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Last active August 29, 2017 19:04
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The ROM Recognizer
#I have a folder full of folders of ROMs and a folder full of No-Intro DATS. Time to stay up all night
#Doesn't work with zips
function md5($path){
$md5 = [Security.Cryptography.MD5]::create("MD5")
$file = [IO.File]::openRead($path)
$buf = new-object byte[] (1024*8)
while (($read_len = $$buf,0,$buf.length)) -eq $buf.length){
[void]$md5.transformBlock($buf, $offset, $buf.length, $buf, $offset)
$hash = $md5.hash
return -join ($hash | % { $_.toString('x2') })
if($gamelist -eq $null){
$gamelist = initGamelist
function initGamelist(){
$gamelist = @()
gci Z:\Roms\No-Intro\*.dat | % {
$xml = (gc $_) -as [xml]
$platform = $ -replace '\([^\(]+\)\.dat$', ''
if($xml -ne $null){
write-host "Loading data file: $_"
$xml.datafile | % {
$ | % {
$game = $_
if($game -ne $null){
#$game | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name platform -value $platform
#$gamelist += $game
$gamelist += ($game | add-member -passthru -membertype noteproperty -name platform -value $platform)
return $gamelist
function lookupGame($path){
$md5 = md5 $path
$game = $gamelist | ? {
$_.rom.md5 -eq $md5
return $game
#lookupGame Z:\Roms\DS\CNVPv01.nds
function list(){
return $args
$romfolders = list 32X Amiga Atari CD-i ColecoVision Commodore DS Dreamcast `
E-Reader GBA Gameboy Gamecube Intellivision Jaguar 'Master System' Megadrive N64 `
NES 'Neo Geo Pocket' 'PC Engine' PC-98 PS2 PSP Playstation 'Pokemon Mini' SNES `
Saturn 'Sega CD' TI-83 'Virtual Boy' Wii* WonderSwan `
| % {
gci $romfolders -Recurse | ? {-not $_.PSisContainer} | % {
if($_.extension -ne '.zip'){
$game = lookupGame $_.fullname
if($game -ne $null){
$game | add-member -passthru -force -membertype noteproperty -name filename -value $
} | ft
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