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Created February 6, 2018 13:12
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#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define FOR(i,a,b) for(int i= (a); i<((int)b); ++i)
#define FOE(i,a) for(auto i : a)
#define ALL(c) (c).begin(), (c).end()
#define LL long long
#define LOG(c) logger.log(c);
using namespace std;
const int64_t CYCLES_PER_SEC = 2500000000;
//const int64_t CYCLES_PER_SEC = 2800000000;
const double TIMELIMIT = 9.0;
class Logger {
ofstream outputfile;
void init(const string &fileName) {
outputfile = ofstream(fileName, ios::app);
void log(const string &message) {
outputfile << message << endl;
class Timer {
int64_t start;
Timer() {
void reset() {
this->start = getCycle();
inline double get() {
return (double)(getCycle() - this->start) / CYCLES_PER_SEC;
inline int64_t getCycle() {
uint32_t low, high;
__asm__ volatile ("rdtsc" : "=a" (low), "=d" (high));
return ((int64_t)low) | ((int64_t)high << 32);
class RandXor {
unsigned int x = 123456789;
unsigned int y = 362436069;
unsigned int z = 521288629;
unsigned int w = 88675123;
RandXor() {
inline unsigned int random() {
unsigned int t;
t = (x ^ (x << 11)); x = y; y = z; z = w;
return(w = (w ^ (w >> 19)) ^ (t ^ (t >> 8)));
// [0, a]
unsigned int nextInt(int a) {
return random() % a;
// [0, 1)
double nextDouble() {
return (random() + 0.5) * (1.0 / 4294967296.0);
// inline double rnd(){
// return xor128() / 4294967296.0;
// }
unsigned int N; // 頂点数
vector<pair<int, int>> points;
Timer timer;
RandXor randxor;
Logger logger;
class State {
unsigned int N;
vector<int> tour;
double cost;
explicit State(unsigned int n) : N(n) {
tour = vector<int>(N);
iota(ALL(tour), 0);
explicit State(vector<int> tour) : N((unsigned int)tour.size()), tour(tour) {
void evaluation() {
this->cost = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < tour.size(); ++i) {
cost += att_distance(i, (i + 1) % N);
void swap_position(int i, int j) {
swap(this->, this->;
cost += score_improvement_if_swapped(i, j);
double att_distance(int i, int j) {
auto &p1 =;
auto &p2 = + 1) % tour.size()));
int dx = p1.first - p2.first;
int dy = p1.second - p2.second;
double r = sqrt((dy * dy + dx * dx) / 10);
double t = round(r);
return (t < r) ? t + 1 : t;
double score_improvement_if_swapped(int i, int j) {
if (i > j) {
swap(i, j);
if (i == j) {
return 0;
if (i == 0 or i == 48 or j == 0 or j == 48) { return 0; }
if (i + 1 == j) {
double removedDist = att_distance(i - 1, i) + att_distance(i + 1, i + 2);
double addedDist = att_distance(i - 1, i + 1) + att_distance(i, i + 2);
double improvedDist = removedDist - addedDist;
return improvedDist;
} else {
double removedDist = att_distance(i - 1, i) + att_distance(i, i + 1) +
att_distance(j - 1, j) + att_distance(j, j + 1);
double addedDist = att_distance(i - 1, j) + att_distance(j, i + 1) +
att_distance(j - 1, i) + att_distance(i, j + 1);
double improvedDist = removedDist - addedDist;
return improvedDist;
class SimulatedAnnealing {
// 温度関連
const double start_temperature;
const double end_temperature;
double current_temperature;
// 時間関連
long long start_time;
long long end_time;
long long has_time; // 計算にかけることのできる時間
// 冷却スケジュール
const int shedule = -1;
// その他
int iter = 0;
const int ITER_PER_SYNC = 16; // 2^nである
enum CoolingSchedule {
// start_temperature: 開始温度
// end_temperature: 終了温度
// remaining_time: 焼きなましに使える時間(sec)
// schedule: CoolingScheduleから選ぶ
SimulatedAnnealing(double start_temperature, double end_temperature, double remaining_time, CoolingSchedule schedule) : start_temperature(start_temperature),
shedule(schedule) {
assert(schedule == ExponentialMultiplicative or schedule == Time or schedule == Iter);
this->start_time = timer.getCycle();
this->end_time = this->start_time + CYCLES_PER_SEC * remaining_time;
this->has_time = this->end_time - this->start_time;
