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Last active January 8, 2022 15:50
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Create a runelite bank tag import from a runescape wiki category
By Mitch Barnett
Discord: Frogman#5072
from mwclient import Site # pip install mwclient
import re
# Wiki category to collect id's from
wiki_category = "Pets"
# Wiki URL and path to api.php
site = Site("", path="/")
def get_item_ids_from_page(page):
"""Return the item id's found on the given page"""
print("Getting ID(s) for " + page.page_title)
# Regex pattern to find "|id? = ???", "|id? = ???,???,???" "|itemid? = ???" and "|itemid? = ???,???,???"
item_id_regex = r"\|(?:item)?id\d*\s*=\s*(\d+(?:,?\s*\d+)*)"
regex_matches = re.findall(item_id_regex, page.text())
ids_found = []
for match in regex_matches:
match.replace(' ', '') # Remove spaces
match_ids = match.split(',') # Split into single id's
ids_found += match_ids
if ids_found:
print("Found ID(s): " + str(ids_found) + '\n')
return ids_found
print("No ID found \n")
return ids_found
def get_item_ids_from_category(category, checked_pages=None):
"""Return the item id's found in the pages of the given category"""
if checked_pages is None:
checked_pages = []
item_ids = [] # List of item id's to be populated
page_list = site.categories[category] # Page list to be iterated through
for page in page_list:
if page.page_title in checked_pages: # Don't check pages multiple times to save time
if page.namespace == 14: # Page is in category namespace
print("Subcategory " + page.page_title)
item_ids += get_item_ids_from_category(page.page_title, checked_pages) # Recurse on the subcategory
item_ids += get_item_ids_from_page(page)
return item_ids
item_ids = get_item_ids_from_category(wiki_category)
item_ids = list(set(item_ids)) # Remove duplicates()
import_string = wiki_category + ',' + item_ids[0] + ','
for item_id in item_ids:
import_string += str(item_id) + ','
import_string = import_string[:-1]
runelite_preview_link = "" + import_string
print("Runelite import string:")
print("Runelite preview link:")
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