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Last active July 15, 2021 23:04
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no nonsense noVNC
#added kill function
#run as:
#./ k
#to kill these spawned processes
#if you want to to be able to position your windows interactively:
#sudo apt-get -y install blackbox
#add this to the end of runvnc()
#blackbox -display :1 >/dev/null &>/devnull &
#sudo apt-get install -y flwm
#DISPLAY=:1 flwm
function runvnc() {
function check_this() {
if ! [ -x "$(command -v $this)" ]; then
echo 'Error: '$this' needs to be installed.' >&2
install="$install $this"
check_this xterm
check_this x11vnc
check_this git
if ! [ -x "$(command -v pip)" ]; then
echo 'Error: pip needs to be installed.' >&2
install="$install python-pip"
if ! [ -x "$(command -v Xvfb)" ]; then
echo 'Error: xvfb needs to be installed.' >&2
install="$install xvfb"
if [ $( python -c 'import pkgutil; print(1 if pkgutil.find_loader("numpy") else 0)' ) ]
echo 'you have numpy installed, good.' >&2
echo 'Error: numpy needs to be installed.' >&2
install="$install python-numpy"
if [ -z "$install" ] #if the string is empty
echo "dependencies met"
sudo apt-get -y install $install #get the goods
if ! [ -x "$(command -v websockify)" ]; then
echo 'Error: websockify needs to be installed.' >&2
sudo pip install websockify
cd ~
if [ ! -d "noVNC" ] #if directory doesn't exist
git clone
if [ -d "noVNC/utils/websockify" ] #packaged version novnc ships has issues
rm -R noVNC/utils/websockify/
nohup Xvfb :1 -screen 0 800x600x16 +extension RANDR >/dev/null 2>&1 &
sleep 1
nohup x11vnc -forever -display :1 >/dev/null 2>&1 & #add -shared if you want more than 1 user at a time
sleep 1
nohup bash ~/noVNC/utils/ --vnc localhost:5900 >/dev/null 2>&1 & #add --listen PORT if you want to serve on another port
sleep 1
DISPLAY=:1 xterm +sb -bg black -fg white -geometry 132x46 & #some nice settings for 800x600
#you can change the line above to whatever x11 program you want, prepend DISPLAY=:1 to it and you're good to go
echo "------------------"
echo "please go to this webpage: "
echo $( hostname -I | sed -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//' )":6080/vnc.html"
echo "------------------"
exit 1
function killer() {
echo "killing all vnc stuff"
kill $( pidof x11vnc ) 2&> /dev/null
kill $( pidof Xvfb ) 2&> /dev/null
kill $( pidof xterm ) 2&> /dev/null
killall websockify 2&> /dev/null
kill -9 `ps aux | grep 'basename "$0"' | awk '{print $2}'` 2&> /dev/null
exit 1
case "$1" in
k) killer
*) runvnc
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Deployment and run script, xterm doesn't want to run in screen for a reason

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ghost commented Feb 4, 2017

I rewrote an SD card with a new armbian image, to gather free-m, df -h info for ya. Ran into the following error: xterm: cannot load font '-misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--13-120-75-75-c-60-iso10646-1

So i followed this link:
Ran sudo apt-get install xfonts-base, it installed.
Tried script, nada.
Rebooted, nada.
Ran sudo apt-get remove xterm (as superuser post suggested)
sudo apt-get install xterm
Still ran into same issue
Rebooted, no longer getting 'font' error.
It seemingly works, 'dependecies met', 'please go to this page,' but noVNC displayed.
I get this new error:

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ghost commented Feb 4, 2017

looks legit, maybe wrap the repeated if blocks into something like:

function check_this() {
  if ! [ -x "$(command -v $this)" ]; then
    echo 'Error: $this needs to be installed.' >&2
    install="$install $this"

Then you can do:

check_this xvfb
check_this git
check_this ...

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ghost commented Feb 4, 2017

Also I always learn a bit from checking my bash scripts with this:

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ghost commented Feb 4, 2017

also it can be a thing to explicitly exit 1 with a non zero exit code to signify some sort of error.

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ghost commented Feb 4, 2017

why the extra screen space buffer?

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Thanks for the advice! I took screen out, using nohup now, and cloned a VM a few times to test that everything works out of the box in debian. Couldn't use the check_this() on all packages idea because pip is 'python-pip' and Xvfb is 'xvfb'. Had to check is the noVNC package of websockify was in the noVNC/utils directory, this causes some problems. Restructured the python numpy check so it doesn't complain.

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Added kill functionality. Xterm still spits an error, but it works.

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ghost commented Mar 27, 2017

On Armbian, I had to...
sudo apt-get install xfonts-base
but then all was good. Run's without errors what so ever. And error in image above was from...
sh instead of bash, forums say sumin with the crunchbang on line one but #! is there, so maybe another Armbian thing? W/e it works.

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