void cool_temperature() {
if (start_temperature == 0) {
// 幾何冷却
if (this->shedule == ExponentialMultiplicative) {
if (this->current_temperature < this->end_temperature) {
this->current_temperature = 0;
} else {
this->current_temperature *= 0.9;
// 時間冷却
else if (this->shedule == Time) {
double done = (timer.getCycle() - this->start_time) / (1.0 * has_time);
this->current_temperature = this->start_temperature * pow(end_temperature / start_temperature, done);
// 回数
else if (this->shedule == Iter) {
const int total = 10000; // 全体でのiter回数
this->current_temperature = this->start_temperature * pow(this->end_temperature / this->start_temperature, iter / total);
else {
// diffは負なら改善、正なら改悪
bool do_transition(double diff) {
// 温度の調整(ITER_PER_SYNC回ごとに1回やる)
if (not (iter & (ITER_PER_SYNC - 1))) {
bool accept;
// 実質山登り法
if (this->current_temperature == 0) {
accept = diff < 0;
else {
double probability = exp(-diff * this->current_temperature);
accept = probability > randxor.nextDouble();
// log
// cout << "iter:" + to_string(iter) + " current_temperature:" + to_string(current_temperature) +
// " diff:" + to_string(diff) + " accept:" + to_string(accept) << endl;
return accept;
string info() {
return "SimulatedAnnealing(start temperature:" + to_string(this->start_temperature) +
"end temperature:" + to_string(this->end_temperature) + ")";
class Solution {
double best_cost;
vector<int> best_tour;
Solution() {}
State run() {
// vector<int> v = {1, 8, 38, 31, 44, 18, 7, 28, 6, 37, 19, 27, 17, 43, 30, 36, 46, 33, 20, 47, 21, 32, 39, 48, 5, 42, 24, 10, 45, 35, 4, 26, 2, 29, 34, 41, 16, 22, 3, 23, 14, 25, 13, 11, 12, 15, 40, 9};
// vector<int> t;
// for (int x: v) {
// t.emplace_back(x - 1);
// }
State state = initial_solution();
this->best_cost = state.cost;
this->best_tour = state.tour;
cout << "initial score:" + to_string(this->best_cost) << endl;
// 焼きなまし
double start_temperature = 1000;
double end_temperature = 10;
double remaining_time = 9.5;
SimulatedAnnealing::CoolingSchedule schedule = SimulatedAnnealing::CoolingSchedule::Time;
SimulatedAnnealing sa(start_temperature, end_temperature, remaining_time, schedule);
int iter = 0, num_of_improve = 0;
for (;;++iter) {
double now_time = timer.get();
if (now_time > TIMELIMIT) {
LOG("time up");
if (iter % 100000 == 0) {
bool improve = this->transition(state, sa);
if (state.cost < this->best_cost) {
cout << to_string(iter) + ":" + to_string(state.cost) << endl;
this->best_cost = state.cost;
this->best_tour = vector<int>(state.tour);
num_of_improve += improve;
cout << "" + to_string(num_of_improve) + "/" + to_string(iter) << endl;
// SAでの最適解をコピー
state.cost = this->best_cost;
state.tour = this->best_tour;
LOG("after score:" + to_string(state.cost));
return state;
State initial_solution() {
vector<int> tour(N);
iota(tour.begin(), tour.end(), 0);
random_shuffle(tour.begin(), tour.end());
return State(tour);
bool transition(State &state, SimulatedAnnealing &sa) {
int pos1 = randxor.nextInt(N);
int pos2 = randxor.nextInt(N);
// swapしたときのscoreのdiff
double diff = state.score_improvement_if_swapped(pos1, pos2);
bool do_change = sa.do_transition(diff);
if (do_change) {
state.swap_position(pos1, pos2);
return true;
else {
return false;
int main() {
ifstream ifs("../att48.tsp");
if ( {
cerr << "file not found" << endl;
return -1;
string line;
int no = 0;
while (getline(ifs, line)){
if (line == "EOF") {
if (5 < no) {
istringstream iss(line);
string a, b, c;
iss >> a >> b >> c;
points.emplace_back(make_pair(stoi(b), stoi(c)));
N = points.size();
Solution solution;
State state =;
cout << "best:" << 10628 << endl;
cout << "hill:" << 17050 << endl;
cout << "sa:" << 16271 << endl;
cout << "cost:" << state.cost << endl;
cout << "tour:";
for (int x : state.tour) {
cout << x << " ";
cout << endl;
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