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Last active November 10, 2019 09:22
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racket macro
#lang racket
(define-syntax foo
(lambda (stx)
(syntax "I am foo")))
(define-syntax (also-foo stx)
(syntax "I am also foo"))
(define-syntax (quated-foo stx)
#'"I am also #'foo")
(define-syntax (say-hi stx)
#'(displayln "hi"))
(define-syntax (show-me stx)
(print stx)
(define stx #'(if x (list "true") #f))
(define-syntax (reverse-me stx)
(datum->syntax stx (reverse (cdr (syntax->datum stx)))))
(define-syntax (foo-ng stx)
(define-syntax (our-if stx)
(define xs (syntax->list stx))
(datum->syntax stx
`(cond [,(cadr xs) ,(caddr xs)]
[else ,(cadddr xs)])))
(require (for-syntax racket/match)) ; required racket/base at compile time
(define-syntax (our-if-using-match stx)
(match (syntax->list stx)
[(list name condition true-expr false-expr)
(datum->syntax stx `(cond [,condition ,true-expr]
[else ,false-expr]))]))
(define-syntax (our-if-using-syntax-case stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ condition true-expr false-expr)
#'(cond [condition true-expr]
[else false-expr])]))
(define-syntax-rule (our-if-using-syntax-rule condition true-expr false-expr)
(cond [condition true-expr]
[else false-expr]))
(define-syntax (hyphen-define stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ a b (args ...) body0 body ...)
(datum->syntax #'a (string->symbol (format "~a-~a"
(syntax->datum #'a)
(syntax->datum #'b))))
[name #'(define (name args ...)
body ...)])]))
(define-syntax (hyphen-define-with-syntax stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ a b (args ...) body0 body ...)
(with-syntax ([name (datum->syntax #'a
(string->symbol (format "~a-~a" (syntax->datum #'a) (syntax->datum #'b))))])
#'(define (name args ...)
body0 body ...))]))
;; error
(define-syntax-rule (hyphen-define-with-syntax-rule a b (args ...) body0 body ...)
(with-syntax ([name (datum->syntax #'a
(format "~a-~a" (syntax->datum #'a) (syntax->datum #'b))))])
(define (name args ...)
body0 body ...)))
(require (for-syntax racket/syntax))
(define-syntax (foo-using-with-syntax* stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ a) (with-syntax* ([b #'a]
[c #'b])
(define-syntax (hypen-define-using-format-id stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ a b (args ...) body0 body ...)
(with-syntax ([name (format-id #'a "~a-~a" #'a #'b)])
#'(define (name args ...)
body0 body ...))]))
(define-syntax (hyphen-define* stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ (names ...) (args ...) body0 body ...)
(let ([names-stxs (syntax->list #'(names ...))])
(with-syntax ([name (datum->syntax (car names-stxs)
(string-join (for/list ([name-stx names-stxs])
(syntax-e name-stx))
) "-")))])
#'(define (name args ...) body0 body ...)))]))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(test-equal? "syntax transformer" (foo) "I am foo")
(test-equal? "abbrev define-syntax" (also-foo) "I am also foo")
(test-equal? "syntax shorthand #' " (quated-foo) "I am also #'foo")
(test-equal? "more than string" (with-output-to-string (thunk (say-hi))) "hi\n")
(test-equal? "print syntax object" (show-me '(+ 1 2)) (void))
(test-equal? "syntax source" (syntax-source stx) (syntax-source #'1))
(test-equal? "syntax line" (syntax-line stx) 20)
(test-equal? "syntax column" (syntax-column stx) 14)
(test-equal? "syntax datum" (syntax->datum stx) '(if x (list "true") #f))
(for ((s (syntax-e stx))
(t (list #'if #'x #'(list "true") #'#f)))
(test-equal? "syntax e" (syntax->datum s) (syntax->datum t)))
(test-equal? "syntax->list" (syntax->list stx) (syntax-e stx))
(test-equal? "reverse-me" (reverse-me 1 2 3 list) '(3 2 1))
(test-equal? "our-if true" (our-if #t 1 2) 1)
(test-equal? "our-if false" (our-if #f 1 2) 2)
(test-equal? "our-if-using-match true" (our-if #t 1 2) 1)
(test-equal? "our-if-using-match false" (our-if #f 1 2) 2)
(test-equal? "our-if-using-syntax-case" (our-if-using-match #t 1 2) (our-if-using-syntax-case #t 1 2))
(test-equal? "our-if-using-syntax-rule" (our-if-using-match #f 1 2) (our-if-using-syntax-rule #f 1 2))
(hyphen-define foo bar () #t)
(test-equal? "hyphen define" (foo-bar) #t)
;; error
;; (hyphen-define-with-syntax-rule foo bar2 (a) a)
;; (test-equal? "hyphen define with syntax rule" (foo-bar2 3) 3)
(test-equal? "using with syntax*" (foo-using-with-syntax* 3) 3)
(hypen-define-using-format-id foo bar3 (a) a)
(test-equal? "using format-id" (foo-bar3 3) 3)
(println 'OK)
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