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Last active July 19, 2019 09:43
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Read Serial Monitor orders to launch EC or PH calibration process (Arduino IDE version)
#include "DFRobot_ESP_EC.h" //
#include "DFRobot_ESP_PH_WITH_ADC.h" //
#include "Adafruit_ADS1015.h" //
#include "OneWire.h"
#include "DallasTemperature.h"
#include "EEPROM.h"
#define ONE_WIRE_BUS 15
OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS);
DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire);
DFRobot_ESP_EC ec;
Adafruit_ADS1115 ads;
unsigned long intervals[] = {
1000U, //0
2000U, //1
3000U, //2
5000U, //3
10000U, //4
15000U, //5
20000U, //6
25000U, //7
60000U, //8
1800000U, //9
};//this defines the interval for each task in milliseconds
unsigned long last[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
bool calibrationIsRunning = false;
float lastTemperature;
float getWaterTemperature()
sensors.requestTemperatures(); // Send the command to get temperatures
float temperature = sensors.getTempCByIndex(0);
if (temperature == 85.00 || temperature == -127.00) //take the last correct temperature value if getting 85 or -127 value
temperature = lastTemperature;
lastTemperature = temperature;
Serial.println("[getWaterTemperature]... temperature : " + String(temperature));
return temperature;
* Read Serial to launch PH or EC listener
int i = 0;
bool readSerial(char result[])
while (Serial.available() > 0)
char inChar =;
if (inChar == '\n')
result[i] = '\0';
i = 0;
return true;
if (inChar != '\r')
result[i] = inChar;
return false;
void setup()
ph.begin(10);//we store 2 value from the start address (10 & 14)
ec.begin(20);//we store 2 value from the start address (20 & 24)
* Process to enter in calibration mode.
* open arduino IDE serial monitor
* enter PH or EC in serial monitor field
* then enter ENTEREC for EC calibration or ENTERPH for PH calibration
* wait for EC or PH stabilization
* when stable enter CALEC or CALPH
* then to store calibration coefficient enter EXITEC or EXITPH
void loop()
unsigned long now = millis();
if (now - last[0] >= intervals[0]) //1000ms interval
last[0] = now;
float ecVoltage, ecValue, phVoltage, phValue, temperature = 25;
if (calibrationIsRunning)
Serial.println(F("[main]...>>>>>> calibration is running, to exit send exitph or exitec through serial <<<<<<"));
//water temperature
temperature = getWaterTemperature();
ecVoltage = ads.readADC_SingleEnded(0) / 10;
Serial.print(F("[EC Voltage]... ecVoltage: "));
ecValue = ec.readEC(ecVoltage, temperature); // convert voltage to EC with temperature compensation
Serial.print(F("[EC Read]... EC: "));
phVoltage = ads.readADC_SingleEnded(1) / 10;
Serial.print(F("[pH Voltage]... phVoltage: "));
phValue = ph.readPH(phVoltage, temperature);
Serial.print(F("[pH Read]... pH: "));
char cmd[10];
if (readSerial(cmd))
if (calibrationIsRunning || strstr(cmd, "PH") || strstr(cmd, "EC"))
calibrationIsRunning = true;
Serial.println(F("[]... >>>>>calibration is now running PH and EC are both reading, if you want to stop this process enter EXITPH or EXITEC in Serial Monitor<<<<<"));
if (strstr(cmd, "PH"))
ph.calibration(phVoltage, temperature, cmd); //PH calibration process by Serail CMD
if (strstr(cmd, "EC"))
ec.calibration(ecVoltage, temperature, cmd); //EC calibration process by Serail CMD
if (strstr(cmd, "EXITPH") || strstr(cmd, "EXITEC"))
calibrationIsRunning = false;
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