom.attrib['name']: rom for rom in new.xml.findall('rom')}
renamed_new_roms = []
for old_rom_name, old_rom in old_roms.items():
old_merge = old_rom.attrib.get('merge')
old_crc = old_rom.attrib.get('crc')
for new_rom_name, nr in new_roms.items():
new_crc = nr.attrib.get('crc')
#We don't need to look at size as if that changes then the crc is changed anyway
if new_rom_name == old_rom_name and new_crc != old_crc:
changed = True
if not old_crc:
print('WARNING!!', basename, old.description, 'has a new ROM that was previously known but undumped!', new_rom_name, new_crc)
print('WARNING!!', basename, old.description, 'has changed', old_rom_name, 'CRC from', old_crc, 'to', new_crc)
if new_crc == old_crc and new_rom_name != old_rom_name:
#I'm not sure if this should be a scary warning? Not entirely confident whether or not FBNeo core checks the name of the ROM files and not just CRC
if old_merge:
if not nr.attrib.get('merge'):
#Only print it if the ROM is from the clone itself, because we are already going to know if something in the parent or BIOS has changed
changed = True
print(basename, old.description, 'has had', old_rom_name, 'previously merged from parent/BIOS, and now that is not while also being renamed to', new_rom_name)
if new_rom_name in old_roms and old_roms[new_rom_name].attrib.get('crc') == old_crc:
#Don't print stuff that just happens to have the same CRC as some other ROM, that's confusing
changed = True
print(basename, old.description, 'has had rom', old_rom_name, 'renamed to', new_rom_name)
if new_crc == old_crc and new_rom_name == old_rom_name and old_merge and not nr.attrib.get('merge'):
changed = True
print('What the', old_rom_name, 'was previously merged from parent/BIOS, and now is not')
for new_rom_name, new_rom in new_roms.items():
if new_rom_name not in old_roms and new_rom_name not in renamed_new_roms:
changed = True
print('WARNING!!', basename, old.description, 'has a new ROM that was not there before!', ElementTree.tostring(new_rom))
return changed
def compare_datfiles(old, new):
renamed_basenames = []
for basename, game in old.items():
new_game = None
for new_basename, ng in new.items():
if game.description == ng.description and basename != new_basename:
print('WARNING!!', game.description, 'has been renamed from', basename, 'to', new_basename)
new_game = ng
if not new_game:
if basename not in new:
print('WARNING!!', basename, game.description, 'is removed from the newer datfile!!')
new_game = new[basename]
if compare_games(basename, game, new_game):
new_games = []
new_clones = []
for basename, game in new.items():
if basename not in old and basename not in renamed_basenames:
if game.parent:
for game in new_games:
print('New game:', game.basename, game.description)
if game.bios:
print('Uses', game.bios, 'BIOS')
if game.status:
print('Status:', game.status)
print(game.manufacturer, '-', game.year)
for clone in new_clones:
print('New clone:', clone.basename, clone.description)
clone_parent = new[clone.parent]
print('Parent:', clone.parent, clone_parent.description)
if clone_parent.bios:
print('Uses', clone_parent.bios, 'BIOS')
if clone.status:
print('Status:', clone.status)
print(clone.manufacturer, '-', clone.year)
def main():
#compare current stable 351ELEC against master
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'mame2003':
old_mame, new_mame = get_datfiles('libretro/mame2003-plus-libretro', 'metadata/mame2003-plus.xml', '829e8b75bf1454e62f07f5b80c2fac746099f681')
compare_datfiles(old_mame, new_mame)
old_fbneo, new_fbneo = get_datfiles('libretro/FBNeo', 'dats/FinalBurn%20Neo%20(ClrMame%20Pro%20XML%2C%20Arcade%20only).dat', '8a12c7a19546e4e41b210eb359e2a65b712deabc')
compare_datfiles(old_fbneo, new_fbneo)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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