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Last active November 8, 2016 15:05
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Say -v Bahh "In A.D. 2101. War was beginning.";
Say -v Alex "What happen?";
Say -v Fred "Somebody set up us the bomb.";
Say -v Bruce "We get signal.";
Say -v Alex "What!";
Say -v Bruce "Main screen turn on.";
Say -v Alex "It's you!";
Say -v Zarvox "How are you gentlemen!";
Say -v Zarvox "All your base are belong to us.";
Say -v Zarvox "You are on the way to destruction.";
Say -v Alex "What you say!";
Say -v Zarvox "You have no chance to survive make your time.";
Say -v Zarvox "Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha.";
Say -v Bruce "Captain!";
Say -v Alex "Take off every zig! You know what you doing. Move zig. For great justice.";
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