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Created June 13, 2016 09:28
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Processing 3 gist for Simulation of Langton's Ant
// Create a 2D array for the grid
int[][] grid;
// each cell is 4x4 pixel
int cellSize = 4;
// the whole grid is 125x125 cells
int gridSize = 125;
int cellStartX = 0;
int cellStartY = 0;
// enumerate directions
int left = 0;
int right = 1;
int up = 2;
int down = 3;
int[][] move; // hold the rules to move
// initial ant position and direction
int antRow = 62;
int antCol = 62;
int antDir = up;
// when done stop the simulation
boolean done = false;
int[] colDelta = {-1,1,0,0};
int[] rowDelta = {0,0,-1,1};
int iter = 1;
PFont font;
// initialize the data structure
void initialize(){
move = new int[4][2];
grid = new int[gridSize][gridSize];
// make every cell white
for(int i = 0; i < gridSize; i ++)
for(int j = 0; j < gridSize; j ++)
grid[i][j] = 0;
// specify the rules to move
// such as left 90 degree + left 90 degree
// results in down 180 degree
move[left][left] = down;
move[right][left] = up;
move[up][left] = left;
move[down][left] = right;
move[left][right] = up;
move[right][right] = down;
move[up][right] = right;
move[down][right] = left;
void setup(){
// setup the canvas
// create Pfont object to render text
font = createFont("FreeMonoBold.ttf", 20);
void draw(){
// this is the main loop
// I used below line to make video of the
// simulation. It saves the frames in a
// folder called frames. Then used the
// MovieMaker tool in Tools option to
// create the actual video.
void move(){
// compute the next move
println("iter: " + iter++);
if (!done){ // if simulation is still running
// compute the next direction
int dir = move[antDir][grid[antRow][antCol]];
// toggle the current cell
grid[antRow][antCol] = 1 - grid[antRow][antCol];
// update the ant's position
// some very very CLEVER use
// of data structure here
antCol += colDelta[dir];
antRow += rowDelta[dir];
antDir = dir;
if(antRow < 0 || antRow >= gridSize ||
antCol < 0 || antCol >= gridSize)
done = true; // when ant is out of grid
void drawBoard(){
// computer graphics function to
// plot the grid and ant
// draw each cell of the grid
for(int i = 0; i < gridSize; i ++)
for(int j = 0; j < gridSize; j ++){
if(grid[j][i] == left)
fill(255); // white
else if(grid[j][i] == right)
fill(127); // gray
rect(cellStartX + i * cellSize,
cellStartY + j * cellSize,
cellSize, cellSize);
fill(255,0,0); // Red Ant
rect(cellStartX + antCol * cellSize,
cellStartY + antRow * cellSize,
cellSize, cellSize);
text(" Simulation of Langton's Ant", 10, 20);
text(" Step: " + iter, 330, 20);
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