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Created September 25, 2019 02:40
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Simple RPN Calculator
#!/usr/bin/perl -T
# Web script version:
# Takes RPN strings and computes final value.
# Places numbers on stack, pops last 2 off to compute operation and
# then adds answer onto stack until only one number left in the stack array.
my $operator = '[-+*/^]';
my @tests = ('3 4 + 1 1 + + 3 /','3 4 2 * 1 5 - 2 3 ^ ^ / +');
my @stack;
my $answer;
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<h1>RPN Calculator</h1><br>";
foreach $itm (@tests) {
chomp $itm;
$itm =~ s/\s+/ /g;
print "Solving RPN: <i>$itm</i><br><br>";
@line = split(/ /, $itm);
foreach $line_item (@line) {
#print "\$line_item = $line_item <br>";
if ( $line_item =~ /\d+/ ) {
push(@stack, $line_item);
#print "added $line_item to stack <br><br>";
elsif ( $line_item =~ /($operator)/ ) {
$y = pop(@stack);
$x = pop(@stack);
if ($1 eq '*') {
$answer = $x * $y;
elsif ($1 eq '-') {
$answer = $x - $y;
elsif ($1 eq '+') {
$answer = $x + $y;
elsif ($1 eq '/') {
$answer = $x / $y;
elsif ($1 eq '^') {
$answer = $x ** $y;
push(@stack, $answer);
#print "added $answer to stack <br>";
print "operation: $x $1 $y = $answer <br>";
$x = pop(@stack);
print "<br><b>Final Answer = " . $x . '</b><br><br><br>';
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